Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 19, 1914, Image 5

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    DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA era, naoxuioiuv
I v'
Dakota City
Fresh Groceries of all kinds and
at Prices that are Right
Just Arrived
a nice lot of Shoes, Ginghams,
Calicoes, Percales, Etc.
Come in and get First Choice
We will save yen money if you
trade with us.
If you don't buy it here, how can we save it for you
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs
Farm to Rent.
Tbo following farm In Dnkotn comi
ty, Nobrnska, is for rent for tho Ben
son of 1915:
Tho BoutUwost quarter and tho south
east quarter, (excepting thorofrom 20
acres in tho southeast corner thoreof),
of BLOtiuu U, township 28, rnngo 8,
known as tho John 0. Qribblo "Homo
Also 40 acres of hay laud in tho
southwest quarter of sootion IB, town
ship 28, rango 8.
This farm is well improved and has
commodious buildings suitod to farm
ing. It will suit nny ono having plen
ty of horses nd stock and dosirirg n
a good homo.
It will bo rontod for money rout to
tho highest responsible bidder. Hunt
will bo payable Janunry ltt. 101C.
It will bo rented in larpo or smnll
tracts in ordor to soonro tho greatnst
return. Dlroot nil bids to tho under
signed at Dakota City, Nebraska, bo
foro Novombor 23, 1914.
Barnoy Qribblo, Administrator, and
Mary J." Stinson, Administra
trix, of tho ostatoB of John C.
Gribblo, dooeasod, and Mary
(iribble, dooonsod.
Dakota City,
For Saturday only Nov. 21
Best beef boiling ruoiit llo lb
Best bof rib roast 17o lb
Bust Loin steak 2Bo lb
Hfht round steak 23c lb
I'ork nhnpn 10c lb
Boiliu sausage. orpreBsed ham. 18c lb
Mino d hum 17c ib
Bologna 14o lb
Frankfort sausage 14o lb
Liver Bnusago, 15c, or 2 lb for. 25o lb
Morrolls Hump 18o and 20o lb
Rex Bacon 22o lb
Salt pork 18o lb
Local Items
Extra select oysters, per quart. .. 45o
All this meat
o-ily .
to be sold Saturday
I will also'havo tlio freshest lino of
Giocerins and Cookies in town.
Mystic Hour, per suck $1.70
"17i lbs sugar $1.00
All tho above goods will bo sold 'for
spot cash only.
Tho OubIi System Wins.
First publication 10-S2-4w
Stato of Nebraska. County of Dakota, s 8
Notlco to Landowners.
To nil whom 11 may concern:
The commissioner appolntod to locate
nud establish n road commencing in the
center of n county road at a point 620 feet
west of the northeast corner of the north'
west quarter of tho northeast quarter of
section eloven (11) In township twenty'
so ven (27), In rnnge olgut (8) east of the
Sixth principal meridian In said county;
thmico runnlna In n southeasterly direction
to a point 7W feet south and 402 feet east of
the point of beginning; tbonco south parol
lol with quarter section lino 1S71 feet;
thence In a southeasterly direction to In
tersect county road at a point two rods
south of tho half section line running east
nud west through tho center of said section
eleven (11) and thoro termlnnto, has report
ed In favor of the establishment and loca
tion thereof, and directs that all other
loads at any tlmo heretofore surveyed,
platted or traveled on, over or across the
west half of tho northeast quarter of said
kectlon elevon (II) bo vacated, and nil ob
jections thereto, or claims for damages,
must lw ftlpri In tlin rnnntv clerk's olllce on
or before noon ottho20ti dny of November,
A. it,, inn. or sucu roau win oo esiaonsueu
and located find nil other roads running
over or across tbo west half of said section
eleven (11) will bo vacated without further
reference tboreto.
Dated this 19th day of October, A, D 1914.
Goo, Wllklns,
Oountv Clerk.
First publication 10-28-4W
In the county court of Dakota county, Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of George T.
Woods, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby alvon that the erodltors
of tho said deceased will meet tho admlnls
tratrlxof said estato.beforo rue.county Judge
of Dakota county. Nobraska, at the county
court room In suld county, on the 27th day
of Mnroh. IBIS, and on the Slth day of April,
1916, at 10 o'clock a in, each day, for the
purpoxo of presenting their claims for ex
amination, adjustment and nllownnoo. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present
their claims and one year for the adminis
tratrix to settle said estate, from the 24th
day of October, 1914. This notlco will bo pub
lished In tho Dakota County Herald for four
weeks successively prior to the 27th day
of March, A. D.191S.
Witness my hand, nnd seal of said court,
this 21th day of October, A. 1). 1914.
heat.. County Judgo.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone tending a rteteh and description mj
quickly urertntn our opinion freewhother an
iiiTcnllon Is probably patentable. Communlca.
tloniitrlctlrconndentHU. HANDBOOK on Patent
sent free, oldeit agency furieounuirpatontt.
l'atenta taken tbruuih Munn & Co. recelro
ijxctal notice, without charge, la tbo
Scientific: American.
Vhandtomelr Ulnetrated weekly. T-argeat elr.
.illation of any clontloa Journal. Ternn, 1 a
eari fourmontln.il, Hold byall newtdealen.
MUNN SCo8'. New York
jliftDCb Office, ea V Bt, Waiblcgton, I), C.
The Herald, $1 per
Tho Herald 1 year, $1.
Wm Best was hero from Winnebago
Lost a now pair of men's shoes.
Finder ploaso loavo at this office
Will Best, of tho Winnobago Ohief
tHiu, was u visitor in town Wednesday.
M O Ayres left Tuesday for Tropico,
(Jul, to visit a sinter who is in feeble
Mound City Paints and Varnishes
preserve nud beautify Dakota City
Thos Graham, of Hubbard, one of
the prosperous young farmors of that
piooinot, wasintownonbusinoss Wed
nesday morning.
Beginning with noxt Sunday, Balem
Sunday school will be held at 10
o'clock a m, instead of 1:30 p m F
P Oulbettson, Suporintondent.
Tho government says 1-10,000 people
dodged tho income tax. Being export
dodgers ought to qualify them for
front tank position in tho next war,
Dakota City Pharmacy haB added a
full lino of magazines and perodiciuls.
Will tako subscriptions for anything in
this line. Deliveries mado promptly
Mra Elizabeth llerwig arrived Mon
day evening from Minot, N D whore
alio was visitinR at tho homo of hor
sister Mrs Olive Hodgins. She in now
visiting at tho S A Stinson homo.
Our most popular clubbing offer
this year is The Youth'd Companion
and Tho Herald for only $2.50. Tho
regular prioo is $8.00. Bavo CO cents
by aubsoribiug now bofore tho offer is
Tho Eozy Btudio now looatod at
Fourth and Douglas strootB. Tho
biggost, best variety of small size pho
tos in tho city. Speoial Postal cards
and stamp photos. Beo us and save
money. Eozy Studio.
Iter J 8 Orr, a former M E pastor
in this place, died at Missoula, Mont,
November 14th, at tbo advanced age
of 79 years. His doath resulted from
a stroke of paralysis, liis son, Odin
Orr, resides at Missoula, and it was of
his homo that death occurred. Ivov
Orr occupied tho M E pulpit in this
place about thirty-oigut years ago.
Tho moving picture show has chang
ed tho timo of starting and will begin
its shows hereafter at 8 instead of 8 :30.
Thnrsday evening a comedy reel enti
tled 'Robust Romeo', and a two rool
pioturo, 'Mystery Lady' will bo tho
feature. Saturday evening 'The Dan
cer" in two reels, and a ono reol comedy
entitled 'Mabol's Strango Prodioamont
will bo tho foaturo.
Carl Penry, who was iujurod by be
ing struck on tho head with an empty
beer bottle in a saloon row at Homer
a few weeks ago, has been releaBod
from a Sioux City hospital and has
practically recovered from his injuries.
Wilson, the fellow who throw tho bot
tlo at Myron Bates and by ucoident
struck Penry,' had been held in custo
dy of tho sheriff pending tho outoomo
of Penry'a injuries no ohargo being
filed against him, was released Tues
day, having mado a settlement with
Earl Sides, son of Mr and Mrs John
F Sides, and Miss Lettio Hoikos,
daughter of Mr and Mrs L L Hoikos,
wero married Wednesday oi last wcok
at Norfolk, Nebr, by Rov F H Blunt,
pastor of the Episcopal ohnrch in that
plaoe. Harry Hoikes, brothor of tho
brido, and Miss Ruth Bhorbuhn, of
Wayne, acoompanlod tho bridal
party to Norfolk. Both tho young
people havo grown up in this locality,
and have many friends who wish them
a happy married life. They will tako
up thoir residonco in tho spring on the
John F Sides farm southwest of town,
About two hundred Masons, East
ern Stars, their wives and husbands,
attended a meeting of tho Masonic
order in their now hall in this place
last Friday evening, Tho oooasion
wob a sort of informal dodioatory ser
vice, tho'ritualistio work boing omitted
and in its stead an address by Rov D
R Hubor, of Sioux City, was tho foat
uro of tho ovoning's entortainmont.
Mr and Mrs S T Frum favored tho
audience with two vocal selections.
At the oloso of Rov Hubor's address A
H Baker, tho oldest mombor of Omadi
lodco No 5. was presented with a
Jordan modal, a badgo adopted by tho
Nobraska grand lodgo to bo worn by
tho oldest mombor of each lodgo in
tho stato. Judgo R E Evans mado
tho prosentatiou and explainod tho or
igin of tho medal. A lunoheon in tho
banquet hall followed tho exercises,
and was served by tho ladies of tho
Eastern Star,
Dol Sanford movod with his family
to Morningsido, Tuesday.
Conduotor Geo Ourtor, of Om'aha,
wob a Sunbay visitor at tho M O
Ayres homo.
Miss Helen Noibuhr of Winnobago,
was an ovor Sunday visitor with rel
atives horn.
Maud', tho old family horso of W B
Baughmu, died Monday ut t o -ipo
old aflo of 27 years.
Mrs Fannio Orozior went to Council
Bluffs, Iowa, Saturday, for a wook's
visit with relatives.
Walter Ohonoy and bride returnod
Tuesday from their wedding trip to
points in Minnesota.
George Maxwell is soriously ill at
Mb homo north of town with a gonoral
breakdown in hbttlth.
L O Matthows, a nnitypo operator
on thn Wnyno Domoorat, wiib u Sun
day uisitor at this pluon
,Frank F Hoaso was down from Em
orson Friday evening to attend tho
doings at tho Miisonio lodge.
Miss Effie Engelon, doputy county
clork, wont to Omahu Friday to spend
a week's vacation with friends.
Rov W T Kahso ami family loft Inst
week for Hanover, Kus, whero thoy
will bo located for tho present.
For Sale: Full blood Whito Leghorn
Roosters. O. N. Derry.
Dakota City, Nebr.
A card from Mr and Mrs Arch
Easton, of Saco, Mont, aunouuees the
arrival of a baby boy at their homo on
Ootobor, 10th.
LR Dillard has sevorved hisconnoo
tion us druggist in tho Dabota City
Pharmacy and will movo to Fromout,
Nebr, to reside this week.
W W Joyoo was laid up a few days
tho past week with un injured leg,
caused by getting it cought between
tho wheel and box of his wugon.
Mrs E E Colo and littlo son of Phil-
lipsburg, Kus, arived here last Thurs
day for a few woeks visit with Mrs
Coles mother, Mrs Lucy A Merger,
and other relatives.
Miss Margaret Sohrcinor wont to
Minnoopolis last Saturday to witness
the Minnesota-Wisconsin foot bull
gamo. &he accompanied a crowd of
"rooters" from Sioux City.
R M Lorke, ono of tho progressivo
farmors of Omadi procinot, loft the
past wook with his family and house
hold goods for Garry, 8 D, whoro thoy
will maka thoir future homo,
A little ad in tho Horald last week
looated two overcoats that parties from
Jaokson plaoed in another man's oar
by mistako, while attending tho sale
on the Stoop ranoh a couple of weoks
Tho Dakota County Sunday School
association meet in tho Presbyterian
ohuxoh nt South Sioux City Wednesday
afternoon of this wook and will bo in
session until Thursday noon. A cor
dial welcome is cxtondod to all to nt
tend. Georgo Bartels, oldest son of Frod
Bartols, last Saturday purchased tho
Julia F Mikesoll farm of 151 acres
threo miles wost of Dakota City. The
purohaso price was $25,000, Mr Bar
tols will not get possession of the land
until March 1. 1015, Tho Mikesoll
farm is ono of tho old farms of tho
county and consists of excellent soil,
well located,
Tho mayor of Bangor, Mo, going
homo aftor dark, wsb knooked down
by u rolling beor keg. Twenty men in
Btistol, Vi, wero poisoned by wood
aloohol in thoir evening "nips" instoad
of grain alohohol suoh as the druggist
usually furnishes. Antoista in North
Dakota complain that broken whisky
bottles in tho road do moro damage to
tires than all tbo other agonts aombin
ed. All thoso states aro in tho pro
hibition rank. Form your own conclusion.
Tho wodding of Walter 01i6noy, of
this place, and Miss Franois G Rich,
of Wisnor, Nebr, oamo as a happy nur
priso to tho frionds of theso young
people In this placo last Wednesday.
The ceromony was performed at the
homo of the brido'a parents in Wisnor.
Tho nowly woddod conplo loft on a
short wedding trip to Minneapolis and
other points in Minnesota. After
thoir roturn they will tako up their
residence on tho Cheney farm just
west of town,
For tho third timo in the last twen
ty years, tho dreudod European foot
and mouth disease lias broken out in
the Unitod States. Tho troublo this
timo is in northern Indiana and south
ern Michigan) and it is boloived that
tho disease was brought in throu hides
imported from Europe. Tho only way
to successfully flight this dlsoaso is to
establish u rigid quarantine, and com
pletely dostroy all of tho oattlo and
shoop within tho affootod arcu. Tho
last outbreak, whioh ooourod in 1908,
was stampod out within throo months
bv nromnt action on tho part of Boo
rotary of Agriculture Wilson. It is
likoly that this outbreak will bo moro
serious than any of tho other two
Tho govornmontoatt afford to spend as
many millions of dollars as may be
nocoessary to hold this disoano iu oheok
and completely eradicate it, Wallace's
Oscar H. Lake, Civil
War Veteran, Dies.
Oscar II Lake, a pionoer rcsidout
of Dakota county, was born at Wan
conda, Luku county, III, Soplembor
19, 1849, nud diod at the homo of
his son, V O Lake, at South Sioux
City, Nebr, November 12, 1914, aged
G5 ycntH, 1 mouth and 2H tlaH,
Ho was united in marriage to Mo
roah I Hopburu at Dakota City, Nobr,
May 29, 1872. To thi union six
olnldreii wero born Orvlllo S Lake,
of Omaha; Jaspor 1) Lake, of this
precinct; Vernon O Lake, Morton n
Lako, Chester W Lako and Mrs Syl
via E Blnokoter, of South Sioux City.
All tho chilil teu, togother with onb
brothor, A L Lake, of Homor, Nobr,
Biuvivo him.
Ho wbb u vutorau of tho Civil war,
having onhsted in Co G, 134th rrgi-
moot Illinois infantry, from which ho
wiib honorably discharged at tho closo
of tho war.
Lato in lifo ho united with tho
Methodist Episcopal church, being an
aotivo aud zealous worker iu tho ciiuso
of Christianity. On March 27, 1892,
aftor n btiet illness, tho partner of his
joys and sorrows atisweiol tho ilnal
summons, and tho loss of u devoted
wife and mother so weighed on his
mlud that imoh succeeding year saw a
a gradual failing in health.
Ho loved to toll of tlio wonderful
saving powor of tho Muster, nnd
through his final illnons reposed Iii'b
ttnst iu tho promises of Him w)io bath
said: "When thou imssotli Uiiouru
the waters I will bo with theo aud tho
rivers they bIibII not ovillow thto "
Tho funeral sorviocn ere hold Sat
urday and were conducted by Rov O
F Lusohor, of South fiioux City, ns
sistod by Rev Kookler, of Homer. In
terment was in tho Gtovo eomotory
west of Homor, near tho former homo
of tho deceasod.
How shall wo moosuro tho eflloionoy
of n sohool? At present tho only
availnblo measuro of tho suocces of
work douo in a school is to bo found
only in tho ohangoa that aro brought
about in tho boys and girls, young
men and young women during, tho pe
riod of thoir sohool lifo.
Mist Shriouer attended tho Minno-
sota-WiscoiisIn foot ball gamo last
Saturday ut Minneapolis.
In a hotly contested gamo in whioh
both toaniR played liko tigers, DakoU
City high sohool dofontcd South Sioux
City by n scoro of 19 to 0. Tho local
boys did not put up their usual brand
of foot ball, aud had to bo contontod
with a oomp trativoly low sooro. Ches
ter Antrim, Soott Noiswangor and
Keith EvanH were tho ground gainors
for Dnkota City. Witrnor was tho
mail stay for his team and boyond a
doubt tho best player on tho Hold.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desiro to express our siiicci') ap
preciation and to thank tho kind
friends who to willingly assisted ns
during tlio sickness, deuth and burial
of our beloved father, O II L'tko. Es
pecially do we wish to thank tho D of
H, W It C, also tho Ladies Aid, Ep
worth League aud Mothodobt Brother
hood of Bonis M E church for tho
beautiful ilorul offerings.
Tho Ofiildron.
I will have n full lino of fresh
meats of all kinds, geceo, ducks and
chickens, oystors, celery aud mlnco
meat for Thanksgiving Day.
Will also havo tho freshest lino of
grooeiies aud cookies.
W F Lorenz, Jr ,
Notice of Teach res' Examination.
Regular touchers' examination will
bo hold Friday, Novomber 20, and
Saturday Novembor 21.
Margaret A Murphy,
Co Supt.
I.uclmla UMonuy. widow of Win Olio-
nur, -Mo, to Alborl n Kilmer, win
Uceut i itu.ftXiaores IKUOO
Thos Kl ii..iuohs to J M linrry, scl of novi
and s'a of uw of no !l(-!S-0 j:W0
stun-ib 11 Jtiiiuui 111111 wiiu iiuuiiu u, iu
Wm Oliouoy farm, ) oorls J 1 1.700
H 11 Martin to John Kraf. lot 10. blk Kl.
Uovlmrtoii , S100
Farm For Rent
Two furms of 100 notes oaoh. Call
at Bauk of Dakota County, Jaokson,
Nobr, aud' Mr Leo O Koornoy will
arrange for lonso.
Stephens' Majority 8,416.
Tlio olllclnl vote on ciiRressmaii for tht
Third coimrcssloual district of Nebraska
H to-phons
Spill- Hto
ninn phono'
Isn't that a neat story about that
Froash gun which Bhoots a gas which
kills tho enemy so quickly that ho
hasn't timo to fall.
Aftor "Buy u bale of cotton" baa
run its course, will somo churitablo
inolincd gentleman kindly start tho
slogan, "Buy a year of this paper."
Oats detoriorato in three or four
years. Fresh northom sood should bo
sown every third or fourth year, in
ordor to keep up tho quality of tho
borry and keep a healthy, strong
straw. (
Alfalfa is tho ooming crop Wo aro
just beginning to find out that it can
be grown over most of the country.
Ohio is the first to start 11 iu alfalfa
train across thoir state. Got iuto lino.
Sow alfalfa,
A card from Mrs E A Woodward,
formerly Miss Nellio M Kinkend of
this placo, statos that sho and her Hus
band have returned to Chicago to
resido, from Meridian Miss, whoro
thoy spout tho paHt two yoars.
At tho social to bo hold in tho Elk
Vnlloy church next Tuesday ovoniug
Novombor 24th, tho artioles on which
numbors havo been sold will bo dis
tributed that ovoniug. Evorybody is
invited and u pleasant timo is assured.
An oxchnngo says: "Who is tho
greatest living man?" To which tho
Los Angolea Express roplios- "It is
our opinion it is tho follow who
never knooks, takes his sorrows with a
smile, payshis bills and doos all ho
can to help somoono olso", Namo a
graater man if you can,
You may find honesty among thieves,
truth among liars and wisdom
among fools, but you will never find n
spark of manhood, womanhood or prin
cipal in a meddler. Tho thiof may
ohrouiolo tho truth by mistake, tho
fool may Biy wise things by acoidont,
but tin man who noses around and
mixes up iu other peoplo's affairB will
everramaiu tho same unprincipled our
And thoro uro a few of tho brund run
ning nroud looso in Dakota City.
A Yalo graduate mombor of a num
ber of fratomitiea and living nt homo,
reaohod tho ago of twonty-ilvo and us
ho had failed to obtain a job, sinco hi
graduation, blew out his braius, This
happened in Ohioago last weok and
wo want to go on record as commend
ing tho young man's course, although
as a beliover'in Christian faith, wo aro
opposed to suioido. Thobrainloss. yup
who has had tho advautago of n oollogo
education and tho backing of well-to-do
paronts, must bo a freak indeed, if
ho cannot find nn opening to oarn an
lionost dollar. Tuts lop took tUo pro-,
per routo as ho would havo boon a
nuisanoo to his friends, his relatives
and tho gonoral public
Listen, daughtor. Your mother
tolls me that tho honey boy who has
botn festooning tho landscape here
abouts for tho past month has rotreat
ed to a position previously selected.
In other words, ho. has gone and got
anothpr baby. Well, don't cry
Thoro'a no resson and besides it
washes off tho powder, nonoy boy
spent aiiout four DltH a week on you.
Horn's a dollar a weok to tako its plauo.
Every timo ho called ho cleaned out
tho rcfrigorator, Yourmothor will Beo
that your brothers do this in the
future Ho kept ypu up lato nights.
Your baby Bister in teething and sho
has kopt mo up lato, but I'll resign in
your favor so it wont sooni strango for
you to go to bod early. Ho took
poBsesBion of tho most comfortable
rookor in tho living room, When you
look at that rooker in tho future it
will not bring u pang to hoo it empty,
for it will bo full of littlo old George
B. Father, Your ma and I stnyod by
you through toothing, colic, niousloi,
croup and whonping-congh und wo'ro
goiug to see you thiough this if we
havo to tako turns ut spankiug you,
Tako your eyes off tho moon, daughtor
and look at tho duatj arpund you,
Antolopo KitlS
Hoo no KVH)
Hurt 1S0O
Uodar , 17111
Uolfax 1HK
OummliiK 1700
Dakota 7S7
Dixon 4227
DodKC 2875
Knox 2180
Madison 1701
Merrick 12ftl
Nil ipo , .. DM
PI 1
l'h.Ul 2.1I
Stanton Ml
Wayno 1071
Stephens' majority. 8,10.
In tho election of 10U, Stephens' major
ity In tlio district was 4.E60.
12M 270
non r45
12:11 12(1
liKW 316
M7 744
mi sun
7on 4:12
1214 , 14(11
llltfl 7f5
1(107 144
001 ncc
Hill x V.U
ma mw
801 1HD
Specials for Saturday, Nov. 21
For iHls, Day Only
Extra fancy wrapped Apples per box $1.25
7 bars Flake White Soap 25c
2 pkgs N W Wheat Meal 25c
New sweet Cider per gal 35c
4 10c pkgs baking Soda 25c
3 pkgs fresh Potato Chips ; 25c
3 qt fresh Cranberrie 25c
1 lb Stinson 's Pride Baking Powder ).. .20c
3 pkgs Macaroni or Spaghetti 25c
Very best Boiling Meat per lb 13c
48 lb sack fancy Patent Flour $1.60
Sweaters of all kinds at 10 discount.
Calico at 06c per yd
We have a fresh stock of vegetables and fruit for Satur
day, also fresh oysters.
Dakota City,
'Jfe $j-
For Sale
Puro b,rod Duroo Jorsoy boars. Big
thrifty ones with good bono and breed
ing, Prioo right.
John B. Evans.
Dakota Oity, Nobr. I
A Dollar for a Daily
by mail from now until April 1, 1015,
giving you all tho war nows frosh from
tho seat of troublo, through tho big
press ussouiatious and spooil sorvico.
Political affairs aro indoponontly treat
ed as tho papor is not tiod up with nny
interests. Noxt wintor's legislature
will bo fully roported in tho intorests
of tho taxpayorn of Nobraska. Mar
kets, spooial artioles aud n vigorous
policy mako this tho paper you should
read. This is tho lowest priced daily
in tho stato at this out prior, and poo
plo who havo bcon getting along with
out a daily can now afford ono. Try
it. Tho papor will stop whan tho timq
is up. Bend your ordor direot to
Lincoln Daily Nows,
For Sale.
A team of mules. w
, M. A. DolougbMy.
Jaokson, Nobr.
Mid-West "Safety-Over AH" Means
Ample capital 'seenred notes only' triple legal reserve
demand deposits on hand A D T electric protection 28 years
experience 4 interest every dollar of others back of each
We yivc you this and more. Find another bank that does.
Scveml fine improved farms 80 to GOO acres FOR RENT.
&6e Mid-West Bank 'IStS
Siomx City, Iowa.
Petit Jury
adjournod term of
For tho
court which convenes in
Monday, Nor moor 23rd.
Oeomo HlrseUUiok Guy Mannlna
A. J, Kramper
this place
M.J. Uoruo
Win.U Uroyull!
Oscar Stauuu
JqIiii OrlU
Ii, II, l)oForrost
John Harlow
C, 11, H oh worth
Ilonry P. meriting
ICil Kuhlor
Hay I loch
Hock Nelson
O, A. Harbor
J oil u I.abalin
Louis Hour
Frank Hudky
Nols KroRli
IlansU. JoiiBOn
Mlcliaol T. Heacom
aooruo Harnett
Hans HonulckBon
Let Me Sell You
In Nebraska and South Dakota
The best Corn and Alfalfa land in I
the states. I can sell at provate or
nnhlin niiptinn.
Farms for Trade Land ranging in price from $00.00 to I
$150.00 per acre. -
tfist Your Farm WiiK M
E. F. Rasmussen, Auctioneer 1
"Your Humble Servant"
Ponca, Nebr.
Phone 50
P. O. Box 101
Phenomenal Bargain.
Wo havo boon tortunato in making
urrangomonts whioh ouablo us to ofllor
yot; a year's subscription to Fuxnier
and Breeder and tho Herald for only
$1.00. This is an unusual bargain;
tako advantago of it TODAY. Your
subscription to Farmer and Breeder
means that you aro entitled to freo
consultation with tho Special Sorvico
Dopartmont of Furmor aud Brooder
upon any question portaining to farm
ing and stock raising during tho torm
of your subscription to that mngtaino.
This Bervico alo.no la worth tho prioo
wo ask for both publications. Let us
havo your ordor NOW. Papers sont
to different addresses if desired.
Farmer aud Uroodor is pro-eminent
ly a magazine of farm nnd Btook facts.
It shows exuotly how to do tho things
tho way thoy aro being done by tho
most successful farmers and breeders.
It gives oloar. DEFINITE aud intolli
gout explanations of farm mothods
nnd systoms. It is broad and varied
in soopo and gives you ideas, plans,
and mothods that you oan supply at
onoo nnd put dollars in your pookets.
How's Tltfs?
We oftrr One Hundred Dollars nrtrsrd for an
cud ol Caiairli that caiiuot (mi curcU by llall'i
Ctlarrli Cure.
r J cnnNi:vAco.,Toimo. o.
We, the undcrnlitiiiil, line known I' J (limey
for the but IS yrara, anil lelleo him prrfrrtly hon
treble In all liunlnowi iramuuiom anil nnjmUHy
able to carry mil any olilirotloim mule by Ut arm.
Walmnq. Kinnan A. Mavmm,
Vt liolwilo lUuinrima, 1 olnlo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo 1& V.Imi Internally acting
directly upon the ljl,iyl nu mucoua surfaci o( the
yitcm 'riiUrniU nut free. Trice 75 cent pf
battle HoJil lV All DruiriUti.
e lull's 1 amliy 1'liu for corutloatloa.
Through Sleeping Cars
to California
via the
C. St. P. M. & O. Ry.
Chicago and North-Western Line
First Class
Sleeping Car
Through Tourist
Sleeping Cars
Commenoing Dooember 1, 1014,
daily first olass slooping cor servioo
will bo rosumod botwoen Minneapolis,
St Paul and Los Angeles.
Fast through olvotrio lighted train
sorvioo. 'Omaha Limitod' to Omaha,
Los Angeles Kimited' to Los Angeles,
Early in Dooomber through tourist car
sorvico will bo resumed,
WodnoBdays, via Omaha and Bait
Lako City to Los Angeles.
(Saturdays, via Kansao Oity to Los
Interesting tours of the West, Southwest, California
Puget Sound. Round trip tickets on sale daily
Florida, Gulf Coast and Southwest
Winter tourist tickets on sale daily during winter months,
Liberal stopovers choice of routes.
For rosorvution of slooping oar accommodations, '
call upon or uddreaa
B. C. Buchannan, G. H. MacRae,
Agont, Dakota City, Nob. Gen. Pass's. Agt Bt. Paul, Minn.
Real ostato loans, Goo WUkins Adv j
The Herald