JBm DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBKABKA. n r 'w Dakota County Herald JOHN II. RRAM, PUBLISHER Subscription Price $1.00 For Year. A wnnklv newmanor Dubliahed at Dakota City, Nobraaka. Permission boa boon grantod for tbo transmission of thispaporth rough tho mails as socondclnss matter, Telopbono No. 43. Official Paper of Dakota County Farm Notes. Issued by the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture. MOTION riOTDKKS AT 1H8TITUTES v Motion pictures aro about to appear ut tbo farmers luatitutcs boing hold in different parts of tbo states. Films wero made tbo other day showing tbo work of tbo studenta in actual oppor ation at tbo Univorsity School of Agri oalturo. Tboy ombraco tbo loutlno from tbo timo tbo student reaobes tbo campus to bis registration, ontrunoo to classes, and lifo about tbe campus. Tbo films will also bo duplioatcd and sent to any motion pioturo thoators, SPECIAL SHORT COUI18K AT COOTIS A special winter torm for farm boys, beginning November 30 and closing March C, is being offered by tbo Nobrasku School of Agriculturo at Onrtis. It is planuod to offer full somoBtral courses in all tbo subjects given and thus mako possible (or tho farm boy, who can bo away from tbo farm only botwecn harvesting and Beading, an opportunity to do regular academic work that ho may use toward graduation. Tbo aim in tho winter torm is to mako tbo work both praotical and suflloiontly theoretical to meet tho needs of tbo credit given. nnOWN WREAKS IN POTATOES Upon nutting across tho stem end of many potatoos thoro may bo seen a nnmbor of dark brown spots often arrangod in a oirolo. This oirclo is tbo water-conducting or vasoulilr rn gion of tbo tubor. By cutting the samo tubor lengthwito tlieso brown spots aro found to bo tho ends of brown threads wbiob extend from tbo stem end toward tho blossom end of tho potato. It is possiblo that this diauaso is oaused by a species of Fusarium or sorno otbor fungus. This and other potato dlflonaos aro now boing studiod by tho department of agriculturo botany at tbo Nebraska Oollogo of Agrioulturo. it's the nox elder isua Tho annual presenco in largo num bers at this timo of tho slato black colored bugs vat legated with red arousos, as usual, tho curious interest of those who aro not acquainted with their namo or habits. The insect that is invading residences and many other buildings is tbo bo older bug. A report of tbo ofiloo of tbo stato otoino logiat at tbo University Farm, Lincoln, says mat tun eggs oi tuo insect aro deposited tbruont tbo spring and summer in tbo crovices of tho box older tree, walls, lumbor, and stones. As soon as the red-colored young emorgo, tboy obtain food from tbo box older, tbo asb, and otbor trees. By fall, tboy Book tbo crevices of houses and other placos suitablo for hibernation qnartors. 'Altho tboy have boon known to stunt tbo young box elder, thoy hardly rank h a Hooond-claBs pest to trees. Tbo only effective method of fighting tbo bugs is to spray thorn with kerosono emulsion in tho spring and early summer whilo ou tho troes. CARE OF AUTOMOIIILE TIRES The professor in obargo of auto mobiles and otbor motors at tbo Nobrasku College of Agrioulturo offers , tho following suggestions rogarding tho oaro of automobile tiros. Tbo large poroontago of tiro trouble is duo to tbo laok of suflloiont air nrossuro. Pressure should bo i main tnined at 20 pounds por inch of tiro uiaraotor. tuub, a lour lnou tiro flhould havo a prossura of 80 pounds. tuo uoating of the tiro when in ubo should not bo depended upon to in crease tbo air prossura suflloiontly if it is muoh loss than that required at tho timo of starting. Thoro is littlo danger of having too high a pressuro on u now tire, as ovory avorago sized tiro is tested to 200 pounds beforo being sold. If tires aro old, judgement must bo usod in maintaining tho normal proBs ure. It two strands, of tbo fabric are loft, howovor, tho pressuro of 20 pounds por inoh of diametor may bo maintained. Tiros should always bo kept from tuo uirootrays of tbo sun when pos siblo, bvery effort should bo mado to keep moisturo from tho fabric of tbe rubber. Tiro dough is usoful in keep ing rcoiBiuro out of tho oraoks and is not very expensive. E1CR0LLMEST INCREASES 85 TEH CENT Enrollment at tho Nebraska Bchool of Agrioulturo at Curtis increased 35 poroont this fall in tho regular courses, Tho registration at tho opening of tbo Bouooi year was luu. STARTINa OAHOLINi: ENGINES With tho approach of cold woathor. more or less troublo is exporiouood in starting gasolino ongiuoB, regardloss of tho typo. Methods for rolioving tins uuuouuy aro oiiorou ub follows by tbo dopartmontof agrioulturo engineer ing at tbo Nobrasku College of Agri culture, y 1. Fill tbe water jacket or radiator with hot water. 2. Heat tho gasolino by nuttiucr u bottlo of it in hot water, being ouroful to Keep tuo corK ou the bottlo contain ing the gasolino. 3. Place u few drops of ether in the priming oup or spark plug hole, Tho last method is inexponsivo and is usod by many motor owners, FARMERS TO EXIIIUIT RESULTS OK EXPERIMENTS AT CORN SHOW Farmers in Gage county with tho cooperation of their farm demonstrator succeoded iu gaining about $1.38 an acre by tho treatmont of oats for smut the past season. Thurston county rarmersin cooperation wuu tiiotr uom onstiator found that homo grown seed yielded 10.0 bUBhoIs uoro an aero than seed sbipod iu, Tbo data from these experiments have boon eollectod ia detail bh well as mauy others oon '. dieted looally and will bo shown iu graphic form at tho corn show in Lincoln from January 18 to 23. Tbo show will bo in jirognct at tho city auditorium during tho ussion of Or ganized Agriculture week at tho Uni vorsity Farm. SELECTION AND STORAGE OF SEED POTATOES Nebraska potato growers do not give saflloieut attention to tho selection of their seo.l potatoes, Tho usual plan of planting whatever happens to bn left in the spring cannot bo too strong ly condomnod, A very fow of our boat informod potato growers are already making bill selections. This ia a wiso practico and will pay for itself in tbe lnoroasod yields. Tbo department of agricultural bot any of tho Nobraska Collogo of Agri oulturo has alreudy shown tho advant age of fumigating or otherwise disin fecting tho potatoes and tlui cellar. Dry rot can bo prevented by proper troatmont of tho collar and potatoes, Tho work of this department has al ready demonstrated that tho dreaded leaf roll may bo eliminated nhru the devolopement of rcsistont varieties, Oorrospondooco regarding potato diseases is desired, WATCH FOR FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE The foot-und-mouth disease, which Iibh been the sourco of heavy losses in several eastorn states, bus not reached Nebraska hi far as ia known, but farm ers aro advised by tho Nobraska College of Agricultuto to wutob for any outbieak and report it to tho stato votorinarinn, As tbo diaouse is ex tromoly infections, tho most rigid care must bo taken. Tho first symptons are u chill followed by a fever, and a day or two later by blistrrs on tho tonguo nnd mouth. Eruptions similar to thoso on tho mouth appear at tho coronot and between tho digits of tho foot. Ono of tho prominent symptons ia the oramping of tho jaws and tho driveling of the saliva. On a cow, eruptions may appear on tho udder' Tho blisters aro later ruptured, leaving soro spots, Tbo soreness of tho mouth by keeping tho auimal from drinking and eating, greatly weakens the victim und often onuses death. ANOTHER SHEEP FEEDINO RXPERIMENT For tho first timo in several years, tho Nebraska Exporimont Station in oonduoting uu experiment with sheep. A consignment of 250 western lambs has beou roooivod and divided into fivo lots of 50 each. The experiment will lust 100 days uud will bo for the purposo of comparing a ration of al falfa bay with one of com silugo and also a medium with a heavy feed of corn in conneotion with alfalfa and corn silago. At tho North Platto station a similar Experlmont has been started with 000 westorn lambs to show tbo results under western Nebraska conditions,. MWKmiMQIWMQWlBWm0S 9 Items of Interest from our Exchanges f XaMtVMMomwymKmMmwyiQM w Lyons Mirror: Miss Lizzio Nixon, Mrs William Waito's sister, returned rriuay from a visit with relatives in Homer. Obert Tribune. Mrs Jaok MoQuirk wont to Sioux Oity and Homer Friday for a wooks visit with, relatives nnd friends, Pendor Republic: Davo Beacom was In Sioux Oity on businoBs Wed nesday.... Bov Mr Phillips untood ovor from Pilgor one day last week. Allen News: Hiram Baker, Of Aguto, was iu town Tuesday, leaving tbe samo day, Wo understand ho. is ou n deal for tho Cole Koser placo hero in town, Winnobago Ohioftain : Oban Smith wbb down from Homer Monday.... F B Buokwaltor was in town Satarday on business.... Margaret Niobuhr, of Dakota Oity, spout Sunday with hor cousin, Miss Holon Niobuhr. NowoastloTimoa: Mrs Jano Cum mius arrived homo on the noon train Monday. Sho visited in Sioux Oity witu nor uaugnior, and witu nor son at South Sioux Oily, alto spent a couplo of dojs with hor old neighbors. Mr and Mrs John Marshal and family. Hartlngton News: Mr and Mrs O L Onller returned Friday from Omaha, aner attonuiug tuo toaouers' conven tion Mrs WoBloy MoPhcrson ro turned to hor homo in Sioub Sioux Oity Friday noon after attending tho funeral of her daughter, Mrs Jay uuvon. Wakollold Itoms in Wnytio Demo 1 til 1 n m orai; xno uoury urano lamily aro moving to South Sioux Oity this wook. Mrs Urano and children left Wednes day and Mr Orauo will go lutor.... Tho foot ball toam gainod another vio- tory Jriuay aitornoon wiieu tlioy won from tbo Dakota Oity toam by a sooro of ut) to u. Henry and Pattorson mado sonsatlonal runs mid Wilholm and Busby mado good gains through tuo line. WnlthillTimes: Mrs Leon Ream. of Homor, was iu tbo village Wednes day. .... .Muuol Beam ontortainod a number of bor littlo friends Woduos day afternoon ou tho occasion of her ninth birthday, v Gumos nnd music vrorooojoyod af tor wbiob refreshments woro soivod by Mrs Beam, assisted by MiSBoa Gail Kolley, Myrtlo Phillips and Carol Gorham, Tho littlo guests left a number of birthday presents witu tuoir hostess. Way no Democrat: Mrs Honry O'Neill and son, Harry, nutoed ovor from Jackson to visit the homo of hor brother, T W Moran, tho first of tho wook... .Editor Kroesen, of tbo Dako ta County Record, Bald somo uncom Vlimoutary things regarding tho sher iff of tho county, Frank Mabon, us did tho Sioux Oity Tribuuo, and it is ro portod that both papors uro now do fending iu libel suits. They will havo to put up or provo tbo truth of tholr story. The Record is said to havo al leged that tho sheriff was drunk. That is what ono Wisconsin man Bald about Roouovolt, aud could not provo it to tho aatiafaotion of tho jury. An editor should kuow that ij U true when ho cbargis a man with being drunk anil bo ablo to provo it. Sioux Oity News, 10: Tho prize fight ltd seems to be off at Gryetal lake, Sheriff Mabon chased a fight away from the daundcrs place three weeks ago. Hut that whs before eltc- lion. No interference whs offered to a 15 round go which was staged near Saunders' Sunday aftornnoti beforo a crowd of over 200 people Tho bnttlti was botween Smith, of Omaha, and John Aronadorf, of Sioux Oity. Smith really had tho better of tbo argument and bad Aronadorf bleeding badly at tho nose, but tho Sioux Oity mub held out tho full timo and it waa called a draw by roforoo W A Winston. A cauvHB funco was put up to protoot tbo fighters from n chilly uorthwist wind, but it afforded littlo protection for the crowd of funs, who nto.nl' uud shivered throughout the performance Sioux City Tribune, 17: Clydn Fiencb and L A Clark, of South Sioux Oity, wero injurod when a buggy in wbiob thoy wero riding was struck by an automobile near tho Oownio homo in South Sioux Oity, Saturday night. In tbo car woro Alfred Olson and sis ter and It E Dorum, of tho Iowa Tele phone company, Sioux Oity. Seven stitches wero takon in closing a wound over Clark's right oyc; French will sabmit to an X-ray examination of tho ahouldor, which it is thought was bro- kon whou thoaccueut nccured. The buggy was demolished and tho horso was so badly injured that it hud to be shot. The uutomobilo party woro turniug to go south near tho O wnio placoanl tho driver of tbo oar or tbo two men in tho rig did not aeo each other until it waa too lato to provent tho impact, Emerson Enterprise: Geo II Huaso niudo a business trip to Omaha Tues day ... .Art Ey mil, a breeder and fan cier of Hampshire hogs was in Emer son botween trains last Raturduy in routo from Homer to Wayne to attend tho Fisher sale of Hampshire hogs held that day Win f rod Blumo, son of Mr and Mrs Fred Blumo living east of Emerson, is a member if tho Uovb' and 'juris' Hardening club, und raised $24.45 worth of vegetables during the past s u tumor, making a not profit of $17.70 A dollar wiib allowed for the rent of 504 tquaro yards and 10 cents an hour ohnrgVl for tho labor. Tho orop inolnded beets, beam, sweet corn and tomatoes. The gardening und canning club is one of several juvenile clubs curried on cooperatively by the Agricultural Extension Servico, Uni versity Farm, and tho United States Department of Agriculture. Sioux City Journal, 17: In u se cluded spot in tho woods near (Jryttul lake Tommy Smyth, of Omnha, und Johnny Aronadorf, of Sioux Oity, both heavyweights, battled for (If teen rounds Sunday afternoon beforo a orowd of somo 500 Sioux Oity sports moo. Smith bad tho better of every round of tho fifteen with tho exaeption of tho first, whioti was oven. In the seooi d ruund tbo Omaha boxer landed u stiff left hook on his opponent's nose wbiob started tuo claret to flowing. From then until tho und of tho light Arenedorf took biicIi punishment as only a man of his build and strength can tako. The Omaha boy went iuto tbo fight backed by a largo nnmbor of his Sioux City boosters. AreusJorf, who bad not had tho gloves on for moro thae two years, had a fow sup porters, but thoso who had watobod him working out during tho lost thrco weeks know that bo would havo littlo chance against tbo Omaha mun, who was in tbo best of condition and who had beon working bard for tbo past two months. In the first round tho oonteatunts felt eaoh other out. In tho second round Smith oponod up on bis advosary and from then on contin ued to butahor tho Sioux City raau'a face. Aronadorf took an awful boat ing all tbo way through tho fight. In tho thirteenth, fourteenth and lust round Arensdorf hung onto Smith und tho lattor could havo slipped ovor tho sloop prodnoing punoh at auv minuto. but ho was contont by having won tbo fight by a largo nargin without knock ing his opponent Out. Nolthor of tho two men showed any clats, as regards uoxtng. Jjotn siuggod and fought, taking ono punoh to give another, Smith bad an awful loft hook wbiob ho jabbed into Arensdorf's faco at will. Tho Sioux Oity man had a stiff right which wus almost usolos. Time aftor timo ho tiiod to drivo tho blow homo, but Smith managod to block and sidestep and keep out of the way of tho vicious awing. Smith left tho fight without n Boratoh on bla bod v. whilo Arensdorf was out aud beaten bo that his face was distorted into ui ujjir uiuBB ui uuiH ami uruisos. liuruor Mb H that Tommy Gibbons, of St Paul, brothor of tho famous Mike Gib bona, will match with Smith in tho near future, The fight will go flftoen rounds, No Fake "War News IN Sioux City Journal uurlng tho proseut European War you waut faots not rumors. Tho cioux Uity Journal receives Both Day and Night roporta of tho moat roliublo nowa-gathering organization on the faoo of tbo globe Tho Asaoolated Proaa. Tbla organization has its staff men in all tbo oapitols of Etiropo, Its ohlof oouoorn is to send fuels, not rumors. It seeks to make oortuiu that its dispatches aro authentic boforo tboy are plaood on the wires, Tho dosiro of Tho Journal ut all times is to givo its readers tho facts not to mislead thorn with falso, dis tressing aud unconfirmed reports auu n win auuore to that policy dur ing tbo present course of evouts iu Europe Tho Journal, in roooiving both Day aud Night Associated Press Ronorts. givoa ita roadors a twonty-four hour sorrloo. Iu publishing Moming, Evoulng aud Sunday Editions. Tho Journal is prepared to givo a sorvioo that cannot bo equaled by that of anv otbor nowspapor in this sootion, The Sioux City Journal Mornine Evening Sunday SIOUX CITY, IOWA KM0)M0ttCI0M30KyM OK( g CORRESPONDENCE MUBBARCl Mr and Mrs W. Nelson entertained a few frlnnda at dinner Sunday Larson Bios finished threshing tho first of tho week. Outing flannel in all tho best gradi a at O Andercon Oo's. Hoarthu Smith is vis! ing friends south of town, Mrs Ohas Dodgo visited in tho H Nelson homeat Lynch, Boyd county, from Saturday until Wednesday. Tbo Danish Sisterhood will have their kaffeaolskab next Saturday at tbe Ohris Juoobson home. ' Joseph Christem on wus homo be tween trulns Saturday from Sioux City, Wo havo our ovoraboos ou display and will givo you tbo best goods that monoy can buy. O Anderson Co. Mr and Mro Josseu visited ut the Peter Johuson homo Sunday, Mr Aton, tbo piono tuner, was hoio the first of tho week. Mario Nelson and Augusta Larson wore at Norfolk between trains one day last week. Mrs James Hourioksou entortuiuod a number of friends lust Thursday, it being her birthday. Look at our now stylo of fur coats beforo you invest inn coat for iho wiutor. O Anderson Oo. Mr undMrs Honry Thompson uu toed to Sioux City Monday. Mr aud Mrs MikoFarroll were Sioux Oity shoppers last Friday. Mr uud Mrs W Goortz loft Wednes day for Woonsocket, S D, whoro they will visit at tho homo of their daugh ter, Mrs Botoko. They expect to bo gouo ubout three weeks. Wo wnnt your butter und orrs. und will pay tho highest market price, O Anderson Oo's. Mr and Mis A Andersen woro Sun day guests ut tho Jamos Hourioksen homo. Mr uud Mrs Chris Soreusen autoed to Bionx City last Friday. Bert Francisco and August Krum wiedo wuru Sioux City pusbeugers TutsJuy. A splendid uaaortmint of winter caps just receive I ut C Audortou Oo's. Tom Long shipped u ear of hogs Tuesday. Ed Hurtnett cauio down Tuoaduy morning for u visit ut tho purontul homo. A Thanksgiving duueo is beinc plan ned for Friday night, November 27. Mrs John Luzio spent Monday und Tuesday with friends near Homer. Now is the timo to buy your heavy winter underwear, whilo our lines ure comploto in sizes. O Auderson Oo. Mr and Mrs N Anderson eutortained a number of fiiends at dinner Sunday. Charles Heeuoy was thrown from bis hoi se whilo herding cattlo Tuesday. Huns Rasmussen will begin work Monday in Geo Timlin's store. Guy Weir whs in Sioux City last Friday. Stave Rookwoll was u putoengor to Hubbard Monday. Onr new washing maobino tbe "01o.ui Quick," vacuum wushor. is giving splendid Butisfuotion. Lotus demonstrate one for you. O Ander son Co. Andy Soohler was on tho sick list Tuesday. Dan Hartnett and daughter, Celia, aud Mabel McGoo, wero iu Sioux Oity Saturday. Thoy went by auto. Ohris Smith and wile, of Vista, 3pent Sunday at tho Peter Johuson homo, K RasinueBen and wild, O Jaoobsen and wifo and Mrs R Rasmussen, of near Wst6rbury, wore in Hubbard Saturday. JACKSON. John Hogan, of Goodwin, Nob, spont Sunday nt homo, Mrs O A Barrett, of Sioux Oity, vis ited last week in tbe homo or her mother, Mrs Amy Brady, John Flannery had a load of hogs on tuo mnrbat ono day last week. Dan Twohig and wife havo gouo to Texas, whoro thoy expoot to spoud tbo winter. I'uos B Jones, who line boon quite Biou tuo past week, is somewhat un proved, Mrs Mary Gill visited ovor 8unday in tuo ueo mongar nomo near i'ouan, Pat MuOabo and Ool E F Rasmus- son, auctioneers, oi i'onoa, wero in town last Friday. Born, to Mr and airs M F Logue, November 10, 1914, a son, Thoro will bo a dunce in St Pat- riok a hall Friday evening, November 20, All aro invited. Agent O E Johnson had business at tho county seat Monday, Laureuoo Moran, who spent tho summer at Akron, Iowa, urrived Jiomo Tuesday, Mrs Hans Knudsen was taken very ill last week. Dr Jepson, of Sioux Oity, was called iu consultation with Dr Mugirl. Sho is improving at this writing. A "blue rook" shcot wus held in Jaok son Sunday for ducks aud gooao, Jaa Flynn, jr, carried off tho most geoao. Mrs Ed T Long, of Akron, Ool, who ia visiting bor parents hero, spent tho week end at tho Thos Long homo at HubUurd. Frank Budko, among tbo many im provements bo is having mado, Is put ting down u drivo well in front of bis pool hall and restaurant, E W Nordyko uud family, of Sioux Oity, wero Sunday guosta iu tbo B F Sawyer homo. Tho Rev Mothor Goueral, from Siu sinawa, Wis, visited at tho academy tho first of tho woek, Mrs Lula Boyles, of Omaha, is vis iting in tho J B Smith homo. W H Stark, of Stark, N D, is visit ing in tho Harrison Fryo homo, Mr Stark waa poatmaater at Stark for cloven years, resigning lust June. Au alarm of fire was turnod into tho oeutral ofiloo from the John W Ryan homo Tuesday forouoou, A largo number from tho town ami couutry ro- I Edwards Lumb spondod but tbo members of the fami ly had got it under control beforo tho Hrobiigado arrivod It stnrtod in the fnrnnco room, whoro slight damage was done. HUMKK. Riuioud Smith visited Geo Crip pou Saturday and Sunday. Mis Chillies Hates returned from Wisconsin Snturduy. Mrs August Wilkiu6 and daughter Elsie wore Sioux Oity shoppors Fri day and Saturduy. Mro Mury Rose, of Sioux Oity. was over Saturday to attend tho funeral of her uncle, Oscar Like, Glen Smith, Gns Iseuburg und Julo Bondersou wero over from Emeison Saturduy nnd went down to tho "hunt ing camp" at Blyburg. Jeff Taylor came up from tbo Bly burg hunting camp Saturday und re turned to his homo ut Emerson. Jnines lilanchard, sr, is un tho sick list. Henry Sundt was ou onr stroots Saturday. Tom Clupp, of Sioux City, and Hill Olupp, of Dakota "ity, wern t.own to attend the Lake funeral Saturday. Harry Brown and wifo, of Salem, uttonded tbo Lako funoinl. Will Rockwell and family dined at tuo James Alluway, sr, homo Sunday. Misa Nadino Shepurdson is on tho aiok list. Mrs JumcB Alluway, sr. aud Ahs Wm Leamet wero Sioux Uity shop o-s auursiiay Mrs Alluway went to in terview tho dentist. Frank Broyhill wus down from Da kota City Wednesday. The M E Ladies Aid mot with Mrs Goo Thooker Thursday. A daintv two-oourao lnnoli was served to about 52 ladies. mi. n n 11 . ... . j.uu juuBjr uuea met Wltli Mrs Ohris Larson Thursday evening. Thoy meei next- wook witu Miss lSlizebeth Nixon. Mat Paugh went to Sioux City xuuiKuujr iu oeu uis wile, wuo is in n Hospital. Miss Mary Harris was a Winnebago passenger Friday. John Bluokoter went to Sonth Sioux Oityl'riday on account of tbo death of Ins father-iu-law, Oscar Lake. Elgio Smith and family arrived in Homer Wednesday and will occupy the Homo vaoatod by Ray Hughes. Tho saloon was tho soeno of a littlo drama Saturday night. Mr Ostmever piokod up a roll of bills from tho floor and roraarkod tho fact. A stranger standing near Baid ho had just drop- pou iiiom. Mr Ustmeyer handed mem over and men anotbor man dia oovered bo had lost his roll. Tbo stranger was arrested and put in the city uastuo. JNo monoy was found on His person, presto, it disanDeared. Thoro was about $100. Wo havo not board what beoamo of money or mruugor. SOUTH SIOUX CITY H O Dorn nnd wifo aro ou a visit with their daughter at Marshaltowu, Iowa. J S Bacon's mothor, who lives in Hurloy, S D, was operated on at tho Gorman Lutheran hospital in Sioux Oity, last Thursday. Tho now wholesale liquor houso at tho Nobrasku approach to tho Combi nation bridge is about completed. It will be known ns tbo Kruger wuoiesalo .Liquor Co. It is fiuauoed by the sumo peoplo that started, tho Kruger Browory in tho old court house building, Osour H Lako, u voteriu of tho Civil war and ono of tho pioneer residents of Dakota oouuty, died Inst Thurs day evening. Novembor 12t. at tho homo of his son Vernon O Lake. where ho bad made bis homo for tho past year, no was born Septem ber 10, 1840, and oamo to this county in 1870. Ho took up a homostoad west of Homor on his arrival hrre, and was married tho sumo year. Ho resid ed ou tho farm until bis wife died sev eral yoars ago, whou ho removed to Homor nnd assumed tho postmaster ship, wbioh ho hold fur several yoars, Ho is survived by fivo sons VO Lako, Chester Lako and Mort Lake, of South Sioux Oity; O 8 Lako, of Oma ha, and J B Lako, of this precinct, and ono daughter, Mrs J B Blaoketer, of South Sioux Oity. Tho funeral wus held Saturduv. intnrninnt lmlnrr nt Homor, his former homo, ev C jn U. S. Phone Calls America, with only one-fourth of the population of Europe, writes about one-half as many letters, and sends about one-third as many telegrams, but we talk over the telephone nearly three times as much. Here are the figures for 1912, the latest available: EUROPE UNITED STATES Number Per Cent. Number Per Cent. Type of Message. During of Total During of Total 1912 Europe 1912 U. S. First Class Mall 17(775,000,000 71.2 10,212,000,000 39.4 Telegrams 388,000,000 1.5 113,000,000 0.4 Telephono Callo.... 6,899,000,000 27.3 15,600,000,000 60.2 Total 24,972,000,000 100.0 25,925,000,000 100.0 America has more telephones and uses the tele phone more than all the other nations combined, be cause American telephone service in efficiency and low rates leads the world. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY To the Scrurtla Witvter Toxrist Fares In Effect November 1st r All the pinrcipal southern, gulf and Cuban cfties and re sorts are included in the general arrangement of attractive Win ter Tourists fares. Many circuit tours of the historic South are offered, going one way, returning another, including Washington DC. The Burlington maintains the highest class, electric-lighted, through trains for southern. tourists, either via Kansas City, St Louis or Chicago. Ask the undersigned for the Burlington's 'Winrer Excur sion' leaflet, or for any of the ) andsomely illustrated publica tions of southern lines, containing lists of resorts, hotels, routes, etc. FRANK DAVEY, JR. Davey Bros. Tire Repair Co. 423 Water Street Sioux City, Iowa Prompt Service WW awc ' (taw cogws I Abstracts of - Title A $10,000 Hurety Bond Iauaranteo. the loouraoy of oT.rj Abitrnot I make aucm Home Made Cozy and Comfortable in Bleakest, Coldest Winter Day YOU will be comfortable, coxy, warm and happy if you have one of these new Favorite Base Burners in your home. Here you have heat de veloped to it's maximum. Step in and look at this wonderful stove You must see it to appreciate its attractiveness and exclusive advantages. FOfO Dakota City Nebraska rd " ''HBBB'SBHBSIBBv II. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr L. W. Wakelet, Q. P. A., btnaha, Nob. RAY M. DAVEY. Satisfaction Guaranteed otya stmaa txssoaa van buOCM.o . DaktU CU1,l' AbBtraot 0 Bonded Abstracter J. J. EINDRI I mB nn i mii J 'f (I i f i ,,