DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. WHEN THE GERMANS REACHED THE NORTH SEA ENGLISH WOMEN AS MOUNTED NURSES m Pelvic Catarrh .AiMhMiSiJ&ii&i! i ' ' V . C I f&BV nm FRl' P" ' i- &. (Uri fc : we n.J r-.i I Would Not Do Without Peruna. Mlsn Emello A. Haberkorn, 2 2 6 1 Gravola Ave., St. Loula, Mo., wrltoa: 'For over two years I whs troubled with catarrh of tho pelvic organs. I heard of Dr. H a rtman'i book, 'Tho Ills .of Llfo.' I read It and wroto to tho doctor, who answerad my letter promptly. I began taking treatment ob soon as possible. Tongue cannot express how I at rtered. I feel grate ful for what U.e doctor has dono for me, and would not do without Peruna. I now cnjdy as good health ' air-ever. I find It has Improved my health so much that I will recommend It to any one cheerfully." naiBnr Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta Die act sureiy but cenuy on tne aver. Stop aftci dinner dis tress euro SUrTrtetiMtt II1U1VJIIUII . , ,, improve the complexion, origmen tne eyes. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature z-z Never form your opinion of an egg until tho lid is off. XJisSfiD Svffi'As. xjrm:nRTrWs AmttVTf'L'a s;;'-ir" AlV ILL jtvWiv iiVER V . .. s aJL ,.. vtejLaMH .. ,yj JJi".Aw4W.vi,. Woman riders of Great Britain liavo organized tho Women's First Aid NurBing Yeomanry corps to holp Uiof fighters In tho Hold. Tho photograph shows somo of tho mombora of tho corps riding across open country. RUSSIANS PRAYING BEFORE FIGHTING Above, German infantry, deflected from Ghent and Druges, passing through Blankenburghe, Just outside Ostend Below, the kaiser's infantry which entered Ostend. marching along the sands of tho North sea at that port, which they hoped to utilize ns a baso of operations against England. uS7lebridge as nurse COUNTESS GREY'S MILITARY HOSPITAL S0& voi'it own mtraoisT AVir.i. tki.t. von 'rr Mriao )!'u BomoUjr lor Itcd, Weak, Watery hyps and Utnirulitrd Uyrlld: ha hinnnlm: JLSt Hie Comfort Wrltn lor Hook of ttio Kyu by tull I'ruu Jlurluu Kro lletneUr Co.. Chicago. . At the Ball. "How was last night's affair?" "Twenty practiced tho tango and ono couple danced it." aLvffltaB Important to mowers Examine carefully every bottlo ol CASTORlA,o.safoandsuro remedy for infants and children, ana seo mat u Bears tho Signature of ,lmUso l'or Over 30 Years. Children Cry ior Fletcher's Castoria . . Queer. "Povrty is no crime," observed tho Sage. t'.'Maybe not," added the Fool. "But -It-is ah. ays punished by hard labor." These Draws. Cpl. S'igismund L.- Goodwin, tho well-known tactician, said at a dinner in vLincoln: "A good deal of tho war news that from Berlin no less than that from London, Paris and Petrograd reminds mo irrcflstibly of little Willie. '"Papa," said little Willie, looking up from tho Evening Bulletin's extra special, 'papa, what is a drawn bat tle?' "'A drawn battle, my son,' the fa rther replied, 'Is ono wherein the en . emy w ins.' " mm ,j i WW " - ' Mm ' - ' m "f i f ' MBf n lllM, ' yfc; II 1 1 in mi in ii MpWjimBm ' iyjf-aty' 'iw i' Officers of tho famous Proobrojensky regiment of tho Russian army kneeling in before going into action. LOADING A FRENCH GUN WITH A CRANE !&Uei&-. .?j.visJ33wrai. prayer for tho dlvlno blessing DRIVER OSBORNE The Surprise Ending. Two young men, "Mr. Smith" and "Mr. .loner.." were talking at a danc ing paity when a pretty young woman rasped and spoko to "Smith." "Gee." taid "Jones," "who's that? I'd like to meet her." "You can," said "Smith;" "She'B a relativo of mine." Tho Introduction followed. "Jlouea" was enthusiastic and captured a couplo of dances. Then, fueling better acquainted, ho urged her to permit him to accompany her heme. ' . "But, :ou see, I must go with my husband," she said. "Your husband I" ejaculated "Jones." "WhrVs he?" "Why, ho Introduced us; didn't you know?" she asked, Innocently. Exit , "Jones." i IHlHSKHSpVHiaHBIi Among tho many women of the British nobility who are giving their services to the Red Gross is Lady Lethbridgd, who established a hospital at Calais, where thousands of wound ed Belgians and Germans aro cared for. Countess Grey has converted hor beautiful homo, Howlck castle. North umberland, into a hospital for wounded British and Belgian soldiers, and sho attends them with hor two daughters. Tho photograph shows Sorgt. Josoph Jacobs of the Tlrlomont regiment showing his wounds nnd narrating his experiences to two of the workers at Howick castlo. He is only elghtcon years old, but was In every engagement of the Belgians from Liego to Mallnes. TROOPS OF THE CZAR IN TRENCHES So heavy are tho Bholls fired by somo of tho French field pieces that they have to bo loaded into tho gun by means of a crane, which Is a part of tho equipment of tho great englno of death. Tho gun Is set in what is known as n well and tho gun carriago works on whools bo that tho recoil carries it backward on a smooth platform. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES S. WHITMAN ? DOCTOR KNEW Had Tried It Hlmsslf. 1 i'-Tho doctor who has tried Postun. iknows that it is an easy, certain, and .'pleasant way out of tho coffco habit and all of the alls following and ho prescribes it for his patients as did a physician of Prosportown, N. J. Ono of his patients says: "During tho summer Just past I suf fered terribly with a heavy feeling at tho pit of my stomach and dizzy lecl ings in my head and then a blindness would come over my eyes so l would havo to sit down. I would get so nerv. ous I could hardly control myfeollngs "Finally I spoke to our family physi cian about It and ho asked if I drank much coffeo and mother told him that I did. Ho told me to immediately 3top drinking coffeo and drink Poatum in Its place, an ho and his family hail used Postum and found it a powerful rebuildcr nnd delicious food-drink. "I hesitated for a timo, disliking the Idea of having to glvo up my coffee, but finally I got a package and found it to bo all tho doctor said. "Since drluklng Postum In place of coffeo my dizziness, blindness and nervousness are all gono, my bowels are regular nnd I am well and strong. That is a short statement of what Postum has dono for me." Namo given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich, Read "Tho Road to Well ville," in pkgB. Postum comes In two forms: Regular Postum must bo well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum is a soluble pow der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious hover ago Instantly. 30c and COc tins, Tho cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. "Thero's a Reason" for Postum. sold by G.occrs ?&M ,11 11 111"" BEBW &f L JU i i -w Jlllli vfJjS' C " 'ft? CrfM,. I A, J r AW8mWB&m WMmmmWSMkmSmmmmmWmWBmm W iMHBf ft' ' I ! tem&m&Bmmm&J.i.ti VvX HHMk fir. Mki -v:-r? lmmViWmtmmwmiaVRmaPWmUmmiri MIJmBt1 T wttm K mW3kmmm Driver Osborno of L battery, Roy al Horse artillery, is likoly to receive tho Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravory. Tho battery was surprised, by tho Germans, ovory officer and most of tho men were killed or wound- cd, and all but ono of tho guns put out of action. Osborno and two oth ors stuck by tho remaining gun and silenced tho German pieces ono by ono until finally tho enemy retreated. COLONEL BRODGES Tho success of tho Russians In Austria is said to bo due largely to tho precision with which thoy aro moved from ono position to unother. A do taelimeut of tho Infantry Is here shown in tho trenches. Sir Hiram Maxim, the tamous In ventor, chopping up pork to ho used in his gift to the Canadian troops, which consists of 25,000 one pound tins of pork nnd beans, prepared by himself and cooked by tho method fol lowed by tho lumbermen of Cannd. King Albert of Belgium shows quali ties of grit and endurance that would huvo made him a star on the football Hold In his younger days. aDe.BSOPrlBoners In Germany. Ixmdon. A Router dispatch from Amsterdam sayn that, according to Berlin newspapers received there, tho number of war prisoners In Germany up to October 21, aggregated 29C.8G9, Including C.401 officers. Of these It Is said that there aro 2,472 French offi cers and 140,807 men, 2.1C4 Russian plllcers and 104,524 men, 517 Belgian officers nnd 31,378 men and 218 Brit ish officers and 8.C09 men. mont now has supplemented this or der with nnother forbidding tho sale of alcoholic drinks similar to o-bflluue. War to Put Lid on Absinthe. Paris. Permanent prohibition of tho sale of absinthe and kindred alco holic boverages in Franco may bo a result of the war. Transportation and salo of absinthe were forbidden when tho war began, and tho govern- Honor for Undersea Chief. Berlin. Captain Wcddlgen, com mander of tho Oorman submarines U9 which sank tho British cruisers Hoguo-Abouklr, and Crcssy In tho North sea and has boon active other wise, has received tho decoration of tho Ordro Pour lo Morlto. Charles S. Whitman, tho governor-elect of New York, and Mrs. Whitman, photographed at Lakowood, N. J., where thoy went to recuperate after their successful campaign. iiOJ-ufi("""iiJ "-" WHAT INFANTRYMEN CARRY ON CAMPAIGN The Infantryman ut Rouen who said tho 0G pounds he had on his back was too much said what ho felt rather than what he know. Tho actual wolght Is rather less than half that. Tho car tridges in his ammunition pouch weigh 9 pounds, his accoutermonts 8 pounds 4 ounces, the contents of his pack 10 pounds ounce, while his food store, consisting of the "omorgoncy ra tion" and water, together weigh C Dounds 13'4 ounce i'lklng u tottil of 35 pounds 14 J,4 ounces. In addition to these "packages" ho has a rifle and a bayonet, which on tho march ho carries as ho likes, and In a battle as tho enemy dlsllkos; togothor thoy wolgh 10 pounds 8 ouncos. So, Instead of staggering along with 90 pounds, ho actually carries 40 pounds 4 ouneoH. Cossack Cloak and Joffro Hct. Paris. Tho Joffro hat nnd Cossack cloak are dollnito features of Paris winter fashions. The hat Is mado of dark velvet. It is round and llat with a peak. The cloak Is heavy and loose, ending at tho knoes. game slnco they haVo been brought into active nervlco with the armies I in tho field. This consists of count- 1 Inn' Ihn niitnlinr of bullet holOH In 1 tholr machines aftor tho Mights of tho Each bullet holo Is marKod wuu EMPRESS EUGENIE AS NURSE Uses Her Home as Hospital and Per sonally Supervises Care of Officers. London. Although tho Empress Eugenlo is almont 80 years old, sho Is taking tho greatest interest In tho war and has sot asldo an entire wing of her house at Fnrnborough Hill for tho uso of wounded officers, Several injured olflcors aro now recuperating there and tholr aged hostess person ally supervises tholr care. Her estato is near tho great camp at Aldorchot, which King Georgo nnd Queen Mury visit frequently. Prac tically all of Empress Eugonlo's men eervantB havo joined tho army In Franco. Nevertheless, she entertains many of the distinguished military men who vUlt AlderBhot, apologizing for her plain faro and explaining that hor cooks havo moro important work now than preparing food for an aged ompress and hor guests. Britain Increases Pensions. London. A whlto paper will bo is sued announcing a substantial in crease in tho pcnslonB for disabled soldiers, but it will not concede 1 weekly, which has been asked. The childless widow will receive 7b 6d wcokly and may qualify for an old ago pension. The additional pension for a first child Js 5s weekly and a half-crown each week for tho next threo. For tho fifth child and onward 2s oach is allowed weekly. Thus a widow with flvo children would got 22s each wook. CjPft' J- SCHOOL TEACHER OF FRANCE A WAR HERO New Game of French Aviators. 'Iho Irrrc'i avlatos have a ucw llllV. red chalk so that It cannot bo count ed In tho next day's scoro. vfho rec ord at prosont 1b held by ono of tho blrdmon, who counted 37 bullet IioIcb In his aeroplano nfter a flight. He la allow od lo bo the "record man du monde," rnd, accoidlng to his fellow tiM.itors b' has earned tae title Paris, Not all hcroos aro Boldlors. From a prlvatu letter Is gleaued tho following account of tho conduct of a cortulti school tenchor. In tho battle of August 29 ho aided in caring for tho wounded nnd helped to encourage the French soldiers. Though himself wounded by a plcco of shell, ho con tinued, to administer tho nffalra of tho vIlhiBo whonco the officials had IK'd When tho Germans enlorod ho .'i" mado a uonr and wnn threat- ..A.i -...Ifli ilnnllt hut tin urns rnlpRHed and ralslod a column of Prussians, this facilitating tho retreat of tho Forty fourth French Infantry. Obtaining nnrtnlflslnn from tlio Gormans to gather tho dead and wounded, he helped to bury tho bedloa. Ho se cretly Interred 30 Gorman BhollB and numerous belts of mitrailleuse ammu nition. Ho tended tho wounded with euch skill and firmness that tho Ger mans thouKht him a surgeon. Colonel Brodgea of tho British army has been highly praised for his bravery in action, has been decorated by tho French government with tho ribbon of tho Legion of Honor, and Is slated to receive the Victoria Cross and tho Distinguished Servlco order. When tho namd of a now town that's spelled chiefly with consonants bobs up In tho press dispatches, what can a harassed telegraph editor do but shut his eyes and hope for tho best? Dutch Provide Pleasant Quarters. Tho Dutch have chosen pleasant places tor tho internement of the Eng lish who bavd been forced to cross Into tholr neutral territory. Gron ingen is a town of Quo houses and wide, clean etreets, in which enough sixteenth-century houses remain to give it an old-world air. Gardens and promenades abound and in tho con ter lies a group of opon spaces, chief among them the largo market squaro, in which tho French republicans Ulan ed their tree of liberty In 1795.