Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 05, 1914, Image 5

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    UjjF r
Dakota City
Fresh Groceries of all kinds and
at Prices that are Right
Just Arrived
a nice lot of Shoes, Ginghams,
Calicoes, Percales, Etc.
Come in and get First Choice
We will save yc u money if you
trade with us.
If you don't buy it here, how can we save it for you
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs
W. L.
Dakota City,
Editorial in Sioux City Union Advocate, Oct. 15th.
"Tho Mid-West Hunk mlvortlsos a triple resorvo on linml Insuring the nssortlon of
President Konrney that this llnanclal Institution Is as 'Safo as a Government Bond'.
Demand doposlts aro always avallaulo at the Mid-West because of the policy adopted of
always keeping nn oxcoss of cash on hand, and during tho twent eight years banking
experience of Mr JCoarney, depositors havo never been compelled to wait for their money
bucnuso a dearth of available funds. In these days of 'watchful waiting' such a record
should mean somothlug to the depositor who wants his money when ho wants it'.
Reserve) requiroil by Iowa State Lnw $28,033 63
Our roserve on band toduj ouch and in banks $90,923 GO
$6e Mid-West
Sioux City, Iowa.
For Saturday only Oct. 31.
BoHt beef hoiliug meat 12o lb
Host bef rib roiiHt 18a lb
llest Loin sto k 25o lb
Rpkt round Bteiilt 23c lb
Park chops 23c lb
Berlin Ritusago, or incased bum. 18a lb
Mined limn 17a lb
Uologuu 14o lb
Frankfort buubjko Ho lb
Livor HHiiBhge, 15c, or 2 lb for. 2Go lb
Morrells Hums 18o nud 20o lb
Rex Bacon 22o lb
Salt pork 18o lb
Extra select oysters, per quart. . , 45o
All this meat
to bo sold Saturday
I will also bavo tbe freshest lino
Groceries and Cookios in town,
Myalic floor, per aaok $1.70
All tbo ulovo goods will be sold for
spot ensb only.
Tbo Oaab Byatem WinB,
QO D FA Wood, single, to Graco llnmll
ton, Oct 12, lots baud 11, blk W2. Dakota
Olty $1.
Mary O Kltzslmmons to J M Barry, K of
of neK and wK of seK and seK of se
21-28.8 1100
George W Ashford to Ferdinand J Ochan
der, land In sees 28-29 In 27-8 1
Frank fc Olark to W P Hutohlns, lots 2, 8
and 4. blk 48, and lot 23, blk 47, Joy Place,
South Sioux Olty J025.
P H Madison and wife to () D Smiley, lot 9,
blk 1, original South Sioux Olty 1150
John H Burke and wife to William Buck
son, lot 7, blk (5U, Covington 1185
William P Warner, trustee, to W A Ifouts,
lot 6, blk 4, Moan A Hunt's add to South
Sioux Olty 110.
Sanford K Brown and wife Sarah, to John
Jl Hlnkon. swji nwK 12-28-0 W.200
Sanford K Brown and wife Sarah, to Frank
II Way nwji nwK, and neK nwji 12-28-8...
V Ii Koten and wife Lilian G, to Ralph and
Harvoy Twamley, lots 80, 31, blk 83, Joy
Place, South Sioux Olty .S28U.
Geo W Bauey to O A Barhor, nwifseK 10-
29-7 tS,2&0,
Patrick Buggan to Kllen Diiggan, his wife,
nwiiof swji 25-23-7 SI.
Charles Skldmore and wife to Harriett
Gain, wH of lots 9 and 10, blk 42, Joy Place.
Hcuth Sioux Olty S75
J A Spellman and wife to Oarl O Jonson,
lot 0, blk 2, original South Sioux Olty..140
liOSteppensand wife to J ASpellman.Kof
lots 5, 7 and 8, blk 2, original South Sioux
Olty S165.
Bridget Hodglns and hus, Thomas, to M D
Oameron.eJiof nwJ 19-29-7 S3.200
I, PAdanunnd wife to J A Bunn, lot 24, blk
ft, 1st add to South Sioux Olty S2U0
Mary A Gilbert and hus, O B. t W Hazel,
grove, lots 1,2 and 3 blk 88, Joy Place, So
SlouxOlty ,,. ..two
I.oulsJopp to Hans Jensen, sw'i 28, lot 2
secKl. nil 111 27-7 116,80)
Tbe Kozy Studio now located at
Fourth aud Douglas atroets. Tbe
biggest, beat variety of email size pho
tos in tlfo city. Special Postal cards
and stamp photos, Soe us aud save
money. Kozy Studio.
An Illinois editor says in bis paper
that all tho young womon of that town
wore "spoonoiH,." Ho was given a
weok to provo it or leavo town, Being
marriod ho oauldn't prove it and sold
out to u bachelor who not only prov
ed it buHceut tho knowlodgn to him
sou. Rosult Evorybody happy ea
peoially tho new editor.
mmmmmm n rt-mtammamtmm
troHtn Ton RIGHT"
Ed T. Ki-nruei,
PreBi inn!
"Tfs -
Local Items
F A Wood returned Thursday from u
business trip toLinoolu und Orujihn,
A fino baby daughter was bom lust
Thursday to Mr and Mrs Fied Oulbort
son. Tho Lorenz cottage i ast of the (Jity
Meat Market whh moved Friday to the
Will Bergor farm.
Richard Shortloy and wife returned
laHt wcok fiom a two months' visit at
their old homo in Canada.
George Wilkinv oounty clerk, whs
in Norfolk Thursday and Friday, look
ing ufier tho printing of tho election
Mr and Mrs Paul Kinkle entertain
ed the families of Edgar Frederick,
J B Leach and John II Ream, at
dinner Sunday.
Mrs W D Wait loft yesterday for
her homo otSoward, Nebr, after u two
weekB stay here at the home .of hor
mother, Mrs Jus Fuestoa.
Oharloy Varvais, ono of tho progresi
ivo farmers west of Hubbard, dropped
in to'soo us one day last week and left
the prioo of a years subscription to tho
Mies Susie Haxby, a former tele-
phone operator at this plaoe, but now
a stenographer in a Sioux Olty ofllco,
was a Sunday visjtor bore at tho Mrs
Fueston homo.
Frank Learner and family made an
auto trip to Vermilion and other parts
of South Dakota, Sunday, and found
no place on tho route that they liked
better than good old Dakota county.
The littlo son of Mr wad Mrs Homer
Hetts was seriously injured one day
last week at his homo at Dallas, S D,
while watching a foot ball sorimmage
Mrs Hetts will bo remembered efo as
uiibh xjuiiuti .cruuuriuK.
About forty members of the Masonio
order attended tbe QrBt meetiug of the
lodgo in tho now building on 15th
and Broadway Saturday evening.
Omadi Lodgo No 5, now has ono of
tho finest Masonic halls in this part of
tho statu. A special meeting of tho
lodgo will bo held Saturday evening,
Nov 7th, for work in the master ma
3ns degree
Tho Ladies Aid of Elk Valley
Friend church wish to thank tho
Hubbard business mon for their libor-
al donations. Thoso who guvo to tho
ohuroh are: DC Heffornan, $5.00;
O Andoreon Co, $5.00; Demonstration
Oommittoo, $5 00; Renze & Green,
$2.00; E & B Lumbor Co, $1.00; Willie
Hayes, $1.00; Wilired Voss, $1.00;
Hubbard Stato Bank, 5Co; Tom Hef
fernan, C0o;Omon Beacom, 50o; Wm
Duggan, COo.
Oharloi Wilson of Homer is boinft
hold in tho county jail hero pending
tho ontoomo of a fight at Homer Satur
day night, in which Wilson throw an
empty beer bottle at Myrou Bates,
missing his intendod victim and strik
ing Carl Penry, an innooent bystander,
on tho Head, fracturing his skull.
Penry wob taken to a Sioux City hos
pital where tho fractured skull was
trepanned, and at this writing he is
slowly mending. Wilson is hold in
oustody without a chargo being lllod
against him, awaiting tho result of
Penry a injury.
Work is progressing nioely on tho
waterworks plant. The chug of the
gasoline trench-digger and tho pnff of
tho big steam engino on the well digg
ing machine goes merrily along. Tho
well is down now about ono hundrod
feet, and will bo sunk another hundred
feet in order to got a supply of soft
water if possible. The trench digging
will bo pretty well done this wcok if
tho weator romains favorable. Tho
mains aro boing laid as fast as tho
tronob is finished, and tho pipes lead
ed togethor, Tho way tho work is
progressing at present it looks as
though wo would have a water system
in this fall alright.
Tho Herald I year, $1.
Lost a now pair of mon's slices.
Fiudcr pleaso loavo at this ofllco.
President Wilson has designated
Thursday, Nov 2filit ns n day for
giving thanks.
U 8 Mnrohal W P Warner came up
from Ouittha Tuesday to caBt his vote,
and to look aftor business matters,
Marriod on Friday by Rov Aucock,
Harloy Johnson of Luton, Iowa, and
Zella Groono of South Sioux City .
Walter Adair aud family Iihvo moved
into tbo Lorenz rcsidenoo, and J Jones
has movod into tho bouso vaontod by
Eugono Loedom audfunily have
movod into tho Oity hoti 1 and will
look aftor tho wants of the hungry
Mound City PaintB and Varnishes
proeorvo nnd beautify Dakota City
Chris Paulson, wife aud
daughter, of Morningside, were
duy visitors at tho Mrs Georgo
nett homo.
For Salo Good Fresh cow, alto a
four year-old horso colt.
Stephen Joyco,
Dakota City, Nebr.
Patriok Jonts, of Hubbard, was a
business caller in thii town Friday
and inoidontly looking after his winter
supply of potatoes.
A numbor of Masons from thin lo
cality are takiug tho Scottish Rito
degrees of Masonry at a reunion held
in Sioux Oity this week.
E O Goodman and family nrrivod
boJo Sunday from Bisby, Ariz .a, n
a visit at tho homo of Mr Goodman's
parents, 0 S Goodman and wifo.
Dakota City Pharmaoy has added a
full lino of magazines and pemdicials.
Will tako subscriptions for auything in
this lino. Deliverios mado promptly.
Wm Lahts has been appointed mar
shal and street commissioner by tbo
village bo.ird, to fill llw vacancy
occasioned by the death of James
Tho dates for the International Live
Stock Exposition at Chicago is announ
ced for Nov 28 to Deo 5th Thin in
the great i st stock show hel.l in tbe
United States.
Oiir moBt popular clubbing offer
IbiH year is Tho Youth's (Jompuiinti
ami Tho Horahl for only $2 50. Tho
rngular prioo is $3.00. Have 50 c nln
by subscribing now I ofore tlinnfft r Is
The party that ordered four patterns
from tbo PeorlesB Pattern (Jo about
tho 1st of October, und ut-glocteil to
sign the order, can bavo tl.o order
filled by calling at tbe posloflice and
signing tho order.
Georgo W MoBcnth and Walter
Oheuey returned Thursday of lrut
week from a business trip to Florida.
Mr Cheney rented pioptrty in St
Augustino and will move there with
his mother about tho middle of i est
Rov Alexander Oorkoy, Prtsbyteiian
pastor at Wayne, Nebr, died Wednes
day V)f last week in a Sionx City hos
pital following an operation for npi.cn
dicitis. Dr Corkey was prominont in
ohtirch work in this stato, and was
also a prominent author and man of
Don Forba, John Evans aud Her nan
Bierman, jurors in tho federal court,
aamo up from Omaha Saturday ovo
ning, court having adjourned for
elootion. Tho two formor returned
Wednesday, while Mr Bierman wmh
excused for tho entire wook, and will
return to Omaha Sunday.
Tho foaturos for tho Picture Show
Thursday evening will be a comio
reel, "Sohomo That Failed," un.i "Too
Proud to Beg" and "V&igoance of
Najerra," in single reels. For Satur
day ovoning "Littlo Billy's Triumph,"
a comio reel, and a two-reel picture,
"Tho Hermit." will be tho features.
A spooial servico will bo held in tho
M E Church Sunday evening. A
musical program will bo rendered by
tho ohoir and soloists, all the hymns to
bo uood being the work of tho great
poet of the Methodist Church, Charles
Wosloy. The Pastor will preach a
spooial sormon ontitlod, "Is it a sign of
weakness to be religions".
Tho Jolly Idlers olub mot Snturday
evening at the Lome of Miss Mynlt
Baughman, and reorganized for the
winter months. Apples unl peanuts
was tho holloweeu inonu. Tliemxt
mooting of the club will bo held . t
the homo of Mrs Harry Sidfs this
Thursday evening, when several now
members will bo "taken in ,
Word was recioved here lBt week of
the death of Rev Joel A Smith, at his
home in Beloit, Wis. Death resullou
from onncerof tho stomach. Rov Smith
filled tho M E pastorato in this place
about twenty years ago, and hud
preached here on several occasions
since, whenever in this vicinity. Ho
had soorcs of friends horo who will bo
grioved to hoar of bis death.
Sioux Oity high school second team
defeated Dakota Oity high school by
a score of 20 to 7 in one tf tho fastest
games played here this your. At the
end of tho first quarter tho score stood
7 to G in favor of Dakota City but
later by continuously fieudiug in freBh
men tho city boys turned the tables on
the locul team. They playod bard
but the tide was against them. Tho
city lads playod liko real sports and
showed superior trailing
Mrs Ada Bliveu, wifo of Jay A
Blivon, died at their homo at Har
tington lust Thursday Mm Blivon
had been siok for nearly two yonrs
past, and was a patieut sufferer until
the last. Four children, booides tho
husband, aro left to mourn her uutimo
ly death. The family resided bore for
many yours, the decousod boing a
daughter of Mr and Mrs Wesley Mo
Phorson, pioneers of Dakota oounty.
The funeral sorvioes wore held Sunday.
Tbo following list of jurors havo
been selected for tho turm of district
court which convenes horo Novombor
23; Ray Hooh, Goorgo Hirschbank,
Guy Manning, A. J, Krampor, Beok
Nelson, M. J, Logue, B. J. Oobloigh,
Wm L. Broyhill, O. A. Barber, Osoui
Stamm, John Lebahn, John Crita,
Louis Bogg, L H. DoForrest, Frank
Budky, John Barlow, Nels Krogh, O,
H. Holsworth, IIodh O. Jensen, nenry
F. Diorking, Miobaol T. Beacom, Ed
Hauler, Georgo Barnott, and nans
The monger returns bo far received
iudicato tuo re-oloction ( Governor
Morohciid and Congressman Dan V
Tho vote in Dakota oounty had not
becu all counted and Eont in Wedms
day noon, but the count indicated a
republican vie or).
Bacon was foveral bundled nhoad
of Mitchell for treasurer,
MoKiutoy boats Iliffsinau foi j ulgo
by about 200 votri,
Gain's uleetion as shoiiff in conceded
by about 100.
WllkiuH ami Fruin wet loeleoted
without opposition.
The vote botwi'ou Miss Vurihy uiid
W E Voss for eotiniy Miperintemb ut
is close and uill not be knonu until
tho otlk'ial count is in.
Woiuuu'h BtiffrHge csriiod in Dakota
precinct 78 to 73.
TLo full tabulatt 1 retiiriH will be
given next week, altwi tho tis have
I'loil c iuassed.
Patrick Jonis antoed to Sioux City
ouo day last w.iok.
The Hallowo'en dunce fcivo.i at
Jackson lust Friday was a groat suc
cess, A largo number from hero at
tended. Overalls, jiokots und corn huskers'
outfits ut C Anderson I 's.
Will OiUz was en th. dick list Snt
urday. Tho Pratts of Sioux City, vNited nt
the John Campbell homo lust week,
Evorybody was busy likt woek
electioneering for tin ir men.
Sh outers and hm cuter ecaln lii an
ondle.ss vaiitty at U Andcitini Co's.
Mis Frank,Muhnn xpii.t tie past
week visiting at tho b mies of telativeH
Mary Graham is soinouliut inn rov
od, a tliiug her many fiiends will bo
pleased to learn.
Tom Lung whh a county si at visitor
lust week.
Muckiuatv coats ut C Anderho Co'd.
George Thackvr, of Homer, wih in
Hubbard Saturday looking after his
political Held.
A Hiirprbo partv wuu he'd 8utnrdti
at tuo Fred Nulseu ho'iie.
The kuffeselkab was btigdy attend
ed dun day at tbu Mads Nelsi-u home.
About $5 was the gain.
Our winter unJorwuur it in stock,
nn I wo can supply onr needs in au
quality ibsired. O Anderson Co.
Ex-Sheriff Ilnnsui and uifu were
visitors west of Hubbard Sun luy
Dan Ilartnatt aud son Tom autoed
to Vista un t Jackson Moudsy.
If yuu need a iiowlliuiteili, lemem-
ber wo havo a now btocl: uf the best on
the market. U Andursqn Co.
D O Heffeinan was an over
visitor at Homer Saturday.
ChtiR Dodge was u JiicKboh
Mr und Mrs Guy Woii
frionds ut Goodwin Monday.
Our Clean Qniok waolier is
tho best of satisfaction; runs light und
does tho work right U Anderson Co.
Mr und Mrs Louis Lumen, of Ho
mer, wo-o Sunday gmsts nt tbo Rus
Nelson homo.
Littlo Anna Beok spent Sunday
with her sister Christine.
Thorvulu Mogeneen bus routed the
John Hognn farm for next year.
Alumnium cooking watoof all hinds
ut O Anderson Co's,
Mr and Mrs Poter SoronBon entor
tained a largo numbor of friends Sat
urday evoniug.
Goorgo Eblo bad his o.ir of coal un
loaded Monduy.
Bert Francisco hauled u load of
Bheep to Sioux Oity Monday.
We wuut your cream, butter, egge
und farm produce, and will pay the
highest mutket price. O Anderson Co.
Fred Burtloa win m Sionx Oity
Mr ami Mis Curl Anderson ato Sun
day dinner at the homo of Mr aud Mrs
C Audersin of Vista.
Mary Hugun was un over Saturday
and Sunday visitor an her homo.
If you need u now brond raiser, with
cover, sto our stoak, U Anderson Oo.
Mrs James Water spout lust wcok
with her folks in Sioux City. Mr
Waters went up Sunduy to ucoompuny
her homo,
Miss O'Connor und Camilla Quinu
visited lust wepk ut the Mrs Miko
Furrel homo.
With each purchase of $5,00 wo are
giving away absolutely freo a lino
onyx stowpun. Get yours befoto they
uro all taken. O Anderson Co.
Joo Waters brought his sister, Miss
Anna, and Miss Quiiin ovci to their
schools Monday morning,
Will and John Hayes
Siour Oity Monday,
uutoovl to
''Toddy" Tliompspn is still somo
troubled with tho kuee he hurt n ton
days ugo.
Mite Marion Ouitis visited ii few
days lust wook with Miss Mary Reiiii
nt Salem,
Tho M E Ladies Aid met with Mrs
Tom Christopher Thursduy. There
woro nbout thiity present. A dainty
mncii was served.
"Standiurr loom only" might havo
boon Buid of the meetiug at the M E
ohuroh tho luBt two Sunday uvoningH,
Mrs Florouco Nixon and littlo
daughtor wore guests at tho Nelson
Smith homo Friday.
Mrs Rob Uilemuu and Httlp (laughi
tor wero guoats ut tho Mnrvin Armour
homo Inst woelc.
T D Curtis received a box of cigars
mado in Manilla. - Hi sou Minor,
who is now in Honolulu, vent them,
T D says they are lino
Sovonty-ouo degrees Sunduy, No-
ip ,m ? rm ,- , -, MmTlrinirT"lf IMHI .luf I Hi
vcmbii I lnu we won't lr I alo.it it
us ibctiuu day i coiulig iu.il w. sup l
poiH inert) win be the Usual wtoUho,-.
Mm Uetmio LaCoinmno leturiuil
homo Inst week from a visit with reln
tivo in Emersnu und Omahn.
Grnndmu Antrim, df D.ikoU City,
is in Homer visiting old frionds and
attending revival meetings.
Tho "for moil oiil" meeting a.t the
M J3 ohuroh Htiiuluy afternoon whh
pretty well utteiuled and otiflht to
miiko those who. houtd it think noine.
Arthur and Dick Harris ato Sunday
dinner with their binthor Em ami
family in Salem.
Mrs Amos Shook, who hns boon vis
iting her motlior, Mrs Kinnonr und
olhor relativcH, returned to her tome
at Kadokn, S D, Sunday,
Mrs U 13 Ohmit nnd daughter ntito
ed from Wiunebngo jind woro guests
of lilra Gertin Sheimrdsou Friday.
Audry Alloway and wifo utitoed to
tho Will Rockwell homo Sunday uud
spout the day.
T 1) Curtis visited ut the Alfred
II hi tin home Saturday,
Mrs T D Ouitis uud Murion woro
guests ut tho Em Hurria homo Bivoral
dajs lust woek.
Mrunl Mrs Will Lonmor tcok their
daughter, Olvo, to Sionx Oity Wed
nesday for an examination. She has
been ailing for sonio time nnd it was
docidod she had n troublesome appen
dix, though not in a serious condition
Pro Domol and family wcro guests
at tho Alfred Harris hoiuo Sunday.
Frank Muliou und C E Doolittle, of
Dakota City, woro Homer visitors
She- . ii MoKiutoy, jr, wont to
Sioux City Friday night to visit his
cousin, Malcolm Smith, uud tuko in
tho foot ball giirao Saturday.
Auditor II A Mouroo spoilt lBt week
in Homer and Winnubugo for tho E &
11 company.
Otitis Hdlsmrth and family nutocd
to Sioux Oity Sunday to spend the
day with Mrs Holswurth'ts father
South Sioux ln'pji selioil font
boys rtimo to lb mer 'I'llemla) to
out high sohcol toxin uml kh'.sc lo'il
to 7. Albert Biistol made ooiuo noim
Mi and Mis Beit ShuMon, of Walt
hill, weio vittilorN nt the Mr i ICinmui
home WidneHibi i.f IhhI wo1: M-k
Aiuo Shook iiecoiuianied tlini. Imiue
uud from lli'H ii i.l ki tn Oinulni to
visit friuuds.
TIiimo wns Kinii lliiuj; cunie int
nuuier o.nuriiay noin toward l!.iue'
soi. It loiikeil like an alltuuiobi'O
Tbr n pie two Well Niltiritf Ml I lie
fu , ' e ' i m i
lllll U un auiii.ulilii tliul tv uKti. 111. I. ..
box. Somo ( no said it win a water
wugfuanl tl o lux waa whoio the
water wiib stored. How about it, 1
Oarl Penry met wit . quito a soriou
accident iti the Halojti here. Charbs
Wilson hud u quurrol with Alyion
Mates und threw u bcor bottle ut him,
but it missed Bates aud hit Poui,
crushing his skull. Ha wuh removed
to a Sioux Oity hospital. It was 10
portod Sunday evening that ho was
somo bettor. Another tompofoiioo lec
ture Wecloy Blown, Lis mother and iMib
Hnrry Broun nutoed to Homer Hun
day uud wero visitota at tho Ham
Brown homo. Wesley bus just com
plojed u trip to his old home, in I'ei n
sy I van la and visited pluces of intciot
emoute Niagara was cue of their id -jectivo
points. Mr and Mis Brou
woro well pleased with their trip un
think un auto beats a train all hollo
for sight seeing.
County Superintendent Margate)
Murphy, of Homoi-, spent ovor Suuduj
in the II W O'Neill home.
James M Brudy bud a load of cuttli
on tho Sioux Oity market Monduy,
Frank Francisco depnrted Mondu.i
for York, Neb, to resume his studies
in the York business college.
Louis Kuudson and fumily of Ho
mor, wero guests in the II Kuudsui
home Sunduy,
Raymond Hull, who spent tho sum
mer ut Fuithikg, Alaska, returned
homo last l''i i i ty.
Mr. i Jumuj Sutherland departed
Sumbu for Winner, Net), to visit re
relatives uud frionds.
Henry Stovons und wife have moved
to tho James Sutlierlund f inn west uf
E A Lnuhy is visiting his mo: her,
Mm M Leahy, this week
Mrs J J MuBrido, of I ioux City, is
vibitiug in the Wm Riley home
Moua Nunlyke vlaited hor pareutb
in Sionx City vor Sunduy, She win
accampii'iio l homo by Gertrude Mo
Enos Holt letnined Alniiduy from u
mouths visit with relntivi s at York,
Neb, and Luko Crjstal, Minn.
Mts Hortha Powell, of Eldorado
Mo, is visiting in tho W A Swcuriugon
Rose Orcve, who touches' in tho
Muds Nelson district, npjut tho week
ouil with her parents nt Sloan, In,
John Gnodfellow lctnri.ul to his
homo at Muiiuelt', Wis, tho Inst of
tho wook after u visit with lelmivcs
hero nud nt Vista.
P Gormaily nnd family expect lo
move iti u few nooks to their now
home ut O.ilidile, Nxb, wlioro Mr
Gormaily owns a ailouu,
The dunce lubt Friday night in tho
now pool hull wan a gnutt success,
there being G7 numhors sold.
Benuetta Hall alt tided a Hullo
we'uti party in the F Uuvoy homo ut
Sioux City, luat Satuidny evouiug.
Among tho Juckson school nuunifi
who uro attending tuo toucliuis con
vention at Omaha this wide aio Mary
WultorB, who touches ut O'Neill, Neb.
uud Lucy McOormiok, of Albion, Nob.
For Sale
Puro broil Duroo Jorsoy Ijoius. Big
thrifty oui!B with good bono und broeil
ing, Prion right.
John 1). Evunn.
Dukotii Oily, Nobr.
Itoalostutoloana. Geo Wilkina Ally
'.Wiimnttft), tirregtTi
WrTl i'iiia-1
Specialsjor Saturday, Nov. 7
For this Isvy Only
3 qt fresh Cranberries ,25c
1 lb best 30c Coffee 25c
3 pkss fresh Potato Chips 25c
1 gal Karo Syrup 45c
3 pkg-j Macaroni or Spaghetti . . .' .' .- 25c
1 5 lb pkg Rolled Oats 20c
1 10c pkgs Corn Flakes 25c
UOcpkgs Soda 25c
7 bars Flake White Soap 25c
7 lb Jersey Sweet Potatoes 25c
1 -IS lb -ack Puritan Flour S1.60
Our Big Pete premium for Saturday will be
n half doz. Wm. A. Rogers Sherwood pattern
Table Forks, Guaranteed for 10 Years
Dakota City,
ia jl i
WiS.I AU About?
1 I
4 JW., rh JV -i b nAt.rtfSVv " I
1 &(MW(l&tWMW
awia.sv &m&jMmiwrP8Mh jxtmikb
m rrT7mr v vfriuM4'MHi' Krtfr ftyatcri!
n ",,H)m!m&m3ffl , psa
' MV'frL yp)tSiwmxmMi'ii,Mt
. r - j.'m.'v isjumm :jifiiB.'iHBktf.,'uKVBai
t ji u liAulL. ttfimvlKkiKBL' M7f
y. N!5&5pfaff
'A.'!!K1JrBSak.SC?TtAliSfcfiillk ..V V.! '
'4A (5tJS5WWS S&W&KZ&iZi'JLtVm
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''S-VSS.LLtVV.TS-V S3ttJ,.V'ki5?tf'
.-J".. ' VVM .lJtrYr ll V '.
smxxiri v.ltti.aXiXW3 -
VitSiUS' - zvXWltW4WJt&&U&!2
JUT AS the whole world gone stark mad over a very foolish and trivial
question? Are swords rattling, cannon rumbling mailed armour
clistcninc just because Russia wanted to show her love for the little
brother Scrvia
LiX?lrcr-lH "'ceninuiiuEimiierirameoicnesstnatu Deingpiayed.
IftsHJ See upon
V3R5rfMMB "v ot
x- j)v .- -i -t-wryKV ui iiic uast
i-.J. $m' greatest
the naked,
hyjyi-, RrVIPltf nf
hftM ordinary
otvS5Sfw uuruv
1 1 i bmi - j- t
frrf ww
tm j "ur
' 1 T, i " ' ,
i5?.d.m tms
liV. .K-nTTiflrSsWrn tt rvAfe n mimnm. tomi.
Sxtizcyximm - vioiuiv wcni uvjiiu iu cscanc xroni ncr aarjenesi
?i ?vv mi ,r . jwi-iumm
nrFt J Keau now uermanv nnd Amtm f-n-r,il t !,- ,---
jntCIlt Itrenrrtll. Iinv
-" - -
they have pinned
'T'llIJ muter ol the ptn ihowi you the ilory thit wm Greece's
tn u, a t'?nd'!'r ,b" WM Rorae'i. He culdei you ihroofh the
fSSSff7 E'S.
jfj . (, l i , ,
W5Jy.lVjii7?(W f rational V iitn-nil nn 9 fnif
&( j ( r 7 r
w.' 1 caii iTUT uiciciub. in
out of cbaoi and the Review
a .
t vr
SIMv't ,u "
'Wj$mi Send UH ,ae WW . It krlnn the ' f""1" '"V1 '"n '
f&Tml -kt vbo" loui ohimea charrei "" ' lb." World-wlthout charre.
B5W 1NO WepaM tUcJiiltljr
ltZ? MM I IlAnnniT "'VW siiMyouicttliebooki I . w pit bjou
lZ&GZM'J ."'""Cy nJWttlhem-youienJ2$cemi fu
u lor luippinf tn4 ii.uu raomii for three momha f '
toray lotlbo Review of Rnlewi. Ifthebooka ...
aren't vrono raw than you pay for booka and marazlne to. f fr;
lelbf f, icnsl ihem back at our eapeme. But be prompt, Tho f
world.wlde fame of nuruy will make theie 5,00(1 mi Oil. """'"'"'
appear from our nock room at once. Send yuur couioh ... Fo' ' "I '! lend'cnly 11.00 and wo
today and be In time, ' W 'hlpp Inf chartei.
The beautiful V leather aet com only i few ce&s
Review of ReTiewa To rt Irl.. PI N V J"? J0' '? ' ,hl lu'1"'n blndlnf. chanea 1
neTKW o: lUTiewt l( 3Q Jxtiaj IT., W.I, monthi above to S raontha, or lend JS.00 carh la luil.
Farms for Trade Iand ranging in price from SG0.00 to I
j 50.00 per aere.
Irist Your Firvi WiiK Mo
E. F. Rasmussen, Auctioneer
"Your Humble Servant"
Ponca, Nebr. Phone 50 P. O. Box 101
M i!"l
minn -ni iuiiwmuj.wi,i
k -Ht ISj.a - Wore?tEv V . .
u.y-Bii - -w.wMm'r
ik v jl a- toiL'tnr.
wkwi asmtws
r T-VxxfVflb
UfYdrSIZuWl, iY&V-Vt
.bKsSSfSvBC.. $ kS&SiA
WlTL -S. lOMT"" '' '-- v m -- -MIA' l. I -
2IWin)fi?lGifT'M? i .ryu.W
rr.lV.WVl ATit .d JbV7 wrTT- W V"r
sB-!as.i.'.c25awtai.. f .' r it a
lKH.TL' - - - &? Lf J jm m , a ,f.
VT ''VNKVi.'a W . .iUil .TSmrBW Ta'.i
rjfZW8fi Mrvjwrj?Mw'S
aside tut curtain of Europe' politics and lee
what a tlim, yet desperate, excuse the sacred
millions may be sacrificed. Kead the hutory
authorities the world has ever known. and learn
uiie nuniireu vrnrs. n wnrirn nv nnp nr n
ihameful trulli. Tust to Eret vou started as a
TJVtltr Bllltcfr!li wm tniU iaii li?a bv4m.
offer. Wc will give to you
s nistnrv nr tnp wftfin
t. t a- a w -m.-mr r v v
, " . f . ... . w""
pienua ciom volumes, full of
ciimax or a nunareu years 01 preparation.
timely, authoritative, complete, AND THE
Urtly UONUliNSED class c wor d h itorv of nhi'eh b-um-
2t000,000 copies havt bttn loli in France alontw. what has
taken place in the inner councils of Europe during the past one
hundred years. Read in these entrancing paces how Russia
lint frit fjn-i rtft!la U .!. r t t
1 . a ?1 .
uicu 1'on, vun us economic ireeuom.
hn rulnrr n rtitmni. i. ..! u.
- w... .ajaia w Vll VV.M.lliaiW kVmk UliX HUtV W
all in this last, supreme stake. ,
Lesson of the Past
........v ...... ,t vn.iuiius ou aiyt oi ituaaium inl me ctntadet i J
Ihrmich the KcniUunce up lo coniempotmroui hlnory, which Prof. RtUw
(iioueiior completn In UillUnt nunncr. In the ilory ol the put of
lie Ihe frccti of todiy. And you will under.ianj them better when Reylewi,
joutel he Review of Reilewi lor year tor tbe Kclev of He- 36 Ink VI,
ttewa will ehe VOU a line intrnrrtitlnn nl ,. ... k. ... .l 0 H V L.
..-..,.... u ,,,k v.vm.m.1 (. ... j ..CI. .,,
I P:
It.ffrnr.i.iU. ni k 1.1- & iZ n .. f..
.iinuw v mupicimuiiimiuc j vj you, uuruy 1111-
o( Reewi ill du It lor you. rolumei bound In cloth.
. Alio enter my name for
the (1 Rerlew of Rerlewt for
Tour minj vmi hiiui iuo ov.ub or c k iir..u m
2' ' lor ihlpolnc nd tl
" I ter montb lor three montha for
jee. All ire "werwiae i will, vitnin to diya. re-
Me Sell You
In Nebraska and South Dakota
The best Corn and Alfalfa land in
the states. I can sell at provate or