Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 29, 1914, Image 1

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    ' . '
Motto: All The News When 1 1 Is New
VOL.23. lnl0 I,slolit?Jil Society I
NO. 9.
This Is ttao way the Belgians destroyed the railway which was the Ger
man lino of communication between the army In Franco and Brussels. '
Enveloping Campaign of the Al
lies Stemmed Paris Ad
mits Retirement.
Fresh Troops of the Kaiser Turn
What Looked Like Defeat Into a
Victory British Fleet Shells Os
tend Russians Claim Success on
' the East PrusslanFronter General
News of the War Gathered by Spe
clal Correspondents.
Berlin, Oct. 2C The end of the
twelfth week of the war was signal
ized, according to German official ac
counts, by the final stemming of the
enveloping campaign which the al
lies for a month have directed against
the German right wing.
The Germans have begun slowly
but definitely to push southward, it is
declared here.
Comment on French Bulletin.
The following comment on the
French official statement was given
to the newspapers:
"The tone of the French official wat
bulletin of last' evening was rather de
pressed and caused a panic In Paris
It admits a retreat between the sea
and Canal La Bassee and mentions
tho Impetuosity of the German attacks
near Arras and Soramo,
"Tho night bulletin aggravates the
pessimistic Impression. It repeats
that there have been French defeats
on tho north wing. In order to at
tenuate tho impression, an official note
was issued two hours later, saying
that the battle front has shifted 200
kilometers northward, and, therefore,
patience nlways was needed."
Fresh Troops Change Situation.
At,the Battlefront, via Paris, Oct 26.
The Germans advancing toward the
coast have broken the allies' line of
defense In the battle of Flanders, and
a large force of the invaders has ef
fected a crossing of the Yser canal be
tween Nieuport and Dixmude, directly
east of Dunkirk.
Tho force 1b believed to bo part of
the 400,000 troops rushed to the front
by the Germans from the garrisoned
positions at the rear of the fighting
lino. They nro reported to have ar
rived Just in time to turn the retreat
which tho French war office claimed
Saturday Into a victory. Both the
French and German official statements
tell of tho advance of the Germans
across tho Yser and describe tho bat
tle which preceded it as a furious one.
British Flee Shells Ostend.
Bombardment of Ostend by the Brit
ish vessels, which are no longer re
quired to aid tho left flank of the Bel
gian line resting on tho coast, was be
gun in earnest. Their target was the
German batteries about Ostend, but
one of six shells which fell short pf
the rnnge struck tho Hotel Majestic,
where the German staff was dining, ac
cording to a dispatch to tho Amster
dam Telegraaf. Several other buildings
were damaged.
Recupturo of Ostend by the allies is
imminent, as the advance column of
Belgians, relieved of the pressure
against It by the chango of the Ger
man front In tho direction of Dixmude,
1b reported to havo made remarkable
progress. It is now ready to strike at
tho remaining Gorman forces at Os
tend In tho roar whllo tho British ships
arn bombarding from the sea
Submarines Attack Allies.
Submarine attacks on tho British
and Frunch ships oporatlng betwoon
Nieuport and Ostend are incessant.
The attack was foiled by tho discov
ers of lhi Orrrnan submarines" pres
i v i rll( 1 1; d'sta' co cf a
British cruiser by a British aeroplane,
which dropped n projectile near the
point where the submarine's periscope
had cut the surface of the water.
The attack is being centered upon
Dixmude, well to tho south of tho
coast line, to escape tho long range
guns of Admiral Hood's flotilla of
British monitors and tho squadron of
British and French battleships oper
ating on tho coast and in the chan
nels of the Yser canal.
Germans Cross Yser River.
The Germans in u furious counter
attack directed against tho positions
of the Belgian troops along the Yser
succeeded in crossing the river be
tween Dixmude and Nieuport, forcing
tho Belgians to retire.
Offsetting this advantago gained by
tho enemy in the battlo, which ad
mittedly Is of tho greatest importance
of any thus far in the war, the French
tro'ops in the Woevro region gained a
signal success by securing control of
one of tho enemy's lines of communi
cation toward St. Mihlol.
Battle Still on at Lille.
About Lille tho battlo continued
with undiminished fury.
An artillery duel of vast propor
tions and great significance Is being
fought to tho northwest of Soissons
and upon tho heights in the region
of Craonno. In tho Argonno tho al
lies' positions are being maintained
with unquestioned success.
Three German batteries were de
stroyed during the fighting on tho up
per Meuse.
Fearful slaughter of the Germans In
tho Argonne region during last week
was recorded In a letter from a French
officer published here. The letter
"Ono infantry regiment and a bat
talion of chasseurs was strongly In
trenched with the mission of holding
an important strategic highway. At
midday four German columns, num
bering 15,000 men, stormed tho
trenches with the bayonet.
"Their total losses were placed at
a minimum of 10,000.'
Tho Germans, in a mighty effort to
gain victory, continue rushing up nil
tho re-enforcements that can bo spared
to the northern battlo lino.
The casualties in tho Belgian army
during its gallant fighting about Dlx-
muao nave neon heavy, but tho spirit
of the troops is wonderful.
Belfort n Peril.
Copenhagen, Oct. 24. Dlsputches
received hero from Berlin say it Is
rumored there that the German at
tack on Belfort Is succeeding and that
tho southern forta havo surrendered,
Paris, Oct. 25. The French have
recaptured Altklrch, upper Alsaco, at
tho point of the bayonet.
(Altklrch hob been taken and re
taken several times by tho opposing
forces since tho war began. Tho last
report said tho French woro in pos
session. Apparently tho Germans havo
held tho city for some time without
making tho fact known and the fore
going dispatch indicates a new victory
for the French.)
Allies Yield Ground,
Or tho Battle Front, via The
Hague. Oct. 25. Tho allies vigorous
attack on tho German linos before
Lille has failed. Tho French nnd Brit
ish aro being driven steadily to the
Tho principal gains of tho OermauB
during tho day wero mado In tho vi
cinity of La Bassee. Tho Germans
made a sortio and fell on the allies'
lines, which reUred In somo confu
Tho Germans' gain at La Bassee
was greater than at any other portion
of tho lino, but tho day saw largo ac
cessions to tho territory occupied by
tho Teuton armies all along tho bat
tlo front.
Two French Forts Taken.
Tho German attack on Belfort, by
which route It Is hoped to hurl tho
knlEor's nrmlos again toward Paris, is
proceeding Two French forts to tho
aouth of tho main fortress have capitu
lated to the Germans, tho garrisons
withdrawing to tho greater stronghold
Tho development at Bojfort cnmlne
closo upon successful operations at
Verdun and the holding of St Mihlol
uguinst tremendous odds, Is believed
hero to presago the tlnnl breaking of
tho republic's lino of defenses.
French gunners destroyed threo
German batteries in an nrtlllery en
gagement of Hugo proportions north
of tho Alsnu.
The ferocity of the encounters
where tho British and French havo
como In contact with tho Invaders
around Arrns (La Bassee and Armen
tlorcs), incident to tho allied armies'
advanco upon Lille, Is unparalleled In
tho history of war The carnage has
been frightful.
French Retreat Admitted.
Tho next result of tho day's fighting
In this region has been gains at con
siderable coast for tho allies nt points
to the east of Armentleres, hlle
nbout La Bnssec tho French and Brit
ish have been forced to retreat at
some places In tho face of tho despe
rate assaults directed by tho Germans.
Tho gains by one sido havo been off
set by those of tho other nnd the
effect on tho situation hns been In
significant. Belgians on Offensive.
Tho Germans, heavily supported by
their mammoth howitzers, are still on
tho offensive agalnBt tho Belgians, led
by their king nnd supported by French
troops, with BrltlBh and French war
vessels on tho sea, nnd British moni
tors in the canals, lending the aid of
their long range gun fire, while air
scouts direct their range.
Tho battlo has resolved Itself into
a duel of big guns. Tho allies, by
reason of their long range guns, havo
had tho advantage up to now.
Although pushed back at several
points, tho kaiser's forces appear to
be holding their line between the sea
and La Bassee, tho extent of the front
In this distinct engagement.
German Point of View.
Washington, Oct. 25. Tho Germnn
embassy announced receipt of the fol
lowing official wireless from Berlin:
"Official headquarters report of Oc
tober 22 says fighting on the Yser
canal is continuing, that eleven Brit
ish war vessels are supporting the
hostile artillery, and that tho enemy
was repulsed east of Dixmude. Our
troops also havo successfully ad
vanced in the direction of Ypres.
"Thero Is stubborn fighting west
and northwest of LItle. Tho enemy
slowly retreated along tho whole
front. Tho Herce'attacks from tho di
rection of Toul against the heights
south of Thiaucourt were repulsed un
der heaviest losses forth French."
Ru8s Announce Victory.
Petrograd, Oct. 2C Minister of War
Soukhomllnoff in a statement sums
up tho situation in tho following lan
guage: Between tho East Prussian frontier
and tho River Niemen the Russlnn
army has been successful in driving
back tho Germans Into Prussia' and
in clearing tho governments of Kovno,
Suwalki, Lomsha and Plotsk of the
Onv the left bank or tho Vistula, to
ward Warsaw and tho fortress of
Ivangorod, commencing October 13 a
series of battles with tho Austro-Gor-man
armies was fought Which result
ed on October 18 In complete Victory
for the Russians.
Tho enemy is retreating.
Heavy losses were sustained by tho
Prussian resorve guard corps. .Largo
numbers of prisoners and war
material havo been captured. Ger
man nnd Austrian armies advancing
on Warsaw and Ivangorod were re
pulsed and driven back to tho lino of
German Cruiser Emden Continues to
Capture and Sink British Ships
Llllle Destroyed.
Sinks and Captures British 8hlps.
London, Oct 22. A Lloyd dispatch
from Cochin says that tho British
Bteamer Exrord has been captured by
tho German cruised Emden off the
Malabar coast.
Another Lloyd dispatch reports tho
sinking of tho British steamer Chll
kama, TroWies; Benmohr and Clan
Grant, as woll as n dredger off tho
Colombo coast.
Tho Germnn cruiser Emden has to
her credit the sinking of 16 British
steamers and tho capture of threo
others vessels flying the union Jack.
f-WW"IIW,)M, ini airmilllllMUMIMllMIIII II .Ill
IL i J$
Allies Dectroy Fort Near C-tto-o.
Homo. Oct 22 A Cottlnje dispatch
to the Mcssngoro says that tho Brit
ish nnd French war fleets in the
Adrlattc havo destroyed Cnstelnuevo
fortress Just outsido of the gulf of
Cattaro and north of the entrance.
Tho Austrian Hoot Is reported to have
taken refuge In tho gulf of Cattaro,
having lost a submarine and a torpedo-boat
doBtroyer. An engagement be
tween Germnn torpedo bouts nnd hos
tile submarines In tho Baltic nenr
Rugonls land, off tho Prussian coast,
Is reported from Stockholm
Germans Command Trklsh Army.
Milan, Oct. 22. The special corre
spondent in Constantinople of tho
Sccolo telegraphs that to all intents
and purposes Turkoy hns becomo n
German colony. 'Tho grand vizier fol
lows orders from Berlin. About six
hundred German officers havo arrived
in Turkoy stneo the war startod and
brought slogo guns, hold guns and
ammunition with them. .Tho German
colonel, Weber Pasha, has taken com
mand of tho Dardanelles forts nnd
big German guns nro being mounted
in them.
Say Lille Is Destroyed.
London, Oct. 22. Lille, tho princi
pal city or northern France, practical
ly has been destroyed by German can
non. The most beautiful buildings
have been shot to pieces. Flames
have laid wnsto tho principal streets.
Tho details of tho bombardment
woro received from an oyewltness by
a correspondent of the Dally Mall In
tho north of France.
Diet Grants Dig War Credit.
Berlin, Oct. 22. Tho Prussian diet
met today and passed war bills, In
cluding one granting a credit of $375,
000,000, Barges to Invade England.
Copenhagen, Oct. 25 (via London).
Two shipyards at Kiel tho Ger
mania and tho Howard aro building
30 armored lighters, capable of carry
ing GOO men each and traveling at tho
rato of nine miles nn hour, to procebd
to tho IUver Scheldt should events
permit tho landing of German troops
on tho const of England. Further
more, It is asserted that three of theso
lighters aro completed and already on
tholr way to Scheldt. Tho Germans
aro building an airship shed in SchloB
'lg for two largo Zeppelins
Germans Have Enough Soldiers.
Berlin, Oct. 24. The general In com-
mnnd of tho German Seventh army
corps, it was stated officially In Ber
lin, haB declared that tho calling of
tho landsturm is unnecessary, as onor
mour numbers of the landwchr aro
still available. JSjr-'jas it yet been
necessary to call out volunteers.
German Navy Preparing to Fight.
London, Oct. 25. The German navy
Is preparing to come out from Kiel to
fight tho English fleet. Today reports
were received In London that the kais
er's scout cruisers hdvo been sighted,
operating from Heligoland, whllo from
points on tho Holland coast it is re
ported that all tho crews havo been
recalled to the big warships anchored
nt Wilhelmehavcn nnd the mouth of
tho Kiel canal.
Germans Would Invade Canada.
Washington, OcL '25. Germany's
right to land troops in Cnnada, If pos
sible, and thus secure at least a tem
porary foothold on tho American con
tinent was upheld today by Count von
Bornstorff, German ambassador hero,
who declared this would not bo a vio
lation of tho Monroe doctrino,
The ambassador suggested that, as
Canndawas sending soldiers to Europe
to fight against his country, tho United
Stntes 'should not consider It in any
sense nn infringement on the Monroo
doctrino if Germany Bhould land 'an
armed force on Cnnndlan soil.
German General Killed.
Berlin, Oct. 25. In tho casualty list
Issued yesterday appeared tho name
of Major General Pochhammer, who
was killed on October 4 whllo leading
his troops In tho forest of Argonno,
Honor for Undersea Chief.
Berlin, Oct 25. Captain Woddlgen,
commander of the German submarine
U9 which sank tho BrltlBh cruisers
Hoguo, Abouklr and Cressy In tho
North sea and has been actlvo other
wise, has received tho decoration of
tho Ordro Pour lo Merito.
German Submarine Reaches Port.
Berlin, Oct. 25 Tho German sub
marine IJ-9, which sank tho British
cruiser Hawke, returned safely to its
homo harbor at noon Friday. The sur
vival of tho vessel after a voyage dur
ing which it sent four British cruisers
to tho bottom already is known.
Supreme Tribunal to Decide Railway
Accident Case Started In
Dawes County.
An appeal has been mndo to tho su
promo court from Dawos county which
Involves the right of nn individual to
trcspnss on railway property. Tho
case is ono brought by Georgo W. '
Means In tho Dawes county district
court against tho Minneapolis &
Omaha railroad for tho injury to his
son, James, about six miles from
Scenic in South Dakota. It appears
that tho son was badly hurt In res
cuing another boy named Sherman
who wan lying on tho track of tho
compnny at about 10:30 lu tho qven
ing. Both woro playing in tho vicin
ity nnd tho Sherman boy had laid
down on tho track. Tho Means boy
saw tho approaching trnin nnd In res
cuing tho othor wns hit 'by tho loco
motive and dangorously hurt Tho
father sued tho company for $2,000
damages, claiming that if tho engi
neer of tho train had been looking ho
could havo seen tho boy lying on tho
track In plenty of tlmo to stop tho
.train, or if ho had whistled at tho
crossing tho boy would havo had tlmo
to get away from tho track. Tho
company sot up a defenso that tho
boys wcro trespassing and therefore
tho company was not llnblo, and tho
court Jury decided against tho plain
tiff, who appeals.
Tho rehearing on an application for
leavo of tho Lincoln Tclophono com
pany to Increase rates at Ashland
has been completed heforo tlia railway
commission. Thirty residents of Ash
land appeared and most of them testi
fied. Tho telephone company desires
to cancel grounded circuit ratoB which
will havo tho effect of Increasing one
party residence phones from $1 to
$1.50, two-party resldenco rates from
?1 to $1.25 and Individual buslnoss
telephones from $2 to $2.50. Tho
company has 2G0 subscribers nnd ob
tained contracts on tho basis of tho
now rates from 191 subscribers. Only
twenty-nlno subscribers havo ground
ed circuit service. Tho company do
sires to change all telephones to a me
tallic circuit at an Increased price.
Thirty-five subscribers havo peti
tioned the board to permit thom as a
matter of right to retain tho grounded
circuit service, which they say satis
fies them. Many years ago when tho
original tolophouo rbmpany was giv
en a franchise it was agreed that not
more than $1 for a resldenco phono
nor more than $2 for a. business phono
would bo charged by tho company.
Most of tho objectors to higher rates
aro on two-party rosidenco phones.
Dr. Wild, director ot tho Btato bac
teriological laboratory, has completed
an examination of four samples of
water and two samples of milk from
Tecumsoh, whoro thero Is an epl
domic ot typhoid fover. Tho city wa
ter and milk from a dairy wore
suspocted as boing tho causo of tho
epidemic. A samplo of tho wator
from each of tho two, city wolls, wa
ter from a tap where typhoid fever
exists, water from a woll at tho
suspected dairy and two samples of
milk from tho dairy woro examined.
Dr. Wild reports that all four samploB
of water contain sowago and both
samples of milk aro roportod by him
to contain bacillus typhoid.
Tho state railway commission havo
completed tho hearing on tho Farm
ers' Co-Oporativo association against
tho South Omaha stock yards com
pany nnd took tho ovldonco under ad
vlBoment boforo preparing an ordor,
It will probably bo somo wooks bo
foro tho commission makes its find
ings in tho complaint. Thero is quite
a voluminous amount of evidonco to
be examined and tho commission may
conduct somo further Investigations
on its own inltiativo.
Governor Morehead has designated
Friday, November C, as "Stato Flro
Day," in which all schools of tho
state aro expected to hold services
along tho lino of educating tho chll-,
uren along mo line or. nro prevention
and methods to bo usod in putting
out fires that may bo started. This
day will also bo devoted to cleaning
up rubbish and gotUng things in
shape so that tlioro Is little chunco of
Tho railway commission has author
ized th Arnold Telephono company to
increase its rates for buslnoss tele
phones whoro tho subscribers own tho
instrument from $1 to $1.25 and whoro
tho company furnishes instruments
tho increase Is to bo from $1 a mouth
to $'.50 a month. Tho company will
reduco tho resldenco rato from $1 a
month to 75 cents a month, and tho
, chnrgo for extension bollB will bo
lowered from 25 conts to 15 cents,
Doctor Wilson, inspector for tho
stato board of health, has boon called
to Beaver City to InvoBtlgato a dls
uaso bollovcd to bo Binallpox.
Tho now stato bar commission, to
oxumlno applicants for admission to
the bar, und to act in disbarment pro
ceedings, has boon namod by tho su
premo court. They consist of Ber
nard McNony of Bod Cloud, A. D. Mc
landless of Wymoro, N C. Fratt of
Omahu, N P McDonald of Kearney
and Walter Andorson of Lincoln.
Dakota City
Fresh Groceries of all kinds and
at Prices that are Right
Just Arrived
a nice -lot of Shoes, Ginghams,
Calicoes, Percales, Etc.
Come in and get First Choice
We will save you money if you
trade with us.
If you don't buy it here, how can we salve it for you
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs
W. L.
Dakota City,
Modern Mid-West Methods Mean
Promptness Accuracy Courtesy Appreciation, GOOD Bank
ing since 1S8G with "Safety Over AH" always first.
SO VERY SAFE Your account would come if you
knew. Over 2000 pleased customers 'think our Service Safety
best. Why not you today "Smile Also"?
Farmers especially welcome their every want supplied.
Call on us for "Anything Anywhere." "Get Acquainted '
with Your Bank.
Zhe Mid-West Bank
Several of our fine farms are
for rent to GOOD men.
Plan Now to Visit the
California Expositions
SAN x FRANCISCO: Panama-Pacific-International Ex
position, Febrnary 20 to December 4, 1915.
SAN DIEGO: International Panama-California Expo
sition, Jan. 1 to Dec, 31, 1915.
When you visit the San Francisco and San Diego
Expositions you will receive tnon benefit from
your money than has been offertd by any other
world's fair of history.
The nttmotions aro not alone with tho great Fair at San Fran
ainco mid Hh magnificent array of woid's Roliicvoment, or
with Onlifornlii, its wonderful beauty and resources, hut the
routes ot travel thero and baok aro fnll of iutonsoly interest
ing fpaturcsj
The C. St. P. M. & O.
Chicago and North Western Line
The Most Direct Route to California
Round Trip Tiokots will allow stopovers
ourouto and mako it possible to plan n
oomprobouslvo tour of the west.
Details of Exposition Fares will be Announced Soon
B. C. Buchannan,
Agent, Dakota City, Neb.
On Ootober 18th tho Burlington will iunugarnto through paeeouger train
aorvico between Denver and Billings over tho now main lino through tho Big
Horn Bn'in through Uheyeune, Oriu Junotion, Gasper and Therroopulfs. Tlia
ostabliehmnnt of through train setvioo ovor this new main line of railroad
historio. It closes one of tlio lust great broakti in tho transportation sustain ot
tho oountry, ami offers fof'the-nrit time to the norin, commercial uuil mriT
culture iiolivitos of Wyonriug und of tho Middlo Wont, direct moans for iuter
oourseand exchange of ounitnotlities botweon northern and smithem Wyoming
between thn rioh farming, livo stook, coul ami oil logiouu of tho Big Horn
HhhIu, in tho North, und (Jhojeunn, tliosUta oapitul, und Denver, the metrop
olis of tho Ilookfos, on tho south. The opening of this tew Hue should proove
a great stimulus to every farmer, stookraiser, und butiuuBU mau in central nnd
Northern Wyoming.
NORTHBOUND, tho train will lmve Douver at 4:00 1 M. ml arrivo
Billing, 0.20 tho next afternoon; SOUTHBOUND, leuvm Billing 7:30 A. JI.
and will arrive Denvort 12:05 tho next uoou, It will carry aonfo-piirlor car in
oooli direction for tho daylight trip boUnon Billings and Outtiiur, und standard
Bloopers for tho night trip liotweoti (Jaipur nnd Denver.
Lot iuo send you booklets deaoriutivo Of this new country, or answer youi
specific iiKiuirics about opportunities for the farmer and hutinosu man.
"Safe as a Government Bond."
Sioux City, Iowa
Q. H. MacRae,
Gun. Pass's. Agt., St. Paul, Wiun.
H. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakklet, G. P A., Omaha, Nob,