Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 22, 1914, Image 8

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To William C, orr, i-mnk U Cotton,
lioi-nrc Morlson, Oliver W Morrell. Adella
V Wltilnmn. Mori L. I'onrse, John H.
lonrac John I' Williams, OaUd W Will
iams, lSllzabetli Alien Cotton, Arrla Fra
kpt Oottun MorlRon nnd lier liusliand Hor
nco Mnrlson, Charles Unrnitnl Prince,
Harry W Cotton, Jo'ppli K Cotton, Kate
Hlierrnan. William p. Itatlibun. Anna
JJalrU, John Jiathliun, Charles Itathbun.
Krancts Imtiitajn, Mary Nolton, Irene
Shobc Jason U WIrIo, Jesnle C. Camp
boll, Hnliprt A Cnmpboll, thft unknown
liotrs of Fnnk II Cotton, tlpreflsod. tho
unknown heirs of Arrlu Cotton, ilereased,
tiro unknown heirs of William C Cotton,
deceased, the unknown heirs of Walter
O Cotton, defi'ased:
Tou uiiil enoli of you villi lake notice
that on the 2d day of Ortolwr, A. D.
1914. Timothy J. O'Connor, plaintiff here
in filed his petition In tin- district court
of Dakota rountv, Nebrnikn, analnst the
fcbove named defendants nnd others, the
object and prayer of which nre to re
move the rlotldx (mm his title to the
southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter (SHU BW,i). the west half of the
northwest quarter (V,4 NWV1. "i
southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter (SK'4 NWVi), all In section seven
(7). township twenty-seven, (2V). rnntcs
nlm (9). the fast hnlf of tlie southeast
quarter (V.'b RR"4), the Bouthenst quar
ter of the northwest quarter (SrJVi
NW4), the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter fNWV, HBU), and thi
southwest qunrter of the northeast quar
ter f8W4 NH'i) of eeetlon nineteen (19),
township twenb -seven (27), rnnRo nine
O) nil east of the Cth Principal Meridian,
situate In Dakota County. Nebraska, occa
sioned b tho claims of said defendants
nnd the followlnjr deeds, morttwKCS, re
leasee, proceeding nnd snlo nnd the mis
takes and defects therein to-wlf.
A certain deed from Asa Itathbun to
1nvl C Vlets dated the 12th dav of July.
154 recorded nt pace 657 of Deed Hook
1 ! of the deed records of said Dakota
Count. Intendlnc to convo tln south
hnlf of the northwest quartet and tho
northwest quartor of the northwest quar
ter of sertVm seven (7), Inurmliln twenty-seven
(27). rnnue nine (!)), and a deed
from the said Asa lUthbun nnd wife to
the said Levi a Vlets attemptlnjr to ton
pv the samo premises, dated the 23d dav
of January, 18G1. recorded on paee 94 pi
Deed Book F of the deed records, of said
Dakota County, tho description of the
real estate eonvevod bv said deeds belnc
uncertain nnd lmnropor: also n deed from
Jesse Wide and Nnnev WlRle, his wife, to
Charles C Orr, bearing date the IStli
day of Julv, 1SK9, recorded on nape 35 of
Deed Hook Z-D of tho deed records ol
said Dakota County, Intending thereby U
ronvcv the eouth half of the southwest
quarter nndtthe northwest quarter of thf
southwest rfanrter of section Bcven (7)
township twenty-seven (27). ranee nln
(9)i east of tho f.th Principal Meridian
In said Countv of Dakota, the description
on said deed Is uncertain and Is not an
nceurnto description of said property.
Al-o bv reason -of the nrocedlntw nnd
pale had In the estate of Cirollne H. Cof
fin ns one of the heirs of William 13 Cot''
fin, deceased, In the district court of Da
kota Count , Nehraskn, In connection
with tho other heirs or said William R
Coffin as touching and affertlnc tho
southwest otinrter of tho northeast quar
ter, tho northwest quarter of the south
net qunrter and the east half of the
r -thcast quarter of section nineteen
ii twnhlp twenty-seven (27, rnnse,
l ne (9), and tho deeds executed pursu
ant to paid rirooeedlnKS bv William C.
Cotton, guardian of tho said Carollno II.
Coffin to John T,. Coffin, said deeds helnjr
described as follows: One dated tho 14th
lay of January, 1871, nnd recorded on
pace 5F.7 of Deed Hook II of the deed rec
ords of sild Couhty of Dakota, tho other
belns dated tho 2d day of January. 1882,
nnd recorded on pnse 482 of Deed Hook
O of the deed records of said County of
rmkota . . J ., , ,
Also the cloud occasioned bv the deed
of Jonathan French. John D Williams
nnd Moses Williams, siirvvlnu trustees
under the will of David W. Williams, de
censed, to C J. O'Connor, Intending and
attempting to convoy an undivided one
half Interest In tho otithwflst quarter
of the northeast quarter and an undi
vided one-half Interest In tho northwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion nineteen (19). township twentv-seven
(27), range nine (5), east, In said Dakota
County, said deed being dnted the 4th dav
of September, 18S4. and recorded In Deed
Hook S nt page J3G of tho deed records
of said Dakota County, and In which said
land Is located In township twchty-nlno
(29), In said range nine (9), when It
nhould he township twentv-seven (27).
nnd to correct tho description In said
And the eloild occasioned by the Imper
fect execution of the release of a inert
(Mko from lhft plaintiff Timothy X O'Con
nor to William C, Orr and, Lottlo A. Orr.
paid mortgage belhg recorded at page, 325
of Mortgage TJook Q of the mortgage rec
ords of said Dakota County, said releasa
to slid mortgage not tnlng witnessed. t
said release being recorded on pago 497
of Mortgage Hook U of tho mortgage rec
ords of said Dakota County and bearing
dato September 14, 1903. and nffectlng
nnd covering the east half of the south
west quarter of section Beven (?), town
ship twentv-seven (27), range nlno (9),
cast. Jn said County of Dakota,
Also to removo the cloud occasioned by
the Improper recording nnd execution of
n relense of a mortgage given by Cornel
ius J O'Connor to Kato Shermnn convoy
ing tho Routhwost quarter of the north
east quarter and tho northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter of section nine
teen (19), township twenty-soven (27),
range nine (9), In snld Dakota County and
which was itnproperlv nnd imperfectly re
leased bv a release bearing date the 23d
day of February, 1889, and recorded at
page C07 of Mortgage Hook Ii of the mort
gage retords of said Dakota County.
To restrain the defendants above named
from making or enforcing nny lien of or
claim to any portion of said real estate
end for genoral equitable relief.
You are required to nnswer said peti
tion on or before the 30th ilay of Novem
ber, A. D. 1914.
Dated this) Id day of October, A. D.
.. . Plaintiff,
upon application duly mado to tho un
designed at Chambets, It Is ordered that
a notice In the form abovo sot fortti bo
publshed for four weekB In the Dakota
County Herald and when so published t
nhall be due and legal notice to the de
fendants, guy t. anAvns.
Judge of the District Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska,
First publication 10 23 w
HK The Bemt Remedy)
jB 'For all forma of
H Rheumatism
mJH in mi it nil Miw
WjW Ukm It .PaCV
AMMir "iw" met on rcqunr
VwaMon Rheumntlo Curo CeM
IM.1M HI v -Mf ni
Graceful Lines' in a High Coiffure
?.- IIHk,
NO ONB Blnglo stylo dominates In
colffuros Just now, nlthough tho
French twist may bo snld to hold tho
lead In ponular favor. It does this by
virtue of Its novelty and not because
It can lay claim to being a becoming
arrangomont. Except when tho hair
Is waved and tho twist made very soft
and rather closn to tho head its out
lines nro too severo for any but very
youthful faces.
A becoming colffuro Is shown in
the picture given here. It Is also
ono of tho easiest to arrange. To
dress It tho hair Is loosely waved all
about tho head and tho front portion
parted off. Tho back hair Is combed
to tho top' of tho crown and twisted
Into a soft knot or puff at this posi
tion. Tho hair at tho center of tho fore
head 1b combed back, but so loosely
confined that a strand Is brought
down over tho forehead nnd pinned
with small wlro pins so that It forms
a soft, light puff lu this position.
In ordor to make tho hair at tho
aides stand out softly from tho face
It is to be supported by small pads
of crepo hair or very short and small
hair rolls. It can bo kept in position
by "fluffing" It; but this process In
jures tho hair finally and it Is much
better to use the supports, which nro
very light and easily pinned In.
The hair is combed loosely back
.yver. tho supports, and pinned. In .at
each sldo of tho knot nt tho crown.
Hero tho ends nro rolled into small
puffs and pinned at either side of tho
knot. These puffs fill in the break
botween tho knot nnd tho hair at
each sldo. The result is a coifTuro
of graceful lines and simple and taste
ful arrangement.
A vory good way for dressing thin
hair has been dovlscd with tho aid of
a small hair roll or supports of crepo
hair Tho hair must bo frizzed or
combed about tho face by dampening
nnd doing up on crimping pins or
braiding it in tight, smnll braids over
night. When It Is combed out in tho
morning tho stray straight ends aro
curled about tho face with tho curling
All tho hair is combed back over a
small hair roll, forming a low pompa
dour. It Is tied at tho back rather
low on tho crown and separated Into
four or flvo strands. These are rolled
Into puffs and pinned across tho back
of tho head.
Thin hair is rather difficult to keep
In placo and n hair net is brought
over this colffuro and fastened in
many places with invisible pins. It
Is left very loose across tho fore
head when tho hair is arranged In a
short sldo part, a dip, or in ay lino
about tho face that best becomes the
wenror. In this style no extra pieces
of hair aro used, but tho hair roll as
a support is an essential. The coif
fure will not bo success without it.
Home That Will Be Satisfactory
to Good Worker and His
Having Cottago Like Thl to Live In
Meant That Neither of Them Will
Be Anxious to Seek New Job
Look at It and at
It Cost.
Mr. TTlllIam A. Hadford will nnswei
questlonr and glva advlco THED OIJ
COST on all subjects pertaining to the
subject of building, for tho readers of this
paper. On account of his wide experience
na Editor, Author and Manufacturer, he
is, without doubt, the highest authority
on all theso subjects. Address all inquiries
to William A. Itadford, No. 1827 Pralrlo
avenue, Chtcngo, 111 , and only enclose
Vwo-oent stamp for reply.
A wealthy farmer solved the farm
help problem by building very pretty
cottage houses for his men to llvo
In. As an experiment, about two years
ago ho selected a very attractive spot
In tho orchard just a few yards back
from tho main road, and without con
sulting anyone, built a cottago like tho
ono illustrated.
It is small, but largo enough for the
purpose. It contains a very pleasant
and ho said that woman could not be
drivon out of tho little houso. Sh
mado tho remark to ono of tho neigh
bors that sho had novor had tho us
of n rogular bathroom boforo, and sh
never would llvo without ono again
Now, tho fact is this house cob)
about ono hundred dollars more than
ono of tho plain, awkward affairs that
most farmers build for their married
help. Tho owner of such a horso get.
'the man ho wants, whllo tho owner ol
t l lina.im.ii ill- t
U-Jr-r 01 ri I !
ip ow-U !
! I)r)30M -r -ornTT t
j U ...! O 4 SLflj I
. I doon J
, Second Floor Plan.
at poor houso gets tho man ho doesn't
want, nnd loses him as soon as ho can
do better elsowhero.
One great improvement in this houso
is tho form of triple window used In
tho larger rooms, which admits so
much light and air when you want it,
and looks much better than any other
window that has over been built for
a smnll low-cost house. Such window
frames may bo bought ready to nail
right into tho framework and really
cost less than some others that re
quire more hand work. It is another
way of making machinery
ft&Hz t-hz. yi''Ji " fly
The Popular Effects in Vejlings
t B
k !-H' .
H-JEa-- lF3oti5
living room, a splendid dining room
and a kitchen downstairs, and they
are nil well nrranged, both for looks
and convenience, and a very nent stair
way piakes connection with the collar,
kitchen, living room nnd upstairs and
does it without eating very much into
tho space required for the rooms.
For some reason farmers have nev
er paid much attention to the houses
built for help, and the universal howl
from all parts of the country is that
good men will not work on farms.
When you look into somo of tho
houses thoy are expected to live in
you can readily soe why. It costs
very little more to build a house like
this planned with conveniences and
made attractive both outside and lu,
than to put up an awkward-looking
shack that any self-respecting woman
would bo ashamed to llvo in. If a
woman is discontented tho man is
almost absolutely certain to look for
another Job before very long.
When tho farmer In question got
this beautiful little cottage finished
ho happened to meol the vory man
Srl talsr for a frt i.iepW
coot f THE ItOYH MAUI.
IUu la Uw hM, IUu,
(ftMlo.Uuff KUflnt uid la.
Irv.llv krllcha. .Jlei lut.oM
falm.1 W Tr Ur bj,
Ut.alltiill; IIiB.iiawa
ttrwttttodt. Uth la ttwa aa4
valu aal la antur. D.parw
iwau dtiawt la EIrctrfel!,
Macsaalat, AlhWiU,, auaUal
Cuvuu;, Aiu.bar laaU.
r.iaf .id Duaip aa Hi
tviMwas. TB. AttWla !
frtrtuwal U aadvr th Daraoaat
tfaria Df WALTKB OtllP,
Aw-rxa. ftruitwi aaUmUj
aa HU .ihjwu
Mnd MIiVii t aa.I
"H alau ar.alMt mud awl
ay intMKaueu, A44fM
JKKMTf.lHnHOOMuWir-,-, WIUltMail&aUl.
(THS VOW MAUAMK i m at all .rKifa4t.)
f , SIMM Elertl(rMHlt CwitxrfrGoMi Ak
THE now veilings that are popular
are thoso that aro simple In de
sign. Thoy consist of a uovolty mosh,
with bordor of chcnlllo dots, or all
over offectu of dots on a lino mosh.
It is in tho management of these
two features, tho mosh and tho dot,
that tho doslgnors havo mado the
wbmlerful vnrloty In patterns that aro
shown in veiling dopartmontB. It
happens that different sizes and
shapOB in the mesh make the veils
more or less becoming to tho indi
vidual wearer. It would bo impos
sible to deBcribo tho varlotlos In
which veilings uro woven. Nets are
designed with tho mesh showing out
lines in squares, hexagons, circles,
trlanglos nnd ovory variation of those.
If ono studies tho dots thoy will ho
found to vary ub much ns tho meshes
In Bhape. Thoro aro small clrpular
dots, squares, double squares, dia
monds and tiny floral patterns. Also
there are combinations of theso on tho
same mesh, In unending variety.
VoIIb aro worn In three widths.
Ir thq larger cities Just now tho
nose veil Is best llkod. It Is usually
of plain mesh bordered with chenille
tho figures mentioned, Tho nose veil
extends from tho hat to tho tip of tho
noso aud la worn with turbans and
Long veils, llko those shown lu the
plcturo, uro bordered with a laco pat
torn nt tho edgo and worn with either
small or largo hats. Excopt when
bordered with crepe nnd worn for
mourning, thoy nro thrown back oft
tho fnco.
Tho fuco veil, reaching from tho
hat to tho chin, remains tho bcBt
liked, generally, of all veils. It is an
Inconspicuous affair this season, but
almost Indispensable. It keeps the
hair about tho edgo of tho faco be
low tho hat In placo nnd adds to
tho neat appearance of its wearer.
Veils should bo tried on nnd tho
most becoming mesh or arrangomont
Of dots selected by each Individual
I , Kitchen
ftf.,..Mjiiiinu ' Living KaoM I
' Jl laveKwa- J
R3UCH Laag"'a; j)' lH
H'cuac aa'-ai "t-""aa
work Instead of depending so much on
hand labor.
The projections for tho wide win
dows in tho dining room and living
room nro built up with the frame
work and tho labor is very little more.
Of course you cannot ndd an extra
foot to any part of a room without
coBtlng something, but it is qulto
possible to put on extensions of this
kind that are worth a dozen times
their extra cost. It marks tho differ
ence between a well-planned, well-built
dwellfngfand the slipshod affairs that
are altogether too common.
A Httlo house like this containing
five rooms with the steep roof, neat
gable ends and fashionable front
porch is an ornament to a village lot
as well as the farm. It contains a
great deal of convenience In propor
tion to its size, and there are no small
uncomfortable little rooms such as we
find in most small low-cost houses.
The Old Companies. The Old Treat
ment. The Old Care.
They the b:st in all the land. I represent
the Hartfod, Phenix, Continental, Columbia, Royal,
the reajly Strong Insurance Companies.
I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish
Yours, when you sell.
Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing,
draw up Will?, Deeds, Leases, Etc. RIGHT. Very
much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well.
H. F NoKeever V'
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney.
Insurance. - Real Estate. - Steamship Tickets.
1 "A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation" 1
Gelatin Frosting.
Dissolve large pinch of gelatin In
six tableapoonfuls boiling water;
strain and thicken with sugar nnd
dots, "dots," of course, including all Hnvor with lemon.
Sanitary Bag.
It you wish a roally sanitary work
bag use a fancy guest towel. Doublo
tho ttjyel so that tho ends come to
gether nnd seam tho two Bides. ThlB
will form a bag When tho towel 1b
doubled it Is doubled with tho right
side of the ton el in. When tho seams
at tho sides nre mado, tho resulting
bag Is turnod with tho right Bide out
and the senilis in Iluttonholes or eye
lets are tnudo ull about tho top of tho
bag, and through theso Is run tho dou
ble draw string rlbbou It is well to
have several of these llttlo bags, sc
that ono may nlwnys havo u freBh one
when tho ono In uso becomes soiled.
To Make Fudge Creamy,
Many peoplo spoil fudge by beating
it uu soon as it Is taken from tho firo.
This causes tho candy to becoma
granulated. If the beating Is post
poned until tho chocolate Blrup la
tepid tho result will bo well worth tho
Blight delay Tho fudge will bo vel
vety aud creamy, the kind that "mtlti
in tho mouth."
First Floor Plan.
ha wanted to hire, and drovo with him
to see it. Under pretense of engaging
him to fix up tho garden around the
now houso nnd plant it with flowers,
currant bushes, rhubarb roots and a
few othor eusy-growlng Btnptea that
every good farm gnrdon contains, he
got the man 'ory much interested in
the little house..
After tho fnrmor drove away tho
man went through tho house nnd in
Bpected it carefully from tho, cellar
to tho roof. He found tho neatest,
prettiest little homo ho had over
seen. It was nicely finished, well
painted nnd neatly papered with good
paper, having colors thnt matched
properly and looked well together,
lie found two light comfortable bed
rooms and ho found a bathroom that
would bo a credit to a good deal moro
oxpcnslve dwelling. There was u cop
per tank in tho top of tho bathroom
which was connected with tho cistern
by a force pump placed In the cellar
whero It would not freeze or be like
ly to get out of ordor.
Without saying anything to tho boss
he brought his wlfo over tho noxt
morning, which vus Just what the
owner of tho premises expected, and
ho made it convenient to happen
along thnt way while she was there,
to consult with tho man about lev
eling tho ground nnd laying it out to
tho best advantage. Of course ho was
vory much surprised to llnd Mrs. Mau
there, but ho improved tho opportu
nity to ask hor opinion about tho win
dow shades aud a few minor details,
when sho laughingly told him thnt
she would llko to llvo lu Just such
a houso hcrsolf After that nego
tiations with tho man ho wanted wero
1 saw him about a year afterward,
Cattle, Hogs and SKeep
Steele, Siman &. Go.
sioux citY. Iowa
Tom Steels.
Oattle Salesman.
Dave Prujmer,
Hob& Hbeep Suleiman
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You.
Write Us. Ship Us.
ffk- -, . , IE
itl "PL. 1L
iwMmmm si
vmmm. m
From Dirt, Dust and Drudgery
Combination Pneumatic Sweeper
Release from broom drudgery from the drain of mov
ing and lifting furniture and from the dangerous scattering
of dust and germs thtt arc raised by the use of the broom
and the old fashioned carpet sweeper, cad be attained by
the use of the Duntley Combination Pneumatic
A Sweeper, which, although easily operated by hand,
create powerful suction force which draws out all the dirt
and dust found in your rugs and carpets and at the same
time the revolving brush picks up aft but, pins, threads,
raveling!, etc
THE OUNTIEV SWEEPERS are made in three sues and sold
under a rigid guarantee for one year. You maytry aDunt
ley in your own home for 10 atyi'Freo ofChtr&e,
Pot more detailed Information write TODAY
-Agents Wnnted-
Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper
CO.. 6501 So. State B. Chicago, III.
Westcott's Undertaking
Auto Ambulance
Old Phone, 426 New Phone 2067
Sioux City, Xowa.
Spanish Newspaper Man Retreated
From an Interview Under a
Shower of Oaths.
Following la a literal translation of a,
news atory In La Gacota del Norte, a
Balboa (Spain) morning paper, tele?
phoned from Santander by Its "own.
"Tho local reporters today (Augusl)
27) called on General Huerta, exi
president of the republic of Mexico,
Questioned by tho newspapermen, hq
refused to say anything about recent
happenings in Mexico. Asked concern.
Ing the deportment of Spaniards lq
Mexico during his rule, he replied that
thoy had conducted themselves exceed
ingly well.
"Upon the reporter's Intimating ta
Huerta that the Spaniards In Mexlcq
had not received much consideration
from him as president of tho republic,
the ex-prealdent became terribly angry
and let out a string of oaths and vile
"Whereupon your correspondent,
protesting, abandoned the Interview,
Tho other reporters likewise con
domncd the actions and manners o(
'Tho Mexican consul has made apolr
gios, begging that the Intemperate Im
petuosity of Genoral Huerta bo oven
General Huerta and family have now
gone to Cadiz.
Dogs In Hot Countries,
bogs, probably tho earliest of do
mesticated animals, when transferred
to' a tropical country, such as central
Africa, lose In a fow generations most
of tho characteristics they have ac
quired In Europo, nnd revert more and
moro to tho typo of the Jackal and tho
wolf. Then their oars, whatever their
breed, tend to become pointed, their
conts turn sandy or rufous, and their
bark becomes a howl. Somo attempt
has been made to show that this Is tho
result of dlscnso and resembles the
effect of malaria on the human con
stitution. Yet the Egyptian dog of
Phnraonlc ttmos possessed, as Is soen
by tho monuments, theso very charac
teristics; and as ho was certainly do
mesticated bofora the Europoan ani
mal, It Is probable that theso are ori
ginal fentures pt tho race.
Small Market Value.
If the statistics wero avallablo prob
ably It would be found that 92 per
cent less money can bo borrowed on
a family tree than on a cord of wood
Dallns News.
Ask Your Dealer to Show You
The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness
If they Don't Have Them, write or call on
Sturges Bros., 4ii Pearl St., Sioux City, la.
Licensed Embalmer t Lady Aseiatast
Ambulance Service
Wm. F Diok.in.son.
, Vtciert.adki.tj
415 Sixth Stteet
Sioux CitvIowa
B.II 71
Auto S471
j Henry's Place;
. TSast of the Court House for the Best in ft
I Wines, Liquor and Cigars !
Bond & LUlard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies. 1
Nkxlife Beer
Bottlit or Kerf
3 Henry Kxurxvwiei, nut ciy. w.bra.u.
JC " IB '