bAKOTA COUNTV HERALb; DAKOtA dlTV, KfeflltAJIlfcA, Suffrage Amendment LOOK for it ON THE BALLOT No. 3-Initiative Petition Vote YES or NO WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE -. augment pros SM acto 7, Stat. Cont.tUt,o, relating to electors, read: wntv-ono vara or upwards, belonging to " 'Every person of the ngo of tweni -ono j , ru . ( months, either of the following ctoei, w o ml have rtBlueu in ine sxn ie e WaVr' hTvXW Hta'.' ron,,tthn0"08,ut,Ject,JeoC?";iatura.Uatlon, at lea.t thirty days prior to an election. Shall tho proposed amendment, to tho to electorB, granting equal suffrage to Voto "Yes" or "No." The suffrage amendment will read as above, and will be on the long ballot just above the party circles the third amendment on the top of the ballot. To vote FOR the amendment a cross (X) must be placed in the "yes" square 306, as indicated above. Voting in the party circle does not vote for the suffrage amendment. The amendment must be voted upon direct Dakota County Herald JOHN H. REAM, PUBLISHER Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Yoar. A weekly nowspapor published at Dakota City, Nobraska. Pormieaion has boon grantod for tho transmission of this paper through the mails as socond-closa matter. Telephone No. 48. Official Paper of Dakota County Tho Sioux Oity Trlbuno remarks editorially that "over in Dakota coun ty, Nebraska, farmors aro getting a corn orop that is running over 100 bushels to tho aero. They aTo not worring about winter or war." Tho above, of course, is too good to bo true, and sounds more liko a "slam" when twenty-five hushols to tho noro would bo a fair avorago for corn this year, Farm Notes. Issued by the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture. FKKK, OESTAT10N TABLE A froo gestation tablo of special in terest to catilo mon may bo bad of the Nebraska College of Agrioulturo upon application for Extension Uullotin No 25. A 14,000,000 fiout A $-1,000,000 light is being waged in Nobraska this fall at tho farmers' institutes. It is tho fight to oradicato tho Jobs of $4,000,000 annually duo to hog cholera in tho state Novor be fore was the slogan that "Hog Gholora Must Go" sounded so loud as this fall. Hog cholera looturcs, bog oholora vac cination demonstrations, special hog cholora conferences in groups and in crowds aro being givon at tho farmers' institutes, Tho work is in obdrgo of tho Agricultural Extension Servico of tho University Farm in cooperation with tho United Statos Department of Agrioulturo and tho Live Stock Sani tary Board, MUCH LAND SHOULD BE ZKPT IN OUABB A caroful examination of the dry farming regions will show that tho per cent of smioth bard lands whiok should bo retained in grass ia much larger than would at first bo supposed, It may bo said that tboso lands bavo become too high priood to uso for pasture, but unloss tbo land oan show a not profit on tho orop in an avorago year which will pay tho fixed charges on tho land, then the oxoess value placed fa tho land ovor its earning power is purely speoulativo and not to bo used as a basin upon which to es tablish land values or dotermino sys tems of land managomont. Tho not profit por aero in good years is Iosb under pasture than uudor grain crop ping, but in bad years tho rovonuo is groator undor pasture and tho risk is always less as you reduce tho labor cost por aoro aud Inoroaso tho sizo of tbo farm unit, up to tbo limit which can bo handled by a singlo family, Dean E A Burnott, Nobraska Uollogo of Agrioulturo, in n rooont speech. PLANT L1LA08 KOW Ono of tho shrubs that should bo planted at this timo is the lilac This slirnb starts growing so early in tho spring that should planting bo delay od ut that timo, niter tho bush has Rtartod to leaf out, it makes a weak growth und often dies as a prey of borers. Tho landsoapo gardonor at tho Unlvorslty Farm doeB not advise the planting of tho old-faeluocod com mon purplo and whito varitios if tbo now vurities oan bo obtained, as tho groatorrango of color and eizy of No Candidate in the Field More Than I, K A mm Ve No 307 I am forty four years of age. a nativoof this oountry, and of Elollund Engl'sh decent Have resided at South Sioux Oity, Nobr,, since April G, 1001. My homo, my proporty aud all tho interests I have aro in Dakota county . Havo had novoral years experience as book-koepor, nearly four yearn as station agont for tho Qreat Northern and O. B. & Q. railways. Also taught school fivo years. Am asking you to eloot mo treasurer of Dakota ctmnty and will givo tho connty the benefit of my exporionoo and devote my entiro timo and attention to tho duties of tho ofilco, furnish my own bond without cost to tho county and employ as littlo help aB oonsistont with good mnnngo mont. Youts Truly, JUSTIN S. BACON. flowers aro far suporior. A few of tho Lost of thoir colors aro : (whito) Prin cess Alexandra, Matio Legrayo, alba grandiflora, und Mmo Lomoino; (blue shados) Oooruloa suporba, having tho color of tho Rooky Mountain colum blno and very attraotivo, Lamarck, and Leon Bimon; (pink shades) Fuorst Liobtonstoin, Dr Lindloy, und Doctor Van Regel; (dark purplish reds) Phil emon, iVjuis Spaeth, and Joan Bart, Othor varieties aro Charles Joly, Pres ident Massart, and DoOronolls. HOW ABOUT AN IOK POND? Ico, now considered mora of a nooos oity than a luxury to tho ooonomio pro- auotion oi uairy auu otuor farm pro ducts, may froquontly bo had at mod erate expense by tho average former. A low place on tbo farm, sometimes unfit for cultivation, if but 40 feet squaro may bo used to excellent ad vantage as a pond for ioo, It is not necessary to oxoavato it moro than two foet deep, When dug it may bo puddled by herding a drovo of oattlo, sheop, or bogs in it. When proporly puddled, thoro nood bo littlo fear that water will seop away. A pond was oxoavated and puddlod at tho Univer sity farm at Lincoln for ornamental purposes whioh is never dry. It is atimatod by tho agricultural enci nooring department of tho farm that a pond 45 feet in diameter duriug a winter favorable to tho harvesting of ioo will furnish twioo as much ioo as the avorago f armor will rcqniro; du ring au unfavorable wintor it will ovou produoo an umplo supply, Skot ohes and estimates of tho cost for a homemado ico houso may bo obtaiuod from tho agricultural ongineering de partment. Roul estate loans. Goo Wilkins Adv Will Appreciate Your Vote on Election Day., W M S. W. McKinley Non-Partisan Candidate for COUNTY JUDGE of Dakota County, Nebr. Homer, Neb. constitution, rolatlng C06 women, be adopted? 1 Itoms of I nterest 1 from our Exchanges !) )MOlm)5)IO0ltO(0CS Lyons Mirror: Miis Florence Nix on whs down from Homer Saturday. olio wus accompanied home by aunt, MissLlzzio Nlxou, her Allen Nows: Mr and Mrs Raleigh Harvey, of Bouth Hioux City, Miss Knto Tackaborry, of Sioux City, and Will 1 Orr, of Dakota City, wore guests nt tho homo of Miss Beatrice Nordyko Haturday and Sunday. vVajno Democrat : Miss Qraco Kaytou, who in teaching in Dakota City, was at Kmurnon Saturday at tending tho meeting f tho touchers of thispnrtof tho Htatti and came to Wayno Saturday tveniug to visit friends until Sunday afteinoon. Emerson Enterprise: Mrs Glon Smith is spending the week with rel atives in Homor. ...Mesdames Josoph Harris and Obas Harris spent tho week end with the Harris' at Homer. ... .J J Enrightaud family, of Sioux City, and Pat Oormloy and family, of Jaokeon, Biicnt last Sunday hoio with tho James Sherlock family. Sioux Oity Journal, 17 : T J O'Con nor, of Homer, cashed a our of hogs nt this conter Friday, Mr O'Connor shipped his stock ovor the Burling ton.... Bocauso Flood waters backed up on his property at Twenty-third and Douglas streets, destroying cis terns ii nd damaging tho foundations of a house ownod by him, J M Severson yosterday filed a claim against tho oity for $374 damages. , Newcastle Times: Mr and Mrs S B Polly, from near Homor, arrived horo last Saturday and visited until Tues day noon with thoir son, Soas Polly aud family. They also callod at tho homes of Harry und Fred Wendio. They like this locality vory much, Thoy report, however, that tho crops wer bettor this year at their homo near Homer than horo. Winnebago Chieftain : Georgo Wil kins, of Dakota City, was in town Tuesday . . . .Tlldor Harris visited over Sunday with his brother Dan.... Miss Helen Niobuhr was u Sioux Oity visit or ovor Sunday. . . .Frank Buckwalter was down from Sioux City Thursday on business.... John F Sides was iu town over Thursday night transacting business.... Mrs O L Thompson was down from Homor Saturday afternoon visiting with friends.... Win Best, El mer Shook and wifo motored down from Homer last Friday evening to at tend tho dance. Sioux City Journal, 18: Mrs Mary E Bioe, 02 years old, ono of the early rosidents of northeastern Nebraska. died last night at her homo near Good win, Neb, of complication of diseases. Sho had been ill for seven weeks. Mrs Bice, who was tho daughter of Potor Myers, moved to northeastern Nebraska in 18D9. Sho lived there continuously up to two yeais ago. Hor biiBband, Rodney W Rico, operat ed tbo old Union houso in tbo early days of Sioux Oity, Tbroo ohildron survivo Mrs Bioo. Thoy aro W L Bice, of Sioux City; Georgo Bico, of Oalexico. Col, and Charles G Bioe, of Portland, Oro.... Trinity college won what is probably tho hardest gamo of this years schednlo yesterday from Jaokson by a sooro of 14 to 0. The gamo was played at Jackson and tho light Trinity team had its bands full and mado its gains with speed and groat running ability. Tho two touoh downs woro mado by MoGovern nnd B JNoonan. Itoonan mado his on an in toroopted forward pass and a run of forty yards. Tho 00-yard run of Kohn at tho closo of tho first half, whioh brought tho ball to within ton yardB of Jackson's goal, was ono of tho de ciding plays of tho gamo. Tho work of tho entiro team showed nervo aud grit and moro speed than in tho teams of Trinity's olass, Tracy, G Noonan, Kriego and Hartnott all showed well iu play. - Ilartington nows: Goorgo Champ ion spent a day at Crystal lake reoont ly and tolls of a fine day's shooting. Ho Btopped with a man who is bimsolf an old hunter. Thoy wont out to a point, whoro Mr Champjou was plaoed on a comfortablo choir among tho rusuea wen iiiuuou. xuon tuo owner of tho hunting lodgo went back and with a pook of Bhellod corn callod after him a Hook of fifty Umo ducks. He soattorod tho corn about whoro Cedar oounty's clork was seated and the ducks stayed around thoro all tho morning. Several launches woro dash ing about tho laho Btirring up tho duokB and wbonovor a Hook of thorn went up or down tho lake thoy flow in ovor tho tamo decoys. Tho result was Mr Champion, had as muuy ducks as ho could carry whn it oumo time to quit. "If I were as good a huntor, say asB G Mason, I'd havo had 25 moto duoks anyway. I knew I niissod lots of shots that a first olass shot would havo mado all right," said ho. Ho told another story about tho trip that ia remarkable to say tho least. Ho doelaios that luoplo from Sioux City coruo out to tho hunting lodges on tho lako and order mud hen in preference to duck. Ho says that the mud hou whioh hus wobbed foet is really good eating, that ho tried it himself, and found it palatablo, He says that tho real iiiU I hen U differ out from the fowul whioh iulmbits our waters and Is generally called by that nam, u uhbq dims aro good eat ing they will coou bo extermiuutod, for they are of sluggish flight aud usually not wild. They aio an ornory looking boast, though, to cat, Sioux Oity Tribune, 17' Esoapados oi uuorui rrank aiauon, Dakota coun ty, Nebraska, with Sioux City for a setting for a wild autoinobila ride, es capo from tho dutches of the South Sioux Oity polioo and tho posting of a (10 bond for tho roleaso of a womau from jail (u ha oity, aro liable to cost MahOjii bis n-olootlou'aa sheriff of Da kota county. Tno first SJoux Oity polico learnod of Mahon!s alleged pa rousal was latt Saturday evening, when a tall, Iqan ,mau shoved Matron through tho door of tho pnllco ntaliiii and iuto tho presence of Dok Ser goaut Plutt For . "Let him stay hoio until he In tobor," was tho n qui st of tbtt indlvidtil who hud inuoiloi Million lo the station. MhLioii, It i mtiil, made the s-rgeaiit's ifileti on uncom fortable plauo fur the ntht-r inmates, and tho sheriff was pi iced in uio'-hor room until ho beuHtno folicr, says Chief of Polico Gei.rgti Pierce, As soon as ho was released MhIioii went to tho polico secretary, William Win DHiid, it is said, mid iibkcii for tho rt leuso of a woniHti who hud htmii mtliglit iu tho polioo ilriitfiiiit dining u road house raid within ihn citv liniitn. Million (lint Ii.'ft the place, it ia al leged, shortly ' before the uriivul of tho polico aud was not iirrmtcd with tho others in tho raid, Tho police say that Mahon was not urrested at any time, but admit that ho was lelt iu tho city jail until ho became sober. This is the statement of Chief or Po lico Georgo Pivrco. Wianand refused to order the roleuse of thn woman, it is said, when tho sheriff insisted. Wianand latnr accepted a bond of $10 for tho roleaso of tho woman. Mrs F M Adams is the uamo givon tho polico by the woman ami hor nddrrsi iib on Day street. Tho polico say the namo is fiotitioiiH. With tho release of tho woman, Mahon is said to havo enter ed his automobile with her aud driven away from tho station. An hour or so later tho wrocki d maohino of Mahon was taken to a Douglas shoot garage, it is learned. It ia suid that Mahon was on his way to Dakota Oity when ho run into an express delivery wagon und tho maohino was badly damaged, Sioux Oity Journal, 20: School children of .Jackson, Nob, assisted in tho fight to savo the Atlas elevator at that placo from destruction by flro oiu ly yestorday afternoon, Tho blazo broke out at 12:30 o'alook in the ele vator company's coal sheds, whioh woro a complete loss, with 800 tons of hard and soft coal. The loss is cover ed by iusuranoe. Tho fire had gained considerable headway when discovered by John Collins, manager of thn ele vator. An alarm was tonnded and citizenB of the place responded, A bucket brigade fought the flames aud saw success in Right 'Until the Bur lington Railroad company's well gave out. The blazo broke out again, oat iug toward the largo elevator, whioh stood only a few yards to the nortu of tho coal sheds. Tho nearest well was more than a.quartor of a milo distant. A general alarm was sounded. Tho publio sohool was dismissod and child ren and women of tho village started toward tbo firo, carrying pails of water. Collins took the organization in hand nnd ordered every availablo team and wagon to be brought to the main part of town and filled with water barrels. Tho sohool ohildron were divided be tween tho wells and the firo for the purpose of relaying water pails from the wagons. Hopo of saving tho coal sheds was abandoned and tho flghtors gavo solo attoution to tho elevator Burning embers set firo to the struo turo iu several places liefora tho shed flro wus under control, Quick work ou the part of the mon who wero sta tioned on tho roof and on laddors was effective in these cases. Tho oiiubo of tho fiio is unknown. It is tho suppo sition of Mr Collins that tho sheds caught from tho sparks of a train whioh passed about fifteen minutes bo fore tho blazo wob first seen. Hileman-Maxwell Case Re versed. Tho case of Emmott Hiloman against Dr O H Maxwell whioh was deoided in tho distriot court in favor of Hiloman and later appealed to tho stato su promo court, wsb reversed and re manded for a now trial last wook. Following is tho Syllabus iu tho caso: Hileman vs Maxwell. Appeal, Dakota. Reversed and romandod, Barnes, J, Sedgwick, Rose and Lot ton, J J not sitting. 1., A now trial should bo allowed when it is olear that material uncon tradicted evidonco baa been disregard ed by tho jury, nnd which, if consid ered and givon duo (weight, would bavo requirod a different verdict from, that roturned. 2. Whoro there is a bona lido dis puto between tho parties as to tho amount duo upon an account, and tho dobtor tendois a loss amount thnn tho claim in full settlement, whioh the oreditor nooopts with knowledgo that in was tendered as a full Bottlomonl, tho disputo h sufficient consideration to uphold the sattlemont, nnd will bar a rooovory upon tbo remainder of tho claim. Patridgo Lumber Co vs Phelps Burrls Lumber & Coal Co., 91 Nob, 20C. ' SCHOOL NOTES. Dorothy Barnett prosontod tho in termediate room with a Dakota City pennant last Thursday. Mis Flemming and pupils enjoyed Wilfred E. Voss Bopublican Cuudidato for County Superintendent Dakota County, Nebr. "JTour vote ou Novembor 3rd will bo much appreciated, and your good will and support aro always valued, RiiiiiiifliiiiLiiflLLiiiiiMr ' $&, LLiiiHHHiML- i -L'iLiiiiH I MMMj 33 ft MZJmW S3 Wy xt MMSM 8 i Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. BAHHHbiiWuiiiiiiiiiiiH HiL JjHLirF'Liiiiiiiiiiiiiin Thomas J. Mitchell HUnBARD PRECINCT Democratic Candidate for Treasurer of Dakota County Your Support and Vote Will be Appreciated a walk out to tho lake after sohool last Monday. Thoy roturned about G:30 p m. It k noodlesB to say thoy enjoy ed nflno timo. Tho Parents aud Touchers associa tion will meet noxt Friday. Will you bo there? Bonnie Loaoh who has been out of school for about ton days, roturned last Monday. Last Saturday ovoniug tho Dakota City girls baskot ball team wont to Emorson whoro thoy were defoatod by scoro of 14 to 3 in ono of the fastest games playod iu Emerson. Tho Da kota Oity girls cortainly mndo a fino showing, considering tho limitod umount of help thoy have had, and they played tho gamo in a fine spirit always with a smile. It is fine to win, of course, but it is bettor to bo a good loocer because that shows porsonal qualities of intrinsic worth. Tho girls were accompanied by Miss Boss Noxt Saturday tho girls will go to Wakeflold to play tho high sohool girls there. In a slow gamo of foot ball and out classed in ovory way the boys of Ho mor met dafoat at tho hands of the Dakota Oity high sohool toatn who took thorn down to tho tuno of 48 to 0. Line smashis and end runs were the ground gaining plays for Dakota City nnd end runs for Homer. For tho homo boys Koith Evans upnt thru tho onomy's Hue almost at will, ono smash resulting in a long 88 yard run and a touch down. Tho local team for somo reason playod an unusually slow gamo. Much credit must bo given each indi vidual on tho toam, Tho visitors played a good, oloau game and showed themselves to be a lino lot of lads. Noxt Friday the two toains will look horns on Homer's Hold to contost their superiority in manipulating tho pig skin. A Dollar for a Daily by mail from now until April 1, 1915, giving yon all tho war news fresli from tho seat of trouble, through tho big press associations and spooil fcrvioo. Political affairs aro indopeuoutly treat ed as tho papor is not tie.l up with any iutorcsts. Next winter's iogisluture will bo fully reported iu tho interests of tho taxpayers of Nobraska. Mar kets, special artiolos nnd u vigorous policy mako this tho paper you should road. This is tho lowest priced daily in tho stato at this out priae, and poo pie who havo been gettiug along with out a daily can now afford ono. Try it. Tho paper will stop whon tho timo is up, Sond your order diroot to 1 Lincoln Daily Nows, .Z.- PECIALS For Saturday Only, October 24 FRESH MEAT SPECIALS Best of Beef Boiling Meat, 4 ' 'Rib Roast, Best Loin Steak, Best Round Steak, Pork Chops, . .Sausage and Cold Meat Specials. . Berlin Sausage, or Pressed Ham, 18c per lb Minced Ham, - 17c per lb Bologna, 14c per lb Frankfort Sausage, 14c per lb Liver Sausage, .- 15c,-or 2 lbs for 25c - . . .SMOKED MEAT SPECIALS. . . Rex Hams, 20c per lb Rex Ham, skinned, 21c per lb Rex Bacon, 22c per lb Salt Pork, 18 c per lb Fresh Oysters, per quart 45c a All this Meat will be on Sale Saturday Only $ 1 ' I will also have the Freshest line of Groceries and Cookies In Town . Mystic Flour -:- $1.70 Per Sack All the Above Goods will be Sold for Spot Cash Only W. F. LORENZ, Jr. The Cash System AVlns I Let Farms for Trade kand ranging in price from SpO.OO tp $150.00 per aere, Xist Your Farm With- Me E. F. Rasmussen, Auctioneer I I "Your Humble Servant" Ponea, Nebr. Phone 50 P. O. Box 101 liSHaaHHHHHHHBHnHHHHHHHHHHHi FRANK DAVEY, JR. RAY M. DAVEY. Davey Bros. Tire Repair Co. '123 Water Street Sioux City, Iowa Prompt Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Home Made Cozy and Comfortable in Bleakest, Coldest Winter Day YOU will be comfortable,' cozy, warm and happy if you have one of these new Favorite Base Burners in your home. Here you have heat dor veloped to it's maximum. Step in and look at this wonderful stove You must see it to appreciate its attractiveness and exclusive advantages. Dakota City Nebraska 12c per lb 18c per lb t 25c per lb 23c per lb 23c per lb Me Sell You Land In Nebraska and South Dakota The best Corn and Alfalfa land in the states. I can sell at provate or public auction. I I I A B N V I I i i 4.