Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 01, 1914, Image 3

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Home Town
T Helps T
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ISTOIIY again repeats Itself. Seventeen
years ago. In November. 1S97. the
ntl TTnltml Qlntin pa.......... ..,... rnnr. wno
HKHjSfl fa dispatched northward to rescue the
fct58ift crows of eight whaling vessels lco-
$ uud In tho Arctic ocean Bomewhore
lv n tll neGll0orllod of Point Harrow,
.l Alaska. Now thts samo ship Is tfff
i uura nioru lor uiai mgiu rtsiuu, uui
tins time to effect tho relief of that part of the
crow of tho Ill-fated Knrluk now marooned upon
Wrangel island, to tho northwest of Boring strait.
As will be recalled, the Karluk set out to explore
the Arctic region north of Beaufort sen and If pos
sible to examine more closely Crockor land, which
was sighted by Peary on tho 24th of June, 190G,
from a distant point. Tho discovery of Crocker
land gavo tnnglblo support to the old contention
,that tho polar region was not a great Ice-covered
s$a, but Instead that a vast continent existed thero
beneath Its eternal cloak of snow and Ice. Stofans
son E3 one of thoso who believed In tho exlstenco
of an Arctic continent In that wide untraversed
realm, and his aim was to trace a part at least of
its boundaries.
To tho casual observer tho untimely ending of
his expedition might seem to have thwarted his
purposo and to hnvo rendered useless tho ventur
ing of tho Karluk, but tho loss of that craft In itself
has, paradoxically, added cumulative evidenco of
the exlstenco of tho shores that Stefansson and
his followers did not see. To make this clear It is
necessary to explain how tho searching mind of
tho scientist has already determined the probablo
existence of an uncharted Arctic continent or a
vast archipelago of largo Islands covering a total
nrea of qUIto 500,000 square miles an area more
than ten times as big as tho state of New York or
as largo as Alaska itself.
Hnvo you over spilled a
cupful of water on a level
bit of ground?" If so, you
have probably noticed how
far tho liquid spread. Again,
you have no doubt poured
n bucketful of water Into a
barrel and been disgusted
nt tho modest degreo" It
went toward filling it. In a
popular way this Illustrates
the manner in which the
waters of a rising tide ad
vance) upon low-lying lands
and, again how the samo
influx is relatively but lit
tle noticed when the basin
is deep and broad.
Without entering Into the
details of Arctic tides, it Is a fact that they arc
normally of modest rango. and yet in some parts
tho r so and fall Is considerably less than it
should be if tho water, were free to circulate from
shore to shore or from sido to sldo of tho Arctic
basin. Indeed, so wo are told by It. A. Harris of
tho United States coast and geodetic survey, "at
Dennett island at Toplitz bay, Franz Josef land,
the rango of tho diurnal wave has about one-half
of tho magnitude, which the tidal forces acting
over an uninterrupted Arctic basin would pro
duce." In other words, tho normal or theoretical
flow is somehow impeded, and tho question is,
What is the nature and the extent of this ob
struction or series of tidal checks?
"The semi-daily tides found in tho Arctic ocean
aro derived almost entirely from thoso of the
North Atlantic, because tho somi-daily forces van
ish at the polo and are very small In the higher
latitudes," Mr. Harris continues. "It 13 a case
of getting near tho hub of n wheel. Theso tides
enter the Arctic ocean proper by way of the
strait lying between Spitzbergen and the eastern
coast of northern Greenland. They are propa
gated through tho Arctic to tho New Siberian
islands, the average rlso and fall at Bennett Is
land being 2.5 feet.
"Now upon the assumption of an" uninterrupted
Arctic basin the tides at Point Barrow and at
Flaxmnn Island could not differ greatly in size
from tho tides which would,- upon tho samo as
sumption, bo found at Bennett Island. Bu( as a
matter of fact tho rlso and fall of the semi-daily
tldo is 0.4 foot at"Point Barrow and 0,5 at Flax
man island."
But tho presonco of an obstruction, assuming
tho water for tho tidal movement to come, as Mr.
Harris says, from the Atlantic ocean via tho
passage between tho northeastern coast of Green
land nnd Spitzbergen, is further evidenced by the
directions in which the ebb and tho flood tides
flow'. If no barrier existed to tho free movement
of tho flood from east to west then tho ebb would
run east to tho outlet between tho two points
mentioned. In short, It would leave by tho short
est route to the original point of entry into the
Arctic basin.
Other records aro available that holp to bear
out Mr. Harris' argument in favor of n vast un
chnrted continent or oxtended group of big is
lands of which Crocker land is but a part. In
September, 1S79, tho Arctic exploring craft Jean-'
netto was caught by the Ice and frozen in near
Wrangel island, where the Karluk'a men aro now
marooned. Sho was carried by the ebb tldo along
with tho ico to tho westward until sho sank on
June 12, 1 881, to tho northeast of Bennett Island.
Again, Nnnaen's Fram was frozen in to tho
eastward ot Bennett island on September 22,
1893, nnd after drifting generally westward got
clear on July 19, 189C, nt a point nearly due north
of Spitzbergen. Now lot un seo what happened to
tho Karluk.
On October C, last year, Stcfansson's ship was
swept from her anchorage by a galo and carried
off shore at a point northeast of Barter island
near Manning point. There sho wns caught by
tho Arctic pack, from which it was impossible to
break her loose, and thence sho, too, drifted to
tho westward always westward until crushed
and siont to tho bottom north of Wrangel island
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at a position close to that in which the Jeannetto
was first gripped by the lco in September, 1879.
Why should all theso vessels have been moved,
continually to tho west by the Arctic drift? Sim
ply becauso, as Mr. Harris and others have ex
plained, the Incoming tide from tho Atlantic has
to sweep to tho eastward and around so'mo great
obstruction that reaclipefdown from close to tho
pole to a point fairly near Alaska and the upper
most shores of tho Dominion of Canada. Tho
ebb tide In passing out in turn has to follow the
came circuitous route, but its movement is to tho
westward, and probably stronger in Its general
effect than the incoming or flood tide. Why
should this be?
Look at tho llttlo map that goes with this arti
cle. Tho curving lines with timo marked In
Roman numerals show how the advancing high
tide moves from tho Atlantic and tho other fig
ures and decimals indicate tho measure of tho
rise. Plainly, the further tho water sweeps into
the pocket ending at Beaufort sea tho smaller
tho tidal flux and tho slower tho water moves In
the interval of, tide chango; tho water, bo to
speak, is being crowded. Accordingly on tho ebb
tho sweep is freer, ns it is trending toward tho
great open Atlantic, and this probably accounts
for the aggregato net gain in the westward drift.
In this fashion, with tho tidal data avallablo,
tho hydrographer has been able not only to com
pute tho general area of tho unknown continent
or archipelago, but to approximate its broad con
tours. True, tho Karluk never reached her ob
jective, and Stefansson did not oven seo Crocker
land, hut his ship, in her unchecked wanderings
in tho grip of tho Arctic pack, confirmed tho ex
istence of tho vast barrier In the Arctic basin and
will inspire further efforts in tho direction of its
After the Karluk sank Captain Bnrtlott and his
men made tholr toilsome way southward over the
pack ice to Wrangel island, where thoy encamped
with such ot the ship's stores as they were ablo
to carry off with them. From Wrangel Island
Captain Bartlott and one Eskimo made a sledgo
trip to the Siberian coast and Providence bay,
thence crossing In tho American whaler Herman
north of the St. Lawrence Island to St. Michael
on the Alaskan shores. From St. Michael news
of the predicament of his men on Wrangel island
was dispatched to tho United States, and steps
were at onco started looking to tho early relief of
the shipwrecked crow.
At. Shis tfmo the United States rovenue cutter
Bear Is on her way into tho Arctic ocean and
would undoubtedly havo gone soonor had It not
been learned that the Arctic pack was still a3 far
south as Point Hope, Alaska. Tho work cut out
for the doughty little steamer Is perilous, for she
will probably havo to noso her way north and
westward against a good deal of opposition as it
Is. Wo can best gathor an idea of tho task by
reference to tho kindred duty performed by tho
ship in tho early summer of 1898 when sho got
tho crews of tho eight whalers out of their hazard
ous positions on tho northern Alnskan const.
Capt. F. Tuttle, then In command of tho Bear,
stnrted from 'fit. Michael on July 7 nnd on tho
17th of that month Btood northward through Ber
ing strait. Arriving off Point Barrow about July
30, tho Bear was made fast to the solid pack. It
was impossible to an
chor. Ono of tho whal
ers, tho Jeannotte, was
nlso secured to tho lco
to tho Bouth of tho
rovenuo cutter. Hero Is
what Captain Tuttlo re
ported of tho situation
at tho tlmo:
"In tho afternoon of
tho 30th thero were
largo pieces of lco drift
imr nlnntr with fhn current. Fearing they might
strike tho vessel nnd pnrt tho mooring lines, got
under way nnd steamed into an Indentation in
tho ground ico, whero tho steamer Jeannetto was
made fast. A sultablo mooring place was found
and tho vossol made fast to tho ground lco.
"On August 1 and 2 looso lco would drift In
and pack around tho vessel whero sho lay in tho
indentation in tho lco. As thero was only a tri
fling pressure no danger was antlclpatpd- At 2
p. m. August 3 came n sudden pressure of tho
ico, the four forward fasts carried away and tho
vessel forced astern about flvo feet. Tho pres
sure then coming against tho starboard sido
forced tho port sido against tho ground lco.
"A point of lco undor water abreast tho englno
room, tho weakest placo in tho vessel, as thero
aro no nthwartshlp timbers thoro, forced tho port
side in sufficiently to bucklo tho englno room floor
plate3. Men were immediately sent with lco
chisels and the lco was cut away. As soon a 3 tho
ico was removed tho pressure at that point
ceased and tho floor plates dropped back in placo.
"Tho after section of tho rudder was sprung
about an eighth of an Inch. Tho lco was cut from
around tho rudder and tho pressuro on that was1
removed. So far as can bo seon no material dam
age was done by tho nip. A vessel less strongly
constructed would havo been crushed at once."
On moro than ono occasion that year tho llttlo
Bear was hard put to It nnd her mission of mercy
wns fraught with hazards. On Bovbral occasions
during that Arctic Bummer sho had to blast a
channel open to clear water, and this exploit was
not always Immediately successful, whllo tlio odds
against escape pllod up In a threatening manner.
However, tho ship kept steadily at her task, and
in tho end tho Ice-bound whalemen were succored
and carried back to civilization, or after restora
tion to health sot upon othor whalers In that
treacherous region.
Ice wan not tho only peril, for with tho milder
months thero was fog, and occasionally very
strong winds or gales that meant dangor upon
that barren coast. As a part of tho relief expe
dition a sled party was dispatched overlcnd long
beforo tho Bear could noso her way Into tho
Arctic ocean, nnd of the gallant work of those
men Americans and tho personnol of the rovenuo
cutter service may well bo proud.
In closing his report to the treasury depart
ment Captain Tuttlo said: "The ofllcers and
crow boro tho monotonous isolation with tho
greatest patience, complalnt8 being almost un
heard of. Tho courajo, fortitude and persever
ance shown by tho mombers of the overland ex
pedition aro deserving of tho highest commonda
tlon "Starting over a routo seldom traveled beforo
by dog sleds, with n herd of over 400 reindeer to
drlvo and caro for, they pushed their way through
what nt tlmos seemed Impassable obstacles,
across frozen seas and over snow-clad mountains
with tireless energy until Point Barrow was
reached nnd tho object of the expedition success
fully accomplished."
Such is tho typo of tho men now aboard tho
little cutter, and thero Is every reason to expect
the samo splendid performance of tholr present
mission as was witnessed under somowhat kin
dred conditions 17 years ago.
Matter of Importance In Which This
Country Might Learn a Letaon
Form Older Lands.
Somo of tho gnyost, happiest pic
tures of family llfo to bo found in
Gcrmnny, nnd oven ns far north ns
Copenhagen, nro of tho ovonlng gath
erings of working mon nnd women in
tho vacant lots, for families who llvo
In apartments and tenements nro nl
lowed to havo small gardens or play
plots thoro. Tho actuating purposo
behind this movement in Europe Is
tho preservation of tho homo, nnd I
limitation of tho novorty and dlsonso
duo to alcoholism, but It Is nB power-1
ful an lnlluenco In directing tho recrea
tion of tho "grownups" Into wholo
Bomo channels ns nro our school
gardens in this country.
A Now York paper recently com
puted tho vnluo of 191,742 pieces of
vncant land in tho city to bo JC44,
637,185. It Is being nrguod that tho
ownors should contrlbuto tho use of
this land for "temporary playgrounds
for children nnd potato patches to
help hold down tho cost of living
for tho poor."
An enterprising department storo
in Lob Angeles recently purchased n
quarter-block of land for n now site,
upon which It will build flvo years
honco. Tho walls of adjoining build
ings woro painted nrtlstlcnlly with
mountain scenery and an nnnounco
mont of tho advantages of this slto
for tho futuro business of tho storo.
Tho ground was laid out as an Invit
ing public recreation park for chil
dren nnd ndults, to bo used until
building oporntlons commenced. Such
experiments would bo posslblo nnd
vnluablo In nlmost every city or town.
InMslHsi&HsBLHsiiiiHIsHBSsiwKSMelTlPUx fiSsHssBbwr ftL jmB
hm ii limn 'Hi iwiwwm " 'tmmmmmummmmmam
(Proparcd by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture )
A wcll-conBtructod homo-inado silo
will last Indefinitely, nnd thoro Is no
danger of Its blowing down, rotting
out or bolng nttneked by vermin, says
Fnrniorn Bulletin 589 of tlio United
States department of agriculture
Tho cost of tho homo-mndo silo do
ponds so much on tho slzo ot tho silo
nnd on thow local 'prlco of materials
that no dcllnlto amount can bo nB
signed which would bo npplicnblo to
nil conditions. Recoutly collected
data on tho cost of homo-mndo bIIos
show nn nvorngo cost ot concreto b11o3
to bo $2.58 per ton capacity. Tho stnvo
silos cost $1.G3 nnd tho modified Wls-J
conBln $1.61 por ton capacity. Silos of
Binall dlnmotors cost moro por ton ca
pacity than slloo of largo diameters.
Thoro nro Bomo features which aro
essential to tho construction of nil
silos nnd without which sllago will not
bo kept In porfect condition.
1. Tim walla should "bo alr-tlcht.
City Centralization a Menace to the slnco -ihQ keeping of Bllngo depends
Well-Constructed Silos.
Tho weight of a cubic foot of sllago
Most Vital Interests of the
Tho pendulum of trado Is swinging
slowly but certainly toward tho elim
ination of tho country town In busi
ness systems of n not far distant dny,
according to tho vIowb of some serl-ous-mlnded
students of tho tlmos. Nu
merous retailers of tho stato foresaw
changes coming years ago, nnd nro'bo
ginning to predlcato their bollefs on
thlsRown elimination on tho now ex
isting1 conduct of bu'iness in practical
ly every town In tho stato, says a Lin
coln (Neb.) correspondent of tho St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
It is a problem that has caused
many a country storekeeper to swal
low a lump when ho began to think
nbout It. Economists havo given it
theoretical nttontion nnd tho mer
chants havo considered It in tho light
of practlco. Both aro arriving nt somo
conclusions In tlio matter nnd both aro
pointing out remedies which thoy bo
llovo could bo,nppllod In such n way
that tho dlseaao, It bucIi It bo, can bo
checked and tho Idontlty of tho coun
try town prosorved.
If not tho country town what?
Therein Btudents of economy, besides
business men, bocomo a factor In tho
equation. , That Is Just it. If not tho
town, wluit shall supplant It? That
Is tho question which fnrmers havo
begun to study, too. it's nil very much
of a problem to which the thoughts of
hundreds of Nebraska business mon
nro being directed nt this tmo. It Is
tho guiding Impulse In convention dis
cussions and the topic wherever a fow
ot them nro gnthored.-
upon tho exclusion of air it Is lmpora
tlvo that tho walls of tho silo bo built
In such a way ns to keep out tho nlr.
Tho lumbor Bhould bo woll mntchod,
nnd that containing largo knots ehould
bo rejected. In concroto silos n wash
on tho insldo with cement or with raw
coal tar thlnnod with gnsollno Is ef
fective In mnklng tho walls Impervious
to air. Caro should bo taken that tho
doors lit closely Into tholr frames.
2. Tho walls should bo smooth and
plumb so that tho sllago will not nd
hero to thorn In settling and thus
causo nlr epneos in the outer edgo ot
Uio sllago. Furthermore, tho walls
should be capable of Btandlng consid
erable lateral strain without cracking
or bulging. This is ono reason why
rectangular silos aro unsuccessful.
3. Tho silo must bo deop enough bo
that tho pressure from above will thor
oughly pack tho sllago nnd forco out
tho air. Tho greater tho pressure tho
less nlr in tho silo and tho loss will bo
tho loss of nutrition materials by fer
mentation. 4. Tho only form of silo to bo recom
mended is ono which Is round. This
form Is tho cheapest, capacity consJd-
vnrles according to tho pressure to1
which it le subjected, but In a silo 30
feet deep It will averago about forty
pounds. So, by knowing tho amount
of sllago to bo fed dally, It Is posslblo
to uBtimato what tho diameter of thef
stlo nhould bo to permit tho removal
of a certnln number of Inches In depth
each day.
Tho following table will provo ot
Interest to thoso contemplating build
ing silos:
Relation of slzo of herd to diameter
of silo for winter feeding, on basis
of 40 pounds of sllago per cubic foot:
Number of animals that
may be fed allowing
5 3 P
. o
63 1
Rest Rose Bushes Now.
In tho caso of roses now moro than
ono year plantod, no water need he
given until October, unless tho soil Is
very light Indeed. This will afford
n much-needed rest. Do not bo
troubled If somo leaves turn yellow
nnd drop away, for no harm will ro
Bult. SmalUand soft canes mny have
their bark shrivel. Theso should bo
cut away nbout October 1, all crossing
canes, tangled growths pruned out,
tho center of each bush left froo nnd
two-thirds ot nil other growth cut
back. This leaves a fow stubby, stur
dy canes. Water well, and keop wa
tered. When vigorous growth Is start,
ed tho plants will begin to hunger
Then fertilize, lightly nt first, nnd In
thrco or four weeks as heavily an you
choose. Tho result will bo rosea o'
a high order.
Thorough Pulverization of Soil Follow
ing Drought Tends to Increase
Yields Frost Is Factoi.
Big crops usually follow a year of
drought, in the main duo to tlio thor
ough pulverization of Boll from that
agency. Frost Is another factor that
gives big crops whenever It enters the
ground deeply, nnd either of theso
ngencles will till tho soil deeper than
any toolB enn reach.
Thoro is yet another agency which,
should novor bo neglected, deep-rooting
plants, which, besldo tholr mechan
ical and acid action on tho soil, bring
to tho surfneo again fortuity that haB
lonched or that which Is out ot reach
of tho shallower rootod plants, or thoso
wjth loss Bubsoll ponotratlon. Wheat
or oats will nttnek tho subsoil to a
limited extent. Alfalfa and sweet
clover will work with us nnd for ub
all tho tlmo.
Whllo wo work tho top soil free of
wcods, and retain tho soil, mulch,
which will enablo tho alfalfa to sur
vive, the plant roots aro doing nn
lnflnltoly greater work below, besides
adding bacteria, bringing a soil to llfo
that has lain practically dead, except,
at tho vory top, for all tho ngea that
havo gone.
Rosornnry Look at the mnn making motions
with his hands and wriggling his shoulders.
Thornton Yes; I happen to know him.
Itoaomary Who is ho and what is ho doing?
Thornton Ho is a deaf nnd dumb man who
tnlks with a French accent.
"Now somo doctor ndvlses peoplo to cat sand.
Seems dangerous to me. What do you think?"
"Dunno. I think It might bo safe to tako n
chnnco. Most of us neod it badly in our systems."
Man Discovered, Altogether Too Late,
That He Had Been Killing His
Own Chickens.
A good Btory Is told about two well
known residents of tho North end.
Doth kopt hons, and as each has a gar
Jon thay havo bson rather fussy about
tseplng their honliouaon locked up and
:ha birds confined. Both havo the samo
iraed ot hens. Only a fow days ago
ne of them found that a hen had boon
scratching and Injuring his garden. Ho
looked at his hencoop and saw it was
all shut up and ho Immediately bus
pected his neighbor's fowlB. Tho an
noyanco continued and Anally ono day
he said to his friend:
"Say, your chlckons are raislngj
havoc with my gardon."
"Is that so?" said tho othor. "Now
if you find any of my hens over on
your placo Just kill thorn."
"Do you moan U?" said tho other.
"Certainly I do," replied tho man.
A fow days later the man's wife saw
a headless chicken thrown over on tho
lawn. Sho picked It up nnd carried It
in the houso and told her husband
nbout It when ho came homo to dinner.
"Wo will eat It," ho qulotly said.
Two moro enmo over, and tho family
had moro chlckon dinners. A fow daya
ngo tho man who had beon doing tho
butchering met his neighbor on tho
front lawn and said:
"Say, do you know, I havo been kill
ing my own lions?"
"Sure," said tho othor, "and I havo
beon oatlng thorn."
It BcomH that tho man who mndo tho
complaint found out back of his own
coop that ono of tho hens had bur
rowed a holo underneath and they
woro getting out that way. Tho holo
wna so covered that it did not show
from tho front. Manchester Mirror
and American.
Replacing Animal Fats.
Oil pressed from copra, tho dried
moat of cocoanut, Is rapidly replacing
animal fats In tho manufacture ot ar
tificial butters In Europe.
Journalistic Feat By "T. P."
A brilliantly striking font in Jour
nalism was recently performed by T.
P. O'Connor, M. P. Tho best apprecia
tion of Mr. Chamberlain, from tho
point of viow of n poraonal observer,
which nppearcd In tho London news
papers, was that wrltton by Mr. O'Con
nor for tho Tolegraph. A request for
tho articlo was sent to Mr. O'Connor
just as'tho Houbo of Commons was
rising at 5 o'clock. Between 5:30 and
7:30 p. m. ho hed wrltton tho apprecia
tion, which ran to botwoon flvo thou
sand and six thousand words. Thla
did not exhaust Mr. O'Connor's activi
ties for tho day, as ho attended tho
dinner of tho ABBodated Industrial In
aurnnco Societies In tho ovonjng, and
delivered ;,a brilliant after-dinner
"Tay Pay" la renewing his Journal
istic youth!
His Wish.
FlatbUBh I notlco two novelties to
aid gardoners nro a hoo with a need
box noar tho blndo with which plant
ing may bo done, nnd nyshovel with a
second grip part way down tho handle
Benaonhurat But what wo really
need moat la n weed gottor that will
work while wo sleep.
Put It on the Other Fellow.
"Wo should so live," remarked tin
mn on tho car, "that tho othor fel
low will ba to blame If -anything goot
Small-Sized Silo.
Grcd, and tho walls nro moro rigid
than thoao ot tho rectangular or octag
onal formB. ThlB results In moro por
fect preservation ot tho sllago.
Tho silo should bo placed outside
rather than Insldo tho barn, As a silo
ordinarily1 does not neod the. protec
tion of a barn, it 1b not economical to
uso barn space for thla purposo. An
exception to this rulo may bo mado in
tho caso of tho round barn. A silo In
tho mlddlo of n round barn sorvoa to
support tho Buperatructuro a8 woll ae
to placo tho sllago in a position for
convenient feeding. A Bllo so placed,
howovor, is liable to bo vqry incon
venient to fill. Tho most poptijar loca
tion Is not moro than a fow feet from
the barn and opening Into a soparato
feeding room. Tho door of tho barn
can then bo closed and the sllago
odors kept out of tho stable at milking
Tho silo should not bo built In tho
ground so deeply ns to mako It neces
sary to lift tho sllago moro than flvo
feet In getting It out from tho bottom.
In other words, tho bottom should not
bo more than flvo foot below tho low
est door.
The Size and Capacity of the Silo.
Tho diametor ot tho alio will depend
upon tho amount of Mlage to bo fed
daily. Tho sllago should bo removed
from tho top nt tho rato of 1 to 3
Inches por day, dopendlng upon cli
matic conditions, Tho wanner tho
weather tho more sllago must bo re
moved from tho surfneo dully In order
to prevent Bpolllng. For tho winter
feeding season It la safor to figure
upon removing two Inches dally rather
than n smaller amount, A common
error In building la to mako tho dlam-
I etor too largo for tho slzo of the herd,
Grains Should Be Well Dented ar,'d
Glazed, and Few of Lower'
Leaves Turned Brown.
Corn 1b ready to hnrve8t for filling
tho silo nbout tho samo timo It is
rendy for harvesting tho fodder; tho
grains should bo well donted and
glazed, and a fow of tho lower leaves
turned brown. If tlio com Is cut too
groan tho sllago will be sour, nnd tho
feeding valuo decreased, whllo, on tho
other hand, if tho corn is -too rlpo it
will not pack woll in tho bUq, a largo
amount ot water will bo necessary to
insure lla kooplng quality, and thero
Is danger of dry hot, which lowers tho
feodlng vnluo.
Sorghum should bo harvested for
tho silo whllo tho seeds aro In tho
dough stago. Like corn, it it is let in,
tho Hold until It has become too dry,
tho sllago will contain a larger amount
ot indlgcstlblo matorlal, und will not
mako a good quality of silage.
Tho tlmo of harvesting tho crops for
filling tho silo that la, tho stage in
which tho crops should bq harvested.
muBt bo given great consideration It
a good quality of sllago la to bo ob-,
Pea vinos, soy bennB, and other hay
crops should be harvested for tho silo
at tho samo tlmo ns for making hay
that is, when in full bloom and few
of tho heads aro ripe.
Tho corn harvester is becoming very'
popular for harvoatlng com for filling
tho Bllo, and tho work la carried on
much faster than when tho hand
mothod Is used, of cutting; however, It
tho amount of com or othor crops
used Is not great enough to justify tho
exponso of a hnrvestor hand cuttlngc
may ho practiced.
In determining tho slzo of cutter,
englno, and other machinery to bo
purchased tho amount ot work to b
done should bo takon Into considera
tion. Tho cutter Bhould be largo
enough to carry on tho work as fast
ub tho ontlre forco ot men employed
con got tho crop to tho cutter, and, on
tho othor hand, tho cutter should not
bo too largo tor tho englno that is to
drlvo it.
Tho larger cutters having tho self
feeding devlco afford tho, greatest ca
pacity, and savo a largo amount ot
lab(r which Is required In the opora
tlon ot tho smaller machines.