F ry 3T , ws$ Dakota City Grocery Fresh Groceries of all kinds at Prices that are Right Just Arrived a nice lot of Shoes, Ginghams, Calicoes, Percales, Etc. Come in and get First Choice We will save you ri-aney if you trade with us. If you don't buy it here, how can we save it for you Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs I W. L. ROSS m Dakota City, Inter-State Live Stock Fair siovx CITY September 21-26, 1914 Special Trains via the C.St.P.M.&O.Ry Norfolk Line to Sioux City TUESDAY, 22nd AND WEDNESDAY, 23rd Leave Norfolk, - 0:45 urn Leave Dakota City, 8:55 urn Ar Sioux City, - 9:15 am Connects with regular truina from ' Bloomliold uud Orofton RETURNING Speoial train from Sioux City to Norfolk Lino, Tuosduy, Sept 22 Lv Sioux Oity, - 7:30 pm Ar Norfolk, - 10:10 pm Connects ut Wayno unci Wako- Hold with spociul trains to liloomfiold anil Orofton. New and Attractive Entcrtainpient Features More prizes and largor exhibits in ovory dopaituent BETTER THAN EVER B. C. Buchanan, Agent Dakota City, Nebr. G. H. MncRae Gen. Passenger Agent, St. Paul OVER 6.6 YEARS' PERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyriqhts &c. mnnn unndtnir a sketch and description mar anlcklr nacortalii onr opinion free whether au invniitlon 18 probably patentable. Communlca iloniiitrlctlroinildeiithl. HANDBOOK onl'atenu suiitfreo. Olileit aironcr tor ecunusmteuu. ratenta taken through Munn Co. recelro ,-p(-U! notice, without clmrgo, la the Scientific American. V JmndomeIr Illustrated weeklf. TJmret elr. ulutlou of anr iclontltlo journal. Terms, 13 a cur: four months, (1. Bold byall newade&lcri. MIJNN&Co.36""0-New York HtAUCn Office. 625 F BU Washington. 1). C. Real estate loans. Qeo Wilkins Adv WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Brand New Show i KVERY WEEK MUSICAL BURLESQUE Clean, Classy Entertainment. EvsnbodfOoes: Ask ftnjbodi. LADIES' DIME MATINEE DAILY DONT GO HOME SAYING I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY isBSsar" Tho" Best' Remedy) Foiflstlllformaofj RHieiimatisni Prrrcrakr1 ATICA1? GOUTJNEURALGU flftPlKIPNEYftTROUBl. STOrHPAINJ tiivesnuicKniiai4 . MOUrB.moy uv I sample S'tmon" nix oh RCQunr Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co 16.XMW.UkStU.CKlCA0 aOINQ TO GET MARRIED? Let U Design Your Engagement Cards (jut Wed(llo8Iirrttatton. vjhHH' EX iywjra nm vl'fMQatfT and Nebraska Local Items Tho Herald 1 year, $1. Julius Quintal left Mast week for Missouri to pick apples. Will Sohriever bogan his work ns a Btudont at Morningside college Mon day. Fred Sohriever, Jr, loft Sunday noon for Lincoln, and has entered tho state university. Frank Sides went to Lincoln yrstot; day to resume his wprk at the state university. Wo are indebted to tho Will H Bock Co, of Sioux Oity, for u handsome war mup of Europe. Tho W P Warner family havo re turned to Omaha from their summer homo at MoGregor, Minn An unusual amount of rain fell bore tho past week, in faot more than we had in July and AugUHt oombinod. Mies Olive Stinson commeuced teaching in the Metz school between horo and South Sioux Oity last week. The regular fall term of the district court Iiqh bean adjourned by order of Judi?o Guy T Graves until November 23rd. Mrs Nettie Hammond left last week for her homo at Trenton, Neb, having spent tho paBt summer bore with rel atives. Tho amount of warrants written up from the laBt session of tho county board amounted in round numbers to $18,815.85. A sooial danoo will bo helu in tho AyrcB hall this (Thursday) evening. Parker's 4-pieoo orohostra will furnish miiBio for tho occasion. Walter Cheney has ordered bills for a pnbfio sale of his porsonal prop erty to bo hold Wednesday, Ootober 7th. Keep this date in mind. D M Noiswanger is able to bo out again, and is. looking after business muttors at the storo. Ho still thinks that he will bo compelled to undergo an operation, Owen Minter, of Ft Dodgo, Is, was hero last week and was aooompaniod home by his daughter, Mrs John Toby and children, who had boon visiting relatives horo for a few weeks, Moll A Sohmied received word this weok that he had landed the job of speoial deputy in the MBA order. His duties aro to visit lodges, settle difiloulties, and look after tho' interests of tho order in Nebraska. Kov w X ilause, misslonory seoro tary for tho Lutheran ohuroh of Ne braska, will bring his wifo and child ren hero from Stamford, Neb, this weok and take up their residence in the Lutheran parsonage for a couple months, while ho is looking after churoh matters in this part ot the stHto. A froight train was wrecked on tho Omaha road below DoSota Sunday and a car of gasoline caught flro and burned up several cotb of morohan disc. Another wreck ocourrnd on the Ponoa branch Monday when the pas senger train run into a work train (that was standing still). No lives wero lost in either case. Walter Oheney made arrangements to loavo last Wednesday for Harding rove, S D, taking with him a team of horses for his brother, Robort L Ohe ney, to ubo on his ranch, but his car was detained in Sioux Oity a couple of days in order to have his horses in spected boforo shipping into anothor state, and he did not get away until Friday. Ho expects to bo gono two weeks. The U S Oivil Sorvico Commission will hold a rural carrier examination Ootober 10, 1914, at Dakota, Nob, to fill u vacancy at Sioux, Neb, and oth er vacancies as they may ooour in rural routes in Dakota county. The pay of rural carriers is bused on the longth of the route and ranges from $184 to $1,200 por your. Tho routo at Sioux, Neb, is lUt miles and pays $880 por year. The ago limit for ex amination is 18 to 55. An upplioant must resido in tho territory supplied by a post ofllco in Dakota county. Ap plication blanks oan bo secured from tho postoflloe at Dakota, Neb, and Sioux, Nob, or from the civil servioe commission at Waahington, D C, nnd they should bo properly exeontod and filed with tho commission at least ten days prior to tho date of tho examina tion (Oct 10). As result of tho ex amination eaoh successful applioaut becomes eligible to appointment as rural osrriot nt Rfly postoflloo in the countji PHIP,' DAKOTA 6eU - 7f ttAi V M 8 M M Roam, cf Sioux City, visit ed friouds and relatives horo Wednes day Mrs U H Adair and Miss Brooks left the first ot the week for a visit in Obloago. For Bale One full blood Duroo Jorsoy boar, H -yours old. Frank Loamer. WJjb Gladys Orr wont to Lincoln tbo'Urst of tho woek, whoro bIio will attend tho Wesloyan university. Mrs Clyde Wilsou and baby wero over from Movillo, la, and spont Sat urday and Sunday with relatives here. Prof Cyril E Simpson during the past week roooived news of tho sudden death of his mother in London, Eng laud. The Misses Helon Gaaham and Ma rio Biormann wont to Wayno, Nob, Monday, to eotor tho state normal school. Thos J Mitouoll, democratic candi date for county treasurer, wan horo from Jackson Wednesday lookirg after his political fenoes. Frank Uooney was down from Naoo ra on business Tuesday, and made tho Herald a hurried call, leaving tho prioo of another yoars subscription, Communion sorvicos will bo held iu tho Salem English church next Sun day by Rev Kahse. Tho sorvioe s woro postponed last Sunday on account ot rain. Honry W Lahis wont to Lincoln Thursday of last week to neu the sights at tho Nebraska State Fair. Ho re turned Saturday evouing well pleased with his trip. Tho Kozv Studio now located p' Fourth and Douglas stroots. Tin. biggest, best variety of small size pho tos in tho city. Special Postal cards and Btnmp photos. Bee us nbd save monoy. Kozy Studio. 8CH00l"n0TE8. The first week of sohool indicates good attendanoo and very few tardi nesses whioh wero caused by reasons impossible to control, Thoro aro no good oxauses for tardiness oxoept siokuess or death or if the child is ono of the supports of the family. The sonior olass orgauizod last Thursday with tho following officers: President, Keith M Evans; Vioo-pres, Samuel HeikeB; Seo-Troas, Lcona Heikos. The boys aro enthusiastic over foot ball. With much practice and some training they will develop a light, faBt tem whioh ought to proVe a terror to all opposing teams. Stott Neiswang er was eleoted bnsiness manager and he is now arranging n schedule It is hoped by every teaehor that tho parentB having ohildren in school will visit at least tho classes and rooms in which their ohildren aio enrolled. This may seem to bo of no valuo be fore you visit, but it will onoourogo your boys and girls and tho toaoher. Sohool is not only n pluoo for the preparation for lifo, but is a part of life, real lifo. Conrad Jacobson, Prin. Phenomenal Bargain. We have been fortunate in making arrangements whioh enable us to oflior you a year's subscription to Furmer and Breeder and the Herald for only $1.00. This is an unusual bargain; tako advantage of it TODAY. Your subscription to Farmer and Broodor means that you aro entitled to ireo consultation with the Speoial Sorvico Department of Farmor and Breeder upon any question pertaining to farm ing and stock raising during tho term of your subscription to that magazine. This service alone is worth tho prioo we ask for both publications. Let us havo your ordor NOW. Papers sont to different addresses if desired. ABOUT VAIlMEn AMD BREEDER. Farmer and Breeder is pro-eminent- ly a magazine of farm and stook facts. It show oxaotly how to do tho things tho way thoy aro being dono by tho most successful farmers and breeders. It gives olear, DEFINITE and intelli gent explanations of farm methods and systoms. It is broad and varied id scope and gives you ideas, plans, and methods that you oan supply at once and put dollars in your pockets, The Herald, $1 per I fully appreciate the liberal vote accorded me at the recent primary elect ion, and trust my friends and supporters will be as loyal at the general election. Thanking you one and all, I am Faithfully your servant, &V HEMif) MKOTA cwv, NfiBMSRA. Km)mmMmmKMmKmww:c, g CORRESPONDENCE XWQMMXWM)MMW)MmW.Wym HUBBARD. Sioo Brook roturnod last Saturday from attending the fair nt Lincoln. Dan Hartnott uutood to Jackson Wednesday. Margaret Hurtnett whs ouo of tho passengers from horo , ,to tho oity Wednesday . A fiuo new line of outing flnnnols nt O Audersou Co's. Mrs. James Hondrloksoii was ou tho siok list a oouplo of days last week. Mrs Houostoin spent laBt weok with her parents iu Plum Grove. Joo Smith was in Emoison last woek, Oh you Joo, Ray Graves is carrying his urm in a sling, thu result of cranking an auto. Wintor is coming ou and we have iv big stock of blankets aud bedding, G Audorsou Co. Jim Qroen was in Homer Tuosduy, E Ohristenson is taking his vacation as rural mail currier. Duggac & lief fern an woro uwity on a land inspecting trip the first ot tho weak. Wo waut your oroam, butter, eggs and farm produoe, und nill pay tho higheBt market price. O Antiunion Co. Mrs J Jesson and daughtor, Sine, visitod at tliu Sam Larsuu liorau Tues day. Ohrihtino Beck has returned to Hub '". to attend sohool, after spending .ut vacation at tho L Rookwoll homo. Chris RaBmusson, who lives near l' iddler oroek, has rented liii farm and will otcot a modern dwelling on ono cornor of his land, where ho will reside with his family, Get your cotton llannol ru ens at O Audorsou Co's. Herman Renze was in Ounwu, In, lUBt nook on businoss. Mrs O M RuBmussen was in Sioux Oity last Saturday. Mrs OR Smith visited liut wiok with her daughter, Mis Diorking near Ooburn. E ChristonBon and wife wore iu Waterbury one day last week. Overalls in tho best makes ut O Anderson (Jo's. Albert Hansen left tho first of tho weok for Sioux City, having ucaopt ed a position thoro. Carrio Nelson came homo last weok alter a stay oi soverai montus in Sioux Oity. Our school opened Monday, Sor3 temberll. A fine lino of sweatois at O Ander son Co's. Sevoral from horo attended the ded ication of tho Catholic church in Jncki son Tuesday. Graudma Thornton returned last weok from her visit to Emerson. Jettio Long left Monday for Sinsiua wa, Wis, whore she will attend school, Our fall weight underwear is now on display and wo can fit ovory mom bor of tho family in just what you like. O Audorsou Co, ' Larson Bros have, employed , Peter Jensen to build their new barn. Mrs Herman Nelson spent a couplo of days tho first of tho week in Sioux Oity. Plastering was finishod on tho Riloy & Sullivan dwelling last week and carpenters aro busy doing tho finish ing work. JACKUON. Mrs Paul Sharp is visiting relatives at Oharlston, Okla. Editor-Postmastor KroeBen, of Sioux, Neb, had business horo Mon day. Mrs Mary E Mullalloy, Chambers, Nob, was looking aftor soma business mattors horo laBt Friday, Josoph Hall, jr, dopartod Monday for Lincoln to attend the university tho coming year, Anna Olnrk dopartod Monday for Sinsinawa, Wis, to resumo hor studios at St Clara academy. Mr and Mrs E W Nordyko nnd Mrs A J Nordyko autool up from Sioux Oity last Friday evening. Robt MoHulo, of Fnirbury, Nob, spont ovor Sunduy with his daughtor, , aBBBIR t MsmsaMa&iuieMaiwtikKB Gortrudo Mcilulc, who is ntlondlrg school horo. Mrs Emma Rice, who mado her homo with her uioao, Mrs Josoph Two hig, the past two years, was removed to n Sioux Oity hospital last woek for treatment. Mario Goodfollow departed the laBt of tho week for Denver, Col, whoro she will to toll tho coming oar. A numbor of priests of tho diooeso nttrinded tho eon felon co at tho paro ohial residence of Rov O'Sullivan last Thursday, Eva Stevons, who spout tho summor vuQutiou iu the homo ot hor brothor, Frank Stovtns, nt Upton, Wyo, ar rived homo Thursday. James Delonqhery wout to Ponder Saturday to spend u few days witli his daughtor. Laura Jonoi, of Otnuhn, nrrivod here Saturday for a visit with rola tiveH. Sho is returning from a two weeks' vaoutiou which sho spent nt Matiitnti nuil Colorado Springs. Nellie Uogan doparted last Friday for Valentine, Nob, lo resurao hor sohool duties there. There will bo u dntico nt Ri toy's hull September 25, 1014. Jns Hutu tirlnud will give nwny n chnnco ou n Ford nutomobilo at midnight with ouch ticket nt $1, Everybody invited, John Brady, nu old uud respeoted citizen of this place, diod suddenly at his home hero Inst Friday nftornoon, September 11, 1014. lio is survived by his widow nnd two d lughtors, Mrs O A Barrett, of Sioux City, In, aud Geuevievo, of this placo. Funornl services woro hold from tho Ontholio church nt 11 Vlook Sunday. Intor ment was m . n St John's oomotery. Among thesu .ma out of town nt tho funeral woro Mr uud Mih Boatty, Erin Maun, Bluir, Neb; Mr MoDouough and son Joo, of Omaha; Dr N J Maun, Toknmah, Nob; Mrs Tim Murphy, Homer; Mrs C II Duggan and daugh ter Loua, and Mrs O H O'Notll and son O H, of Sioux City; Miss Flom ming, of Lnurol, Nob; John O'Neill nnd wife, Ponoa, N)b; The Misses Kavauangh, of Watorbnry, Nob; Judgo D C Heffomnn, of Hubbard, Neb; Mr and Mis Frod Morgan nnd son Steph en, of Winnebago, Nob, HOMER. Miss Helen Shull spont n tow days in Dakota Oity laBt weok with friends. Mrs Frank Mansfield, of Denver, is hero on ii visit with relatives, Will Blessing writes that ho nnd hiB family are now looatod at Modford, Oro. Miss Emma Wilkins attended the state fair at Liaooln Inst week. . Mrs EX "o I. t mill "I p.i, f T coin, are wmi ui iuu 'liiu aiiui. homo, Heloq Stjdworthy has gono to Lin coln to attond tho university. Mrs Mary MoBoath, of Dakota Oity, visitod relatives horo Monday and Tuesday. Arthur O'Connor loft this weok for Mexico on account of failing health. His family has moved horo from Winnobago, Geo Drake moved his household goode hero from South Sioux Oity Wednesday nnd wlll'tako up his resi dence here. Tho concert given by tho Alegra olub in tho opera houso last Friday ovening was a brilliant suocoss, and drew a splendid orowd considering tliu disagroeablo weather. Musical talent from Sioux Oity, Pondor and Walthlll appeared ou tho program. SOUTH SIOUX CITY A H Blivon has been soriously ill tuo past weok. Allen Klino has enrolled ns a stu dent at Morningsido college Tho sohool board decided to add an ' othor toacherto the forco, at their last mooting, to caro for tho inoronso in tho enrollment ovor laBt yoar, Archio Myors and Miss Mary Cahill woro marriod Wednesday of lost week in tho Oatholio oharoh, by Fr Bchlier. Miss Fannio Wilbur has gono to Wayno, Nob, to attond tho stato nor mal. Hoy H Oarlock nnd Miss Ethol Brown wuro marrii .' Thursday of last weok nt tho O V Garlook homo. Thoy will naido ut Westflnld, la, whoro the groom is a toncher in tho public schools, Olaru Mitulit-ll has begun touching a term of school iu tho Ulybutg dis trict eut-t of Homer, ' SALEM MiisFnni Hall is sponring the week witli Mrs Arthur Armbrlglit, E W Nordyko uud family, of Sioux City, spout Sunday ut the Arthur Armbrigjit homo, Com mu 11 ion Btrvioos ut thu Sulom Lutheran church wero postponed ouo Weok Sunday ou uooouut of tho rain, Mrs J J yiots left lust Thursday for hor home iu Berlin, Conn, utter six weok' visit hero with hor mother, Mih 11 Bodcnbeiider, uud other, relntives. Frod Beermun und daughter, Mrs George Uatoi, woro called to Battlo Crook, Nebr, lust Friday by the seri ous illuoss ot Mr Ueerman'd brother, Wm Boarmann, who is afllioted with stomach tiaublo. For Sale. A bran new surroy for sale ohoup. Putrioh Jones, Hnbhurd, Nebr, REAL E3TATE TRAN8FER3. A U Htoln to ,T K nnd Martha K I'nlm ur. iwhwM2i-2h-o 1 B020 J as M KUiit and wifo to Izoru N Hcott, liiuiul 411-100 ucrog, lots, lnr.'-bH-. ., iooo K4iii,urooto Tuos Allawny, lots 4 und D, bike, Homer , .,,,,, too K II Oornoll mid wifo to Dolphin Rher wood, lots 2 uud , blk ti.Uontrul So HlouxOlty., ,, 1000 v H Oilman nnd wifo to W Priestly, lotT. blfcrJ.Ooylngtoii iioo For Seile A well matched sorrel team, Fields & Sluughter Co, Dakota City, Nob, t.e e..iL e..e..e e e e e e e e e e e f.,y,,t, A.f ,f. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTT ADVERTISING IB TUB ABC OF BUSEN.flSS, AND IT iramas fiTJcoEss to YOU rtihfa ffi ii iiiirir rrrrrnr. STIN SON'S Specials for Saturday.Sept. 19 For this Dixy Only 2cansStandard'Com 15c Mb Green Pkge 28c Coffee for 25c 25c pkge Oats for 20c 1 lb Dried Peaches 10c 7 pkgs best Matches 25c 1 can Standard Peas 10c 3 cans Salmon 25c All kinds of Fruits, Vegetables and Meats at Lowest Prices The remainder of our winter stock arrived this week and we now have the largest, and most complete line of merchandise we have ever shown. We are showing fifty different patterns in macki naws made up in norfolk, plain, and belted styles ranging in price from $6.50 to $10.00. Stinson's Dakota City. Only 15 Days of Low One-Way Faresto PAGIFC COAST :f September 24th to October 8th If you expect to go to California during this brief autumn period of low rates, you should arrange early for your accommo dations in the Burlington's through tourist sleeping cars' to I,os Angeles and San Francisco, via.Denver, through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake by daylight. $33,00 Daily through tourist el. if ra to Los Angelos via Denver, through Soonio Colorado and Salt Lako b uylight, Ono line of theso sleepers. may bo joined along tho Omnhn-Husi. igs main lino; tho other lino may bo joined along tho southern Nobraska mnin line. Arrango for your berths through tho undersigned L. W. 201" YEAR AK-SAR-BEN FALL FESTIVAL SEPT. SOTO OCT. 10 1B14 WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Every afternoon aaet vMtec. Eleetrloal Parade Prate nifl Para Evening Oot. 7. AHfeweiM Oe. HOME COMING WEKK OCT. 5 TO 10 PIONEERS i!aoiJo7ur Pte"w "-Bto ar H"tt :mnm by Ullng ui SSM 11 I Tk. UU ONE YEAR 1 ne oeralci nn, nm i ai DENTIST S. G. Daily, of Sioux City, will be in Hubbard every Monday at the office of Dr. Seasongood, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. - r-ymnkin ,v -rn , 1 Ntsbraslci GENERALLY FROM NEBRASKA TO PAGIFIC COAST II. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr, Wakklkx, G, P. A., Omaha, Nob, 1 , DIVORCE YOURSELF From Dirt, Dust and Drudf etj Combination Pneumatic 'Sweeper Release from broom diudgery-from die ttraln of moy ioj tnd lifting furniture and (torn the dangerous scattering ol dutt and germi that ue raited by the ate of the broom and the old faihioned carpet twecper.cau be attained by the ute of the Duatley Combination Pneumatic Sweeper, which, although cash operated by hand,' createt powerful lucu'on force which draws out all the ditt Vnd dutt found in your rug and carpets asd at the same time the revolving btuh picks up all list, pis, thread, livelinj, etc THE DUNTIEY SWEEPERS"aie madl in thrcetoes cad sold under rigid guarantee forone year. You may try a. Dust. Icy ta your own .home for 10 days Fran of Ciarge., I For loere Retailed loforniatlop'wilta'.TODAY, -Agonts Wonted Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper U0.. 0501 So. State st. Chicago, 1(1, IS One DOLLAR l J f