. i itfr -r-i DAKOTA COUNTV HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. fc - , J JMM (M 4 . ni laiiiKl-rriinil i t n ilfi i i i I rfim,., ft. L IX ii, :-. !.., Dakota County Herald JOHN II. RKAM, PUBLISHER Subscription Prico. $1.00 For Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota Oity, Nebraska. Permission has beon granted for the transmission of this papor through the mails as socond-olass matter. Telephone No. 48. Official Paper of Dakota County Farm Notes. Issued by the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture. IlKBT BOOM KOIt WOMEN The Btato university haB beon given the ubq of the old horticultural bull at the Btate fair grounds during tbo week of tbo Btato fair. Ono wiug of tbo building will bo iu charge of tbo de partment of bomo oconomica which will provide un oxhibtt and a sanitary rest room. Tbifl will bo for tbo uso of Nebraska women any timo betwom the hours of 9 a m 11 nil D p m. AOBICULTimAI. ENOINKEItS SUCCEED According to a rocont count, tbo de partment of agricultural engineering of tbo Nebraska Oollegn of Agricul ture ranks Bccond or perhaps first among stato universities intho numbor of graduates iu cliargo of agricultural engineering work iu colleges and uni versities. Tbo graduates are located in North Dakota, Kansas, Texas, In diana, Colorado, und other wenlorn und middle western states. Tbo call for graduates from this department has been so strong that it bas boon with difiloulty that tbo demand for graduates has boon filled, sink uoi.es rtErortTED Sink holes varying in depth from 3 to 20 foot, in width from 8 to 8 feot, and in length from G to 30 foot bavo boon roportod to tbo Nebraska Col lege of Agrioulturo from Hall and otbor oounties. Tbo holes aro formed without referenoo to swells and hol lows, but with respect to eaoit otbor they aro in rather irrogular lines, Tbo falling in comes suddenly, gener ally during wet weather. Tbo holo may suddenly inorcaso in area but not in depth, It has been found that frequently, altbo not always, these holos have beon in alfalfa fields. As some of the boles aro found in groveB it is believed that perhaps doop root ed plants oauso tho roofs of tunnels (which aro known to exist in certuiu areas) to crumble rnEVENTINO WASTE OF HILAQE Tbero will always bo somo wobIo on top of tbo silo, unless tho feeding ope rations aro begun immediately after filling. Tbo dopth to which silage spoils varies from two to twenty-four indies depending upon tbo precau tions taken to prevent it, Various methods of lessening waste havo boon advoeated. Somo tramp or pack tho surface of tho silage daily for a week or more.- Anothor method that is sometimes used is to soak thoroughly tho top layer and seed in with onts, Tbo oats gorminato and form a solid covering which keeps out tho air, A oovering of oat chaff or out straw may bo put on top of tbo silago to protoot it, or tho oars may bo ramovod from tbo last fow loads of corn boforo out ting and tbo surfaco soakod with wator. All theso motbods aro qnito satisfactory in that they kcop out the ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MAMMOTH INDIAN PowWow Friday, Saturday, Sunday Sept. 4, 5 and 6 Sylvian Beach, Crystal Lake Eimers & Sides' Tract, one-half mile west of Saunders Hotel Winnebago Tribe in Annual Fall Congress AH Ancient Rites and Customs will be Observed. Ghost Dances, Snake Dances, War Dances, Pony Races, and Indian Sports of All Kinds. Big Ox-Roast on Sunday Indian Wedding, According to the Ancient Custom of the Redmen Grounds may be reached by anto from end of South Sioux City car line, or by boat. Boats from Finnerty's landing to Pow-Wow grounds, 5c ft A Million Dollar Stock An Interstate Dluebloods of tho livestock world, 11,000,000 worth, will bo paraded bo fore the grand stnnds at tho Inter state Livestock Fair In Sioux City on Friday, September 25, Place in the parado will bo awarded only to such animals as merit tho distinction be causo of ribbons won at tho Interstate and other fairs. Tbo stock parado will sorvo as a climax for tho expo sition days that have preceded. In former years tho parado of prlzo winners has beon ono of tho most at tractive features of tho big show and this year tho interest In the featuro will bo oven greater, becauso of tho enlarged displays In all of tho divi sions of tho fair. Dands and similar musical organi zations havo been retained by tho fair SSFSSSSSsfHlllaXflBsBisHn'vWF-flsrFff" '""?'' HHffiSHHlsiHsHHIwl air and thus lessen tbo wasto Exton- MOmvamtMXKmimMWfflim .! n..ii.i.. ni M.. 1. .!,.. ri.1lnUIK 91 niUli 4JUJIUMU iiu t, iiuumD.n WU1ICQOi of Agriculture WATCH BABY'S MILK When it is not posslblo to obtain milk absolutely above suspicion, it is df ftirablo that it should bo carefully pasteurized (heattd to u temperature varying from 100 degrees F. to 1G0 degrees F. for at least 20 minutes) bo foro being usod for food purposes, par ticularly if it is to boused for children. Much of the milk sold in the largo cities frequently coutainsjllarge num bers of bacteria. Whilo it is truo that tbo most of tbo germs aro harm less, it is a foot that dangerous ills easogorms sometimos gain access to tho milk supply, Milk may contain gorms of typhoid, diphthoria, tuberoulosie, and other diseases, especially if eithor tbo cows or any of tbo people bundling the milk aro suffering from these defeases. The dairy department of the Univer sity Farm advisos that these germs do not in any way chango tuo appoarunoe or composition of tho milk, hence their presonco cannot bo deteotod by any of tbo ordinary methods of inspection, yet when such milk is introduced into tho systom of a susoeptiblo porjon thoy may multiply very rapidly uud iu this way affect tho houlth of tho por son consuming tho milk. Press Bui lotin No 39, on "Pasteurization of Milk and Oroam in tbo Homo," Ne braska College of Agrioulturo, btatx or omo cirr or tomso, 1 , lucm Cocirrr. J Frank I. Ciikhey makes oath that bt It stot partner ot the firm ot F. J. Cucnit Oo tfotec builneaa In tba City ot Toledo, County Ma SUM aforesaid, and that aald arm will par tbo sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAllfl tot each and every com ot Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tM M OS JUUS CATAWIB CUES. ..-, . ntANTC J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and lubacribod la my prateae tbu eth day ot December, a. l) MM, j 1 A. W. GT.1SABON. 1 Ut. 1 NOTAItT PC8UC Hall'i Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta directly upon tba blood and mucous surfaces ot the tyittm. Send tor testimonials, frro. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druntlsu, 75c. Take lull's Family rills tor constipation. Parade Live Stock rair Feature managers to lend tone to the parado and tbo program contemplates moving all of tho animals from barns to tho racing arena and then past the en tiro grandstand. Tho parade will be broken Into divi sions. Each division will be preceded by banner men and announcers and gaily garbed groomsmen will lead ant mal In tho trip past tbo stands. In the parado will be shown cattle and horses that bavo carried off tho honors at all the big shows held thus far In tho mlddlo nnd far west. He cause of tho excellence of Sioux City as a market and becauso of the Inter est shown in the fair by the Sioux City Stock Yards Company tho show ing of prlzo winning cattle and horses will bo unusually largo this year. Items of Interest from our Exchanges Wayno Domoorut: Mrs F 8 Berry is visiting homo folks at Siouh Oity. Obnrt Items in Wynot Tribune: Mrs Jack MoQuirk visited with friends iu Sioux Oity Friday and Saturday. Allen Nows: Harry Warner went to Homer Monday, after u few days' visit bero....Eldou Kepford went to Hubbard Tuesday to work at tbo bar ber trade. Pender Republio: Mr and Mrs Graves and sou havo gono to Crystal lake for a fow days' outing Ber nard Lynch, Ladle Soonco und Rob ert Patrick, returned Sunday from a fow days' outing at Orystal lake. Waterbury Items in Allon News: Mrs Qicen is visiting tho Smith fami ly at Dakota Oity this week. ...Tho Goo F Smith farm. 1 miles southeast of town, wus sold to M Peterson, of Hubbard, last Tuesday, for $80 per aero. Tekamab Herald: It Jeff Taylor, oditor of tho Emerson Enterprise, camo down Suturduy with his family lor a visit with his father and sisters. It J has jnst changod from bis old to a now auto and was trying it out this trip and liked it ilne, They returned Sunday evening. Winnebago OhioUain: John Ash ford wont to Sioux City Wednesday day evening .... Mrs Brown, ot Homer, visited Wednesday with her son, Obas Brown,... Mrs Mansfield, of Homer, visited Tuesday at tho homes of her sons, MS und Bay ManBfloId....Mr and Mrs J M Higbtreo and Mr and Mrs Stillman, of Decatur, antood to Crystal lake Sunday. Sioux Oity Journal, 29: Fire Into yesterday afternoon in South Sioux Oity destroyed a tosidenco proporty built by John Morris for his mother and ooaupied by her. Tho blapo was discovered shortly before G o'clock, and at that timo it had made puob headway that it was impossiblo to on tor tho bouso, Tho houuo was burnod to tho giouod, together with all tho household goods belonging to Mrs Morris . LyouB Mirror; Elmer Ohord rodo his bioyolo to South Sioux Oity Mon day wbero bo will visit a week xwuuiiru uruyuui anu son Jiiimer wero down fr m Homer Saturday. Uis father, W T Broyhill, was ono of the pioneers of Dakota county, landincr thore July 12, 1800....WmOlapp and two daughters, of Dakota CJlty, wero hero Saturday ourouto by auto to Lin coln. Mr Glapp's first trip thru hero wes away book in the GO's and bo Bays tbo changes aro marvelous finco those pioneer days. EmerBon Enterprise: MrB Lewis Deroiu, of Hubbard, visited hor aunt, airs zmpp, tuo lore part of tho week. ....Miss Mattio MoKinley, formerly omployod on Tho Enterprise, is visit ing this week with Mrs Clydo Meyors. ....Tom Ashford and daughter, Miss Mary, were early visitors in Emorson last Iriday morning, Thoy oamo by aulo....GtiB Isonburg, Hoary Lutb, Julia uondorson, and Ulon Smith will loave for a week's bunting trip in tbo wosloru part of tbo Btato next Sun uay....l,d Maurioe and son J V, left Tuesday afternoon for Woousockot, S D, wbero thoy will look over tho uuuuhj, jLuuaeuior aiaunoo uaa a quartor section of laud in that seotion of Month Dakota. "BIllio" Kubl, of near Homer, in looking after the farm whilo thoy aro away. Walthill Times: MrB A J Roam spent a oouplo of days at tbo homo of her Bon . . . . Mrs Byorgo and Miss Fritz roturuod from Orystal lako Monday. ... .oas w I'isuer, 01 Hloux Ulty, was in town a oouplo of days tho mlddlo of tho weok Mrs Will Mason and daughter, Lena, went to Dakota City Wodnosday avouing to attend tbo old settlers' rouuiou Mrs Oooley ami 01 rs ueo uauo, 01 waiceiieiu, wero guostB of Mrs Mm Mason u oouplo of dayu tbo first of tho week..,, Mr and Airs 1' rod Twyford returned to Homer Sunday ovening after a visit at tbo homo of his father, Wm Twyford, near Walthill.... Mr and Mrs E W Rossiterand sons uud Mrs J A Itossi tor and daughters, Miseos Mtrtlo and Boso, aro enjoying the weok at Crys tal lake. Oraig Nows: Tbo Presbvterian Juniors, with Bev and Mrs Wolls, ro turned Friday from tboir flvu day outiug ut Crystal lake, having had u 4..'! ' Iha. "dandy" timo. Parlies staying at tho lake who had dreaded tbo arrival of a "bunob of kids," woro so ml- aved and pleased with their orderly behavior that they came with three largo aulos Wednesday morning and took the whole bunch over th river to Sioux Oity, over the Unest drivewnjs, and gave them time to visit the "movies" Htj lOo store before taking I Lore back. The lttkt whIois ero low but tbo children hud a great old timo pad dliug in tho water uu I plwjiug in tbo stud. .Mih Coopur iiinl children and Lifim ttml Wiiltur dmilli remained un til Mondiiy. On Muudxy l)r II Cooper all'! LorHimi r milli, m tho forinttr'ti unto, weiit up inn! How tliey not loot i u anil bow their lights coming homo niahi-H turestiug tttlo. spent tliu day. ilm reservation, would not work u Hoiuowbat iu &XQMtKMQW)iQiQKfKXMWrM1tom CORRESPONDENCE M4O0li)lOI(MOl0ti4OiOls'JH)lO0OIMO(i)K)IOM HUBBARD. A lingo number from hero atte ided tho Old rjfattlotH' picnic, John Howard and i'atiiuk Jonoi are tlio la to pureliaRorH of now HildhOti six-oyliudor uiitouiobihH Wo carry all kiti'ln of rope, C An derson Oo, It Ohristenseu und wifu visited friends in Plum Orove Sunday. Carl Andeuson and wife, Mrs A C Hansen and Louis Bogg were Sunday guests ut tho Georgo Johnson homo. Mrs Frod Johnson bus been suffer ing from a sore foot, caused by step ping on tho tines of an old pitchfork. Leutber glovos of ull kinds dress gloves and work glovot at O Ander son Go's. John Beaoi m was iu Omaha a (ow days lust wook. Holen Long loft Monday for a two weeks' visit at tbo bomo of her brother, Ed, in Akron, Col. Mrs John Hartnett was u Sioux City shopper ono duy last week. Bev Fatbor English and Tom Ilef fernan wero among those from hero who saw tbo ball gamo iu Sioux Oity Monday. Wo want your oroam, butter, eggs and farm produce, und will pay tho highest market price. O Anderson Co. Oar boys played ball ut tbo Old Settlers' plonio and won tbo game, the sooro being G to 3, Mrs Louib MogunBeu returned lust weok from an extended visit with rel atives and friends at Salix, la, Born, to Mr and Mrs Sam Larson, Tuesday, August 2D, 1914, a daughter. Obas Dodgo and wifo woro in Sioux Oity ono day last week. They went by auto, Millar's coffee and teas tho best goods for tbo monoy and satisfaction with every purchase. O Anderson Co. J Miller and wife, of Lako Viow, la, aro hero visiting frieuds. A dauco wus given at the Fred Johnson home last Saturday night. Will Critz, Mr Shore, und Mrs Ed Maurioe woro city visitors from hero Tuesday. Herman Nelseu whs in Sioux City Tuesday.' i. Helon Long apoot a couple of days last week in Sioux City. A full lino of furm tools of all kinds at C Anderson Oo's, including hay forks, manure forks, spades, shovels, and corn knives. MrB Joe Hagan was somowhat un der the weather last wook, but is now gotting along nioely. Little Herman Benzo is visiting rel atives In Sioux Oity. Hugh Raymond la tbo busiest man in town, H Ronzo and wifo wero in Sioux Oity Sunday, Willio Heoney, of Nacpra, was in town tho first of the wook. Guy Wior and wifo and Mr Kopford aucoeu to Alien Sunday. Jessie Graves wbb a South Sioux Oity visitor tho first of the weok, A baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs A rarker, Monday, Augut 31st. rimer is, coming on anu wo nave a big stock of blankets and bedding, G Anderson Oo. Mrs M Rasmussen Iiub boou suffer ing from a severo cold tho past week, but is now gotting alnog nicoly, Dr Stidworthy, of Homer, waB in Hubbard last Saturday on business. Mrs Lon Harris roturnod Saturday irom a visit at uartington; Neb. Albert Hansen was on tho siok list tho past weok. airs A Sshreador, who has been quite sick tbo past week, is now great ly improved. Adolph Johnson, who in somo man ner hurt his foot with a pitohforlt, is gettiug along nicely and is ablo to be about. Mamie Clausen gavo up her position in - AnuoKon Uo'b store Monday. I appreoiato tho nomination which tho repulloan voters so kindly awarded me and thank them for it. It elooted will ondoavor to servo the taxpayers of Dakota county in snob a manner as to merit their trust and confidenoe, Reapootfully, Justin S, Bacon. HPBBBsi ' SSS"l' 'x iLssW iiiiM warn jL pHiBS litl J:WSMM Ajiuaf' -$ M&JHHaBaVziSH RaaaLaaBt' v flaaaaaas vaaaaaaflaaS' A aHlaaaHH ILaaaaaB t1,JBBIBM HHi :LLaaaVaaHaaH .jAariBmjV'rwi'a.as i xfmMsmtt'msmTs-i.'&jmh a Essie Francisco b tho now assistant, JACKUON. Pauline Hall returned Monday fiom an ovor Sunday visit with Nellie Ala loney at Sioux City . Mrs O P Oarvey and daughter, Maurioe, of Hattiuglou, Neb, visited over Sunday with rtslativea Loiu. BennetU Hull on Monday l egau a j term of huIiooI in iliu Chita Karnt die trict i.eur Hoiitli Houx Cliy Mary Uarlinr ir Hp'-nding u few weekH vacation Willi icMivi'M ut ltd' Ion, Neb. J ,1 Mollridit wii-. nvi i from Hi' ux City siiveral dutn iho H-t nut, Tbo Mi an .MiiiiM itnil Iifiif Ku'lior land, of Poiioit, Nub, item niicntr. in tbo Jos Sutherland homo over Sunday, John MoGoiiigul doptirti'il TueHiluy for Omaha wheru lin will titko a coiumi iu medicine utCnighton college. Miss Hv now, of O'Neill, Neb, is ve iling Geneviuvo Moran. They wont classmate at St ,Mar)V noadeiuv ut O'iNeill luhtyoar. Fraua U llogau, of Ouialii, wan visiting tho homo folks roverul days lust wook II W O'Neill bus piuobasHd it Fn.nk tin automobile, J U Hall departed lust Thursday for Arden, Mo, to loon after Ilia ranch there J B Jouvenat and sons, of Sheridan, Wyo, wero guests iu tho E T Kearney home lust week, Mr Jouvenut wus formerly in the dry goods business hero. Miss Owen, of Fort Dodgo, In, is visiting the Mi'sros Mabel and Blanche Biloy this week, Mr and Mrs James MoHonry, of Plainview, Nob, attended tho olu set tlors' picnic and aro spending tbo weok with relatives horo and at ViUa. Mary Mulonoy, of Sioux Oity and Ella Kolleher of Tildcn, Nob, woro guests tho paBt weok in tho J W Ry an homo, Mario Dugan departed Saturday ovening for Allen, Neb, wheio on Monday alio begau a term of sohool near town, JoBephino Kennelly, of Sioux City, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs J W Brunnau. Monica Flynu roturned this week from u visit with relatives at Dubuquo, Iowa. Mary Maloney, of Sioux Oity, spent tbo past wook in tho J W Ryaii home. SALEM Mrs Alico E Sides returned last Thursday from a summer's visit at Whitney, Neb. Hor brother, Leo Garner, and nephew, Carl Wright, accompanied hor bomo for a short visit. Riobard Shortly and wife left vVod- neBdav of this week for a nil weeks' visit at their old home in Canada. It as been fortv-ono venrii Rinna thnv oamo to Nebraska, and their visit to tuo old homo will undoubtedly bo a pleasant one. Mrs John J Voits arrivod hero last week from her now homo iu Berlin, Conn, for a visit with her inothor, Mrs II Bodenbender. Hor friends wero mighty glad to see her at- tbo Old Settlers' picnic. S D Oono and wife, of Salix, la, wero over for tho annual pionio of tho old settlers', and visited relatives horo a fow days. Frank Learner returned homo Sat urday from Omaha, where ho was called by tho sorious illness of his nieoo, Verna Nowell. Ho loft her somowhat improved. HOMER. S W MoKinloy, candidate for county judge, was a visitor at tho county seat Monday. Mrs Frpd Oobandor returned Tues day from her visit at Lowiston, Mont. Tho trunk alio lost when alio left Sioux Oity was recovered by tbo rail road oompany. Mrs Will Broyhill was at Omaha laBt week, to be with hor niooe, Verna Nowell, who was operated on at a bos pital there, George Durkee, wifo and daughter llutn, of Umaua, were visitors' at the E J Smith bomo the past weok. Mrs A J Ream returned Monday from a few days visit with relatives at Dakota Oity. Dr and Mrs Will Ream and d aught or Mabel wero up from Walthill Sun day. Stove Rookwell is visiting relutivos In ues flioino, la. E J Smith is eroding a fi-room cot tage on his farm, oast of tho mill. ''" S'ff i i m Primary Candidates Accept Nominations. Following is a list of tho candidates who were olootod at tbo recent prima ry cieotion, wuo navo illed thoir no oeptance in aocordanoo to law. The dato for filing aoooptanoo expired Au gust 29th: County Clerk Goo Wilkins, rep. Arthur Baker, soo, Oounty Treasurer Justin S Bacon, rep, Thomas Mitoholl, dem. Sheriff Geo Cain, rep. County Attorney ' Siduoy T Frum, rep. County Superintendent W E Vnss, rep. Margaret A Murphy, dem. County Judgt 8 W MoKinley. D C Heffernau. County Huiveyoi Louis N Smith, rep. Joo Lesdom, dem. County Corouor J E Munger, dem and rep, County Commissioner, 1st diat Oliver W Fiiher, dem. Oouuty Commissioner, 3rd dist A Ira Davis, rop. TTTTTTTTJ'tTT'rT ADVURTISINCr IS THE ABC OB" BUSIW.c!8S, AND IT HBXNQS flUCCESB TO YOU MitUrnWHWtWW xomtiu? Vtjii -s aMfffcv THE INTERSTATE LIVE STOCK FAIR u The Peoples Fair" 3HFV!9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsB A Celebration. A Festival. SJOUX CITY, IA. Sept. 21th to 26th A Varied Program, Everybody Entertained, the Event of the Season, an Exposition, Stock Show, Race Meeting and Carnival all Combined A MAMMOTH LIVE STOCK - AGRICULTURE - FRUIT- MACHINERY An Aristocracy of Live Stock. Big, New and Entertaining Features Daily. Something to Interest, instruct and Amuse Everybody. THE BEST RACE MEETING TO BE SEEN THIS YEAR 12 Big Harness Events 12 10 Fast and Exciting Running Races 10 Over the best half-mile track in the west. 6 Big Unparalleled and Spectacular Free Acts 6 Every Act a Feature Act The Best Money Can Buy 40 Of the World's Greatest Performers 40 Every Day a Big Day. Something Doing All the Time. Special train service on all further information address F. L. EATON, President, Sioux City, la. A Fir Cut zB) Is ir"Ui Wm. Lorenz, Jr. Dakota City, Let ! Sv Qj$, tl,e states can sell at provate or puoiic auction. , Farms for Trade Land ranging in price from $00.00 to I I SlfiO.OO per acre. J I List Yowr Fax-re WitK Ne 1 E. F. Rasmussen, Auctioneer I I . "Your Humble Servant" 1 Ponea, Nebr. ' Phone 50 P. O. Box 101 I KRANK DAVEY.JR. Davey Bros. Tire Repair Go. '12.'3 Water Street Sioux City, Iowa Prompt Service immvMKrwmKmiviw BtBWBH A Vacation. A Recreation. DISPLAY OF railroads. For premium list and JOE MORTON, Secretary, Sioux City, la. in prices has born mado in our meats since tbo wholesalo prices camo down. But thcro has been no corresponding out in tlo qual ity that is still perfect in overy particular. Tbo juioy tender ness of our beef and mutton is proverbial. Our steaks, chops, und cutlets havo won for us a re putation. Whether for roasting or boiling our joints aro satis factory in quality and prico. . Nebraska I 0 I Me Sell You Land I In Nebraska and South Dakota The best Corn and Alfalfa land in the states. I can sell at provate or nilKlfr. nnnlinti HAY M. DAVEY. Satisfaction Guaranteed M J'4yWrf ,j$ i i II v h i!aUavr 2 fnwaoa