DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD: DAKOTA CITY. NBBRASK,. FRENCH SOLDIERS ENTRAINING AT TROYES CANADA SENDS HER BEST TO AID OLD COUNTRY SIOUX GUY Fl MIRRORJFJIIDWEST f OATTLE AND GRAIN EXPOSITIONS TO 8H0W WEALTH OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST. $10,000.00 RACE PROGRAM Thousands Will Be 8pent In Crlcus Features for Show to Bo Held on Interstate Grounds September 21 to 26 Inclusive Carnival a Feature. mjVE ""iiWMMMMMWIMBWMWMWBWWiWWWWHHWBWWWMMWWMMWW '" " "" WMWWiWMlWMMWWiiMWMWM,,MM1,1M,WMW1 f I I V I. Hi iiv'i niniM i ii i i '"' i i ii mmm ,. i in I i i m. iiIiih.ii i Sq ttmmm ww n i n ' , n . nil This photograph, taken on tho frontier at Troyes after tho breaking out of the war, shows Fronch troops on training. Their artillery was mounted on flat cars and the men rode In box cars, i IRON DUKE, FLAGSHIP OF ADMIRAL GALLAGHAN ! - - . - . - . , M I The new British battleship Iron Duke, flagship of Admiral Sir George Callaghan, who commands tho home Sleets in the North sea. Inset at the left is Admiral Callaghan, and at tho right the loading of a scout aeroplane aboard a battleship. ENGLISH TROOPS ON THEIR WAY TO BELGIUM BRITISH BATTLESHIP DRAKE CT.ia;unrrji.'maktsmki!rjji &a w a wnv W!:vTK-i,3wipiirrom,.rf-.i i mn ni mi u 5-r -qprA'' JiiiJ&w&xw-jmm'Zsa hbv AfZJfrr&vsiL zsMxsumw i IfA JWfiiH-K5s,' ?irswVI. 5usaaByx jf"JPp i rS5WWfeMBEfa These are tho famous Uhlans of tho German army that are reported to nave been annihilated by Belgians in the fighting around Liege. GERMAN EDITOR SAYS GREED RULES GREAT BRITAIN Charging England to be responsible for tho continental war boouuse her ancient supremacy on tho seas la threatened by Germany, the .Illinois , Btaats-Zoitung prints an editorial in f part as follows: "ainco the days of Quoon Elizabeth England has had but one aim and one ambition tho preference of its' trade 3d tho domination of tho sea. Par- ".tlcular attention has boon paid to the trado routes to the British oolootee. "As she now urges Franco and Rus sia on to Germany, so sho Btroogth oned herself in tho seven years' war with the attack of Frederick thai Great against rfcauoe. Bho did not J aim to assist Prussia, but to salsa Canada. "Now England has found In Oar many a dangerous competitor on the oceans, and In London they bare not hesitated for a moment about setting erea. First an attempt was made WMy George S. Marye, American ambaS' sudor to Russia, has his hands full taking oare of stranded American tour ists and of tho interests of nations whose diplomatic representatives havo loft St Petersburg. to subdue Germany in a friendly man ner. It was at the time of the Boer war, and Chamberlain devised the scheme- that Germany was offered an alliance. Germany was to purchaso English friendship by foroffolng oTery future additloQ to hor navy, by play ing Into (England's hands on the high seas an44n every market of tho world. 'With the rejection of this alliance the clolnsln policy of Edward VII be gan. This pollay uow seeks to har vest Its fruit in tha English-Fran-Uimtm war asAnt (hnutf, Tho response to tho call for Canadian volunteers for sorvlco with tho English army was such that tho 25,000 men required oould bo picked from any throe of the Dominion's nice military divisions. Tho illustration shows (bolow) members of tho Halifax Rifles, the first mustered in, and (abovo) four of their offlcers, loft to right. Captain Logan, Lieutenant Dennis, Captain Clarke and Lieutenant Jonos. SPIRITED FRENCH INFANTRY IN ACTION -A LJiX & V .idm 111 :4HFr mtti sssfirlislftlfirBiM jROSH SBBBBBlKSiBBBBBBBBVlBBiBBBBBVQaFBkjElBB WS-sM JMMSlBraftBKl?ofBBSyjBSSSBBSSSll4888BBMlm!BBBSsW saiMJBaiiliHHP?K43Btt30!l&JiHlM &P2k9hHU r.to . w.asss&mKmig inp IrMTTnllissssssI .)WTlo j--tw.v. . -J:4--- MM.vjlg'rJMiJJ,sw. TX. v y A,w.JJC-.-)JJgAJU-T i . JSm,. m. -0JBMWuO.J1T"r S "- T . qBBBHSBBBBBBliBTBBW j W.VtBBBBBB lm&mNtom&Mtew GUIDE FOR AVIATORS ENTHUSIASM ON PARIS BOULEVARDS BBBBK 'sbbssebiTjW sbbbbbbbVh'A? rHpn !SRbbbbB i",JSviil '"TtHBHsBsssn fTttrilfTBJissTWmWBSssf 1 ''bbbbVbbbJbbbbbv B9BnBiBWflHiBBBBl tt- &tt3bt&$j4KQ&iak 1 BxIW't rfcfc SjKF' v ! i aA JBHBBBBtliV v v MtH .sB . "9 JtBiBllUiBBBfP --taHtnEyw.l iflBW sffr sTBissHIWssn i . 9Bs9kISubiisbbbb1bbbbbi Mk ac 'vilZ-ll ww bmT1 T- wr la B I UssVK '. A i.i Hit, UsBBBussHr jBBwBs nssFsBiKsvonMBVI. uTVr ASLBOBIK JBwiXpMBBBBBliBBBSl Jg Tfc ?tfBBBsJt lM1MlWWl W !"jMdfft( IK iV JLBBBBBBH jtv WjBBr 1B 9BBBBBBBbPF ! Kw3r TBMWBMBRi.r1'-SV KBlSSMTBSSSSSM 1 yWMflsKr TBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSa 1KbP.Iv yiyS.wWMsl 1 y,yt X ( jBBSBBtiBBBBMtri sBsBSttH SBBBBD J jfll V i" I hSVLbbBIh flHIssfilWlifarW T TltfHitJ'J PTr'JffBBBsWBsfil("W""' - agafesarrinf This is one of tho powerful flares which send a vortical ray that serves to guldo the French army aviators at night. SIR JOHN FRENCH Field Marshal Sir John French who commands the English forces sent across the channel to help tho Froncb and Belgians against tho Germans. A Frenchman and a Servian carrying tho flags of tholr respective coun tries along one bf tho boulevards of Paris after tho declaration of war be tween Franco and Germany. AMERICAN WOMEN CAUGHT IN BELGRADE iiH . SSBBBBBsf LlulMUl'lll .! II '- ( K flswiHilfiBBBBBUBHBra&HB vfuBSmrty fHlKr & HiilMHil ' iifr Hi r iWiri SiB!si!g Ti - J-M.4 3. Ml- 3- j ! ! J.l iM American womon waiting anxiously at the railway etatlon In Uolgrado for the last train that loft that city lluforo they got away Austrian sheila fell at tho very spot whoro they had been sitting. NEW WAR TOOLS ADOPTED BY THE BATTLING POWERS. Blnco first class European powers last sent armies against each othor in battlo science has added many tools to the trade of war. In tho llttlo wars fought on the fringes of tho world some of these devices havo been test ed In actual service, but the present conflict will be tho first to provide all of thou with a field tor tho display of thair effectiveness. Latest and most attractive as an ob- !jsot of speculative interest is the air ship. The two principal types of aerial craft are tho Zeppelin dirigibles of tho Gorman service and tho boavler-than-alr flying machines. Franco places groat rcllanco on tho lattor and has developed a corps of aviators whoso daring has won tho world's ad miration. Germany has boon moro so cretlvo about its Zopyellns. Since tho Franco-Prussian war both telephones and wireless telegraphy have been added to tha. Intelligence equlpmont of annlos. Each is of great assistance in handling troops. Today gon orals and tholr staffs rldo In auto mobiles Instead of on prunclng horses, Tho othor day a cnblo messago told o SO automobiles flllod with Gorman 06 fleers crossing tho French frontloi ahead of a largo body of cavalry, Iq an older day cavalry would havo been Urst. To a large oxtont tho usofulnosi of horsomen has been diminished bj army aviators. Reconnolterlng thai formerly was performed on horseback is now done in aeroplanes TTmUiti Nwt4jr Union Newt Benle. Sioux City, Ia.Woalth of tho north west lu crops and cattle, In manufac ture and machinery, In household arts and in business and homos sciences will be mirrored at tho Interstate Live Stock fair, which will bo hold here Soptembor 21 to 26 Inclusive. Plans now nearlng perfection con template making this annual show the biggest in the history of tho Institu tion, and to that end thousands of dollars will be hung up in purses and premiums. Six Roads Give Specials. Six railroad companies are to give spenlal trains during tho course of tha fair, somo contemplating a twice dally schedule Tho Milwaukee Northwest ern, Illinois Central, Great Northern, Burlington and Omaha roads will un load thousands of guests from these trains beginning on tho opening day and continuing until September 26. Ono feature of tho service will be BchcduloB so arranged that tho visitor can see tho fair and return to his homo tho same evening. In years past tho fair has established a reputation for guarding its guests against the small grafts of tho holiday faker. This year oven moro Btrlngent v precautions aro being taken. At a mooting of tho directors an ironclad schedule of prices to bo charged on the grounds was fixed. Meals will not bo sold for more than 35 cents, soft drinks and sandwiches will not bo sold for moro than G cents and in fringement of theso rulings will bring about tho lmmcdlato ejection of tho concession holder. Whllo tho halt million dollar grain show and tho million dollar stock ex position will be attractions for tho farmer, tho fair this year will continue its educational campaign, bringing a score of exports in various agricultural and domestic economy lines to the fair for lecture work. Demonstrations of tho latest farm processes, display of model farms, courses in soil utudy with sample displays as guides will bo somo of tho fenturcs of tho education al division of tho fair. Tho fight that farmers are making to prevent inroads of hog cholera will bo made tho sub ject of co-operation by tho fair, that several experts will demonstrate proventivo steps In tho hog barns and will gtvo lectures on tho dlseaso and its causes. Sheep Display Featured. Decauso of tho growth of tho Sioux City Bhoep market the show in that division will attract unusual interest Commission men at tho yards havo mado special salo prices and havo hung up pursos to oncourago sheep raising, and In lino with this program tho stock yards company Is now erect iqg a great sheep barn at tho yards, looking for nn onlarged feeding of sheep noxt year. Tho yards boosters Mso havo placed groat promlums on best fat cattlo displayed at tho fair States Interested. Tho Interstate fair will havo the co-oporatlon of tho states of Iowa, Nobraska, South Dakota and Mlnne--Bota In tho forthcoming exposition, Clookors who for years havo watch ed tho ponies from Interstate rails this year predict that the enlarged raclug program will draw a bettor field In all events than was had In years gono by. Tho pursos for rac ing will run wol lovor $10,000, and in tho harness race section, as well as in tho running races, classy fields havo already been presented in the form of hundreds of entry chocks. Circus Features Billed. During tho courso of tho racing pro grams tho fair will present this year a clrcuB and vaudeville program from stands erected In front of tho north and south wings of tho big grandstand. These free acts, eight In number, will bo presented by sixty people, among tho group of porformers being maa and women known tho world over for daring, skill and comedy entertain ment. Has Own Motor Show. One ot tho striking features of this show Marked dovolopment In motor making during tha past season, tho In vention ot labor saving accesorles and the development of tho motor for use (section the gathering placo.for hordea of would-bo purchasers. Several acres will ho davood to tho motor and ma chinery exhibition and many 0; tho dhplay machines will bo seen operat ing under tholr own power. Comfort of guests will be provided for to an unusual extent this year.. A corps of surgeons and physicians will bo retained day and night to look aftor omorgency cases. A tent hos pital with nurses to look after emer gency cases. A tent hospital with iuu'bos In atteudanco will bo placed at a convenient spot and police will cooperato with fair grounds attaches to see that Immediate care Is gtvon tho sick. Ambulance sorvlco will bo provided, a bureau of Information both In town and at the grounds will be established, booths for tho checking of babies will be open all day. An army ot several hundred mon will ho at tho service of visitors. In tho city proper ball games In tho morning and evening, fun pro graniB will All out tho day for tho visitor. The perfection of theso pro grams of ontertalnmont was urged by tho fair management with an cyo to oatistylng tho throngs. Joo Morton, secretary of tho fair association, assorted that Indications' from nil over tho territory pointed to a record breaking crowd, and ho predicted that In every particular the show ot the present year would sur pass previous eiposltlont