Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 13, 1914, Image 1

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Motto: All The News When 1 1 Is New
Vol. aa.
J9 K
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Specials for Saturday, Aug. 22
For this Day Only
1 5-lb pkg Dandelion Oats 20c
4 10c pkgs Corn Flakes 25c
4 No. 1 or 2 Lamp Chimneys 25c
1 Good dry empty Barrel 5c
1 doz fresh Frosted Cookies 5c
1 lb Green pkg Coffee 25c
1 pt Armour's pure Grape Juice 25c
1 lb Stinson's Pride Baking Powder 20c
1 doz 5c pkgs Matches 45c
1 qt Jar Ripe Olives 65c
Our Stock of fresh Fruits, Melons, and Vegetables
will be complete for Saturday.
D&kotei City,
Same as Last Year, Taxes
Be About Same.
The etato board of assossntenl
havo equalized the assessed valuation
of counties and after 'marking pro
nosed changes In the land values la
sixteen counties, fixed the state levy
tho Bamo as last year, 7.S0 mills on
the dollar.
As tho levy for the general fund Is
now five mills and cannot be In
creased under tho law, and as tho
other levies nro fixed by law and can
not be raised or lowered by law. tho
board could not possibly have In
creased tho levy unless It had decided
to levy one mill or a fraction thoreof
under tho Sheldon law for tho re
demption of outstanding general fund
warrants. 4
State Treasurer "TJeorgo said tho
proceeds of such a levy might bo
used to good advantage at tho pros
ent time, but he belloved that unless
some emorgoncy arises In the future
tho new levy will produco enough
revenue In time, togther with fees
received by the state, to care for out
standing warrants and warrants that
will bo Issued during tho coming year.
Tho board decided not to levy a tax
for tho redemption of stato general
fund warrants.
As tho stato Iovy Is tho same as
last year and tho assossed valuation
of tho stato Is only a trlflo mroe than
last year, tho total revenue which
may be oxpoctod from this year's levy
will bo about tho samo as the total
of last year, namely $3,671,385, pro
viding all taxes are collected. The
Ucvy in mills for tho coming year Is
as follows:
General fund 5.00
University fund 1.00
University building 0.75
Normal schools ,0.85
Stato and bridges 0.20
Total 7.80
(II.LI1I ifTv
ntif sH 10
Second Annual
Tractor Farming
The Largest Power Farming Exhibition
Ever Conducted in the World
Will be Held at
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 1 7 to 22
60 Tractors 60 Plows
800 Acre Demonstration Field
The Headquarters will be ou the Middaugh Farm
just northwest of Fremont on the Lincoln Highway.
Daily program consists of private demonstrations of
tractor plowing, tractor short course, etc., each afternoon.
Exhibitions of dynamite blasting will be given Tuesday
and Wednesday mornings on or near demonstration field.
. Dont deprive yourself and family of this opportunity
for enjoyment and education. Take a vacation of at least
one day and come to Fremont.
Everybody is coming to Fremont.
Doris Weinberg of the Technological
Institute of Tomsk Has Perfected
a Simple Method.
Tho precise manner In which hail
stones are formod M not yet known,
portly becauso theirr exlstonoo Is so
ophomoral that it iuUfflcult to mako
prolonged and dotal fed utudy of thnlr
peculiarities. To overcome this dif
ficulty, Boris Woinberg of tho Tech
nological Instltuto of Tomsk has oon
trivod a method of preserving hall
stones indefinitely by lmmorsing them
in a mixture of equal parts of benzol
and toluol, which possesses a density
nearly equal to that of tho Ice. In
this way he has succeeded In keep
ing them Intact for many months.
Prom those preserved hailstones, with
rroper refrigerating precautions, ml
crosooplc sections can be made for
examination In tho laboratory, and
evon magnified projections of the sec
tions can bo thrown upon a scroon
by means of a polarizing microscope
and a lantern. Herr Weinberg says
that hailstones can be preserved In
any viscous liquid, like vasollno or
castor oil, whoso density vory nearly
equals theirs.
Diphtheria, Typhoid, Dysentery and
Other Bacilli Easily Identified on
Qlycorlnated Potato.
A. n , M AM D , Jphns Hopkins )
Few conundrums oro moro mysteri
ous to most pooplo than tho poser,
"How do doctors discover . gorms?"
Yot tho quory Is easily answered.
It Is very easy to discover n now
germ. Tho only thing necessary Is to
know whore tho mischievous imp
lurks. This Is not Irony it Is tho
truth. If you "suspect" wisely but not
too well, all you do Is to capture a
thumbnail full of tears, mucous scabs,
crusts, pus, otc, and water Then you
drop tho stuff In a quart of parboiled
sterilized water and take 15 dropB
of this diluted and well-shaken mix
ture for planting purposes.
If thoro are a myriad of vogetaUng
mlorobes In this 15 drops, known or
Write for descriptive literature
Twentieth Century Farmer
Omahix, Nebraska.
Elsies Park.
This is ono of tho most attraotivw recreation regions in Oolorad a nat
ural park of 150 square miles i paradise of mountain air, wild flowers, tront
streams and automobile road -with snow-oapped panoramic barriers. If jou
are in doubt as to whore to go in th mountains, Estos Park, only 70 miles
&orth of Denver, will solve the problem. Two trains daily from Denver over
the Burlington, morning and afternoon, dirootly connecting with trains from
the East. Tickets include the auto ride, ami are interchangeable, either via
Lyons or via Lovolimd throngh the scenio cauvons of the Big Thompson You
oan loave Eastern Nebraska in the eveniug and bo in tho Park next day for
Innoh. Get from me the Estes Tark booklet, with lists of camns ninnhR
cottages, hotels, etc r ' ""uuon'
Illustrative Konnd Trip Fares to Estes Park,
From Lincoln ..m"
From Hastings " oo'r.n
From Beatrice ' of, '7,,
From York oi'ln
From Denver
"""""'""""" v IJ
H. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr
L. W. Wakklky, G, P, A., Omaha, Neb.
Hermann Kleinholz, tho eleven year
old son of M. Kleinholz of Dorchester,
was before tho Btate board of control
yesteiday. The boy has been unable
to speak since his birth, yet he under,
etanda German quite well and Eng
lish fairly wdll. He has never been
taught to write because of his Ina
bility to speak. Ills hearing Is per
fect and his mind appears to bo nor
mal. His father desires to know
whether tho state has some Institu
tion In which the boy can be taught
to spak and obtain an education. Tho
youth has been 'operated upon for
what Is commonly known as a tied
tonguo and for adenoids, but has ob
tained no relief so far as his vocal
organs are concerned. Dr. Booth of
the state school for deaf at Omaha is
bt the opinion that little can be dond
for the hearing-mute youth. The
Doaru or control has tho matter un
der consideration and will probably
order the boy taken to the school for
deaf for a month's trial. If he has
aormal vocal chords that are merely
undeveloped ho may bo taught to use
them. If he has not be cannot be
taught the normal method of speech
which Is taught to those who are deaf
but whose vocal organs are moroly un
developed. For the purpose of test
ing the boy ex-Governor Holcomb of
the board of control, had an employ
In another room ring tho electric dosk
bell in the offlce of the board. The
boy heard the ring of the concealed
bell and ooked quickly around to dis
cover the source. The father of Her
mann said to him In German, "don't
crush youT hat.'' Hermann at tho
time had his hat under his arm. He
removed it and held it in his hand.
Ex-Governor Holcomb gave further
test by asking tho boy If ho knew
what a cow was. On a desk was a
large picture of a ( cow. The boy
pointed it out. Only a few unintel
ligible sounds aro made by the youth.
Nippers Invented by a German Genius
Will Handle the Smallest
of Jewels,
Few trades, if any, require greater
precision and nimbloness in tho An
gora than the Jeweler's. In watch
making, and repairing In particular, a
man has to handle Infinitesimal Jow
els that ho would surely fumble if he
had not somo tool to pick them up
with. Thero are pincers, of courso,
but It Is easy to drop a Jewol out of
the ordinary kind. Accordingly, a
genius in Germany, whoro watch
making is a lino art, devised a pair of
nippers that would nppear to be Juat
what 1b needed in this work. A tube
that tapors at the bottom has a plun
ger running through uid at the bot
tom oi mo piunger aro tnree paws,
operated by a spring. A knob at the
top iov used to push Uie plungor out
and the spring draws it back again.
" ,
Nlpprs for Jeweler.
When tho plunger is pushed out at
the bottom of Uie tube the Jaws
spread so they will engage a Jowel.
When the pressure is released and
the spring draws the Jaws back they
hold the Jewel firmly for inspecUon.
Tho Empire Realty and Mortgage
company Is another of the several In
vestment companies which huvo been
trying to do business is Nebraska,
whch has been held up by tho State
Banking board. This company Is lo
cated In Alabama and ono of Its repre
sentatives was trying to do business
hero. At Havelock ho succeeded In
selling a contract to a preacher, who
gave him n check In payment for tho
contract, Later tho clergyman took
tho matter up with tho Stato Banking
board and was informed that tho com
pany had no authority to do business
in this state nnd to cancel tho chock.
S. G. Daily, of Sioux City,
be in Hubbard every Monday at the office of
Dr. Seasongood, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
There are seventeen serum plants
In Nebraska and the law requires tliat
they shall bo Inspected before August
1 of each year. Four of those, threo
at South Omaha and ono at Lincoln,
have not been Inspected.
The state veterinarian has takon up
the matter' with these plants and ho
is Informed ttat thoy have been
ready for inspection for somo time,
but no inspector has shown up, Tho
Lincoln plant is being covered by tho
inspector and tho state veterinarian
has notified the others that they muBt
comply with the law by August 1C.
The stato board of control Is Inves
tigating the condition and surround
ings of children belonging to tho
state school for depondent A few
weak and diseased children not de
sirable for adoption were kept in tho
home. Tho board of control has not
vol determined whether it shall
adopt tho same policy or keep
children that have no permanent
tames In the homo proper At present
'orty eight children are boarded Jn
private families at a cost to tho state
Df about $3 a week, somo being board
id tor 12
German Inventor Patents Collapsible
Floats Which Are Driven by
Screw Propellers.
With ono of these floats, recently
patented by a German Inventor and
which are shown in the illustration,
on each foot, a man is supposed to be
able to walk upon water. Each float
Is built of a series of hoops connected
by hinged rods so that the entire
framo Is collapsible. A ballast tank
bonoath the foot keops the float right
side up and affords stability. Tho
floats aro driven by screw propellers
Potato 8meared With Glycerine Is
Greatest of Germ Traps.
unknown, you cannot find them oven
with your most poworful microscope,
beoauso thoy aro as ono granulo of
sand in the Pacific ocean To And
them and identify them tho hidden
germs must in a garden grow. That Is
to say tho IB drops of water must bo
planted upon fertile, gorm-growlng
Such n soil has unUl tho present dis
covery usually been gelatin, beef tea,
bananas, Iceland moss, blood-eerum,
milk and plain potatoes.
Dr. M. R. Smlrnow of New Haven,
Conn., now offers you a much easier
way to plant, produce and capture
your w'nry microbe. To isolato your
bacterium tribe he maintains that po
tatoes, sterilised, and smeared wltij
glycorlno, surpass all of the thousand
and ono other germ traps.
He drives home his lesson by show
ing that certain supposedly ldontlcal
dlseaso producers, such as the bacillus
that causes human glanders, can be
shown to bo different from flvo other
micrc-paraBltes with which it Is apt to
bo confused, when grown upon glyoer
lnated potatoes.
The diphtheria, typhoid, dysentery
and other bacilli nro visible all allko
on plain potatoes, but easily identified
as dlstlnco upon glycerinated potatoes.
Discovery of Vulcan.
Vulcan, an alleged planet, was dis
covered In 18B9, only to be effectively
obliterated from the planetary systom
60 years later. Leverrier, who toted
as godfather to the now addition, cal
culated a path and found that the
planet rovolved around tho Bun In
about twenty days. Yet other observ
ers failed ever to boo the planot and
now Professor Campbell announces
that tho eclipse observations of re
cent ycarB prove almost conclusively
that the exlstonco of such a body is
a practical impossibility.
Shoes for Walking on Water.
which get their power from a number
of flaps protruding from tho bottoms
of the floats.
Sllver-Plate Dead Oodles.
A German professor has invented a
process of sllvor-platlng dead bodies,
so as to convert them Into motalllo
Images of the Individuals as they were
when in life. Goldplato can be used
If the relatives can Afford it.
Erosion of Earth's 8urface.
Investigations bx tho geological sur
voy of the oroslon of numerous drain
age basins of the United States show
that tho surfaco of tho country is be
ing worn away at a rato of about an
each in 780 years.
Folding screen panels, to inclose
any bod and oxcludo insects, have
been patented.
A recently patented screw has a
slot along Its length Jo prevent it
working looso In wood.
A combined parcel carrior and fold
ing stand, which may bo attached to
any blcyclo, has been patented.
Jacks have been Invented to re
llovo the Urea of motor flro appara
tus from prcsBUro while standing idle,
Rockets to bo flrod from tho ground
to destroy aeroplanes aro a French In
vention for which great accuracy is
A Virginia Inventor has brought oat
a motor-driven plow from whloh the
motor can bo removed for other work
about a farm.
French army oflloers , are experi
menting with an armored aoroplane
that carries a machine gun mounted
above tho motor
For covering a milk botUe after the
paper cap has been removed there
has been invented a closely fitting
porcelain stopper.
By introducing minute particle of
zinc Into Uie tissues of poworful oleo
trlo currents a Philadelphia surgeon
destroys cancers and has effeoted
many notable cures.
According to an Italian physician,
lovo causes an intoxication of tho
nervous centers, producing a disease
that, If not ourod, may lead to neu
rasthenia and evon Insanity,
Dakota City
Fresh Groceries of all kinds and
at Prices that are Right
Just Arrived
a nice lot of Shoes, Ginghams,
Calicoes, Percales, Etc.
Come in and get First Choice
We will save you money if you
trade with us.
If you don't buy it here, how can we save it for you
Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs
Dakota City, Nebraska
: :
tShe MidWest Bank
Sioux City, Iewcw
oal? T0U"WllBt mkM "Safety Over All", "Bafo as a Governmon
it G dFnrmoi"w,tl1 eighty acres of unonoumbered land is worthy of ored-
t ?at l!?n,C ha,s N,no Hundre'1 Ao"8 of Improved Dakota County Nebraska
Jjand with nearly three thousand aoros elsewhero Guaranteeing each depos
it has ample Capital and Surplus twenty-eight years suooossful banking
experience ovory modorn safeguard inolmling Electric Proteotionjor Vaults.
"The Man Behind" is trulv behind tnn honriTft rir.ll., i. ...v
All his time has no othor outside inte.-ests. "W-w ,
Me treats peoplo Bight has offered ItirfjrartlWfcfiw to the first per
aoa wrougod. - -v --$ . v
Each customer a personal friend thoir boat interest ours. Old custom
era Know thin.
We need dopoiita to loan to Farmers of Iowa, Booth Dakota, Nebraska
who aro coming to us fist learning whsre to find Good bmking.
Wo pay 1 and loan at 6 and can afford to. Wo loan on farmsTit 5.
We sell First Mortgages on Farms and improved City property netting
tavostor 6 & 1, They aro made Right abstract and attorney's opinion are
Tax Froo any amount $300 up.
We do everything elsa In banking Well. No bank cau better supply
your noeds. ve J
This Letter To Gain New Depositors. If pooplo Knew the Service
Safety here our business would double in a month.
Will yon not Investigate Onr Past History Know Why Onr Onatomen
"Smile Also", It's absolutely "Worth While."
Gratofully yours,
cfce Mid-West Bank
"That ALWAT8
treats yon RIGHT"
Ed T. Kearney,
t certificates Farm & oattle loans Stramship tickets
'tis a pleasure to cook
really goad meets sad there are
none moro tender or Juioy than
ours. Noted for quality, yet oar
prices are moderate. The meats
you buy here are always depend
ablo and they are so good aa to
make tho oook's task easy and
pleasant, You will also appre
ciate the splendid quality of onr
poultry, hams and baooa. Your
trade is solicited.
Wm. Lorenz, Jr.
Dakota City,
The Herald rSJifitt
'' "
mmmm msm
1 Abstracts of Title b..co.w, . 1
I a tio.ooo aur.tv Hond & County Abstract 0 f
A $10,000 Surety Bond
SmmsUu the aoonraoy ef every Bonded Abstractor
Abstract I stake J. J. EINER