Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 30, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notle
' In the District Court of Dakota County,
The Stnte of Nebraska,
The Several Parrel of Lnml herelnnftet
described, and nil Pc'sons and Co-in i.
tlons ii ivlng or clalmlm; title to, or nnv
Interest, right or claim In, and to sueli
parcels of real estate, or any pirt tiiereof
Tract No. 701.
To Maftgle Macready, George Haase
and to tho unknown ownora of tho real
estate described below:
Notice Is hereby given that under n
decree of the district court of said com t?
of Dakota, state of Nebtaska, rendered In
the state tax suit for the vear 1UI2, th
tlon has expired, and oil are hereby no
the county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lot three (3), block one hundred
twenty-four (124), all In the village ol
Dakota City
Was on the 6th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public vendue by tho county
treasurer of said county In tho manner
provided by law, ami that the period ol
redemptirn from such sale will explro on
the Cth Ju of November, 1914.
You ate f! ther notified that the owner
of the ce tl i ata of tax sale Issued by tin
county tiiB-u ee will make application
to the cou n the above entitled caus
for confirmation of such sale as soon ai
practicable after the period of redemp
tion has expired, and you are hereby no
tified that the time and place of tb
hearing upon such confirmation will In
entered In tho confirmation record kept
by the clerk of said court, on or before
the 2Cth day of October, 1914 You will
examine said confirmation record to as
certain the time of such hearing nnd may
be present, If you desire, to make any
objections or show cause whv the sale
should not be confirmed.
Dated this 16th day of Julv 1014.
CARE SlirtHlTfvT.lt
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or a in'
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 703.
To Samuel Williamson, Oeorge If.
Haase, and to the unknown owners of
the real eBtate described below:
Notice Is hereby given that under a
decree Of the district court of said county
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the state tax suit for tho year 191::, the
following described real estate, situate In
the county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt;
Lot five (6), block one hundred tnont.--four
(124), nil In the village of Dalcoti
Was on the 6th day of November, 191?,
duly sold at public vendue by the comity
treasurer of mid county In tho iimnnei'
provided by law, nnd that the period of
redemption from such sale will expire oif
the 6th day of Novcmtwr, 1914
You are further notified that tho owner
of tho certlflcato of tax sain tpsucd by tho
county treasurer will make application
to tho court In tho above entitled cause
for confirmation of such sale us soon as
practicable after the period of redemp
tion has expired, and you are hereby no
tilled that the time nnd place of the
hearing upon such conllrmatlon will he
en tcicd In the confirms t, on record kopt
by th clerk of said court, on or before
the 20th dav of October, 1914. You will
examine Bald confirmation record to ns
certain the time of such Hearing and nm',
bo present, If you desire, to make on
objections or show cause why the snl
Bhould not be confirmed.
Dated this 1G tov of Jul' ",
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In tho District Court of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or any
interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
, Tract No. 704.
To Theodore P. Aridrews, George 11
HauHP, and to tho unknown ownera of
tho real estate described below:
Notice Is hereby given that under n
decree of the district court of said countv
of Dakota, state of Nqbraska, rendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1912, tin
following described real estate, situate In
the county of Dakota nnd state of Ne
'brantu. to-wlt:
1 Lot six (6), block one hundred twenty
four (124). all In the vllluirn nf n.iWn.
ta City:
Was on the Cth day of Novembor, 1912,
duly sold ut public vendue by tho county
treasurer of said county In the mannei
(provided by law, and that the period of
'redemption from such sale will expire on
the 6th day of November. 1914.
You aje further notified that the owner
ol tho cert! Ilea to of tax sale Issued by the
.county treasurer will make application
;to the court In the above entitled cause
for confirmation of such sale as soon ai
practicable after the period of redemp
tion has expired, and you nro hereby no
tjtiflrd that the time and place of the
hearing upon such confirmation will be
entered In tho confirmation record kopt
by the clerk of said court, on or before
the 26th day of October. 1914. You will
examine said confirmation record to as
certain the time of such hearing and may
be present, If you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the salt
hould not be confirmed.
Dated this 15th day of July, 1914.
CAifiT S uTuwvIjU,
Owner of Certlllcate.
6tate Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
I 'In the District Court of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff,
The Several Parcels of Land heielnutter
described, and all Persons nnd Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or nnv
interest, right or claim In, and to nuor
' parcels of real estate, or any part thereof
J Tract No. 708.
To Lucy Ann Daughter, and to tht
unknown owners of th ereal estate de
scribed below:
Notice is hereby given that under o
decree of tho district court of said countv
or DaKota, state or Nebraska, rendered ir
the State Tax suit for tho year 1912, tin
'following described real estate, situate in
tho village of Dakota City, county ol
Dakota and state of Nebraska, to-wlt-I
Lot seven (7), block one hundred
.twenty-four (124), all In the vlllago ol
"Dakota City:
Wun on the Ith day of November. 1912.
duly sold at public vendue by the count)
treasurer oi saw county in ine mannei
provided by law, and the period ol
redemption from such sale will oxplre on
tho btn day of November. 1914
You aro further notified that the owner
f the certificate of tax sale Issued by th
leounty treasurer will make application tc
the court In the above entitled cause fot
.connrmuuon oi sucn saie as soon as prac
ticable after the period of redemption hui
expired, and you are hereby notified that
!the time and place of the hearing upon
uch confirmation will be entered In the
(continuation record kept by the clerk ol
said court, on or before the 26th day oj
October, 1914. You will examine said
confirmation record to ascertain the tim
of such hearing and may be present, 11
you desire, to make any objections of
show cause why the sale should not be
Dated this l&th day of Julv,1914,
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notke.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or nn
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
.. Defendants,
Tract No. 708.
Tract No. 70S,
Tract No. 709.
To uiknown heirs of Matilda Oardl-
" ner, and to the unknown owners of tilt
sexual estate desci Iliad below
Notice Is herebv iMvrn that nn,1or n
jdeciee of the district court of said countv
or vaKQia, stato or Nebraska, rendered Li
the Statu Tax suit for the year 1912, the
followlr.c described rati estate, situate in
the "Vlllago of Dakota Chy, county ol
Dakota and state of Nebraska, to-wlt-
jui eir.ii i ioi, eleven mi, ana twelve
(12). lu tilocJc one hrndrrd twrnty-four
(124), all in the village of U.kou C'U.
'Was on the Cth dm of K'uv, in u r nil
Iduly sold at public ven'tii' i the count'
treasurer or saiu county in the manner
provided by la . , u t i nfl ol
reden'Hioi fr-m h -ale ' i"Mre on
ltlC- tit i. CUl, Ut i.TOO'T lvu.
rn re" TufflieT notified" thfir the own
of the certificate of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will fnk application to
t'it court In the above entitled cause for
i unflrtnatloti of such sale as soon as prnc
t. able after the jverlod of redemption has
.-nirml, and ou are iiueliy notified that
'he time and place of the hearing upon
r.u 'i confirmation will be entered In the
cm Irinallon record kept by the clerk of
mm 1.1 court, on or before the 24th day of
ii our, 1914 You will examine said
confirmation record to ascertain the time
of such hearing and may be preient, If
vou desire, to ma lie ,nny objections or
show cause why the sale should not '
Dated this 15th its" f "
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
Tho State of Nebraska,
The Several Pirccls of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons nnd Corpora
tions hawng or claiming title to, or any
Interest, right or claim In, nnd to such
par 'els of real estate, or any part thereof.
Tract No. 707.
To Olivia K Ituth, and to the unknown
owners of the real estate desarlbed be
low: Notice Is hereby given that under a
dni rve of the district court of said county
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the State Tax suit for the year 1912, the
following described real estate, situate In
the village of Dakota City, county of
Dakota nnd state of Nebraska, to-wlt'
Lot ten (10), block one hundred twentj
four (124), all In the vlllago of Dakota
nis on the 6th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public vendue by the countv
treasurer of said county In the manner
provided by law, and tho period of
redemption from such sale will expire on
the Cth day of November, 1914
You aro further notified that the owner
of the certificate of tax sile Issued by the
county treasurer will make application to
the court In the above entitled cause for
confirmation of such sale as soon ns prac
ticable after tho period of redemption hill
expired, and vou are hereby notified that
the time nnd place of the hearing upon
such confirmation will be entered In the
confirmation record kept b tho clerk of
Bald court, on or before the 26th day of
October, 1914 Vou will examine said
confirmation record to ascertain the time
of such hearing and may be present. If
you desire, to make any objections or
show cause why the sale should not be
Dated this 16th day qt JuK 1914.
Owner of Certificate.
FICfAL. NO i luc,
State Tax 8ult for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska,
The Seveial Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, nnd all Persons and Corpora
tions liming or claiming title to, or nnv
Interest, right or claim In, and to mn.ii
pai eels of real estate, or any part thereof
Tract No. 1004.
To HnrnnliaH Hates, mayor, trustee,
,ames T WIHIb, Oeorge II Haase, and
ti the unknown ownets of the real estate
Jesrribed below:
Nolle i' Is hereby given that under a
ii i-te of tho district court of mid countv
f Dakota, ntate of Nebraska, londeiod In
tli" Stnti' Tat suit for the vc-ir 1012, the
fjllowlng described real estate, situate In
ie village of Dakota Cltl, CJUIit o.
Dikota and state of Nobraslca, to-vlt
Lot ono (1), block two hundred sl
'ren (210), all In the village of Dakota
Vas on the Cth day of November, 191
uly sold at public vendue by the count
troe3urer of said county In the irrcn
provided by law, and the pe-l 'J
relemptlon from bucIi snlo will esplro
the Cth day of November, 1914.
You are further notified that the i .
f the certificate of ta sale Issued by th.
county treasurer will make application ti
::io court In the above entitled cause for
onftrmatlon of such sale as soon ns prac-
tl able afte,r tho period of redemption hnw
plred, nnd jou aro hereby notified that
n time nnd place of tho hearing upon
oteh confirmation will lie entered In tho
onth mntlon rccoi-d kept by the clerk of
Kild court, on or before the 26th day of
"i-tobir, 1914, You will examlno said
"Uillrtnntlon record to nscertaln the time
1 1 such hearing and may ho present, If
.on desire, to malto any objections or
show cause why the sale should not be
Dated this lBth day ofJulv. 1911.
CAUL S'Tl7ffli!'vlon,
Owner of Certlllcate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
Tho State of Nebraska,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or any
interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 1005.
To Olivia K. Ruth, and to the unknown
owners or tne real estate described below-
Notice Is hereby given that under a
decree of the district court of said countv
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
tho state tax suit for the year 1912, the
following described real estate, situate In
the county of Dakota nnd state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lot two (2), block two hundred sixteen
(21C), all In tho village of Dakota City:
Was on the Cth day of November, 1912,
duly sold at publlo vendue by the county
treasurer of said county In the manner
provided by law, and that the period of
ledemptlon from such sale will expire on
the 6th day of November, 1914.
You are furthar notified tlwct the owner
of the certificate of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will make application
to the court In the above entitled cause
fur confirmation of such sale as soon us
practicable after the period of redemp
tion has expired, nnd you are hercbv no
tlllod that the time and place of the
hearing upon such confirmation v. Ill be
entered In the confirmation record kunt
by the clerk of said court, on or before
the 20th day of October, 1914 You will
examine said confirmation record to as
ceitaln the time of such hearing and may
ne present, u vou uesire, to maun uny
objections or show cause why the salt
should not be confirmed.
Dated this 16th day of July,1914
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County.
The State of Nebraska.,
Tho Soveral Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Parsons and Corpora
tions liavlnc or clalmlnr title to. or nnv
interest, right or claim in, and to Biich
parcels of real estati, or any part thereof,
. ., .. Defendants.
Tract No. 1009.
TtJJ J?,hn. E, Dewalt, Horace Dnwalt,
David H. Hartley, and to the unknown
owners of tho real asute described be
low: Notice Is hereby given that under a
decree of tho district court of said county
of Dakota, state ot Nebraska, rendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1912. the
following described rood iitate, situate lu
the county of Dakota, and state f Ne
braska, to-wlt
Lot six (6), block two hundred nlxt'ten
(211), all In the villas of Dakota C ty:
Was pn the Ith day of November, U12,
duly sold at publlo vendue by the county
treasurer of said county In the mannsi
provided by law, and tht the psrtod ol
redemption from such sale will expire on
nm vfcii it ui ASWOlfluar, 191.
You are further notlfUj that tbe ownei
of the certificate ot tax sad Issued by the
county traaaurer will make application
to tha court In tht above antltud cause
for confirmation of audi ialt as soon ai
practicable after the parto of redmp
tlon haa expired, and you are hareby no
titled that tha tlma and plao of tin
hearing upon suoh oanrtrmatlon will b
entered In the coollrruatton record kept
by the clerk, of said eourt, on or bofort
the 21th day of Oetabar, 1914. You will
examine aald confirmation record to as-
tsrtain the time of such hearing and may
a present, If you datlra, U mak aai
e&jections or mow cause why the salt
ahould not be confirmed,
DftUd tht 16th day of July, 1914,
Owner of Certificate.
All Atcliltion man who novor huld
opo Job ovor two woekB, died not
lam ago, und peoplo said ho was u
KenluB out of his sphere When ho
wriB nllvr tltfv said he wob a loafer
Atchison Olobo
State Tax 9ult for Year 1912 Final Notice
In th- District Oouit of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska,
The Several I"arcels nf Mnd hereinafter
nVscrlbcl and all Persrns and Corpora
tlons having or claiming title t , or anv
Interest, right or claim in, and to su Ii
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 1010.
To Maragret H. Berger, nnd to the un
known owners of the real estate de
scribed below.
Notice Is hereby given that under n
decree of the district court of said rounty
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the State Tax suit for the year 1912, th
following described real estate, situate in
the village of Dakota City, county of
Dakota nnd state nf Nebraska, to-wlt-
Lot seven (7), block two hundred six
teen (216), all in the village of Dakota
Was On the th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public venduo by the county
treasurer of said county In the manner
provided by law, and the period of
redemption from such sale will explro on
the Cth day of November, 1914.
You are further notified that th owner
of the certlllcate of tax sale Issued by tho
county t easurer will make application to
the court In the above entitled cause for
confirmation of such sale as soon as prac
ticable after the period of redemption has
expired, and you are hereby notified that
tho time and place of the hearing upon
such confirmation will lie entered In the
confirmation record kept by the clerk of
said court, on or before the 26th day of
October, 1914 You will examine said
confirmation record to nscertaln the time
of such hearing and may be present. If
you desire, to make any objections or
show cause why the sale should not be
Dated this 16th day of .IulVjJ914.
Owner of Certlllcate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In tho District Court of Dakota Countv,
The State of Nebraska,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and nil Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or nn
interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any prt thereof,
Tract No. 1011.
To the unknown heirs of Edgar F.
Muhoo, Fannin M. Connable, Caroline A
Connnble, George H. Haase, nnd to the
unknown owners of the, real estate de
scnoed below.
Notice Is hereby given that tinder n
dec.-ce of the district court of said count'
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the State Tax suit for the year 1912. the
following described real estate, situate In
the village of Dakota City, county of
Dakota and state of Nebraska, to-wlt;
Lot eight (S), block two hundred six
teen (21C), all In the village of Dakota
Was on the Cth day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public vendue by the countv
treasurer of said county In the manner
piovided by law, nnd the period of
ledcmpllo-) from such sale will oxpirc cm
the 6th day of November, 1914.
You are further notified that tho owner
of the certificate of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will make application to
the court In tho above entitled cause for
confirmation of such sale ns soon ns prac
ticable ufter the period of redemption has
expired, nnd jou aro hereby notilled that
the time and place of the hearing upon
such confirmation will bu entered In the
confirmation record kept by the clerk of
said court, on or before the 26th day of
October, 1914. You will examine said
confirmation record to ascertain the time
of such hearing and may bo present. If
vou desire, to make any objections or
show cause why the sale should not be
Dated this 15th dayof JulyH
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Yoar 1912 Final Nothe
III the District Court of Dakota County,
". he SUto of Nebraska, Plaintiff.
fie 8n ral Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, urd nil Persons and Corpora
tlons liuvin or c'. liming title to, or nn
Inl '.i '-1 or claim In, and to Bind'
, o .i .-i Is of leul estate, or any part thereof
T"-t No. 1012.
1 'den Weeks, Jennie P. Frazer,
3oot Duncan, and to tl'o unknown own
ers of the real estate depcrlbed below:
Notice Is herehv given that under n
decieo of the district court of said countv
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
tho State Tax suit for the year 1912, the
fullowlng dese lbed io.il estate, situate in
the village of Dakota City, countv of
Dakota nnd state of N"brnBkn, to-wlt
Lot nine (9), block two hundred sixteen
(21C), all in the village of Dakota Clt
Was on the Cth day of November, 1912
duly sold at public vendue by tho countv
treasurer of said county In the manner
provided by law, nnd tho period of
redemption from such sale will expire on
the Cth day of Novembor, 1914.
You nre further notified that tho owner
of tho certificate of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will make application to
the court In the above entitled cnuse for
confirmation of such sale ns soon ns prac
ticable after the period of redemption has
expired, and you are hereby notified that
tho time and place of the hearing upon
such confirmation will be entered In tho
confirmation record kept by the clerk of
said court, on or before tho 26th day of
October, 1914. You will examine said
c i .Urination record to uscortnln the tlmo
of such hearing and may be present, If
you desire, to malm any objections or
show cause why the sale should not be
Dated this 15th day of July, 1914.
I'AiUi Sc rUUl'lVt'It.
Owner of Certlllcate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
Tho State of Nebraska,,
The Sevoral Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, nnd all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or anv
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 1013.
To Christiana Zerbe, and to tho un
known owners of the rent estate de
scribed below:
Notice Is hereby given that under a
decree of the district court of said county
of Dakota, state of Nobraslca, romlured In
tho Statu Tax suit for the year 1912, the
following described real estate, situate in
the village of DnKota City, countv ol
Dakota nnd state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lot ten (10), block two hundiml six
teen (216), all In tho vlllago of Dakota
Was on Hie 6th dny of November, 1912,
duly sold at publlo vendue by tho ccxinty
treasurer oi saiu county in ine manner
provided by law, and the period ol
redemption from such Bale will expire on
me tiiii uay oi November, 1914
You are further notified that the owner
of the certificate of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will make application to
tho court In the above entitled cause for
conllrmatlon of such sale as soon as prac
ticable nfter the period of redemption has
expired, and you are hereby notified that
tha time and place of the hearing upon
such confirmation will bo entered In the
confirmation record kept by the clerk ol
said court, on or before the 26th day of
October, 1914, You will examine said
confirmation record to ascertain tho time
of such hearing and may be present, II
you desire, to make any objections or
show cause why the sale should not ba
Dated this 15th dayjjf July4J.9U.
Owner of Certificate.
An Actor In Spite of Himself.
President Arthur Twining Hadloy,
of "itlo, UBOd to recall with zest his
one aitpoaranco, In his early duys, as
an amateur actor. "Thoy didn't glvo
mo any wordB to speak," ho Bald; "all
I had to do whh to walk ncrosa tho
stage, but It brought down tho houso."
Tho World's Work.
Practical Girl.
Ho (ardently) "I would lay down
10,000 llvoa for you." She "You'd
ploaso mo bettor if y&u'd lay up $10.
000." Lo, It la easy to bo happy when
tho sun shlnoth and the birds slug
and thlno aches aro forgotten, drat
'era Meditations of Jeremiah of Joj)-pa.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
I'lio State of Nebraska,
Tho Sevoral Parcels of Land hereinafter
deucrlbed, and all Persons nnd Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or anv
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 1303. v
To Gustavo Krater, William Frazer,
Douglas Frazer, Anna K. Frazer, and to
the unknown owners of the real estate de
scribed below
Notice Is hereby given that under a
dec-ice of the district court of said county
i if Dakota state of Nebraska, rendered in
tho state tax suit for the year 1912, the
following described real estate, situate In
the county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt;
Lot one (1), block two hundred seventy-seven
(277), all In the village of Da
kota City:
Was on the 6th day of November. 1912,
duly sold at public venduo by tht oourn
treasurer ot said county in the manner
provided by law, and that tho period of
redemption from such aU will explro eat
the Cth day of November, 1114.
You are further notified that the owner
of tho certiflcats of tax sale issued by the
county treasurer wilt make application
to the court in the above entitled cause
for confirmation of suoh salo as soon as
practicable nfter the period of redemp
tion has expired, nnd you are hereby no
tified that the time and place of the
hearing upon such confirmation will bo
entered In the confirmation record kept
by the clerk of said court on or before
tho 26th day of October, 1914. You will
examine said confirmation record to as
certain the time of such hearing and may
be present, If you desire, to make any
objections or show causa why tho sal
should not bo confirmed.
Dated this 15th day of July;il2ii.
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notloe.
In tho District Court of Dakota County,
Tin State of Nebraska,
The Several Parcels of Land htrelnafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or any
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 1307.
Tract No. 1305.
To ames Kinney, and to the unknown
owners of the real estate described below:
Notice is hereby given that under a
decree of the district court of said county
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1912, the
lollowltig described real estate, situate in
the county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lot two (2), and three (3), block two
auudred seventy-seven (277), all In the
vlllago of Dakota City:
Was on the 6th day of November, 1912,
July sold at public vendue by the countv
ireasurer of said county in the manner
provided by law, and that the period of
redemption from such sale will expire on
he Cth day of November, 1914.
Vou are further notified that the owner
f the certificate of tax sale Issued by the
ounty treasurer will make application
3 the court In the above entitled cause
'or confirmation of such sale as soon as
rnctlcable after the period of redemp
lon has expired, and you are hereby no
illod that the time and place of the
earing upon such confirmation will b
tcred In the confirmation record kept
the clerk of said court on or beforf
'ie 26th dny of October, 1914. You w'l
amlne said confirmation record to a
-prtalh the time of such hearing nnd in
be present, if y u desire, to n '
lbjectlons or show cause why the solo
should not be confirmed.
Dated this 15th day of Julv. J9J4.
Owner of Certificate.
jtate Tax Suit for Yoar 1912 Final Notice,
in tbr District Court of Dakota County,
. se State of Nebraska,
The Several Parcebj of Land hereinafter
described, and nil Persons and Pnrnnni.
tlpns having or claiming title to, or any
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of leal estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 1306.
To James Kinney, Oeorge II. Haase.
.id to the unknown owners of tho real
estate described below:
Notice la hereby given that under a
Jtetee of tho district court of said county
nf Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
lie state tax suit for tho year 1912. the
following described real estate, situate In
the county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lot four (4), block two hundred seven
tj -seven (277), all In tho village of Dako
ta City:
Was on the 6th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public vondue by the county
treasurer of said county In the manner
provided by law, and that the period ol
redemption from such sale will expire on
the 6th day of November, 1914.
.ou are further notified that the owner
of the certificate of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will make application
to the court In the above entitled causa
for confirmation of such sale as soon as
practicable after tho period of redemp
tion hns expired, and, you are hereby no
tilled that tho time and place of the
learing upon such conllrmatlon will be
entered In the confirmation record kept
by the clerk of said court on or before
tho 2Gth day of October, 1914. You will
examlno said confirmation record to as
certain thw time of such hearing and may
bo present, if you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the sale
should not bo confirmed.
Dated this 15th dav of Julv, 1914.
carl' schrYkvkr.
Owner of Certlflcato.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court; of Dakota County,
The. Stato of Nebraska,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, nnd all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming titlo to, or anv
Intei-esL right, or claim in, and to such
parcels of i eal estate, or any part thereof,
' Defendants.
Tract No. 1310.
To unknown heirs of Augustus KounUe,
unknown heirs of Herman Kountxe,
uuuiur jtuumzu, Minnie i Kountze; un
known helrH of Charles II. Kountze, Mary
13. Kountze, unknown heirs of Matilda
R. Gardiner, Adallne Ruth, William Ruth;
unknown heirs of Clementlno Brown,
Margaret Merger, Mary D. Oliver, Oeorga
1- Oliver, and to the unknown ownora
of the real estate described below:
Notice Is hoieby givan that under a
decree of the district court of said county
of Dakota, stato of Nebraska, rendered In
the stato tax suit for the year 1912, the
following described real estate, situate In
the countv of Dakota and stato of Ne
braska, to-wlt
Lot eight (8), block two hundred seventy-seven
(277), all In the village of Dako
ta City:
Was on the 6th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public vendu by the ceun
treasurer of aald county in the manner
provided by law, and that the period ot
ledamption from such sale will expire on
the 8th day of November, 1914.
Vou are further notified that the owner
ot tha certlfloata of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will mako application
to the court in the above entitled cause
for confirmation of such sale as soon
practicable after the period of redemp
tion haa expired, and you are hereby no
tified that the tlmo and nlnen nt th.
hearing upon such confirmation will b
entered In the confirmation record kept
by the dark of said court on or before
tha 26th day of October, 1314. You will
examine said confirmation rocord to as
certain tha tlmo of suoh hearing and may
be present. If you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the sals
ahould not ba confirmed.
Dated this 16th day of July, 1914.
Owner of Certificate.
Drama Followed the Dance.
In ancient times the dunce was tho
first mode of entertainment; then
camo tho drama, derived from a
Greek word, meaning "to aot." In
Groeca it was given In tho open or
In buildings known as thoators, nftor
a Q rook word moaning "to aeo."
"I want dninagos," shouted the
bruised and battered cltlnen who had
Just been beaten up by his athletlo
rival. "I think," replied his friend
and advisor, after a critical Inspection
"that If you look In tho glass you'll
And you'vo got 'em."
In the District Court of Dakota County.
The State of Nebraska,
T"" Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or anv
interest, right or claim In, and to suoh
parcela of real estate, or any part thereof,
t.. n 4... Defendants.
Tract No. 1311.
oT0uoii,n h Col'ler, William C. Orr.
Si1?-.. Duol'a.nn. ?nd to the unknown
iovt' r esUt described be-
,i.?ic ii hrr lvn that under a
? eS tho "utrfot court of said county
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1912, the
following described real estate, situate In
the county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lot nine (9), block two hundred seven-
kota'at1 " '" the Vl"afB of D-
Was pn'the 6th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public venduo by the county
!f eaHlire,r u0f ,Bnl1 couty In the manner
provided by law, and tbat the period of
redemption from such sale will expire on
the Ith day at Novambar, 1114.
You ape furthar notified that the owner
of the certificate of tax sale lasucd by the
coujity treasurer will make application
to the court In the above entitled causa
for confirmation of suoh sale as soon a
practicable after the period of redemp
tion has expired, ond you are hereby no
tified that the time and placo of the
hearing upon such confirmation will bo
entered In the confirmation record kept
by the olerk of said court on or before
tha 26th day of Octohor, 1914. You will
examlno said confirmation record to aarf
oartatn the time of auch hearing nnd may
be present. If you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the al
ahould not be confirmed.
Dated this 16th day of July. 1914.
Owner of Certlllcate.
Stata Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County.
The State of Nebraska,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or any
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real state, or any part thereof,
.. .. ...... Defendants.
Tract No. 1312.
Tract No. 1113.
To George H. Hnase. Daniel J. Tuttle,
and to the unknown owners of the real
estate described below:
Notice Is hereby given that under a
deoreo of the district court of said county
of Dakota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1912, tha
following desarlbed real ostate, situate In
tha county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lots tan (10) and eleven (11), block two
hundred seventy-seven (277), all In tha
village of Dakota City.
Was on the 8th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public vendue by i.T countv
treasurer of said county In tha manner
provided by law, and that the period of
redemption from such salo will expire on
the 6tn day of November, 1914.
You are further notified that the owner
af the certificate of tax sale Issued by tha
oounty treasurer will make application
to the court in the above entitled cause
for confirmation of such sale as soon as
practicable after the period of redemp
tion haa expired, and you are hereby no
tified that the time and place of the
hearing upon such confirmation will ba
entared In the confirmation record kept
by the clerk of said court on or before
the 21th day of October, 1914. You will
examine said confirmation record to as
certain the time of such hearing and may
be present. If you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the sale
should not ba confirmed.
Dated this 15th dayof July,. V91J..
Owner of Certificate.
State Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In the District Court of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska,
The Several Parculs of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or any
interest, right or claim in, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thereof,
Tract No. 1015.
To Fred V. Culver, Oeorge H. Haase.
and to the unknown ownera of the real
estate described below:
Notice Is hereby given that under a
decree of the district court of said county
of DaKota, state of Nebraska, rendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1912, tht
following described real estate, situate in
tho county of Dakota and state ot Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lot twelve (12), block two hundred
sixteen (216), all In the village of Dako
ta City:
Was on the 6th day of November, 1912,
duly sold at public vendue by the county
treasurer of said county In the manner
provided by law, and that the period ol
redemption from such sale will expire on
tho 6th day of November, 1914.
You are further notified that the owner
of tha certificate of tax sale Issued by the
county treasurer will make application
to the court in the above entitled causa
for confirmation of such sala as soon as
practicable after the period of redemp
tion has expired, and you are hereby no
tified that the time nnd place of tha
hearing upon suah confirmation will b
entered In the confirmation record kept
by the olerk of said court on or before
the 2Cth day of October, 1914. You will
examine said confirmation record to as
certain the tlma of such hearing and may
be present, If you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the sal
should not be confirmed.
Dated this 16th day of Jjilv., 1.914.
Owner of Ceitlflcata.
Stata Tax Suit for Year 1912 Final Notice.
In tha District Court of Dakota County,
The State of Nebraska,
The Several Parcels of Land hereinafter
described, and all Persons and Corpora
tions having or claiming title to, or any
Interest, right or claim In, and to such
parcels of real estate, or any part thcieof,
Tract No. 1314.
To John Yost, William C. Oir. Sarah
.ti, linnan, and to the unknown owneis of
reil estntp 'Hcrlhid below
;iotlce is hereby given that under a
f fie dlhtuct court of bald c-unty
' Dakota, state of Nebraska, rtndcred In
the state tax suit for the yoar 1912. the
following- duscn'icd rual estate, sltuato in
the county of Dakota and state of Ne
braska, to-wlt:
Lot twelve (12), block two hundred
seventy-seven (277), all In the villas of
Dakota City:
Was on the 6th day of November, 1912.
duly sold at public vendue by the county
treasurer of said county In Uia manner
provided by law, and that the period of
redemption from suoh aula will expire on
the 6 tli day of November, 1814.
You are furthar notified that tho owner
of the certificate of tax sala Uud by tha
county treasurer will make application
to tha court In tha above entltlad causa
for confirmation of such sala aa soon a
practicable after the period ot redemp
tion has axplred, and you are hereby bo
Cod that the time and place of the
hearing upon auch confirmation win be
entered in tha confirmation rocord kept
by the clerk af said oourt om or "
the 26th day of October. 191a. You will
examine said confirmation record to as
certain tho tlma of auoh hearing and may
be' present, If you desire, to make any
objectlona or ahow oauee why the sala
Bhould not b oontlrmed.
Data! ttta llth tayof JuW,1914.
Owner of Certificate.
Klndneas and Gratitude.
Dowaro of taking kindnesses from
others as matters of course. The
heart well purged by humanity is bo
deeply conscious of Its unworthlness
that to receive acts of klndnoss al
ways oxcltes some emotfbn of grati
tude, of shame, of surprise, or all
threo together of gratitude for tho
benoflt, of shame upon thinking how
111 It la dearved, of surprise that our
brethren should bestow upon us what.
wo bo little merit. From Mr. Glad
Btono's "ItellglouB I,tfa."
"I havo lived 67 years, last grass,"
confessod the Old Codger, "during
which I can truthfully Bay that I havo
dono Uttlo to be ashamod ot and still
loss to be proud of."-r-Karrsas City
me hdhe
Architectural Beauty Secured
Without Going to Extremes
for Effect.
Many Pleasing Features Which Glvo
Building a Homelike Yet Distinc
tive Appearance Artistic Color
Combinations That Might
Be Employed.
Mr. William A. Radford will answer
qucitlons nnd Rive ndvlco FHEB OP
COST on all subjects pertaining to tho
subject of bulldintr, for tho readers of this
paper. On account of his wldo experlenco
as Rdltor, Author nnd Manufacturer, ho
Is. without doubt, tho highest authority
on nil theso subjects. Address all Inquiries
to William A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie
avenut Chicago, 111., nnd only enclose
two-cent stamp for reply.
A residence should not bo too plain
and unornamented In Its appearance;
yet nt the same tlmo there Is no noed
of going to extravagant lengths In the
pursuit of architectural beauty.
Many try so hard In their desire
for nn artistic homo and In their no
liorrenco of tho plain, box-like houses
that the designs thoy finally work out
and follow In building remind ono of
a Chinese pagoda, or of a pavilion at
the county fair.
It Is a good thing to look after the
artistic in houso designs, but always
with moderation.
Tho little house illustrated In the
accompanying perspective sketch and
floor plans Is of a very attractive de
sign that Is very popular. In this
house there are a number of very
pleasing features which give the build
ing a distinctive appearance; yet these
aro In good tasto and tho dwelling
has a sensible, homelike appearance.
With a good brick or solid concrete
foundation, the first story of this
house Is covered with clapboards,
while the second story Is finished with
cement plaster stucco, divided Into
panels In tho Kngllsh half-timber style.
Tho Becond story also projects slight
ly beyond the lino of tho first. In that
way keeping true to tho English Eliz
abethan models.
With the woodwork painted a soft
brown and with the stucco panels a
yellowish tint, an exceptionally at
tractive appearance Is secured. There
aro a number of other artistic color
combinations tbat suggest themselves
for this houso. All of them are on i
tne uanc ornor, in snaaeo o: green,
brown and red. The white, palo yel
low and French gray paints that have
been so popular for tho finishing of
colonial houses are not best to use
with a design such ns this.
A glance at the floor plans will
show the interior of this houso ar
ranged conveniently, with good light
and air In every room. The first floor
has a large living room 13 by 1C feet
In slzo, a" dining room 13 by 13 feet
6 Inches, and a kitchen 13 by 12 feet.
First Floor Plan.
There is alBo a pantry of generous
dimensions, conveniently located with
respoct to both kitchen and dining
room. Two closets are also provided
on the first floor. Upstairs there ore
threo comfortable bedrooms. Two of
these seem to bo somewhat cut up
owing to tho way tho roof is formed;
yet these extra apaces aro by no
meanB disadvantageous. Tho small
balcony ovor tho front porch and
opening from tho largo dormer win
dow la a feature that 1b both orna
mental and useful.
The cost of this comfortable dwell
ing Is estimated at $2,200. ThlB would
provide for oak floors for the living
room and dining room, maple floors
for the kitchen and pantry, and first
quality yellow pine edge grain floor
ing on the Booond floor. The living
room and dining room should bo fin
ished In red oak, stained, the interior
trim to bo ot a square-cut fashion to
harmonize with the gonernl character
of tho design ot tho houso. For the
second floor no material Is superior to
birch, either tho red or -tho whlto.
This can bo finished in any color and
produces a beautiful-appearing hard
wood trim For tho bedrooms a com
b'nttlon of mahogany nnd white enatn-
I Is the most popular, and It Is, with-
, t & w h i "" J-. 'M
gy$y&?.'v s??JmZA wXAvSvgv Sv-t. '. ' .'"?'? '-, ,A , ?v ' I .?'-.?' ..vyj
i Kitchen
Iclos. Pantry j
ii Dining Koon
laoxic'O' B I
ylo of fin
Ishlng for auch rooms as can bo Jh
vlsod. i
A wnrm-nlr furnnco of proper slio
placed very nearly In tho center of tha
basement will heat this houso both
upstairs nnd down vory satisfactorily.
No ono who has any appreciation ol
convenlonco or oconoray would think
of building a now houso of this kind
and not provide a contral boating
plant, not rolylng on BtovoB for heat.
Thoso havo shown thomBolvos to b I
Second Floor Plan
not only costly and Inefficient, but
dangerous as well. With a good
watorproof cemented basemont, ai
called for In the plans of this houso, a
very satisfactory heating plant can
easily bo Installed.
Senator Casslus ,P. Gink Felt He and
Manager of His Carrpalgn
Were One.
It Is no moro trifling matter, wo
learn from a German friend of ours
who read It In a German paper, to
bo a person In high official place in
America. Tho trouble Is that every
body thinks he Is entitled to shako i
hnnds with you upon all sortB of ot)
castons. The sad case of Caseius P
Gink 1b cited in evidence. Mr. GlnK
had been elected Bonator from a west
ern state. Ho arrived In the capital
and held a reception. A thousand
people came to shake hands with him.
After he had shaken hands with evary
one of the thousand there was a lc
.., , ..... A i ., . .1.
out doubt, ns nttractlro a otylo
1 k
fl DcDBcnM I
1 l-oi-o 1 D
3 Ivoitvoj
piiii i
B J ll'O'AIMT tl i
I eCD4 A
EedRoom V . , ii x ' i
I I LJ 1 1
1 (
uj unu uiu uuw Beiiuior stopped 10 uio
window for a breath of air. Outside .,
hi mo street no saw z.uuu poopio moro
people waiting to be ndmltted.
Ho was in despair. Ho flew from
the window Baying, "By heck," a
very strong expression Indeed. Then
suddenly he laid hold of the young
man who had managed his campaign
and who was now installed as his sec
retary. He marched that young man
into the middle ot the reception room.
"Stand right hero, George," he said.
Then ho went to his desk, on which ( f
stood a vase of roses and writing ma
terials. With eager bands he snatched
a sheet of paper and scrawled some
thing upon It In large letters. He
pinned the sheet of paper upon the
lapel of his secretary's Immaculate,
morning coat This was what the pis
card said;
hands with this fellow just as much
as ever you wish. He's really my right
hand anyway.
Novelties of Old Fleet Street.
Fleet street was formerly the won
der place of London, where all that
was novel, bizarre and mnrvelous was
exhibited by enterprising showmen.
Ben Jonson alludes to "a now notion
of the city of Nineveh, with Jonah and
the Whale, at Fleet Bridge," and at tho
"Eagle and Child" was exhibited a
collection of freaks and monstrosities
that set the whole town agape. In
1710, too, were advertised as on exhi
bition at Fleet bridge, "two strange,
wonderful and remarkablo monstrous
creaturoa, an old Bho dromedary, sev
en feet and ten inches long, lately ar
rlvod from Tartary, with her young
one, being tho greatest wonder, rarity
and novelty over seen In tho threo
kingdoms." London Chronlclo.
Couldn't See Place for "Pa."
A prominent Virginian had jflj
and his daughter in arranglngtho"
houso for the funeral had gono al
most to an oxtremo In placing palms
and ferns and plants In tho drawing
room In fact. It had moro tho appear
ance of a woddlng than a funeral.
One of tho old darkies came to pay
his last respects. "Miss Mae," ho
said, "dls surely Is fine, all dese hero
trees, but, Miss Mae, where la you
going to put your pa?"
Fluke Hog of the Sea.
Tho Blab-sided, flat-bottomed flu
1b not a game fish, but ho is muscular,
and when ho decldoe to bore down to
the bottom hlB Act shapo olds him In
giving a good account of himself. Ho
Is the hog of tho sea, although ho pre
fers that which 1b alive. After being
hooked tho fish will lie still nnd not
movo until the angler notifies him by
hauling upward. Then the fluke gets
busy. -V
Where Smoked Glass Has Value.
People in Tibet valuo highly tho
spectacles of smoked or colored Vlass
that are sold to them by tho. ChmVe,
because of tho blludlng brlgntncasl
the sun on tho snow.
&A '