Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 04, 1914, Image 8

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Qt r rtf . SAT-. ,- r t , f j , 4f t .- .
I a
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r t. "n tw
3r 1 3
JnL sl'i vix y " 'a
Eddie Plank, Vctoran Pitcher of Athletics.
Can lastyearVt-dlamonfcJumlnnrlca
repent, or will a now constellation
hold tho -publlq eytf during" itlil8daa;
eon's penrianMce7' fl'.Pi
Tola is the burning question of tho
hour. Judging from tiny 'early s6toori
VJL-f t B 1 kSyUi
CkolU MBhluAn flfflnt
performances, most of tho old guard
will be right pn.tba.jQb wJiontho,8afo
lick moans tho game or tho bases aro
loaded and tJiycountMrf-threeniltwo.
The list &angeBiJuHUaMteriOYery
year. SomaJvoteratrwlitrlmH-been the
ito tho vdc'hhl nfclfo. j j Airipne
ir's numboV! "however, Ih'e'ro la
idorQf -fans falls bylh'Pivayslde and
one of tho groat army of debutants
fete-prf lnl
last year
none who Is In danger ofbpln dJj-,
tC6bb, Ahe kingpin of ihera all, is
tearing, around the pathB at tho samo
blinding pace, but his batting is not up
Hi 'stan'daril ydl 'Matty Vill havo little
difficulty in making tho sluggers swing
at his slow ono and expects to stand
tlfom'a'u on lh6lr heads WW next
wdrld's series. '
Plank, tho wonderful ports 1 dor of
Connie Mack's Whjto Elephants, was
thVi;pltclilrig"6onBatl6niof last year's
-world's Tories arid bids fair to repeat
this, year,, Plank has been, Jn thq gamo
longer than any other southpaw and
will probably bo the-first bf thor913i
list to lcayo the b)g show.
As for Ilonus Wagner, ho Is Just a
little slower, mnyH on hard-htf ground'
bnMaibuth.e eagle ieye and tho big
,nitt3 arq.qtilLaJLhopJd stand, and It
win laico a suipnurjo smaBn 10 pene
trate the 'Pirates' 'short fl6hl vwhlld ho
lis' playing his positions t
) If Triif Spofvkqrif. ocord-brpaklug
salary doosn't go to his head ho should
Sox roster, both at bat and In thq
flold. Joo JackBon, tho Big Dffipor of'
fthot Cloyoland' Napfe, has youth' jjln'ftKla'
ravor coupiea witn a desire ;io,rpai
Ty Cobb ' I Krai's '"
Thoro 1b little doubt of blajMaylfig-
among tho lenders. i"'
Walter Johnson still burns them
across the dish with the samo old snap
and zing.
Than, tdo, thoro arojEdalo CollInB
.Waiik ,nhk'6rofiL the"WUhlotlca
iiVahdU6rfnoehlIrigfotUho Sena-
lil 1 Al "
iljkvl IPI-l'l'l'1
tors, Rob nussell of tho Whlto Sox,
Arcljqr of. tho Cubp, Dqmaroo of tho
Giants, Daubort of Brooklyn, Bvors
and Jtfaranvlllo of Boston, nnd ail tno
otheHlparkloB in tho big leaguo
K K4
- ,.
Major League Owners Awaken to
Foliy of 8tarttng Seasons Too
j Early Toner In Line.
It took a long ttmo to do it, but
Ntttloifal Leaguo magnates apparently
lljavo awakened at last to tho folly of
'Btartlng the major leaguo seasons too
early. - ftcxt year, if popular senti
ment among tho club presidents pre
vails, tho mnjor leaguo fans are very
likely vto wait until near tho first of
May for their regulnr diet of pleasure.
The parsimony of some fow Nation
al Leaguo club ownors was respon
sible for all tho early spring tortures
during' thd paHt two or throo years.
Ban Johnson for tho past flvo years
has advocated a much later start than
has been observed. Indocd, at tho
tlmo ChMoB H. Ebbcts and Charles
W. Murphy foUght so hard for a
schedulo of 108 games the big C7ar
of thoAmorlcan Leaguo was oponly
advocntlng a cut to 140 gamos in his
circuit Ho would havo gone through
with did plan, too, If his collcaguos
had nol backed out nt tho very last
moment They thought" such a con
tracted period of activity would glyo
tho rln major leaguo too great an
Tho JpAst fow years havo worked' n
marvolcnls chango of heart. To begin
with most of tho grasping magnates
havo drdpped or been dropped out of
tho National Leaguo. Tholr places
havo b'oon taken by" such genuine
sportsman as James E. Qaffnoy and
William F. Bakor. Ebbets never wna
a bad fellow only at ono tlmo ho
kept company with soino strango col
leagues. Banfjohnson declared in Chicago
tho other day tjiaf., thq American
LonKUQ, would not'becln its season so
nriy fiejtt year. Ho said it sb If ho
menniflip coniorm 10 mis pinn re
gardless of tho National League.
.However, it Is qulto likely that he
has talked tho matter over with Gov
ernor Tetter and that the National
Leaguo. President is of tho same mind.
In fact, Toner said In Brooklyn that
What' hq says bears a great deal of
weight, in National Leaguo affairs.
Babe Acamsf Star Twlrler of Pitts
burgh Team, Will Be Worked
Hard During This Season.
Babe Adams "will likely . prove a
stumbling block for many National
leaguo batsmen this season, as ho has
In tho past, Clarke is prepared to work
his star twlrler hard In an endeavor
to capturo the pennant. Baseball fane
hero think tho outlook was, novor
n m arirte, mwr m
IH l!7. S.fre' tH 5J OB 'VCf P t Bli
rttT?V!7'fcT!TX2rSJ5vr . B S?"-2jr SLi uij fcf
jr 11 r T1"- ,TT.-f"rmrS tr l.n fiVJTnrkl
.r ifnrctiAi &v?shvi&zszz' "vx&fi
i mi r.r w samx0
Mlko Doalln's" pinch'hltllri'dyol Is
mot in propaFtrjhFlaByetr-'rtl
i o
Jacinto d&LCalvo. theicubftn Way
at, is raaKing.geflu on ivyuu.j
Hans Wagner contlnues'tolbit'thel
(premier arawing cara .cu'Vp lyonvi,
league. H
, x.,r ri
Grimth SSys Fritz MaIboI will bo
ono of thovest third ba8omon"ifa ' the
big IcagueaUhls year.
Bobby PyjMliiputtlng up a star
game for HwjTiwwtfM,.ccqnd. no
ls also UUting W-SlllllHS8
'iiiAM Vt.JiVSt,r ,' il
Napoleon Lajolo did not start
the season well in tho batting lino,
Is gradually recovering his .ojjo.
i.iHuttlinvrJonnlncB wllK car ryJ hina
twlrlers on his Tiger stq'ff 'khla fiwc,
'soVefiJiTglit-handora and tffJsbCth.'
paws.(1 , ' " ,
, f
i?' Colib'ls not stealing mhj bsps
this voari. but hn 'ltrJJfedrhfK'T:unskln"
ii "i i ...j'i.j r jrfiTixji.
(.(; nit - ?, r;lJ.J i
Mnnager Joe Birmingham: oJUtho ,
m i i . i'ME"'i'r
great aid lu BeUlnguhrrplayera lrito
tlauitam"" n nr - '
Babe Adams.
brighter.! Of course tho loss ol
Hendrlx,who Juiriped to tho Federals,
ijwas folt,ibut the PJratea did nqt.sufi
P.for half ob badly as somQ.of.tboothoi.I
fUDs rrom doaertlons. Las ypar ncj
coriling to tho otllcinl records, Adams
pitched In 43 gnmqB for 31,4, Rnrig4
and secured 144. strikeouts lie ranked
next to Mathew, sW, wb6 wa thQ'la'4'il'
Connection Made Prom Church to Bed
side of Quarantined Daughter
Quick Connection Made.
A distressed hUsband and father,
burying his tflfo, called on thd tele
phone company In Chicago rocontly
and askod Its aid in effoctlng n tele
phono connection from tho church to
tho bcdsldo of hla quarantined daugh
ter. Request for sorvice was made at
10:30 a. m. and tho funoral whs to be
hold at 3 p. m. on tho samo day. Con
coaling a so-called "acoustlcon" or
loud-speaking transmitter in tho flow
era beforo tho pulpit and connecting
it to tho tolophono lino of tho church,
direct means of communication was
establish betwoon tho church and
tho central omco. Here tho subscrib-.
er'B lino nnd tho church Hno woro dis
connected from tho switchboards and
tied In splfd'. The quarantined dnugh-'
ter was thus able to listen to her
mother's' funeral sorvlco as it was
conducted In tho church many blocks
from her homo, BayB Electrical World.
Ono of tho foaturos of this unusual
feat In telephony was tho quick con
nection secured.
Intensity) of, Air Current Continually
Varied and Air Is Driven In Op
' poslte Directions.
Pleasant,! changing breezes and gen
tle putfa, of frosh air, Instead of a
hard, Bteady blow, aro produced by
an Intermittent electric fan. Just
brought but in England, says Popular
Mechanics. Tho fan not only varies
thoi" intensity of tho air current 'con-
Produces Changing Breezes.
tinually, (but reverses Its blades at in
tervals ,tb drive the air In tho oppo
site direction. Tho intermittent broezo
is produced by reverslblo blades, au
tomatically rotated on their stoma so
that thay. aro continually changing
their anlo. "' ' ' ' " '
Support JDevlsed to keep Telephono
on Level and Prevent It From
Falling Off.
Having a sloping-top desk and be-
'ing "compelled to usq the telephone
quite fretiuently. I 'devised a support
Jtqr tjlo (telephone so that It might
stand loyel and not' fall off, says a
ri i ) v'
)WN ".-" ";
t offl ilSKPltchTor In thoi
..biw-p "--
? v- Bush Afti
almost every gam
. -1
'VV' ' 'i- fV" kj KBuokiWPO-ver iu gottlngito be areg
Fish, cap,talt pnd cntohor oj ,viarf,nrl6kloy In- the, bobtlng- lino.
.Hardly a day passes th
yob,blojone up."i
i, thb veror
ano Betou nail iouege xeam, nas Hardly a day passes that Buck dqosn't
iBignea 10 niay wiuivwiu uiuuiuoru
tj "i m
,euu. v" S r.VI 9
i. A w
Prince Gaaklll, the former Troy curvcr,
Tho Inalaliapolls-club Haa sold
FlllttVt AftM DAnnl
Donttloi BubU. tho shiirtBton of the
DotroitJTJgorSi Is a candidate for load
ing base-stealing honpra In, fliq.Amqrl
can league this soasont BUsh will
hhvfta hard combination to beat in
Cobb, Collins and Milan, but thinks he
can turn tho trick. Donnje Is a speedy
runnor and has tho knack of evading
X bnsomnn down to perfection. To
holp hlnl along ho hns two of tho
grcatqst Wsmou in tho game coming
up behind him. They are Tyrus Cobb
antt Samuel Crawford.
1 "" t " "" -'" l! '' -J
Pestiferous LltUe Ihsecte Are lAirJ
by Light Into Mesh of Electrically
Charged Wires.
Thoro Is an old Joke to tho effect
that ono way to got rid of flies is to
catch tho flies and hold, thorn down
upon n brick whllo you hit them In
tho head with a Mammor. It now do
volops that this Is not bo mu(ch, fit J
Joke as It seems, for two Inventors pf
Illinois havo promulgated tho proposi
tion that tho way to got rid of mos
quitoes is catch tho mosquitoes and
kill thorn. Thoy do not proposo to
follow tho hammor and brick method,
how over, but their schomo contour
plates luring tho mosquito, by- means
of a light inclosed in a box, into tho
meshes of electrically charged wire
threads. Tho box ts op6n" 6n ono end
and tho lamp Is placed lnsldo. The
light attracts tho Jersey galllhippor,
and aa ho flies toward it bo domes in
contact with an ingeniously arrangod
network, of tiny wires. Tho wires aro
- - ,, '
ii .1
For1 kleptrocutlog Mosquitoes.
so tiny that the Insect muBij como Ja
coniaci yun at least two of them and
in so doing tho deadly current Is sent
through 'tho body of tho Insect. To
furthor inBur6 tho donUs6 of the latter
a sauceri of coal oil, la provided to ro
colvo his body as it falls after bolrig'
shocked. It' does not rcquiro any
great amount of current to kill a mos
quito, add this la provided 'by a fow
Arrangement Gives Late-Comer Ample
Time 'toi Ascend Stairway Beforo
'Lights Are Extinguished,
In Europe many of tho apartment
houeos aro- provided with automatlo
stair lamps j which can bo lighted by
tho touch of a' button at the bottom or
top of the stairs. The lamps burn for
two or three minutes, automatically
extinguishing themselves at tho end of
this period, soys ,EloctrIcal World.
This arrangement gives the late-comer
ample tlmo to ascend the atalr,wny
(lighting each flight successively if
there are several) and It has tho ad
vantage of saving tho aU-nlght ubo of
Such a schemo would, however, be
less adaptable to American practlso
becauso most cities hero have ordi
nances requiring landlords to operate
hall lamps all night long, On the scale
of otfrer costs, also, electrical energy
Is, cheaper in this country than abroad
so that Icbb need exists for economiz
ing In qurrent. Automatlo switches
used 1q Germany extinguish the lamps
at, the end bf two or three minutes aft
er thq tenant has had time to reach
his apartment If entering; or to pass
through, jtho street dbor if leaving th" o
building. The controlling push buttons
are conveniently placed at each door.
Telephone Stand.
Blll'KEarln. thli vottirnn catehoriWho
madirtho ro'unuUo-world tour with
n.w.i Jl nr ... i ll..l- ..
'- -- ---p niMiiiiiiiir iiii .vifiLrH nun. ih iiviiitr in ri
(to tho Denver club, of the Webtoit'ltm(Jh y r5otrb"lf. ' '
league. . . . . . ,. '
Pltchor Luhrsen, who failed to mako
good as . Senator,-hosbqonBld by
tho ColuiabUB club to tho Omaha club,
In the Western leaguo.
Detroit critics say rthplgerBjarOjUO
better than -year -agor,JT::'j"dlirilngB"
(youngaterofRronoU sotting tho world
Wien theClittncenwnfdoJOBe, thfe
MttleJrhardSi N
other teaniJias to
tody has found the
season. u ,
Charley Horiog hds hHaH-Oorman
infield at CtneinMrwHl,aLCub!fl,!ian,
EnglUbmault ondj an Irishman In" tho
W" "?
Funny Ihlng f hbout ,ntood ,Mn-
allefl a 16v' thlnkeri still
Kee. ,iio s
lie. leads Ui
with the will
aUonal loagu? slugorB
ivl.h might i
tho pjay of i
aro hearing
bU4 mom
b: rtni
l '!.'. ' i
evQliiijA bjw; Hanry I31uhoibi
Mr'knowrt to hal6balFatnoiad mod?'
sSthl fhno. uM.olBii'Ef tho
loam club loaders wthu-jtioo for tho
Southern loaguo ponhont,, i
- !'-
i ' .,' v
, ono P? wo grCate.f&jrtomach;reduc;
InK RxerclBfla over ..observe'd tetf ndr
trftyed Jy n iplmnfehaCiqr,r dodging
Walter Johnsori'flfjfoBt halL won 'jfi
JO i
.lik Chance Is Btrlvimr
piMfM Inject IlfoHntd
vnnkfins nnd hl AfTortu
the. Mow -Orleans
9, VHo gptjUWI
bm pmwBro league 8,
LinuoJi of Mauaeer Tluliar'B'allncuUx In
tlUw,.' . jl
coinua aleuit lriBmh.1ainfl Vaftt IiIl-1 fH BPn- A"y
' " &? Croaking;
Outfleldcr MnxTFlacki'tiltt Peoria re-, ?aldy O
milt .p i& rMmnn ii,.,. ...i. ....... ijnen In ,
flpnrfi 1 1 r iiii-liVorniViif Mi Murf nt ihn anil It
, ..-.., . ..v.u.-,.. ... ...... w w. M,
u, eems-lp have
tgan Gives Promise,
Dick Egan promises toplUte up tho
position pf, shortotop or the Brooklyn
team in approved style. This Avas one
placo wlibro It'ivus bolleved tho Dodgj
erB wpum do woaK, nior joo Tinipr
Jumpliig bvor to tlio Feda., EJgan, how
over, fi looked upon as 1 BttVlor bv the
Urookfyn fans, Dick was ono ot the
players who took tile trlJJ irtnd. the
world. ' i i (
writer In an exchango. Tho sides of
tho stand wero cut on tho same Blope
as tho desk top, and tholr under edges
woro provided with rubber strlpa to
prevent llpplug. i
Ornamental Street Lighting.
Tho first nitrogen filled tungsten
lamps to bo used for ornamental street
lighting pro now in operation in Se
attlo and have attracted much atten
tion, by reason of tholr great brilliancy
and puro whlto color. Tho now nitro
gen flllod, tungsten lamps are tho first
to bo m'ado commercially available,
and will jroplaco tho old typo of tung
sten lamps, now in sorvice on tho prin
cipal streets of Seattle.
Telephone for the -Deaf.
Tho battorlos and recoivl'nsr instru-
I iiiont ot n now tolophono set for 'dent
porsoijB who may bo eensltlvo to tho
faqt that thoy need artificial aid for
hearing are mounted In a handbag,
from whjch the- wlro runs to tho ear
Instrument. '
I Biy ISbwr
tJx-msH M ekts
City Neat Maurket
Ii Agetits for SeymourV laundry J
W.fjLoreni:, Jr. Dakota Cify, Neb.
I M A J. - - - - - ' V
.',,,,.1-' !. I,
Celexry &i ih
The Old Treat-
Th Old Companies.
ment Thd Old Care. 4
rlHey thebestin allthe land. I-represetiMhei
riarttord i'henix Continental Columbia Royal, the
realty STRONG Insurance Companies.
, ,jl have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours,
WJten you sell. ,
. SWfitg "every 'kind'df 'Insurance. Do ' Conveyancing,
drav up Wills, Deeds, Leases, Etc. RIGHT. Very
much, desire YOUR business, and will carejor it well.
33L jF. MoKcever, j'n,1'x r
Successor A'o OSd.T." Kearney
r ri I' vi .W '
.Insurance. ' 'Real fi&tate. T ' '
1 1 Conveyancing.
Steamship .Tickets.
- 3.'ji
CoL' ID; F. ResnrkxisserL
Farm Sales, Real Estate and Live Stock
Auctioneer !
100 Tin ''Clios furnished. See me "Earlv f(?r dates. 'One 1
priced to all. Write me Ponca, Nebr., box 10 , or Phone
56 at my expense. l I
Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
Lady Assistant
Wrai. , 3F. DSck.iiSosv
Ball 71
Avto N47t
415 Sixth. 'Street, .,."
Sioxsx City lovc.
uMlldlnK'lrpi ball toa
5 PrfiaiJnt, Thlvlngton, of $& 'Amer
ican asHOclatioq, 1b Id cartierit pi' his
nutlpathy for ttto Foderat JohguCrthd
Ing gnnfos In the Ainerican assocla.
Too Many Exhibitions.
Manager MpOraw pf tho Qlttn,ts says
CharlcB L Eljbots has been overdoing
tho ochlltlon gnme stuff to tho extent
that thoiodgo haB boon taken oft the
major Ionguti openlngB lu the metrop
olis, llo thinks a halt should ba
calle and PQlnts,tQ tho pbor atten
dance ntj tho spoclal games at Ebbets
Field to bear him out that the fans
reallv doln't carp .for Ebbets' oxtras.
No Jomfoolery With Cnanco.
2-Frdnkj Chanco will n6 ' stated for
Thy fooling from tho Yankees this soa-
,of tho playors caught
tho rulos will ha d.eU wjt)
liuuce Intends tp kop Iub
t1it hM condition noialble
thoy do not make a hettbr
shoeing than last yuar it Will not be j
iiirouMU lack oi pnysicni coiumiqti.
' New Electric' Stove.'
A now electric stoVo for dlnfng
tables has a drawer boneuUi tho heat
ing coil so toast can' bo madd at the
ea'mo tlmo somothlug else Is being
cooked qn topi. , ,
f Trls Speaker's Age.
Trfp Speaker is older tlinn most
fijps jthluk The famous motubor pf J
tho Jted aox 1b 31 fara of,i$ft ahd la
Just tit tho time in IiIb career when
ha ciai ho expected to Mart downhill,
hwt.sp far th Texan hah showu no
Glgns ot slipping
Water Heater.
In a iiow eloctrtcal water heater
tho water Itsolf forms "ho resistance
to tho current and develops its own
hont, Instead ot requiring the uso of
metallic roslstanco colls.
Rural, Mall" Box,
A, ru,ral mall Upx vUU a loose bot.
torn that closes n circuit and rinits an
e6ctrlc bell nt a dlstnn'cp "tt'ljen even
fh postal card 1 drqiUdv9 it has
been patentee by n caiirorman.
' '' Largest Church 'prgan.
Ono'ot the world's largest church
organs is an eloctrloal instrument at
Hanibyrg, whtpji hAa. .12,17:1 plpos,
some of which are 37 foot long.
Tho llrltlsh army has a completo
portable 'VlreloBs outlltf Including a
folding CO-foot pole, which can bo car
ried ou a horse.
A small, but practical, electric rail
way haa been installed in a Parts
Cables linking British and North
Amorican ports convey about 30,000.-
, Since thq establishment bf tho first
electric railway up Mont Diane, as
cents of the mountain have trebled.
Insulated tongs havo been 'lnvfe'nlett
especially fprbanUng electric fuees,
ovon In connection with heavy cur
rents. A nowdpapcp In a town ln-Braxll
2,000 miles from the mouth of the
Amaiori,! gqts all lta telegraphlq ,news
by wireless.
A simple machlno for feeding wire
Into n conduit without kinking or
bending it has , been patented by a
Minneapolis inventor.
Electric machinery has been In
yentod fpr sorting Bteel balls and roll
era for tbearlngs. so delicate that; It
dptecis flifforencoB of one-tourth of a
ten-thousandth of an inch,
Jt la pstlmatod that there are 37,000
oieciric vonicies in use in tms coun
try, of which 25,000 are pleasure cars.
An ordtnnry electric push button
con be used as a floor push by mount
ing It under a lloor aud using a long
nail through tho floor to press 1L'
In rebuilding ,a church spire la
England recently a 15-HorBopowor
electric motor did tho work of Blif
men at about ouo-twontloth tho cost
A novel umbrella "is equipped with
a storage battery oloctric light in lta
Rsowt high-speed wireless teeU In
Kngltmd resulted lu sending 145 words
a joHluU.
TJl laigest electric generator ever
built la being oonstrubtrfil Tor a Pfilln
dalplvlt oomimrty, whldh will develop
moru than 60,000 horsetawer ftjth'iu
, ., i
Tn putUng 'new Ughtnlnft ' 'con"
uuuiuia uu oi. x aui d wiiniMiruii ' iuii''
don," a part of ton old lightning rod
Installed by Uonjanln Franklin 110
years ago waa found.
I 4A' Growing Business Built on fOiir 'RepufetW J' ';
...V.aiW'Of wfi , aa.to"-
i- -
Tom Steet
.ii . i ''
Steele, Simah; St Go
f i ( .
, sioux city, loyA
RaySImnn,. p,vo Prusmer, ,Hy BpptrJen,
Cattle Salesman. not & Sheep Bnlesmnn. ODlcy.
uridreds' of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us-:' ''
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters. , '
I1 ni ' 'i
USi '
We! Work for You.
iiiirirr nn xn rlj p
wwiiir: .iit. Miiiurii.
Ill VW ' W . .was IH' Wl ?
4. , .W V
c i , , !' , . , f&t ' ,t J&
m . i""ir , mmmm . . .
'Ask Your Dealer tolS&ow Ypu
VI .
;S i&w Sir
MHJyi?E VVJilVlisM r. ?x 1
i ifa Krf
! ,oV
I The Famdus Sturges Bros. Harness I
I1 If they Don't Have Them, write or call on
Sturges Bros., 4Li Pearl St Sioux City, la.
waco tfumw a
yaL$ry &
East of the Court House for the Best in
Wines, Liquor ? Cigstors')
Bond & Iyillard, Old Elk, $henvdod $ye' Whiskies!'
' '' ' W Bo'tUe or Ke
Henry Kruno, jviedct
i IS v
H v
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