V. r Y w v tpiinriiii i irrrii'iir"! rii New Store New Location I wish to announce that I am now located in my new store building, where I have a complete line of Staple and Fancy Grocer ies. A line of Dry Goods will be added in the near future. I will be pleased to see all my old friends and former customers. The public is invited to call and see us in our new location. L. To The People We will keep the Best and Freshest Meats OF ALL KINDS ...for the Summer Trade... S revolted. &nd Cxxred' Me&is, Lr&isul, Ssoutsa&es, a.xvd Specialties, Lowest Prices to All Lorenz, Jr. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the dte. eased portion ot the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition ot the mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you bare a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing-, and when It Is entirely closed. Deaf ness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but on inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a Bold by Druiglsts. 76c. Tako Hall's FamUy rills tor constipation. IK wm mSa WEBSTER'S NEW XNTERNATJONAL, "DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The- Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains tho pith and essence of an authoritativo library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. Tho Only Dictionary with tho - New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 27Q0 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Costnoarly half a million dollars. gjXiCt us toll you about this most remarkable single volume. Write for sample pages, full par ticulars, etc. Namo this paper and wo will send free a sot of Pocket Mapa G.&C.McrrUfflCo. Sprlngfleld, Mass fhe Ctniine Now$ 2 A MONTH YieanpUeatbsUt t mod.1. gumUM Doawit Ue.th.rcDlj SEKW "i.Vl.'iSSl dm it caQtlnuaUr "fall, paying $2 month, and eiy loy a, very pedal Pries diroct t too or f ri w" WI?! We Will Take Yoni Old Machine KtfSJl'1 lni.nl allowase on vSmAA w Dome.UaAo4 7oac.a .till ta.m 4 v.nu.eflh apscial price end eI DOMESTIC Th perfect cvrtnfr machine tint hai always led all othal msJcitt And i today bttr than aver Two machine! fn on lock tit eh and chain Mitch. Straight drop fcd. hUh arm. Ull tuinr. A compute t of J U hmtnU try MpracUeM. td., mvd fr vtry&y uo.Tb ItoowatM h I twUtron of modern Mwlnir maf bin protran Find out about It SEND FOR bOOK, FREE, Tha Truth About feewlnj ifacbin t11inf yini low you n hava tha Anaat MwfatT Buub htm mJ at a t tci, Low I'rica r.d at ONLY IX month LH fvhywalidrct haia wtuvnowmanJffUayMJ aS&YfcAK llUAHANIrE.. tlLbfftctabfura yiu bur any inachloa. 1W r f iunian wm hti ruu nwnti on.i lornntm, Mrs Mary R.McBeath, Agent THE BOYS' MAGAZINE FREE! 84 tl fur r. i.milf oopr of THK BOYH' UlUAi Zlti E, til. flanl bjf' ihUist ll.a la tb orU. Clua. (Kutlni t.iu nl tat truitlT. .rtlel... aUof lattb.. lawnit t mn lit. iij. BtxHIfBll lfUltrttd tliroucaQBt. bt)a Iq VUck ant) vblUkuil la eolori. U.p.rt mcau amxtd U HUctikltr, ltMti.alcj, Athlrlloi, Amtuii Oupvotrr, AmttMtr Fbouc r.(aj aaa 0t4mp .n4 OoU) Collwtlal. Tt. AULtlo (Mi p.ruaeat tl under (h. HrMDil ck.rc. of WALTKH UiWK. AOMrlCft furuao.1 kotuorllr en taU isVJmU J J r(y r aAn faM OW ' yraJl OM tl r puMloutton. AIIicm E tCSTT F. ICOFiaO CO fubntrttrt, HO UK) It, twttwt ll. "(rim BOYS' MAGAZINE (t s al a( alt kikhWi.) V I ti2&ESE5mm .. 1 , i TikW jPdsvwK w ' m&mm ,-' m E V Ec PfLlrm.-iSTmuPQi. rjmx m n k fsmKjev. r iMKJm jil Bw n. M9"jmT , m bSSk nwi'dw SSiEEaEB ROSS of This Vicinity Dakota City, Neb. Local Items The HornliJ 1 enr, $1. Lymnn Wliito was up from Wood binu, lit, a low days this week, The Odd FellotVd conferred tho sec ond itiid third degrees Monday night, Prof .1 II Kemp, of Wayne, was tho guest of Prof Leavens a few days last weak. Moll A Schmied went to Lincoln Monduy to tnku up his work as doputy puro food inspector. There will lie a regular meeting of Omadi lodge No 5 A P & A M Satur day ovening of this week. Miss Frauds Riuli carao up from her homo at WiBuer, Neb, Saturday, for a visit with relatives here. It J'btiuBoo, of Dalton, Ohio, 'ar rived hero last week to attend the funeral of his daughter, Mrs Evan Way. Mrs Thos Debion, formerly in charge of tho Oity hotel, was hero from Pon on, Monday, visiting ut the It L Broy hill home. Goorgo Shbibley was visiting old friends hero Monday, having just re turned from an over Sunday visit with relatives at Ponoa. A full Hoe of. wall paper. Every thing new and tho latest that money can buy. Heo our lino before buying. Dakota Qity Pharmaoy. Conrad Jaoobsou, of Wayne, was hero Monday and uoeoptod the posi tion of prinoipal of the Dakota Oity soliool for the coming year. olin W Qnbblo was up from South Omaha a conplo of days last week. He arranged with the Consumers Ice company to supply his firm, tho South Omaha Goal and lee Go, with ico for the summer. The Dakota Oity Phurmaoy is agent for tho groai Mound Oity Paints. A oar load just arrived and is being stor ed in our basement, it stands i.i a class by itself, Prices cheap as the poorest paint sold by our uompetitrrs. Ony G Sides, ono of Dakoia pre cinots best vouna farmers, at the soli citation of his many friends, filed for tho oflico of county treasurer Monday. Mr Sides has never been in politios and his roooid is an opon book, for all to ecau. Mrs S J Paussett, mother of T J Knepperof South Sioux, died at Oanon City, Ool, May, 23, 1914, at tho ago of 76 years. Deceased had mado her home in Colorado with a dnnchter. Mra Daisy Ohaao, for the past ten years, lho remains were taken to Craig, Neb, the foi4nor homo of Mrn FauBsett, where funoral snrvioes wero held Friday. The Northeast Nebrasku Sous of Herman pionio will be held at ,Etnor son, Nob, next Thursday, June 11th, The Dakota City lodge, of which tho proaidont of tho pionio, Herman Door man, und tho seorotary, Fred Sohrio ver, ii ro both members, plau on send ing u big delegation to Emerson on that dato. A number other than mem bers ot tho order plan on attending, Miss Georgia Jay, daughter of Mrs Laura Jay, u lnrmer reiidont of this placo, later f Sioux Oity. whore tho family resided until about two years ago whon they moved to Chicago, has brought suit in that oity against Ho mer Itodeheavrer, a spger with Evan gelist Billy Sunday, for $50,000 for uroaoh of promise Miss Jay became acquainted with Rodoheaver in Sioux Oity whon the singer was with Evan gelist Diedorwolf, iuar55 Ohas W Adair, of Sioux Oity, visit ed relatives horo Tuosdny. Tho August primaries promise to bo n very warm ovont, nnd then some. Rev J L Phillips, of Battle Greek, Nebr, was in town Wednesday on bus iness. Loui Cooley and family, of Wake Hold, wuro hero Sunday vlBitiug rela tives. Ed Londrosh was up from Winuoba go last week visiting at the Uiehuhr homo. Adolf Isenberg, of Emerson, left this week for a visit ut his old homo iu Germany, Donald Best wont toPouca Monday, whoro ho will work in the store of his brother, Wm Bost. Mrs Ohas Wostcott, of South Sioux Oity, was operated on at a Sioux City hospital Saturday. Mrs Emmett Uiloman wont to Oma ha Saturday to obsorvu Decoration Day, returning Sunday. Prof Ohas Culler and wife, of Har tington, woro visitors horo tho first of tho week with relatives, Mrs E A Van Floot, of Omaha, was tho guost of Mrs D M Noiswangor Wednesday of last week. Miss Frao Entrikin, of Sergeant Bluff, la, visited at tho S A Stinson homo horo the past week. P Mlsa Margarot Niobuhr is homo from n month's visit at the Henry Ni?buhr homo in Winnebago, Tho latest howb from Tampico and YoraOmz: Americans und Moxionnq are engaged iu a basoLall toiirnumtu I. A bunoh of kid ball players defeat ed a team from Sioux City on the lo cal grounds Sunday, tho scoro being 11 to 7. E J Morris and Mrs Loniso Thome, of Cedar Rapids, la, woro joined in marriago by the county judge last Thursday. Wo have eomo exceptionally fine quality hay for sale. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co, Dakota Gity, Neb. Phono No 10. Mrs E A Osbora arrived hero laBt Thursday from Chioo, Oal, for a threo months' visit with her mother, Mrs Esther Harden. The Ladies Aid sooieiy of the M E church will hold u bread and oako Rale at tho Ross storo Saturday, Juno G, 1914, at 2:30 p m. Mrs Sarah Duesohl, of Mapleton, la, daughter of Mrs Martha Adair, of this place, was operated on at nJSioux Oity hospital Monday. Wm Armour was a passenger to Walthill Monday for n visit with tho Mathowseu family. On returning ho will spend a few weeks with relatives in this vioiuity. Mrs F L Grayes undorwent an ope ration at a Sioux Oity hospital Tues day, for ailments following an opera tiou for appeudioitis which was per formed recently. Mrs Emma Hettn und littlo son, who have bean visiting rolutives here und at South Sioux Oity for the past month, roturned to their homo at Dal las, S D, Monday. The following letters remain un claimed in the posloffiuo at Dakota, Neb. ior the month ending May 31, 1914: Salvan Garter, Mrs Jas Clark ings. Job Olarkinga 2, 0 F Hird. Dr 0 H Maxwell, wife, son Ohas, and daughtor Mary, left Wednesday for uprinplield, Mo, to uttonu tho annual reunion of the Mnxwoll families. They will bo gono a weok. Mrs Elizabeth Horwitr and sistor, Mrs Olive Hodgins, of Minot, N D, ro turned the first of tho week from a visit at Chambers, Neb, with their brother, B B Gribble and family. Tho Kozy Studio now located at Fourth and Douglas Btroots. The biggest, best variety of small sizo pho tos in tho city. Spooial Postal cardB and stamp photos. Seo us and save monoy. Eozy Studio. s Simon Fitzson and wife, of Sioux City) announoo tho engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to L Olydo Reeves, son of Mr and Mrs Daniel Reeves. The wedding will tako place Juno 17 at the homo of the bride s pa rents. i A bunoh of Sioux Oity loan sharks pulled of a "kangoroo oulo" of tho Ma bio Moore household goods ut South South Oity last Friiluj, on tile strength of a ouatUo mortgage held by thom Attornoy Prum wus called into tho case and stopped the removal of the goodB, as tho sale had not been ndver Used and thoreforo illegal. Death Summons Mrs. Evan Way r Ada D Stinson was born October 27, 1871, at Garnot, Kas, and died May 26,J014, at Wichata, Kas, at tho homo of her aunt, Mrs J S Nowton, agod 42 years, G months and 29 days. Sho united with the United Presby terian church at tho ago of 14 and re mained u consistent mombor until uniting with tho Friends church ut Elk Valley about twenty years ugo. Rho was a faithful, loving christian worker. Her life's pathway is mark ed with doeds of love, kindness and ohristiuu servioe. It cuu be suid of her "Sho hath douo what alio could." A short time beforo her death she expressed a desiro to hear the four teenth chapter of St Jolin'n Gospel read and then told of her trust in tho Lord, Tho world has lost u noble, chris tian woman. Though this world is poorer heaven is rioher. She was united in marriagn to E J Way on July 4; 1895, by Ruv 0 fl Lewis, at Spring liank, Nob. n tl.Ia .....Vr. , l.n. !,. nl.lt.l. AU W,D IIMfUIJ truiii UUIII ,, , w uu,.v- ren Johu D, Mury E, Robert F, Sa rah J, JuraeH W, who, with tho hus band, mourn tho Iohh of a kjnd, loving mother and wife, Funoral aervioes woro held at the Spring Bank Friond-. church conduct ed by Rev H S Linton, Tho bereavod pnos have tho Bjim a thy of all in ths hour ol sorrow. OAltl) OK THANKS Wo wish to thauk our friends for tho kind and loving sympathy shown us during tho illness and death of our beloved wife and mother, aho for tho many ueamuul llowers, . E J Way and Children, AK$frA tioilHflV ttUtAhUi BAttfctfA Four Graduate from Dakota City High School CLASS KOLL Ray J, Ueikes Frank W. Gicso Donald T. Best Evu M, Grnlmm Another soliool year hns closed and a class of four Dakota Oity young pooplo seourod their oorotod diplomas at tho olose of tho exorcixes last Fri day evening. Doviutiug from tho usual custom of the class mombors delivering orations ut tho annual commencement, tho class this year gave u class play ou A.11..DV...J UltlllUQl vnij u .,u stormy weather during the ufternoon and ovening, only n Rinall liouao wit nessed tho program, whioh was very creditable. Tho titlo of tho play was "His Uncle John," und tho oharootors all did exceptionally well. Mrs S T Frum and MIbs Esthor Ross favored tho uudianco with piano selootious du ring tho intermissions, .which wero much appreciated. Tho graduating oxoroiseB Friday evening drow u crowded house. Tho woathor was perfect uud tho assembly room iu tho high soliool building wus comfortably filled by 8:30, when tho olassund thoso ocanpying pluuts on tho program filed onto tho aturje. Rev J Crews, pastor of the M E church gave tho invocation. MisR Ina Hughes, of Wayne, sang u vocal polo in a clear, sweot toue that brought forth an encore from tho list eners. An address by Rev David It Huber, pastor of Trinity Lutherc church of Sioux Oity, followed. Dv.javo a very improssivo talk to tho class ami to tho assembla'go, taking as his subject, "Quitters and Acquittora." His wido range of thought una tho pleasing maunor in whioh ho handled his snb joct kept tho listouors deeply interest ed. Miss Hughes gavo n reading whioh held the audienoo spollbound by the charm of her delivery, ' Judge R E Evans presented tho di plomas to the class in his usual mast erful manner, and Prin U G Leavens mado the award of honors, which went to Miss Eva Graham. A vocal solo by Mrs 8 T Frum, who was recalled for an oncoro, ended tho program, when Rev S L Keller pro nounced tho bonedition. Notice We, tho undersigned, agree to close our plaoos of business at 8 o'clock p m, exeept on Saturdays, aftor June 15th, d tiling tho summer months. S A Stinson, Fred Schriever & Co., W L Ross, W P Lorbuz, Jr, E & B Lumbor G'P Broyhill, O E Doolittlo. o., Militant "Reign of Terror." While you iiuvu undoubtedly read in the paper from time to timo vari ous accounts of tho militant suffraget tes in England wo doubt if you rea lize to what exient their activities huvo been carried on. On another pago of this week's papor Will ho found a descriptive artiolo telling fully of tho various things which havo boon done iu England during tho past year in tho interest of equal suffrage Whether you uro in harmony with this movement or not ?o know you will be interested iu reading this ar ticle and will bo surprised ut tho ex tent to which tho war has been waged. This is only ono of tho many good things wo havo provided for our read ers, and wo mention it with tho idea of attracting your attontiou to tho in sido pages of tho paper, whero many attraotivo features will be found oaoh week. If you havo not boon in tho habit of reading thoso insido pages you havo boon missing something of valuo. Looking Backward. i Interesting Items of News from Our Exchanges Poncu Journal, May' 20, 1880: Wido gritdo track laying hus comnenoed at Covington The mw iron is being put down outsido the old truck, thus leav- iug it so that tho truin oin ho used to haul material till a wido ruuro on- gino is brought uorosB the river. Sioux City Journal, Muy 29, 18911 MiBS Mollio Bakor, a graduate ot the Sioux City public schools and later a teacher iu tho same ' ohools, diod at her homo iu Dakota City Saturday. Tho fuuoral occurred yesterday. Quito u number from hero wero in at tendance Dakota county has do oided to issue $125,000 refunding bonds to tako up an issue of railroad bonds mado twenty years ugo to aid tho old CoYJngtou, Columbus and Blapk Hills road, Tho origiouul is sue was $05,000. Ton years ago it was $114,090, und it was necessary to refund thom, and since then, ans since thou tho issue haq been out down to. $135,000. Tho bonds will boar 4 por cent and be ten uud twenty year op tiouals, Already an offer of 1 per cent premium und oxpenso of placing them bus been budo by a firm of oaBt oru b'rokers. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FER8. Goo W Kdwords and wife, to Ada M l'etty. strip 24 ft w!deIforvard l.n 0-V7-a..,,,,,,,ff, ,,,,,, ,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, T M lill veil und, Vfl(8 to Kdwlit O Hllv- J7fi vm, ium 4111H1 z, Di k 1, nuiriiu u'i'i u SpHlpujfOHy , 4,00 Oathorlne Lombapk to Itoa Mace, lot i iinu is, iu uiKiuz. uoiingiouiiiine Ht(d tp Ho bouif Oily SW1 Jessie M Leedoinatd bus., to II I. Kv erlst.IotlS, blkja.lsl Hy add to Ho Hlouic 0ty, loHO, 11, blkB7 Joy place. 1 U Wesloy HrQwniind Wife. t Snuuiwl Allrldeubaugh,iiwqr!fl!-)!H-a im K(ltl llairpt tQHtoplien Hoan W 5 (t lot M b(k JT4, D(ltlmu oity .,.," mi Mary k Hopkweii and hus, Kphrum, tu 'HGMnnell.niiBftlobllc irrmor iwxj 'J' 1) lloonoy to John Dtiggan und Tuna lleiTeriiaii.lot I51ilkiil,ilubuaru. , , lVuo Ohartty Hurt to James Tobln, lots I, t, uud 11, blk XT, ity add to Ho Htoiu Oity. llz Krod J Ochauder and wife, to Thomas Ashford, lots 1, 'J, and 3, uud pt of lot 4 all iu blk U, Kalrvlow add to ilomer 1 KJ Metzand wife, to Allen Hell, lots 10 iiauu iz, uikv, ityauu to ho nioux Oi ty. . ... 1200 Itooleotatoloftiie. Goo Wilkina Ally (ttTV, fa&JtlftAftK. Phenomenal Bargain. Wo havo boon fortunate In making arrangomonts wiiloh onablo us to ofllor you a yoar's subscription to Parmer and Breeder and the Herald for only $1.00, This is au unusual bargain; take advantage of it TODAY. Your subscription to Farmor and Breeder menus Unit you are entitled to free consultation with tho Special Sorvlco Department of Parmer and Breeder upon auy question pertaining to farm ing and stook raising during tho '.crin of your subscription to that magbzinn. This sorvico iilouo is worth the prico wo ask for both publications, Lot us havo your order NOW. Pupors sent to different addresses if dosirod. AUOUT FAItMEH AND llltEKDKIt. Parmer and Broodor is pro-eminent- ly u magaziuu of farm and stock facts. It shows oxactly how to do tho tbiucs tho way thoy are being dono by tho most successful farmers and breeders. It gives clear, DEFINITE uud intolli- gout explanations of farm methods and systems. It is broad and variod in scopo and gives you idoas, plans, and methods that you can supply at oneo uud put dollars iu your pookots, CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Uov.J.Orows, Pastor. Horvlces at tho MuthotlUt Kulionnul chinch every Sunday ns follows: ('reach- uiKiuii mn; Bununy acuooint iuii in; emu inueMni 12 in; Koworth I.cairiio fli.'W p ml renchlllB 7:!UD in. l'rnMriniiitliiir Timra. day ovoiilmts nt7:so LUTHERAN. Hov.S. L. Keller. 1'iwitor. DAKOTA OITV Sunday school ovury Sunday ntO:45um; Mies lllnnciio Hamilton, superintendent, prenctilnit nt 7:80 p in. every Sunday. BAI.EM 1'rcacliltii ' ry Hundnynt 11 mm Nun. ilaysolKM.Ii. . iptly at 10 iuii, K.l-.Uul bortson, Niii.f ii tuuuunt. The public is cordially Invited to all these services' R R Time Table c, st. p., M.ftd. Trains loavo Dakota Oitv at tho fol- loving timo: SOUTH BOUND 0ODTI1 DOUND G :20 pm Omaha 7 :58 'nm 10:10 am Omaha t2.33pm 4 :08 pm Norfolk f8 :38 am 9:87 am Norfolk 5:13 pm 7 :35 am . . . . Nowcastlo . . . . 10 :10 am 1:82 pm ' ...4G:00pm daily oxoept Sunday, f do not stop SUNDAY TitAINH 12:13 pm Omaha 2:30 am 4:08 pm...,..Norfolk.. 8:33 nm 9:87 am Norfolk C:13pm CBSQ OUTU No. 91 Local Freight 7 :15 um 17 " Passenger".. 12 :58 pm Nonm No. 92 Local Preighl 2 :25 pm 1(1 Tirtrl Pioflptirrpr. fi; 0 rrr daily. duil uxoeL auuduj. First publication B-21-3W Notice of Application for Liquor License . Nottco Is hereby trlvon that ou tlio 18tli day o( May, 1BH, W. J. Frnnklln Hied with the county clorlc.of Dakota county, Nebras ka, his application and petition for llcanso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors on Lot U. in llloclc 8, Goodwin, undor tho laws of tho state of Nobrn&kn, durlne tho llsoal year cOnunonclne June 1st, 1011. Bald application Is now on Hie in tho of fice of said clerk and will corao on for hoar lna at ti jneotlnir of the county commission ers of said county, to be held on tho Mix day of Juno, 1914 All objootlons to the Ktantlngof said llconso should bo tiled with the county clorlc, on or boforo tho 4th day of Juno, 1814. W. J. KIIANKLIN. Oco. Wllklm, Applicant. SEAI. Oounty Olork. First publication 0-4-4w NOTIOK OF OPKNINO HOAD. State of Nebraskn, Oounty of Dakota, gs. Notice to iJind Owners. To nil whom it may concern: Tho Commissioner appointed to locate and establish a road commencing ut tho Southeast corner ofseotlon (ISU), township X&) Kango (a l. in Dakota county, Nebraska, running thence north on the section lino botvioon section 188), township (28), Hiuiko (iD.nndseotlon (81), Township (28), ltango (7). and terminating nt the northeast cor nor of lootlon(sn), township (SH), Knngo (6), has reportod In favor of tho e.tabllslunont thoreof.nnd all objections theiotoor claims for damagos must be filed in tho county clork's oMIce on or before noon of tho lGth day or July, A. D IBM, or such road will hoi csiuuiinui'u viiuuui reioronco iiieieto. GeoWllktns, Oounty Olork, First publication 0-4-4w NOTIOK OF VAOATlNa ROAD. State of Nobiaskn, (Jountj of Dakota, an. Notice to Land Owners. To all whom It may coiicoru: Tho commissioner appointed to view, ox amlnoaiul report on tho vacatlonof acounty road In Dakota county, Neb., coniuienelng at tho southeast corner of tho north half ot southeast quarter of section sovotueen, township twonty-nlno, Itange soven, run ning thence west one-half utile und thoro terinluato, hasiepn t.. a In favor of the va cation thereof, ami nil objections thereto, If any, must lie lllt( In the oounty clerk's olllce on or boforu noon of tho lMh day of July, A. D. 1S14, or such road will bu vacated without further reference thereto. Dated at Dakota Oity, Nebraska, this 8rd day of June, A. D.1UU, aoo.Wllklns, Oounty Olork. First publication 0-4-4w NOTICE OF AI.TKKATION, IISTAULlBllMRMT AND VACATION OF llOADB, Tho Htnto of Nebraska. Dakota (Jointly, ss. To nil whom it may concern : nonce is uerenr uivoninatucoinniiiginn. or was npr-Qliitrd to report on tho location, vuuuviuh iiiiu iiuunuiunoi loaus, us loilows, to-wlt: To alter the public road tunning In a gen erallyuuBt and west dlrentliiM tlnnmrii ,. tlon (83), township (H, raugu (7j, In Dakota county, Nebrnsku, beteetr tho vlllngos of Jackson and Good win, said alteration to consist, ilrst.ln opon(ug ami osaiiiiBhing a publlqroadOHfept wide ruunllng south 011 the nild-seotlon lnoo(sad section, U3 feot oil each side of said line, from said Jack son and Goodwin road aUove mentioned to oonnectwith the rouil coming from tlio south on said lnUl-sootian Hue at a point where H turns northeasterly to loin with said Jackson and Goodwin rand, and second ly, in tho vacation of that noruon of tho Jaokson and Goodwin road between Its Junction with said present road from tho south and tlio point whore the said Jaokson and Goodwin road crosses said mld.soctlon line, being tho point at which tho road to bo established begins; and notlco is nlso given that said Oommlssloner has reuarted in favor of said ultoratlon. vacation and 08 tabllshmont of roads i and that nil objec tions to inld alteration, vacation and os tnbilshinentof romU, n W claims for tholfHluyo(Jdy,A,n mi.'w wici al W?'1.!. yncftrton and tMtlshineiit of IUUV. .., fU ( 1 made wUliom vforanco there- to Hated at Dnfcntu fiitv. fjnin-n.k,, 1,,,,., I,, 1(,, .,-....1. ---, .wH.,.nu, w...iu 1"IMH ' QICO.WIIiKINH. County Clerk. Notice, Oounty Olork'u Oflico: Dakota Oity, Neb, May 25, 1914. To wliom It may oonoern; Tlio Board of Equalisation will moot li'rliloy, Juno lltb, next, for tlio purpouii of equalizing poraonul and roul estato aeBosamontfl, All ieraona iutorented iu thoir aBueHBtueiita ahould bo proaent ut said meotiiig, bh no oliaugo oun bo mudo by uuy ofllcer un der tlio law, uftur tlio oloaiuij up after tlio bourd of equalization. GEO WILKINB, Oounty O.erk. Tho lievaiaT$l per M .. , JWWWWgB STINSON' S Specials for Saturday, 'June 4 ( For ihils Soy Only Full creutn Cheese, per lb 22c 3 lbs fresh Prunes 25c 0 boxes Oil Sardines ,' 25c 1 lb can May-Day Coffee , .- 32c 3 lb can May Day Coffee ,90c A barrel fresh frosted Cookies, per doz 5c 1 gal. Syrup t 45c, 2 pkgs Post Toastifcs 25c ' Buy your Sugar this week, per hundred lbs $4.90 2 cans Standard Corn , 15c i Don't forget that our Fruits, Vegetables and Meats are received daily. Stinson's Dakotf. City, JUNE BULLETIN OF To Pacific Coast General excursion rate of S60 daily. ' Yellowstone Park General excursion rate 332 to the entrance, and from 582 to $100, all-expense tours, diverse routes, etc. Inquire about Wylie permanent Camp tours and the conduct ed tours from Cody. ' Rocky Mountains Special excursion rates to Denver, Esles Park, Glacjer National Park, Salt1 Lake City, with diverse route mountain tours. " , The Black Hills -Daily tourist rates to Hot Springs, Dead wood and Lead. This bo-utiful region is attracting- a greatly increased patronage ever bummer. The Big Horn Region- -Tourist rates to Sheridan, Ranchester,' Thermopolis and Cody, Wyo. Eastern Tours Attractive excursion fares commencing June 1st. They cover direct, also circuit routes. Secure Eastern rate leaflet. Publications free Low Rates to the Pacific!; Coast, Yellowstone Park, Estes Park, California- Excursions, V Low Rates East, Big Horn Ranch Resorts, The Black' Hills", -Colorado-Utah Handbook. Ask us for such publications as you wish and let us help you plan your tour. $l The Herald .ffiffllS IStaySatisfactorjTIitfsge 1 iifrrTFu CFour-fifthsoftlieworkof Jpi.ff V f& 'iy UyV " ' a range is the cooking done "fE r $h i-s on toP aeaDe toPs Qre I 4j Vj i2 k- not so "clc 3 otller kinds ' ' B f "VV " VFfl M eat lulkcr, cook in 1 I ga I Vljrrsj. half the time, saving half fl ) Body meV tight xrHh M imi issssltJsssHr L .y tlatltblotramt works 'sMssHslsBHsssssssssP Body md ttrbt trHH flallmbto frames works well wltli may fuel, BUid and arranged to ault every family need In tau aim see way tiiey save fuel E, & B. Dakota Ctyy, Nebraska 11 mmmmmmmmmmsmmmm 1' . m -axi irv-av Id VI.1HI llrTir'2M i m, "i All a W&Sb 111 m. ".&i.7s- m MttAmmtKflmmwKmife jBaBaBaBsafPuOTIBaBaBaBB m) 7jflrfV mTv jriSjrfeiaf!) KfVK3f5 Njbrmsk.fe. EXCURSION FARES W. E. Snethen.'Agent, Dakota City, Nebr L. W. Wakkucy, G. , A Omaha, Nob. One DOLLAR GttOurFrteDookFini II Ill Hill You can't afford to buy a range until you know all about a Monarch. Ask tutor tha book) STATE WHEN you Intend tobuy,and wo will send also a set ol Measurine Spoons. SOItpald. ADDEU9 'allcabtt Iron Range Co, Btavtr Dam, Wheontin, 1 city and country, hotels or cubits Institution. and repairs. They show it. Lbr; Co. Te '-U ViK iBBrH .. . &. K ,."SJ t f?mm' jirrMfc II rill tfV?'-?. i-fasrNjfcR' ilpH sBk. JSwiS The SAFE boys' magazine ThcItc mouths ol. Only$layear bealtbful brala food Jlliy 7A 1 1, notacblld'spsi Imr for jillbori, notacblld'spsper. Clean I. nfii.i.v, iuiiu, pit -fcuiv.. uv iu ua pbku. vivtf niontli. AIanlr.lninlrlnaytarlft.af tr&vK ad ran. vrliiillo, lull 01 picture, so to es ps ture. atbletltw. lilatorjr. school life, written by moat pupulnrbor.' Bntliom. Iuitmctl,e.pccil nrtlole.. Flno artlolci on football and other ports. Department, ot Meohanlca, Electricity, riiotonraphr, l'npular neleuce. How to Maku 'lltlnsa, Htomp Oollecllna. Ohlokena.PeW.Uar itealnir, Inrentlone and Natural Wonder. MaaHMHMi.MaBWSMMMMBMH.a (The American Boy, $1.00 H'he HERALD, - $1.00 Both, for - $1.65 ' ' . CTW m i p