Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 04, 1914, Image 4

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Dakota eouNgy hflKALrt, 1aha jiv, MrafeAftK.
r Mt 'J
I h
Ahmolutmly Purm
Mkmssiuf&ty isms no mubmtiiutm
Many mixtures arc offered as
substitutes for Royal. No other
baking powder is the same in
composition or effectiveness, or
so wholesome and economical,
nor will make such fine food.
Royal Baking Powder is made from pure,
drape Cream of Tartar. No alum,
lime or acid phosphates.
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
A. wookly newspapor published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permiesioa baa been granted for the
transmission of this papor through tbe
malls as second-class mattor.
Telepbono No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
Political Announcements
Notices under this headline will bo
charged (or at tho rnto ot 6c per line.
I hereby announoo myself us a eon
' didate for county treasurer, subjeot to jty Monday, after spending
tuo mil oi tne ropuouenn voiors at tne
primaries to bo hold August 18, 1914,
Guy G. Sides.
Items of I nterest
from our Exchanges i
Wynot Tribnno: JI E Priest was
horo Monday calling ou friends. Ho
is now employod in h barber shop ut
Oakland, Nob,
Sloan, Iu.Btar: DI Tiiaokor loft
last Friday for a fow duyB visit at tho
homo of bis brother, George Thuoker,
nt Homor, Nob.
Alton Nows: Georgo lilosslug has
returned to his homo iu Dakota conn-
a few days
horo looking ufter his farm and visit-
ling relatives.
Farm Notes.
Issued by the University of Nebraska
College of Agriculture.
Baiao feeders at home,, was tho ad
vice of Dean E A Burnofcaat tho recent
Beef Producers Day at tho Nebraska
Oollogo of Agriculture to the 450 cat
tle men in attendance. The state
ment was offered as the only solution
for tho scarcity ot baby boef. Evon
tho tho present day land values are
high, it was.argued that if tho best
ubo is made of all roughufo und if
other good business management is
exorcised, beef may bo gtown at a
profit on high priced land.
"After separation, croam should
be quickly coolod to an low a tempera
ture as possiblo with freshly pumped
well water' advises tho dairy depart
ment of tho Nebraska Oollego of Ag
rionltoro. "Have a small tank thru,
whioh tho water from tho well flows,'
Sot tho oroam in a deep oan in this
tank. Btir tho croam until it is of
the same temperature as tho watSr.
Do not mix warm cream and cold
oream, Tho warm oroam quickly
sours tho oream whioh htia stood ffjr a
day or more."
Two motorcycles have reoontly
been purchased by tho Agricultural
Extension Servico of tho Nebraska
College of Agriuulturo to reduco trav
eling expenses and to add to tho effi
ciency of tho work, Frequently much
time has been lost by speakers and
other assistants of tho department
when thoir destination happened to
bo in a rural community, an inland
village, or a town not adequatoly sup
plied with passongor sorvioo. Some
times men are required to spond sover
al days visiting difforont parts of ono
county, and it lias been nooessary to
spend largo bubib for lqoal transporta
tion. Tho new meanB of oonvoyanoo
has already made it possiblo for tho
workers to covor moro torritory ot
moderate distanoos from Linooln at n
saving to thostato,
$10,00 0 aire xo nkbiusea
Several moro specialists on differ
ent agricultural ftubjeotB will 'bo ad
ded, temporarily at loaist, to tho Ag
ricultural Extension Scrvloo of tho
Nebraska Oollego of Agriculture on
account of tho passago of tho Lovor
bill by Congress. Nebraska will ro
oeive 5,000 next July 1 and an addi
tional $5,000 next January 1. Ad
ditional contributions will bo grunted
if the Nebraska legislature will ap
propriate an equal amount. Tho mon
ey is to be used for ugrioultural dem
onstrations and lectures only and is
intondod particularly for persons not
having au opportunity to study agri
culture in the sohools and colleges,
None of tho money may bo UBed for
the purohaso or upkeep of agricultu
ral Bohool buildings. If tho Nebras
ka legislature makes it possible for
the additional federal contributions to
be received, a muoh moro gonorous
amount ot agricultural information
may bo sent directly tq tho people
than is afforded at presont,
The addition of oold prcssod cotton
seed cake to n ration for oattloof corn,
corn silage, and alfalfa increased the
gain and lowered tho profits, accord
ing to an experiment just cnmploted
by the Nobrusko Agricultural Exp,ori
'ment Station. This year's data cor
roborates the evidence ot tho experi
ments of other years that alfalfa is the
cheapest souroo of protein to oombino
with the corn plant in beef produc
tion, The rank of the .rations accord
ing to profit was ns follows; (1) corn,
alfalfa, and a light feed of silage; (2)
eorn and alfalfa; (8) corn, alfalfa, and
straw; (4) corn, alfalfa, and a heavy
feed of silage at tho beginning, taper
ing off toward the close of the foodlng
period; (6) eorn, alfalfa, and a heavy
feed of silage; (6) eorn, alfalfa, a mo
dium feed ef silage, and oold pressed
ottoBseed eke; (7) eorn, corn silage,
u& eold preeeed eottonsead oake.
"NVavno Domofirot: Mrs Wm Hue
low went to South Sioux City laBt
Thursday to visit rolativt'H u few days.
....Ethol Clayton, who is attending
tho Normal, loft fpr hor homo at Ho
mer Saturday to be prosont at tho
commencement exorcises of the high
school, Miss Clayton's brother Ralph
is a member of tho graduating class,
Winnebago Chieftain: Miss Gretch
on Clapp is visiting at tho homo of Lu
Kilmer.... Mr and Mrs Joe Gatzmiro
visited in Homer nvor night Saturday.
.... Mr and Mrs Lester Miller visited
"Wednesday night in Homor. ...Hon
try Niebuhr wont to Sioux City Sunday
ovening to visit hia son, M H Nio-
ibuhr... .Misses Holeu and Margaret
I iNiebnhr went to Sioux City and Dako
',tn City Saturday evening Messrs
lumu Jonses, "uasu' warastvortu,
WulterNIebuhr and "Big" LondroBh
atulood to Sioux City Sunday.
SJoux City Tribune, 80: Thoro
wi'll bo no saloon at Crystal Lake this
yaar, Tho petition for a license was
withdrawn Inst night just betoro tho
spooial meeting of tho oity council was
called to act upon tho question. Un
expected opposition is assigned by tho
petitioners ub tho oauso of tho with
drawal. Tho petition was placed bo
ioro the South Sioux Oity counoll
about, three weeks ago, It was laid
upon tho table at tho time to bo con
sidered nt a speoial meeting called for
last night. RemonBtrators woro on
.hand last night in full foroo. Each
fiido woro woll supplied with legal ad
'vice, Tho notion was no aurpriso to
thoso "who had kept in oloso touch
with tho situation, It was understood
"tho potitionors lacked sovoral names
of having tho required numbor.
, Lyons Mirror: Mrs M M Warner
aooompaniod hor aunt Mrs L Austin
s far as Coburn Junction, on hor way
homo at Ponoa last Friday.... Mrs S
B Loop and Bister, Miss Bessie Krygor,
returned to South Sioux Oity Satur
day, after visiting tho family of Mr
.ad Mrs Charles Clark Messrs
Penry and Hughes, of Dakota Oity,
woro horo Tuesday on businoBs. Mr
j 1'onry is a renter on Mrs Wm Wait's
, farm at that plaoo,. which hn has rent
! jd for tho paBt twenty years Wo
mado a trip to Homor this wook, and'
saw many land uiurkB whioh brought
book tho past to us, and many soonos
of the long ago. Ovor thoso onoo wild
and uninhabited prairies wo used to
hunt deor, elk, wolves and pruirio
ohiokons, and farther over near tho
Missouri river, we hunted for boo
troos ono fall and got 2,200 pounds ot
honey, At Walthill wo saw our old
frieud C P Mathowson on tho depot
platform. Nearly CO yoars have
rolled by since wo first kuow him.
His father was an Indian ugont many
years ago and later ho himsolt held
tho samo position. As wo passed
through tho Omaha and Wlnnobago
reservations wo saw tho homos of
many of tho Indians wo used to know;
but anothor gouoration now livos
thoro, as Honry IMoo Hill, Abo Lin
coln, John A Logan, Asa Whito, An
drow Hunter, John Hill, David Ma
Olosky aud a hoBt of other intelligent
havo long alnoo been guthorod to thoir
fathers, and and am now "oliasing
buffalo iu tho happy hunting grouud."
Chicago Spooial to Sioux Oity
Journal: Miss Geornia W Jav. a
stenographer, told u love story in Judge
uonoro'a oonrt toilay, it was hor own
love story aud that of Homor Redo
heaver, evangelistic singor. It was a
dream that didn't ootno truo, and that
is why Miss Jay asks $50,000 for
breaoh of promise, r.odohoavor sat
with counsol behind a table and bow
ed his hoad during most of tho recital,
Miss Jay began with their first meet
ing in tho fall of 1009 in Sibux Citv.
la, during a revival mooting. "I met
blm every day from that timo on dn
riug tho six weeks meetings," sho con
tiuuod, "He called nearly every even
ing at my home. Ho said I was his
ideal girl; that ho wanted mo to un
derstand that his Intentions woro
honorable." Lntor slid told if n pro
posal in n titxioAb whilo they woro on
thoir way from n railway station to
tho homo of hor mint in Chicngo ono
evening in April, 1011. Thou sho
told Of tho Christmas night nt her
home when he broke tho news to her
that he had changod his mind about
getting married, as he was afraid it
would spoil his ciueor. "I told him
no good wife ever spoiled ft man's ca
reer," Miss Jay testified. "What have
ynu to say about his kissing you," ask
ed her attorney, Cyrus Hurt-ii. "He
always binned mo. Ho always kissed
me goodby at the train." A letter
written to a mutual friuiid ot Miss Jay
and Rodohoaver by the singer, in
whioh liu outlined His troubles, was
road to tho jury by Attorney tlereu,
In it Itodohoavor maintained that there
never was anything deflnatn regarding
matrimony between himself and Miss
Jay. Ho offered to furnish the mu
tual friond with Biifliuient funds to
take Miss Jay on a trip so sho might
"pull herself together."
Hioux City Journal, 111 : An Indian
baby leaped from the Chicago, St
Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha passen
ger train No 10, between Emerflon and
Nucoru, Neb, yesterday whilo tho train
was speeding ut thirty inllen an hour.
Tlio baby crawled along tho tracks
und was piukod up unhurt by anxious
trainmen a fow ininuteB lutor when
tho truiu wuh bucked down in search
of the child. Horrified parents and
awstrnok pasBongors hunted the ohild
for fully flvo minutes before tho back
ward soarch was mado. Tho baby
was travoling with its paronts, Mr and
Mrs Willingwolf, of tho Winnebago
reservation, who boarded tho train in
Sioux Oity yesterday morning. As
lha train pulled out the child was aoen
playing at tho window edge. Its pa
rents woro asleep and tho bubo crawl
ed ovor thoir laps, it is thought, und
fell from the moving train. A minuto
later the baby was missed. Mr und
Mrs Willingwolf woro awakened.'
Then began a dosperuto and frantic
bouroh for the tot. Tho train was
searched from tender to observation
conch. No eigne of tho baby was
found. Tho train was stopped and
backed down with tho expeotanoy of
finding the baby's body along the
trucks, Anothor passenger train bait
already passed tho spot where the
ohild waB last seen, and downcast
passengers bad little bopo of recover
ing tho baby alivo. As tho oars back
od slowly down the track, a tiuy spook
was soen fully a mile uway. The
train proceeded back and passengers
and trainmen thought thoy saw the
object moving along the ties, Speed
was put on to reach the spot. Tho
objoot became larger until tho baby
oamo fully into view. Orawliug along
tho traek with no manifest concern of
its predicament, the ohild was playful
ly pulling at the steel spikes In the
rails und chortling gleefully aB the
horrified trainmen suatohed it
from tho traok and restored it to
tho arms of its unxious mother. An
examination of its body disclosed a
slight out on tho forehead and contu
sions about tho limbs. Tho injuries
wdto harmloss, The train then pro
ceeded, reaching Norfolk one hour late
as tho rooult of the delay.
Sioux Oity Daily Nows, 80: House
hold goods in tho Mabel Moore place
eold to Saltzman &. Slotsky, of Sioux
Oity, to satisfy a ohattel mortgage
hold by Dr Louis Dimsdalo:
Out glass appraised by three
Sioux City jewelers at $ 2500
Peerless oleotrio piano 850
Full length mirror 105
Elootria lamp.
Uilt cabinet
Btoin raok and steins
Brass shirtwaist and shoo boxes
Four brass bods.....
"Coming of tho Tido, oil paint
OhimeB olook.
Miscellaneous articles 200
Sold Friday afternoon for. .
vri.i e -L-L-1 ii. j
muuui iuuuru utaiuu imu
$ 5045
, . $460
sho had boon advised by the shoriff ot
Dakota county, Nobiasku, that tho
mortgago hold by Dr DimBdalo, Sioux
Oity physician and monoy lendor, is
not worth tho paper upon whioh it is
writton. Sho was advised not to al
low hor household goods, to bo remov
ed under auy oiroumstanoes. Sho will'
tako stops to proteot hor property
from removal aud hor homo from be
ing ransaoked, sho said.
This is tho story of a South Sioux
Oity woman, onoo prosporous, in hard
financial stialts, ot a Sioux City mon-
toy londer, a mortgago foreclosure, n
ioraou buIo, aud a would bo removal of
bousohold goods worth $5,000j and
sold by tho mortgagee nt tho very
"rousonablo figure" of $400. Tho
"bbIq." was hold vory quietly early
Friday afternoon on tho lawn of the
Mabel Moore plaoo. Aooording to
the woman, sho had just returned
from Omaha, whoro sho has been for
sovoral months, to learn that she was
boing movod out bag and baggage.
"Thoro is no uso trying to stop us, wo
are going to have thoBo goods," declar
ed Atty E E Baron, who had boon ne
gotiating tho mattor for Dr Louis
Dimsdale, who dooa not llko to havo
his name in tho papers,, "You bet wo
aro going to tako them Our vans aro
all hero and ready," put iu A P Salts
man, who had beeu on deok whon tho
saarifloo was mado, Bight at this
junotaro iu walked Chief of Police
Mathglg, of South Sioux Oity, who
ordorod that tho paoking oeaao. Ho
was baokod up by Mayor Morgan,
who ttrrivod shortly afterward. What
Morgan aud Mathwig did not tell tho
movers of tho furnituro waB explained
by Attornoy Frurn, who aooompanied
his conversation with a menacing linger.
Wler's new barber shop on the de
pot corner is completed,
We have a big assortment of
kionomos. O Anderson Co.
Fred Bsrtels had a oar of untile
the market Tuesday,
Bi'g Death is butter than Paris
Qrer u, aud is sold by O Anderson Co.
The recent ruins have mado the
crops in this vioinity look simply lino.
We want your oroxm, butter, eggs
und farm produce, and will pay tho
highest market price. O Anderson
Tho closiug oxeroisos of our Bohools
Friday uvoniug wero largely attended.
The oluss play by the soninr class was
very good and was thoroughly euj )yod.
We bnvo a complete stook of men's
and boys' work shirts and (Irons shirts.
C Anderson Co.
Pat Duggau and wife were at tho
county sout on business Tuesday.
Tho Mexican-American harvest hut
is tho best straw hut for the monoy.
Bold by C Anderson Co,
A number from this vicinity attend
ed the funeral nf.Mrs Evan Way Sat
urday. , There aro no bettor work gloves
for men and boys than the Eureka,
sold by O Anderson Co.
Barber Jack Leedom was an over
Sunday visitor at his home near Dako
ta Oity.
Mrs H F MoKebvor und son Eugono
departed last Friday for h visit with
relatives at Jofforson, S D.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Itoy Frye,
June 1, 1914, u daughter.
Mary A Boler, of Omaha, is visit
ing tho homo folks.
Goorge nud'Etta Lois, of Water
bury, attonded the danco horo last
Friday ovening and Etta remained
until Monday, a guest in tho J B Sua
ben homo.
Tho danco given Inst Friday even
ing by the high school boys was a
great success, about sixty numbers
wore sold and a good timo enjoyed by
Tho Misses Mary Malonoy und Mad
eline Dnvo. of Sionx City, spent tho
week ond with Bennetta Hall.
MIbs Enrigit, of Sioux Oity. visited
over Sunday in tho home of her uncle,
P Gormally and wife.
James Sutherland is having Borne
improvements built to his residence,
iocluding sleoping porches, etc.
Madeline Bryan is ill with pneumo
nia. ,
Marie Leahy returned homo from
the hospital, recovering from an ope
ration for appendicitis.
Alllco Sullivan received word last
week of the iteuth of his son Edward,
ot Butte, Mont, of tuberculosis.
Died, Sherrnun, tho 11-yeiy old son
of Forney Foxand wife, on May 27,
1014, of disabilities, The' remains
were shipped to Norfolk, Neb, their
former home, iccompanied by the pa
rents, tho grandfather and grand
mother, of Sioux City, and four of tho
John and Mario Sutherland, of
Ponoa, were guests in the Joe Suther
land homo Friday night.
J H MoOormiak and fumily moved
on Monday to 8ioux City and Frank
Kennelly movod his family to Sioux,
Neb. Mr Kennelly has work in 8ioux
E W Nordyko and family autood
from Sionx Oity Sunday and wero
guests in tho B F Sawyer home.
Rev Fr O'Sullivan, who has been
confined to his bed tho paBt week by
illness, 1b now ablo to bo up.
D Mitoholl's houso oaught fire Sun
day, presumably from a defeotivo flue,
aud burned to tho ground. A'small
portion of tho furnituro was saved.
Mr Mitohell had a close call himsolf,
being upstairs taking n nap at tho
timo. He had to orawl out tho win
do-v and escaped with a few bruises.
Geo Gains, formerly sootion fore
man at this plaoo, has gone to Lestor,
In, whoro ho holds a similar position.
Gladys Middletou, nf Brunswiok, is
a guost in the homo of her brother,
Obostor Middloton.
These Words Apply to Pastor
Russell and Others, He Says.
flow to Produce 4,000,000,000
More Meat Per Annum. ,
On anothor pago of this weok's pa
per will be found an article headed
"Sparo tho Calves snd Solve Living
Cost," Sonio startling faots aro set
forth in this artlolo whioh wo feel
should boot interest to every ouo of
our loaders. Wo shall not attempt to
tell you tho text of tho artlolo as wo
want you to road it for yourself, aud
moroly make this mention of it to
avoid auy possibility of its being over
looked, If "swatting the calf holps
to produco high living wo ought to
know it,
M J Horman went to St Paul last
week on a visit and will probably go
from thoro to Canada to visit his
daughter, Mrs Pitts,
Dr Nina Smith and her mother, Mrs
A J Ream, were visitors at Dakota
Oity a few days tho past wook.
Elizabeth Nixon was up from Lyons
last wook and visitod at tho John Nix
on homo.
Word oamo that F P Jolly, who wub
to dolivor tho address at our com
mencement exorcises, suffered u stroko
of paralysis whilo on a visit iu Mis
souri,, whioh ended in his Buddon
death .
O J O'Connor and wife wont to
Memphis, Tenn, last week ou a short
J 8 Bacon, of South Sioux, candi
date for county treasurer, was hero
seeing tho boys last week.
Mrs RasmnB FrederiokBon oamo
ovor fiom Nowell, la, Ihst week on a
visit of a few duys with relatives.
Mrs Ella Bruce and two ohildren
have gone to Lusk, Wyo, to reside.
Mrs Clay Armbright onjoyod a visit
from her mother, Mrs Rogoah, of
Ponca, a few days tho past week,
Mrs A O Sides wbb hostess to tho
Ladies Aid Thursday. Although damp
weather there was 0 good attendance.
Tho next meeting will be held at tho
homo of Mrs Alhort neikes Juno 25,
Mrs L P Samse, of Chicago, is vis
iting hor oouslns, Dean Oornoll and
Mrs F W Boormann, 9
Emmet Gribblo tbllika carpentering
at 8 o'clock a m is a little moro than
he bargained for, but with bis wifo's
holp they succeeded in keeping nut
the rain lait Wednesday night.
Tho Ladies Aid will hold a lawn so
cial in tho Salem ohuroh yard on
ThnrBday ovening, Juno lltu, loo
cream, cako und strawberries will bo
Minister Have Deceived the People
Respecting the Bible Teachings But
They Wero Themselves Deceived,
Hence Not Wilfully Guilty The
Duty of the Hogr Is to Undeceive the
Publlo and to Remove tho Slander
From Qod'e Character Courage Nec
essaryOtherwise Many Will Fall
Into the Ditch of Unbelief The Edu
cated Are There Already.
London, August
10. Pnstor Kus
sell nddressed tho
London Tnberua
do congregutlon
twlco today. Wo
report his dis
course from tho
text, "If the blind
lend the bllud,
both shall fall into
the ditch." Mat
thew 15:14.
The Pastor said:
How stupidly
blind wo have nil been respecting our
Father's wordsl Wo huve believed
human traditions, and neglected the
Scriptures, until 'the Church as a
wliolo has become thoroughly puzzled
respecting everything religious. All
are out of tho way of Truth, lost In
the fog of human superstition and er
ror, misled, as St Paul foretold, by
"doctrines of demons." 1 Timothy 4:1.
The duty of tho hour is to get back
into hnrmony with God, and to ob
tain truo light upon His Word. As
tho Master predicted, tho whole world
has been intoxicated with tho false doc
trines which Satan gradually Introduc
ed during the Dark Ages. Rev. 17:2.
Like drunken people, said the Pastor,
we confused" good and bad. In ono
breath, wo told of tho Love of God.
In another, we pnlnted this God of
Love as. deliberately arranging, before
creating humanity, that billions should
bo born in sin, misshapen in iniquity;
and that after a fow short years full
of trouble the. vast majority should be
turned over to fire-proof demons, to bo
tortured throughout eternity.
Satan's Great Success.
Pastor Russell reminded his hearers
that the Master styled Satan the fa
ther of lies. Satan's first great lie
misled and murdered our first parents
by inducing Mother Eve to disbelieve
God's words, "In the day that thou
eatest thereof, thou sholt surely die."
Satan contradicted tho Almighty, say
ing, "Yo shall not Burely die" cannot
die, ye aro Immortal.
Satan has impressed this falsehood
upon tho whole, world. While in ful
filment of God's word peo'plo die, Sa
tan has brought in tho deceptive thoo
ry that they have merely gono else
whereito live.
Thus, contrary to all Scripture, man
kind havo come to believe that at
death tho saintly go to Heaven, and
all others go cither to Hell or Purga
tory. Tho plain, common-sense state
ment of the Blblo Is Ignored that nil,
good and bad, old and young,, go to
Sheol, Hades, tho tomb. Thus tho Bi
ble teaching that Jesus' redemptive
work assures all n resurrection from
the dead is made void by Satan's lie.
Immortality In Christ.
Tho Pnstor then demonstrated con
clusively from Scripture that immortal
ity is n hope, not a possession. Man
was not created immortal; but the life
given him was conditional upon his
obedience to his Creator's commands.
This is indicated by God's threat that
dlsobedlenco would bring denth ces
sation of life. St. Paul's argument Is
that positive a&suranco of everlasting
light was not given until Christ
"brought immortality and llfo to light
through tho Gospel." 2 Timothy 1:10.
Immortality is n quality of llfo thus
for possessed by Jehovah God, and by
His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ The
hopo of tho Church is to attain tho
promised "glory, honor nnd immortal
ity" in tho First Resurrection. The
hopo for tho non-elect world is that of
everlasting life, tho samo as that giv
en to tho angels to all of mankind
who will, during the Millennial Age,
como into harmony with the Messianic
Kingdom. Thoso who, after fullest op
portunity for recovery from sin and
death conditions, will not render obe
dlenco to tho Divlno nrrangement, will
bo everlastingly destroyed.
This Bible presentation ot tho mat
terthat God's proposition Is llfo or
death wo aro beginning to see is most
reasonable, most logical, said Pastor
Russell,' Furthermore, nis proposition
Is that .when His Plan shall havo been
comploted, nono shall hnvo llfo who
will not havo it In perfection. Ho de
sires not mental, moral and physical
degenerates in His Kingdom.
As a result of the permission of sin
nnd death, God's Wisdom, Justice,
Lovo and Power will bo moro clearly
seen by both nngels and men. Until
we realized tho Absolute Justico of
God In allowing our raco to go down
Into death and in sending His Son to
die for us, giving the rcdemptlon-prlco
of Adam's sin, wo could not see tho
depths of Divlno Wisdom ond Love.
Tho resurrection will bo a stupen
dous expression of Divine Power. Res
urrection involves no absurdities, as
Scrlpturally seen, Tho Blblo proposes
for both Church nnd world a resur
rection of the soul, tho being. Bift to
each class, as St. Paul declares, "God
gives n body as It hath pleased nim."
'Ghe MlclWesi Bank
'G6 Ba.nk that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT"
Just an earnest plea to make the Mid-West YOUR Bank
for at least a portion of your business.
We olTer-RVIvRYTHINO iu GOOD Banking, with "Safety
Over All." '
Not a single dollar is loaned to owners, for speculation or
through sympathy or fiiendship just simply "vSecnred Notes
Only" from all.
Twenty-eight years successful banking experience, Modern
Mid-West Methods-ample- Capital and Surplus every safe
guard known the Absolute Guarantee of Each Deposit by
Every Dollar Every Acre of Land of the Owners, (840 acres of
good Dakota County land protects).
.No other bank can do as much as we would wish to do for
you. (Our old customers say as we DO do.)
Our Insurance Department writes every kind of Insurance
anc Bonds RIGHT at lowest rates in the best companies
of the world.
Our Safety Deposit Vaults have A. D. T. Electric protec
tion. Boxes cost but S2.fi0 a whole year.
We offer you Service Safety, unsurpassed elsewhere No
account is too large or too small
May we not see you soon know you? Have you know
our good bank and "Smile Also"? ' '
Gratefully yours,
ED. T. KEARNEY, President.
Furmors especially WELCO ME
Wo know aud liko them THEY LIKE IJ.
- :
Westcott's Undertaking;
Old Phone, 12G
Auto Ambulance
New Phone 20G7
No. 59062
PIU)ianiJ:-Hlrc(l by Prince Uu Ohenoy (213U8), lio by
IHic du Ohftnoy (11060), out of Olmrlotto II (15400). Dntu,
Jlouclit) ilo Tliisni.'s (0J!HI), Blie by OrKanlstn I9l J, out of
KnnlH U Vlllers UuiOf.).
Sioux &ity, Iowa.
I.UN(IRANI) 1h n bay Holulun Stallion, 8 years old, welitht
l&ui pounds, with small Htrlpo lu foroliond.nnd right hind
foot white. Ho was bred.by Mr. Kollx Coupon, ot linssllly,
mid Imported March 1, 1011. by W. A. J .ant' & Uo of
Ureoloy, Iown. He was foaled In 11)00.
Will Stand the Season ol 1914 as Polluws:
Mondays nt tlio Unas. Illlvon fnrni.
Tuesdays ut tho Sponcur bnrn, Dnkotn Oity.
Wednesdays nt Ulms. Koikes', on Hugh Urulmm fiirn..
Thursdays and Fridays nt K. I,. Ross', on the old Wm,
Nixon farm south of Homor.
Snturduys nt tho Homor I.tvory liurn,
TERMS: $15 to Insure with font. T20 for standing colt.
Upon tho &1U0 or romovnl of mnres from county, foul bill
bec6mos duo nt once; or when mures are notpropeily
returned for trial service, fees become duo nt once. Duo
euro will be tnkeu to prevent nccldonts, but nt lisle of
owner of uinro. If sho sustnliii any.
Owner and Attendant, Dakota City, Neb.
;s a.2c& 5noes
ClotKcs Cleaned and Pressed.
Borvod, loo oroam cones und homo
mado caudy will also bo ou salo. Ev
eryono como und hriug your friouds,
Adolf Dartols had a oar of cattle on
the Sioux Oity markot Friday,
The Ilerald for News whon it is New
&et U Deslgu 1'our Engagement Cards
&d Wedding, Invitation.
From Dirt, Dust and Drudgery
Combination Pneumatic Sweeper
Reteaie from broom diudgiry from the trialn of moy.
ing and lifting furniture and Irom the dangeroui Mattering
oi dust and germs that are tailed by the use of the broom
and the old fashioned carpet sweeper, can be attained by
the use of the Duntloy Combination Pneumatic
Sweeper, which, although easily operated by hand,
creates powerfultuction force which draws out all the dirt
and dust found in vour rugs and carpets and at the same
time the revolving brush picks up all lint, pins, threads,
lavelings, etc.
THE DUHUEY SWEEPERS are made in three sues and sold
under a rigid guarantee forone vcar. You may try Dunt.
Icy in your own hpme for 10 days Freo ofChwge.
For more detailed Information writs TODAY,
Agents Wunted
Duntley Pneumatic Sweeptir
U0.. 0501 Ho. State st. Chicago, III '
fr -
to,Ajtsfra.4.Mfe'ftjk sMitistaS