i 4 Thee is m substitute for Royal Baking Pow det iot making the best cake, biscuit and pastry. Royal is Ab solutely Pt$e and the only baking powder made from Royal grape cream of tartar Dakota County Herald IOHN H. RRAM, PUDUSHRR BnbBoription Trice. $1.00 Por Year. A woekly nowspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of thispaper through the mails as second-class matter. Telephono No. 43. Farm Notes. COUNTY DAYS POPD!.An AT UNIVEI18ITY County visiting days uro boooming popular at tho Nebraska college of Ag rioulturo. A fow duys ago 800 farm ors and uobool atudontH from Saunders county .visited tho different buildingB, experimental plats, and stook yards and listened to talks by University Farm oflloials. Last fall Qago county sent a large delegation, and a year ago last fall York county sont 200 visit ors. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COUBBKU Ono of the latest attempts of tbo Nobraaka Agricultural Collego Ex tension Ssrvico to bring the collego homo to tho poople of tho etato is tho county agricultural short course. One of the first of these courses has just boon oomplotod at Aurora at which CD boys and 30 girls wore on rolled, representing 80 rural districts. Similar county agricultural courses for the boys and girJs of tho state may bo had by making application thru the County Superintendent and guar anteoning tho expenses of the workers. Tho oonrso inoludea introductory il lustrated lectures and demonstrations of various agricultural studies and homo economics. Application for such courses may bu mudo to tho Ag rioultnral Extension Service, Univer sity Farm, Lincoln. UNIVEItBlTX HELPS LOCAL 11AHDB Rural and villago bands aro being materially holpod by the Nebraska University Farm. A considorablo numbor of tho graduates who return to tho farm Ml u noeded place in re crating tho local musical organizations. Hand musio forms a small part of tho Public Auction! I will sell at Public Auction at the A. H. Baker resinence in DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1914 at 1:30 p. m. HlWQAQ 2ne ,bay horse, 6 years pld, wt. 1400 lbs. Aiutoca. One bay horse, 4 years old, wt. 1200 lbs. Mlllf-tQ P.n,e bI5"-kmule"5 years old, 17X hands ""!.? J"gh ne bIack mule 5 years old, 16tf hands high. One bay mule, 6 years old, 15 hands high. Une black mule, coming 3 years old. One brown mule, coming 2 years old. These animals are in good working condition, and are guaran teed to be perfeqtly sound. Olie Holstf-in PfYlAT An Extra a0(1 Mll-wr. WllC llUlbieiil COW Became Fresh March 5th. MarKlfKa-mr 0ne 1Moot Gra-n Drill. One 3-foot IViaCIlinery. Disc. 0ne 14-incli walking Plow. 3 sets of Work Harness. Teams of Sale, Cash or lis Equivalent J. A. HILL, Owner S. W. MOSHER, Auctioneer S. nMnnn students' program at the University Farm, but overy young man has a nor mal amount of recreation. Partly to help in directing the leisure to profit, tho university has provided a leader who, without charge, instructs atnd onts who desiro to learn and to become n morabor of the University Farm baud. Tho band boyo frequently fur nish musio for student gatherings and help to dovolop a student pride both for tho band and the institution. Owing to tho faot that tlio members aro graduating each year, the benefit of tho musical training is constantly being returned to tho home communi ty. TOUNO PKOPLER WEEK AT UNlVKBHrTT Jouior week at tho Nebraska Uni versity Farm will bo held the week beginning April 27. During this timo tho annual short courso of Nebraska Boys' and Girls' Clubj will bo held. According to tho program, whioh may be had from tho Extension Borneo, University Farm, Lincoln,' a dele gate's expenses need not exceed $i 20 while in Lincoln. Boys and girls wishing to come should tako tho mat tor.up with tho county1 superintendent. Thoy will bo met at tho trains upon their arrival, uBsIstod in securing proper living qnartors, and oared for in general by tho University authori ties whilo at class or on tho different excursions tobomado to tho parts of the University, tho Ilavelook shops, the Capitol, and othor points of inter est. The course for tho boys includes an elementary Btudy of live atook, dairying, tho raising of orops, stook and grain judging, and farm mechan ics. Tho courso for tho girls inoludes tho many branches of cooking, caro of dairy products, homo docoratious, and sowing. One of the principal attractions of tbo week will be tho lectures and can ning demonstrations of O II Bonson, a specialist in Boys' and Girls Olub work, from Washington, D O. Besidos tho short courso a Boys' and Girls' Olub leadors' conference will be hold on April 80 and May 1. WATEIl OAURYINa ENl'ENSIVB If a value of 20 oonts an hour is Built like a hand, but wear like iron, and always remain soft and pliable. Sold Exclusively in Dakota City By A, Stinson DAKOTA COUNTV HERALD; DAKOTA C1TV, NEBRASKA. placed on a woman's time, sho wastes enough timo in n year by carrying water a fow rods eaoh day to pay tho nost of piping tho water into tho hono. In a few years, besides undergoing tho drudgery and exposing herself to sick ness thru inclement weather, she wastes enough time to pay for a sim ple wator system. To meet tho do mandB of rural and villago communi ties, the department of Agricultural Engineering1 of tho Nebraska Universi ty Farm has designed soveral systems, the plans of whioh may bo obtained freo in Utillotin No 18 of thu Bulletin dopartmona at Lincoln. tf (DMiWMNWaHnMlQIOt(IM0HW)MOta( Items of Interest from our Exchanges I Ponca Journal: J T Kilmartin, deputy for tho Brothrrhood of Ameri can Yegmon, for this soction of Ne braska, is in Fonca this week prepar ing to opon a lodge Jioro. Tho Yeo man is a very popular order, admit ting both men and women to member ship. Pender Republic: Attorney E J Bmith, of Homer, attended countv court in Pender last weok,...Dopnty u o Mnrsna- o.ues. of Dakota (Jitv. was iu Ponder Monday afternoon.... JuilgolSvans, of Dakota City, attond od district court hero tho first of tho weok. Sionx City Journal, 11th: Ed ward llartuott, formerly associated with ono of tho looal commission firms, and now a stookor and foedor dealer at South St Paul, Minn, spont tho day at the yards. Mr llartnett reports that ho is doing well at tho South St Paul market. Winnebago Chief tain: Walter Nie buhr wont to Sioux City Mondayoven ing....J L Blauohnrd, of Homer, was down Tuesday on business Miss Helen Niobuhr and Margaret Niobnhr wont up to Dakota City Sunday oven ing. Margaret Niobnhr returned Mon day and Helon returned Tuesday. Walthill Times: Dr Ream depart ed Wodnesday evening for San Diego, Cal, where Mrs Roam and Mabel aro spending tho winter. Ho has laid out his routo through Denvor, Salt Lake City, Soattlo, and down tho ooast to San Diego. Whilo in tho.west ho ox pools to spend some timo along tho Moxican border out of tho range of Villa's bullets, and roturn homo about Juue 1st. Emerson Enterprise: Miss Mattie MoKinloy, of tioutu Sioux City, spont Sunday in Emorsou with Mrs Clyde Meyers and Mi8 Mabol Clapp. . . .Miss Mabel Miles, telephone operator hero, was callod homo to Oaawa. la, Mon day on account of tho illness of her mother. Mrs Olaudo Meyers accom panied her to Sioux City Olaudo Thaoker, Salter Rymil and William Bruce, Wyoming homestoudors, locat ed near whero the Emerson bunoh have filed, wont through town on route to Homer Tuesday raoruiug. They re port tho weather lino out thoro and ovorythiog moving right to tho front. Rymil and Bruco will load a oar of farm maohinory and livo stock at Ho inor and nhip to Node. Sioux City Journal, 1!) : Sioux City business men aro awaiting with keen interest developments in tho Sioux Oity-Niobrara iutorurban projoot, whioh is planned to givo Sioux City a traction liuo into northwestern Ne braska, Rumor that tho projoot is ut a standstill aro discredited by tho grant ing oi tuo uaKor construction compa ny permission to issuo and sell bonds to tho .amount of $13,000,000 contem plating, tho construction of tho now intorurban lino, Permission for tho bond issuo was grantod by1 tho Ne braska Btato railroad commission. l'urohaso of 1,200 tons of stool to bo doliverod in Sioux City by August 1 is said to bo tho first stop of tho now corporation to projoot tho lino. Mon bohind tho project doolaro that grading for tho proposed liuo will start in early summon Homer Star: A D Williams, the manager of tho Homor elovator, is siok with tho small pox at his homo in Fre mont. Ho oontraoted the diseaao whilo on a visit homo, a weok ago Sunday. T J O'Connor In acting as his own managor at tho elovator and is kept quito busy.... T F MoOlashan, Marvin Armour, L S Churohill, Ed Rosb and John Oritz went to Walthill Saturday to tho farm demonstration mooting whioh was held at the offlaoof Demonetrator Ooupo. Tho Dakota county farmers had special invitation to attond this meeting and seo what a bonofit a oonuty demonstrator is to tho farmers.... Frank Sawyer loaded his oar on Monday and on Wednesday loft for Van Tassel, Wyo, whore ho and his daughtor have olaima. Tho Sawyer luiuuy nave uvou in Dakota county and Homor for a good many yoars and u wm aeoin strange to think that thoy aro so far away with tho rest of tho people who have olaims iu Wyoming. Thoir many frieuds wish thorn much joy and suooess iu thoir Wyoming home.... Will Bruoo, Walter Rymil and Olandn Thaokor trailod baok from Wyoming Tuesday, where thoy had boen eroding "shautjs" on their olaims. Tho boys all report fine weather ami are inuoh pleased with thotoountry. They also reported that tho rest of our Dakota county boya aro busy putting thoir now fields iuto small graiu and that Frank Minard is chasing after his horses all over Wyo ruing .on oot. They had broken out Saturday and woro not captured uutil Monday. Jrpm all appoar anco (ho boys wjll makp good rnnohors, ' ' OLD TJME HAPPENINGS. Items roproduood in tho Sionx Oity Journal from flies of forty aud twonty yonrs ago: April 12, 1891 : Work on tho oxton slon of tho South Sioux City and Cov iugton stroet railway from South Sioux Oity to Crystal lako will bo comniouood in a fov days and push ed to completion hh rapidly as DOMiW, CORRESPONDENCE HUBBARD. Jas Nelson and wifo wore pusseu gets to the county seat Monday John Jessen and daughters visited Sunday at the Louis Larson home. Will Hayes shipped a oar of stook to Sioux Oity Thursday of lust weok. Mr and Uro Frank Lnshier and littlodanghior Thelma worn EnBtor visitors at the Raymodd Voss home Sunday. A complete lino of funoy shirts, work shirts, at O Anderson Co's, Bill Uoony brought homo his now oar Saturday and it's a dandy. Tho Easter danco wan a groat suo oess, about forty numbors being sold aud $00 realized, Chris Rasmueson wont to Iowa Monday, whore he will visit relatives at different points boforo roturning. Mr and Mrs Carl Anderson spont Easter at tho Chas AnderjBen homo near Vista. Wo want your butter, eggs aud cream and will pay the highest mar kot prioe. O Anderson Co. Tho Danish Kffeselskab will moot at tho homo of Mrs James Henrioksen, Sunday, April 20. Mrs A O Hanseu visitou Sunday ut tho J N Johnson home near Nacom. Will Hayes was iu Sionx Oity the latter part of last week. Carl Rnsmusson wont to Sioux City last weok whero ho will visit relatives for a fow days, going from, thoro to Sergeant Bluff. A big new line of umbrella's just in, at fl Anderson Co's. Ben Roouey autoed to Sioux Oity Tuesday, Tho Jackson academy pupils all oame home to spond Easter vacation. Joo Loodom was in Sioux Oity a couple of d .ys this week. Sunday sohool at 9:45 o'olook a m. Public worship every 2nd and 4th Sun day of each month at 10:30 a m, in the Luthoran church. Mrs Louis Larson is slowly recov ering after a siege of several week's sickness. Mr and Mrs Sam Larson aud Mr and Mro H Nelsen were Easter diners Sun day at the Louis Podersen home. Hans, Axel ami Rasmus Rasmussen and Mr and Mrs Frod Nelsen wore some of tho Enster guests at tho Ohris Mogenson homo Sunday. Wo carry all kinds of harness sup plies and repairs, O Anderson Co, Goo Timlin was apassanger to the city Tuesday. John Oampboll planted his early po tatoes Monday. Mr and Mrs Goo Timlin and family and Mr and Mrs John Groeu and children, spont Easter Sunday at tho Grandpa Greou homo. Everything in fancy groceries, in cluding a completu linn of tho cole brated Heinz fanoy table Mpooialtios, at O Anderson Co's. ' Mrs Hoy is suffering from a severe cold. Little Anna Book visited her cous ins, tho Frodriksen girls, hero Sim day. Goorgo Boacom camo down from Sioux City Suuday to oat Eastor din nor at the homo of his mother, Mrs M Beacom. Wo havo iu stock tho colobrated Martiu hat for mon in the latest ap proved stylos. C Anderson Co. Mrs Margarot Bouck went to Dako ta Oity last weok to stay with hor daughtor, Mrs L J Thompson, Tvho is in poor hoalth. Goorgo Timlin received his appoint ment last week as postmaster, havincr boon chosen by tho sureties of Caro Frodrioksen who took charge of tho office when Fredricksou disappeared several weeks ago. Rov J Sorenson, pastor of tho Lu theran ohuroh, will preach his fare well sermon hero next Suuday, April 19th, at 10:30, and at Homer in the aftornoou at 2:30. Rain coats, rubbers and rubber boots in tho best quality of goods, at O Anderson Co's. JACKSON. Jerry MoDrido waa up from Sioux Oity Monday. Dan Kormedy, auditor for the Atlas Elovator company, was looking after buninoss hero Monday. MrsE W Nordyko and daughtor i-nyiiis, oi oioux uuy, wero guests in tho B P Sawyer homo several days last week, Mrs Oathorino Twohig and daugh ter Margarot aro spending tho week at tho Joo Davey homo at Ponca. James Nolan and wifo, of Struble, la, spont Easter with tho homo folks near ViBta. Goorgo Toller aud wifo departod Saturday for Liaooln to visit their son. William Tollor. Miss Riokman, of Sioux Oitv. in via. itlng in tho Geo Asbury homo, D C Heffornan, of Hubbard, was calling on friends huro last Saturday ovoning. Mr aud Mrs Jus Sutherland, Myrtle Leahy and Herbert Eiuuoy spent Sun day iu tho JaB Sutherland, ar, homo at Pouoa. Lydia Teller, who teaches iu Dixon county, spent Suuday with tho homo folks. Mrs J P MoEwoa and children, of 8ioux Oity, are guests of their brothor, Thos Sullivan, this week, Tho public sohoola reopened Wed nesday after a fow day's vacation. M Mimnaugh was in Nowcaatlo soveral days this week. J M Barry dopartod Monday for Omaha to report for duty as a jury man iu tho federal court, Mrs JaB Suthorjand was oalled to La Juuta, Co), Monday by the sorions illnosB of hor sjsfor, Mss Ella Loahy. Frauk Flynn, of Hluton, Ja, 'is vis itiug iu the homo of his brothor, Jus Flyun, this weok. Somo of tho young peoplo from horo attonded tho Eastor ball at Ponca Monday evening and at Hubbard Tues day oveniug, Gortrudo MoHalo denarted for her inrr-Tiiin win ii-ai to spend tho Easier vacation. Sho was accompanied homo by Carmelia Quinu. The academy closed last Tuesday for a week's vacation, the students all going to their respective JiomeB for their vacation. H A Uamm had a load of cattle on tho market Monday and a load of hogs Tuesday. Ohris R Smith, of Vista, and James Heodriokseu ouch had a load of hogs on tho Sionx City market Tuesday. Klrst publication 4-10-lw Notice of Application for Liquor License Notice In heroby given Hint on tlin IRth Uny of April, 1014, Henry Kriimwlpilo tiled with the villago clork of Dakota Oity, Ne braska, his application and petition for n license to soil ninlt, spirituous and vinous liquors nncl to conduct n saloon on lot 12, block HU, In said villago of Dakota Oity, Nebraska, undor tho laws of tho state and ordinances of snld vllloge. Any nnd all objections to tho granting of snld license should bo filed with tho village clerk on or lwforo April 8f, IBM. Henry Krumwledo, Applicant. S. T. Kruin. Vlllnuo Olork. Dated April 16. 1914. First publication 4-18-3W Notice of Application for Liquor License Notice Is heroby given that on tho SStli day of March, ltdi, Patrick Hccnan tiled with tho vlllnsce clork of JncWson, Nobr, his application and petition for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors nnd to conduct nsnloon on the cast half of lot :i In block 7, Hedges addition to tho vlllnge of Jnckson, Nebrnskn, underthe laws of stnto and ordinances of snld vlllnge. Any and nil objections to tho granting of snld lionise should bellied with tho villago clork on or uuioru jvpru ,hi, ivif. Patrick lleonnn, Applicant. If. F. McKeover, Villago Olork. Dated April 10, 1914. First publication 4-0-3w Notice of Application for Liquor License Notice Is hereby given that on tho Uth ilny. o- April, -U. Dnggnn A. HelTorimn tiled with the vlllngo clerk of Hubbard. No binska, their application and petition for a jlcenso to soil tnnlt spirituous nnd vinous llauors. nnd comlmt. n nn!nnn in oni.i vii. logo on lot IB In block is, under the laws of the stnto of Nebrnskn and ordinances of said villago, during tho fiscal year begin ning the first Tnesdny in May, lull. Any aud nil objections to tho granting of said license should bo on (lie with tho vil lage clork by the SOth day of .April. 1911. , Duggnn .fc HolTornnn, D.O. ItelTornan, Applicants. Vlllngo Olerk. First publication 4-u-iw. PnOBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In the county court of JJnkotn county, Ne brnskn. In tho matter of tho estnto of William Orr.Sr., deceased. Notico Is hereby glvon, that the creditors of tho snld deceased will meet tho exec utor nnd executrix 'of said ostato, be fore mo. county Judge of Dakota coun ty, Nebraska, at tho county court room in snld county, mi tho 1st rinv nf .inn. -1911, on tho !lrd day of August. 1914. ana on the 5th day of October, 1914, at 10 o'clock a.m. each dny for tho purpose of presenting thoir claims for examination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months aro allowod for creditors to present their olulins and ono year for tho executor and executrix to settle snld estate, from tho soth dny of Mrrch, 1911. This notice will bo published In tho Dako ta County Herald for four weeks successive ly prior to tho 1st day of June, 1914. Witness tny hand, nnd seal of said court, this Slth. day of March, A. D. 1814. - , D.O.Hkffkiwan, Lbkai,. County Judge. First Publlcotlon 4-!f-3w. NOTICE. Alfred Hallnni. defendant, will take no tico that the First Nntlonnl Hank of Sioux City, Iown. plaintiff, tiled its potltion In tho district court of Dakota county, Ne braska, ngalnst tho defendant, Alfred Hal lnm. tho object nnd prnyorof which were to secure Judgment against tho defendant In tho sum of J30B8.64. with Interest thereon at tho rate of 8 per centum from the 22nd day of September, 1913. upon a Jtulgmcnt rendered inn court of general Jurisdiction In the county of Woodbury and Stnto of iown. nnu costs in mo mim of jll.30 tnxed In said action In said state of Iowa, and tho sum of J70.89 attornoys fees taxod under tho law of Iowa as a part of said Judgment; and that in snld action in Dakota county said plalntltT has duly and regularly se cured the lssuanco of an ordorof attach ment against said defendant nnd thnt tho same has beon levied upon tho following described real entnto, towlt: Lots 1,2,3,4,). 8.T.8. 0.10. 11, 12, 18. 14, 15 nnd 10 In block fi; Iotf .l'.2'. '. ...'. MO. n.12. 13. 14. IB, 10 and 17 in block 7: lots 1, 2, 3. 4.6, 0.7,8, . 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17 and 18 In block 8: lots 1 2. 4, 6, 0. 7. 8, 0. 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 18, 18. 17. 18, IB 20.21.22, 23 and 24 ill block 10; lots 1,2,3.4.5 0,7. 8, 9. 10. 11 and 12 In block 11 ; lots 1, 2 3, 4 5. 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13. 14 and 15 In block 12 lots 1, 2, 4, 6, 0. 7 and 8 in block 1 : lots 1, 8. 4. 5.0,7,8,9.10. 11. 12. 18 dhd 14 In block 2: lots 2,4,6.0,7.8,9.10,11,12.13,14,15, 10, In block 3; lots 1, 2, 4, C. 8, 7. 8. V. 10, 11, 12. 18, It. 15 and 10 In block 4; lots 1.2, 8,4.6,6,7,8.9,10.11.12. 14. 16. 10, 17. 18, IB. 20. 21, 22. 23 nnd 21 la block 9, all in Lakosldo Park, Dakota county, Ne braska: tho unplatted portion of lot 3, suc tion thirty-two (32), township twenty-nlno (29), rango nine (0), east of tho th P. M and whioh order of nttaohmont, appraisal and roturn woro illpd in tim nnn rf ti... olork of the district court on tho 28th day ii if ' -unt, ino piaintui wi uik mui. sum pruyuny do oruerou sold to satisfy- tho nmount found due on tho causo of aotion sot forth in its said petition. You are reauirod tonnswnr sniii nntitinn on or boforo the 11th day of May, A. . 1914. Tiik FntST 'national hank, oKBioux City, Iowa. First publication 4-2-5w SHERIFF'S SALE. Notico is horoby given that by vlrtuo of nu uiudi w uud iisuiiu ojr ma merit or tho District Court of tho Klghth Judicial Dis trict of Nebrnskn, within and for Dakota county, in nn action wherein Tho FirstNu tional Dank o: Sioux City. Iowa, is plaintiff and Crystal Lako Distillery Company and Crystal Lako Distlllory.lncorpornted, Snell A Moran, n co-partnership consisting of James G. Hnell and William F. Moron. Sionx Oity Boiler & Hheot Iron Works, a co partnership consisting of llobert Wlldman, and Hobort Wildmnn, Jr.. K. n. chapman, Charles Watson. F. D. Unlley, Oharlos O. Olnggott. William McOoll, and II. K, Clark and Ausonla Copper i Iron Works, incor porated, rt corporation, aro defendants. I wm on ino m uajr or May, 1P14, at the south door of tho court house, In tho Village of Dakota City. Dakota county, Nebraska, of fer lor sale at public nuctlon tho following described lands and tenoments, to-wlt: All of block ten (lO)excoptlots thirty (80). thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (82) and all In block nine (9) and tho vaoatod alleys In said blocks nine (9) nnd ten (10). and tho vueuieu Hireoi uetween said blocks ?,.no.i.l?) ,,n.na, ten d and also lots J,,1A.t;,r.(?0' tl-lrty-one (31) and thirty two (82) In block soveu (7) all m Martin's addition to South Sioux City in Dakota county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 2nd day of April A. I). 1914. Fiiank Ma no.v, Sheriff of Dakota County. Nobr. First publication S-29-4W NOTICE OI OPENINQ BOAD'. Stnto of Nebraska, County of Dakota, ss. Notico to Land owners. To nil whom it may concern: The commissioner appolntod tolocateand establish a road commencing at tho county line between Dakota County, Nobraska, nnd Ihurston County, Nebraska, on the seotlon lino between sections thirty-four (34) and thlrty-llVO (33). In tnwnuliln twiintv.nnvnii (S7j.rangeolght(8),ca8tof tho sixth (0) P. M., in Dakota County, Nebraska, nnd run ning thonca north on soction llnu between sections thirty-four (80 and thirty-llvo (35), sections twuuty-slx (SM) ami twenty-seven (27), nnd seotlons twenty-two C-1) nnd twou-ty-three(S3).allln township twenty-sevon (-7), range (8), to the northeast corner of tho south oast quarter of tho south oast qutr tur (so!i of soi 1 of said seotlon twenty-two 1-4, mm ruiiimiK kutmuu viv iu iiiivruui with tno Publia Itoad known ns the Homor nnd Winnebago itoad nnd there tormlnnto. Said road to be sixty-six feet wide, so far as It follows thoseotlon lino, and for the re mainder of the way forty (40) feet wide, has reported in favor of the establishment nnd location therof, atul all objections thereto, or olaims for damages, must bo tiled In tho County Clerk's ortloo on or before noon of the unh dny of April, A. D. 1914. or such road will be established nnd locnted without rrf erenco thereto. GKO.WILKINS. County Clerk. MrWtWftW1 ADVERTISINa IS THE ABC OP BUSINESS, AND IT HKING8 SUCCESS TO YOU " y"" -iifi"- - riiir "- " 3K: The Mid SIOVX CITX, IOWA TO OUR FRIENDS: It s time you knew Mid-West Men and Methods. Thcv nrP Worth While. Every tiling in Good Banking, "Safety Over All." Sun to please you as they have others since 1830. We Wish Farmer Trade. Know and like them and they likens.' For Anything Anywhere, see us. Use the Mid-West Club in buying in selling, for advise, aid, counsel. Our best services free to patrons and it is a pleasure to serve you. Farmers Farm Well. Select and test all seed, corn plow deep, keep weeds down. Crops can be doubled by better seed-1-better farming. We will test seed free for our patrons help you all we can. Farm and Cattle Loans. .Well equipped for these. Lowest rates. Prompt service 28 years learning how. Fire apd Cyclone Insurance. The good rates, companies, treatment. Try insuring with this bank. Know its -help-when loss occurs. 0 & 7 Investments. Many more calls for loans than we can supply. We -offer choice First Morteatres imm-overl farms and city property Tax Fne, ion biiowing renect title. eight years without a penny's seven per cent lor Yonr onev? Our Safety Deposit Vaults have Electric Protect in- nrfl :uc Fire and Burglar Proof. Privnto l;nvcs lU3. ijllL Sj1J(j a VL.ar steamsnip tickets. "J3ettei Treatment Afloat," ooast. Kates very low now. To Bremen, Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, but $47.23 from Sioux City. looms ior steerage passengers. We Publish "The Mid-West Banker." Free to our pat rons. Get on our mailing list, for there's good reading for all the family. Bank by Mail Bank by Messenger with us. A postal card a phone call and our bank is at your desk at your door. Wc Loan Only on Well Secured Notes Farmers Mostly. We guarantee each deposit with every dollar every acre of land of the-owners. "Worth While" to Know to "Smile Also." Gratefully yours, "Tho Mid-West for Safety, Service & Smiles." 7F LI NG No. 59062 t PfjDiqREB: sued by Prince du Ohonoy (81308), ho by Duo du Olionpy U10M). out of Charlotte II (1S41W. Dnin. K'aaT' s" by 0rg,l"19t0 ,imi oul of" 2k 2& i3 V LENaRAND-ls a bay llolglnn Stallion. 8 years old, weight loo pounds, with small strlpo In forehead, and right hind foot white. II was bred.by Mr.FoIlxCoupez.ot DaHslIly. and Imported March' 1, lull, by W. A. Lang ,& Uo of Greeley, Iowa, lie was foaled In 1WXJ. A- .Mi Vi Vi & Will Stand the Season of 1914 nsJ'ollows: Mondays at the alias, lllivcn farm. Tuesdays at tho Sponcor barn, Dakota City. Wednesdays at Chas. Ifelkos', on Hugh Graham farm. Thursdays and Fridays at E. L. Hoss', on tho old Win. Nixon farm south of Homor. Saturdays at tho Homor Llvory Ham, TBRA1S: JI5 to lnsuro with foal. $20 for standing colt. Upon tho sale or romoval of inaros lrom county, foal bill becomes duo at onco; or when mares are not properly returnod for trial sorviro, fees become duo at onco. Duo caro will In) taken to prevent accidents, but at risk of owner of ninre. If sho sustnlus any. LEONARD ROSS Owner and Attendant, Dakota City, Neb. Pure Bred Perch eron Stallions JALLANS C8839G) 74588. Imported by W. L,.Declow, Collar Bapuli, Town, foaled March 21, 1909, black, weight 1900 lbs. CAPTAIN 90875. Bred by J. P. Anderson, of Agenda, IvunaaB, foaleil May 1, 1912, oolor hlaok, weight H20 lb. Both thofio Htallioua will utaml the Hcahou of 1911 overy day except Sumlay at my barn at Hubbard, Nebraska. TERMS $15 to insure maro with foal. $20 to instiro colt nine dava old. If mare ih po11 nr rmn,i frnm tim county acrvioo fees will bo taken to proven t acoidents, alio atistaina any, Anyono intoronted iu rorohoron ITorHes should como and eo theso two BtalliouH. LrOUXlS Bo Owner nna Attendant Hnbbard, Nebraska SH-w. V -West Bank with abstract and attorney's opin- We have loaned thus for twentv- loss Why Not Receive Six or in idle Havre, Private he lid-West Bank R AND h- ,& . fmmmmfftnm become duo at onco. Duo caro but at riak of owner of maro if 7 4 home at Fairbury, Neb, last Saturday 4-.H-f