Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 26, 1914, Image 5

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liririnmBiinmriB r rn 1 --...-J-. -r. ...-
"mntT'ii' ;i iMrir i HiiVKMiTHrl
Seed Time and Hairvest
Select and test carefully your seed, that the hnrvest may
be bountiful. Also select and test your Bnnk, that Old Age
may be Smiling Happy Content.
We desire Farmer's trade, and ask strict investigation of
our banking record since 1S8G. Time tried Tested True.
Promptness Accuracy Conrtesy Appreciat ion Service
"Safety Over AH."
The Mid West Bank
"That Always treats you Right." Ed T. Kearney, President.
4 Oertitloates. 0 & 1 Investments. Stenmship Tiokcts. Good Banking.
msfS Trsr
Find the Dot on the Map
Then Say, "Long Distance"
If the place you want is on ths map
most probably it can be reached by Bell
Bell Telephone lines reach 10,000
places without a railroad and 5,000 with
out even a" postoffice 70,000 towns
in all.
Long Distance Lines Reach Neatly Every
where. Just say "Long Distance".
Ried's Yellow Denta package Frco
to nuyono who wrltos. Strictly Dakota
Krown. Matures early thohirgo shapo
ly ears 1111 out with deep kornnls, sound
and hardy. Also Kreo -Jones' Seed Book
showing results of 27 years' exporlonce.
Wiito today.
O.S Janes Seed Co, box 510, Sioux Fall, S.I).
Local Items
Tho Best Remedy)
Fop 'all. forms of
No OtW Ramatly
fiwanson Rheumatic Curo Co
iso-iea w. lw st chicaco
Don't forgot
atill in tbo lead.
O110 package of Jones' "" "" " ""
Degenerated Abundance Oats will ho
sent Kreo to show Its wonderful produc
tiveness. Hoslsts drouth crows hie
crops where otliess fall. Longest straw
ltd, thinnest skinned, heaviest yloldlng
earliest large grained oats In the world
Also freo Jones' book on seeds and crop
growing. Oats guaranteed perfectly
clean. Send luyour name today.
0. 5. Janes Seed Co., box 530, Sioux Fnlls.SD
me Gts-ibo r tt FIK? R rT? "I" IB ff
BvwivaMa HV
Now$05& A MONTH
jr"c7 You can pi In i
jr model. irnuin Dorxi-
jEnii l;. tb raeqcntias
1 uen or ft 1 1 wins
jXzjLEST tamcnmai.m your nome,
VZcvXy . use It continually wbllt
Faying.) a monin, tnaen
ov a varv anaelal nrles
tlret to rwi or from our narett
keener, A tnartuflcsot tnichms
ntupDdoua ofiai.
Wc Will Talcc Yoof
Old Machine iH
liberal allowance) on s plodUl ne
DomeiMe. And you can still take ad.
vantage oitbe special price and owl
ma piwMno tliat has Mwrw led ell olh
orf- ri-tr than vr. Two machinal
(n ont- laA a. j itd chain stitch. Sir Ik lit drop
bead, hUth ar u, b u j. i.. A tntpircs t ol ' attachment
viry onpi
tff4L22rkSitnY' "I
. I
rh pcrfctn
make an I a
lfachiiti." I tin
m nuvdn it .
r.UAUAN f n -
iw J fir -vurr Jk" uro,Th lJnistI li
'j ., ratt,
rvUtlunnrmnu ti itmt n t-ht yrortJ. Findoutiboutlt
L no r ruin irxiuv ovwiiii
titvlh Cntiowflineb
t. ,tiHlffvv4iiV5YKAK
. ' P it Jst .
" 't Chcaaftt
Mrs Mary R.McBeathi Agent
Tradc Mahks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending u tlietcli and deicrlptlnn mar
qulcklr McorUlii our opinion tteo whether an
Invention Is pronator nutentahle. Conununlca.
tloinitrlctlrconndentfcl. HANDBOOK onl'atenu
sunt J roe. l)l1et npencr fur securing patent.
I'ntenu tukeu turouuh itunn A Co. rscolri
jclalnofkr, without chargo, la tbo
Scientific Jlmericam
bandtomclr HlMtratPd weeklf. I.nrccit clr.
dilution of anr clontlBc Inuriial. Tcrini, a
ear 1 four months, 1L bold brail newidealen,
llianch Ufflce, OS V 8t, Waibtugtoa. 1). C.
RoaloHtatoloariB, Goo Wilkina Ad?
BreuDB coffeo, it
Van soils t,
J ml go R E Evans was at Wajno
Friday and Hflturday on legal business.
Get your Muresoo wnll tintings from
tho Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co,
Dakota City. ,
No bottlo washers wanted nt the
Dakota City Fharmaoy. Everything
sterilized, now and olean.
Mrs Emoretto MoKernan rnturned
Saturdny from a winter's visit with
relatives at Montour, Iowa,
Kontinontnl Stock Dip gets 'em.
Tho Edwards & Bradfor Lbr Co. will
supply you with uny quantity.
A Mcsonio lodgo meeting will bo
hold Saturday ovening of this week,
when tho 3rd degroo will bo conferred.
Bo a citizen of Dakota City and boost
always for your own town by buying
yons drugs at tho Dakota City Phar
macy. M MEngelon left Monday for Ko
doka, 8 D, to look after his claim near
there. Ho bxpects to bo gono about a
Accuracy iu compounding, and pu
ritv of drugs are essentials in prescript
1 tion work, yon get both at the South
oioux uuy rnarmaoy.
Prof A B Eioh was at Tilden, Nob,
last Friday, whero ho has been ongag
as principal of tho Tilden high school
at rt salary of $1,300 per year.
I want to sell my Walker Island
farm, 100 aores, price $125 00 per aero.
Easiest possiblo terms.
A. Van Wagenon, Sioux City, la.
Mrs Morey Olovoland and daughter
.banme, amvou hero Monday from
Marshall, Minn, on u visit at tho homo
of Mrs Cleveland's parents, J P Hall
and wifo.
I will bo in Dakota City the coming
summer and anyono wanting carpenter
work dono can call mo by phono No
12, or see mo in person at my home.
D H Hagor,
Mrs C B Howard writes from Sonta
Rosa, Gal, that sho and her two sons,
Edgar and Thomas, arrived at their
destination safely, although a littlo
tired from their long trip; found tho
folks (tbo Theo E Blivin family) woll
and prospering,
Louis Diorking camo down from hiB
now homo at Butto, Neb, Wednesday
of last week to drive his auto back and
to look after tho shipmont of tho bal
anco of his household goods. Ho said
they had considerable moro snow in
their locality than hero. Ho oxpresed
himself us woll pleased with his now
A numbor of Yoomon from tho local
lodgo visited tho Sioux City lodgo
WodneBday night of last weok und
witnessed tho initiation of a class in
tUo lodgo tuero. Thoso attending
were, Ed Froderiok and wife, Mrs
Paul Kinkol, Mrs E Morrison, Mrs
Agnos Ilartranft, Miss Beulah Bur
nett and Ed nanson. Tho party was
chaperoned by J T Kilmartin, state
deputy for tho order.
At the mooting of tho Dakota Coun
ty Farm Managomont association held
last Friday no dofloito aotion was
taken in hiiiug u demonstrator. 8ov
oral applioauts for tho position ' woro
considered but thoy woro not just
what the association desired. A moot
ing will bo held Friday of this weok
to consider tho recommendations of
Hugh Raymond, of Norfolk, Neb, a
graduate of the st&to agricultural col
lm?. and a vounu man wnll vAn.ai in
I etoofc rb frail hb farm topica,
Frank F Hnaso was down from Em
orson over Sunday.
Georgo MoBonth wont to Whiting,
la, Tuesday on business.
Fresh milch oow with calf for sale,
Enquire at Herald ofllce.
Tim tmwpat and best drug sloro iu
town is tho Dakota City Pharmaoy,
Wm Loronz and wifo will movo onto
tho Clarkings farm southwest nf town
next wook .
"Murenco," tho sanitary wall tent,
is sold only by tho South Sioux City
Jas Clark has purobascd a Hupmo
bile, having dispospd of his II rush to
Irvo Broyhill.
Mrs John Duoschl, of Maploton, la,
visited over Sunday with her mother,
Mrs M F Adair. t
Will Best, who is iu tho sturo busi
ness nt Ponoa, was a visitor hero Sun
day with relatives. .
Frank Bides returned Sunday to
Liucoln to resume his sohool work nt
tho stato university.
A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs
Hugo Stebnor and wifo at South Sioux
Oily last Saturday.
Remomber all paokagos dolivered to
tho Dakota City oar froe of charge, by
tho So Sioux Pharmaoy.
Mrs Goo Haruott outortained tho
Lutheran Ladies' Aid sooioty at a
lunchoon Tuesday uvuuiug,
Mrs Honry Sundt, of Pouea, is horo
helping oaro for Mrs Fred Duonsiug,
who bus been ill for some time.
Mrs Ohas ltoum wont to Ponoa I '
urduy to seo a now grandson whiuh
arrived at tho Clyda Roam homo.
8 A Stinsou can got you a new
spring suit in ton days from Lamm &
Co. It is just two weeks till Easter.
'Tho four month old ohild of Mr and
Mrs Stowart, of South Sioux City, was
buriod in the oomotery horo Monday.
Strayed or Stolon One Holsteiu
Jorsoy spotted cow, with horns,
Phono 351 Cedar, South Sioux City,
Nob. Ed Drain.
Mrs Wash Leedom is down from
their homo in South Dakota, assisting
in caring for Grandma Leedom, who
has been seriously ill.
M O A y res roturnod homo Saturdny
from a winter's sojourn iu California.
He has been confined to his hud over
sinco his arrival home.
Mrs Will Powoll, who was operat
ed on at a Sioux City hospital last
weok for gall stones, is monding rapid
ly, and will soon be able to return
homo. '
L R Dillard has again taken n po
sition with D M Neiswnnger as drug
gist in the new Dakota City Pharma
cy, which is being ilttod up in tho
bank corner.
Tho first after Easter danco will bo
held in tho Ayres hall Tuesday even
ing, April tho 1-lth. Parker's four
piece orchestra will furnish music for
the occasion.
J L Thompson took his wife and lit
tlo daughter to Rochester, Minn, Mon
day, for operations at tho Mayo hospi
tal, tho mother for gallstones und tho
girl for an abeess in tho hoad.
Waltor Ohoney wont to Woolsey, S
D, Monday, to meet his sister, Mrs
May L Spurling, of Cherry Creek, S
D, but for some reason sho missed con
nections and failed to.'nrrivo thoro.
Our spring stock of paints, oils,
brushes, wall and coiling tints has just
arrived, and your requirements in this
line will bo promptly carod for by tho
Edwards & Bradford Lumbor Co.
Phono No. 10.
Grace Ream, daughter of Mr and
Mrs Carl Ream, came homo Friday
from Lincoln whore sho is taking
treatmont at an Osthopedio hospital for
a lame foot. She will bo homo for
about two months.
The Eozy Studido now located nt
Fourth and Douglas streets. Tho
biggest, best varioty of small sizo pho
tos in the city. Special Postal cards
and stamp photos. Seo us and save
money. Kozy Studio.
Mrs R B Orr rocoived word tho pant
weok that her fathor, Joseph Brown-
ridge, aged 85 years, was not oxpoctod
to live. His home is in Toronto, Can
ada. A later report states that his
condition is somewhat improved.
Washington land suitable for dairy
ing, hog raising, poultry raising, frnit
growing, market gardening, wheat
raising, etc, near Spokane, Wash, for
salo at very reasonablo prices. Call
atthooflloo of Edwards & Bradford
Lbr Co and got flno lithographed fold
er snowing lauds.
A donation of $50 waa sent to the
Sioux City firemen last wook who ana?
wered tho call for aid tho morning of
tho recent flro, Febuary 27th A
check for $5,00 was given each of tho
fivo members of tho chemical rig that
made tho trip and $25 wbb donated to
tho flromeu's pension fund.
D M Noiswangor wont to Omaha
Tuesday evening to order a new sot of
fixtures for tho drug department of his
now storo iu the bank corner. Whon
ho gets his now fixtures and stock ho
will havo ono of the most complete
lino of drugs and druggist sundries in
northeast Nebraska. Ho will also
oontinue the grocery department and
will carry a complete lino of tho best
grooorios on tho market,
Mrs John Burcnm, ono of tho pio
neor women of Dakota county, died
Sunday at her homo in Homer and
was burled Tuesday in the Omaha
Valley cemetery, dlio camo to No
braska in tho early CO'h with her first
husband, Elisha Luno. Bpsidos lior
husband, sevoral grown ohildron, and
a brother, .Tumes All a way, sr, survive
her. Sho was a good, uoblo woman,
and had endured hardships incumbent
to pioneer lifo, wheu tho resident fam
ilies of Omadi preoinot could utmost
bo numbered on one'n fingers.
Steps wero taken Tuesday ovoning
to orgauize a Ooinnioroi 1 club in Da
kota City, A mooting was called and
a temporary organization was formed
by electing nuri Schriovor ohairmun
and George Wilkins secretary. A
committee was named to fru.no a consti
tution und by-laws, and to report at a
mooting called for Wednesday ovening,
April 1st. Tho committeo consists of
Carl Sohriovor. Goororn Wilkina H 'P
IFrUm. Moll A Hnhiniml nn.1 Tlin H
Roam. An invitation has beon extend
ed to Sooretary Holmes of tho Sioux
City Oornmoroial olub, who has prom
ised to moot with ua next Wodnosday
Puro npplo oidor at Van do Zoddo's.
Mr and Mrs Timothy Shannhati, of
Sioux City, woro Sunday visitors horo
at tho G W Soyor homo.
Lou Kilmer and wife, of Winnebago,
wero Saturday and Sunday visitors
hero at tho Wm Clapp home,
Mrs Waltor Hilemnn goos to Elk
Point thia ,wook to visit relatives bo
foro returning to hor homo in Canada.
Tho Yoomon will meet Friday oven
ing, April 3rd, ut tho Odd Fellows
hall, Dakota City, All mombors turn
Mrs R E Evans attended a weok eud
houso party at tho homo of Mrs Ellon
Dobson in Lincoln from Thursday un
til Sunday.
Prin. II G Louvons goes to Norfolk
Thursday ovoning to attend n sossiou
of tho Northeast NobraBka Teachers'
Tho Dakota City sohool boys defeat
ed tho South Sioux youngsters in a
ball gamo, tho (list of tho soason, Sun
day, 8 to G.
Tho annual village oleo'ion will bo
hold Tuosday, April, 7th, Two 'trus
tees will bo olootod to sucoeod ileury
Lahrs and Julius Geese.
A Gorman duvico onllod a "toximo
tot" detmiues just how drunk a man
is. Hut nives with a fow yonrs' ex
periouuo will not need a thingumbob
like that around the house.
Tho Order of tho Eastern Star ini
tiated it cIiibh of fourteeti into the mys
teries of tho order WodiifHtliiy after
noon und ovoning. A six n'olruk ban
ii'iet was servod l) thu order
J P Rockwnll'd team took fright ut
au auto Tuesday and scattered things
around somowhut. Tho harness was
damaged to some extent ulieu tho
Rawloigh wagon struck a trco on
O N Dorry movod Ins family to
Boone, la, tho Urst-of tho wook, whero
they own proporty, and will taka up
their residence Mr Dorry will con
tiuuo work iu Nebraska as u represen
tative of tho Reliable Rug company,
of Des Moices, Iowa.
Tho only honorablo and honest way
to stop a noffspapor is, to step into
the ofllco, pay up all arrearages, got a
recoipt nnd havovour name off tho list.
To flro paper markod "rofitBod" back
at tho editor, wheu yon owosix months
or n year, and never go near tho ofllco,
is not only disroputablo but superla
tively disnoncst as well.
How often do wo road of young inou
trying to muko nway with other peo
ple's proporty in different ways, and
in mostouses thoy are caught and pun
ished. Young mhu, your desires should
bo above anything of this kind. If
you havo no scruples, bewaro of tho
law I It takes a smart man to ho a suc
cessful criminal and a rich ono to cs
capo tho olutohos of tho law whon
caught. It will pay you to make an
honest living.
House For Sale.
Seven room houso, block north of
court house. Liberal terms to' right
party, Jus Nelson, Hubbard, Nob.
Estray Notice.
On or about tho 16th of March I
look up as nn estray ono hog. Owner
oau havo samo by proving proporty,
paying expouso of keeping, and pay
ing for this notice, Evan Way,
Waterbury, Nob.
U. S. Marshal Warner
Boosts for Demonstrator
In tho following letter to Secretary
T F MoGluBhan, W P Warner contrib
utes to tho finances of tho association
and commends tho work undertaken
to improve tho system of soil oulturo
gonorally throughout tho county :
Olllco of U. SiMnrshal, District of Nob.
Omaha, Nob, March iX), 19H,
MrT V McQlashan.
Secy Dakota County Farm Management
Ass'n. Dakota Olty, Nob.
Dear Sir:
Yours of tho 10th rocoived. I think the
idea of n County Demonstrator 11 good
thing. I would Uko to know ifioro of tho
plans of yodrorganlzatlon, and will loam
more when 1 moot some of you and talk it
ovor. I do not feel now. uowovor, like sub
scribing the amount you suggest, of 160.00,
but will stand 110.00 per year, or r-UOO for
tho two years, and after learning moro of
your plans, otc, If you nood It, I may do
It Is n mighty good thing If you got a
good man. From my obsorvntlons of the
past eight years, which at some ttmo or
other has taken mo Into most of tho statos
of the union, und soino of thorn n good
many Mines, and from having boon many
tlmo in all portions of this state, I am thor
oughly convinced that North Kast Nebras
ka cannot he boat anywhoro for general
fanning. This Is u canservntlvo statement,
and not buncombe. Our littlo old county
stands well nt tho top of tho list, nnd they
have hardly begun to farm yot. elthor.
With ovoryono wldo nwako nnd doing their
best, Dakota county can sot it paco lu pro
duction that would attract National nt
tontton. I wish tho organization every success.
Will see ami tolk with you when opportu
nity presents,
Very truly yours,
Mayo Clinic,
By Mrs Mary W. Voss assisted by
her daughter, Thokla, and uieao, Mar
guerite Sohriovor.
(Continued from last wook)
In tho arraugomeut of tho sevoral
fioora for the various departments,
every effort has boon exorted to com
biuo tho facilitation for tho conven
ience and comfort of tho patient, tho
reduction of Unto in consultation, tho
systemiziug of the clerical department;,
all of which will proJuco n greater
service to u lurgor number of people
with tho smallest Iobs of time, or ruth
er has for itspurposo the accomplish
ment of the greatest possible good in
tho smallest possiblo timo, which is a
decided auvuutago over tho arrange
mont of the old building offices.
Tho maohinory of tho very latest
typo for ventilation, heating, sanita
tion, etc, is on tho ground iloor. In
ono section uru tho two 120 II P boil
ers that furnish tho heat. Nour by 1b
a gas incinerator for tho burning of all
wusto and rofuso, whilo in an adjoin
ing room uro tho pumps, ono forcing tho
air through the structure and another
pumping tho wator to tho top of tho
building. There is also a largo rotary
vulvo vacuum cleaner, whioh in con
nooted with evory room a mil' hall iu
tho building, whioh makes cleaning
by tho latest upproved inauuor of any
spaca a comparatively easy tusk, In
addition to thoso thero uro tho stock
clerk's oflloo, tho stock room, loung
ing room und showor bath for mechan
ical employes, seven surgical dressing
rooms, two oliuioal rooms, a steriliz
ing room and a section devoted to tho
analysis of tho stomach contonts.
A prescription counter for tho conven
ience 0! the members of tho staff ii
oonvonionlly arranged on this iloor,
whilo nuothor spneo is givou to tho
clerical department, whoro nraplo
room is provided for tho filing of all
hiatorlca of oases, which is dono
in the most systematic mannor. Small
carrier elevators connect thq filing de
partment with each of tho floors nbovo,
which is used for tho Bonding of histo
ries of cases oi'lior to tho departments
nbovo or to tho filing room.
On tho first Iloor is tho largo lobby,
which oooupicA the contral portion of
tho building, about whioh is a wide
corridor or hallway whioh sopnrates
tho main room from tho consultation
nnd examination oflloes of tho Btnff.
This niso is n decided improvomont
insofar that tho dootorn cannot bo
seen leaving their ofllcos nnd thus bo
acoostod by tho patients whon passing
from ono ofiloo to nuothor for oonBitlta
tinn. Tho business ofllco, n privato
oflloo, a stenographer's room, dicta
phono room, postoflloo for tho staff,
tolephono operator's ofllco, largo vault,
ih woll us tho principal olllco rooms
for consultation and oxnmintion are
on tho first floor.
Ono sootiou of tho second floor is
givou ontiroly to tho oyo, ear, noso
nnd throat division, whilo tho baotor-
ological and othor laboratories nro also
on this iloor. A largo spaoo is given
to tho X Ray department, including
dressing rooms for patients nnd splend
idly oquipped rooms for tho dovolop
raont of thu plates.
Special attention has boon dirootod
to tho X Ray department, for upon tho
X Ray doponds much of tho successful
anhiovomonts of surgory nnd tho cor
root diagnosis. Liko tho photograph
era oamora tho a. Ray cannot Iio.
This iiii mont has beon equipped
with all 1 1 .no very latest appliauoos
of scioncu, and Is conceded to bo nbBO
lutoly comploto In its equipmont nnd
appointments. Adjoining tho X Rny
rooniB uro tho developing rooms
and tho dressing npurtmonts, whoro
patients can prepare themselves for
tho X Ray oxpoanro.
The south wing of tho third floor is
givon to cozy nnd comfortable quarters
for tho staff of about 48 or GO doc
tors to study and road, nujoining
which is a largo room equipped with
imtnonso steel racks for tho accommo
dation of tho largo medical library.
On tho opposlto side of tho library is
n spacious rrnd mngniliolontly ap
pointed assembly room whoro tho con
foronocs of the staff will bo hold.
OonspioiouB in tho assembly room on
each sido of tho massivo fireplace
hangs tho boautiful oil paintings of
Drs William J and Charles H Mayo,
whilo on tho mantle stands a bust of
tho Into Dr W W Mayo. Anothor
room has beon arranged for lounging
nnd smoking The north wing of tbo
thir II ut ,iv 11 Ni 'he palh ! Mc1
lnboiuiury .
Tho fonrtb floor is given to thu mu
suom, photogrnphor studio, rooms for
tho storing of oxposod nnd unusod
plates, nud a largo sootion fully equip
pod for nn oxoellont mechanical work
Tho fifth iloor is dovotod mainly
to research nnd experimental work
and is equipped with tho most modern
appliances for such a department,
On tho east of this floor is tho largo
graenhouso, whioh will supply tho
flowers and plants for tho entire
To give a dotnil description of tho
different departments, or tho appoint
ments of any ono sootion would bo im
possible to do in n short spaoo, nnd
would bo of littlo interest to tho road
or, unless thoro was a full comprehon
sion of tho purposo for whioh ouch nr
rnugomentwns mndo but thoro are
many notablo features in tho atmoturo
whioh nro deserving of montion, nnd
whioh will givo to n small degreo a
L-omprehonBion of tho magnitudo of
ths whole plant in gouorl,
Thu centor of nttrnction and the
foaturo that commands the groatest
admiration is tho magnificent lobby. J
tioro it is mat 1110 artist uas uispiuycu
tho groatost talont. Its soft tones in
tho decorative effects, its peaceful
surroundings, its alluring appoint
ments are oonducivo to a forgotfulness
of ono's physical Buffering1, oalling
forth tho higher instinot of lovo for
tho aosthetio and sublime, giving to
tho broken iu spirit a uow vision that
dispels gloom and bids him who oniero
hero not till hopo to abandon,
Rockwood p'M ry, whioh is a now
material in tlm i-ity, is used to advan
tage on the Mulls of this portion of
buildiog, and also forms tho imposing
doublo stairway that loads to tho four
floors above. Tho handiwork of the
artist is shown in the distinctive and
harmonious design. Tho floor is
Rookwood tilo. A green oolor motif
is givon iu tho decorative tints, Imv
ing a soft and soothing effect upon tho
senBe of sight, and tho wholo is made
porfoct by tbo beautiful indirect light
ing system.
(Continued next weok)
Specials for Saturday, Mar. 28
For this Dcy Only
2 cans good corn 15c
3 lbs good new Prunes 25c
1 glass jar fancy spiced Herring. 25c
Hand picked navy beans, per lb 5c
2 cans Heinz Italian style Spaghetti. . . . v, 25c
1 glass shaker of Pearled Pepper 20c
3 lbs dry Iiina Beans ...... 25c
1 3-lb can May Day Coffee 90c
3 bottles Menu Catsup 25c
2 Good dry empty salt barrels, for 15c
Fresh Lettuce. Radishes, Onions, and Celery
for Saturday
Dakota City,
Westcott's Undertaking
Auto Ambulance
Old Phone, 426
New Phone 2067
Sioux Ciyf Iowa
Go to Church,
Governor John H Morobend issuod
tho following proclamation to tho peo
ple of this stuto to attend church on
Sunduy, March 29th:
Thoro Is, In this country today, a wide
spread movement to cnll our cltlzonslilp
back to tho good, old custom ot uttondinc
church each Hunday In the year, without
suggesting tho form of worsiilp to any per
son,! desire to point out the udvantago to
the individual und therefore tho good to
tho stato of a hearty cooperation In this
In tho oarly days of our country our peo
ple generally nttondod dlvlno worship
every Sunday morning, although ohurohos
went not so ncccitlblo nor tho means of
travel so good as now. lint with tho ease
and luxury of tho present day. IiUM'Oino ap
parent Indifference to our (iullHStlous us
cltlzonsof a-U.hrttlnu nation. Perhaps all
of us pan look hack to the days of our child
hood whon our parents took us to church
and bout us to Hunday sohool, nnd these
woro tho happiest days of our lives. With
tho cares that coino with advancing years,
wo nro pronu iu iorur t wio reasons wo learn
ed in ohlldhOQd and tho axumplu sot by our
Where Will You Go
The Conning Stxxxmer?
Will you make the grand tour of the Pacific Coast? There
will be special Summer rates, and California hotel rates in Sum
mer are generally less ti an in Winter.
Or, will you make a less expensive tour of the Rocky
Mountain country, including Scenic Coforado, Yellowstone Park,
or the newest scenic wonder, Glacier Park? It is not oo early
to be thinking over a vacation tonr for next summer. Then,
there is next door to ou, Colorado, with its camping places and
resorts, 'ncluding beautiful Estes Park, just north of Denver.
You will haue to arrange early for accommodations in Estes
Park. Send for booklet.
Will you make use of our information service? Describe
generally the tour you would like to make, and let us adyise
you as early as the new rates will permit us.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City", Nebr
L. W. WaeklW, G. P. A., Omaha, Nob,
good parents and It Is that wo may again bo
romtuuou oi mono, mat i issue tins call to
tho peoDloof Nobinskn. and ask that Hun.
day, March XV, IBM, bo sot aside as "Go-To-Church
day," and penult tno to urge that
ono n uuuii citizen in tue siato,mauo ft spec
ial ellort to attend dlvlno sorvlpo oi that
day. Whilo our stato l Browing by leaps
and bounus anil wo nra piling tin material
wealth, let us not forgot that It doth not
proilt n man to gain tho whole world if he
loses ins own soul
lly designating tho nbovo dnto. I
wish to be understood as suggostl
our uttondaucu at dlvlno worship ho limit
ed to one day Iu tho year, hut I moroly sugr
gest this as the day to begin n legulur nt
tondunoo in the hopo that it may ho con
tlnued from Hunday to Humlay while life
does last,
Given undor my hand and tho avtnl mini
oi tuo state, tins xisi uny or Aiuroh, 1V1J.
JOHN (..MUUMiIKAD, Uovoruor.
A cordial invitation is extended by
Rov Kollor and Rev Crows, Lutheran
and Methodists pastors respectively,
to attend ohuroh on this duto in tho
looal oUurohua at the uunl hours.
If You potiH Feel
Just R,igHt
A little trip to West Baden, French Iyick
Springs, Mt. Clemens or Hot Springs will
help tremendously. The travel cost is low
R.-un!-trlp Excursion Tiolcats on. Sal Daily
vlt. the
C. Si. P. M (& O. Ry
Excursion. Farss to Maw Orlaano, Gal
vestotv, tK O-ulf Coast San Antonio,
Florldst., Nassau, Havasn. a-al Panamc-.
To California Daily first-class sleeping-car via Omaha
and ''Los Angeles Limited" to Los Angeles.
Through Tourist CarsEvery Wednesday via Oma
ha, Union Pacific, Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. Every
Saturday via Kansas City and Santa Fe to Los Angele-.
Spaolal onawe-y farss to California, Arlxona,
Naw Msxloo, Nave-.de., VtsK, Wyoming EdsvKe
and to other Western Sttxtea. Tlehets on sa.le
dally Maroh 15th to April 13th
For particulars call upon, or addroHs,
B. C. Buchannan, Lyman Sholes,
Agent, Dakota City, Nob. Div. Paos's. Agt Omaha, Nob.
G. H. MacRAE, Qen, Pass'r. Agent, St. Paul, Minn
Abstracts of "Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
dur.ran.ees the oournoy of vry
Abttraot I mr.k
Bnoosifox to
Dakota County Abetrict 0
Bonded Abstracttr
I. J. B I M K
Rl I
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