Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 19, 1914, Image 7

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J I III Ml ' I II lie.ll ' ' -'
II li
linillUlill'.IIIIMI lllllllTlllimTTTTTTTTTf?mfTmTmT;
AVegclablc Preparation Tor As
similating Hie Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
' V
Promotes Digcslion,Cliccrful
ncssandRcsl.Conlains neither
Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
Rttipt tOM DrSAHvarmst
fvmplftn Sum
pptmini -Bi
Cmivia UShIa
hirm Sttd
Hiniymn Ffaver
A ncrfect Remcdv forConslloa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea.
ncss and Loss of Sleep
Facsimile Signature of
Tire Centauh Company.
Guaranteed under the Foodanj)
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Hadn't Forgotten Hubby.
1 have- always been suspicious of
jood thingsi' said a well-known Now
York lawyer, who has a reputation
(or a largo philosophy. "I remember
when I was a young man I had an
opportunity to get In on the ground
floor' of what looked to mo like a load
of easy money.
"I consulted one of the old time con
servative men of Wall street. Ho
smiled and said: 'Listen to this story
and then decide:
"'A wifo arriving homo In high
spirits tells her husband she has pur
chased a new bonnet "And, sweet
heart," she said, kissing him. "I got
something for you too."
"'"Good!" exclaimed the happy
husband. "What is it?"
The bill,:' sho said. "
Corn Oil for Cooking.
The discovery that oil made from
corn can be used economically as a
substitute for other oils In cooking has
been mado by Prof. L. E. Sayre of the
school of pharmacy of the University
of Kansas. Corn oil 1b a by-product
from cereal manufacturing. It Is
comparatively cheap, selling at 50
cents a gallon for the refined grade.
Olivo oil sells at $3 a gallon, and
cottonseed oil at 75 cents. Corn oil
has a pale yellow color and a pleas
ant tasto similar to freshly ground
cornmeal. Its properties, according
to Professor Sayro are very similar
to those of olive and cottonseed oils.
Odd Coincidence.
Artist Your wife has such a mo
bllo face.
Husband That's queer. We've only
just got one.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes (color In cold
water. Adv.
Girls, keep your fiances at a dis
tance from young widows.
A bad back makes a day's work twico
as hard. Backache usually comes from
weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizzi
ness or urinary disorders are added,
don't wait get help bsfore the kidney
disease takes a grip before dropsy, grav
el or Bright's disease sets in. Boon's
Kidney Pills have brought new life and
new strength to thousands of working
men and women. Used and recom
mended the world over.
'lE.T'rv PUtttre
Louis 0. Wan) well,
1M0 raclflq 8t Ban Ber
nardino, fl&l.. bath i T
had go mnob pain In my
back I could bardly get
oil and on tbe wagon.
The Jarring I got while
riding brought on the
trouble. Tbe kidney e
oreUons werefllledwHh
edlment. 1 tried many
remedies, bnt Doani
Kleiner Ftlla were tbe
only ono that enred
me. They drove away
all the pain and lame,
neaa and fixed my kid.
Beys np la good shape."
Get Doan's at Anr Store. 60c Box
D O AN' S "VilW
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal of all antisoptlca la
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As & medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating -catarrh, Inflammation or
ulceration of noso, throat, and that
caused by fomlnlno ills it has no equal.
For ten years the Lydta B. Plnkham
Medlcino Co. has recommended Paxtlno
In tholr prlvato correspondence with
women, which proves Us superiority.
Women who have been cured say
.it Is "worth its weight In gold." At
druggists, EOc. large box, or by malL
Tbo Paxton Toilet Co,, Boston, Mass.
n A TCUTC WataoBB.Co!eman,WMh.
Saskatchewan Imnrowd Firm JSSSSTSSSSSk
eta. j. WrtKownoreu wiMOJ.TOaoTO,ciJiDi
Sot Conch Syrup. TutM Oood. Die
in ume. Boll by DroiUu.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought'
Bears the 9
Signature J$
Thirty Years
Damsel Put Question of Little Nap or
Silly Talk Up to Her Escort,
and It Was a "Go."
Ho was taking her homo from, the
theater. The car wos crowded, but
thoy had obtained a scat togothor,
and they were In each other's exclu
sive company for 45 minutes.
"Are you thinking of going away
this summor?" said ho, trying to con
ceal n yawn.
"I guess so," she answered, making
a lady-like motion with her muff.
"I went away last summer," he con
tinued, eoveral blocks later. "Did
"I think wo did," sho said. "Say,
may I ask you somothlng?"
"Now, listen, I'm having Just as
hard a time to stay awake as you
are. If you'll Just shut up until we
get to my street, I can have a nice
little nap. So can you. And you'll
like me a lot better than If wo'd try
to converse, nnd I'd fairly love you.
And maybe I'd Invite you out to call.
Is it a go?"
"Angel! It let" It was with diffi
culty that ho kept from embracing
her. Girls like that are so rare.
Later thoy lived happily ever after.
Surprised Uncle Silas.
A well-known railroad president
once took occasion to visit a small
town to enjoy tho excellent fishing
nearby. Ho carefully concealed his
identity, and was consequently
snubbed by a "loading citizen," with
whom ho attempted to strike up a
conversation on tho banks of tho
stream. When leaving ho secured the
sorvlces of an aged black to carry
his things from tho hotel to the depot.
There tho departing visitor caught
sight of tho man who hod given him
tho cold shoulder. "Poor Smith," he
said, smiling amusedly. "Suffering
from an aggravated attack of ego
tism." "Dat so?" said Undo Silas, In
surprise, following his gaze. "He
done Jived heah more'n twenty yeahs
an' Ah nevah knowed afore dat ha
wuz allln'."
Answer This.
"Yes, dear."
"Where's the wind when It doesn't
There's no lovo so inexpensive as a
Just Plain Cause and Effect
Thore are some qui to remarkable
things happening every day, which
seem almost miraculous.
Some persons would not bellove that
a man could suffer from coffee drink
ing so severely as to causo spells of
unconsclousnoss. And to find relief In
changing from coffee to Postum is
well worth recording.
"I used to be a great coffee drinker,
so much so that it was killing mo by
Inches. My heart became so weak I
would fall and Ho unconscious for an
hour at a tlmo.
"My friends, and oven the doctor,
told mo It was drinking coffee that
caused the trouble. I would not be
lieve it, and BtlU drank coffoe until I
could not leave my room.
"Then my doctor, who drinks Pos
tum himself, persuaded me to stop cof
fee and try Postum. After much hesi
tation I concluded to try it. That was
eight months ago. Sinco thon I have
had but few of those spells, nono for
more than four months.
"I feel better, sloop better and am
better every way. I now drink noth
ing but PoBtum and touch no coffeo,
and as I am Boventy years of age all
my friends think tho improvement
quite remarkable."
Nome given by Postum Co., Battle
Crook, Mich. Write for a copy of the
famous little book, "The Road to Well
ville." Postum now cornea In two forms:
Regular Postum must bo well
boiled. 16c and 16c packages.
Instant Postum la a soluble pow
der. A teaipoonful dissolves quickly
In a cup of hot water and, with create
and sugar, makes a delicious beverage
Instantly. 30o and 60o tins.
The coat per cup of both kinds is
about the same.
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
-sold by Grocers.
j For
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Vcrmllyra of
a wlroless telephone. Mr. Vermllyea
each evening on his boat ho calls up
Very Profitable Undertaking Says
Agricultural Department.
Oeclares That the Original Forests of
This Timber Are Approaching Ex
haustion Trees Grow Rapidly
and Are Easy to Manage.
Washington. The growing of white
pine, pays tho department of agricul
ture in a bulletin recently Issued on
tho subject, is a pro&tablo undertak
ing at six per cent, compound Inter
est. To bring in theso returns, tho
trees may bo cut when no more than
rem 25 to 70 years old.
The original white forests aro
approaching oxhaustlon, according to
the department, and with tho growing
scarcity of largo-size, high-grade
wlilto pine lumber, lower grades now
find a ready market. Besides this,
tho treo grows rapidly, has a heavy
yield, and is easy to manage.
Second-growth white pine, fifty
years old, on good soil, may yield as
much as 49,000 feet of lumber per
acre. On medium soil, stands of tho
same age 36,000 board feet, and even
on poor soil, 21.000 feet. White pine
boxboard lumber, one of the chief
products of such stands, sells for from
$12 to $18 a thousand board feet. Ma
terial for making matches, anothor
product, sells for from $17 to $18 a
thousand. Even lnrgor material, suit
able for sashes and blinds, soma of
which may bo cut from a flfty-year-old
stand, brings from $30 to $35 a thou
sand feet. Second-growth whlto pine,
tho kind that Is found on thousands
of abandoned fields and pasturoB In
Now England, and that which has
sprung up after lumbering In many
places where tho original white pino
forests stood, has a value today, says
the department, that makes It well
worth tho attention of the owner.
Too often, caution the forest officers,
tho farmer or other land owner sells
second-growth whlto pine stumpago
for less than it is worth because ho
does not know how much lumbor the
stand Is actually capable of yielding,
or else Is Ignorant of tho price the
Duke or Orleans Bags Some Big Gamo
- While Hunting In the Arctlo
Paris. Juat recently Prince Louis
Philippe, better known perhaps as tho
duke of Orleans, tho pretender to tho
French throne, returned from tho arc
tic regions, where this photograph was
mado during a successful hunting ex
position through tV blrf'irlncn ot tho
..-phy uf Frince's Proweb.
Icebergs. A number of polar bears
were captured alive and brought home
on the duko's yacht, and a numbor
were shot and killed, Tho picture
shows a mother bear Just after being
killed, with ono ot her cubs standing
over the body in a bowlhlorod man
Physician Had Hard Time to Get Aged
Pontiff to Leave Prelate's
Rome. Pope Pius scandalized the
Vatican household and was ocoldod
sevorely by tho papal physicians be
cause ho Insisted on nursing Mgr, Bres
son, the pope's chamberlain and ono
of his dearest friends, who Is sick with
Tho pope left tho sickroom only long
t ft ,
Mt. Vernon, N. Y doubtless ore tho only couple who converse habitually over
is tho Inventor of tho nppnratus, and as he returns homo from New York city
his wife and lots her know when he-will reach the house for dinner.
lumber and other products will bring.
Too often, also, tho foresters Bay, tho
owner of second-growth falls to real
tzo that perhaps by holding his ptno
trees for a few years longor, or by
thinning It properly at the right tlmo,
ho can obtain a great deal more and
hotter timber, and consequently a
much larger relative return in money,
than if he allows It to be cut when
tho first opportunity offors.
Tho boat second-growth whlto pine,
forty-flvo years old, will yield about
42,000 board foot per aero, but the
same stand, when flfty-flvo jears old.
will yield 55,000 feet, an increaso of
13.000 feet per acre In ton years. And
this is nbt nil, for along with the In
creaBo in quantity comes an Increase
In quality. Not only more, but better
timber Is to bo had. Counting in tills
factor of quality, the lumber from an
acre of host whlto pine, flfty-flvo years
old, Is worth about $1,000 against a
value of $750 when tho stand is forty
flvo years old.
Minister Falters Over Names,
Ilockford, 111. Dissatisfied with tho
length of hor namo, Amllla Juezupnicu
itls married Antanas Zuzawlculs. Tho
minister who performed the coromony
faltered moro often than the telegraph
operator who sent this "nugget."
Arrests Self for Spitting on Walk.
Chicago. Policeman Rudolph Fisher
spat upon" the sidewalk. Then ho ar
rested himself, walked himself before
Judgo Scully and placed ono dollar on
tho Judge's bench. Tho Judgo accepted
the flno and commended Fisher for his
General Relieved of Command.
Budapest. General Bedofeko, who
recently barred women wearing silt
skirts from attending military func
tions, has been relieved of his com
mand here. It is said' he will retire.
High School Course in Musical
Rrofossor Earhart of Pittsburgh Urges
Instruction Along This Line In Re
port Issued by U, S. Bureau '
of Education.
Washington. "A strong course of
study of great musical literature
should be offered in tho high school,"
says Prof. Will Earhart of Pittsburgh,
In a preliminary report on music Just
issued by tho United States bureau of
education. "Musical approclation is
particularly appropriate for third and
fourth year studonts. Tho courso
chould include tho study of musical
history, lives of famous musicians,
forms of musical composition, osthet
les of music, etc,"
Professor Earhart furthor urges in
his report that tho Instruction be
based on a largo number of selocted
compositions, anclont and modern;
that all tho different means ot musical
expression bo consldorod piano, or
chostra, chorus, solo singing, solo In
strument, chamber muBlc, etc., and
that only tho best and most character
istic works ot tho various composers
be studied, whether song, sonata,
rondo, opera, oratorio or cantata.
Profossor Earhart and tho members
of tho committee who aro working
with him to reorganize secondary ed
ucation in music appear to have no
objection to "canned music." In
fact, tho report urges that a courso
In musical appreciation is now much
moro practlcnblo than formerly, be
causo of tho great strides that have
boon mado In tho mechanical devices
for reproducing music tho piano
player, tho talking machine and the
player organ. "With tbo help of any
or nil of theso," says Professor Ear-
enough for a few hours' sloop and was
back again, saying that bo would re
main by tho bedside until Brossen is
well. Tho Vntlcan phyfllclans Anally
persuaded his holiness to leavo tho
chamberlain long enough to attend to
his Important engagements.
Policeman for Qown Censor.
Elkhart, Ind. Determined to sup
press tho wearing ot euggestlvo gowns
by women hero, Mayor 8mlth will so
lect a pollcowoman to act as gown
Solcety at Palm Beach, Fla., Finds
Health and Pleasure In the Latest
Fad In Dancing.
Palm Beach. Fla. Mrs. E. McEnany
and Harry Haskins, both of Now
York city, enjoyed tho pleasures of
tho "tango" on tho broad and polished
veranda This dnnco. about which
so much has been said and written,
is tho most popular of the indoor roc-
Society Couple Dancing Tango.
reatlons with staid business man and
callow youth, and with stately matron
and budding girl.
hart, "and tbe assistance of local mu
sicians, in addition to what tho class
and teacher can provide, a course In
musical appreciation can bo mado
ot inestimablo value In the high
Besides Professor Earhart, who is
musical director ot tho public schools
of Pittsburgh, Pa., tho following are
members of the commlttoo: E. B.
Birgo, Indianapolis, Ind.; Henrietta O.
Baker, Baltimore, Md.; Ralph L. Bald
win, Hartford, Conn.; Hollls E. Dann,
Cornoll university ; Charles H. Farns
worth, Columbia university; C. A.
Fullerton, Stato Normnl school, Cedar
Falls, la.; Karl W. Gehrkons, Oborlln
college; Osborno McConathy, Chel
sea, MasB.; W. Otto MiesBnor, Chik
Park, 111.; Carrie McMackin, Spartan
burg, S. C; Mrs. Parsons, Los An
geles, Cnl.; Charles I. Rice, Worces
ter, Mass.; Elsie M. Shaw, St. Paul,
Million Cublo Yards of Earth Changes
tho Topography of Country In
Ardeche Department.
Paris. A party of French govern
ment engineers was dispatched ,to
the department of tho Ardeche to
dovlao some means ot restoring the
topography of tho country near the
village ot Toll, where 1,000,000 cubic
yards of a hill collapsed and fell into
tho vnlloy.
Tho hill, known as the Pelican, had
beon undermined by tho heavy rains
which havo fallen recently, Tho earth
throw a dam 150 feet high across a
crook, whoso courso was thus changed.
The wntor overflowed and carried
nway a brldgo and a largo uninhab
itod house. Fifteen acres of tho val
loy were covored with small hills by
tho fallen earth.
Weds Two Msn 8ame Day,
Moundsvlllo, W. V. In ordor to ob
tain monoy and olothes from each,
Holene Janowloa consented to marry
two men on tbo sarao day. Bqth had
her arrested for obtaining money un
der falso pretenses.
Qlrl Regains Her Speech.
St. Olalrsvllle, O. Losing her voice
two years ago, when she- suffered a
nervous breakdown, Miss Ada Robson
has regained her power of speocb, fol
lowing an oporation tor appendicitis.
If si 1,a4 III
A2HVWZV ' -TC4-v.u -j -r w .Ku. a''-""' rJT jSS&j S' i
Eats Freely But
Has No Dyspepsia
A Little Pepsin In a Mild Laxa
tive Promptly Corrected
a Dad Indigestlnn.
Fortunato is tho ono who can eat
'Anything" without suffering tho tor
tures of dyspopala, but as fow aro so
fortunato, care should bo takon In tho
mattor of dlot. Eating slowly, masti
cating tho food thoroughly and taking
a short walk after tho heavy meal of
tho day will do much towards assisting
dlgofltlon. Any grown-up porson ought
to know tho poculian foods that do not
agroo, and theso should bo avoided.
When thoso common-senBo rids fall,
tho next thing to do Is to tako a mild
digestive tonic with laxatlvo proper
ties, and thore la nono bettor than Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Popsln. It contains
tho greatest ot all aids to digestion,
good pepsin. It has othor Ingredients
that act mildly on tho bowels, which
togothor form a combination for tho
relief of dyspepsia or Indigestion that
is unsurpassed.
Its action Is to tono and strengthen
tho stomach and bowel muscles bo
that they can again do their work nat
urally without outsldo aid, and when
that happy moment cornea all medl
cino can bo dispensed with. It la tho
best romody obtatnablo for any dis
order of tho stomach, liver and bow
els, for dyspopsla, constipation, bilious
ness, headaches, drowsiness after eat
ing, gas on tho stomach, otc. Thou
sands of usors will testify to this,
among them Mr. J. W. Gaucher, Stltea,
Idaho, who for sevoral years had all
But Probably That Is Not All That
Sis Would Have Liked to Give
Llttto Bobble.
"Sis, gimme soma o' that candy o'
"No, Bobblo, I won't That's ray
best candy, and It was glvon to mo,
and you shnn't havo a hlto of 1L"
"If you don't glmmo soma I'll tell on
"What do you mean? What havo
you got to toll on mo, silly boy?"
"That Mr. Humbor, that mother
don't like, called on you laBt night,
didn't ho? An' you sat In the den,
whore there's only two chains didn't
you? Well, I put a hunk of chewing
gum on ono of tho chairs and it's
thoro yot this morning. Do I got a
plcco a candy? Thnnks, sis!"
To allay itching and Irritation of the
scalp, prevent dry, thin and falling
hair, removo crusts, scales and dan
druff, and promote tho growth and
beauty of tho hair, tho following spe
cial treatment is most offoctlvo, agroo
ablo and economical. On retiring,
comb tho hair out straight all around,
then begin at tho side and mako a
parting, gently rubbing Cutlcura Oint
ment Into tho parting with a bit of
soft flannel held over tho ond of tho
finger. Anoint additional partings
about halt an Inch apart until tho
whole scalp has been treated, the pur
pose being to got tho Cutlcura Oint
ment on tho scalp akin rather than on
tho hair. It Is wnll to placo a light
covering over tho hair to protect the
pillow from possible stain. The next
morning, shampoo with Cutlcura Soap
and hot water. Shampoos nlono may
be used as often as ngrcoablo, but
onco or twice a month Is generally
sufficient for this special treatment
for women's hair.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free.wlth 82-p. Skin Book, Address post
card "Cutlcura, DopL L, Boston." Adv.
Wise Afterthought
"Why don't you get an automobile?"
"Becauso I don't know whether or
not I could manago ono."
"You didn't let that consideration
atop you whon you wanted a wife."
A food for sore lungs. Dean's Mentholated
Cough Drops. Cure coughe, by relieving
tbe soreness 6o at Drug Stores.
How It doea disturb us whon oil
we got for our monoy Is the worst
of it,
Moro of ub would mako good it our
neighbors would quit shoving.
A "Helping Hand" Extended to the
Middle Aged Woman
TTHERB comes a tlmo in every woman's
life when her onranlsm undonroes an
lmnortant chancre. This Is a
period. It is a time when a woman needs
ber full health and strentrth. For
sake you should anticipate this
( SLXrtm Y 3 :..: 4 .M TH1 r -MW-
BjjBBBHjBiH i- bos been recommended for over forty years as a
The latest la raed
Ical science is
contained ia Dr.
Pierce's Common
Sens Medical
AdrUr nowand r.
vUed edition ef 1008
pat, oolr 31c Ad.
drrat Dr. PlareVi la.
valid' lioUUDuifalo
Sold tn
Guaranteed Everbearing Strawberries
The new everbearing strawberries are now an established commercial success. We
have over 40 acres set solidly to Superb, Americui, Perpetaal Motion, Productive,
Progressive, $1,000 sorts and other new seedlings of our own breeding. We have all
tiies, shapes, colors and flavors ot the common strawberries, except that sastead of only
fruiting a few days daring regular etrawberrytlme, our Everbemrers bear a good crop
during summer and fall of same year set Then the following year at regular straw
berry time these Ever bearers will produce an extra large crop and continue fruiting all
through the tnmmer and fall months.
Now is the time to get started with these new berries. People are very fond of straw
berries and we find theso luscious Everbearers sell over all other fruits daring the summer
and fall months. They aro very hardy and not subject to damage by frosts. Their deep
root system enables them to produce fine, large berries during the hot, drysamraer weather.
Get Acquainted Offer, Send ot lOo for matllnc expense and wn will send te tot at planting: tins,
I lilib qualitr, cTerbearlnc strawberry plants (worth tt) and inanntee tfaem to fruit tbroueb suwaer
nd (all months, or money refunded, Catalog with complete history of these wonderful berries, free
rile todsr.
1 The Gardner Nursery Company, boi 173, osage. iowa
tho worst symptoms of chronic dyspop
Bla. Since taking Dr. Caldwoll'
Syrup Popsln those havo nil gono, and
although Mr. Goucher Bays ho Is 64.
bo does not look moro than 40.
Syrup Pepsin is sure In Its result,
nnd a vast Improvement over chewing;
or swallowing tablets and mints, or
taking cathartics, salts, etc., all ot
which aro harsh and nauseous and at
best do but temporary good. You can
obtain Syrup Popsln at any drug store
for fifty cents or ono dollar a bottle.
Results aro always guaranteed or
monoy will bo refunded.
Families wishing to try a frco sam
ple bottlo can obtain It postpaid by ad
dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Wash
ington St, Montlcello, 111. A postal
card with your name and address on It
will do.
.uX..!l .1 AMM..MMM Iwt.
Ilia opportunity ui auiuiuig uwu a
homesteads of 160 acres each, ancfj
the low priced lands or AianuoDa.
Saskatchewan and Alberto, will
soon have passed.
Canada offers a hearty welcome
to the Settlor, to the man with a
family looking for n home ; to the
farmer's son, to the renter, to all who
wish to live under better conditions.
Canada's grain yield In 1913 is
tho talk of tho world. Luxuriant
Grasses dive cheap fodder for large
herds; cost of raising; and fattening
for market is a trifle.
Milk and Cheese will pay fifty per
cent on iuc investment.
Write for literature and partlo
wars as to reaucea railway
rates to ouuuimiuudu.
of Immigration, Ottawa,
Canada, or to
l. K. BuUcklu, Dnmr lit,
ITttfftew, S. D., H. A. Oimtt,
Ml lult BL, M. rud, tin
Canadian Goremmbg Art.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest"
iron best beiwice snip v
Lire Btook CominUslon Merchants at
StOUXOITY, Ohloauo or KanaamOMs
Sioux City Live Stock Commission Comparri
IjX u know If you are In nred of market report.
We will mall too Ltye Stock Heoord tree of otaarg.
Before deciding on your new ear Investigate
512-14 Dolas SL Sioux City, law
Win. Warnock
Go., Manufacturers
Galv. Metal Tanks for all pm
i Man-
If you are In need of good asmtes
and at prices that salt, write us for
quotations. We guarantee our work.
your own
turning point
.r. afl - Wh - M9
vea kVi ittKMdii
-in uujiiiuMiija
vs2a&...v mww'
n wvc'irLrfi
ioiiib iur wuuieu wuu are snout cq experience ine
turn of life." It is helpful in the equalization of
tho circulation of tbo blood and in regulating the
action of the bowels. Nervousness arjdlowsplritsdls
appoar. Happiness and contentmenttake their placa.
tablet or liquid form by Sfedielna
or send 60 cent for eampla bax