m. tu. ttf fcUiaMP - j .in"' '"" ....-..... i nil m in MafiJaMiMiiiiiiiiii HWUH DAKOTA COtfNTV ttEfcALbi DAkOtA CITV, NEBttAlKA. dt h u r 11 ' ' ll m It It J No Substitutes RETURN to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. Pnro npplo older tit Van do Zoddo'fl. PROFITABLE DAILY TITHING. "Dally Heavenly Manna." This Uttlo book is having tbo largest circulation of any of Its kind and Is conceded by Christians everywhere to be the most helpful. If Christians allow the rush and crush of selfish ambition to deprive them of their dally portion of heaven ly food, they must not bo surprised If they grow spiritually leaner day by day, nnd If the poaco of God gives place In their hearts to the discontent which Is 'growing in the world, not withstanding tho multiplication of our coWorts nnd privileges. Dully Ilravcnlu Manna contains a col lection of Scripture texts with appro priate quotations for every day in tho year. Surely the little tithe of tlmo dally Kjyent in partaking of its morsels of heavenly counsel cannot fall to profit nil who partake. It is published to do good not for profit. Your Friends' Birth Datesv An autograph nnd birthday record feature in this book Is n great conven ience. Opposite each day of the year are blank lines upon which you can secure the autographs ,of your friends and bo reminded of their birthdays as they occt;r. This makes the book moro valuable yearly. In ten years you would not sell It for ten dollara. Besides it has n place for Birth .Rec ords, Marriage Records and Death Rec ords. Also it has a table showing tho. day of tho week of any date for ono hundred and uftj yearn. Printed on bond wrlUmg paper, blue cloth, handsome. Price, 5 cents post paid; Imitation nlllgator skin, gold edgee, $1.00 postpaid. Order now. Bi ble nnd Tract Society, 17 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Local Items COR.W FH E E Rled's Yellow Denra pncknKo Frco to imyone who writes. Strictly Dnkotu grown. Matures early the largo shape ly enrs All out with deep Irornnls, sound and hardy. Also Free Jonos'Socd Book showing results of 27 yours' experience. Wrlto today. O.S.Janes Seed Co, box 520, Sioux Falls, S.D iRHEUMATIQ SUFFERERS SHOULD USE Tho Best Romody) Fop all. forms of Rheumatism !AJRrBfl.e&N, Sciatica, gout, neuralgia, AND KIDNEY TROUBLti. STOP.THE PAIN kClveoQulckRolIofi No Othr Rmedy UHU SAMPLE "B-DROPS" FREE OH REQUEST 1 Gwanson Rheumatic Cure Co 164-llSW.UlK St., CHICAGO OATS FREE Ono package of Jones' Begonerated Abundnnco Oats will bo sent Free to show Its wonderful produc tiveness, lteslsts drouth grows big crops where othoss fall, Longest straw ed, thinnest skinned, heaviest yielding earliest largo grained oatsln tho world Also froo Jones' book on seeds and crop growing. Oats guaranteed perfectly clean. Sond In your namo today. . 0. 5. Jonrs Seed Co., box 530, Sioux Palls, SD fno Gta-dc: Now.$?& A MONTH H JFfcasSl You can pUr U Utft model, ffenuioo uotne lio, tb racoffnisat1 tjiieen of, all wu) mchine,in rout born. vlnflf 82 a month an vary npaciai pnc while paylnflf 92 a month and en- joy a direct to run or from our neareei arener A mag-tuAcent taachiou-e stupendous oat?. We Will Take Youj Old Machine "HJ1."! liberal allowance) on ft splendid ne DomuUc. And you can till take: ad anUio!UM tpetUi pric mtuX DOMESTIC The nerfeet -wfni? raaehlno that hsjs filwayj led all othol makes and is today better than aver. Two machinal In ona-lock atltch and chain stitch. Stralcht drop. Mad, high arm, ball d nr marblne proa-ress. Find out about It HI EC, The Truth About Bewlnj II kAil A aAl.. a . atUfhnMhta 111. & uvBiiiii, (uiuuivii Mb tiMiH etery on practical, U. , made for ererr-day UMjn JV,n,?lT,? a revelation ot mo-Urn a win machine progress. Fnti out about it ue.no fur uduk, rHt&f i no i ruin awui dm pnfll HWii ym. i i pionin. , votiaKSYKAH tnarhloa. l"bi Sathlnes,' units' you ho oucan have tho Hm rnaJe at m Bit!al Ivo Vpcm and at ONLY II a wji we elt direct here we hare no agent and trlre ) 'fm nui ini n 8-1.I for ll NDW, sty: AHANTkl. lint th'Lr( balar vtni huv b ram IJtrktura will uva Vou (rwnV. Ruil fi bMitti tiwiai Hn&tM C4 t 41 Jacktaa Inr Dttt, U Cbliu. Mrs Mary U. McBcathi Agent OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijjrnjra Trade Marks Designs Copvriqhts &.c. Anyone lendlnu a rtetrh and deacrlptton mar mlrklr fUPHftalll ntir Ghtlllon free whAthop an liiTeiitlon It probably patentable. Conisunlch ttoniatrictlrcontldentnil. HANDBOOK onl'ateuu qulcklr lucurtaln our opinion free whether an aunt froo. Oldest OECncr for kwurinir oatenta. 1'atonta taken tbrouab Munn & Co. roculre tptelal notice, i Ithout cnargot la tho Scientific Jliiicricnit l handiomely HhMtratad weeltlr. IJtreeit clr. ulatlun of unr arlentldo journal, 'i'crinj, ( o 'nan Jnurnionthi.il, Bold bjoll newndoaleri. MUNN &Co.30,B' New York iltanch once, cU V FU Waihlnuton, )). C. Roul oatato lonnB, Geo Wilkins Ad? 1 Qirnoli, of Sioux City, was hero on LbrfuitTM Tuesday. Don't forgot Rrcuna coffon, it is still in tbo lead. Van sells it. Donald B.nt visited his brother, Will Bust, at Ponea from Friday until Monday. Mr and Mrs Guy Sides welcomed a baby girl tn tlioir homo Thursday of last week. MisB Froo Entrakin of Sergeant Bluff, la, visited Suuday at tho S A Stiason homo. Tho uowest and best drug storo in town is tho Dakota City Pharmacy lo cated in StuiBon's storo. Mrs Will Powell has boen confined to'hor bod tho pnst week, beiug seri ously ill with gall stones. Yon can 11 ml a full lino of paints, oils and brushes, always on hand, at tho So Sioux Pharmucy, County Attorney 8 T Frnm and wife visited over Sundny at Dunbury, la, with Mr Frum'h bother. Bo a citizen of Dakota City and boost always for your own town by buying yous drugs at tho Dakota City Phar macy. Thoro will bo a Bpeoial meeting of tho Masonic todgo Saturday evening of this wook for work in tho 3rd de gree Mrs Elsio Welch and two children wero hero from Hinton, la. whuro thoy conduct n restaurant, and Bpent tho week visiting relatives. To the Public I have secured a tomporary loontioli ic tho S A Stinson storo whore I have put in u supply of drugs with which to tako euro of tho prescription work until I can rebuild. All proscription work will bo properly and carefully attended lo in the mean time. D. M. Keiswanger. Shr'ever Bros have moved that por tion of their stook of hardwure whioh waB savoujirom tuo recent nro, irom tho rear of tho It E Evuns building whore it was stored, to the briak btoro building where they have Hooured tom porary quarters, and whore they will be pIoiiHfd to meet all ttieir old cus tomers unci friendB. T D Rich and wife, of Wisnor, spent several days hero the past week visit ing their children, Prof A B Rich nnd Mrs F L Graves. Tho principal ob ject of their visit hero was to meet their daughter, Mrs 0 11 Patterson,' who stopped off hero whilo enroute from Puge, Nob, to Crookston, Minn, where she und family aro moving onto a farm, Rev Geo B Warren, of Blair, Neb, had tho following announcement in his ohuroh notes. His brother, W R Warron, was pastor here for two years: "Got a telegram that my mothor in Canada had passed away. My brother, Rev W R Warren, of Groely, Neb, and myself ezpeot to be present at tho fu ueral. Mother had arranged that her six sons should bo tho pall bearers. Wo expect to return Maroh 14th. Subscribers to the Herald living on the routeB or ut other postoflloos should notify us by oaid when changing tbeir address. People moving in should no tuv the postouioo tho firs thing in re gard to heir mail, and unless they do their mail is liable to bo held at the office for several days, und may be re turned to tho sunder if their return oaru should bo printed or written thereon. It only takes a one-cont oard to give tho proper notice A three-dollar paper and two othor papors, all for $2, is the offer of tho Lincoln Daily News. That papor and tho woekly Independent Farmer and monthly Poultry Topics, all three mailed from now until April 1, 1015, for tho $2 just as u trial offer. Thoy all stop when time is np. Tho Nows is a pioneer in independonoo and hue no entangling alliances, cither person al, privute, corporate or party. It is frank, open und above board, does not print liquor or naBty medioal adver tisements, and does not knowingly admit fraudulent advertisements of any kind to its columns. It is a livo wire proposition for Nebraskans, full of cartoons aud illustrations, und nith th so two other papers sort ot helps to bringdown tho high cost of living as far as newBpapors aro conoerned. Sond $2 today to tho Linooln Daily News and all three papers will start at onoe. Carl Fredoricksen, who assumed the postmastorship ut Hubbard about four yours ago, when Fred Shumaoker do faulted leaving his bondBtnen of whom Froderiokson wub ono, to pay a short age ot about $1,000, has boon missing since Monday, March 2nd, whon ho left for Sioux City, whoro ho had ar ranged to go to work for Myers Bros, wholesulo harness firm. Siuoo then nothing has beon heard of him. Els two duughtora, who woro his assist unts, continued to run tho postofilco in bis namo. Monday of this week tho bondsmen, fearing that ovory thing was not as it should be, took charge of tho ofilco and deputized Georgo Timlin to look aftor tho business until a U 8 in spector could como und untangle the affairs. It is believed that u shortage exists in tho fluanoes of tho ofilco, but how much is not yot kuown. Ho wbb bonded by a surety company of Omaha for $1,500, und tho nurety oompany wub protected by an indemnity bond signed by flvo residents of Hubbard precinct. It is rnmored that a short ago of about $1,100 exists in tbo of-floo, Mrs G M Best, of Sioux City, wan n Suuday vicitbr hnre. Clyde Creco was down from Allen over Sunday visiting friends. Frank F H&aso wub down from Em erson Thursday of last week on btini- tlfBrf. John F Sidos, deputy U S marshal, was in Omaha on ofllcial business Tuesday. Emmott Uileman moved Saturday to tho Ilonry W Lahrs homo southwest of town, Will Phillips leaves this week for Saco, Mont, whoro ho has n claim to look aftor. Aug Borg, who resided on Walker's Island tho past your, has moved to n farm noar Ponca. F II Forrest and family autood to Moville,,Ia, Sunday and visited Mrs Forrest's parents, Remember all packages dolivorod to tho Dakota City car froo of charge, by tho So Sioux Pharmuoy. No bottlo washors wanted at tho Dakota City Pharmaoy. Everything sterilized, now and cloan. Melford Lothrop, eldest con of M L Lothrop and wifo, is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Word reoeived from John J Veitz and wifo announces their safo arrival at their now home at Berlin, Conn, Mrs J Grows went to Omaha Wed nesday to visit relatives for u few weeks aud tako medical treatment, navo your Duetur telephone yo"r next proscription to tint bouth Simia Pharmacy. Export work ; perfect service. P Stewart aud Ohristino Goltz, both ot Linooln, Neb, worn married by RdV J Crews ut tho M E patronage on Wednesday of last wook. Mrs J T Eilmartin and baby arrived hero Sunday from Norfolk to spend n weok or so with Mr Kilmiirtin, solici ter for tho Yeoman lodgg. Erio AiiHiiob is assisting Frod Duen sing with tho janitor work at the school honso, Mr Duonsing being kept at homo purt of tho day by his wifuV siokr.ees. A bulletin isupd by tho Nebraska state board of health gives tho number births reported in Dakota county for 1913 its 122; deaths, 62; mnrriagop, 205; divorces, 7. Mrs Jas Fisher, of Sioux City, and Mrs Joo Goedert, of M inila, la, came Wednesday to seo thr.ir mother, Mrs red Uuensiug, who nua boon Berious ly ill for sumo timo. Mrs C B Howard and sons Edgar and Thomas, loavo the first of next week for Santa Hosa, Cal, on a viit at tho homo of Mrs Howard's daugh ter, Mrs Tlico E Bliveu. Burd Blivon, an old Dakota county boy, now living at Powell, Wyo, wns hero the past week visiting relativi-s and old Dakota connty frionds. Ho departed for homo Wednesday. The soimon on "Tho Business Side of tho Churoh" will bo given by tho puBtor, R v 8 L Keller, at Salem and Emmanuel Lutheran ohnrahes Sunday tho 15th inst. All urgently requested to bo present. Tho Kozy Studido now locatod at Fourth and Douglas streets. The biggest, best variety of small sizo pho tos in the city. Special Postal cards and stamp photos. Seo us aud savo money. Kozy Studio. About fifty gontlomen friends of Will H Bnrgor assembled at his homo Monday ovoning and helped him cele brate his 48th birthday. An elegant lunch was served tho guests and a pleasant evening was spent in cards and games. Tho patronal feast of tho church at Jaokson will ho celebrated on Tuesday March 17, by solemn high mass at 10 am, A musical and litorary program will bo presented in tho evening in the parish hall, An address by a well known speakor will also bo givon Washington land suitable for dairy ing, bog raising, poultry raising, fruit growing, market gardoning, wheat raising, etc, near Spokane Wash, for salo at very reaBonablo prices. Call at tho ofilco of Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co and get lino lithographed fold or showing jands, Word was reooived from Chas Hall and family of their safo arrival nt their now location at Garvin, Minn, Thoy mado tho trip by auto, loaviog here tho morning of tho recent flro. Thoy ran into a blizzard (a common thing in Minnesota) the day thoy left here and did not reach their destination ua toon as thoy oxpeoted. Sir Ernest Shaokolton now contem plates a trip aoross the anturtio con tinent, with tho south poio as n half way station, It U probably tho most daring journey over undertaken by man. On another pago o! this week'd issuo you will Und a most interesting articlo describing this proposed expe dition, and wo feel so certain you will onjoy reading it wo cannot refrain from oiilliupr it to your attention. It oosts considerable to provido all the feature matter wo offer from weok to wook, aud wo are oxtromoly anxious to havo our subscribers road tho various articles provided for them, If you find somotbing you enjoy, don't bo afraid to say so. Wo will appreciate your commendation, and at the same timo invito your criticism. It is by tho expressions of our readers that wo uro best nblo to provido the class of reading matter desiied, Tho insurance adjusters wore hero last week and adjusted tho lossos on tho Dakota City Pharmaoy, tho Soli riover hardware storo and tbo F A Wood law ofilco. D M Nciswanger had $2,500 on hie stook and fixtures and $1,000 on tho luiildiug, all of Water Bonds Carry 86 to 32 to tho but wo got to lly ii two thirds run jot Hy voto the people of Dakota City decided on Tues day to install n system of waterworks in tho town, A petition for an elec tion to voto bonds in tho sum of $10,000 was filed with tho board and nn election ml for Maroh 10th to de termine tho question) and with twenty votes to Hpare tho penplo decided in favor of tbo bund issuo. Tho town has always been without lire protection, depending on a bucket brigade getting out to combat tho Humes when called upon, and this sys tem of fighting tiros in this placo had bocomo rathor monotonous aud inadequate. Thoro was some opposition question of bonding tho town, hopo und trust that nil will gothor now und boost for tho improve ment, as thoy should if they have tbo iuterest of tho towu nt heart. Farmers Meet and Hear State Demonstrator About one hundred of tho prosper ous furruors of Dakota county not at tho couit houso in Dakota City Satur l'v afternoon and heard 'J W Pugsloy, of Lincoln, head of tho farm ilomon itratlou movement of Nebraska, and A E Auderson, ugent of the Uuited States department of agriculture, talk on tho udvisibility of orp-niziug and soouring the services of it i.emonstra tor for thiB county. Threo of tho western precincts of the ojuuty woro not represented at tho meetiug, nnd us tho amount of funds nocovsury to guarantee the biting of a farm demoustrator for tho onuuty had not yet beeti subscribed, it wns nr-rnugod-to hold mootiugs in Pigeon arcek precinot and nt Vista to put tho proposition beforo tho farmers in those localitios, and tho services of J F Coup, of Wulthill, demonstrator for Thurston county, bus boen securod to hold meotiugs at Vista and Pigeon Crook on Friday of this week. Auothpr meeting of tho organization will bo hold hero on Snfnrday of this week, whon it is hoped that a Biifllciont amount of funds will bo guaranteed to meet tho requremeuts of tho depart ment of agriculture, under tho control of which theso organizations aro ope rated. In counties whoro tho movement has beon tried out it has moro than met the expectations of those interest ed. H- How to Avoid Automobile Accidents. To tbo Editor of tho Herald : Permit me, ploaso, to urge that you furnish "Rules of tho Road" as ap pended hereto space in tho Herald. Thoy embrace 'knowledge with which it is essential ovory operator on tho public roads must bo familiar if ho would avoid responsibility for aoci dents. Thoy assuredly havo tho hearty endorsement of tho Dakota County Automobilo nnd Good Roads Club, Thanking you for tho courtesy of space as suggested, I remain, Very respectfully yours, F A Wood, Sooy Dakota Couuty Automobilo and Good Roads Club. ItDLKB OF THE ROA1J. The following rulos should be ob served by ovory driver of oar or vobi olo. They havo been approved by tbo American Automobilo Association: Vehicles shall keep to tbo right hand sido of the road. All vehioles overtaking others, shall, in passing, koep to tho loft of tho center of tho road and shull not pull ovor to tbo right of tho road un til entirely clear of tho vehiolu passod, Vehicles mooting eaoh other shall pass eaoh othor to tho right of the center ot tho road. All vehicles turning to tho right in to another road shall turn the oornor us nnur tho ourb as praotioablo. All vehicles turning to tlio left iuto another road shall puss to tlio right of and beyond the center of tho inter sec ling loud beforo turning.'' All vehicles orossing from ono side of tho street to tho othor shall do so by turniug to tho left so as to go in the same direction as tho Jrafllo on eaoh sido of tho stroet, Farm Notes. A Inrra hand's services for tho com ing season was tbo offoring at an auc tion held nt Boono, la, recently. A dispatch to tbo Omaha World-Herald tolls nbout it. Vincent Mitchell, an experioncod farm hand, hnd his ser vices for tho coming farm soasou auc tioned to tho highest bidder, ho reserv ing the right to n'ject any and nil bids. Thero was u good iittondauco at tlio miction nnd lively competition iu bidding. Tho alti was mado to Jrthn Cntinvau residing near Boono, bis bid ot $35.50 per mouth nnd board boing tho highest. A total ohuugo of food and forngo is tho only cffeotlvo method of contend ing with "blind stuggors" in horses. Government exports havo issued n bul letin deolariug that thoro in a direot connection botwcoa tho green forage, exposed pasturaga aud newly out bay whioh tho horaes oat and this diaoaso. A comploto ohuugo of feed und forngo is tho treatment recommenced. Moldy baled bay has caused tho death of many horsoB, Many horscB have beon slain us tho result of using fako cures advertised by unscrupulous persons. It is roported that in NobruBkn "black leg vaoaino" was usod on 1,000 unaf fected horses. Nonrly 1,500 ot thoso diod nB n direct result ot this treatment, AN KA8Y WAY TO BAVE An investment that pays porbai s larger returns for tho farmer than any other just now is tho treatment of his oats, wheat, nutj other coreuls for smut. Iu tho ngtrx uite, thousands of dollars might b - I annually iu tho stato if tho ind i .it 1 would spoud a fow cents und t.tko tbo small amount of timo required to muko tho ttoutment hinibolf. Full information regarding such may bo obtained from bulletin No l.'il of tho Bulletin department of tho University Farm, Linooln. FREE UllEEOnRS' DIRECTORY Au attempt is being mado to im prove the dairy onttlo of tho stato by tho Nobruskn College of Agriculture through the publication of n directory of dealers iu pure bred und grado dairy cattlo. Auy person hnving such for salo may have his namo in serted if ho applies to tho dniry de partment of tho University Farm at once. As soon as tho dirootory is published it may bo obtained freo by any prospective purchaser. Tho ut tompt is to oncourago both tho raising nnd tho distribution of good dairy cows in Nebraska. IMI'ASRAUBE ItOAUH UNNECESSARY Impussublo mud roads, Bays tho No bruska Oollego of Agrioulturo, aro un uecesK iv if 'tii'o t ii o' p'i i iiH'c spirit iu i. cuiuiuui,.ij iu feiiu iiiua. propor cure. Tho use of tbo King load drag is advised whon UBed nt tho proper timo. Thoro aro no periods of tho your whon tho drag does not bono fit tho road, but it does tho most good when tho soil is moist, yet not too stioky. Tho Nobrnska soils, whon mix ed with water, thoroughly worked, and well baked with sunshino, bocomo extremely hard and impervious to taiu. Tho action in becoming hard and smooth not only helps to shed the water but also greatly rotards tho formution of dust. Complete infor mation us to tho construction und uso of tho drag may bo obtained freo by applying for Press bullotin No S3 of tho Bullotin department, University Farm, Lincoln. FARMERS ASSIST OUOLERA Tho farmer himsolf is tho largest singlo factor in, tho sproud of hog chol era according to data colleoted from tho four demonstration areas My tho department of agrioulturo. Tho ox- ouango of work is cruelly responsible for this, says an animal pa hologist ut tho University Farm, Helping n neighbor haul exposed hogs and aftor ward usins tbo samo wngou to shuok corn is a fairly oortain mothod of get ting cholera, Visiting n sick bord for any reason whatever is a poor prao tioo. Tho vonitor of stook foods aud powdors sooks tho sick herds and is likoly to carry infection, Know posi tively whoro tho family dog is at night. If looso, ho may bo miles away and bring homo his load of germs. In tho winter, crows have a liking for toed lots and rango n long distanoe. Tho old medioal injnni't. on to "cloan out, clean rip, und Ini cloan" should bo applied to cuoiuiu outbreaks. AlnKo a praotico of burning at , once evory animal thafdies on tbo farm. Sotum is not the largest woapon iu tho light iigainct cholera. STINSON'S Specials for Saturday, Mar. 12 For this D&y Only 1 lb good Butter 25c 1 lb fine granulated Sugar 5c 2 enns Standard Corn 15c A 1 lb box of fresh prunes, just arrived 10c 1 lb can Stinson's Pride Baking Powder 20c 3 pkgs Tooth Picks 10c 4 lbs nice bulk Rice 25c 1 qt jar Spiced Herring 23c 3 highest quality Bloaters 10c 1 sack of any kind of High Patent Flour $1.35 With each 5n Pencil or Tablet we will give 10 Crockies Our New Line of Men's Spring Pants arrived this week, and we will sell on Saturday all our old Stock at 25 Discount. Stinson's Dalcotc. City, Nebraska i Service - Safety - Smiles - Satisfaction Come with Mid-West Men & Methods. Iook up our banking" reqord since 1886. Know WHY Farmers from three states fill our bank daily. Why "Secured Notes Only" mean "Safe as a Govemment Bond." Know "The People's Bank" "Where Welcomes Wear Well." (When you DO know you will be our customer "Smile Also.") The Mid West Bank "That Always treats you Right." Ed T. Kearney, President. 4 Certificates. Safety Deposit Vaults. Steamship Tickets. Fire Insurance, A group meeting of tho Dakota oounty Suuday sohools of tho M E ohuroh wus held in South Sioux City Wodnosduy . Westcott's Undertaking ( Parlors Auto Ambulance Old Phone, 42G New Phone 2067 Stocsx City, Iowa. First Publication 8-6-Sw. NOTICE. whioh was lost, lie received tlio full amount ou tbo building, und noarly tho full amount on stock, u deduo tion of a oouplo of hundrod dollars be ing mado for depreciation of Btook, etc. Tho settlement with Schriever Bros was mado on about tho samo ba sis tho full $550 on tho buildiug and flxturos, tho estimated loss and damugo to stook, amounting to $700 moro. On tho F A Wood building, 300 und about $500 ou contents that could not ho removed from tho building. For tho pr?snt tho Dakota City Pharmuoy will bo located in tho S A Stinson storo. Tho Sohriovor Bros hardware stook lias boen moved to tho briolt storo building, and tho Wood ofiloo to tho room in tbo rear of tho bank, Freo to Farmers, By spociul artangoment Rntokin's big 1911 seed catalogue, with a sample of "Diamond Joe's Big Wbito" seed corn that mudo 153 IhibIioIs per aoro, will ho mailed freo to every reader of tins paper who are interested in tho crops thoy grow. This big book tolls how to mako the farm and garden pay. It's worth dollars to ull who plant or sow, Wrlto for it nnd men tion this paper, Tho address is Bate- kin's SdoA Houso, Shonandon, Iowa. Live and Learn. One morning, at the breakfast table, Mr Fruncls hoard ono of tho children finding fault with something ho wns told to oat. "Well, upon my word," said tho father, "you childron uro golting too dainty for, anything So jou think, Arthur, you should havo jam and but ter ou tho same pioco of bread, do you? Woll, when I was your ngo I was very glud to got dry b'orul to oat .' "You havo a much hotter (imo liv ing with m, don't you father?" queried ltttlo Arthur. March Lilppincotta. Notice in horoby Blvon, tlint uniter nnd puriunut to fin ordur ot tlio Ulsti let court of Dakota county, Nobruskn. Isutod on tbo 18th day of Kebraary, MM, vostltm In mo the nu- thorny to ciogu up mo uiinirs 01 scuooi ui trlot No. Kl. of Dakota county, Nebraska, I will meat tliocreclltoiu of snld district, at my otllcoln tlio court houso, nt )nkotnUlty,on Wodnosdny, Mnrch 26th, nt 10 o'clock, A. M.. for tho purpose of adjusting clnlms against said district. MAiUMHUT A. Mimi'JIY. Oo. Hupt. LOW ONE WAY RATES, CONDUCTED PARTIES to CALIFORNIA From March 15th to April 15th there will be low one way fares, such as 30 from principal Nebraska towns to the Paeific Coast, and $25 to Utah and parts of Idaho and Montana Travelers can easily join the Burlington's Personally Conducted Tourist Sleeper Parties to California, through their nearest Agt. Winter Tourist Fares to Southern resorts are yet availa ble. The winter season of the Southland and Cuba is at its height during March. Then, later, maDy Southern tourists come fiomeward by way of Washington, D C. The capital city and its historic environs are at their best during April and May. "See America First." Our railroad3 have such a perfect interchange of through circuit routes, through train, ticket and baggage arrangements as to make traveling about the most edu cational and enjoyable diversion available to our people. First publication 4-12-Sw. Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate of Will. In tho Oounty Court ot Dakota Oounty, NubrnBkn. Htnto of Nobrnskn, Oounty of Dakota r,. To Lillian Ci. Orr, Ida II. Orr. Mabel Orr Ilurvuy. Tot Orr Lean, It. Q. Hnrvoy. Frank I.CUI), William H.Orr, acorgoU.Orr.Olnlro William Orr, and to all persons interested In tbo estate of William Orr, Hr., deceased: Un rouuing tlio petition or uoorgo u. urr praying that the instrument nicu in tins court on the fit Ji duy of March, 1VH, mm purporting tone tun msi win mm ius turnout of tho said deceased, may bo proved nndnllowod.nud recorded as tbo last will mid testament of William Orr, Hr.. deceas ed; that snld instrument bo admitted to probate, nnd the administration ot said estate be granted to Uoorgo O.Orr ns exec utor nnd Llllluu a. Orr us executrix. Itls huroby ordered that you, and alt per sans interested In sntd matter, may mid do, iinnnur nt thoUouiity Uourt to lm hold In nud for said oounty, on tlio tilth dny of March A. u, iuh, at iuo-ciock a. ai tonuow cnuxe.ltuny thoro be, why tho prayer of thopotloiiiorshould not Ik) k run ted. nud tluit notice of tho pouduuoy of snld petition nud that the hearing thorcof Ixj glvuu to nil Demons interested iu sum innitur ny nuu llslitugncopy of this Order In tho Dnkotu Oounty Jlornld.n weekly newspuporprlntcd In snld couuty, for threo suocesslvo weeks prior to snld day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of snld court, this 6th dny of Muruh, A. D 1014. D.O. JlKKKKUNAN, skai..) Oounty Judge. W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr L. W. Wakklky, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. DISTRICT COURT DATES For tho Eighth Judicial diotriot of Nehrnhka, for the year l'JH: Ouinlug March H, Novomborti Dakota Februnry 10, Heutembor 'Jl Htmiton March 2, OctoborO Ocdur., ,, ..February '. HopteinborH Dixon March 2U. December 7 Thurston ,,,. April 8, October 12 The first day of eaoh tennis sot for hear uppllcatloui forcltlsenshlp papers. Ouy T Gravea, Judge, ..H.44.H"W"H":"W'M'H ADVERTISING IB TITJ3 ABC OP BUSINESS, AND IT EHINaS SUCCESS TO YOU Ij -- - -------,L .I, ,ti Ji Ji iti WPtTTTTTTTTtTTT Dr. HENDERS da GHRONIG, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. raateod. All medicines furnished ready for use uo m 81S Walnut Street, Kansas City, Mo. A raxutar craduat In madlclna. Oldaat In aa and longest lonolw 4& yaara' Special Practlca-aga and axparianca ara Importer.!. Over 33 Years In Kansas City. Authoriiea by tho State to Treat All fliiti1 AaiAA mm m J sa A or iniuriona medioinaa uea. Ho dettntton from business Patlenu tttaO treated by mall and express. Medlelnes aent erorywhere. free Inm k . breakage. Cnargea low. X)rerW,OfX)casea cured. State your oaso and stud fur iu- Consultation free and eoatdenUal, personally or vj letter. J. If T1 I ' 1 ef H i SomlnaB Weakness and Sexual DebillfyVut'bial folltee and xoess-eauslng night loan; and loss of sexual power, plmplea and bloteues on thofaoe. oontnied tdeaa and foreetfulness, bashfulness and aTeralon to Hoolety, etc. ouredfor Ufo. tatop night losses, restore nexaal power, noire and brain power, enlarge and strengthen weaki parts and make you fit for marriage. Send for freo book and list ot questions. x.,i. . ....a Cared with a sew In 5ss lOlUre faiiibl lloma Treat nMl Olaui mant. No Instruments, anu vslOOl D0 pn, no. detention trout business. Cure guaranteed. BooU and list of questions f re& ssnt sealed. VfsrIrrrnlA Cnlargf-d v!n. varicoceles th, erutuin, &- Incnervoua debility, waaknasa of t' aaxual system, ate, permanently em:i without pain. SyptslllS allltaformK and si.. cured for lite. Blood polsunlrg uuu -private diseases psrtnaiuin.tljr cured. Ou Cnroii'i'. Nervous d SpccUt I' paten. 1 Xt nti-t'ire. f . ore dlseasm. rli'vu cure, sent sealed in plain wrupprr I FREE BOOK bom sexes -w pages description or at) wmryzn