Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 12, 1914, Image 4

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i .
Cash Grocery Store
Special Prices for
2 pkgs Cream of Wheat 25c
3 pkgs 0. C. Rusks 25c
2 pkgs Shreded wheat f 25c
2 pkgs Puffed Rice . 25c
3 cans Lewis Lye 25c
3 cans Dutch Cleanser 25c
2 cans Tomatoes 25c
Just Received a Shipment of Men's Shirts.
Drop in and look them over
....Highest Price Paid for Produce....
Deik.otek. City,
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year.
Official Paper of Dakota County
&. weekly nowspapor published at
Dakota Oity, Nobraaka.
Permission has been granted for tho
transmission of this paper through thtf
mails as second-class mattor.
Telephono No. 48.
Beadora of tho Sioux Oity Journal
aro ploaBsd to know that John W
Oaroy, formorly on tho Journal's edi
torial staff but later with tho News,
has returned to his ilrst love tho
Journal. His writings woro always
A decision handed down in tho su
rname court reoontlr in tho court
houso controversy in Durt county,
nuts tho nrosnoots for a now court
houoo in that county to tho bad. Tho
deoision holds that tho law 61 1913,
under whioh tho county board made
tho levy for a now building to toko tho
place of tho antiquated otructnro now
used for a oourt houso, was unconsti
tional in that it did not moutioa tho
seotions amended nor provide for their
no ins oi uiiaiuoi
.i CunUnnlVAD
iiuiliuui k,Abiianguo
Albnton Items in Sloan, la, Star:
Mr and Mrs Horaoo Bakke, of Homor,
Neb, spent Sunday at this plaoo.
Uurtinsburg Items in Ponoa Jour
nal: Oscar Sayrou, of Watorburj,
was shaking hands with friends horo
Silvor Oreok ttoms in Pouca Jour
nal: Mary Lowo wont to Jackson
last Saturday to visit her aistor, Flor
Caoo, at tho aoadomy there.
HartingtonNows: S Williams and
family moved to South Sioax Oity
Saturda), Mr Williams has a posi
tion ou a fruit farm near that placo.
Sioux Oity Journal, 9th : Michael
Ertman, doputy customs collector at
Sioux Oity, has ostabliBhod his homo
in South Sioux Oity. Mr Ertman's
fnmily arrived last wook from Now
WallLako, S D, Blade, 5th: Mrs
Goo Shorwood from Sioux, Nob,,
and dauuhtor Miss Ilargarot oamolast
Friday for a visit with relatives. Miss
Margaret returned Monday, bnt Mrs
Shorwood romains for a longer virit.
Salix Items in Sloan, Iu, 8tar:i
Fritz Anderson, of Jaokson, Neb, vis
ited relativos and friends iu Salix sev
eral days this wook Sam Oono is
working in tho N Duhamio store du
ring tho absence of the proprietor who
is iu Texas .
Winnebago Chief tian: J 0 Talloy
was In Homor last Saturday, on busi
ness.,., uora fliluuw, or Homor, was
here a part of last weok sowing for
MrsJAMorgau Mrs J King of
Homor, and Mrs A Monroe, of South
flioux Oity, wero Winnebago visitors
Allon Nows: Mrs Carrie Groon
eame over from Homer for a weeks
visit with her daughter, Mrs Heoket
end family Mr and Mrs Frank
Hale returned Friday night from a
week's vhtt with relativos and friends
tn Dakota county.... Jack Oavanaugh,
former resident Uoro but now resid
ing at Jaekson, was iu town a few
days last week shaking hands with
old friends,
P?ouca Journal: E F Rasmussen
tvestto Plaiuvlow Tuesday on bus!-
eM..,..Tke Ponoa high sohool and
South Sioux Oity high school will
held a debating -eontost at tho court
house Friday evening, March .0, This
will be the first of a series of iuter
Mholastie debate. Tho question for
AMeftsswu , Beaowed, that Abo noli
oy of regulating tho trusts is prefera
ble to tho polioy of abolishing them."
Wynot Tribuno: II E Priest has
diBposod of his interest in tho harbor
shop and expects lo leavo for tho west
in u fow doys....Mrs Fred Curry, of
South Bioux Oity, has boen here du
ring the past week visiting with'
Grandma Chamberlain, who Iiuh beon
vory sick. Wo aro pleased to say
that she is riomowhat bottor at this
timo. Mrs Curry is a granddaughter
of Mrs1 Ohamberlain.
Craig News: Raymond Fouls, of
South Hiotix Oity, visited over Sunday
with the Wallace Doso family. Mon
day morning Miss Golda Doso accom
panied him to Sioux Oity, whero they
woro married Monday afternoon.
They am stopping this weok with rel
atives oi uotn. Air louts uas a re
sponsible clerical position in the
froight offloo in Sioux Oity, but lives
with his mother and family on tho
Nebraska side, of tho river. Mrs Fouts
has spent tho greater part of her lifo
ig this oity and is n graduate, of the
Emerson Entorpriso: F F Huaso
took in tho automobile show last Fri
day.... Geo H and F F Haaso wero
transacting buBlucss in Dakota Oity
Tuesday,... E 13 Surher, of Oarthago,
S D, was iu Emorsou this week renew
ing acquaintances . . . . Georgo Wilkins,
county clerk af Dakota county, was in
Emerson Thursday. Ho attonded the
Anton Wilkio funoral Mrs W Y
McLaughlin spont tho ilrst of tho wook
in South Sioux Oity with her daugh
ter, Mrs Bart Kroeson George
Goodwin and Harry Goodwin went to
Dakcta Oity this morning to bo pres
ent at tho reading of thoir mother's
will Twenty-two families of near
Homor aro making preparations to go
onto homestoads near Van Tasol,
Wyo, this spring. Fivo families Load
ed oars for that country Tuesday..,.
F A Brown wont to Homer, via Da
kota City Monday morning wborfr'ho
was making settlement for tho eighty
aoreB throe miles southwest of Emor
son ho recently purohaaod from Tom
Phenomenal Bargain.
We havo boon fortunato in making
arrangements whioh onablo us to ojdlor
you a year's subscription to Farmer
and Breeder and the Herald for only
$1.00. This Ib an unusual bargain:
tako advuntago of it TODAY. Your
subscription to Farraor and Breeder
moans that you aro entitled to free
consultation with thjjSpocial Sorvioo
Dopartmont of Farmer and Breeder
upon any nuoBilon nertainlnir to farm.
ing and atook raising during the term
of your subscription to that magazine.
ThiB sorvioo alono is worth the prioo
wo ask for both publications. Lot us
havo your ordor NOW. Papers sent
to difforont addresses if desired.
Farmor ami Brooder is nro-emlnnnt
ly a magazine of farm and stook facts.
It shows oxaotly how to do tho things
tho way thoy aro being dono by tho
most successful farmors and breeders,
It gives clear, DEFINITE and intelli
gent expluuutinns of farm methods
and systems, It is broad and varied
in acopo and gives you ideas, planH,
and methods that you can supply at
once and put dollars in your pookets,
Items reproduced in tho Sioux Oity
Journal from flies of forty and twonty
years ago;
March 8, 1894: Oapt Talbot, of
tho Pontoon Bridgo company, will
put a number of mon at work in a fow
days making somo improvements on
the boats used in tho bridgo, whioh
will groatly inoroaeo its strength. Ho
will uIbo put in now cables to hold it
in plaoo. It has not boon deoidod yet
as to whether tho bridgo will bo re
placed boforo tho spring riso, but it is
probablo that it will bo, us thero aro
no moans of crossing tho rivor now,
owiug to tho condition of tho forry
MjftrohO, 1894: Marion Woiglo, a
farmor living near Sloan, ondoavorod
to oroaa th,o Mhjsourl river bolow tho
city ou tho lie, Tho loo gavo wuy,
and his team and wgoa w.ero swept
under and lost. Wtigle nyj foj0 wife
were thrown into the water and J,t wbjj
with tho groatest dliuculty ihat thr v
,wBKfKlltoIget,on aRd.
! CORRESPONDENCE g 1". with hor duitgiil.T. li liu r.
JWMMWMIWy& opened h, r milliner; Moro bar,.
Charley Dodge and Fred
were stook shippers out of here Wed
nesday. Louis Knudnon had a cr of hogs on
tho Sioux Oily market Tuesday,
Stop in and see our now lino of
ginghams and wash goods. C Ander
son Co.
Born, to Mr and Mrs Chris Miller,
Sunday March 8th, a girl.
Ed Campbell, of Heresford, S D,
was hero a couple of days last week,
We huvo a full and complete stock
of overalls, dross pints anil dress
shits. 0 Anderson Co.
Quito a few from horo attended the
farmers tncoting at Dakota City Sat
Marcus Miller of noar Emerson, and
Laura Millor of Homor, wero married
in Sioux City Tuesday, Marcli 10th.
A nico lino of neck ties far Easter,
at C Anorsons Go's.
Mrs Soronsen, of Salix, la, visited
friondshoro tho past week.
Wo want your butter, eggs and
cream and will pay tho highest mar
kot prioo, 0 Anderson Co,
Mrs Louis Larson spont tho past
week at the home of her parents, her
brother being quite sick,
Sunday school at 9 '40 o'oloak u, m
Publio worship every 2nd and 4th Hun
day of each mouth at 10:30 u m, in the
Lutheran church,
W L Dodge, of Redbird, Nob, is
horo ou n visit with relatives and
Yon can buy a kimnuu dumper than
you oan make thorn, Wo have them
in all styles. 0 AnJerson Co.
Tho Wm Goertz salo Monday of this
week drew a good crowd and tho stock
brought very good pricm.
Our hosiery department N complete
in all stales and hizes. C Anderson
John C Ilogiui hits rented his farm
horo and ou Monday left for Centnr
ville, H D, whore ho will make his
Our new stook of hats for in on and
boys is bigger and better than over.
0 Anderson Co.
John Harty, ouo of the progrvsivo
furmers and feeders of this precinct
marketed a bunch of Angus joarliugs
Monday that brought $8 00 per hun
dred. They were a nice lot and show
ed good cure and feeding.
We have just received a shipmint of
alumnium Kitchen utinsils, daintv.
and suitable for wedding presents if
you feel good towards jour friends.
0 Anderson Co.
This community was grieved to hear
that Carl Frcdericksen, postmaster at
this place, had loft his post of duty
the ilrst of tho month, and bo far haB
failed to inform his family or friends
of his whereabouts. Tho affairs of
his ofiloo are iu n muddle aud it is
feared a shortage of a considerable
amount exists, Bis family of ohild
ron are also left to the oaro of neigh
bors and frionds, with littlo or nothing
to do with. His bondsmen assumed
charge of tho postofllco Monday and
deputized Uoorgo Timlin to look after
it until nn appointment can bo mado.
John Sutherland of Ponca, Neb, was
visiting relatives hero sevoral days tho
last of tho week,
John Barlow and family, of Sarib
nor, Nob, havo movod on tho Kato
Duggan farm near Goodwin,
Georgo Shiley and wifo departed
Tuesday for Dawson, Neb, whoro thoy
expect to make their homo.
Roao MoKeevor, of Sioux Oity, spont
over Sunday with her parents horo.
Mrs G E Smith and daughters, who
spent tho wintor with relatives at
Wilton, N D, returned homo last Fri
day. Mr and Mrs Hamm djovo to Ponca
Mrs Jano Lilly arrived from Morrill,
la, Saturday for a visit in tho homo of
her daughtor, Mrs H W O'Neill.
Quito a number from hero saw tho
Ben Hur production at tho Grand last
wook. Agent Nash, of tho Burlington,
sold 35 tickets Saturday noon.
F L McCluro, of 8ioux Oity, was a
guest of J, 11 McOormiok Monday.
Tho latter is a saloBmau for tho com
pany, Tho Misses Monica Flynn and Bon
notta Hajl roturnod from an over
Sunday night visit with tho Misses
Malonoy and Madeline Davoy, of
SJoux Oity.
Mrs Eda Bolor departed Wednesday
for a visit with her daughtor, Mrs N G
O'daru, at Smjthwiok, S D.
Alice Ouhill, of St Catharine's aooa
demy, enjoyed an over Sunday visit
from her brothers, of St Edwards,
T J Uartnott, who has been confin
ed to his bod by aiokuoes tho past
wook, 1b ablo to bo around again,
Tho Misses Catharine Bollinger and
Hazol Dolan, of Sioux City, aro guests
in tho E T Konnelloy homo,
Quito a numhor of tho parents of
tho studonts of St Catharine's acade
my and thoir frionds atteudod a recital
given uy tuo iutormodiato pupils at
tuo aoadomy Suuday aftornoon. Each
number was muoh enjoyed.
Frank Loomis is visiting relatives
in Algona, la,
Mrs R L Broyhill, of Dakota Cty,
visited hero thU week with friends,
Wm Winoh and Jas Allaway, jr,
woro lodge attoudonts iu Dakota City
Saturday ovouiug,
Goorgo Trumau and wife aro the
proud parents of a baby boy, born to
them on Monday,
Tho Allogro olub gavo Its ilrst con
oert and entortainmont Saturday ovon
ing with Mrs L L Roam in charge.
A numbor of the progressive farm
ors hero attended tho farm demonstra
tion meeting at Dakota Oity Saturday.
A bunch ot about twenty Homer
poople shipped their effects to Wyo
ming last week where they havo takou
Jfrp Aloe Bolster returned last
,vtek fiom it Unit iu l)i-. Moint,
ituuk oswicr is uiick iron) um
Wyoming oluim, ami I prypnrlu( lo
move his futnily and goods there soon
He has completed i set of building
nn his and his daughter' claims
Airs Ida Coleman, who took biolo
ride of mercury tablets a couple of
weeks ago, ou account of .noiirning
over the fictions of her fon, Maurice
Coleman, in Sioux City, has recoveied
from tho effects of the polsotiious
drug aud has loft the hoNpital,
from IIih Itecord
Mrs W Y MiiLuiighliii, of Emerhon,
is spending the week at trio homo of
her daughter, Mrs Hurt Kioesen,
MrsER Church und Mrs Harry
Church left Monday for Van Tassel,
Wyo, whore they will live on their
0 U McNeill, 42 yeori old, a for
mer resident here, died Tuesday at tho
homo of his brother, C B McNeill, iu
Sioux City.
John L Graves left this week for
Exoelsior SpriugH, Mo, where he will
spend two weeks at tho baths for his
Henry GouUch has returned from
Hueston, Tel, whero he Iiuh boon for
tho last year making improvements on
a farm purchased near there.
J L Phillips wsb in town Monday.
Ho was on his way home to Battle
Creek alter being at Logan, la, to i.i
tend the funeral of his muter, Mia
Good .
W A Morgan whs ut Chorokeo, la,
last F Mity looking for t hitch of Olli.i
York. None Were found Mr York
seems to havo disappoaied completely,
leaving no traco behind him.
Michael Ertman, odlctor of cus
tome for the port of hioux City, has
purchased one of tho Nead houses in
the Ilrst ward and moved iu with Iiih
family Wednesday.
For Sale.
Twelve tons of baled hay unl one
soven ton staok of loose buy Tl is
iay is lino and of a good qiiiilii v.
Prico reasonable. T F Moulashuii,
Dakota City, Neb.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there Is at leaat one dreaded disease that science
has been able to euro in all Its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh euro Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces oi the system, thereby destroying tin
foundation ot the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building ud tho constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to
cuir. ocnu ror mi oi testimonials.
Address P. J. CHENCY A CO Toledo, a
Bold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
HnnialnlUK In tho pcstolllco at Dakota,
Neb., for tUo month cihIIiik Kob. 28, 19H:
O.H. Iirynnt.
Krcd Jlonnott,
Hugh Urown.
Mrs. Christian Carvor.
Mrs Mary Kai'ns.
Llzilo Petersen,
()l)uroy Pfck,
111 i s. Mary Shnip.
Parties piillliia for tho alKJve, pluaso sny
''ndMirtlsBM," joilM HtH-KAM. Postmaster.
OH Guernsey and Wifo to O .1 Dahips
BoJiao.anaiot i, 82. all in srr-7 l.208o
Htolla .Flo nuu In a- Jones ami husband
to AV A Morgan, lot H, ulk 37, Moan's
mlil to South Sioux Oity,.,, oo
V J Ochandor and wife to Wm Orow
cock, ni noJi 88 and part of !' 2 nwJi
58-27-8 11070
W K Breslln and wf to Chris Christen
son. n'i noJi 23 and nK soK H-ir9-u.... 10000
T 1'ayetto to B n Dnxton, lot 9, bile lui,
Covington annex to SoSooOlty. . . Sis
Wellington Smith to Phillip Konz, n
noii, swi nejtf and noroh 26 acies of
sei neK 28-27-8 10865
" ' ' " -1 1 . .... .....
Iter. J. Grows, Pastor.
Services ut the Methodist Kplscopal
church every Sunday as follows: Preach
ing at 11 nm: Sunday schoolat lo n 111 ; class
meeting 12 in: Kpworth League 0::KJ p in!
preaching 7:30 p m. Prayenneoting Thurs
day evenings at 7:80
(loy.S. Ij. Koller. Pastor.
Sunday school oyory Sunday at 9:6amj
Miss ljlanciio Hamilton, superintendent,
preaching at 7;S0p 111. ovory Sunday.
Preaching -every Sunday at Ham: Sun
day sohool promptly at 10 nm. F. V, Oul
borfson, suporlntondent.
The publio Is cordially invited to all those
The Herald, $1 per
R R Time Table
c, st. p., M.ao.
Trains leave Dakota Oity at tho fol
lowing timo:
0:26pm Omaha 7:58 am
10:10 am Omaha 2.33pm
H :08 pm Norfolk 8 :38 am
f9:37 am Norfolk 5:13 pm
7 :8fi am . . . .NowoaBtlo . . . . 10 :10 am
1:32 pm ....'OiGOpm
doily oxcopt Sunday, f do not stop
13 :1 8 pm Omaha 2:30 am
4:08 pm...... Norfolk 8:33 am
0:37 am Norfolk 5:13 pm
No. 91 Local Froight 7 :15 am
17 " Pas8ongor.12:G8pm
No. 92 Local Froight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Pa8songor,,'..G:l'Opm
daily. daily oxoept Sunday.
Lincoln Sanitarium
Suiphi-Sil.M Springs
LtU4 em r aw prsatsis and utt
Natural Mineral Water
UaryM4 la tht trsalattat (
t, BtamtaV Hint us Unr
MJmM Cbsrsu. AUitit
III. I. W. EVWITT, Mr., LImsIa, M.
Greed Idols of Ghristentlom
More Horrible Than Idols of
Heathendom. Says Pas
tor Russell.
The Dlble Opposed to All Idols God
Must Be Known to Be Appreciated
and Truly Worshiped Misunder
standing of the Divine Plan Have
Confused Uc Ignorance the Mother
of Superstition Tho Morning Dawns.
The Shadows Fleo True Knowledge
of Qod Will Soon Fill the Earth and
Carry Blessing to All.
MndUon, Wis.,
July 0. The In-
BLE Students Ab
bociation have
been holding a
convention hero
for eight days,
closing today. It
has u large at
tendance of Bible
Students from nil
parts. PaBtorUus
sell spoke today.
lie took for his
text tho nord3, "The Father of mer
cies, and the God of all comfort."
2 Corinthians I3.
The Pastor stated that vrlien In In
dia, China und Japan last yenr he was
impressed with the Intelligence of
many amongst those peoples. lie vis
ited their temples to ascertain the sta
tus of the worshipers. Mnny seemed
sincere, absolutely unmindful of any
thing except their own worship. lie
mado Inquiry iib to whether the Idol
was regarded us the god, or merely
as a reminder of their god. lie was
nssured that the idol was known to
be metal, stqne, etc., and was used in
much tho same way that Cathol'-s use
the crucifix not as worshiping tho
Image, but merely to assist in fixing
reverence and tho spirit of worship.
Our Creed Idols Worse.
Pastor Russell said that at ilrst he
felt disponed to chide tho heathen for
tho hideous features which they give
their idols. But a little reflection
brought him shame and confusion. lie
perceived that the creeds of Christen
dom are idols, set before our mental
eyes, with exactly the same hideous
features as the tangible idol before
tho natural eyes of tho heathen. Each
creed shows a slightly different imago
of God, but all picture Him as n most
atrocious character, more hideous by
far than nro the idols of heathendom.
How could anybody make an idol
that would speak such horrible things
as all of our creeds portrayby descrip
tion? "What artist could picture a God
deliberating upon the creation of tho
human family with procreatlve pow
prs, and beforo beginning His work
planning and arranging a great place
called Hell (and somoisay another call
ed Purgatory), creating flre-proof dev-
(41s to man these, laying up fuel to last
throughout eternity, ana then starting
humanity, with tho foreknowledge
that thousands of millions would spend
eternity In those horror chambers?
No heathen was ever capable of such
imagination, and hence none ever pic
tured such n God, cither in clay, met
als, stone or with pen. It remained
for tho most cultured and civilized
peoples, who had most enjoyed God's
favors, to misrepresent Him most, nnd
then to carry those misrepresentations
to the heathen.
Tho Heathen Know It, Too.
Missionaries havo indeed reached a
fow, said the Pastor, but their number
Is small; so also their intelligence. The
moro Intelligent are agnostic. Chris
tianity has led them to doubt their
own religions, but has given them
nothing Instead.
"When somo high casto natives learn
ed that tho Pastor's preaching differed
from that of, tho missionaries, they
sent a committee asking him to remain
longer and assuring him of audiences
of tho higher cast natives. They ex
plained that they could not receive the
white man's religion because it pictur
ed a God 60 terrible and so unjust as
to bo repugnant to their minds. Their
own religion taught them to bo kind,
even to dumb brutes.
Tho Pastor felt obliged to apologize
tor all Christendom. He explained that
certain parables and symbolic pas
sages have been misunderstood; and
while we hod tho best intentions, Sa
tan has kept Christendom in darkness,
and led us to picture in our creeds a
God who was unjust, unloving, and
using His Power contrary to every
prlnclplo of righteousness.
Ho told them, further, that the dawn
of tho New Ago Is upon us, the thou
sand years of Christ's Reign. God's
faithful peoplo nro gradually coining
to a better understanding of tho BI
bla Ho urged them to cling to tho Bl
bK anfi assured them that ho was
mdiavorlng to arrange bo that they
jiy get a better understanding of
hat tho Bible really teaches.
Good Tiding to Evry Ration.
Pastor Russell's visit to foreign lands
was strictly In the interests of the true
Gospel "Good tidings of great Joy."
The Association has had sermons
translated into Japanese, Korean. Chi
nese, and tho six principal languages
of India, and millions of copies aro In
tho hands of tho poople. Considerable
fresh interest has been aroused. Peo
ple In those lands havo begun to study
jbelr Bibles.
Nowldoa Magazino $1 CO
Slonx Oity Daily and Sunday
Journal 0 00
without Sunday -120
to rural routo patrons........ 8 GO
Iowa TiomoBtoad 1 20
tho Dakota .
it. Eimora.l
Picscription compounding is the most important
part of :i pharmacist's profession. It is scientifi
cally done here whether the remedy is for some
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and you'll get whai t e doctor orders. It is just
as important to l-ave your medicines put up by an
experienced pharmacist as it -s to employ an ex
perienced plfysiciau.
We Have the Experience.
We Have Pure Drugs. y
We Have Perfect Service.
"Let us fill your next prescription.'
South Sioux Pharmacy
J. W. Tuinbull, Mgr. South Sioux City, Nebr.
"" "" '" ' '' "'" "" "' .'.''" -w m MM
I A direct, one-party line cuts out those 'm
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H use of your line, always. m
If you have a party line, others aro
often using- it when you want to talk, or
when friends want to reach you.
Why not have a
cost is only a little
M The
The Sioux City Morning Journal reaches you first with all
the latest baseball news and a full account of all the previous
day's games iu all th? Big Leagues.
Remember No other paper can approach the service offered
by The Journal as it is the only morning newspaper published
in Sioux City.
The Sioux City Morning Journal during the 1914 season will
excel even its splendid service of last season, giving you a
complete account of all the Big League games, the box
scores and all the elope dear to the heart of the real fan.
Reaches You First The results of all games appear first in
the Morning Journal and 12 hours later in the afternoon pa
pers this places the morning Journal in a class by itself and,
with but few exceptions, the Morning Journal is in your hands
With all the Latest Baseball Dope and Complete Scores
Before the afternoon papers go to press. Leave your order
with The Herald and insure your receiving the BEST for the
coming season.
"She Sioxxx Oily JoirrvaE
Morriing K veiling Sunday.. Sioux City, Iowa
1 . iSWis?.?M.5?r8MS
I r t
Read by
-mm endorsed
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surntr BoDil
Qnnrnnteos tb ooiirnoj of t7
Abstract I rakf
ao cstfts? oaonscy n-r
Ov-awvj-kA IP r B r ri
wzm "wwvif -."as. jr.
20 6
I Bill llr:. H HUirLUllUlllO.. u 1 write vo
XT dress plainly on the other
side we shalt be pleased to send TUT 1 TAPING AM1.RIC AN Sr LO CATALOCJ.-a brisbt new
Ixxjlc of IM pases, v Inch should be riail b - - -
all who would have the best garden possit le MJ) .. . B , vl.-v
sKKKSff, seeds of the tfurpee-uality
ttJMW mrlVrraBBTlKrg'ins w, y vfHrfl
private, individual
line? ft
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B' . .1
ov i
The FuP boys' magazine
Kf V-. - J wa
id ttrritor Clo int
In i
i i rtw, M to &i pdB (uery
m rig tnriennf trjiu l.mhon-
I rv, m hool litis wrltton b
thorn Inntmrttte iMrfnl
rti J(h mi football nm! ntlirr
if ntn of Mpfhinlffft I U ctrtrlts
DCs. Htntnn I'nllnptlnt' (Thtplfpn.. l'nta. fiur
uar nilrnio, now to iiimcn
ulnK. InM'iitlon.anil Natural Wonders.
American Boy, $1.00
The HERALD, - $1.00
Both, for - $1.65
5WO0 boys
fcy itr pamiK
Buuoeiior to '
Dakota County Abstract 0;
Bonded Abstracter
F. J. E 1 P4 E R
dex I rr r n r
Is sufTicietit fur tlic front
of a post card. If you
will write your own au-
Buy a good farm on
oounty Ijnttom, I havo