Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 12, 1914, Image 1

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ESUtc lib
'J. J
istorical Society
Motto: All The News When It Is News.
VOL. 22.
KO. 28,
Lingerie Ribbons Embellish Undermuslins
Corpse Contained Several Bullets,
Head Crushed In and Hands Were
Charred Carranza Orders Villa
Not to Harm Terrazas.
Laredo, Texas, Mnrch 10. Sovoral
Texas rangers said to have been act
ing unilor orders from Governor Col
O.11IU crossed into Mexico on Sunday,
exhumed tho body of Clomento Vor
gara, tho Toxas ranchman who was
kidnaped and put to death by a band
of Mexican federals thred weeks ago,
and brought tho body back to tho
.American side.
Tho body was in such a good state
of preservation that It was easily
Identified, and all the wounds could bo
distinguished. There were several bul
let wounds on tho body and tho head
had been crushed in with some blunt
instrument. Tho charred condition of
the hands indicated that Vergara had
been tortured beforo being put to
Washington, March 10. Sir Cecil
Sprlng-RIce, British ambassador, called
nt the state department and Informed
Secretary Bryan that an Englishman
named Syndan had been driven off his
ranch and that his property was In
danger of destruction. Mr. Bryan imme
diately telegraphed to Consul Letcher
at Chihuahua to mako an inquiry and
report tho facts. If necessary a pro
test will bo made to Villa or Carranza.
Mobllo, Ala., March 10. Juana Pedro
Didap, formerly confidential agent in
"Washington of Emllo Vasquez Gomez,
was recently executed by a llrlng
squad In tho penitentiary nt Mexico
City, according to passengers arriving
hero from Vera Cruz. President Huerta
ordered him executed on a charge of
sedition. Ho eerved six months In the
El Paso, Texas, Jail for violating tho'
United States neutrality laws, and on
his roloasa went to Mexico City and
gave temporary support to Huerta
While in Mexico City ho openly
espoused tho cause of Diaz, opening a
Junta in tho heart of the city. Huerta
arrested him and kept him in tho peni
tentiary until last Sunday whon ho.was
El Paso, Toxae, March 10. Declaring
that General Villa's action in demand
ing payment of $250,000 from General
Luis Terrazas under threats of send
ing his son, Luis Tcrrazas II., to tho
front rank In tho attack on Torreon
was creating a bad impression in tho
United States, General Carranza wired
orders to Villa to withdraw tho de
mand and refrain from mistreating tho
youtfger Terrazas in any way. Although
Villa has not yot replied, It is taken
for granted that ho will obey the order.
Building Occupied by the Missouri
Athletic Club In St. Louis Is
Destroyed by Fire.
St. Louis, March 10. FIro on Mon
day attacked the building occupied by
tho Missouri Athletic club, who has
among Its members some of tho most
prominent nnd wealthy citizens of St
Louis. Moro than 100 persons were
reported to have perished.
The roof of tho massive structure,
occupying half a city block, caved in,
carrjing with it several floors.
Every available ambulance and po
lice patrol wagon in tho city has been
called to tho scene.
A careful census of those who es
caped from tho building was taken
by tho police and an officer of the
club, and not moro than two dozen
men were accounted for. It is almost
certain that all tho others wero
burnod to death. "
Tho bodies of seven men were found
on tho sldo whoro thoy had Jumped
from tho fourth floor. One of these
was Identified as that of John Martiu
Jllckoy'of Chicago. At this hour tho
rear half of tho building had aved In.
French Court Frees American and
Companion Prison Terms
Were 8erved.
Romorantln, France, (March 10.
Ferdinand Plnnoy Earlo, tho American
artist, and Miss Chnrlotto Herman,
charged with having kidnaped Earlo'a
eon, Harold, from a school near Paris,
wero found guilty on Saturday, after
a two days' trial. Earlo was sentenced
to servo two months in prison and to'
pay a lino of five dollars, and Miss
Herman to a. month in prison and n
ilne of $3.25. Both tho defendants wero
reloasod, howovor, In view of tho fact
that thoy had spent tho time to which
thoy wero sentenced in Jail in advance
of the trial. Tho Judgo ordered Earlo
to pay $1,400 damages to his (list wife,
Mine. FIschbachor, tho inothor of tho
boy, Harold. She sued for $5,000.
I. W. W. Leader Held.
New York, March 9. Frank Tannen
fcnum, after a brief hearing on Friday,
was held to tho grand Jury on tho
chargo of inciting to riot and making
forclblo ontry. Tnnnonbaum is an In
dustrial Workers of the World leader.
Slayer to Die In Chair.
New York, March 9. O. Shlllltonl.
murderer of two policemen, was sen- '
ti"ifl to die !r fin rl"rtri'' -chair at
r, hlns' duiliig the veok bpglnn ng
Vr I 1 T" ' ii- sain" ,rrk rrt i
for tho u ath cf vho fur gunmen. '
The biggest school in tho world has Just been opened and the scholars litivo taken to their studies as a fish
takes to water. Aboard every ship in Undo Sam's navy thoro is now a fully equipped school room, and to tho
great pleasuro of Josephus Daniels, secretary of tho navy, originator of tho plan, thero hasn't beon a hitch ao far.
Every enlisted man and over of II cor is compelled to attend tho classoa. Tho photograph shows tho academic de
partment on the U. S. S. Washington.
Disagreements With Higher Officials
Is Believed to Have Led to
This Action.
Washington, March 6. John Bos
sett Mooro, counselor of the state de
partment, who ranks as acting secre
tary, resigned on Wednesday and his
resignation has been accoptod by
President Wilson. Simultaneously tho
President nominated W. Phillips of
Bofaton to bo third assistant secretary
of stato.
Rumors have been current for somo
time that friction had developed bo
tween Mr. Moore and Secretary of
Stato Bryan.
His reasons for taking this action
wenrnot mado public when tho resig
nation was announced. It Is believed,
howBver, that ho had beon greatly dls
satlfified with tho management of tho
state department under Secretary of
Stato Bryan and that ho has fre
quently expressed his dissatisfaction
to President Wilson,
i When ho assumed office, Mr. Mooro
promised that he would remain until
tho first year of th6 administration
had been concludod, and now that
that time has passed, Mr. Moore, it is
said, feels that It Is no longer Incum
bent on him to stny In office It Is ex
pected that President Wilson will
make a statement regarding tho res
ignation in a short time.
Mr. Mooro had enjoyed many posi
tions of honor and trust in govern
mental scrvlco prior to his appoint
ment. Mr. Mooro would mako no comment
upon his resignation nor would ho
give any reason for his action.
Charged That False Report Was Made
to Interstate Commerce
Washington, March 9. "Serious Ir
regularities" in tho accounting of tho
charged in tho report muda public
on Friday of an lnterstato com
merce commission Investigation by
Commissioner Harlan, which makes
tho direct allegation that irregular
ities in reports of operations submit
ted to tho commission wero mado to
influence favorable disposition of St.
Paul railway aecurltlos.
The irregularities disclosed by this
Inquiry, Commissioner Harlan points
out, are similar to those disclosed by
the commission's Investigation into
tho financial operations of tho Now
Haven and tho Frisco systom. It Is
asserted that "tho income of the Pugot
Sound was greatly overstated, a vn
rioty of expedients being resorted to
for this purpose"; and that "tho fic
titious showing of Incomo was used
by tho officers of tho Pugot Sound
company to nld In tho salo of Its
bonds." No rofloction Is made by th6
report upon tho flnanclnl condition of
tho two roads. With notice that
tho penalties of tho law will bo
Invoked not only against the ac
counting officer who shall mako
a wrongful report, but those penal
ties will bo vlsitod "with oven greater
soverity upon anyono abovo tho ac
counting officer In authority, who
may sharo In tho responsibility for
any violations of tho accounting ruloa
and regulations which have been pro
scribed." "Jail Editor" Back on Job.
Berlin, March 10. A sontenco of
throo months' imprisonment was pro
nouncod on Ernst Meyor, "Jail editor"
of a Socialist newspaper, who was
tried on charges of troason for ribellng
Crown Prince Frederick William.
Pope Postpones Consistory.
Homo, March 10. Tho pope has
postponed tho holding of a consistory
for tho olpctlon of n'w cardinals until
after Eaitk"r, en tho advice of ls dor
toro that It v iuld not bo 'h' able to
hold one uurlng cold weather.
Senator Criticizes Wilson Because of
His Attitude on Canal Tolls In View
of Democratic Platform Other
Comments on Message.
Washington, March 9. By a vote
of 14 to 3, tho house lnterstato com
merce committeo decided on Friday
to report favorably the hill repealing
tho clause of tho Panama canal net
which grants freo tolls to American
-coastwise shipping. '
On Thursday after President Wilson
had called upon congress to net, Sena
tor Chilton of West Virginia intro
duced a bill to amend tho Panama
canal act and permit tho repeal of tho
clauso exempting American coastwise
shipping from tho payment 6f tolls.
The text of tho provision roads:
"Tho president notwithstanding
anything herein contained Is hereby
authorized and empowered by procla
mation to make, suspend, alter,
chango, or abolish any tolls contem
plated or provided for by this act, and
may prescribe tolls to bo charged In
any caso in which tolls are prohibited
Comment upon tho president's raes
sago among members of tho house
was widely divergent. Representative!
Floyd of Arkansas of tho Judiciary
committeo, said:
"I absolutely approvo of tho senti
ment oxpresHcd by President Wilson.
Wo mado a great mistake In ever pro
viding for freo tolls."
Representative Dornmus of Michi
gan, chairman of tho Democratic con
grosslonal campaign committee, said:
"Tho president has not changed my
mind a bit. I havo been for froo tolls
all along and will contlnuo tho fight
against nny repeal."
Roprosontativo Mondoll of Wyom
ing, Republican, declared:
"I havo taken tho snmo position on
canal tolls as tho prosident now so
belatedly takos, but I fear that It Is
not so much the logic of economics
nor the meaning of tho language of
tho treaty that has convinced the pres
ident as tho fact that to recover from
tho mistake In politics which ho has
mado as to Mexico ho is willing to
conform to a policy in Panama ap
proved by British statesmanship."
Roprosontativo Kuhn of California,
Republican, said:
"Ono thing appears to mo ovldeut:
That is that wo nro called upon to
retrieve tho mlstako of tho ndmlnls-'
trntlon In it's dealings In Mexico whoro
British interests havo been seriously
affected by sacrificing in Panama an
other interest of vital consequonco
to our people"
In tho senate Senator William
Aldon Smith made an attack on Presi
dent Wilson because of his attltudo
on canal tolls in vlow of tho Demo
cratic platform declaration.
Aurora Post Office Job to Stoll.
Washington, March 7. Post olllco
patronage was dealt out in largo slices
by Prosident Wilson. Ho sent to tho
scnato tho nominations of about 300
postmasters, Including 20 In Illinois.
Tho largest office on tho Illinois Hot
is that of Aurora, for which Louis A.
Stoll is named.
35,000 Ex-lowans at Picnic.
Los Angolas, March 10. Thlrty-flvo
thousnnd forpior rostdonts of Iowa at
tended tho annual wlntor picnic of (ha
Iowa Association of Southern Callfor
nla in East Lako park, which estab
lishes a rocord In attondanco.
Noted Art Dealer a Suicide.
New York, March 10. Thoron
Blnkeelee, slxty-ono years old, a
wldeb known art dealer In Fifth ave
nue, th's city, dl'd shortly after ho had
boon fcir.d with a builet wound li his
tempi' He killed himself.
Built the Blltmore Estate Near Ashe
vllle, N. C, and Developed For
estry School.
Washington, March 9. George W.
Vanderbllt of New York died hero on
Friday from the effects of an opera
tion for appendicitis' performed sev
eral days ago. Ho was tho youngest
son of W. H. Vanderbllt.
Dr. James Mitchell, tho attending
physiclnn, stated that Mr. Vanderbllt
eHed from a pulmonary embolus, a
blood clot In the lungs. Ho explained
that tho operation for uppcndlcltls
had been successful, but tho blood
clot was tho direct-caUBuV
George Washington Vanderbllt was
born at Now Dorp, S. I., N. Y on No
vember 11, 18G2. Ho was a Bon of
William Henry Vanderbllt and a
grandson of "the commodore." His
early life was spent like that of his
brothers and llko that of other sons of
wealthy families. Ho was educated
by prlvato tutors and at tho best pri
vate schools, and ho traveled and
studied a great deal abroad.
In 1898 Mr. Vanderbllt married
Edith Stuyvostn Dresser, tho witty
and talented daughtor of Capt. Q. W.
Dresser. V. s. A. This marriage
was "doplorcd" by many mntrons of
tho "smart set" In Now York nnd
Newport on tho ground that tho brldo
was "not artlstocratlc enough." Mr.
Vandorbllt, however, pleasod himself
and his wlfo won a reputation as
ono of tho cloverest of hostesses in
Tho Vanderbilts had three homes.
Ono was at 10 Fifth avonuo, New
York city, another in Bar Harbor, Mo.,
nnd tho third tho real homo at Bllt
moro, tho hundred thousand acre Ba
tata in the mountains of North Caro
lina. Blltraoro, under Vnnderbllfs per
soual supervision, became a vast ex
perimental laboratory of Industry.
The best methods of dairying wero
sought and found; tho science of
fnniflng was developed in an unprece
dented degree; tho infant scionco of
forestry was doveloped under no less
a man than GIfford Plnchot, who was
ono of Mr Vandorbilt's lloutonants.
Marinette, Wis., March 9. Sturgeon
Bay officials aro wondering whothor
a prlsonor can got out of Jail in a
psychic manner. Archlo Matthows es
caped, but all tho windows and bars
remained Intact and tho doors woro
Mobllo, Ala., March 9. Ella Horton,
tho threo-y oar-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Horton, died as tho result
of a peanut lodging In her throat.
Flvo surgeons failed to savo hor llfo.
Now York, March 9. A son was
born to Mrs. Richard Derby, who was
Ethel Roobovolt, daughtor of Col.
Theodoro Roosovolt.
Los Angolos, Cai:, March 9. A
"whlto list" of approved moving pic
tures will be pluccd beforo tho peo
plo of Los Angeles overy week by tho
Million club, a local organization of
women. "Sensntlonal pictures will not
bo criticised; thoy will meroly bo left
oft tho list. Tho club appointed a
commlttoo of censors.
Ruse Police Chief Is Killed.
St. Petersburg, March 10. Liouton
ant Colonel Chebnlsoff, chief of police
of St. Petersburg, was shot doad In his
offlco by a Junior officer, Lieutenant
Ivanoff. Tho motive of tho crlnio was
said to bo vongenndo.
Blood Treatment Kills Seven.
Los Angeles, Cal., March 10 Whilo
undergoing similar treatmont for n
blood ailment at tho county hospital
seven patients dl-d and nnoUur Is dy
ing under circumstances wbl'-h bat
fled tho rhyalclana.,
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Western Newapnpor Union News ScrvloA,
Count of tho university location
petition names by counties has Just
benn completed by tho secretary ot
state. Of tho 23,386 names allowed to
remain on tho petition which Is now
Bhort Just 781 nnmos--thero aro 3.1C4
nnmcu front Douglas county. Tho re
quired C per cent of that coucty is
only 1,402, as tho total vote, ace ,-Ung
to tho secretary's records, was 29,247
at tho 1912 election.
Thft colectors of names will havo
until ninety days beforo tho general
election to fllo additional nnmca and
this will bo taken up at onco, accord
ing to tho staff connected with tho
work. Tho names ruled out by tho i
secretary number 2,877 and were col
lected nt tho stato fair and ono or two
other places whoro largo crowds wero
present. Tho fact that tho petitioners
signed tho documents without regard
to tho fact that names from many
counties appeared on each petition
was held by Secretary Walt to bo con
trary to tho apparent Intention cf tho
Counties in which tho required tf per
cent of names has not been collected
nro Adamw, Banner, Blalno, Buit,
Cheyenne, JDawes, Deuol, Gage, Gar
field, Greoloy, Grant, Holt, Hooker,
Howard, Koya Paha, Knox, Logan,
Loup, McPherson, Morrill, Perkins,
Red Willow and York. Under tho law
tho 10 per cent petition is required to
contain names of 5 per cent of tho
total legal voters In each of only two
Hfths, or thirty-seven counties, of the
state, so this action of tho law has
been complied with in substance
Business Methods on tho Farm.
"Tho farmer who uses business
methods Is coming to tho fron,t. Tho
other fellows aro being, weeded out,"
nccording toF, A. Shorzingor of Nol-J
son, who is both an editor and n
farmor. For twenty-flvo years ho has
been a closo student of agricultural
conditions in Nuckolls county. After
admitting that ho was a "crank on
businesslike farming," Mr. Shorzinger
"Men who uso their heads make
monoy In thb farming garao and this
state cannot bo beaten. Tho shiftless,
tho unobsorvlng nnd tho unprogresslve
aro being lost in tho shuffle. This np-1
plies to both landowners and tenants.
"Whon a tenant docs not get re
sults nowadays ho is soon Informed
that tho owner wants possession 'on
tho first day of March. Land has In
creased in value from tho old fixed
prlco of $20 an acre to $100 and ovor.
It 1b hard to Fot a limit for now meth
ods and now markots and now crops
will Increase values."
Treasurer's Monthly Report.
Tho monthly report ot Stato Trcas-ui-cr
Georgo shows over $50,000 of
uninvested funds on hand. Thoro is
now $CC,G58 in the gcnoral fund. Tho
balanco on hand tho first of February
In all funds was $721,C51. During tho
month tho treasurer received $024,435,
paid out $039,831 and has on hnnd
$740,255.41. Of that amount $8,219 73
Is cash on hand and $738,035.08 Is In
etnto depository hanks. Tho total
trust funds Investod J3 $9,GG4,714. Of
that amount $83,249 is Invested In uni
versity wnrrantB, $123,003 In normal
school warrants, and $00,009 In gen
eral fund warrants. Tho balanco, $9,
298.333, Is Investod In bonds. Thoro is
$44,187 atlll In tho university building
funds which tho troasuror will pay out
In cashing warrants that havo not
boon sold by tho original owners,
The night classes at 'tho stato peni
tentiary aro attended by moro of the
Inmates nt ovory session. Tho men
who havo onrollcd In olthor tho com
mon school or tho commorcinl courses
aro progressing rapidly with theli
studios nnd Wnrdon Fonton Is pleased
with tho work. Tho plan of classify
ing tho men In view of their provlotu
education has proved a success.
Good-natured bandying nnd rich
rondltlonii of songs of his own composi
tion In the mlnstrol shows at tho peni
tentiary brought nttontlon of locul
pooplo to Thomas Mclntyro, Bent up
from Choyonno county for murder, and
he has hoen paroled to Judgo W. II.
England of Lincoln. Govornor More
head signed tho parolo after he bo
came convinced that Mclntyro had nc
hand in tho murder of tho Sidney
wntohman, for which ho and Harry No
vllle nnd Con Sullivan wero convicted,
A confession slgnod by Novlllo states
that Mclntyro was not in tho yards
Shoe? for National Guard,
A carload of hlltlng-hhooR; tho first
ponca donation of footwear ovar made
to tho Nebraska National guard, has
Just been rorolvod at'hoadquartora In
Lincoln. Tho consignment wlfl h
tord In tho armory at prosont nnc
will likely be glvou out nt tho stati
camp this year. It tho plan to Join
with other states In tho muneuvorci at
Fort Rllcj, Kan, In followed out, thon
tli fIioc, v. Ill bo given out previous
fo tin d rii fare for that encampment
Tl 'he , cording to Goncral Hall,
bio ot a durab'o quality
NARROW satin rlbbonB plain or
dotted, and widor weaves of tho
sumo kind, aro pictured hero mado up
into ribbon ornaments to bo pinned
or tacked to petticoats, nightdresses,
corsot covors, etc.
Wash ribbons of excellent quality,
from one-half inch to two and a half
inches wide, aro used for theso hand
some ornaments. They nro furbelows,
pure and Blmplo, curving no purposo
of utility. But they nro a featuro of
Ungerlo stylos present nnd to como.
Tho narrowest ribbons nro mado up
in roscttos llko Uiobo shown in tho
plcturo. Pendant ends nro tied in tiny
butterfly bows, or knotted loops nro
knotted at tho center. At tho back
theso llttlo roscttos nro to bo sowed
to very small oafoty pins, and with
thorn pinned to tho petticoat or night
dresB or combination. Mower forms
nro simulated in tho rosottra and pen
dants ijbdwo QfJLhla kinder a bolt, pf
ribbon la mado up to two plain ro
settes Joined by a short length of rib
bon, as shown in tho picture.
For laco-trhnmed petticoats tho ro
Bctte of dotted ribbon an inch and a
half wide, shown at tho loft, Is tho
fnvorlto design. Tho satin surfaco,
when tho ribbon Is of good quality,
which stands much wear without bo-
J HE liking for broad girdles that
1 Bwatho tho waist and extend thom
boIvob below and abovo tho normal
waist lino ia fostered by tho now dan
cing steps. Theso require so much
freedom of tho wholo flgilro that the
successful management of tho waist
becomes a matter of great Iraportnnco.
Two-ploco gowns, eBpocIally, must bo
provided with glrdlu3 which moro thnn
cover tho waist lino. Then, If tho vu
rlouB dips und whirlings and glides
which havo captivated tho dancing
world causo tho waist and skirt to
part company tho broad glrdlo hldos
this disarray.
Two now designs, among thoso
known na "Tango .girdles," aro pic
tured horo. Ono of them Is mado of
velvet ribbon In n delightful reddish
yellow nasturtium color, comblnod
with a cream-colored gauzo ribbon
wjth small pink roses and green fol
lago cmbroldeied on it. Tho combina
tion Is a thing ot beauty In colors.
In making thla glrdlo an odgo of
tho gauzo ribbon is basted to tho un
derside of tho velvet ribbon for that
portion that extends about tho waist.
Tho short standing loop Is mado of
tho two ribbons also basted togother.
Stitches aro carefully put in and in
visible, on the right sldo ot tho velvet
Tin m la a hanging end of ve lvet rib
b u , ih a ruillo of tr-e gauo ribbon
basfrd alon-j on biJp This end ia
finLhd with . small bow tied lu tho
V 71 I - r i 1
uiruies tot uancing stocks
coming soiled. Tho decorative ribbons
need not bo laundered, but may ba
cleaned with gasoline.
A very handsome garniture is mads
of about four yards ot ribbon two
inches wido in plain satin, and is
shown at tho right of tho picture. This
is to bo worn with ono of thoso lacy
nightdresses in which the deep yokes
are all of lace or not. Many of them
worn ovor a petticoat mako attrac
tive negligees, and tho adjustablo rib
bon decoration comes in very handy
for embellishing them.
A largo blankot-bow of wide, dotted
satin ribbon, mado for tho baby's car
riago blankot, is shown at tho center
of tho picture. It requires at least
four yards of ribbon about tire Inches
wido to mako it full enough, and flvo
yards is not too much, for .thero is a
cluster ot four small, knotted loops at
tho center and two knotted cuds at
tho back. t " ' , j
"Mndo In tho oamo way, of narrow
ribbon. Is a single rosette. This is ono
of thoso separato, small pieces which
milady may ubo whero sho will, on a
cap or gown or petticoat wherever a
llttlo touch of color will add some
thing to tho charm of laco-trlmmed
nnd dainty garments,
vclvot ribbon. Thero is a Becond short
er end of tho velvet ribbon nlono. Then
knot at tho baso of the 16op is oC
both ribbons.
It happens that tho colors comb) icd,
in this glrdlo will harmonize with al
most any light-colored gown nnd are
particularly good with cream color or
gold. Just now thero is a crazo for
palo yellow and soft gold colored
gowns mado up with plenty of flae
laces. A glrdlo llko tho ono Just de
scribed is lovely with Buch a gown.
Tho second girdle ia mado of satin,
ribbon in three pale colore light blue
light pink, and heliotrope or lavender.
Tho ribbons aro gathered over a cord
along the edges nnd whore thoy aro
Joined. Each rlbbem Is about four
Inches wido. Tho standing loop Is
Bhort with a knot of tho three colors
at its base. Thorn aro three short
ends graduated la length, ono ot each
As an oxqulsito finishing touch.
Binall half-blown roses, mado of tho
thrco colors, aro Bet primly across tho
bow below tho knot
Tho Tango glrdlo provides & aimplo
gown with all th'o embellishment it
noeds. A flno gown of whlto or cream
vollo mado up with laco nnd having a
varloty of girdles with correspondlnc
accessories, will prove u valunblo poa.
scsBlon for the girl who loves to
dance. If thTo in nny glrlB who do
ajot, they must b& lone-somo