Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 26, 1914, Image 4

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Cash Grocery Store
Special Prices for
3 boxes of Figs 25c
2 bofces Dates 25c
3 boxes Shreded Wheat . . 25c
3 cans Salmon 25c
3 cans Corn ; . : . . 25c
2 lbs Rumford Baking Powd- r 25c
3 cans Dulch Cleanser 25c
2 cans Tomatoes -25c
Dairy Butter 26c
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year
Get our Prices on Ladies' and Men's Hosiery.
....Highest Price Paid for Produce....
W. L. Ross
DnJcotai City, Nabraal&at
Official Paper of Dakota County
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nobraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this papor through the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
uary 27, 1012. In her petition Mrs
Benoy alleges hur husband began to
ubnso her a few months aftor the
wedding. Ho has associated with
women of bad character, the petition
assorts. Mr Benoy is said now to be
in California, Tho inturUgonf Mr
and Mrs Benoy was part of a donble
olopomont in which tho other prinoi
pals woro John M Young and Miss
Jocephine Wilcox. Mrs Senoy is a
sister of Mr Young. ' Each of tho
brides was 10 years old. Mr tioney
was 23 years old, and Mr Young was
22, Tho fonr young people met by
prearrangement near Sixth and Water
streets and drove to Dakota City in a
carriage, Suttico D 0 Hpffernan per
formed tho ooreaiony. The decision
of Miss Young's parents to send her
to New York to study mnslo wan siiid
to have caused hastening of the mar
riage plaua. Mr Seney had previous
ly served in the United States navy,
He was on the "world tonr fleet com
manded by "Fighting Bob" Evans.
,of I nteirest !
omour Exchanges!
The Cedar County News: lira 0 L
Culler is in Dakota City the guest of
relatives. She will return ibis evening.
Dundee Items in Omaha Bee : Miss
Margaret "Warner gave a surprise party
oa her father and mother. Mr and Mr
W P Warner, Monday in honor of their
tweniy-nrst wedcung anniversary.
Twenty-four guests were present.
Bloan, la Star: Bud Thaokor and
Owen Pope, went up to Sioux City this
Morning and from' there they accom
panied J F Forney, of Holly Springs, on
an automobile trip to Honor, Neb, for
t; visit in the homo of George W
-"Walthitl Times: Attorney Smith
and wife, Dr Nina Smith, drove down
from Homer in an unto Monday after
nooa. . . . . . Jas W Fisher returned to
Sioux City Tuesday evening, lie re
ports that he had splendid success in
whls oanvasing here.
Sioux City Journal, 20th; George
Salksgiver, chief engineer at the Mar
tin Milling company, Eleventh and
' Clark street, was scalded about the
ifaoe yesterday when a steam pipe ex
ploded. He was taken to St Joseph's
hospital. His condition is favorable.
Salksgiyer was testing a steam pipe
when lb broke. He lives in Sioux
Allen News: John Sohroeder went
to Booth Bionx City Friday to see his
wife and baby. They returned home
-with him that night. The babe un
derwent an operarlon for rupture and
is bow recovering nicely. . . ,H O Hill
had six oars of ioe shipped here from
Crystal lake this week. The ioe is of
good quality. Mr UiU bss rented
John Allen's Ioe house and will supply
the town with ice this summer.
Winnebago Chieftain : T. T Hanis
has resigned his position in John Ash
lord's store and has accepted a posi
tion in the Mansfield Meroantile com
pany's store. . . .Sol Smith loft the 1st
terjiart of the week for Emerson
where ho will be employed in tho
Davis & Pallor store for a couple of
months before going to California. . . .
John Ashford left for Dakota City
Saturday night to get shaved. Mr
Ashford stated that ho tried four
times to get the operation performed
by "Shorty" before patronizing for
eign trade, but tho shop ias full each
Lincoln, Nebr, Special iu Omaha
Bee, Feb 18th: Tho lure of the farm
is beokoning United States Marshal
William Warner back to honest toil,
acoording to that gentleman while at
the state house this morning. "I re
ceived quito a consignment of garden
seeds a few days ago," said tho mar
shal to a newspaper man, "and you
don t have any idea now It makes me
long for the fresh breezes of the farm
and a ohanoe to get away from the job
of holding office under a democratic
administration." Mr Warner said hn
had hoped to have' been roleaved from
ofiloe right away and especially by
April 1, but was afraid that the row
ers woro not going to bo able to ugroo
on his successor at the present pro
gross they were making. lie did not
know whether be would mo as a can
didate for governor or not, but said he
belioved there was a good chance to
elect a full state ticket.
Bionx City Journal, 24: Mrs Ida
Coleman, who swallowed biohlorido of
mercury tablets Sunday night in an
attempt to dfitroy her life, showed
improvement at St Vincent's hospital
at an early hour this morning. Her
condition, however, is still critical ....
There is overy prospect of early ac
tivities on the project to revet the
banks of tho Missouri river at R -winger's
bend, according to W E Holmes,
seoretary of the Commercial olub, who
has returned from Washington, D' O.
Mr'Holniea presented the project to
the war department, and surveys and
estimates will soon be ordered, No
emergeney bills' for river appropria
tions can bo put through at this time,
Mr Holmes was informed, but money
in the uppor Missouri fund will be
available June 1. As a result it is ex
peoted that bulkheads will be in place
to avert danger during the Juno riso,
which usually oomea the' latter part of
Emerson Entorpriso: Mr and Mrs
Emil De Somplo are the proud parents
of a baby girl born to them yesterday
morning Adam McPherran has
takon the place of Chris Christopher
at the Holmquist Grain & Lumber
company .... Mr and Mrs August Barg,
of Dakota City, are spending a few
days here with the family of their
son, Detlef, and other relatives
John Dempke, Otto Koeok, Ernest
Luhr, Conrad Wolf, and Chris Baud
zers wero among the number attend
ing court at Dakota city the first of
the week H H Stolz, Antono and
Henry Wilke and William Wallwor
attended the funoral of Mra Fred Wall
wey in Omaha Tuesday. She was a
relativonf those gentlomon Sol
Smith, formerly of Emerson, but who
has been employed iu Winnebago for
several years, has igaiu cast his lot
hero and is employed at tho Davis &
Fuller company store, He has taken
a financial intorest in tho business and
will assume tho aotivo management of
tho stock.
Sioux City Evening Journal, 21st;
Little moro than two years after a
romantic elopement to Dakota City,
Neb, Mrs Dorothy D Sonoy has filed
suit for a divorce ngainst Elmer P
Beney, 128 Kansas street, on a statu
tory charge. The ilivoroo was filed
yesterday afternoon in the district
court. The marriage took plaoo Jan-
For the months of January and February the De I,ux
Studio will give you FREE, one nice enlaigement ?itrl
each dozen Cabinet Photos. You must bring this advert
tisement with you. "
Our PJiotos are belter than ever before, and our
prices no higher. We know you need the Photos.
Thjs Special offer is good only during Jan. and Feb.
De Luxe Studio
'405 .Fourth Street
'.Sioux., City, Iowa.
One block west of1
Davidson Bros.
Bionx City Journal, 23rd: Worry
ovor the safety of her son, who is an
operative for tho Amorican Deteotive
Agenoy, employed ns a "spotter" by
the polico department, last night
caused Mrs Ida Coleman, a saleslady
living at the tiindel hotel, to attempt
self destruction- by swallowing two
biohlorido of mercury tablets, accord
mg to Maurice Coleman, nor son.
Coleman asserted that sinco the recent
attack upon the "spotters" by a gang
his mother feared that he might bo
killed. Yesterday afternoon she
pleaded with him to give up the dan
gerous work. He refused and left tho
loom. Returning in a thort time ho
found his mother in u faint with un
empty vial by her Ride. Dr V 11
Hunohotte and Dr A Anderson were
called. Antidotes were given and the
poison whh pumped from Iter stomach.
She was tukeu to St Vincent's hospi
tal. Reports from the hospital at un
early hour this morning wero that the
patient was resting easily and hse a
fair ohanoe for rocovory. M J Her
man, of Homer, Nob, father of Mrs
Coleman, was notified last night and
was at his daughter's bedside through
out the night,
Homer Star: Joe Smith went to
Lincoln Tuesday John Braunt
came down irom South Sioux City
Saturday in relation to some business
matters for his mother. John is at
present making his home with his
motber at Mouth Sioux City, Sirs Jflpu
Rockwell . . . .James Foltvs, who resides
southwest of here, wbb in town Mon
day on three legs, The third one was
a crutch which he is forcedlto,use ob a
Jesuit of a kick he received from a
horse three weeks ago... .There is on
ly one ease of smallpox in Homer at
the present writing and by the end of
tho weok there won't be any, unless
there are new oases. Tho health au
thorities have taken every precaution
and are k'oeping oloso watoh for auy
now oases that may develop.... Coro
ner Munger swore out a warrent yes
terday for Millard Weiger charging
him with breaking quarantine, lie
wfts arraigned before Justice MoKin
ley tho same day and plead guilty to
the charge. MoKinley gavo him the
minimum fluo of $15,00 and costs....
Wilma Carroll Drake, youngest child
of Mr and Mrs George Drake, was
born in Winnebago on August 24, 1913,
and died at tho homo of Charles Smith
in Homer, February 18, 1914. The
baby had not been well for some time
and was brought to Homer for medical
treatment. Although all that medical
skill and good nursing could do was
done for the child, the spirit took its
flight, Funeral services wore con
ducted by Rev L R Keokler at the
Smith home Sunday afternoon, Bu
rial was in tho Omaha Valley ceme
tery Georgo Bassenger, a farm
band, can thank himself that he was
not ground up under a through freight
which passed through Homer Satur
day afternoon about 5 o'clock. Mr
Bassonger, In trying to board the
train at the depot, whioh was going at
a high rate of speed, missed his foot
ing and waa thrown under the oar, but
was thrown in the clear after striking
the rod whioh runs from one oud of
the oar to the other underneath. He
roooived' several bruises about tho
head, his face being quite badly brais
ed. Ho was hurried to Dr Stidworthy
wliatra Hin Itifnvlna ' vnnatvnfl (TAtMl
of Mr Harris' mother, who had fallen
and suffered a broken hip Not much
hopo is hold for her recovery,
A new assortment of ginghams just
received at C Anderson Co'.
Mr and Mrs Reibders left Sunday
for ft two weekn' visit with relatives ut
linrtiugtou n nd Omaha.
There were no service ht-i Hiiuduy
in the Lutheran church, ojvIiik to tho
inclement weather. f
Mrs Guy Weir were in Jackson Wed
nesday between trains
Abbio Rockwell vltited ut her home
last week.
The infant child of Mr and Mth
John Luzio is very ill with t e whoop
ing cough.
Hugh Mundy spent the pjst week
at the home of his mother.
Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock a m.
Public worship every 2ud and 4th Sun
day of eaoh mouth ut 101I5U a m, iu the
Lutheran churcb.
Ethel Andorseu attended the dunce
at Ponoa last Friday uud went to
Sioux City ijulunliiy (or u few iliijb'
F Lushier, sr, is very sick fioni a so
vere cold.
Mjs J Jensen vitiited ut the Mrs A 0
Hansen homo lust Thursday. -
A lot of winter caps to cIoro out at
reduced prioea, hb we wont curry them
over. O Anderson Co,
Carl Frnderickseti will move to
Sioux City with his family this week,
Mr and Mrs. Fred Nelseu returned
Wednesday from their two weeks'
honeymoon trip.
All kinds of kitchen utiusels at O
Anderson Go's,
The Danish Sisterhood dance that
waste have been held lust riuturduj
night was postponed to soma future
date .
Mrs Sam Thorn Iihh beeu quito feiek
this weok.
We have just got a new assortment
of fine glassware. O Anderson Co.
Rasmus Nelsen and family visited
relatives near Homer severul dajB the
past weok.
Tho S Larsen children nro still hick
from a severe cold. '
Millar's coffee is getting cheapo
and is also gottiug better if poatduiu
Try it andbo convinced. C Audor
sou Co.
Johu Kuudaeu, Chris Pederstn,
jonn YVauguuuu Uurl Anderson wire
at the county neat lust Tlinituliiy.
Johu Jesaeu uttended oouit till lust
week. ,
Henryjohnso'n moved onto the John
Harty farm this week.
We want your butter, eggs and
cream and will pay the highest mar
ket prioe. O Anderson Co.
Katie Long came home Friday from
South Sioux City, returning Sunday,
Fred Bartels shipped two oars of
sheep to Omaha Tuesday evening.
O Anderson Co are going to give
away an automobile absolutely free to
the one who seouree the most wrap
pers from "tiiiuuhine Biscuit" cartons.
The contest ends March 30th. Call at
the store and get particulars.
Tho infant child of Mrs R Francisco
died Wednesday of last week. The
little one bad been suffering .for some
time with whooping oough, but was
thought to be better shortly before the'
end came. The funeral was held Fri
day and interment mado in the home
cemetery, Rev Phillips, of Battle
Greek, Nob, officiating. Tho bereaved
mothor has the sympathy of the entire
oommunity in her great loss.
William Blessing's sale was attend
ed by a large crowd and everything
sold woll.
Mamio Olauson spent over night
Thursday at the H Nelsen home.
Wo sell 3-Star gasoline tho host on
tho market. C Anderson Co.
Helen Long visltod iu the city
couple of days laBt wook.
Frank Leisberg finished moving this
week. Frank aaya he has boon mov
ing for about a month, so it's protty
noar time ho gots through.
All kinds of fish for the lonton Boa-
son at O Andorsou Go's,
Chris Bmith, of Vista, was iu town
Lillian Nelseu came homo last Fri
air anu Airs iu ubrlstonson wore
east bound passengers Monday.
Mrs JesBonand daughtor wont to
Ooburn Monday,
Robert Mundy was iu Emerson be
tween trains Monday,
Mamie Clausen visited friends at
Bancroft, Neb, frorajFrlday until Sun
Joseph Ohristenson oame home from
the City i rluay, returning Sunday.
L Harris and wife were called to
Honier las eek pwlng fofho illneea
M Mitchell camo up from Sioux
City Monday to look aftor his farms
here .
The Misses Minnie Keofo, of Sioux
City, and Madeline MoMullen, of
Watorbury, attended the danco hero
last Friday evening and were guests
of Blanche Riloy several days.
Died, February 21, 1914, the infant
daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo Shiley,
age one week. Interment was made
Sunday in tho Drake cemetery at
Waterbury .
Marie Knudeon haa gone to Omaha
to spend tho remainder of the winter.
Will McCormick, of Mason Ctty,
la, was a guest in the home of his
brother, J H McCormick, several days
last weok. He waa accompanied home
by J H, who will spend a weok in
Mason City with relatives,
Lue Armbright waa up from Salem
last Thursday advertising his public
sale which was held at his plaoe
Mrs J M Davey and son, Dr Davey,
woro down from Ponoa several days
last week, called here by tho illness
of tho former's mothor, Mrs Mary
MoOormiok. Thoy loft her much im
proved. Roy Hall departed last Thursday
for Gregory, S'D, where he expeots to
go into businoss.
Mr and Mrs Ed Mahonoy and
daughter, of Sioux FhIIb, 8 D, and
Miko Linden and wifo, of Hay Springs,
Nob, wero guests in tho P T Carey
homo Beveral days this week, Mrs
Linden and Mr Mqlonoy aro sister and
brother of Mrs Carey,
Helen Lineafolter, who has been vis
iting the past week in the Goodfellow
homes, departed Sunday for Water
bury whoro she will visit her aunt, Mrs
Martin Springer, beforo returning to
her homo in South Dakota.
Mra M O'Neill and son, of Water
bury, wero visiting their daughter,
Pearl, at St Catherine's acadomy the
first of the week,
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday,
the beginning of lent. DovotionB will
bo held at the Catholio ohuroh Wed
nesday and Friday evenings through
out lent.
Quite a number from hero and the
oouutry turned out Monday afternoon
to hoar A E Anderson, representative
of the stato agricultural college, dis
cuss farm management.
Arohio Coughtry shipped a car load
of calves from Coburn to Sioux City,
Bernard Boals and F W Beermanu
had a oar of hogs on the Sioux City
market Tuesday.
A bright eyed girl pat in her f
W3i&S .
When Y
ou Y6
to pick out
Suit you may as
your choice rr
Serges made.
all of
we are now displaying.
All Our Styles Are
(Mindtive and individual,
and why shouldn't they be?
They come from LAMM &
The Home of Fine Tailoring
You'll be
Blues you'll
vj with (he
get Here.
Dakota City
Having decided to move on the farm, I will selLat Public Auction in Ponca, Nebr., on
Saturday, Feb. 28
at 2 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following described real estate and personal property
Livery Barn and
Located on Lots 10, 11 and 12, facing Main Street, in Ponca, Nebr.
feet, room for GO head of horses, 50 tons of hay, 400 bushels of
bed room; all in good" repair. Five Room House in good repair.
Size of barn, 50x100
grain ; small office and
This property is located in one of the best towns in northeastern Nebraska, a town of
1600 population. Being the only livery barn in town, here's a great opportunity for some
good, live man.
Terms on Real Estate: S300 Cash on day of sale; S1000 when posssssion is given
March 1, 1914: balance carried one year at 10.
One Registered and Imported from France,
weight 1800. One grade stallion, wt. 1800.
2 Percheron Stallions
About Twenty head of Horses, which were brought in too late to list on the bills.
Also some Farm Machineey.
Some Livery Stock, 1 Open Buggy and Single Harness
Household Goods, Etc.
railing, nearly new. 2 good
1 Base Burner, good as new. 1 8-foot Dining
Table, good as new. J Child's Bed, 5-foot, with
Organs, and other articles.
TERMS: 10 months time on approved notes at 10. Sums under $10, Cash
Stull & Co.
pearanco at tho Fred Dierking homo
on tho 12th inat.
Ladies Aid meota with Mra Goo W
Hates Friday afternoon. Every one
cordially invited.
Cubb and Loy Beermanu visitod tho
paat week with their unolo, Geo Fiah
er, in Sioux City.
Miss Gadko's school in district No 8,
gave gavo a patriotic program Friday
aftornoon, celebrating Waahingtou
auu Lincoln birthday anniversaries.
Frank Leisberg and family moved
from Hubbard to tho Brio Beorman
farm Tuesday of,last week.
Olay Armbright billad a car of corn
from Wood Park to Fcllds & Slaugh
ter Saturday.
Mrs Maud Bobier gavo a quilting
and osmfort tieing at her homo Tuoa
day. An elegant -1 o'clock lunoh was
Fr4 Bwriaann, sr, O O Boermap,
Frocl Oulberlsou, Horace OulbertBon
and Geo V Butes attended farmers
inatituto iu Sergeant Bluffs, fla, Fri
day. Sunday the weather was very chang
eable. Fred Oulbertaon stated that
his thoromomoter was lower than it
had been this winter. Geo Bates and
Bernard Boals tried to put up an ar
gument. Bates said his was R above,
Boala tiuid his was 0 nbovo. But
Fred won. Tho wind had blown his
thermomotor down, whioh had been
hanging on n troo.
Messrs O O Beerman, Frod Oulbert
son, Barry Brown, Jake Sides, Jacob
Learner, Emmot Gribblo, Elinor Blca
Biug, Fred Jacobion, Geo Bates, Geo
Miller, Walter Millor, Charles Bles
sing and wives, Mrs Bridonbaugh,
Elda Bridenbaugh, Mrs Ed Morgan,
Fred Bartels, Ered Beorman, Br, Jou
Ebcl, Henry Ebol, Horaco Dutton,
attended a meetiagof Intorstato Farm
ora and Breeders association which
was held in Sioux Oity tho 18th and
19th. O O Beerman wus oleotod pres
ident for tho coming year.
Free to Partners,
By Bpocial anaugomont Ratokin's
big 1914 seed catalogue, with Wamplo
of "Diamond Joe's Big White" seed
oorn that made 1G3 bUBhols per acre,
will bo mailed free to every reador of
this papor who aro interested in tho
crops thoy grow. This big book tolls
how to mako the farm and garden
pay. It's worth dollars to all who
plant or sow. Write for it and men
tion this paper. The addrenn in P.-to-kin's
Seed House, Shenandoa, Iowa,
n . I
,LttJi h re
. w"a.fcivB 1 .