-, 7 """ " ,j lJU. t.U t' DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. hv nr i ( iJhi - Ji"s fci i tr El SJ A r.3 r. Ft ift lit- J c V .wcs? rr kc. E2k 'Q- iARQEST- SCORER !N Abel R. Abel It. Klvlat, the sensntlonal little J -tillur of the Irish-American A. C. was the largest point scorer In tho Winged r Fist organization during tho 1913 Bea ton. "Ktvylo" tallied a total or lGfi joints, 47 more than the mark of "Ed die" Goodwin, the champion bike rid er. "Mel" Sheppard, tho old warhorao, proved that he was far from being a 'katf-beon by annezlns 107 points, which placed him in third place, ,The complete point score for the year-follows, Abel R. Klvlat, 165; Ed ward H. Goodwin, 118; Molvin W. eppard, 107; Alvah T. Meyer, 101; Patrick McDonald, 96; Hanne Kole- mainen, 75; Patrick Ryan, 60; Matt McQrath, 41; Hugh Hirschon, 38; Emll .jMuJler, 35; James M..Roaenberger, 34; M. Jl Hayes, M fEdwafd Coylo, 33f John J. Eiler, 31 E. Frazer, 32; J. J. McNamara, 27,; S, J. Riley, 26; W, J. Flaher, 2C; R. Romer, 25; Thomas Harden, 25; Ike Lovell, 24; W. Lcnn reri, 22; A. Pepis, 21; A. McDougall, 20; E, M. Prltchard, 1;;F. Schwartz, 1; John Eke, IB; J, J. Archer, 14; A. Ji Davis, 14; M, J. Sheridan, 13; F. kcco::co:;o::cc!;;c 2 RECORD OF SPORT FATALITIES SINCE 1905 1905 .. II .. SI 1908 IB IS , S 7 1 107 13 IS a 7 t s 8 1 Jtaaeball .... Football .... Boxing- ...... Automobiles . Ilorae rarlaa; Wrestling- . , . OtcIIbs: .... 4. IlorUrjr icon m ...... ...... Hacketball , . . Oolf ....... Hfld ffuinr ........ Bowline . ....i..... Marathon .......... l-olo Other porl ........ Total 47 88 48 e&ooGi&tt"icy& DAN MAHER EMULATES AST0R Once Famous American Jockey Be comes Naturalized British Citi zen Has Won Many Races. """ Jockey Danny Maher has become a ' if fMturaIIzed British citizen. Following r ' 'the example of. William Waldorf As- 1 1-. -i , tor, Danny has decided to turn his back on Uncle Sam and wear nl 1 ' ieclance to Johnny Bull. Tho famous E ' 4iVInfi1fiti finrcmmAn fat a imtnliai rtt , -' yean) and has made his home on tho t ,(, 'j" anaer aiuu lur a iuub uuie jmov, uanuy c has decided that ho will retire .frpm :;;:,tlMj turf, sdon and will spend his life "as a country crentleinoh. breedlne , . - wrxiii. :v'?'i Danny Maher. hoiB6B and cattle. Hq has ulreudy pur ched a place' near Nottingham, where he has, several fine specimens of pedigreed cattle. Danny has many friends among the wealthier class of " Englishmen. One of his warmest friends is Lord Roaeberry. He h.ts made, a fortuno from his victories In - the saddle. Ffgurlna Trades Pretty Closely. Some .statistician has koiio to the v trouble to work out that Fred Clarke, Manager of the Pirates, gavo uway '1$9 extra basea 911 hard hitting, la . return for 167 extra bases in trading 'Millwri WHob, Butler, Robinson and Polan to the Bt. Louis Qardlnals for c-Konetchy, Mowrey and Harmon. A ,i,trHble oversight, of . tiourse. But Ftd Clark" has riot' reached his dot- a.. H waat4 a finished first ba nan, long uaeded In JMtUburtjhand sjat earn, ao'that be may. ba i;c4UMd' f j"'f'i""aafcAvBaaM W'y'Aii :;vEbMIb1HbBb1 ... ri A JHpniBMH it' vwrsSaaHIPP' '?"" BiLLLLB at'- jm, 'tM'afaBBH RflWWiAiW liVsaLaLaLaLaLaLaH &J$'U-,-t '.-ut flataBl BfrJaaHBBaBaH TSJnrWftBT f aBBBBBBB?eaBBBBBBBaH !RISHAMERICAN A. C, Klvlat. T. Onkon, 13; M. J. Fahoy, 12; M., J. Talum, 12; T, Ji Kelly, 12; h. J. Har- per. 12; F. Juria, 11; O. J. Bell, 11; J. nromllotv, 11; Kenneth Caldwell, 11; W. Rosette, 10; E. McCarty, 10; W. J. Fortune, 9; Bruno Brodd, 8; F. J. Cording, 7; A. J. Sheridan, 7; A. J. Fogol, 6; Wi Krapowltz, 6; F. Lund, 0; T. Toenan, G; C. Brodcrick, 5; J. II. Donnelly, 5; J. Summorgrade, 5; F. T. Gardner, 4. Klvlat was born In Now York city June 23, 1892. Ho first attracted at tention as a runner while a student. In 1908 he joined tho Irish-American Athletic club, and won tbo junior championship for one mllo, time 4:24, for the metropolitan district. A short time later he broke tho world's rec ord In tho 2,400 yard relay race, his time for 800 yards being 1:16. At the eastern Olympic tryouts in Cambridge last Juno Klvlat established a world's record of 3:55 4-5 for tho 1,500 meter run. Klvlat also holds the -world's best mark, 3:08 3-5, for three-quarters of a mllo Indoors, and the Canadian milo record of 4:20 3-5. 1901 21 ft H 5 1906 St 18 3 8 10 mo 2S S3 XI S X 4 1911 XS sa KB 8 a 1912 1913 Total 11 12 11 H B 2 IS 24 287 24 B 17 O 1 25 182 SO 10U 46 16 u:i X 1 8 7 X .1 4 20 'J OS 110 14B 100 72 108 707 "Red" Dooln says ho will catch in every game for tho QuakerB this sen son. Ha really rauBt like to work. Clarence ("Brick") Owons has sign ed a contract to umplro In tho Inter national leuguo this season, The Fed eral leaguo had offered Owens a con tract. Charles Rose, the young left-hander signed up by the Yanks, won twenty six games and lost seven for the Hous ton club of the Texas league last sea son, Eddlo Plank la trying to secure the Lancaster, Pa., franchise, in the Trl State leaguo. If he gets It he will re ceive youngsters to develop for Con nie Mack. Further Improvements to tho Grand Rapids track are contemplated, tho management planning to mako the meetings among the most noteworthy In tho country. If Comlskey and McOraw make a world's tour overy year, it will bo u very popular winter pastime to go along with them If the players get back safe and Bound this tlmo. The Cards in 1013 owned tho best tnllald on any diamond In either of tho mujor leagues, Hugglns, Konoy, Mow roy and O'Leary did better field work than Connie Mack's $100,000 outnt. Robinson, tho schoolboy sprinter, bids fair to remain outsldo tho fence all tills year. He has been refused admission to Phillips Exeter in addi tion to being expelled from MercerB burg. Tho Indiana university athletic com mittee has ordered all men who intend U bo candidates for the football eleven IB 1914 to enroll In the wrostllng clasaea for football men, which will start next term. Indiana university baa put In a bid for RalDh Glaze to assuino the dutlnn of athletic supervisor, but it to moro probable tJiaC the erstwhile Baylor ooaeh and Idol of the BaptlBt studanta will be at Tulane nxt year. vjiossip ! i NOM DE PLUMES OF BOXERb Many Start of Arena Travel Undei Aliases, Assumed Names or Nick names List of Few Given. In scanning tho latest official boxing guides, ono is surprised to see how many of tho starB of tho boxing firma ment travel under aliases, assumed names or nicknames. There aro just about as many box ers In tho game today battling under a nomdeplumo as thero aro boxing under their right cognomen. Here aro a few of them, their fighting name being given first, then their right name. Harry Lewis Honry Besterman. Ray Bronson John R. Bronson. Knockout Brown Valentino Braun. Jim Flynn -Andrew Chlrlgllone. Packey McFarland Patrick McFar- land. Battling Nelson Oscar Matthews Nelson. Franklo Conloy Francesco Conto. Leach Cross Dr. Louis C. Wallach. Jack Britton William J. Breslln. Kid Williams Johnny Guengo. Young Jack O'Brien John Thomas Augustine Hagan. Young IJrown Abo Brown. Gunboat Smith Ed Smith. Johnny Dundee Josoph Carrora. Young Shugruo Joo Shugruo. Eddie Campl Eddie do Campus. Willie Ritchie Geary Steffon. Philadelphia Jack O'Brien Josoph F. Hagan. Tommy Burns Noah Brusso. Tommy Ryan Josoph Youngs. Stnnloy Ketchel Stanislaus Kiecal. Jim Dilaoull Jainea Drlseoll. Frank Mnntel Frank Otto Mintoll. Billy Lang William Lanfranchl. Young Brltt Harry Trofflnger. Tony Ross Antonio Rossllano. Jim Flynn. Fred AVelsh Fred Hall Thomas. George Brown George Costar. Chicak Hayes Adolph Koske, Charlie White Charloy Anchowltz. Jack Dillon Ernest Cutler Prlco. Young Jack Redmond Henry F. Hoppc. ' Joo Coster Joo Angello. Pal Brown Lawrence W. Brown. Georgo Chip Georgo Chlpulonls. Wildcat Ferns Clarence McCub bins. TENNIS IS OLDEST OF GAMES Origin Lost in Antiquity, but Was Played Largely In Europe Dur ing the Middle Ages. Tennis is undoubtedly the oldest of nil existing ball games. He origin is buried in antiquity, but It was played largely in Europe during tho mlddlo ages in the parks and dltchcB of feudal castles. The French learned the game from the Italians, tho Brit ish from tho French. Golf is popularly Bald to be a Scot tish game, but thore is good reason to supposo that, In the first Instance, it camo from Holland. Cricket, however, Is essentially all British. Tho llrst mention of tho game is found in a thirteenth century manuscript, and It derives Its namo from tho Saxon word "eric," or "cryc," meaning "a staff." Billiards is believed to have beon brought from the cast by tho Cru saders; though somo people say that the French developed It from an an cient German gama. Chess, however, -which is the most Intellectual of all games, Is also tho most ancient. COLLEGE SPORT TITLES ARE WELL DISTRIBUTED. Sport. Champion Football Harvard Baseball Yale Track Penn Basketball Cornell Cross-country Cornell Rowing Syracuse Hockey Harvard WreBtllng Cornell Lacrosse Harvard Lawn Tennis Harvard Gymnastics Penn Y 5 Water Polo Princeton ? Swimming Yale 2 Golf Yalo $ x Soccer Harvard X $ Rlllo ,..., Harvard v X Gun Yale X Fencing Columbia y X ChwtB Harvard X 8tars of Baseball, Whore do baBoball stars coinotrora? This question Is an uver unsolvable puzzle to the fanB. Most of the Bhln lug llghtu drift under the big tent from small country towns, it Is recall ed that tho players purchased at ridi culous prices seldom set tho big leagues afire. Marquard, O'Toole, Blackburn, Kel ly, Shunnon and Cy Seymour nil coat more than $10,000 each. Of the six. only Marqunrd and O'Toolo are still with the big follows. Ty Cobb, Eddlo Collins, Christy Matbcwson, Walter Johnson, Tria Speakor and Buddy Schang, all of proved brilliancy, coat their teams little or nothing. Has Hoodoo Number. Chance has thirteen hurl em on IiIb ruster for the coming campaign, Six of them aro hold-overs from lost sea- san. They are Ford, Caldwell, War- Vp, Fischer, Keating and Scbultz, Sr NEW TOOL FOR LACING BELT Difficulty of Getting' Connection Cloae Together Is Obviated by tmple- , ment Recently Invented. A handy little tool for lacing ends of belting together has been invented by a man in tho state of Washington. It is such a simple little tool that tho word "Invented" seems almost out of place nothing more than a thin metal rod colled upon itself at tho middle, and with one end bent into a hook, Belt Lacing Tool. tho other end serving as a handle. In lacing belts together It is often diffi cult to get tho connection as close as is desirable, owing to the fact that tho lnces can not bo worked with tho fingers as ell as they might. Onco they were pulled fairly tight It was hard to loosen them up- again to pull them still tauter. Hero Is where the lacing tool comes in, for the hook can bo inserted under the laco and the latter worked out In a twinkling. RAINCOATS ARE MADE CHEAP Waterproof Garments Can Be Retailed for Ten Cents Up by Process Invented by Illinois Man. A man in Illinois has Invented a process to produco nnd market a rain coat that can be retailed from 10 cents up. These coats are made in the regulation slip-on style, from an integral piece of waterproof paper. Their production cost will bo no high er than C cents each, and even that figure can bo lessened. The coat can be folded up to fit in an ordinary en velope and Is particularly adapted to being carried In handbags. The coats can be made of oiled pa per or paraffin, vellum parchment pa per, which gives tho appearanco of sllklneBB at a short distance. The original Idea was for tho coats to be worn only once, but, after a trial, It was demonstrated that they could bo utilized successfully two or threo times. The coats aro reinforced where the buttons aro sowed on and also where tho button holes aro cut. Thero are only two seams, both run ning underneath tho arms and down the sides. These seams aro cemented by ordinary glue. MAKE PRINTS WITH CAMERA Drawing to Be Copied Is Focused Me chanically, Exposed and Developed Before Leaving Machine. The old-time method of inking in and varnishing the pencil drawing for Issuing to the shops or contractors was abolished by tho invention of the blue-printing method. Now. with this camera outfit, tho Intermediate troc- A Photographic Machine Which Makes Shop Prints Direct From Original Drawing. lng required for tho making of shop prints is eliminated, tho print being mado direct from tho original pencil drawing, says tho Popular Mechanics. Tho drawing to bo copied Is placed In tho copy holder, focused mechanically, exposed, cut off from n roll, and de veloped and fixed boforo leaving tho machine. Prints can ho mado, washed and dried, and Issued to tho shop In loss than ten minutes. t Disabled Printers. Tho union prlntora of tho United States take good care' of their mem bers who have fallen by tho way side. They spend nearly $550 a year on each of tho aged or Invalid guests of tho Printers' Homo In Colorado Springs. Limestone Wool. Wool not the product of sheep is be ing utilized abroad tor mon'B clothos. This Is known as "limestone wool" and is mdde In an electric furnace. A pair of trousers or a coat woven of this inateriu) can not, it is asserted, bo burned or damaged by greaso. Substitute for Gravel. Slag from garbage Incinerating plants, according to Gorman authori ties, Is an excellent substitute for gravel for mixing with cement In the manufacture of concreto. Destroys Inscription. By treating It with curtain acids a ("rench Inventor has brought out a pa per which disintegrates atiy Inscrip tion wrP'rp upon It after time. ' - IS STRONGER THAN DYNAMITE New High Explosive, Trotol, Is Safe to Handle Resembles Brown Sugar In Appearance. Trotol If) the name of a now high explosive 'which is twice as powerful as dynamite and very much safer to handle. Six ounces of trotol will do the work of 12 ounces of dynamite, but nothing will explode It except ful minate of mercury, and that can be stored within six Inches of it without danger. When packed in a 12-inch shell and fired at armor plate 1,000 yards away, during a recent test by the United States artlllory, trotol re mained unexploded in spite of the ter rific concussion. In appearance it re sembles wot brown sugar and Is made up In sticks. Unlike dynamite, trotol can bo kopt in water for years with out deteriorating. The now explosive was discovered by an officer of tho Now York national guard through tho study of an old German book contain ing 2,000 formulas) for high explosives. From one of these, taken at random, trotol was developed. AXE WITH REMOVABLE BLADE Head Is Provided With Socket for Handle and Groove for Reception of Back of the Bit. The Scientific American in describ ing a new axe, invented by A. F. Kop riva of Stony Brook, L. I., says: This Implement has an axe head and a removable bit to permit of replac ing a worn out or broken bit with a now ono, nnd securely to hold tho re movable bit In position In tho oxo head. The axe. head Is provided with a sock et for the handle and with a groove for the reception of the back of the bit. the groove being provided with a socket for tho handlo and with a groove for the reception of the back of the bit, tho groove being provided with beveled scats and the back of Improved Axe Blade. the bit with beveled lugs adapted to engage the seat to center the bit on the axe head and to hold tho bit against accidental movement In an up and down direction. Woman's Wages. No woman who works in tho state of Utah receives less than 90 cents a day, and eveh one learning now work must bo paid 90 cents dally, and after an apprenticeship of six months her wages mist be raised to US per day. Floating Factory. The British admiralty Is contem plating the construction of a huge floating Belf-contained factory, capa ble of carrying out almost any kind of repairs to war vessels that can be dono without drydocklng. Destroying Dirigible Balloons. For destroying dirigible balloon Italian army officers have invented shells carrying oxygon and platinum sponges In their heads, the latter be coming red hot on entering the hy drogen and exploding the mixture of tho two gases. Flax Fiber and 8eed. Russia leads the world In the pro duction of flax fiber and Argentina la the production of seed. White coral blocks are used building purposes in Bermuda for A now circular saw has teeth that can be removed and replaced when broken. ... Germany leads the world In both the production and consumption of artificial silk. A '$500 prize Is offered In England for the best kerosene lamp for safe UBe about a house. Enameled concroto reflectors. In stead of metal, will be used behind somo of tho lights along the Panama cannl. . A transparent paint for glass can be mado by tinting white shellac var nish with an aniline dye of tho do- Blrcd color ... Tho Bureau of Commerce estimates that thero aro at least 200,000 motor- boats in tbo United States. Oil of tho Hawaiian kukul nut has been found to be better than linseed oil lu the manufacture of paint Granulated glass Is being tried as a preservation for tho surface of wood (n England with much success The world's production of raw silk last year was tho greatost on record, French figures placing It at nearly 09.000.000 pounds. Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Bit nola and Ohio' produce more than 40 per cent, in value of the minerals found in the United States. a So groat has become tho demand for olectrio washing macmnes that ono manufacturer is producing them In thlrty-Blx styles and sizes. ... The French army has adopted a bicycle with a removable front wheel and a folding frnmo that enables it to be carried on a man's back. csfii I I B-uy Yoxir WrmmH Meats Cured Meats Salted Mei Saixs8i.i Oysters I City Meat Maurket I Agents for Seymour's Laundry W. Lorenz, Jr. Dakota City, Neb. The Old Companies, ment The Old Care. They the best in all Hartford Phenix Continental- really STRONG Insurance I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours, when you sell. Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing, draw up Wills, Deeds, Leases, Etc. RIGHT. Very much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well. H. F McRcevcr, Jlf Successor to Ed. T. Kearney. Insurance. Real Estate Conveyancing. Steamship Tickets. Col. E. F Rastnussen Farm Sales, Real Estate and Live Stock Auctioneer 100 Tin Cups furnished. See me Earty for dates. One pric- to all. Write me Ponca, Nebr.,l3ox 10), or Phone 56 at my expense. Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service Wm. F Dickinson. Vndertaking Ball 71 Auto N471 MB mmmm mmmm mmm mmmm "A Growing Business Bui.lt on Our Reputation" SHIP US YOUR Cattle, Hogs and SKeep Steele, Si man & Co. SIOUX fora Steele. RaySlman, Malinger Cattle Salesman Hundreds of Dakota County iFarmers Ship Us. Ask them about us. Our -Best Boosters. I We Work for You. BbjBSBSb) Sbbbbjbjbb a bbbbbbbb o bbbbbbb) wmmmtm w ww v w w -v 1 Ask Your Dealer to Show You aft I ! I 09 G3 JiH- t ? CO M 17 A 1 a,- a iJCT'-ai JlCLjrvJJ5i o.r . t fc?Vl ..ill. i.:?.fiS!LSVf.SJiA.i I IV The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness If they Don't Have Them, write or call on Stui'&e Bros., 4ii Pearl St., Sioux City, la. I Henry's East of the Court I Wines, Liquor Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies. Nxilife Beer Bottle I Henry Krumwiede, Celery at the I The Old Treat- the land. I represent the -Columbia Royal, the Companies. I t Lady Assistant 415 Sixth Street Sio-ux City Iowtv. CITY, IOWA Dave Prusmer, JIotf& Sheep Salesman. Harry Rppersen, OJUcc. Write Us. Ship Us. Ci pa l o 3 fssx1 . JrtwaM" 1 . .'J It O VK lit- 5MW CD : DO o WM4 PI ft.ee House for the Best in Cisrars or Krf PnltuU City. NafaraaUn ! - . BBBBie- I "Se.i d Tl e ?'.J WW W1M! 1 bl e t M i Ifr '" i K5 ft i!.i , 11 .11,,. rt,C J.I k"V'--.ll i