ifU DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD: DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. ir X f , 7T MR. Samuel McKlnley, 1215 Grand Ave, KtuiBaa City, Mo writes: "I can honestly say that I owe my life to Peruna. Traveling from town to town, and having to go Into all kinds of badly heated building, ply ing my trade as auctioneer, it Is only natural that I had colds fre quently. "Last December I contracted a severe cold which, through neg lect on my part, settled on my cheat I heard of Peruna. It cured me, bo I cannot praise It too highly." Those who prefer tablets to liquid medicines can bow proem rerun ta tablet ri The Wretchedness of Constipation un quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely ana ently on the fiver. Cure Biliousness, Head ache. Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature UNCLE DAVE'S BELATED LUCK Twenty Years of Unprofitable Time Was What Worried the Old Gentleman. Charley Sessions, secretary of state, -says that while ho was taking bis summer vacation up in Minnesota a couple of years ago he met a charac ter at the little village up in the woods, known as "Uncle Dave," says the Topeka (Kansas) Capital. The old man's only occupation was carry ing tho sack of mail over from the depot to the postofllce once a day. It was all he could do to subsist and it was a mighty lean subsistence at -that Last year, when Secrotary Ses sions wont back again on hisvacation he did not see "Uncle Dave" and asked where ho was. Ho was in formed that "Uncle Dave" had gone -to Minneapolis to have a blowout Charley was surprised that "Uncle Dave" had been able to gather enough money to go to Minneapolis. " 'Uncle Dave has had a streak of luck," said 2iis informant. "He went over here to a neighboring town and fell through a hole in the sidewalk. Ho sued tho town and they compromised by agree ing 'to pay 'Uncle Dave" a pension of $75 a month." Some days after that Charley met "Uncle Dave," who told him all about his good fortune. "Yes, sir," said "Uncle Dave," "I am in big luck, but think what a time I might have had if I had found that liole 20 years ago." Located Him. One evening, when a water Inspector was going his round, he stopped at one of the mains in a busy street to turn off the water owing to some repairs. He had just put tho handlo on the tap and begun turning when a hand was placed on his shoulder by a tipsy gen tleman, who said, In a drunken tone: "So I have found you at last, have IV It's you that's turning the street round, is it?' i " ' -n T Melting Aluminum. While charcoal should be invariably used in melting brass and bronze, states the Brass World, it is not only useless in melting aluminum, but dan gerous. Aluminum is so light that the charcoal is apt to become intermin gled, with it, and the castings made from it will have small specks and pieces in them. Sources of Activity. "How active that old millionaire 1st" "Yes; got his agility from side stepping autos and dodging bis taxes." Tho ono sure thing that comes to him who waits Is old age. Appetite Finds Ready Satisfaction In a bowl of Post Toasties dCn ani earn. Thin, crisp bits of In dian Corn cooked and toasted so that they have a delicious flavour Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve sold by Grocers everywhere. Wi jESLsTADTnft B WTTLE V HIMCD BBV BriliMi ar wJ WHAT EUGEfK OF jinr rjinrn Ant CHUCH Some Insist the Race Is Deteriorating Says Herbert Carey Rush to the Large Cities and the Complexity of Modern Life Given as Among the Causes Many Depressing Facts Are Revealed. Now York. To tho lay mind scienti fic eugenics seems to be founded upon the blackest pessimism, says Herbert Carey. Perhaps scientists see more clearly than tho rest of us though they do not all see alike, or get tho same conclusions from tho same factl. Some of them are euro we are going to the apes very fast. Death and degen eration and insanity and gibbering idiocy seems to bo the only posslblo ond for the human race, they think unless something is dono at "once to check our sliding tendencies. Per haps the most disheartening rovelation Is that we are no stronger or more capable mentally or vigorous morally than our forefathers were in tho days when they dressed in pigment n pen and Ink sketch. "Wo speak with pride of the advanco of humnn civilization," says Doctor Metcalf, "and that blinds us to the fact that since tho dawn of history there has been no clearly recognizable evolution of mankind. We reach larger results in the problems of life than did our progenitors 5,000 years ago, because we build upon the experience of the generations between." Other scientists swell this despond ent chorus. Prof. Kay Lankester 6oundcd the keynoto in 1892, when ho wrote that "compared with the foro fathors of our civilization, tho ancient Greeks, wo do not appear to have im proved so far as our bodily structure Is concerned, and assuredly not so far as some of our mental capacities are concerned." Dr. J. H. Kellogg declares that "the human race Is dying." Jtev. Newell Dwight MllIIs is quoted as declaring that "within 400 years we shall all be Insane." The superintendent of the asylum at Austin, Tex., in an official report published some years ago, held that "the Insane in this state may soon outnumber the sane." Ho jocularly added that.in that event the Insane might turn themselves out of tho asy lums nnd put tho sane in. H. H. Laughlln of the Cold Spring Hnrbor eugenics record ofllce learns from tho thirteenth census that there Rev. Newell Dwlght HHIIs. are 914.7 Inmates of Institutions of various sorts to tho 100,000 of popula tion in this country or almost one per cent. He has recently declared that ten per cent, of us are so far "an tisocial" as to be unfit for parentage. E. E. RIttenhouse, president of the re cently formed Life Extension insti tute, of which former President Tart is an active member, in a recent paper said that 75 per cent, of the 20,000,000 school children in the United States are moro or less defective. Dr, V. V. Vaughan of' Ann rbor who specifi cally doclares he is not an alarmist says "tho American people aro threat ened with a spread of mental and mor al degeneracy through the multiplica tion of the unfit." Dr.. Gertrude Hall says that "only one-half of the dependent children we have examined and tested in New York state aro up to normal standard." Cancer Is killing 75,000 annually in the United States and 200,000 die from tuborculosls, not to speak of the other chronic diseases, some of which, on the authority of statisticians, have doubled their mortality rate in thirty years. Reports show that In certain parts of England, Scotland and Ireland the physical condition of the Inhabitants has degenerated. On the moral side we aro getting no hotter fast and wo're a little worse hero than our neighbors. RIttenhouse, who Is an authority, says that 9,000 murders are committed In tho United StateB annually and an av erage of 116 murderers are executed. We have tho appalling homicide rec ord of over 100 per million of popula tion, against Beven In Canada, nlno In Great Britain and 15 in Italy. The birth rate is declining and tho span of life shortening. About 15,000 men and women commit suicide in this country each year. Kellogg says that tho dally "average dooo of poison al cohol, nicotine, caffeine and opium is 3C8 grains." Our eyes and ears and teeth are going back on us. Over 13 per cent, of the rapidly increasing number of Insane are paretic, because CHAINED FATHER FOR SAFETY St Louis Butoher, Whose Parent Was Inians, Not Arrested by the Police. BL Louis. The statement given out that Morris Qlazer, who runs a butcher shop here, had been arrested after the police found bis father, Max Qltu-er, chained to tho floor of a room in the rear of tho butcher shop, proves m Investigation to have been untrue. Morris Glazcr convinced tho police I I THE WORLD nmn m xnnnuni nmu iu Hbuuinri. of syphilis, "tho ulcer which Is eating into modern civilization." The whole racial situation, as viewed by the sci entists, rocnlls ono of Hooker Wash ington's storlos. Ho mot on old colored woman one day. "Whero you goln',.Aunt Calllno?" he asked. "Lawd bless you. Mlsteh Washing ton," said Aunt Caroline "I'so dono boon whero I's gwlne." Conceding that tho scientific ougen Ists havo established their contention that tho human raco is rapidly do- "W&XJy&rliZAFT generating as well as dying what are the conditions that produced this re sult? In some measure they are purely physical, according to the students of the eugenic problem who met at the national conference at Battles Creek. In the last 50 years there has been an appalling shift In tho center of grav ity, duo to the world's progress in me chanics. Frederick L. Hoffman esti mates that In the last decade the city population has Increased 35 per cent., while the rural poijulation has in creased but ono per cent, "Cities," ho said, "boast of their growth In population, when they should be weeping." Hence "factory degeneration" as re ported from densely populated mjlllng sections of the south. In a senate docu ment printed at the request of Sena tor Townsond, tho statement It made that "in Manchester and other English manufacturing districts the police force is lnrgely recruited from the country districts, because the home grown men aro not large enough." In 15 years the British Association for the Advancement of Science found the averago height of men had de creased ono inch. Tho same authority found tho well to do Briton on an av erage of 3 Inches taller than an em ploye ln,the mills, and that at the age of twelve tho height of their respect ive sons differed by five inches. In 55 years the height required for ad mission to the British army was lower ed from 5 feet G inches to 5 feet, and still the proportion of rejections for this cause remained the same. Similar testimony as to raco deteri oration comes from Scotland, Ireland, Germany and Franco. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell points out that asylum treatment and tho very "natural Inter "SIAMESE TWINS" (? tm Lr 'wiL V '' " LHBHhk, ' ' '' ' -?:??'' WVjBBflal BBBBBBBBEk" 'bbV Theso babies, born in Champagne, France, not long ago, are attracting tho attention of surgeons all over the world, for they wero born with a connecting band of flesh just above the navel. Professor Le Pilliatro, dean of the French Academy of Medicine, has promised to perform personally an operation to separate tho babes, and feels certain thoy will then become normal children. that he was acting for what ho con ceived his father's welfare in fasten ing him with a chain, as the father gave evidences of insanity and had made threats against members of the family, A policeman, who took the father to the city hospital, reported that the son had been arrested, but later it developed that when tho cir cumstances had been explained to the police officials in charge of tho station to which tho patrolman reported, the official decided there was no ground for arrest. Tho son said ho had not marriages is resulting In a raco of deaf mutes Dr. Lilian South, the state bacteriologist of Kentucky, In discussing the fight being made against hookworm in that stato, said: HounWuiiTi Victims are stunted men tally and physically. Thcro are not enough able-bodied men in somo Ken tucky counties to hold tho ofilces. Of the 10,000 inhabitants of Rowan coun ty, 7.000 wero illiterate not long ngo." Doctor South told ono very striking story of the effect hookworm has upojt Us victim: "Ono farmer," said sho, "sold liy farm for (20,000 In gold because l tho doposlt of coal boncath the su face. Ho kept that gold hidden about his house, because ho didn't knoj what to do with it. Nor did he change his manner of life." Tho growth of city population Is gravo factor. British lnvestlgatoij found that not only docs life In a city tend to mako tho next generation weaker, becauso of the nolso, stressed and infections, but Uiat tho people who move in from a rural district aie apt to bo of a weaker type to start with. Hence progressive deteriora tion. Alcohol Is charged with much of tho responsibility. Prof. Alfred Gordon studied 117 alcoholic families or Philadelphia, to find that all of the 200 children in 00 of these families showed signs of degeneracy, and of them 160 wore eplloptlc. Of "78 chil dren found in 20 families whose pa rents and grandparents wero both al coholic, 35 wero lmboclles and 25 In sane" Tho use of drugs has largely Increased In tho last few years of which a disproportionate Increase oc curred In tho cities with deleterious results. Tho increasing complexity of mod ern life wbb a favored cauHo for decay. In tho opinion of several rpcakors. PUTS BABY TO BED ON SNOW Somnambulist Father Taken Good Care of the Child, but Mother Gets a Scare. Bangor, Me. Mrs. Edward Parady of tho French settlement near Still water went to church tho other ovfr ning, leaving the Infant In Its crib, with the father sitting by tho fire closo by. As sho drove up the lnno leading to the house on her return sho fancied that he heard a faint moan. Entering the liouso she found tho cradle ompty and the father was asleep In his chair. "Whero is baby, Ed?" she asked. Paradystarted up In surprise say ing, "Why, baby's In her crib, of course." In a flash Mrs. Parady thought of tho moan that sho had heard at the foot of the lano, and out into tho night she ran. Near an old pump, almost buried in tho deep, soft Bnow, was the baby. Ono hand and ono .cheek had become chilled, but tho infant yas well and cheerful. Then Parady thought of the only explanation that has yet been offered. "I worked hard that day," said he, "and was very sleepy. I remember of thinking of going to bed and of taking baby with me. I am a sleep walker and I guess I muBt have fallen asleop and thon got up and carried baby out into tho snow Instead of to bed. Tho snow looked white and soft, llko a bed. I guess that must have been tho way out of It" Is Bar to Secret Marriages. Los Angeles, Cal. Secret marriages cannot bo kept secret if the brldo wishes to vote in California, Deputy County Clerk McAleer handed down a ruling which declared that women must state under oath whether they are married or single. Death News Tangled. Union Hill, N. J. Simultaneous troubles on their phones, each trying to get the other, delayed only a few minutes news of tho simultaneous deaths of Archibald Boyle, forty, hero and Arthur Boyle, his nephow, In New York. BORN IN FRANCE intended to bo cruel, but thought it necessary to restrain his father. Reports that the father, had had neither food nor water for throe days wore not substantiated. Girl Kills "Masher" With Hatpin. Milwaukee, Jan. 28. Danlol Swee noy of Cleveland, O., triod to "maah" Miss Catherine Hermes on New Year's eve. Tho girl jabbed him three times with a hatpin. The hatpin broke iu his back. Sweoned died twe weeks later from blood poison, You'll wake up a good taste In mouth if you chew this after every meal. The refreshing digestion aiding rnint leaf juice does it This clman, pure, hmatthfut gum purifies your sweetens your breath It's a pleasant, inexpensive, beneficial pastime. It BUY at most dealers for 85 cents Each box contains ' " twenty 5 cent packages Chew it after every meal It stays fresh until used 6 PROCURES SHIRT FROM TREE Native of New Granada Has Little Trouble Securing Garment Suit able for His Needs. It Is comforting at leaBt to know that the sad "Song of tho Shirt" does not apply to all parts of the world. In the forests of Oronoko, situated on the slopo of Now Granada, nature has provided what servos as a ready-made shirt for the natives. It Is obtained from the marina tree, a species of tropical palm, which has a thin, flbrous red bark. When a native wants a shirt he simply cuts a piece of one of these troos about 18 Inches in diameter and takes off the bark, managing so as not to cut It In any way, and thus obtains a hollow cylin der of flexible bark, somewhat re sembling a rough sack without any bottom. He then makes a small silt In each sido for bis arms to go through and puts it on. It Is only during the rainy season, however, that natives conform to the requirements of civilization sufficiently to wear gar ments of any description. Public Opinion. Public opinion is what we think other people aro thinking; or it Is what we think other people think we think. When we think we aro think ing llko other people, then wo think they aro thinking as we think. That is what wo think Is public opinion. When we meet someone who does not think as wo think, then wo think that is not public opinion. When we moot, or hear of, a number who do not think as we think, then we think that what they are thinking Is some thing contrary to what public opinion ought to be, and, indeed, will bo, as soon as they all begin to think as we tfilnk they ought to think. Public opinion is of two kinds what it is not, and what we think it is. On tho other hand, what wo think is public opinion may not be what we think it is. Titled Bounders. Eva Tanguay was congratulated upon her recent marriage. "It's a love match, too, said Miss Tanguay. "it's not the sort of match that our young heiresses make with titled boundors. "Tho average titled bounder, If ke told the truth, would, when he pro posed to a young heiress, make a speech like this: " 'Miss Oolde Lotta I love you for your pelf alone.'" Some people who patronize the opera but on a lot of stylo and very little else. Most anything Is doubtful that poses, as a sure thing. .3$$ mouth brightens teeth besides. IT BY THE Little Paradise Set In the Sea. The Island of Trlnadad is EG miles long and 40 miles wide, and has an area of approximately 1,800 square miles. A chain of mountains extends throughout its length, tho highest of which is about 3,000 feet above the sea level. Tho population of the Is land is estimated at 340,000, A Particular Item. "I always speak my mind." "And do you likewise always mind your speech?" Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet rwumte and invigorate stomach, liver and bowel. Sugar-coated, tiny granule. Easy to take as candy. Adv. Their Dull Lives. "Rich women have no real Joys." "No; the stores never have a clear ance sale of diamond necklaces." Nightly coughing and torturing throat- tickle quickly relieved by Dean's Mentho lated Cough Dropa 6c at all DruxirisU. Banking on most as fatal thing. the unexpected is al as betting on a sure Putnam Fadeless Dyes are the eas iest to use. Adv; Fow things come to those who wait for others to do it for them. 133 BUSHELS mitlnylittelWHEXT on many farms in Western Canada la 1913, torn yield beina retorted u blfh m BO nmhel par acra. A hlah as 1Q0 bushel were recorded in some dlitrieta for naia. tnuhala for bultt ana from 10 to 20 bus. for flax. J. Keys arrived in the country S year ago from Denmark with very little means. He horoaateaded. worked bard, la bow tba owner of 320 acraa of land. . in 1913 had a crop' of 300 ! acre, which will realize him I bout 94,000. His wltaat walahad M lha. to tha InUal ' snlnrrnsrilnTarlBliaiaili uiMun. Thousand of almUar In. 1 stances mln-ht ha related of tha I F homesteaders la Manitoba. Saa-1 r 1.....:. :rr j"... . ' I ' uicucwas ana Aioeru. Tha pmo of 1Q13 an ahtm. I 4ant one everywhere In Western j f AsktodaaeriDtrnlatefatureaad nduced railway rat. Apply to i Sopntatecdeat of Immigration, Otuws.Caaada.or 'lfc4sNwW.tews,J.li I. JL UUm, 111 JsaasSt, St hst,Ku. Canadian Government Aent Ijlf IImI Cough Sjrup. TwtM Oood. I'm kJ frj In Urn. Sold bf DrntgUti. Kl with your vr v T KV BOX Easy Solution, Mrs. 'Nouveau-Marle What's the trouble now, Mary? Mary Sure, an' there's tbrubtt enough, mum. Here we do be wltk company for tay, an' nary a bit bread in the house. Mrs. Nouveau-Marle Ob, well, ar er mind. Make some toast Puck. Getting Scarce. "I lost my hsad completely yesUr- aay." "This will have some eSect on ivory Industry." , Typewriters! wMir raboUt tTMwi-, UWBHMt. It OB MflMja tajwber witi utadapoaltscaUorwrlto for itoek Hit. i uu s.r.Bi xamnifny, m uw lulu, vm mbim, ClllflPIt "' OrerUaa JUnlavB rArUHCH tferwwarMmJiuiroi boM, keep feat nm sad dry. no mim. tmak Writ for epeoUlBTtM, m1mimmfmwimm, EYE ACHES mnM carl Otmsnscn, prMden, H. aw VA N. U., 8I0UX CITY,' NO. 7-11 Sioux City Directory "Hub ef the Northwest" MMWMMNMMIMVil 4WWVMMMMMMMMWW AliSira SwtB )! J. Mnlaau', stou CUT. I FOR BUT SKKTIOB BHTP RICE BROTHERS Lira Btoek Commission Merchant at MOUXOITT. OAfeawa KmttmmmOHa THE MARTIN HOTEL ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 2SO ROOMS RATES SI.OO AND UP. Tor Beat Result ship to FRANK E. SCOn COMMISSION CO. LTte Stock Salesmen and Bayers IssaiMtbtakttilMl- thckTai UaWtl.Um SHIP YOUR LIVK STOCK TO Shnk City Live Stock CmwIssIm Cmmm &.r$50,000.00&S iT&Si Lett mow ir ron are in neea or Bursal r We wlU nslt roa Ut Stock Record tree of SWANSONiGILMORE Ut Btock Commission Merchant.' SIOUX CITY, IOWA. as OKKUGIO, ILLINOIS OusaotM) "ArtmlBsolisBmasitimtl Protect roar hot Ja Chelara, W taetvaMd our capacity, aw4 mb mow fa kas faraWkv ANTI HOG CHOLERA. QPffnil lsas4Ute unties. Oaa OJUXtum mii ye, joei etarlurtam., SIOUX CITY SERUM COMPANY,, STOCK YARDS SIOUX CITY, LL, fJaA ullaaji a tjajftlj -- . WaAakAklaVAoaft toakV t W W r7JWttP Jffl VfJoT HW VST ttTlwW Mlwt JEFFREY FOUR, SI560 COMPLETE RAMBLER DWTIUBirTIWS CO. , 12.14 DoatflM M. Ctty, le, 1 A p .-r-r , tti $ y i n 'Uj 5JTl ' S4l J. .' "J l.' ta . "tb vs c" TS.-JX. . i jJ K ' ''ify, .j