Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 22, 1914, Image 7

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In His Homo No Other Kemcdy
So Effective for Colds as Pa
rana. MAYOR B. 8. IRVIN.
Washington, Georgia.
"I herewith reiterate my commen
dation of Peruna. It certainly haa
fcencfltcd our daughter In every In
stance when eho was Buffering from
cold. I have frequently used Peruna
In my family and havo found It an
excellent remedy for colds and also on
a tonic. I often recommend it to my
friends. Peruna seems to be lndls
pensablo In my family, as no other
remedy has been so effective la cases
of cold."
EVERT FAMILY wishing to be
protected from cold should have Pe
runa In tho house constantly. Also a
opy of tho latest edition of the Ills
of JLlfe," sent free by the Peruna, Co.,
Columbus, Ohio.
Those who prefer tablets to liquid
medicines can now procure Peruna
In tablot fornjj
Ask Your Druggist tor Free Peruna
Lucky Day Almanac tor 1914.
Much Truth In Season's Greetings Ex
changed Between Mr. BJinks and
His Employer.
Our friend, Mr. B jinks, works as an
underling jn a real estate office. Hla
Teturns haven't been very promising
of lato, but then neither have tho re
turns of anybody else in the office.
And the boss has been worried.
Wednesday morning BJinks met his
3)oeb ns ho was starting out to work.
"I wish you a merry Christmas!"
said BJinks.
"That depends on you, sir!" answer
ed the boss, without smiling.
Next morning BJinks met bis boss
again, but the latter was In a better
"I wish you a happy New Year!"
said the boss.
"That depends on you, sir!" faltered
BJinks, respectfully.
Tho Rev. Edmund Heslop of "Wig
ton, Pa., Buffered from Dropsy for a
year. His limbs and feet were swol
len and puffed. Ho had heart flutter-
I rffen lng, was dizzy
and exhausted at
tho least exer
tion. Hands and
feet were cold
and he had such
a dragging sensa
tion across the
loins that It was
difficult to move.
Aftoi- llolnor K
Rev. E. Heslop. box0fJ of odd,
Kidney Fills the swelling disappear
ed and he felt himself again. He says
lie has been benefited and blessed by
the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sev
eral monthB later he wrote: I have
not changed my faith in your remedy
since tho above statement was author
ized. Correspond with Rev. E. Hes
lop about this wonderful remedy.
Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household
Hints, also music of National Anthem
(English and German words) and re
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free.
Domestic Amenities.
Hub Mary, my love, this apple
dumpling Isn't bait done. ,
4 Wife Well, then, finish it, my
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated,
easy to take as candy, regulate anil invig
orate ftomach, liver and Dowels. Do not
snpe. Adv.
It's tho unexpected that often hap
pens, even when wo bring it on our
The opportunity of securing free'
homesteads of 160 acres each, and
tho low nriced lands of Manitoba.
Saskatchewan and Alberta, will
soon have passed. 5
Canada offers a hearty wolcomo
to tho Settler, to tho man with a
family lookinc for a home; to tho g
farmer's son, to tho renter, to all who gi
wish to live under better conditions, g
Canada'o grain yield in 1913 is '
the talk of tho vorld. Luxuriant g
Grasses ffive cheap fodder for large a
herds; cost of raising and fattoning g
for market is a triflo. 3
Tho sum realized for Boef. Butter. H
Milk and Cheeso will pay fifty pt-r
cent on the investment.
write for literature and paruc- gi&
utars as to reduced railwav ..-S?
rates to superintendent
of Immigration, Ottawa,
Canada, or to
1. I. MuUtklu, Pr..r ils,
IT.Un.ir, S. D K. 1, Limit,
II 1 JuM BL, II. ful, BUa.
Cinidlan Government Agt.
Everyone ShtuM HivsTftis Preftctitn
Xtylass PaJIcek
? tfcttfliM and
fattaWl WfM UUftM
rl!HlSlLk, W1
fc)tk Op4KS
! Lakw4 t te-ll lfe
W Ckiri AtMHft
m. W hm M.
-el M- a. i fa
. AM . , n
aWtll willMMl trill.
. Hpi.HU.
" rP"lwMr lot run
WOT- ICW COMPANY, 4$n Tm ItA 4t, rrokltr4,Poa
Q Wn!nnf2.rolrmnnlW,vt.
K" w"XBBmaaBaBaBH
f;; W? ' &IBaBaBaBBBai
saaav&&&3&?& -HBH
bbbbbbbTC:;::';:'' 3$IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
mT Lv V
Preparing the Ground by
F you were a countryman
whose farm was not pay
ing very well and an ag
ricultural expert camo
along and said: "Let mo
show you how you can
double and triple your
present Income;" if the
man looked sano add In
telligent, you would doubt-
leBB jump at the chnce.
Furthermore, if he mado good on
his assertion he would win your ever
lasting gratitude and perhaps you
would recompense him with a little
cash bonus. Now this is just tho op
portunity that the farm management
department of the Missouri Agricul
tural college Is offering to tho farm
ers of the "show me" state.
The department sayB: "Ask for our
nid and we will show you how to tonic
your eickly bank accounts and how to
Increase the profits of every branch of
your farm." Even tho most skeptical
who, to begin with, made fun of tho
proposition have been silenced because
tho Missouri farm management depart
ment has mado good on all Its asser
tions. Today some 500 local farmers are
annually recording greater profits on
tho credit side of tholr ledgers as a
result of following the advice and
plans mapped out for them by the de
partment. 'An
&4 ?sZ:y
?st ..? V .'T v .v?,
V .. 1 YT . 33 ? V' i'
2 ?. Rl'Utffi r .
An experiment in growing cow peas
with corn on one of the demonstra
tion farms. The peas will fatten
from six to 10 western lambs at a
profit of ?10 per acre.
The department was organized in
190C under the direction of Prof. W. J.
Spillman of the United States depart
ment of agriculture, and 1 13. Mum
ford, dean of tho Missouri Agricultural
college. For four years Its work was
confined to an- accurato study of local
farm conditions a resumo of the
knotty problems of tho Missouri farm
er and how he could be best aided in
solving them.
Then when the force was thoroughly
conversant with tho "star boarder"
farms of tho state and had planned an
efficient campaign whose object was to
eradicate tho evil features of the un
profitable farm, they offered to help
the general farmer re-map his system
of management, his crop rotations, hie
methods of marketing his produce, and
to adapt his lino of farming to tho
region in which ho resided.
Confidence In Organization Grows.
It was n case of "first come, first
served," and after these business man
agement doctors had cured a few bo
vere cases of "loafer" farms and mndo
them profitable and more productivo,
applications requesting aid camo in
Freih Air and Catarrh.
Against this cause of catarrh (warm
houses and foul air) thero is only one
protection, and that Is tho gods of tho
field and tbo woods, the west wind and
thpupshlno. Spend as much of your
tlmo as posBlblo out of doors and
that ought to bo always two-thirds of
It In childhood and resolutely bring
tbo outdoors Indoors at every hour of
your working and sloeplng day,
At tho satno time insist upon tho
most rigorous and scrupulous cleanli
ness of clothing, hands nnd person; of
Taking Out All the Old Roots.
like hot cakes from countrymen in all
portions of the state.
As an illustration of whnt these ox
pert farm managers could accomplish
In rehabilitating a good farm which
was run down, due to mismanagement,
tako the case of "Jim" Drown, who woe
considered one of tho best farmers In
Removing With Dynamite
his district; yet he, on tho quiet, ap
pealed to tho department, for aid.
A representative visited the farm
and found it apparently in good condi
tion, supplied with good buildings, and
annually yielding bumper crops of
grain nnd roughage, 30 bushels of
wheat, CO bushels of corn and two tons
of hay to the acre.
It was a different story, however,
when tho expert examined tho live
stock. Tho dairy cows were scrubs of
tho worst variety, with staring coatB
and every rib showing, and with ud
ders not larger than a man's two flBts.
Tho awlno and horses were also In
ferior specimens of twentieth century
llvo stock, while tho supply of farm
machinery was In no sense modern and
efficient. Hero was a case of a coun
tryman who was exerting all his ener
gies toward tho production of profit
able crops, only to feed them to un
profitable llvo stock.
From 12 c6ws ho obtained only
enough milk to supply tho need of his
family Of six pereons. Tho department
showed him where tho leak was, and
explained to him how ho could har
monize all his operations and render
his farm more fertile. and profitable by
maintaining better llvo stock. Ho Re
ceded to their ndvico and today is
gaining a profitable livelihood and
yearly fattonlng his bank account un
der a standardized syBtem of manage
ment. Farmers Take Kindly to the Plan.
Tho popularity of this movement to
rejuvenate sick farms increased to
such an extent thnt a year ago the de
partment organized tho Missouri Farm
Management association, tho pioneer
society of its character In Amorica, the
members being recruited from among
the ranks of the owners of unprofitable
farms who desired to nurse all the op
erations on their ncroages back to a
wage-earning condition.
The object of tills association was
to organize and combino the farmers
of Missouri who wero interested in
practical system of farm management
It aided tho department In so much ns
tho countrymen who nreded and want
ed help wero ccntralizoJ in tho organi
zation, while It aided the farmers In so
far as tho department experts prom
ised to visit nnd replun each placo in
turn. Two hundred earnestly interested
farmers Joined tho society tho first
year, while at presont tho enrollment
is double that number. Each country
man pays fl.25 membership fee Mm
floors, carpets, walls and hangings
onywhoro, in fact, whero dust or dirt
can lodge and germs can and dolodgo.
Tho moro spotlessly clean and flood
ed with sunlight any houso and its oc
cupants can bo kept, tbo moro nearly
germ freo will they bo, Dr. Woods
Hutchinson In Common Diseases.
Peculiar Welh 8upertltlon.
Women, 'llko rabbits, nro of 111
omen to tho miner. In many placos,
particularly in Wales, If a pitman
meetB or sees a woman on his wny to
funds being usod to aid tho depart
ment In its work.
Farmers Co-Operate With Department.
After hie farm has been inspected by
the departmont, in caso a member of
tho society follows out tho suggoBtlons
of tho exports (although ho is not In
any way bound to carry out theso sug
gested changes) he becomes a co-operator.
Tho majority of tho co-operators
ndhero strictly to tho advice of
tho department.
Each year tho dopartmont selects
tho best co-opcrntlvo farm in each
county and mokes It n demonstration
farm which conducts local experiment
al work undor tho direction of tho ex
perts. In tho caso of tho demonstra
tion farm, tho department nssumes tho
initiative nud devotes 'ne much atten
tion to tho placo as is necessary to
mnko It pre-emtuently successful, and
spares no pains In assisting the opera
tors of theso farms to bring them to
tho highest possible stato of fertility
and to tho maximum point of profit
ableness. On the othor hand, co-operator must
tako tho initiativo in nil phases of his
work, although ho receives aid and as
sistance from tho departmont experts
when ho stumbles onto a knotty prob
lem. At present thero aro 75 co-opera-tlvo
and flvo demonstration farms In
tho state, and each summer, public
meetings are held on tho placos of tho
demonstrators, whero typical and II
lustratlvo rcsultB havo been obtained.
Farmers from all parts of tho coun
try aro Invited to attend these meet
ings at which prominent agricultural
experts and authorities on farm man
agement discuss the various lines of
farming practiced In Missouri. At
noon, a basket lunch Is served by tho
ladies of tho county la which the gath
ering 1b held, and in tho afternoon the
men visit each Individual field, study
tho crop, and Informally discuss tho
efficiency of the methods of seed bed
preparation, planting and cultivation
which havo been practiced In the de
velopment of this crop.
Some of- the Largest Roots.
Theso meetings havo boon fittingly
termed "Show Mo Institutes on Legs,"
and are really regular motion picture
shows minus tho nickel.
Woman's Work Included In "Doctor
ing." While tho men aro busy with their
Held Btudy, tholr wives under the di
rection of an expert in homo eco
nomics occupy themselves with tho
problems of tho farmhouse. Efficient
methods of roplanning tho home, homo
decoration, modern methods of cook
ery, the elimination of wastes and tho
utilization of byproducts, bandy aids In
the kitchen, and tho bcautiflcatlon of
the farm yard aro explained and dis
cussed In detail.
Tho woman expert In chnrge of this
work occupies herself throughout tho
year In visiting and remapping the
systems of home-management prac
ticed by tho housowlves who request
her aid. Sho is a Bort of a traveling
homo economics department which
Getting Things Ready.
works according to tho theory that If
you cunnot bring tho farmer's wlfo to
tho college tiien tako tho college and
science to tho kitchen of tho house
wife Sho plans out tho management of
each homo as practically and systemat
ically ub tho homo pockotbook will per
mit, Tho Missouri farm management de
partment also maintains a farm ac
counting branch which teachos tho
work ho will turn back, for such an
encounter is hold to forebodo evil not
only to tho man himself, but all bis
associates. At Oswestry somo years
ago a woman was employod as mes
senger by ono of tho collieries, and In
tho courso of her duties met many of
tho colliers on tholr way to work.
Tho men Immediately told tho man
ager that they could not run tho risk
of 111 luck entailed In meeting a wo
man on tho way to tho pit, and threat
ened to utrlko If sho woro not dismissed.
Btato farmers how to maintain n prac
tical and bUBlneBS-lIko nyBtem of rec
ords nnd accounts. ,
Ono Missouri farmer last winter lost
$300 on work stock nlono, duo to tho
fact that ho had moro animals than ho
could keep busy. It is really a ques
tion of each farmer studying out how
many head of animals ho can profit
ably maintain, and then not oxcoodlng
thin number. Tho samo thing Is true
of tho scrub cows which eat up the
profits of tho other farm dopartmentB.
Tho work of tho Missouri farm man
agement department is Btnto-wido in
scopo nnd Is efficient In solving tho
problems of tho flvo-acro fnrm, the
600-acre farm, or tho farm whose own
er merely desires to koep tho wolf
from tho door, or to savo his place
from bolng burdened with a mortgage.
In a word, tho department Is davot
lng just ns much attontlon and study
to replanting an unprofitable ton-ncro
truck or fruit farm ns it la to remodel
ing an 8,000-acro stock farm.
The Concrete Examples.
Among tho practical results which
tho department has obtalnod In Its
first aid work to tho farmors Is tho
caso of a 140-ncro farm which, tho
first yoar It was worked, yielded ton
bushels of corn, 15 bushels of potatoes,
and one-fourth of a ton of hay to the
Tho managerial exports recommend
od tho uso of better snod, tho fall dis
tribution of 15 tons of manure to the
acre, nnd modern methods of culturo;
this farmer followed theso directions
and tho Becond year afterwards ho
harvested 40 bushels of corn, one and
three-quarter, tons of hay, and 100 bush
els of potatoes to tho acre on tho fields
on which those crops wero grown.
Ho was a man of very limited capital
and tho aeoBon ho roquested depart
mental assistance his assets amounted
to $2,000, whilo his liabilities totaled
$1,800. At the end of tho second year
following, he was out of all danger of
debt and had a tiny sum Btored away
in tho bank.
Another notable illustration of man
agerial efficiency resulted whero a hog
raiser on a rough, 100-acro farm shift
ed his troubles to the shoulders of tho
expert managers who set him right on
his feeding system and got him to
study market conditions nnd require
ments, so that ho last year realized $-1.-200
from tho sale of his swine, where
as previously hla high mark for hogs
for a Blnglo year was $500.
Although ordinary work Btock are
not supposed to yield much of an an
nual profit another farmer cleared $300
in ono year fro hi his work animals sub
sequent to consulting with the depart
mental experts who advised him to
decrease tho number of work animals
which ho kept and to work tho horses
and mules more during tho winter.
A city man, inexperienced in farm
ing, struggled along for flv6 yearB just
about making ends meet and then ho
employed the assistance of tho farm
experts who dtngnosod bis troubles as
a poor rotation, tho ubo of scrub seed,
nnd tho undor-fecding of his market
He followed their directions, improv
ing his methods, and now 1b gaining a
profitable return from his madc-to-or-der
The farm has materially gainod In
'fertility, it has Increased in annual
crop production, and this year it paid
off its back indebtedness and begins a
new season with a clean slate.
Indian Legend of Interest.
When tlio Creek or Muskogee In
dians adopted into their tribe tho rem
nants of other tribes which wero
nearly extinct many superstitions
wero found among them. Ono of theso
tribes was the Tuckabatches. Tho
legends of tho Creeks state that tho
Tuckabatches brought with them sev
en plates, tho origin and object of
which havo puzzlod scientific men
for centuries. Tho Tuckabatchos
claim that these platos wero given
them by their ancostors. They were
not to be handled by all persons, only
by particular men, and those chosen
by tho chief or mlcco of tho tribe.
Flvo of tho plates wero of copper and
two of bruss. Tho copper plateB wero
about 18 inches long and seyon inch
es wide; tho brads ones bolng round
and 18 inches in dlumotor, having
two characters on them simllur to tho
lotters A and B connected. Tho
prates wero kept burled under tho
houso of tho chief and aro believed
to bo still in existence. Tallaquah
(Okla.) Democrat.
Fairy Tale Continued.
Ited Itldlnghood grow up and' mar
ried a rich man. The other day she
camo back from Europe, Instead of a
red rldtuguood sho woro an immense
imported hat and her nlgrottes were
seizod by tho custom officers, Wa
not that oxciting?
Cinderella's nfter life was humdrum.
Hor marrlod llfo wob moro or less
happy and sho had many children.
Sho usos the glass slipper now to
npank them with. Louisville Courier-Journal,
Are Your Hands Tied?
fey m chronla dUaaM eoaMMa to wmhm
fclsd? Yea feel dall h'?hj'f Rack,
the, pain here and there dlHlnes or
petuipe bot fleehesT Thera'a nothing ram
can accomplUh nothing too can eajoyl
IrViAMt'e mm. auul MMak am It fc
Ait uw bwaj itmua auk -
70a eaa find permaaeot relief to
Favorite Prescription
Mr. Fannie B. Brent, of Bryant, Neleoa Co., V write: "I titter 1 M
very pain and aeae a woman coald bare, agr back wae weak, and I mgere wMh
nerromncM and could not Bleep at nlfat. BveTered with oreaea la my itebt
bhx and every month would bare pel& and bar ke stay ia bed. I bare take
elfht bottle of your 'Favorite Preeerlptlea' aad eae vtal of yoar Fleaeaat FaBetit.
Caa now do ay work for lx In family, and eel like avaev wmiwu. I Uek
H if the best medicine la the world for women. I reeewmaail K to all amy Haa
ad many of then hate beta greatly baeflte4 by it.
lteUere lArtr I1M
Newly Arrived Choir Singer Emphatic
In Declaration That He Wat a
8lngle .Man.
"Bruddorn and stBtahs," began n
Bklmpy-slzod, nattily attired now ar
rival in tho choir, "as I has but lately
como amongst yo'-all, I'm glad to tako
dlsadvnntago o do Pastah's kiud pun
mission to set muhso't right In yo' eyes
and onco and for all oqulnch do repo't
dat has raised its hydrant head, to do
effect dat l'so posln' as a wlddorer
when In reality I'a a nefarious mar'd
mnn. If yo'-all will 'vostlgato over at
Tumlinvlllo, whuh I comes turn, you'll
find dat muh lata lamentable he'pmoot
not on'y died mighty nigh threo
monthB ago, but has dono stayed dead
twoll plumb ylt. And dcrn dat knows
will infawm yo' dat do lady weighed
cloat to fou' hund'ed pounds and
wasn't nono o' dom dar clingln' vinoB
dey tells about In stories, stlddor
which, If sho waB alivo right now I
wouldn't bo wearin' dese flno clotheB
and slngin' tannor in dta choir shu'd
bo 'splayln' do gaudy raimunt and do
In' all do rojoicin1 in do fambly. No,
bruddcrn and Blstabs, I'bo a Blnglo
man at do present, and wld all do com
pormunta in do world for do beauty
an shivery I Bees 'round mo yuh, dag
gawnod If I don't stay sol Ladles and
gen'lomon, and FabBon Hagstor, I
thank yo'I" KanBaB City Star.
What la Coming?
Whitney Warron, nt tho recent New
York liorso show, nodded toward n
young man In tight morning coat and
rakishly tilted top hat, and said:
"That young millionaire haa already
had three wives. Yet ho Ib received,
yet ho Is oven lionized, everywhere.
What Ib tho world coming to?
"What Ib tho world coming to?" Mr.
Warren pursued. "As I look about me
at tbo tolerant, tho too tolerant so
ciety of today, I think of tho horse
".'Yours In a very serious crime, my
man,' a judgo said sternly to a horso
thief. 'Fifty years ago it was a hang
ing matter.'
"'Well, your honor,' Bald tho horso
thief, calmly, 'fifty yearB henco It
mayn't be 11 crimo at all.' "
Miss Elslo Do Wolfe, commenting at
a tea In New York on tho engagement
to hor mother's French maid of a
young man belonging to n rich old
Knickerbocker family, oaid:
"Marirages of that typo are seldom
happy. Thoy turn out llko tho boot
maker's." Miss Do Wolfe, smilingly, resumed:
"A retired bootmnkor, who had mar
ried hlB servant as his second apouso,
was onco asked by a friend how ho
was getting on. His significant reply
" 'Soles mako stiff uppers.' "
Or Hears From Her.
"Ho says that when ho makes up
hla mind to do a tiling ho goes and
docs it"
"Ho means that when his wife
makes up his mind to do a thing ho
goes nnd does it."
Inherited Talent
Mrs. Shimmerpato Count Confetti
seems to bo an expert at cranking
Mr. Shimmerpato No wonder. I'll
bet most of his ancestors wero organ
grinders. Judgo.
The Needle Scare.
"What's all this needle scaro among
"I don't know. Can it bo that soma
girl's mother has asked her to do a
little sewing?"
Found the Answer Was "Coffee."
Many pale, sickly personn wonder
for years why thoy have to suffor so,
and oventually discover that tho drug
caffeine In, coffeo Is tho main causo
of tho trouble.
"I was always very fond of coffeo
and drank It ovcry day. I never had
much flesh and often wondered why I
was always so palo, thin and weak.
"About five years ago my health
completely broke down and I was con
fined to my hod. My stomach was In
such condition that I could hardly tako
sufficient nourishment to sustain lifo.
"During this tlmo I was drinking
coffee, didn't think I could do without
"After awhllo I camo to the conclu
sion that coffeo was hurting me, and
decided to givo it up nnd try Postum.
When It was mndo rjght dark nnd
rich I soon becanio very fond of it
"In ono week I began to feel hotter.
I could eat moro and sleep better. My
Bick headaches wero loss frequont, and
within flvo months I looked and felt
llko a now being, headacho spoils en
tirely gone.
"My health continued to Improve
and today I am well and strong, weigh
148 lbs. I attribute my present health
to tho life-giving qualities of Postum."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "Tho Road to Well
ville," In pkgs.
Postum now comos in two forms:
Regular Postum must bo well
Instant Postum la a soluble pow
der, A tenspoonful dissolves quickly
In a cup of hot water and, with cream
and sugar, makes a delicious beverago
instantly. Grocers sell both kinds.
"Thoro'a a Iteasou" for Postum.
Corporation Footballs.
Mayor MItchol of New York was
praising a commuter who, by contin
ual complaints, had Improved the rail
way Borvlco of his district
"Wo aro apt to call tho kicker
crank and a nuisance," Bald Mr. Mitch
el. "But It's tho kicker who get
things dono for tho community."
Ho smilod and ended:
"Thoy who never kick are bat to
apt to become footballs."
1 Important to Mothers
Exasiinn carefully every bottle ef
CASTORIA. a eafo and sura remedy for
Infants and children, and see that kt
Ttnara 41iA
Signature of (jLa&Z74cZc2ute
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cattorls
Very Likely.
"My tailor Ib beginning to dun me."
"Suspects that you've done nlra,
oh?" BoBton Evening Transcript
A simple protection against daBcroB
throat affections nre Dean'a Mentholated
Cough Drop; 60 at Drug Store.
Only the Ignorant evor try to set
Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not state
tho kettle. .Adv.
The man who keeps his month skat
Is seldom open to criticism.
yield immediately to Sloan's Lin
iment It relieve ' achitur
wouen parts instantly.
Inflammation and
Ulna; pain,
Don't rub-it
Kills Pain ,
gives quick relief from chest sad'
throat affection. Have you tried
Sloan'? Here's what others
... Relief from RheaaiaUna
"Mr mother haa tued one eoe. botHe
of Sloan'e Liniment and. although Hie
to over 83 yean, of age, ihe bna ob
tained treat relief from ber rnenma-lUta.-'iif.
O. . UiuUUaf, CJroy, Ui.
. .Good for Cold and Cron
A little boy next door had croon. I
R re the mother Sloan' Liniment to
, .'. She tare him three drop en acer
before going to bed, and be fotnp with
out the croup Inthe morning." r. w.
WL Saints tin Blmumad At'OOef, aft
.. . Nearaleja, Co
. Sloan' Liniment I the beet ne.
cine In the world. It ha relieved vm
or neuralgia. Those palm hare all rone
and I can trolr ear your Liniment did
togthem-jr. b'KbXtT
At all Dealer. Price Me.. Me. S1.M
Sleaa' ImrtractlT Booklet e
Horse Mat free.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 4-1S14.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest"
TUT- ninQCD:OTX1E;aK-Lcarnlarbertr4.
UITY UAnutn Tools given; wagi-n nnla. ICtlS
Lire Btock Corumlmlon Merchants at
9IOUXCITY, CMmmgo om KanaasaUrj
For Best Eesults ship to
Live Stock Balcimen and Buyers
Rooa 203 Eichuia Bide. Stock Yards Slom City, ten
Live Btock Commlnslon Merchants.
Oarmotto: "AKrontngl)aslDCMballtonrepmtlta
Barber Suppiis
bloux Clty,Ia.,wili treat jou right, ttia
J. C. Rennison Co.
Flower for All Occules. SIOUX CITY. I8WA
Protect your hog-i against Cholera. We hate
Increased our capacity and can now furaJsai
CPP TIM npon Immediate notice. Go
Ofinum ,uit your 101 telerluarlaev
Before dectdtafl on yeur new oar InYMlljaW -'
312-14 Doajla St SJoHiCily, law
as) aj AX Tftr
' 1 a
' w
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