Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 22, 1914, Image 4

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1940 42
""Summary of Disbursements, Collection and Balances for the
six months ending December 31, 191,3. D. G. Evans, Treas.
, coli4Ecuions:
Tocahonhand $49676 86
To 1907 tax collected v
To 1910 tax collected f97 05
To 1911 tax collected , r '
To 1912 tax collected .,....,... 16721 91
To 1913 tax collected 435' 59
To tax paid under protest 1 ; '
t To echoed land interest.. Hon
To school land leaBe ' ....... 4 10
Tn orainirr rnllix-tlnn '. o 04
To county general collection , r? on
to coumy roaa couecuuu.
To lines and license
To auto license
To interest on c junty deposits
Docket fees ,
TV rorlAmnf tntlfl . ..
Inheritance tax collected 156 67
Tofees 176 50
To excess fees returned by D. G. Evans, county
treasurer .....,.., 571 61
$114691 02
By state treasurer's receipt. ; ?1r5? in
By jury warranto o In
Br county general warrants isiio
By bridge warrants , 13978 44
By countv road warrants 4391 5
By drainage district No. 2 2965 64
By swamp ditch warrants 25 00
By Covington judgment 5 36
By school bonds ? 5"
By school orders
By village bonds ---.
By district road warrants
By protest
By inheritance expense.
Tto Smith Rinnx Citv orders
By Kracrson orders ...-. 156 00
By Hubbard orders , 239 00
ByDakotaCity orders ? 22
By redemption orders...... '. 1928 29
By county treasurer's fees ,259 5?
By county treasurer's commission 1346 61
' $78825 71
State funds .........'. $ 1350 11
20381 00
276 65
3667 42
116 25
11 52
968 00
Dakota County Herald
Subscription Frice, $1.00 Per Year.
Official Paper of Dakota Coyyly
Lieutenant Qovernor S R McKel
vie, who last week filed bis personal
application as a candidate for govern
or, did no in order that a friondly suit
might bo brought to teat that part of
tho constitution which says : "None of
tlio oflloors of tho ozecutivo dopart
raent shall ho eligible) to any other
atato oflloo during the period for whioh
they shall have been elected." Secre
tary of State Wait declined to file tho
application, and Hon V T Thompson,
representing the lieutenant governor,
immediately illod an alternate writ of
mandamus in tho distriot court. In
this manner the oaso will bo tested in
both the distriot and supremo uourts,
and tho result will answer for all timo
so far as that part of tho constitution
is concerned. .
Mains ui inioiuoi
1 fl
from our Exchanges
Hartington News: Mrs J F Oostor
ling roturnod to Omaha Monday, after
a visit with friends in this olty.
County road No. 1 1926 14
County road No. 2 '. :...:" 883 43
Count road No. 3 1093 38
Swamp ditch '....; 1012 39
Drainage district No. 2 . 2287 32
Scavenger fund (old) '... 25 48
Inheritance fund 1586 21
Scavenger fund 1912 .' 37 09
County general 3489 73
Soldiers relief fund ' "'3 38
Homer bond fund 313 61
South Sioux City bond fund '. 371 97
Dakota C'ty aidewalk 193 04
v JackBon sidewalk 2 83
Schoolfuuda .' 17997 37
Plnesand license fundi 39 05
Covington annex fund A 47 25
Covington judgment fund , 9 22
Roaddlatrict funds G018 97
Emerson ' 88 61
South Sioux City 149779
Homer ; 183 06
Jackson 404 50
Hubbard 14195
DakotaCity 705 55
v Redemption 182 41
$41951 84
Less bridge fund bverdrawn G086 53
Cash on hand $35865 31
- Ife do hereby oortyfy that wo havo examined the aliovo statement of D, Q.
-Evans,' county treasurer of Dakota county, Nebraska, for the six months end-
k tn'mXianamitmr M. IMS. Tn tlm liAld of our knowledge WO believe each OOl-
lection has been oorreotly entered and properly accounted for, and that tbo
vouchers and other items of credits were in proper form and correctly entered
and thatf the footings were verified by us and fonnd to be correct, and that
the above statement of balances agrees with said accounts in said county
treasurer's general ledger. , Geo. W, Thaokor, )
ThoB. Long, County Commissioners
O. W. Fisher. )
Sioux City Journal, 17: Mr and
Mrs U G Brideubaugh, of Coloridgo,
Nub, were in Sionx City yesterday.
Silver Greek Items in Pouch Jour
nal: Mr and Mrs A Cartels, of Da
kota City, nre visiting relatives here.
Lyons Mirror: Mrs Sarah Drowster
returnod to Dakota City, Tuesday,
after a visit at the home of Ed Lewis.
Pender Republic : Mr and Mrs Free
Pounds, from Dakota county, visited
over Sunday with his parents, Mr and
Mrs W W Pounds.
home belonging to Bert Burn;, at
Horutok, Im. Hoffman huu tbo hoiso
were followed to Nebraska, and it was
found ho had traded the animal for
a pony and $35. Burns recovered !it
stolen horse and Hoffman was arrest
ed at Homer. Sheriff Dllley took
charge of Hoffmitn at Homer and
started for Sionx City. At Dakota
City, bowover, tho prisoner balked,
standing on his rights to demand ex
tradition. While formalities were be
ing complied with in the effort to ex
tradite Hoffman he escaped from the
Dakota connty jriil Christmas morning.
It lias been learned that Hoffman was
married December 10, 1918. at Ono
wo, to Mary Woodward. His wife is
in jail with him at Glenwood. Ac
cording to the Glenwood authorities,
Hoffman stole a blaok horse and
a wagon at Crescent, la, after tho
episode at Dakota City. Hoffman
wus sent to tho Anamosa reformatory
February 11, 1911, from' Sioux City
on tho chargo of stealing chiokens.
South Creek Items in Ponca Jour
nal: Mrs M Sheaban attended the
wedding of her niece, Martha Casey,
and Harry Goodfellow of Jackson.
Newcastle Times: Charles Essy
and family have moved into tho house
vacated by Bolton's. Mr Bolton is
running a restaurant in Dakota City.
Salix Items in Sloau, la, Star: Miss
f Alice Reilly has returned to Jaokson,
Neb, to resume nor studies in a school
at that place, after a short vacation
spent in tho home of her parents here.
Emerson Enterprise: Mrs John
Harris and Miss Johanna Harris, of
Homer, were visiting tho Josephtlfar
ris family tho first of tho week... .J V
and Pete Maurice returned Inst Thurs
day evening from Holstein, la, where
they visited for several days with rel
atives. . . .Invitations are out announc
ing the marriage of Miss Agnes Ker
win to James R Heenan at tho Sacred
Heart Church, Tuesday morning,
January 20 Joseph Harris last
week sold forty aores of hay land to
August Hing8t for $125 per acre.
This forty is the west half of an eighty
tuat air Harris uongut six years ago
for $31.60 per acre and joins his home
plaoeon tho west.... Mrs 8 W Jones
was born in Canton, O, in 184.6 and
diod at the homo of Mr and Mrs H O
Linafelter in Emerson on January 11,
1914. at G :20 a m at the age of 67 years,
11 months and 18 duys. In 1803 she
was married to Wm It Way, at Clay,
la, and lived with him til the time of
his death whioh ooenrred eight yeais
ogo. Of this union five ohildron wore
born, four girls and one boy, Mrs Car
rie M Springer, of Bayfield, Col; Mrs
Clara M Linafelter, of Alpine, S D;
Mrs Cora M Linafelter, of Emerson;
Mrs Helen J Springer, of Waterbury,
and Jesse Way, of Courtland, Kas.
AH of the children with tbo exception
of Mrs Springer, of Colorado, wero at
her bedside at the time of her death.
On June 14.. 1911, she was married to
Samuel Jones, of Brighton, la, who is
left to mourn her death. Tho funeral
services were held from the home of
her daughter, Mrs H O Linafelter,
Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev
H A Brown, and the remains were
shipped to Superior, Neb, for inter
having boon in the IT S navy tho past
live years.
Word baB been received here thht D
B Grihble, a former resident of this
plaoo hut now of Chambers, Neb, wrs
slok, threatened witti pneumonia.
We nre going to olenn up all our
heavy underwear, illicit coats, aheop
lined coals, heavy tuiltoun 11 ml winter
goods at roduoed price rather than
carry them ovor tilt in it year. Horo is
a chance for some bnrgniun. O An
derson On.
The Yeomen lifter taking in a largo
class of oaudidutps Saturday night
had installation of olllcors. Their
next meeting will be the fore part of
Francis Sorensen and A LaBrune,
of Jefferson, S D, wero martied at tho
Catholio church Tuesday morning at
9 o'clock, Rov Fr English ofilciating.
Mr LaBruue is onn of Jefferson's most
prominent young men and tho bride is
ono of our loveliest daughters and
worthy of all praise, having grown to
womanhood hero and is one of our
praminont school teachers. Wo wish
the worthy couple nil kinds of
things in their wedded life.
The Old Companies. Tiie Old Treat
ment. The Old Care.
They the best in all the land. I represent the
Hnrtford Plienix - Continental Columbia Royal, the
really STRONG Insurance Companies.
I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours,
when you sell.
Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing,
draw up Wills, Deeds, Leases, Etc. RIGHT. Very
much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well.
H. P. McKeever, "Wft,"
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney.
Insurance. Real Estate
Steamship Tickets.
Allen News : The Odd Follows held
their installation las night. Editor
Burt Kroeseu, of South Sioux City,
was the installing officer Bro Kroe
sen mado a fraternal cull on. us while
hero .
Winaebago Chieftain: Born, to Mr
and Mrs Louis Herman, at Sioux City,
la, Friday, January 9," a son....N E
Blivenand daughter, Mrs A Wood
ward, left Sunday for South Sionx
City. ..'.Miss Cora Weaver, of StPaul,
is hero visiting her sister, Mrs John
Ashford. Hho loaves again today.
Service - Safety - Smiles - Satisfaction
It's really time that YOU knew "Tho Bank that ALWAYS treats yon
RIGHT," where "Welcome Wears Woll."
Where "Seoured Noses Only" spell B-A-F-E-T-Y.
Where every dollar of the owners guarantee each deposit.
Where "Modern Mid-West Methods" please and satisfy.
That's YOUR Bank i,when you Know.
3000 happy depositors first 22 months, tell the tale,
Deposit a bit Know "Smile Also."
Sr zhe Mid-West Bank
Appreciation. "That ALWAYS treats you RIGHT.'
Ed. T. Kearney, President.
J. will, sell at my farm 3 miles northwest of Hubbard, 3 miles southeast of
""Goodwin, and U miles southeast of Waterbury, Nebr., tho following described
property atPnblio Sale, on
Thursday, February 5, 1914
li Head of Horwcs and Mules ooasktiitg of 1 blaok msro, wt. about
1800 lbs, 8 yrs. old this spring. 1 gray nare, wt, about 1200 lbs, I yrs. old
-this spring. One black posy j ware, due to foal April 4th, 7 yrs. old, wt about
800 lis. 1 span of muks.wt. 2200 Its, 4 yrs old, 1 span of mules, wt. 2300
Its, 12 yrs, old. 1 gray 'team 12 yrs, old, mare and gelding, wt. about 2500
"' Its. 1 pair of geldings 0 yrs. old, ono gray, wt, about 1200 lbs, and ono buck
skin, wt. 1860 lbs, 1 bay horse 4 yrs, old, wt. about 1000 lbs. 1 dark brown
horse, 11 yrs., eld, wt. 100b lbs.
One good Milh Cow, 7 yrs, old. 4 Sets of Work Harooss, and 1 Siuglo
Harness. About HI Tons 01 tlrst-cUBs Hay,
Farm Machinery 8 farm wagons, one as good as new, 1 hay raok, 1
Smey top buggy, bought a year ago. 1 Oreston corn planter, as good as now.
1 Little Joker cultivator, 1 Fast Mall riding oultivator. 1 disc cultivator.
r I Janesville lister,. 1 Emerson 2-row machine. 1 new Standard mower, used
oseyesr. 1 new scraper. 1 double gear end gate seedor. 1 8-seotiou harrow.
1 Bosk Island riding plow, 1 new 10-inch Sioux City walking plow. 1 10
iaek dise pulverizer. 1 riding bridle and saddlo, good as new. Other arti
eles too numerous to list.
27 .Head of Shouts consisting of 11 sows, 15 barrows, and 1 good boar.
v Hale burins at 11 a, m, Free Lunoh served at Noon,
Terms 11 months time will be given on good approved notes bearing 10
interest. All sums under f 10 cash.
SWtfS&SSr J- W. Hogan, Owner
Ponca Journal: Rev S L Keller,
and wife, pastor of the Lutuern ohuroh
at Dakota City, visited Rev Lewis
Tuesday and Wednesday. . . . Wm Best,
who was formerly a olork in tho E E
Rice store, has rented the E E Hal
stead building and will start a general
store He expects to conduct a cash
business, and will open his storo about
February 1st.
Wakeflold Items in Wayne Demo
crat: Woods Leamor, who has boon
visiting his brother, D O, tbo past
week, returned Sunday to his home in
Dakota City.. . .H P Shumway receiv
ed word the latter pr.pt of the week of
the serious illness of Ids brother, E E
Shumway, and left immediately for
Denver. Mr Shumway died Sunday
night. Ho was the president of tho
Rooky Mt Fuel Co, and a highly es
teemed citizen of Donver.
Homer Star: Mis Davis, of Dixon,
spent sevoral days the past weok with
her daughter, Mrs R E Hughes....
John Braunt packed his grip last week
and headed for South Sionx City for a
several days' stay with his mother,
(MrsEphram Rookwell E Smith
ana ramuy spent a nay at tuo Hough
anitu noma Monday, Tuey left that
evening for Royal, whoro Mr Smith
was transferred to by tho Edwards &
Bradford people.... H O Hale, wife
and family, went to Allen Saturday
evening to visit the former's brother,
Art Hule and family. Mr and Mrs
Art Hale are also tho proud parents of
a baby boy .
Wynot Tribune: L E Priest, of
Homer. Neb. was tho truest of his son.
H E Priest, tho foro part of the week.
. ...A very uappy Burpriso was Riven
last night in honor of the thirtieth
wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs B
A McOormlqk at their homo on Emer
son avenue. Tho affair was vory clev
erly planned by tho ladies of the Re
bokah lodge. The evening was spent
enjoyiug music, games, eto, alter
whioh a luncheon of coffee, sand
wiches, salads, pickles and cako was
served. There was a good crowd pres
ent and all appeared to havo a good
time, Mr and Mrs MoOormiok wore
protonted with a very handsomo out
glass bowl as a token to commemor
ate tho occasion and to oxpress tho
good will of tho guests. At a lato
hour tho guests departed wishing tho
host and hostess many returns of tho
I Abstracts of 'Title
I ! A $l,tt Surety Kesri
Me sMtwaey at vy
Sueoasaor te
DtkotA Ceuoty ibetrttt Oft
Abstract I ssaku
lo tided Abstractor
Sionx City Journal, 20: James
Hoffman, alias John Hoffmau, alias
John Cook, who has slipped through
tho llngors of officers in several coun
ties, has boen traced by Sheriff E G
Dllley to Glenwood, Is, where ho
is in jail on a charge of broaking
into a sohoolhouse a favorito os
oapado of Hoffman, aooording to
Sheriff Dilloy. It is likely that
Hoffman will bo turned over to
Woodbury county authorities to face
trial here on a charge of horse steal
Quite a number from here attended
the masnuerado in Sioux City last
Friday night.
Morris Heffernan, of Jucksou, spent
over Sunday at the home of his siBter,
Mrs Gny Weir.
Fancy dress shirts of the best makes
at () Anderson Co s.
Mario RuBmussen visited in Sioux
City from Friday until Tuesday.
Fred Nelsen and Alfred Mogonsen
were ameng those fiom heio who at
tended tho masquerade in Sionx City
last Friday.
Nora Hayes went to Sioux City
George Beok camo down from Wa
kandu, S D, last Friday, returning
Eanoy dishes and lamps in endless
varitieB at O Anderson Co's.
The moving pioture show given here
Sunday night was well attended, al
though not of mmoh acoount, An
other entertainment will be given next
Friday in the Brotherhood hall,
Willie Heeney was a guest in the
Mike Smith home laBt Friday.
(juite a number from here attended
the dance at Waterbury last Friday
All kinds of mislins, ginghams-and
calicoes, in the newest patterns, at O
Anderson Co's.
The Yeomen will give a danoo Fri
day night, January 80th. Everybody
invited. Brouilett orchestra of Sioux
City will iurnisu tho music Come
and have a good time,
Joo Smith attonded tho dance in
Emerson Tuesday night.
Nels Andersen wsb a county Boat
visitor Monday.
Bunuay souooi at iu 0 ciook a m.
Public worship every 2nd and 4th Bun
day of eaoh month at 11 a m, in tho
Luthoran ohurcU.
.Theresa Green was in Sioux City
the first of the week. v
Be sure and attend tho Yeoman
dance January 30.
George Timlin was n passonger to
the city last Thursday.
Your butter, eggs, and furm produce
will bring you tho highest market
prico at C Auderfion Co's.
Sam Thorn returned Tuesday from
Livormore, la, whero he had been on
a vjsit to his parents,
Chas O'Connor wjl hold a publio
sals at his place pear N,uoora, Nob,
Fobruary 12th.
Tho Edward Jensen balo was very
well attended, all tbiugs selling well
exooptiug his liorsrs, Mr Jensen says
he is going to Michigan after a few
days, visit with fiiendB here,
For staplo aud fnuoy groceries we
will not tako a baok sent for anyone
C Anderson Co.
Tom MoGeo has been bedfast the
past weok with a sovoro oold but is
uow ou tho moud.
Tho shower given at tho Dan Hart
uett homo last Friday night in honor
of Mr and Mrs W Rooney wns u great
Herman Nolsen has returnod from
his trip to Minnesota.
If you like a good cup of coffoo, just
try some of the celebrated Millar's
coffoo, tho best grade of coffee for the
prioo auywhore, O Anderson Co.
Mr and Mrs Peter Fetors, of Salix.
la, havo returned to their homo after
a week's visit hero with friends.
Hans ltasmussen oame home Hon
day for a visit with his parents. 11 R
Dr F H Lalloy spent Snnday with
friends in Sioux City and Dr Dermody
returned Monday from an over Sunday
visit with his family at Omuba.
Joseph Marsh is on tho sick list.
' Col E T RaemuBsen hns moved to
Ponca, Neb.
Laura Toller returned Monday from
an ovor Sunday visit with relatives at
MoOook, S D.
Chas II O'Neill, of Sioux City, was
a gueBt in tho M Bolor homo soveral
days last week,
Walter Zulauf returned to his school
work ut Lincoln, Suturduy, after
spending a few duys vacation with tbo
home folks. He expects to enter the
university for the remainder of tho
sohool year.
Mrs Harvey Hamm and little son
returnod last week from a week's visit
with relatives at Pisgah, In.
Mario Sutherland,. of Ponon, is vis
iting relatives here.
Quite a number from here saw Fisck
O'Hura at the Grand Monday evening.
E T Ketmelly returnod the last of
tho week from a trip to Nash, S D.
Oar birth reporter f'iregot to report
the birth of a son to Mr and Mrs John
Gill on January 8, 1914.
The exhibition car of produots from
Minnesota whioh was billed to stop
here Saturday afternoon from the west
wont on through to Sioux City.
The embroidery club, whioh has
beon recently organized, will meet
with Miss, Mae Bolor Saturday after
noon. Mr Wellington, of Waterbury, Nob,
was in town last Thursday enronte
from Ponoa, whero ho -visited his
daughter, Mrs Maskell.
The K of O Council of Sioux City
requested Rev Fr O'Sullivau to ofUci
ate at a high miss Monday for tho re
pose of tho soul of B J Leahy, who
was u member of their council .
Tho now church will be completed
this week and mass will bo celebrated
in it next Sunday. The first mass
whioh will be at 8 o'olook u m will be
a high mass and tho second miiss will
be at 10 o'clock.
Mrs O E JohnBon is enjoying a visit
from hor mother, from Dakota City.
Ask Your Dealer to Show You
The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness
If they Don't Have Them, write or call on
Sturgeb Bros., 4ii Pearl St., Sioux City, la.
of Dakota
Bates and
Y D club
Theodore McGlashan and Ilornce
Oulbortson aro attending tho corn
show in Lincoln this week.
The oyster supper given at the Sa
lem Lutheran church Friday night,
January 10, netted $13.40.
Dan Hager and wife,
City, were guests ot Geo
Wife Saturday.
The members of the W
were 12 o'clock dinner guests at tho
Louis Blanchard home Wednesday.
Coven for sixteen wore laid. The
club ooIom were used in decorations.
A literary program oeoupied the 'after
dinner hoars, after which an egg
RUossinR contest was indnlged in.
Mrs Maud Bobjer and Mrs O U Beer
man tied,
An elocution and musical entertain
ment was given at the Brushy Bend
sohool houso Friday night, whioh was
muoh enjoyed.
A baby boy was born to Mr and
Mrs Frank Leamor on Friday of last
The Ladies Missionary Aid will
meet at the home of Mrs Roy Armour,
Thursday, January 20, at 2 o'clock p
n. Tho January committee is Mrs
Sadie Miller, Miss Curno FiBbor, Mrs
Jap Lake and Mrs Roy Armour.
Rev Keller announces ho wil bo
able to preach Snnduy, Januury 25, at
Salem. Bunday school at 10 o'clnok,
church at 11 o'clook.
Johuy Blessing, Nollio, Margaret
and Manuel Bonis, who havo beon out
of sohool ou account of colds aro .ablo
to bo out again.
Miss Helen Sbull spent u few days
in Dakota City last weok.
Mrs Chas Yoss visited
Sioux City a few days tbo
Wilfred E Yoss is jn thp list of grad
uates at the Peru normal for this year,
Mrs Chas Yobs and daughter, Tlieklu
Yoss, aooompauiod Miss Margaret
Sohriever, ot Dakota City, to Roches
ter, Slinn, whoro she will eutor tho
Mayo Bros hospitul for an operatiou
for tho removal of a goiter.
Mrs G M Best, of Sioux City, was
horo Saturday and disposed of hor
losidonco property in oaBt Homer' to
Miss Luo A Hirsch for' a considera
tion of $1,800,
Dr Nina R Smith
day from Rochester,
went to oonsult tuo
tho Mayo brothers.
Tho Minnesota advertising car side
traokod hero Tuesday, drew many vis
itors from tho town aud rountry
around, A flno display of produots
was shown.
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Grand Canyon
San Antonio
New Orleans
St. Augustine
Palm Beach
lyinier Vacation.
TfJf3S To Delightful Winter Resorts
Chicago and North Western Line
To California Go via the North
Pacific Coast and make your winter
trip a comprehensive tour of the
western states. Excursion tickets to
California mav be routed in one di
rection via the North PaciQc Coast,
thence through scenic Northern Cali
fornia to San Francisco, I,os Angeles
and San -Diego. On the retnrn trip
a number of routes are available.
South and Southwest Round trip
Excursion Tiekets on sale daily via
most attractive routes. In some in
stances lower fares are in effect for
short vacation trips.
Hot Springs, Ark. French Lick,
Ind., and Hot Springs, S. D. Jan
uary is a favorite month at these re
sorts. Round trip fares on request.
For full particulars apply to your ncaroBt ticket agent or address
B. C. Buchannan, Lyman Sholes,
Agent, Dakota City, Neb. Div. Pass's. Agt., Omaha, Nob.
G. H. MacRAE, Gen. Pass'r. Agent, St. Paul, Minn
friends in
past week.
(Henry's Place
East of the Court House for the Best in
I Wines, Liquor and Cigars
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Nkilife Seer
' Bottle or Ieg
I Henry Krumwiedet puotn cy, wCbr.k
returnod last Fri-
Minn, whero sho
famous Burgeons,
Let Us Design Your Engagement Cards
and Wedding Invitations.
Licensed Embalmer I.ady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. F. D2ckSnsox
Ball 71
JVuto N47I
415 Sixth Street
Sioxxx City, Iowbl
A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation
! Cattle. Hogs aid SKeep
I Steele, Siman L Co,
Tom Steele, KuySlman, Dave Prusmcr, Harry Cpptrsen,
Mnniucer Onttlo Snlcsnmn. lloii&SlicopSnlesman, Oillcc,
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You. ' Write Us. Ship Us.
ing, tifi W wanted for stealing a
had not soon hli home for a long timo,