j " r-'T-i ffr " f l -! vt-ihiUiiu.t!;;WAaMniMaw,M,,w,.(Jfc;j.i'-ai .." . . " r 5-C DAK6TA COUNTY kkAit( bAKbTA CITY, HlBftAIXA, -- - Li ' A' ( ii t. it- Cash Grocery Store Special '20 lbs Sugar $1.00 2 pkgs Seedless Raisins . . .25c 3 cans Dutch Cleanser 25c 6 bars Toile Soap 25c 7 bars Flake White Soap 25c 2 pkgs Shreded ".i t 25c. 3 cans L,e wis hye ......., 25c Get our Prices on Ladies' and Men's Hosiery. ....Highest Price Paid for Produce.... W. L. Ross DetlcoCfe. City, Nebraska. "Not on Your Life, Slim; I I They've Got a Bell Telephone" I H LB "'J sooner go agin an automatic gun H M than try a house -with a Bell Telephone." B H Burglars fear a Bell Telephone. H H They know how quickly aid can be B H summoned when danger lurks or H H emergency demands. .rfl B BB H rAre You Protected by Bell Teleplionef, H I (f An NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY BB1 vAfc. Z-xAf BBa BSa SAtnVgr MBS Public. Sale! Owing to .sickness I am compelled to give up farming and will sell at Public Sale at my farm Z4 miles south of Hubbard and 7 miles northwest of Horner Nebr., on Tuesday, Jan. 20, '14 All my Personal Property, consisting of . 6 head of Horses and Mules. 30 head of Holstein Cattle, 18 of them good Milch Cows. 1 1 head of Sheep. 30 head of Hogs. 75 tons Alfalfa Hay. 40 tons of Timothy and Clover Hay. ' 800 bu. Irish Victor Seed Oats. 25 bu. good Seed Wheat. 25 bu. Seed Corn. 1 100 bu. Corn in Crib. Full line of Farm Machinery. Sale Commences at 10 o'clock a. m. Free jLnneh Served at Noon Terms 12 months' time will be given on good approved notes bearing 10 interest. All sums under $10 Cash. P. T. WATSON, Owner Col. A. I. Davis, Auct Michael Waters, Clerk I Abstracts of - Title A $10,000 Surety Bond I (faaranteM tho aoouraoy f arary Abstract I maka Prices for Successor to ' Dakota Comity Abstract 0: Bonded Abstractor J. J B I MB R I Local Ifems Tho Herald 1 rear, $1. Poro applo cidor at Van do Zoddo'c Wo want your hardwaro trade and will trout you right. Sobtlovor Bros. Miss Elsio Loronz spent Now Year's" at tho Eidt homo in Sioux City. Don't forgot Bronns ooffoo, it is still in the lead. Van soils it. Mr and Mrs 0 It Juclcl, of Sioux Oitj, wore visitors horo Suuduy with relatives. M 0 Ayres was an over Sunday vis itor at Omaha with his daughtor, Mrs Geo Oartor. A flno baby boy took up its nbodo at tho homo of Prof and Mrs H G Loav ons Sunday afternoon. E W Nordyko, of Sioux Oily, wob a visitor here last Friday at the homo of his sister, Mra Molllo JBroyhill. G L Goodman has moved from tho Loronz rosidouoo. adjoining tho meat markot, to tho old Oiitqhfleld house. Miss Alida Woohs returned last week from a visit at Roaobud, S D, with her mother, who is postmistress thero. Deputy Sheriff John Mnhou took Billy York, of South-Sioux City, to tho inobriato nsylum at Lincoln Wednes day, of last weok . Dr Louis A Dermody, of Omaha, ia now located in Jackson, Neb, Ho is in the offices formerly occupied by Dr Loahy, at the drug store. William Best tins pnrohac'd prop erty in Ponca and will start f i.eral store there aB soon as tho b.iililing can bo fitted up for oocuponry. Win Jacques, ago 40, und EfOo Wanzar, ago HO, both of Sioux City, wore united in marriage ut tho M E parsonage, January 1st, by Rev J Crews. Miss Lucille litmgland returned from Control Oily, Neb, tho latter part of tho weok to resumo her duties aB stenographer in Judge R E Evans' law ollloo. The Gordon, Neb, Journal oaine to us last week, and wo find B S Loedom & Son'n immo at the heud of tho ctli toriul column. Tim pHpnr is full of news nnil nils, eluiruoteiistio of the Leedom' ubility as rnMleru. Mrs El J Morin returned tn her home in Wvnot hist Friday, .iftor a visit here at tho homo of her mother, Mrs Wm Cheney, She wub accompa nied homo liv lu-r mother and Mrs Ralph Qonitn in, who rem ii nod until Monday. Tha Epworth Lenguo of the M E oil u roll lust Sunday morning in a nice little Bpeeoh by Mrs Crews, tho first vioO'president of tho Leuguo, donated a dozen Hymnals for tho use of tho ohuroh, which were very much needed aud appreciated. in tuepuge of nauusomo baby pic tures which appeared in Sunday's Omaha Bee, was that of David Rosa Warner, the 18 months old sou olU 8 Murshul W P Warner und wife. Da vid promises to he as good looking as his pa when he "growB up," W H Hoy, who farmed the Geister place weBt of town two yearn ago, was a visitor ffere from Salix, la, Tueuday, where he farmed the past season. He and his family will return to Dakota county tho last of February, having ronted tho Allen placo near Emer son. The Flego trial flrBt tried in Dixon county and by a change of vonuo taken to Thurston county, came up for trial for the third time Monday boforo Judge Graves at Pender, Nob. Flego is accused of killing his siator, a orime almost unnatural, and was twico con victed. The second quarterly conference of tho M, E churoh will be held on Tues day, January 13th, at 8 o'clock p m. Beside tho regular business there will be a Round Table talk on revivals, and not only the ofllcdrs hut tho gen eral membership, old and young, is expeoted to bo present. Among the university students who returned to their sohool duties at Lin coin Sunday were: George Miller, Harold Gribble, Frank Sidos. Mar garet Bridenbaugh and Vern HeikeB. Miss Ruth Scott, of Lincoln, who was a guest at the S A Hoikcshomo during the holidays, returned also. Howard Rookweli leuves Friday of this week for Lincoln, and from there he will accompany Henry Weigand to Dallas, Texas, whore they go to look up a now location. Mrs Weigand and daughter will visit hero at the home of Mra Weigand parmita, Mr and Mrs R L Broyhill, until a suitable location is found by Mr Weigand. J W Tulloys, rxport accountant, who last month completed an investi gation of tho different county offlcos np to July 1, 1013, and filed a report covering tho period, has been engaged by the county board to "carry tho ex amination down to tho ending of the year 1913, and will be hero Monday next to begin work again. A fair sized crowd attended tho dance here last Friday evening in tho Ayres hall. Although the musio a harp orchestra from Hawarden, la, was a disappointment by reason of tho Violinist being sick und unable to stiok tho job through, tho dancors took it good natured and tangoed to tho muBio of tho clarinet and harp until after midnight. The management wishes to apologize for the unavoidable affair, and promises to furnish a more do pondablo orohestra hereafter. Louis Larsen roceivpd word last woek that a gold watch ho had lost sixteen yeara ago at Ute, la, had been fonnd and awaited his coming to claim it. In connection with tho loss of the watch ho told us that sixteen yours ago ho was with a oompany of thir teen peoplo at n farm house near Ute, when a oyolouo struck tho liouso, de molishing it completely, killing ono of tho occupants and seriously injuring evory raembor of tho paity. When ho picked himself up in a near by field he dug the dirt out of his eyes and wiped tho blood off his face, and thou discovered his watch chain hanging loose from tho buttonholo in his vest. That was the last ho knew of his watoh until a weok ago when ho reoolvod word from tho peoplo living on the farm that his watoh, bearing his ini tials, had been found. They also stated that the watoh when wound be gan running again aftar its long si-Icnae, Tho Horald and tho AraoricnuJ Boy, ono year for $1 GT vDr L A Dermody, of Jaokson, w'as it caller in this place Wednesday, For Sale -LarRc Dufoe Jersey Uosti coming 2 years old, Carl SorenBon, A flno boy arrived at the homo of Mr and Mrs Oscar Snyder Wednesday, Buy a good farm on, tho Dakota oouuty bottom. I have" it, Eimora. Frank Kinkrad loft Tuesday for Concord for n visit at tho Don Kin koad homo. A rogufar meeting of tho MaBOnio lodgo will bo hold Saturday ovoniug of this weok. Miss Francis Rioh, of Wisnor, was a visitor horo tho past woek at tho homo of hor brother, A U Rich . Mrs Fred Bergor returned last weok from a mouth's visit with hor daugh ter, Mrs E E Colo, at Phlllipsburg, Kas. Mies Frac Entralun, of Sorgoant Bluff, la, was a visitor hero Friday and Saturday with MUs Ailoon Stin son . David Stiuson, of Marshalvillo, Ohio, arrived horo Wednesday ou a visit with his nephows, S A Stiuson and D M Nelswatiger, LoiiIh Cooloy, of Wakefield, wbh a visitor horoovor Sunday, being onrouto from a v.'alt with his daughter, Mrs Hattio Mason, at Fnllnitou, Nob U 8 Marohal W P Waruor camo up (from Omaha Wednesday morning and spent a fow dujH hern looking1 after business mutters at his farm south west of town, ' Last Sunday ovouing tho young pro-J plo of tho M E uliurch got together and rendered some vrry nonoptablo musio for tho ovoniug service. It is supposed tlioj will keep it up Mrs Frank ShnfVr, of Osceola, Mo, sister of Will anil 'ohn Uorgor, was a visitor here TnoBcLy and Wednesday, being enrouto home from a visit with hor sister at Phillipshurg, Kan. D H Hagar was c.Ulod to Toledo, Ohio, Saturday, by a telegram an nouncing tho serious illno's of his brother. Mra linger is spending tho week with her daughter, Mib Arohio Ooughtry, in tho Snlem neighborhood . The following persons have been ohoson as petit jurors for tio Febrn ary 10, 1911, terra of Ihu district court of Dakota county. Neb, to wit: W L Quugorford, Roy Armour, John 1) Loach, Henry Gloe, .John Carpenter, Audroy Allawiiy, John fl flinuou, Martin J Beaoom, Oou Forbes, ( John Foy, Ohnrli'H Hiiltes, Iiii Wiulilell, .Too M Twphig, Fred Uermu, Iloilry W PetersPatrick Long, E J Eiahorst, Nelsoi; R'Smith, Carl Anderson, Wm J Davis, Henry Francisco, Lewis P Beaconi, James Tobin, Geo A Blcs sing. Phenomenal Bargain. Wo havo boon iortuuate in making arrangements which onablo us to oflior you r year's subscription to Fiirmer aud Breeder and thu Herald for only $1.00, This is an unusual bargain; take advantage of it TODAY. Your subscription to Farmer uud Breeder means that you are entitlod to free consultation with the Special Borvico Department of Farmer and Breeder upon any question pertaining to farm ing and stock raising during tho term of'your subscription to that maguzino. This service alone is worth the piioe we ask for both publications. Lot us havo your order NOW. Papers sent to different addrosses if desired. ABOUT FAHMEli AND DREEDKH. Farmer aud Breeder is pre-eminent ly a magazlno of farm and stock facts. It shows exactly how to do tho thiuga the way thoy aro being dono by tho most successful farmers and breoders. It gives clear, DEFINITE aud intelli gent explanations of farm methods and systems. It is broad and varied in scope and gives you ideas, plans, and methods that you can supply at onco and put dollars in your pockets. OLD TIME HAPPENINGS. Items reproduced in the Sinnx City Journal from flies of forty and twenty yoars ago: January, 1801: Amborry Batos, who was shot and killed by James T Willis Tuesday night, was well known to a certain clues in Sioux City, and had tho reputation of being one of tho toughest oharactors in this vicinity, In the palmy days of Covington ho mado that place his headquarters aud was right in his element. Ho was oousidered ono of the most dangerous men iu tho town, and made frequoi.t Run plays when under tho iufluonoo of liquor, and frequently oleancd out places there, Juuuary 4, 1891: passengers between Covington cross ou thounht tho ice will Nearly nil tho Bioilx Oitv and tho ioo. It ia bo tliiok euounh within a few days to permit tho oros Bing'of teams and wagons. Special Bargalu Offer, Tho Sioux City Doily News has an nounced that following its annnal custom it has set auido the mouth of January as its "Bargain Period." A special prico of $1.60 por year is mado for suliBoriptiona sent in during tho mouth, Tho regular prico is $2 per year. Tho Daily Nows in ono of tho best papers published in tho Northwest, containing all tho live nows events of the day, together with exclusive features and speoial articles by somo of tho foremost writers of tho day. We boliovo this to be one of the best nowspapor bargains over offered, nnd suggest that our reader who wish a good, live, up-to tho minute daily newspaper take advantage of this offor, Send your order to tho oditor of tho Herald and it will reooivo prompt at tention. SdUTH SIOUX CITY From the Uncord Mfss Nottio Munoh, of (Jyllnilor, la, ii n guest u t tho II GoeUch homo, Sara D Cone, of tiallx, Ia, was a visitor for several days at tlio II A Blivcn homo. John Manning was down town Mau- iluy for tho itn t(mp anru his acoi dont Houoral wcoks ago, Mrs J F Meredith, Mr and Mrs Rob ert Molirido and Mr aud Mrs David Boigler woro at Ooawa for Christmas at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Ray Mo reditu. Mesera MoBride and SJeiglor returned the next day, but tho IndieB romninod for a longer visit. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTV COMMISSIONERS. Dakota City, Neb, Jan D, 1011. The boiud of county coninilonori mot pur suant to naruomtml. Mem bora present. Oliver w FUtior, otiniriiuiiii Tliomns I-onc, Oeo WThackor, anU Oco Wllklns, dork. Wlinn tho following proceedings woro lint!, to-wlt: Tho followltiff bonds wero approved by tho boards Krnnk Mnhon.aliorlrr of Dakota county, Vnl. Oco N aeorgemon, overseer road dlntrlcf oo. J W DoKorrost, ovorsoor road district Noll. Hans lloimlckson, ovorsoor road district No 20. Tho followlile elnlnn woro nllowod ou county Konornl fund: NobrrtfkaTolophono Co, throe months rout, live phonos , S 87 U0 D M NclsvNntiKcr, drums, paints, pen. clN, ato St HS tj J Thompson, ictmlrlnic Jail locks... 4 0U 1) F Waters, provisions fuiiilRliod John Hums , 78 88 I'orklns liros oo, redumption record, oto 160 llonry KrtiniwtoUo, throo months , IlKht, six lights 0 !U Frank Mnhoii.uxptiiuo In taking York lnelirlntv, to Lincoln, 24 CO Krwl HohrluMir.VUo, shovul, icpalra, oto 005 O H UoollttlOiConstablo foos 111 stato enso ,, x iu Tho follow lmr clnlm wero ntlowod on commissioner district No I: V I! Luumir, UrnRRlmt roads, six hours t i CO OK AriubrlKht, (IragKiiiir loads 61 hours, , 88 25 Hoard ordered county clurk to uilto rond district Indobtodiioits warrant No 210, ou district No 0, forl(.00. to pay Mary Vois. too snuin iinvitnr been norotororo to tho Wlnkhiius cstiito. Hoard appointed Oco Timlin ti Justlcoot tho ponco In and for Hubbard product In said county and stato, and dlroats hlni to furnish bond. Hoard ndjournod slno dlo, and will moot In rcRtilarsoHStou Tuesday, January 13, I0l4i OKO. WIIiKINH, County Clerk. Thfro Is mom Catarrh In this section of tho country than All other diseases put together, and until the last tew '"" rs was supposed to be Incurable, For n Birat m- r.irs doctors pronounced It a local dUeaso and 1 1 I local remedies, and by constantly falling in i i tilth local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Bu vo l,us proven Catarrh to be n constitutional (lis pax aid therefore requires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney A Co . Toledo, Ohio, Is tho only Constitutional euro on the market. It Is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to n tcnspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They otter one hundred dollArs for any casa It falls to cure. Bend tor circulars and testimonials. Address: P. J. CIIIINEV & CO., Toledo, Oulo. Bold by nrus sUts, ;sc Tale Hall's Family rills for conitlpatloo. First publication lMcS-tw NOTICE. John Hawker, dofondant, will take no tlco that on tho 10th day or Dccombor, A. 1). HUH. Fred A. Hood, tho plalntllf, tiled tils petition In tho dtstilot court of Dakota' county, Nobraska, nitnlnat it. M. Dott, Catherine IIohiui, Jnmes llocan, Frank Ho Ran, Hugh Ilognu, John llivwkor. Honjie uilu Hawker, Henry Hlcklinoro, and J anion M. Woodcock, defendants, the ohjectnml prnyor of wlileh nro to forecloso n certain uiortRaRO executed by K. M. Dott and Holla Dott. hU wife, to Harvey it Kllyson upon lots 1, 21,11,4,10,11, IU. 14. IbnndJOrln Mock 1; lots 1.'.', 3, 4,7, 8. It. 111. U, 1 17, 18. H), Si, 211 and El, In block II); lots 4, P, 10, 11,12, 111, 14, IS and lO.lu block 11: lots2.il, 4 and 0, In blocks: lots 11 and IS In blocks; lots I). 4, 6.0,11, 12.13.14, 15, 18.17, 18, and IV, In block 21 lotsU, 4,6, 0, 12, 14. 16, 10, 17, IK, IP, 2(1, 21, 22, and 23, In block 20; lots I), 4,0and0,lu blocr: 7, In Second Hallway Addition to South Mlous Ulty, and lot n to thirty two, both Inclusive In blocks, and lot 1 In block 2U in Hallway Addition to South Hloux Ulty, all In Dakota county, Nebraska. !yNrh tliepn'-inrnt of n crrtnln p,nml . I ii .i ,. i t " I II I'l i , v . luuiuuu unil uu)uUiu un iliu in.Uii; ulutiiai ary. A. D. 1U0I; that thoro is now duo upon said notos and mortKnso tho sum of flOUUXX) and lnteioutthoreon' from tho 15th day of February; A. D. '11)10; that said noto and mortRaRO by tho nsslRninont and purchaso Is tho Property of the DlalntllT and ho ninvs ,for a dooioo that tho dofondant be required iu puy uiu buiii iiLKjvu iiiieKcu ns uuu nnu that in default thoreof tho said promises bo sold to satisfy tho said Mini nnd for son oral cqultablo relief. You are roqulrod tortnswor said petition on or boforo the 2nd day of Fobruaiy, A. D. 1014. Dated December 2Uh, 1U18. Faun A. Koon, I'lalntlfT. First publication l-8.4w NOTIOK OF OPENINO noAl). " Stato of Nobraska, County of Dakota, ss, v Notice to Land owners. To all whom it may concern; Tho commissioner 'appointed to locate and attorato a public road In Dakota coun ty, Nobraska, rannlnif In a Ronorally oust and west direction throuRli section thirty throo (83) township twoiity-nlno (29), raime soven (7) east, in said county nnd mate, bo twocn tho vllliiKOS of .luokKon and Goodwin, said alteration to consist first In tho opon Ins and cstiibllBliliiK of n public road 00,foot wldo runnliiR south on the iiitd-soctlon lino, 33 fcot ou each sldo, for tho Jiiokson and Goodwin road above mentioned tocon ncot with tho road couiltiR from tho south on said mid-section lino at tho point whoro It turns nortboastorly to connect with said Jackson mid Goodwin road, and socondly, tn tho vacation of that portion of tho Jack son and Goodwin road botwoon Us Junction with said road from tho south, nnd tho point whoro saldJacltHonandUoodwln road crossos said mld-seotlou lino, belna also tho i roau norein-poutionou ror uoRins, Aim me potitlonor, Mary DolotiRiiery. asrees In her said road petition with the county of Da-, kota to pay tho oxponsos of grading the road heroin desired to bo opened, in case the prayer of tho potion Is Rrunted, has ro ported in favor of tho vacation and altera tion thereof, nnd all objections thoroto, or claims for damages, must bo filed in tho County Olork's afllco on or boforo noon of tho 2vth day of January, A. D., 11)14, or such road will bo established, vaoated nnd alter ed without roforonco thoroto. Goo Wllklns, . County Clerk, First publication 1-S-lw. NOTICE Tn NON IIK8IDENX DEFENDANT. In the dlsulot court of Dakota county. Nobraska. To Gooitfo Anderson, non resident, de fendant; You nro horoby notified that thero Is now on lllo In the dlntilot court of Dakota coun ty, Nonraska, m tno said action in which Joint F. Itoolofson, public administrator of Nodaway county, Missouri, nnd adminis trator do bonus nun, with will annexed of tho estnto of Hannah Hiuini, deceased, ! platutlfT, and Otto A. Anderson, GoorRO An derson, Otto Audoisoii, Kuth Anderson, Naonia Anderson nnd Paul Anderson nro defendants, tho petition of said plaintiff, theobjoct and prayer of said petition and of said action is to foreclose a niort KiiRodeod on ical estnto situate lu Dakota county, Nobraska, o-wlt; Lot four In Block to ofiJUborts Addition to tho town ofHouth Hloux Ulty In said county nnd state, toRothor with nil appurtonan cos, bulldliiRs and Improvements thoro ou; to make an nccountliiR of the nmountof thodobt seemed by Niild mort Sago deed and due to plaintiff; to foreclose all equity of redemption or other lntoiests of defendants In or to said real estate, nnd soil tho sanienccoi dliiR to law and out of the proceeds Uioreofpay plalntllf tho amount of thodobt secured by said inortuaRo deed Willi liuorost nnu cost of suit. You aro reaulred to answer said petition on or beforo the Sth day of February, 19141. JOHN F. IIOKI.OFSON, l'ubllo Administrator of Nodaway county, Missouri, and administra tor do bonus uou with will annexed of tho ostnto of Hannah Sturm, deceased, Plaintiff. HHEUMATIO SUFFERERS SHOULD USK H Xhm Beat Remmdy) BH For all. form of, Rheumatism Sciatica. coutneuralciaBBA ,WD KlDNEYiTROUBUS; jfM JBSSwLWiSSSKIm MMflX -" FW H4 M4WIMT 1 SwaiMon RhvuniRtle Cyr c STINSON'S Specials for Saturday, Jan. 10 For this Dsty Only $1.50 Pure Table Uncn, per yd $1.25 $1.25 Pure Tabl Linen, per yd. $1.00 75c Pure Table tinen, per yd 65c 50c Pure Table Linen, per yd 45c We will give 15 off on all of our Henderson Corsets, Which are ltaders in style and quality. 20 discount on all Sweaters. i In Groceries we will give the following: Black walnuts, per lb , r. 3c Nice Oranges, per dozen , ,20c H cans 31b apples , 25c 2 cans Best Standard Corn .. ,15c 20 lbs Granulated Sugar '. . . , $1.00 lcanlb Beets 15c Handpicked Navy Beans, per lb 5c 3 lbs Lima Beans ..25c 3 lb pail Lard 45c 1 gal. Karo Syrup ' 45d Stinson's Dakota. City, Nbrak. I I EVuy Yoir IFrtsh Ma.ta Cured Mmt I Salted Ma: I Sausc j Oytrs Clry at iHm I City I ieat N&r ket I Agent for Seymour's Laundry W. Lorenz, Jr. Dakota City, N.eb. j Ask Your Dealer to Show You I i -a 03 I I I 03 t 3 CD IVyf i I I V9t f jk UilB Wj I'm! 77 U Y7 Yfll I The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness I I v If they Don't Have Them, write or call on I Sturges Bros., 411 pveari St., Sioux City, la I ; Bvlletitv of Winter Travel Specialties Denver Western Stock Show, January 19th to 24tb, 1914 Special rates from East and North of-Denver. Denver makes this a gala week for the stockmeu of the Western country. Winter Tourist Rates in effect daily, with lower homeseekers' fares first und third Tuesday of each month. Present indica tions are that the number of Northern visitois during the Winter of 1913-14, to the South, will be the greatest in the mstory ot tne bouthiano;. fersonally Conducted Parties to California seven each week via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt I,ake, in through tourist sleepers. Burlington special conductors are men es pecially selected to look after your comfort enroute. Henry's Place East of the Court 1 tv inwj, jLivuvri "- vjjai 0 a Bond & Millard, Old Elk, I Nilife &aa BoiiU or WLmg vi I Hnry Krumwiidt, "'- T?"r - "rtrtilii I rai 9 V- " . um 17 ft I Si IA tn o o 3 O m i o D CO -Jtl'f o I can secure you vory handsome. Illustrated publications Of Hputbern orUnllfornla railroads and hotels., if you desire them. Low llatoH 8outh,'i"Uallfornla Tourists Iartles,""Paolflo coast Tours." Let mo help you plait any tour you may have In mind. W. E. Snetheri, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr. L. W. Wakklxt, O. P, A., Omaha, Neb. House for the Best in 1 Sherwood Rye Whiskies. J SjI uJkt ViM 1 tj, a j ."f . y I . ii ?i I ..M T " 9 p V . I ?r $ W K'A rl J I i . I 1 IM'IM W. UM M, tMHA