i X DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD 3 Motto: All The News When 1 1 Is News. DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1013. NO. 17. VOL. 22. r v . Is .-f CURRENCY BILLWINS SENATE PA8SE8 CURRENCY MEA8URE BY VOTE OF 54 TO 34. 6 REPUBLICANS FAVOR ACT Contains Provision That Banks Must Accept Within Sixty Days of Its Passage Reserve Districts Eight to Twelve Now Qoes to House. Washington,. Dec. 20. Tho now cur rency bill was paBsod by tho sonnte on Friday by n voto of 64 to 34. It was backed by the solid Democratic I voto and six Republicans. The essential features of tho cur rency bill as It passed tho senate are t as follows: Secretary of tho treasury and two 'momuurs ui luu icuciui iuoi' uuwu j constitute tho organization committee. Tho committee is to designate not less than eight nor moro than 12 re servo districts, in each of which a fed eral reservo bank Is to be established. Every national bank is required and every eligiblo bank In tho United States and evory trust company in tho (District of Columbia la authorized to 'signify in writing within sixty days iaftor tho passage of the act Us ac ceptance of its terms. National banks aro required and oth-, era aro permitted to subscribe to the .capital stock of tho reservo banks in a sum equal to six per cent, of the capital and surplus of such banks, one jslxth to be payable on call, one-sixth twUhlnthreo months and one-sixth rwlthln six months, the remainder sub tfcot to call. Any national bank falling to signify Its intention to accept tho terms of this act shall cease to act as a reserve ,agent upon 30 days' notice. Any national bank falling within one year to comply with any of tho provisions of the act will forfeit its charter and privileges under the na tional bank act. If the stock subscription by the banks is not sufficient In the judg ment of the federal reserve board to provide proper capital the stock may be offered to the public, the max imum subscription being $10,000. Minimum capltnl of reserve banks Is fixed at $3,000,000. Each reserve bank must establish reserve branches within its federal ro serve district at such places as are ap proved by tho" federal reserve board. There shall be nine directors hold ing ofllco for three years, divided into three classes, three to be chosen by the bankB anckthe representatives of the stock-holding banks, three chosen by the banks who at tho time of their election shall be actively en gaged in their district in commerce, agrlculturo or some other Industrial pursuit, and three designated by the federal reserve board. One of the last named class is to be deslgnateoVby tho federal board as chairman of the board of directors of tho reservo bank. No director of tho last two named classes can bo a director, officer, employe or stockholder of any bank. After all expenses have been met, .tockholders In reservo bankB will re ceive a six per cent, division, which shall bo cumulative. One-half tho net earnings above the expenses and divi dend is to be paid into a surplus fund until that fund amounts to 40 per cent of the paid in capital. Of the remaining half of the excess half 50 per cent, shall be paid to the United States as a franchise tax and one-half to the United States as trus tee for the benefit of depositors In failed member banks. Tho federal reserve board shall con sist of seven members, Including the secretary of the treasury as an ex-of-flcio member and six members ap pointed by the president, to bo con firmed by the senate. They are to bo selected with duo regard to a fair rep resentation of the different geographi cal divisions of the country. Their salary Is fixed at $12,000 a year and the terms are bIx years. Among tho powers vested In the fed eral reservo board aro: To require reservo banks to discount the discounted paper of other federal reserve banks at rates of Interest to be fixed each week or oftener; to sus pend for a period not exceeding thirty days and from, time to tlmo renew suspension for persons not exceeding fifteen days, any reserve requirement specified in tho act; to authorize members to uao reserves, federal re servo notes based on United States bonds to the extent that the board may find necessary; to grant to na tional banks applying therefor tho tight to act as truBtee, executor, ad ministrator or registrar of stocks and bonds. Cardinal Martlnelll Is III. Homo, Italy, Dec. 22. Cardinal Se bastian Martlnelll, who waa papal dele gate in tho United States from 189G to 1902, 1b seriously ill. Tho cardinal, who is slxty-llvo years old, is prefect of tho sacred congregation of ritCB. Judge Frees Accused Wife. Chlcugo, Dec 22. The case of Mrs. Alice Davis Sing, charged with tho murder' of her Chinese husband, Charles Slug, was taken from the jury on motion of the defense, and Mrs, Hint, was dibtharged. Jack Johnaon la Hissed. i' !, De 22.- Jack Johnson, negro im? st, utpotetwl Jim Johnson, a si i 4 rater, lu a ton round boot The c n'4 ... H HUERTA, M0HEN0 AND BLANQUET TAKE A RIDE P' . ' "i Mum r-rni mmmnrmmmmmmrnMa,mvi- n Mr- , . ;jgia v T.-St' . i-x mr Igga tssBBBBBBBBBBBsl rr ggm fa JMMsiNKSRk VmL. ? f .ggggggsassBBszgsnSgP yfSHHHHIHBK tggS V""jEPH& WsbSIL.B SBmHbPPt aeSSISKKBiM $" v ilM&SBs&WnESmmmms S&JSmBBBUaKum f mUimmmK IWi Plffj iPJgsasMllniiggggMggggM - 'mmmm,WmmmiB- :mmmmmm , - 1sWlHHM)Wi i V- MsTflMH .-. ii ' I iMIM i' iH I II1 III I In li'Mi) I ' I" Itunl i III M ' Hi I HiUM I Ms t'i ! -iA&OsrejrJk2M W m . irr,!!!!SK3S&2& mx m i I mmmmmmmmmmKm.mmmMmmwMm r$&? xjm&$n mp i iubu'iwj rw i THrsssBBssffsTMrguTTlinrHTir TTTnffinPi 1Wfflnlrrffilfr " " fi n " SwBJrTHKtSKlPW'BliHBB L tW rt Tfc'Biri mr irriii'i'l'iVli1wtJllliillW 1 11 hi i ?wtHHBBn3f&i?BH I w dmJwt-Hmfs Our photograph shows General Huerta, Foreign Minister Moheno and G eneral Dlanquot riding through tho streets of Mexico City on their way to a session of the national congress. Moheno slta at Huerta's loft and Dlan quot faces them. EXECUTE ALL OFFICERS FEDERALS AT GUAYMAS SLAIN BY REBELS FOR TREASON. Still Hold Rich Mexican Constitu tionalists Crowding Close on Port of Tamplco. Hermoslllo, Sonora, Dec. 23. The commissioned officers and many ser geants and corporals of the Tenth bat talion of the federal garrison at Guay maB wero executed for treason at sun rise Sunday in that city, according to word brought here. Officers and men of tho Tenth were disarmed several days ago by General OJeda, federal commandant, when he discovered they were plotting to de sert to the Insurgents. Chihuahua, Dec. 23. "Anyone who hereafter loots or molost property of foreigners or Mexicans will bo exe cuted. The right to confiscate proper ty will rest only with tho rebel govern ment," Bald an order issued by Gen. Francisco Villa, and as showing his In tention to maintain strict military dis cipline he executed on the plaza a band of rebels who had been found guilty by court-martial of sacking the home of a wealthy Mexican. Juarez, Dec. 23. Although negotia tions have been under way for the pay ment of $250,000 for his release, Luis (Terrazas, Jr., was held prisoner by 'General Villa at Chihuahua. The di vision of 1,000,000 acres of Terrazas' land among tho rebels is one of thS planks In the revolutionary platform. Mexico City, Dec. 23. Tho rebel forces are crowding close on Tampico and a formal attack may bo expected soon. Torres, Sonora, Dec. 22. Ten offl pers and m6ro than COO troops of tno federal garrison at Guaymas sur rendered to the Insurgents at Maytore na, Friday. A special train was sent to Maytorena to convey the former federals to Hermoslllo. , It was said tho capitulation of Guay mas was expected. ' Presidio, Tex., Dec. 20. Shots ex chang6d between Mexican and Ameri can soldiers on tho international line, two miles west of Presidio, resulted on Thursday in the death of Lois Orozco, a regular of General Mor cado's federal Mexican army. The Mexicans fired the first shots. Orozco, who lived several hours, ad mitted after being shot that he and his companions had crossod to tho American side with a note and tired when halted by the American sen tries. FIRE CAUSES $5,000,000 LOSS V Flames Sweep the Dockyard Section of Portsmouth, England New Battleship Periled. Portsmouth, England, Dec. 23. Fire which swept the dockyards here on Saturday caused damago estimated at $5,000,000. The new battle cruiser Quoon Mary, which was moored along side of the Jetty, waa Jeopardized, but It was speedily towed out of danger. Congressman 1. 8. Pepper Is Dead. Clinton, la., Dec, 23. Congressman Irvln S. Pepper of the Second Iowa district Is deud in a Clinton hospital. For New Anti-Polygamy Law. Washington, Dec 23. A constitu tional nmondment to prohibit polyg amV was proposed by Senator Weeks of Massachusetts at tho request, he said, of many citizens of his state who believed pclygaioy existed. Launch Steamsr for Panama. Stettlu, Germany. Dee, 23 A large turbine ttedgaer for the Panama tanal service of the Hatnburg-jnrican 'ilirr-il lltpllz It will STATE TO SUE ROADS MISSOURI WILL DEMAND $26,000,- 000 FROM THIRTEEN RAIL- WAYS. MAY GO TO SUPREME COURT Attorney General Barker Declares That Overcharges Before Rate Laws Validation Reach Vast Amount Judge Suspends Decree. Kansas City, Mo., Doc. 23. Mis souri will demand $20,000,000 from 13 railroads, whose" Injunction' against tho operation of the law limiting rates on passenger traffic to two cents a mllo, and tho law fixing maximum freight rates, were ordered on Saturday dis missed "without prejudice" by tho U. S. Supremo court. Papors In suits for $0,000,000, ask ing $3,000,000 each from tho Missouri Pacific, tho Wabash and the Santa Fo, wore sent by Attorney General Dark er to tho appropriate state courtB. Federal Judge McPherson on Satur day read from tho bench an ordor In conformity with the Supremo court de cree, which ordered tho dismissal of an injuction granted In favor of 13 roads against the operation of the two laws. Late in tho day the Judge suspended the entry of hlB decree until January 10. The attorney for tho railroads an nounced that ho would advise his cli ents to appeal to the United States Supreme court for a writ of manda mus to compel the Judge to retain Jurisdiction over the suits, which should be filed to cover claims of overcharge by the railroads, covering the differences between the rates charged and the rates under the laws which were upheld and dating from tho lssunnce of tho injunction. Tho railroads had at tho morning hearing tried to have Judge McPher son retain Jurisdiction over tho suits and naked him to limit tho liability of each road to the $10,000 bond which it had filed to indemnify per sons affected, if the Injunction suit wero lost. The Judge refused. Had ho agroed it would have made the maximum liability of tho 13 roadB $130,000. Between Judge McPherson'B actions in the morning and his action late in the day, Attorney General Darker of this state announced from Jefferson City tho filing of a suit for $2,000,000 againBt the Missouri Pacific. After Judge McPherson'B later action, Mr. Darker announced that he would file similar suits against the other 12 roads. That would mako a total of $26,000,000 Bought by the state of Mis souri, r PaperB in a suit for $2,000,000 against the Wabash rallioad wero sent to La Plata. Papers In a similar suit against tho AtchlBon, Topeka & Santa Fe wero sent to Kirksvillo. This will mako it possible for the suits to bo filed actually today. Tho suit against tho Missouri Pacific will bo filed at Macon, whero the papers havo been sent. Tho ronds to bo sued for $2,000, 000 each include tho Chicago, Hurling ton & Qulncy, tho MIsbouI, KunsaB & Toxas and tho Chicago, flock Island & Pacific. Nineteen Hurt In Train Wreck. El Paeo, Tox., Doc. 23. Nineteen persons wero injured, four of them seriously, whan four earn of Toxas, & Pacific railroad train No. 3 were de railed east of this city. A broken, rail caused the accident. Two Killed In Wreek. Cheyenne, Wy Dec. 23.Two were kfllea, several hurt in a head-on collision at Black Buttos, where the th 1 I n I'lfiU l.nil a fV ! wfRt ,l 1 JWfc r!Tsa.& J& AVIATORS ROUT MOORS OPEN WAY FOR SPANISH INFAN TRY WITH RAIN OF BOMBS. Both Sides Lose Heavily American Experts Say Battle Proves Aeroplane's Value. Madrid, Dec. 20. Moorish tribos men wore routed with heavy loss by tho Spanish troops at Muley Absolam, Spanish Morocco, Thursday. Spanish military aviators throw tho Moors into disorder with showers of bombs. The Spaniards attacked tho Moors with a brlgado of sharpshooters, a bat talion of inffiKr.v, four batteries of ar tillery and a largo body of native aux iliaries. When tho order for tho gen eral advanco of tho Spanish column was given tho advanco guard discov ered several thousand Moorish moun taineers concealed In tho irregularities of the ground. A flotilla of military aviators sent to reconnoltor, by means of ilag signals guided tho column of Spanish troops. A heavy artillery flro was opened by tho Spaniards without effect. Tho aviators then ascended to an altitude out of range of rlllo flro and flew directly over the places whore tho Moors wero in the groatest numbers. Then came what tho dispatches to tho Spanish war ofllco describes as a "ver itable rain of bombs, tossed by hand by the aviators into the midst of the Moors." After this bombardment tho Spanish Infantry charged with the bayonet and dislodged the Moors from tbeir posi tions, causing thorn to fleo In great dis order, leaving largo numbers of dead and wounded on the field. Washington, Dec. 19. All proposed new expenditures of any consequence for the postal sorvtco wore stricken from tho post office appropriation bill by the bouse committee. Among the items lost is the $2,000,000 incroaso In pay for rural mall carriers. The bill carries about $300,000,000. Washington, Dec. 23. Capt. James H. Glennon, recently ordered to com mand the battleship Florida, will take tho Wyoming to Bucceed Capt. Fred erick L. Chnpln, who died last week. Captain Rueh takos tho Florida. Washington, Dec. 19. An Investi gating committee appointed by Secre tary McAdoo completed a report re pudiating charges of wholesale graft In tho purchase of government sup plies involving millions of dollars. Washington, Dec. 20. Senator Will- iam Stone of Missouri Is confined to his hotel by a Bovore attack of bron chitis. Senator Ilocd nnnounced in the senate that Senator Stono would not bo ablo to return for several days. Chicago, Dec. 23, Judgo Benjamin Unrr Llndsoy of Denver, the "chil dren's Judgo" and framer of the Juvo- nilo court of Colorndo, married on Saturday Miss Henrietta Ilrovoort. daughter of Mrs. F. J. Cllppert of De troit, Mich., In tho Auditorium hotol. Ho Is forty-threo years old, wlillo Mrs. Llndsoy Is twenty-four. i Woman Sued for $351,000. St Louis. Dec. 23. Mrs. Grnco A. Leatho, wioe wealth Is estimated 'at $4,000,000, was sued for $351,000 by W. Irvine Edwards, hejr former ooufldiin tisi agent, to whom the was ones re ported engaged." Beaehey Maltes "oiir Loops. Fresno, Cal , Dee. - 3. Ltuoolu Beech ey, orl(l-amous aviator, made four oonseenUTe loojwtbe-loops here, j 1'' r ii ulT Ills engine, Jm1iiJ to o.uih SPARKS FROM J THE WIRE THE M1HL LI1W SETS ASIDE THE STATE REQULA. TIONS. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathored from Rs- liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Thoro appears to bo somo mlsundcr Btnndlng In regard to when tho sea son for shooting ducks and other water fowl closes. Tho state law Is supposed to bo sot aside by tho na tional regulations. Chief Gamo War den Hutonbnch will endeavor to en- forco tho national regulations and drop the atato law. Tho state law per- mite tii Riinntlm? of water fowl dur- I lng tho winder and in tho spring, Tho I national regulations provides that tho season for killing water fowl shall uo closed from December 1G until the first of tho following September. From J the ICth of Docombor Until September 1 it will bo unlawful undor tho national regulations, to kill water fowl. Ab thoro arc no ducks or gueso In Nebraska during tho wintor, excopt In tha oxtromo northern part of tho state, tho national regula tion will not doprlvo Nebraska sports men of any shooting except In tho early spring. Tho state law provided that the season should begin Septem ber 1 and closo April 5. Undor tho government regulations It will open September 1 and closo December 10, which means a period of three and one-half months of fall shooting. Tho next onen Beason will bo on fish. This opens April 1 and endB November ID, with the exception of tho open season for trout not less than eight IncheB long, which begins April 1 and ends October 1. Tho opou season for bass not less than eight Inches long begins April 1 and ends November 15. Are Within Their Rights. County boards act within their dis cretion when they agreo not to call a special election for voting bonds for a county telephone system under the nrovIslonB of the Fuller bill, in tho opinion of Judgo Cornish of tho dis trict court. Tho Judgment was handed down by him In tho application of Lancaster county public ownership leaders for a writ of mandamus com pelling tho couity boards t-ca!l the election which thoy long ago po tioned for under tho county owner ship bill. According to the court's finding tho county hoard has tho right to olther call or refuse to call tho special election. Tho question de cided means that unless tho suproino court remands tho caso after revers ing the finding, tho proposition will havo to go ovor until next fall's gen eral election. Typhoid at Ingleslde Hospital. Typhoid among attendants and In mates, several cases of which devel oped in one day, resulted recently In tho vaclnatlon of 175 employes with typhoid vaccino and in unusual sani tary precautions bolng taken at Ingle side. Superintendent Daxter suspect ed the milk supply as the source of tho dlseaso and an analysis of tho pro duct proved tho theory true, illo learned that tho disease germs had developed from the manner in which tho milk had been handled, instead of diseased cows, and tho sterilizing of all milk used from, the slxty-three head now milked, together with tho vaccination put a stop to Its further spread. Word of the selection of former State Land Commissioner II. M. ICaton as superintendent ot schools at Emerson has been received by State Superintendent Delzell. Mr, Eaton is a school man of many years' train ing, particularly in normal work. Offer Prizes for Boys. Threo buslnes men of Kearnoy have subscribed a fund of $70 which will bo awarded to the farm boy who gives the best reason why farmers should attend tho six weeks' short course at the state farm lu January. This prl7o Is given for tho purpose of creating interest In tho short courao, the business men having bocomo Inter ested in tho mntter of better farming. With the Increased interest which has been created among tho farmers in Buffalo county since the matter of farm demonstration was taken up a w" respond quickly to tho ques- lion, i no $u win go iu uiu inu din ner In attending tho school. Conflicting provisions of tho pure food law, demanding in ono section branding of all compounds with tho in gredlentB and percentage of each, and In another section nllowing tho moro word "compound" to sulllco ns a labol, mny nvan,intr tho heretofore efficient manner in which administration of tho statutes could bo hud Tho cqso hns arisen ovor prosecution of tho Ameri can Llnseod Oil company of Omaha by the food commission. Want Foreign Potatoes Barred Possibility Of lifting the quarrajitlno no effective on foivlgu potato ship mvnts into this country will be resist pj by Nxbrfxkn giowers. Dry rot, tb woist d1sa4o wit'i which th Nebras ka iatjwrij Iiavc had to bar(le, cam from abroad nd has not yet-beeft hf titjely stamped out The jetate board of syrlettltwo has taken the faattsr tip wlfh eeiHry of Afrirultnri Houston i j n . iki i i 1,1 wwrrs or I !. I i'l up i uwiiM&wiutm wff kimx n Ifll1 LEAVES END ON YOUR CIGAR Invention of Brooklyn Man That Pos sibly May Add Greatly to Comfort of Man Who Smokes. Thoro is a possibility that boforo long tho smoker will not havo to cut or blto tho end off his cigar, says tho Now York Times. A patent has Just j been awarded to a Urooklyu man on I a device which InsurtH closo to tho end of tho cigar which goes In tho ! mouth an nluir.Iiuim snrinR about a half Inch loim. ThlB snrlnn Is Ihsortcd dlagonallj and tho colls are said to forco tho filler tobacco apnrt so that mo cigar urawB mucn uoucr man when tho end la cut off This spring is lo!t in tho cigar whllo It is bolng smoked. It Is said to bo especially useful n "short tiller" cigars and to stop smokera from chowlnj on thom to get a bettor draft It is contended that clgarr so equipped nro more san itary than others In that It does away with t i nood of using public cutters in tho stores. Neither will tho wrap per Ehow Xho tendency to unroll that 1b common In somo cigars after tho end hns boon removed. Tho lnvontor of til's machlno claims that It will por forato and insert sprlngB In 10,000 cigars a day and will rt-uul 3 only one operative to do tho work. Tho com mercial valuo is said to dopand on tho willingness of tho smoker to pay a lit tle moro for those cigars to offset tho additional oxponsn lncutrcd by tho manufacturer. DATING MACHINE FOR BANKS Apparatus, Invented by Kansas Man Has Wheels for Stamping Years, Months and Days of Month. , Tho Scientific American In describ ing a dating machlno, Invented by B. K. Gregory of Central City, Kan5 says: Mr. Gregory's invention relates to dating machines, particularly for use in banks, real ostato and loan offices, and more particularly to an apparatus S Dating Machine. embodying stamping wheels for tho years, months, and days of tho month, having means for advancing a prede termined number of days through a Binglo actuation of a cortaln portion of tho machlno for this purpose. Monument to Schlaparelll. Tho king of Italy has given his sanction to the movement to erect a monument by popular subscription to tho memory of tho late Prof. Giovanni Schlaparolll, tho distinguished as tronomer. It is proposod to erect a monumont to him at IiIb birthplace, Savlgllano, in Piedmont, and to place a memorial tablot In tho Brera palaco at Milan. Ho was connected with tho obsorvatory of Hrera for 40 years, most of that time as a dlroctor. To tho world at largo Schlapareljl 'was chlolty famous for his discovery of tho so-callod "canalH" of Mars in 1877. Tho averago watch is composed of 175 dlfforent pieces. A "feathering propollor" has been made for dirigibles. Geneva Is building a nntural history museum at a cost of $230,000. Horso hair automobile tires have been patented by a French Inventor, Thoro aro 28 pounds of blood In tho body of an avorago grown-up person. Diamond production In German Southwest Africa Is reported unusu ally large, A motor driven aerial propollor, placed lu front, draws a slolgh iuvuut- ed hy aOeruiun engineer Included with reoenil pateutod um goggle is a ahado tt -: a fec.'ui s nose from oslng u.ni. n ,(! A n3V type of I tpttie is made ot tue i mlrtllo ! o !" I T'f'd ti llil nun ui i !ut t r In "1 in III 'I ll i i Hi i lue Doay 'ihU - v r.4 INVENTION HARNESS FOR THE AVIATORS Safety Device Made of Leather Straps Can Be Released In Few Seconds Other Good Features. A safety harness for aviators has been patented by a Now York man. and It has some very good feataces. Straps fit around the alrman'o shout Aon and chest, tho lattor straps, of course, passing under bis arms. Tncse straps aro buckled to tho framowork of tho aeroplane and hold the operator securely in his seat. Tho ontlro har ness la Joined at ono point, In tko con tor of tho wearer's chest, and oau bo oponod InBtantly by pulling out a pin that holds tho ends of tho straps to gether on tho stud. This fcaturo 1 Aviator's Harness. practically as important as tho pri mary purpose of tho harness, for there sometimes arise emergencies when it la imperatively necessary for tho avia tor to loavo his machine without core monoy, and Instant freedom is vital. EFFECTS OF LIGHT ON EYES No Actual Data to Prove That Artifi cial Light Is More Discomfort ing Than the Daylight. Not all tho radiant energy which en tors tho eye is active in the process of producing the sensation of light No doubt It Is fair to assumo that at least this "lnactlvd" enerpgy is absorbed by tho oyo modla and transformed Into heat, sayB tho Electrical World. This should cause an increase in tempera ture in the ova, which has led semo to hold that this Is tho cause of irritation and fatiguo. Thore is a general feeling that artificial light Is moro fatiguing than daylight, which contains far less enorgy per lumen-second than the light from ordinary artificial lllumin- nntn Ctt r nil ran If It hn trtin that frtrtilieittl lxght.uiader. thviamo condi tions of diffusion, intensity, surround ings, retinal adaptation, etc., is really moro Irritating and fatiguing than daylight, it Is wise to look to the spec tral character of tho radiation as a probable cause. However, thoro aro no actual data which ,provo that artifi cial light is moro discomforting than daylight when nil conditions excepting tho spectral character of the radiation aro tho same. PISTOL SHAPED FLASHLIGHT Handle Serves to Carry Battery While at End of Barrel Is Placed Lamp and Reflector. The latest novelty in the flashlight line Is this devico in the form ot an automatic pistol body. The handle seTHos to carry the battery while nt tho end of tho barrol is a battery lamp A Novelty Pocket Light. and reflector, says the Popular Electri city. Tho trigger is the switch by which the light ts controlled. Sugar as Antiseptic.' Tho use of sugar as a surgical an tlBeptlo Is strongly recommended by Dr. George Magnus of Munich, an em inent surgeon. All saccharine sub stances aro good for this purpose, but pure cane sugar or beet sugar is best. Its disinfecting and sterilizing duali ties are oxcellont. It Is not Injurious to the blood, as has been wrongly be lieved, and is a better preventive of putrefaction and contamination by microbes than ordinary medical anti septics. Restore Historic Palace. The School of Amorlcan Archaeol ogy has restored the historic palace of tho governors at Santa Fe. N. M., which was erected in 1605 and was occupied as tho home of 'government offlcors during tho Spanish regime in tho southviBt. Ancients Lived on Sand. From tho fact that tho teeth In tho skulls of prehistoric men that have boen found In Europe from tlmo to tlmo nro much worn, a French sci entist has drawn the conclusion that thoy llod upon food much contami nated with sand. Pumping Aneethetls. Apparatus for pumping an anes thetitj into a poron lungs and in suring tho administration pf a ilefl ii an Joa, lnia,b0eii invented by a Pail dootor. . Novel Bed ' lUrtss. V novl bfd bum n it YenlUtii d 'Jn ul) xhe sU v, i vw-pr'd of nore than 1,000 beparato m n l fcpi'lngu. ' .- " . ,L tJOffl l s.1 1