Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 18, 1913, Image 5

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    t)AK6$A C6UNTV HEJUtfl; DAKdtfA CtW, m8ftASKA.
-' in ).
Will H. Beck Co.
The Sioux City Jewelers
Inform their many -friends in Dakota County and North
East Nebraska that they are equipped this Holiday
Season to serve them, if possible, better than ever.
Our store is full to ovei flowing with the
Unequaled Assortment of loose and mounted Diamonds.
An Assortment of over 1000 Watches to select from.
Rings of every imaginable assortment and price.
Twenty different patterns of Sterling Silverware.
The Best Brands only of Silver plated ware.
Jewelry in Necklaces, Sleeve Buttons, Scarf Pins, Tie
Clasps, Pins, Bracelets, Lockets and Chains, both
in solid gold and gold hlVH,
Manicure and Toilet Sets, in Sterling Silver, Silver
plate, Ebony and Ivory. ,
Umbrellas, Cane?. Clocks, Opera Glasses, Bric-a-Brac
and Bronzes.
Nothing Iibb boon overlooked to mnke our atook complete.
Engraving, ns usual, on nil goods without extra charge,
Special attention will bo paid to mail orders.
Goods will bo sent to out of town customers on approval.
Our Gift Book will bo Bont upon request.
Will H. Beck Co.
Iowa's Leading Jewelers. 4th and Pierce, Sioux City. Iowa
To be GiVen by the Pupils of Miss Helen Erlach
December 23rd, at Goodwin, Nebr.
"A Merry Christmas" Frank Duggan
The Song of 'the Bells Burnard
To S. Claus, Esq " Harvey Carpenter
The Slumber Islands. ..... Gabriel
Eighth Grade Girls.
Drama "The Honest Shoemaker" IV Scenes. .Woodmen
John Dobson, the honest shoemaker John Duggan
Mary Dobson, his wife Mabel Beacon
First creditor Archie Gray
Second creditor Henry Carpenter
First customer Chris Hogh
Second customer Mae McMurrough
? ' i The kindly elves ' ' ' Frank Duggan
1 nx- ) ( Harvey Carpenter
Pantomime The Bridge Longfellow
M. Beacom, Speaker.
r - '
A Christmas Eve Thought Primary Pupils
"Love at Home". . . .'. Zerman
"Little Orphan! Annie" ,.... Riley
Martha Hogh.
Plant Blossoms of Love Belden
Playlet: 'The Santa Claus Family" Cone
Introducing "The Family" Nicholas McNally
Mr. Santa Claus Fred Hogh
Mrs. Santa Claus Jesse Baker
Miss Charity, Their Child Mamie Baker
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a rteten and description may
iilcklr uncertain our opinion free whether an
volition ! Drobublr patentable. Communlca.
tloiitfitrictlrconadoiitfel. HANDBOOK on Patent
nent free. Gldeat affencr fur eecunuff Datenta.
PatuuU u&aa throuaU ilunn & to. rewire
yptcial nottce, without charge, la the
Scientific American,
handsomely UlMtrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any sclentlflo journal. Terms, t3 a
ear: four months, L Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN&Co.36'8"'" New York
lltanch Offlco. 625 V BU Washington. 1). (J.
00 Are In Good
Company Here
The Bont Remedy)
For mil. forms ot
. z -?"-- j..'m
r Urn Ot-r Wmi bjq
Swansen Rhaumatle Cur C
1 fcfclaif ov
Local Items
Faro apple cider at Van do ZeddoV.
Mrs D O StinsoD, of Leeds, la, was
calling on friends here Tuesday.
Miss Barbara Bellou, of Sioux City,
was u Sunday visitor at tho M L Lo
throp borne.
M L Lotbrop departed Sunday for
Kansas City, wbere ho has a position
as traveling salesman.
Thoro will bo a special meeting of
tbe Masonia lodgo Saturday evening
for work in tbe Entered Apprentice de
gree. A grand Obiistmas ball is Bobod
tiled for Thursday evening, December
25th. This danco promises to eolipso
them all,
L J Thompson, tho now blaoksmitb.
has moved from tbe Dr Stinion resi
dence) to tho Houry Wood house east
or tue 12aglo ofliae.
Byron Buohannan took a lay-off this
week from his duties at tbo North
western staiion on account of bis eyes,
which are bothoring him. Leo Hal
lisay substituted for him.
Mis It L Fogley departed Tuesday
for Omaha, where sho will visit hor
son a few days before returning to her
home at Dalton, Neb. She bad spent
tbo last two months visiting relatives
and fnonds in this vicinity.
For tho holidays wo have u new
lino of toys and other useful articles
suitable for Christmas giving. We
have also added u full line of tbe beBt
perfumes to bo bad. Gall and see
our display. Dakota Oity Fharmaoy,
Mrs Will R Beam and daughter
Mabel, of Walthill, Neb, donarted
Tuesday for San Diego, Gal, to spend
tbe winter, for tbo benefit of little
Mabel's health. Mrs Ream has rela
tives living in California with whom
sho will vUit during her stay there.
Tho parool post foature of the mail
system already is being mado nso of
to a largo extent for bandliug Christ;
mas paokages so much so that a
shortage of mail saoks has dovelopod
and common gunny sacks with "U S
MaUnAtamped across tbo saoks are be
ing used to handlo tho surplus.
Roal estate loans. Goo Wllkins Ail
Tho Horald and tho Amoricau Uoy,
onoyonr for $1,05
Homo mndo minco-moat at Van's,
10(f per pound.
Stephen Hansnn, of Wnterburjr, was
in lovii Wednesday on business.
Jf J? "i.?" trRde Dd
wm trpit yon right. Sohriever Bros.
Don't forgot Brouns ooffoo, it is
still in tho lend. Van soils it.
Buy a good farm on tho Dakota
oounty bottom. I have it. Elmers.
Mrs Bud Drydon ond littlo son ro
turnod to their homo1" in Liuculu Sun
Attorneys W E and O E aantL nf
Sioux City, woroboro on legal business
Mrs Emorott MoKornan loft Satur
day for Montour, la, where sho will
spend tho winter with a sister.
Mrs Ernest Goortz and four boyp,
wero down from Hubbard lust wook
visiting grandpa and grandma Rook
well. Every ownor of a gas WHgon in Da
kota county got a gontlo reminder
from the oounty troaBuror tho 11 rat of
the week that his lioonso bad expired.
Wesley MoFherson and wife, of
Burge, Nob, arrived horo last Hatur-
duy for a visit with relatives and old
timo frionds. Thoy mado tbo trip by
Elmer Biermann enmo over from
Des Moinps, la. whoro bo is attending
oomtneioial collego and will spend his
holiday vuoation with relatives and
friends in this county.
Tho Horald editor is expecting cl-i'it
Ave or six hundred Christmas pietiuis
in tbe line of now subscription nii
ronnwels. If wo only get hall tu..t
number we will bo satisfied, so get
busy and remember us.
Dr A B Crewdson wan killed in uu
automobile aooident Monday i ight at
Charter Oak, la. Dr Orowdsau wns
engaged to marry Miss Anna White,
of Woodbine, la, granddaughter of
Mr and Mrs H W Wood of this place.
Sonio one has undoubtedly lost it
good plush lobe, as Doo MoKornun
reports fludiug ono in bis haymow ono
morning last weok, wbero a hobo bad
spent the night, but uuliko the Arab
he forgot to fold his tent when ho si
lently stole away.
Senator H P Shumway, of Wako"
field, was here between trains Tiles
day on businoss with abstractor J J
Elmers, Ho took tho noon train for
Winnebago where ho goes to look
after matters connected with the
Thurston county drainago ditch.
Prof A B Rich, wbo went to Her
man, Neb, recently to take tho princi
palship of the suhuols there, resigned
bis job after a week's work and return
ed to this plaoe. Ho says the dis'son-
tion in tho school board whioli oo'
casioned tbo resignation of tho former
punoipal was too pronounced to
overcome in one short term.
Mies Alida Weeks, who has been
employed in the Bank of Dakota
Oity for the past two years, has re
signed her position, to take effeot tho
first of tho year. Sho departs Satur
day for Rosebud, S D, to spend Christ
mas with her mother, but will return
to help out in tho bank at tho close of
the year.
Xn tbo postofQoo election hold at Ly
ons, Neb, last Saturday, under tho
Dan V Stephen deraoaratio postodlce
primary, the result was: Clms Hult
berg, 270; M M Warner, 189; Dr Hill,
85; Carl MoDowell, 14. It was gen
erally believed that Mosor Warner
would win, hands down, but a combi
nation was formed that beat him out.
Mr and Mrs R L Broyhill outertain
od lust Friday evening in honor of Mrs
R L Fegley, sister of Mrs Broyhill,
who was here from Dalton, Neb, on u
visit. Those present from out of town
wero : Mrs Ohas Stressor, Waterbury,
Nob; Mrs E A Herman and Mr and
Mrs Henry Woigand, Sioux Oity, and
Byron Einkead and wife, of Dos
Moines, In.
We wish all our customers a Morry
Christmas and a Happy Now Year, and
thank you for your patronage
in the past, and will appro
oiate a continuance of your business
We will strivo to please you in all
your wants. We keep tho very best
of everything tbo market bffords and
sell at a living proilt. I remain yours
most sincerely, J Van do Zddo.
Honry Krumwiedo has sold bis lease
on tbo Oity hotel to Meosrs A Bolton
and Walter Lund, of Newcastle, Nob,
These gentlemen were horo Tuesday
and olosed tho deal and will take po-
session next Monday. The building
is now oooupied by Herman J Labrs
and Bert Brueflold as a pool hall and
restaurant. Dakota City neods a good
modern hotel and wo hope tho now
lessees will fill tho want.
Walter E Millor, of this placo, uud
MiBS Alice O Samuolson,of Wukefiold,
were married in Sioux City Tuesday
afternoon, in tho First M E church,
tbo pastor, Itov H E Hutchinson, offi
ciating Tho groom is tho oldest son
of Mr and Mrs Oeo I Miller, promi
nent residents of this preoinot, living
throe miles west of Dakota City. Tho
brido is a popular young school ma'am,
having taught tho Meridian school two
years prior to this sobool year, whoro
she made a host of friends who wish
the couple unbounded happiness. Tho
newly wodded couple will make their
home until spring with tho groom's
parents on tbo home farm.
Items reproduced in tho Sinux Oity
Journal from files pf forty ami twenty
yoars ago;
Decombor 11, 1873: Miss Lizzio
Adair, daughter of William Adair,
esq, of Dakota Oity, died at tho North
weatorn hotel in this oity yestorday
morning of iuflamution of tho bowels.
Sho was born in West Lobanon, Pa,
August 27, 1851, ami removed with'
hor paronty to this country in 1807 A
largo oirolo of acquaintances will
mourn her death with deep uud geuu
ine soriow.
December 13, 1873: James West
cott, residing six miles west of Dako
ta Oity, raised ten barrels of upplcs
from bis orohard this year,
Harney Htoflel to Honry W Shruvu,
lots 19 and 20 In blk 17. Rally add to
South Sioux City t CO
Levitt Investment Co to It J Drown,
lot 4 and nlA lot 6 In blk 4t), Jo- I'luce -add
to South Sioux City. ...tf. IWj
HlRll SCllOoll
Gladys Armurlglit
htott Nclswnngor
aoy Helices
Knyinonil Ucnm
Bam Helke.
I'nul Mason
Itnr Itelkos
Sovonth anil eighth Knulesi
Lola Jlolkca Ilnrbnrn Nclswrntser
Gladys Illermann Margaret Sherman
Mclfonl Lotnrop Marie Qlcso
Ku Ansnes Joseph Kintnper
Fifth anil sixth armies:
Thoodoro KredorJck UoUllo Kredorlck
Harold Lothrop
Wilfred Klnklu
Tlionms Howard
Harold Antrim
Iiytlln Ieilom
Kmll Ansnes
Kvcrott Lothrop
Honry Krmmvk-do
Jumps Graham
Klslo Krumwlodo
Dallas AVIinley
Third and fourth Krmlcsi
Gladys Hall Kdlth Hall
Wnrron Holkos
Mlldrod Frederick
Maurice Nelmeyer
Pearl Powell
Willie Powell
Wllford ltcam
Leona Smith
Wnltcr Seymour
Klslo Krunnvlede
Helen Krampor '
ltayinoud Quintal
Joint Sanfoid
Helen Smult
Floyd Vnnllorn
llelon Wnldon
Ivnu KrumwItHle.
Lnurn Whnley
Lola KtiKclou
Louis Krumwiedo
Arthur Seymour
Samuel Stluson
Nellie TrlKCt
First and second grades:
Snmniy Jones Hartley Joiioh
Koimuth Lothrop
Kenneth Walden
Krnest Gleso
Donnld I-otlirop
Teddy Graham
Walter Graham
Holcu Smith
llurnett Mitchell
Lauranee Frederick
Hcatrlco Krumwiedo
Itosomnrlo Palmer
Iloslo Perry
Katie Nan Horn
Gladys Froderlck
Dora Powell
Henry lleaui
School closes Friday of this week for a
two weeks' vacation.
Regular Price Cut.
Do you recollect n time in which so
many things of vital interest to ovory
family woro boing agitated and at
least partially accomplished? Thoso
publio affairB olosoly touch tho iucomo
and outgo of evory ono of in, and a
careful reading of a llrst-olaBs daily
newspaper is most deBitablc, Tho
children in tho family, should bo en
coaragid to road current events, Of
courso this makes it necessary to se
lect a clean paper, ono that Is not
tilled with liquor and nasty modical
advertisements. Tho Lincoln Stnto
Journal is tho kind of paper you will
want, and just now tho publishers aro
offering tho daily and Sunday until
Jan. 1, 1915 for only $4, or without tho
Sunday paper only $3. This is a spec
ial cut-prico offer whioh will not bo
good after Deoomber 28. As a special
inducomont a year's subscription to
tho Weekly Independent Farmer and
the Monthly Poultry Topics is includ
ed. Tho uewo of tho world, Nebraska
affairs in particular, reliablo markets,
and tho philosophy of Bixby inako tho
Journal Nebraska's loading nowspa
per. Ordor through tho local agont or
sond direct to tho Stnto Journal, Lin
coln, Nob. Ordor today and you will
receive tho paper tbe remainder of this
Passed by Dakota City lodge No. 4060, Mod
ern Woodmen of America, on the death of
Henry Biermann: '
Whereas, the Angel of Death has again
proclaimed ills superiority over man, br
entering our ranks and removing from
among .us our dearly beloved neighbor,
Henry Dlermann, and
Whereas, Neighbor Illermann was one of
the truest members of our order and a man
beloved and highly honored by all who
knew him, being true to the principles of
Woodcratt as well aa all civic and moral
laws; therefore be It
Resolved, That In his death wc have lost
a member of the Modern Woodmen of
America and the community a citizen who
will be much missed and who was one of
God's noble men; and belt further
Resolved, That our most heartfelt sympa
thy Is extended the Immediate family as
well as other relatives of tho deceased In
this their hour of sorrow.
J. F. Learner,
E, H. Grlbble,
McllA. Schmled,
Business Counsellor of 65,000
Farmer and Brtedor, issuod evory
Thursday at Bionx Oity, Iowa, is an
iuvaluablo business counsellor and
friend to 05,000 farraora and brooders.
They read it with ploasuro and profit
and wo fool tauu you can do tbo same.
It is a practical Journul for tho farmer,
breeder, feeder, dairyman, fruitgrower
and poultry raisor living in the north
west. It is more than a farm maga
zine; it is a big school of farming. It
is the opitomo of what the best farmers
havo studied out and uppliod their
plans their methods tho secrets of
their success.
Wo havo boon fortunato in making
arrangements which onabto us to offor
you a year's subscription to Furmor
and Breeder and Tho Herald for only
$1.00, This is an unusual bargatu;
take advuntage of it TODAY. Your
subscription to Farmer and Brooder
metuiB that you uro untitled to free
consultation with, tho Bpooial Service
Department of Farmor and Brooder
upon auy question pertaining to farm
ing aud stook raising during tho torm
of your subscription to that magazine.
This sorvioo alono is worth tho prioe
wo usk for both publications. Lot us
havo your order NOW. Papors sent
to (liiioront addresses if desired.
Where Red Cross
Seals Are Sold.
With tbe oxception of Florida and
Nevada, Bod Cross Heals uro on solo
in ono or'moro cities of ovory stato in
tho Union, aud also in Hawaii and tho
Oanul Zone. Iu most of the states tho
sale has boon organized in ovory oity,
village aud hamlet, Evory ounceivu
bio method of oonvoyunce is being em
ployed in shipping tho seals from tho
various state lioudquurtorH to local
agents, from tho ox-team in Alabama
and Misbisbippi, and tho paok-burro in
Colorado, to tho express train uud tho
automobile iu Now York. Thoso holi
day soals aro even being sold iu moun
tain hamlets, whoro thosuow will pro
vent tho receipt of returns for months
after tbe first of tho your.
Tho Herald 1 year, $1,
Homatnlmr lu the pmtodlco at Dakota,
Neb., for tho month ending Nov.iW, lvis:
Poto Madison.
H. A. Smith.
Parties cnlllmr for tho above, pleaso sny
advertised." John H. Ubam. Postmaster.
Rev.J.Orews. Pastor.
Services at tho Mothodltt Kplscopnl
church every Sunday as follows: Preach
ing at 11 am: Sunday school nt 10 n m; class
meeting 12 m; Koworth Lcnguo 0:i p ml
preaohlng 7:30 p in. Prayernicotlng Thurs
day ovenlngs nt7:A0
IlQV.S.L. Keller. Pastor.
Sunday school ovory Sunday at :i6a mi
Mlsslllanciio Hamilton, suporlntoiidont.
preaohlng at 7:tK p in. ovory Sunday.
Preaching every Sunday at 11 a m I Sun
day school promptly at 10 a in. F. 1', Oul
bnrtson, superintendent.
Tho publlois cordially Invltod to all those
Notice Is hereby given that on or IWoro
January 1.1V14. scaled bids will be received
at tho county clerk's oillco for furnishing
blanks ana stationary as follows:
Records. H-cir, plntu, each.
Records, 8-qr, printed heads, ench.
Records, printed page, each.
Genorul lndoxes. O-ar. ruled, nrlnted
head, each.
Numerical imiuxes, s-qr, nilml, printed
head, each.
All books to be mndc of best linen ledger
naner. full Russia binding, to onen flat, and
to correspond with books now in use.
t.ottor heads, in-luted. Kmutro bond or
eiiual, par M.
kiivciopos, priuteu, no i, sizo o;g, wnito,
per M.
envelopes, primed, .tinnim, rsoiu, per ai.
Sauford'i Carter's or Arnold's Ink, per qt.
Spoucerlan, Gluctum or Ulllotl's pons,
por gross.
raoer's or duous pencils, nex, por gross,
Sunato scratch pads, pordoz.
Legal hi ks, full sheet, por 100.
Iogai li 1, quarter sheet, por 100.
Legal li inks, eighth shoot, per 1W.
Souaratu bvulod bids will also bo received
Oounty printing.
Publishing tho DeltmiuontTnx 1,1st.
Ranting of tho poor farm uml kocnlng tho
county pauyors.
uounty puysician.
Tho bonrd rosorvos tho right to rnlnnt iimv
and all bld
Accented bidder to give bond for faithful
performance of contract.
Dakota Ulty. Neb, Decombor 8. 1B13.
County Clerk.
First publication 12-11-3W.
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
of Foreign Will.
Ill tho county court of Dnkntn Dntintv.
Stato of Nobraskn, Oounty of Dakota, ss,
To JoseDhlnoU. Smith. Ktliclwvii Hnilth.
Helen Smith. Marlau Smith Locho, lAiuoro
Smith, and to all norsons lnterosted In tlin
estate of U. Warron Smith, decoasod:
On reading the petition of Timothy J.
O'Connor praying that tho Instrument llled
in tain court on the 4tb day or Decombor,
11)18. and mirnortlntr tobon duly nuthcntl.
caled oopy of tbo last will and testament of
u. warren Hmitn. aecoasod, that said In
strument be ndmlttod to probate and tho
administration of said estate be granted to
U. J. O'Uonuor us mliiiliiUlriklor with tliO
will ajinoxed, for tho stnto of Nebraska.
iil-i pionv nriiPtrn mm yru, nml nl' per-
SOllh ... .1 .ft, , , it u nkiUI ii tli.j ., II ill
appuitrul liio uuuiily uoui t tu no Udii lu
and for said county, on tho 2Uth day of 1)0-
ceniDor, a. i. luiu, at ju O'eiooK A, Jl to
show causo. If any thoro bo. why tho univnr
of tho potltlonor should not bo grunted, and
mm notice or mo ponaonoy or sniu petition
and tho hearing thoroof be given to all
porsons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this ordor In tho Dakota
County Horald, a weekly nowBpapor print
ed In said county, for threo succosslvo
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said court!
this 4th day of December, A. I)., 1918.
seali County Judge.
First publlcotlon 12-11 8w
In the district court of Dakota county,
In thomattorof the ostato of Julia A,
Kdwnrdg. ICmina Nixon. KUzabeth Nixon.
Urnce A.Nixunuud Lnwurouce M. Nixon,
holrsof Aloxandor M. Nixon, doceased.
Tins causo came on to Do Hoard upon tho
petition of Julia A. Kdwards, guardian of
tho minor holrs of Aloxandor AI. Nixon. do
ceased, praying for llconso to soil tho fol
lowing uosoriucu real estate, situatoa in
Dakota county, Nebraska, to-wlt: North-
onst quarter of northonst quarter (NICK of
NM bi). northwest ntmrtor of northonst
quarter (NWK of NKJi), and northoast
quarter of northwest qunrtor (NKK of
NWJ4) section six ioj, townsnip twenty
sovou (27)! runiro nine (l) eat.of tho 0th P.
M.. for the purpose of Investing the tiro-
ceedsof the salo of said roal ostate lu a
inunnor more productive to tho said ostato
and said minor holrs.
It is thoroforo ordered that all porsons in
torostod lit said ostato and nuld minor holrs.
appoar boforo 1110 at district court room In
I'onuor.rnurston county, xsouiusKa, on tuo
10th day of January, 11)14, nt 10 o'clock A. M.,
toshowcauso why such n llconso should
not bo granted to tho said Guaidlau to soli
said northonst quarter of northeast qunrtor
(NKM of NKK), northwest quartar of
northeast quarter (NWK of NKK), and
narthenst aunrtor of northwest aunrtor
(NKJiofNWJi) section six (0), township
twonty-sovon tj, rnngo nine iu) oast, or
tho 0th P. M., In Dakota county. Nebraska.
and that this notice bo published In tho
Dakota County Herald, for tho tlmo and
In tho manner provldod by law.
Dated this Dth day of Decombor, 1918,
Judgo of tho DlBtrlot Court of Dukota
County, Nobrnska.
R R Time Table
C.,tit. P., M.ftO.
TroinB loavo Dakota Oity at tbo folio-ring
0:'2Gpm Omaha 7:G8 am
10:10 am Omaha f2.33pm
4 :08 pm Norfolk 8 :3 8 am
0:S7 am Norfolk fo:18 pm
7 :iir am . . . .Nowcastlo. . . .MO :10 am
1:32 pm ' ....5 :50 pm
daily except Sunday, t do not stop
12 :18 pm Omaha 2 :80 am
4:08 pm...... Norfolk 8:33 am
9:37 am Norfolk 6:13 pm
No, 91 Local Freight 7:lCam
17 " Pas,songer,..12:G8pm
No. 92 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Looal PoBsongor.. 0:00pm
daily. daily oxoopt Sunday.
You ctn plae Ui UUH
pio3l, gnulb4t Doom
tU!,l)ireoanli4 i,uri of all un
i..u.I.Iai Ia VilllV hfilHA.
um it continually ybil
faying $2 month ondr
nv a vrv Dtclal mnoi
dlrt to ri or fnwn . '
Wc Will Take Yoni
jonrr. A mtrtulm "
Old Machine "J-SJW
itMtral ailowinc on apifuaia i
lnnlem Androuctn bl) Ub 4
Mowinco on plmJia ny
inalic. A in
inuiiuiiM iicii ync na
Hie perfect Inir mrr Mrw that liai eilwsyi led all the
mulcts and 1 tciay bcttar lhr vr. Two rnachln
In gn-lacK Mitten iui cnain suicn,
hjJ, buiusriu, l
srti t n complct
t tltttmftlA
Htraluht droD-
' ' . i . r. ' .t ...i. . 1 . .... I. .,. Kin. I iiuL iliuul IL
n.d4 tar mvrr-uaj un
liunriiM m
srwfiiiwinMFir ..-'' -';K.v''::rr vi:.T"fiu-ii.
Kuhk,"ki - y,1' "ih.TM!'tCn."'.Jln,V;
U. i.. . iu i 1 u bml lit iinLY f i . tjumtiii l
mtfkJr il'iU lOPr.
I no iriiin w"wfc fcn.mi.f
whrw..'! inl.n4fl.r.8V;AH
(.UAItAtn ' 1 .1. . i ly .i. iiLuhm.. IU.
tr. I itrrt r w . va m f-v .! 1 fr tt NtlVV.
I,,,,,,-, ' .1 nlwlt,liii, H( CWlut.
Mrs Mary R.McBeathi Agent
Tho Herald, $1 per
Specials for Saturday, Dec. 13
For this D,y Only
1 lb Heinz Best Mince Meat 20c
3 lbs Large Prunes. .....; 25c
2 cans Standard Corn 15c
1 lb can Stinson's Pride Baking Powder 20c
One pkgc 25c Oats 20c
1 30c can of Asparagus 20c
4 bars Morning Glory Perfumed Soap 30c
6 one pound pkgs Argo Starch 25c
3 cans Apples , 25c
(10 lbs Granulated sugar with each $3.00 purchase).
(This does not include the specials.)
10 discount on all our sweaters and Men's pants.
We are especially prepared to take care of our cus
tomers during holiday week in staple Dry Goods and
Notions, also in staple and fancy Groceries, Meats,
Oysters, Celery, Candy and Nuts. We guarantee our
prices to be as low as like goods will be sold elsewhere.
Dakota. City, - Nbrask,
tShe Heraild
Your Opportunity...
To Get X-mas Photos -At
Half the Regular Price
From now until December 15th we will make a
Special Half Price on all our $12, $10, $8 and $6 Cab
inets, best finish in fancy folders.
We have always had the reputation of lowest
prices and will continue to maintain our reputation re
gardless of the price we will have to make them for.
You can now get the benefft of the big cut in
prices on your X-mas Photos. We guarantee to do
exactly as we say. ,See us first and save money.
The De Luxe Studio
405 Fourth St.
I Biy Yoxsr
Fresh Meats
Cured Meats
Salted MeaSs
I City Meat Market j
Agents for Seymour's Laundry m
I W. Lorenz, Jr. Dakota City. Neb. I
i ,
j)ie Ameoo ?
,. !SL y
TmmiA - iialitt('i1 1 rt'hi'iMtfJ
'. Read by 500;00p 1kysT- 1
3ji?4 "' -nU endoried by ihlr partnU $jV ; jpT
Zhc Herald:
for All G6
Whan It
IS Nawa
Sioux City, Iowa ::
it the
ft rs -n "sxess 8! L.3L iFI "I"
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'..VLn srj
The SAFE boys' magazine
SSi'SSfCiily $1 a year
All!' fornlllxiya, not.-wllld'px'r. Clesrim
n,ulilt.l, full nt fli'tures M lo S page t-vprjr
moutli Alanlriin.plrlnastorfOMnrtravcI.edcni
turn, Bllilotlo. liUtnrv, Khonl llfd.nrlttaa liv
moht ftopulnr Ihitk' nuthora. Iiutrurtlvo .pecfol
artlrhiH. tlnu articlfM nn footlwill and other
wtiortii. Dopartment. vt Mechanic. lUoctrloltr.
I'holotirnpny. ropular Hcleneo, How to Mnko
'fhlnu., Hlamp CollettlliR, UllU'kenii. Veta, Clor
ilunlDir. Invention! and Natural Wondera.
'The American Boy, $1.00
The HERALD, - $1.00
Both, for - $1.65
oivly $1 a yV