Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 11, 1913, Image 5

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    ftAfcdfrA AMigV IStEAiii; bA6A !, ifflftftA&A.
-JU ,.... .
tt A ,I.A. M-Alt .-... 4-w.Jt.v.w.
l Al'VAtT -. -
Will H. Beck Co.
The Sioux City Jewelers
Inform their many friends in Dakota County and North
East Nebraska that they arc equipped this Holiday
Season to serve them, if possible, better than ever.
Our store is full to ovei flowing with the
Unequaled Assortment of loose and mounted Diamonds.
An Assortment of over 1000 Watches to select from.
Rings of every imaginable assortment and price.
Twenty different patterns of Sterling Silverware.
The Best Brands only of Silver plated ware.
Jewelry in Necklaces, Sleeve Buttons, Scarf Pins, Tie
Clasps, Pins, Bracelets, Lockets and Chains, both
in solid gold and gold fil 'H,
Manicure and Toilet Sets in Sterling Silver, Silver
plate, Ebony and Ivory.
Umbrellas, Canep. Clocks', Opera Glasses, Bric-a-Brac
and Bronzes.
Nothing ban boon overlooked to makn our stock complote.
Engraving, its usual, on nil goods without extra charge,
rjpeo'alnttontlon wilt bo paid to mail ordors.
Qocda will bo sent to (Hit of town customers on approval.
Oar Gift Book will be sent upon request.
Will H. Beck Co.
Iowa's Leading Jewelers. 4th and Pierce, Sioux City. Iowa
Deafnuss Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the dis
eased portion ot the ear. There Is only one way to
cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafncu U cirud by an Inflamed condition o! the
mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im
ported hcarlnit. and when It Is entirely closed, Dear
liens Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nlno cases
out sf ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any case ol
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by-Halls Catarrh Cure. Bend lor circulars, tree.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ot
Bold by Druiglsts. 7&c.
Take Hall's Family rills for constipation.
Local Items
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.ft O.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
0:2G.pm Omaha 7:B8 am
10:10 am Omaha 1 2. 33 pm
4. :08 pm Norfolk f8 :3S am
f9:37 am.... i.Norfolk tB:18 pm
'7:35 am.. ..Newcastle... .'10:10 am
1:82 pm " ....5 :50 pm
daily ezoept Sunday, f do not stop
12:18 pm Omaha 2:30 am
4:08 pm...... Norfolk 8:83 am
9:37 am Norfolk 0:13 pm
C B& Q
No. 91 Local freight 7:15 am
17 " Passenger.. 12 :58pro
No. 92 Locul Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Loonl Pa8songer..G:li0pm
daily. daily exoept Sunday.
Pure upplo cider at Van de ZeddoV.
For Stile Radiant Stewart base
burner, in good ehupo. B M Bonis.
Mrs Mell A tiohmiett has bepu con"
fined to her home the past week with
Mrs Ed J Morin and baby were down
from Wynot tho past week visiting at
the Mrs Oueney home.
Mrs IX L liroyhill, Mrs M L Lotbtop
and Mrs John H Beam attended the
funerul of E A Herman in Sioux Oity
Large numbors of buffalo and carp
taken from Juckson lake are being
brought to town and sold for table use.
They are not -a bad substitute for fish
A eooial dance is billed for Friday
evening, December 12, in tho Ayres
hall. The ouo held last Friday even
ing was a very pleasant affair and was
enjoyed by a large orowd.
Henry Krumwiede informs us that
be has ordered storage batteries for
the eleolrio light plant, and that ho
expects to have it installed and in
working order this this month yet.
The Herald turned out soma print
ing for J P Rockwell, the Rawleigh
mun, last week. Mr Rockwell is very
well pleased with the business given
him this fall and has his hands just
about full looking after 'customers.
Cash Grocery Store
Special Price tor
2 cans Tomatoes 25c
3 cans corn 25c
3 cans Peas 25c
3 Cans Salmon 25c 4
2 cans Veal Loaf 25c
2 15c cans Fork and Beans 25c
3 cans Lewis Lye 25c
0 cans Sardines 25c
A 30c pan coffee. . . , .g7c
Get our Prices on Ladies' and Men's Hosiery.
....Highest Price Paid for Produce...,
iiW" ilHi sWs sail MM sW HssMMM HMMMssWMHMMMM
W. L. Ross
Roolostoto loans. Qoo Wilkins A6
Homo niado miupo-moat at Vnu's,
10$ per pound.
Don't forgot Breuua coffee, it ia
sun in tuo lead. Van soils it.
n. u Ayrcs visited over Sunday at
Uody, Neb, at tho H B Skeen homo.
There will be a regular meeting of
tho Masonic lodge Saturday evening.
Buy n good farm on tho Dakota
oounty bottom, I havo it. Eimera.
For Sale Two Duroo Jersey molo
pigs. Immuno to hog cholera. B M
Deklcott. City, NabraakK
! ESiy Your
I City Meat Msvrket j
Agents for Seymour's Laundry
Fresh Meats
Cured Meats
Salted Meats
Celery at
wmmmmm i
the I
I W. Lorenz, Jr, Dakota City, Neb, J
Attornoy V E Purdy wob in Valou
lino on legal business a few dayH tho
past woek.
F P Hoffnor and wife, of Law ton.
Ia, noro guests at tho Oust Stcbuor
homo a fow days tho past week.
Niok Brasfield aocompaniod his
daughter, Mrs Marguorito llornos, to
Lawton, Ia, last week for u short
F H Forrost'and Harry H Adair aro
planning on installing a private light
plant, ono that will furnish light for
tho two residences.
Robert L Cheney and wife catno
down from Hardingrovo, 8 D, last
Wednesday and are spending a fow
weeks hero at Mr Cheney's old home,
Mabel OritouQold, a former Dakota
county girl, was marriod rcoently in
Kansas Oity to Ed Donnelly, a cigar
manufacturer. This is her third mat
rimonial voyage
Wm Best was down from Ponoa laBt
Thursday, whore he is cmployod lu a
general storo. His brother, Donald
Best, aocompanie'd him home foi mi
over Sunday visit.
Tho semi-annual sohool iippn-'imi.
mont as given out by tho Btate bupi-i-intendent
gives Dakota oounty $1,
944.84. Tho county is credited with
2,271 school children.
A vacation of two weeks beginning
with the close of Bobool Friday, 'Do
combor 19th, and lasting until Mon
day, Junnary 5th, waa grnntod by the
soboolboard Monday evening.
The sohools in tho Ilileniuu unci
Parker districts wore oloBed last week
on account of tbo saarlot fover scare.
If no more cases develop, sohool will
reopen in those districts next woek.
Bernard Boats was nttaokml by a
vicious hog ono day last wcok, tuirt
barely oscapod with his life. Tho in
furiated animal inflicted several goali
es In him before ho escaped from the
For the holidays wo havo a new
lino of toys and other useful articles
suitable for ChmtmnB giving. We
have also added a full 'ioo of the best
perfumes to be had. Call and see
our display. Dakota City Pharmacy.
Over $100 was taken in by the M E
ladies Aid sooiety at their bnzur hold
list Friday afternoon and evening.
They feel very grateful to those who
braved tho disagreeable weather and
helped make it tho success that it wur,
Dr J E Do Walt, a prominont Sionx
Oity dentist, and well known in this
city, was married in Bionx City lust
Thursday to Mrs N L Van Sickle, also
of Sioux Oity. The wedding was a
surprise to Inn friends on both Bides of
the river.
Tho burning ot an old disciinlud
box car at Laketon Tuesday led some
to believe that the eutire town hud
been wiped out by Are. Tho cur was
being sent to Ashland to bo scrapped,
but it gavo out at Laketon ' and was
pushed off a Biding and burned.
Fred Duensing, janitor at tho high
school building, received from tho
Mutual Benefit Houlth and Acoidout
association, of Omaha, Wednesday, a
draft for $19 for injuries received from
a fall at tho sohool houso about a
month ago, when his ankle was
badly sprained.
How often we boo a man get out
and look all over for his dog, if it is
not at homo in the evening, when his
son or daughter can stay away until
the wee hours of the night and ho
will never inquire where he or sho is,
or care what kind of company they
may bo in. And still you wonder at
tbo inoreaae in crime, '
Tho MBA lodge of this place eloot
ed the following officers at their meet
ing last Thursday evening: E II
Oribblo, president; Mrs Agnes Hart
ranft, vice-president: S A Stinson,
secretary; Geo Miller, conductor: Mrs
Ida Gribblo, chaplain; Wm Lulus,
watohman; Herman Bierniauu, sentry,
Sneak thieves visited Jukio Bides'
feed yard last Thursday night and
killed and carted away two llup young
pigs weighing about 2B0 pounds each.
The enttails of ono was left in the road
near the barn wfioro it was discovered
tho next morning. Jakio is on a still
hunt and thinks ho bus tho thief lo
cated, and in case he has tticro will bo
other entrails to clean besides tho
Ira O Hogan was arrested at Walt-
hill Monday and brought to this placo
by Doputy U S Marshal 8i,des, charg
ed wjtli rape, Hp was taken to Oma
ha Tuesday, where his case was dis
missed in tho federal court, the evi
donao not being sufUoiont () warrant
a conviction. The prisoner was turn
ed over to tbo sheriff of Garfield ooun
ty who was hot after him on a charge
A Lincoln dispatoh in last Thurs
day's dailies states: "A Dakota
oounty caso, in which the Ilaapke Gro
cery company and the Puxton-Gal-lagher
oompany are seeking to subject
land claimed by John P Boacom to
judgments thoy hold against James E
lieacom was before tho supremo court
today. Tho plaintiffs assert that
fames E sepprpd crpdif for goods from
them on the representation to tho mer
oantilo agencies that he owned 8Q acres
of laud, but when they parao tp pollept
on tueir judgments they fouud that
John P lieapom was in ponseselou un
der a doed exeoutod months before by
his brother. The plaintiffs oluim there
waB fraud in the transaction, As ono
item in tho list they oito that the note
given by John in part payment does
not become due until 1020. Beacom
won in tho lower oourt. His attorneys
told tho oourt that tho sale was mado
in good faith and at a tirao when
James E Beacom was admittedly sol
vent and that the full value was paid
thoreon in cobIi and notes. It was
claimed that ho could not pos
dibly havo known James was
insolvent, and that in faot be was not,
as ouo (if tho notes oxooutod, for $1,000,
ran to Jamas,"
Tho Herald and tho Amorioau Boy,
ono year for $1 CD
Wo wont your bardwaro trade and
will treat you right, Solnievor Bros.
State Senator H P Shtimway, of
Wakefield, won a bustonoss visitor
hero botween trains Tuesday.
Mrs R L Fegley returned hero Mon
day from a visit at Allen and vicinity.
She expoots to roturn to hor homo at
Dalton, Neb, Monday.
Thoro will bo a nooinl danoo in tho
Ayres hall Friday ovoningof this week
A grand Chiistmns ball is scheduled
Thursday evening, December 2Gtu,
This promises to eolipso thorn nil,
Received $1,000.00
Mr. Martin Iviloullon, of Ponaa,
who waa injured in an auto accidont
November 13th and died on November
lGth, had nu insurance polioy in tho
Mutual Donrilt, Health and Acci
dent Association of Omaha, and his
wiio hns already been paid $1,0(J0,00,
this being the amount of his polioy.
This is tho company whioh paid
$1,000.00 on tho douth of Louis ltas
musBon, of Homer, last oummor, be
iug tho first oompnny to pay. Thoy
desorvo orodit for their prompt settlo-monts.
Items roprodticod in tho Slnux Oity
Journal from files of twenty years
Docombor 7, 1898: A J Meyers, a
well known farmer of Dakota county,
Neb, was a caller at the Journal office
yestorday. Mr Meyers built tho first
brick building in the city ot Sioux
City, the Schuster bnildiug, at 221
Pearl street, Tho bricks for this
building wero mado by a man named
Robinson, and Mr Moyors burnod tho
iimo himself at a point in Nebraska
about five mile from 8innx Oity. Fpr
eight years ho burned 1 tho limo
used in this part of tho uuiintry.
Where Red Cross
Seals Are Sold.
With tho exoeption of Florida and
Nevada, Rod Cross Seals aro on salo
in one or'uioro cities of evnry stato in
tho Union, aud also in Hawaii and the
Canal Zone. In most of tho states tho
Halo has boon organized in every oity,
villago and hamlet. Every conceiva
ble method of oonvoyanco is being em
ployed in shipping tho Reals from tho
various Btate headquarters to local
agents, from tho ox-teum in Alabama
atid Mississippi, and tho paok-bnrro in
Colorado, to tho oxpreBS train and the
automobile in Now York, Thoso holi
day seals aro ovou being sold in moun
tain hamlets, whero tho snow will pro
vent the receipt of roturns for mouths
after tho first of the year.
' ' 'V" ' '
Notlco Is horobyalvan Hint ou or before
January 1, JDU.&eiilod lilcls will be received
nt tun county clerk's olllcn for furnishing
blanks and stationary as follonail
Uccords, 8-ur, plain, each.
Hepords, N-dr, printed heads, eaoli,
Hcpords, printed pane, each.
Oenoral Indexes, Q-qr, ruled, pilnteil
head, eaoli,
Numerical Indexes, H-qr, ruled, printed
hencl. oncli.
AH books to bo mado of bust linen lodger
puper, lull llussla binding, to open Hat, anu
to correspond with books now In uso.
wcrrKn heath ano envkloi-ks.
I.otterhend8, printed, Kmplio bond or
equal, per m.
Bnvolopos, printed, No 1, alio OK, whlto,
por M.
lfinvelopeg, printed, Manila, No 10, por M.
Sanford's Carter's or Arnold's Ink, por qt,
Hponcerlan, Gluclum or GUlott's pons,
per gross.
Kaber'g or Dixon's ponctls. box, por iirosa.
Honato scratch pads, per doz.
TiCaal blanks, full sbcot, por 100.
Ixtiral blanks, quarter shoot, per loo.
Legal blanks, eighth sheet, per 100.
Separnto scaled bids will also bo rccolved
Oounty printing.
Publishing tho Dollnquont Tax List.
Itentlng of tho poor liinn mid keeping the
county piuiyors.
uouuty pnysician.
Tho board rosorves tho right to relect any
anil nil bids.
Accepted blddor to glvo bond for faithful
poitnruuinca of contraut.
Dakotn Ulty. Nob, Ducumbor 9, Wiii
"M County Clork.
(NKWof NWmsoctlon sit (. township
tMOiity-soton IflT), rango nlno (VI east, of
tlinoth 1. M, lit linkoln county, Nebraska,
and that this notlco bo published In Urn
Dakota Oounty llorald. for tho tlmo nml
In tho manner provided by law.
Dated this Cth day of December. 161.1.
Jndun of thn District Court of Dakota
Oounty, Nebraska.
First publication 11-SO-lw
Ill tho county court ot Dakota county,
State of Nebraska, Dakota Oounty ss.
In tho Matter of tho Kstate of llnlph
Goodwin. Deceased.
Notion is herohv all en that tho creditors
of tho said deceased will meet the executrix
ot snld estate, heforo inc, county Judgo
of Dakota county, Nebraska, nt tho county
court room In snld county, on tho 16th day
of February, 1VH, on tho 10th day of May,
lVlt, nt 10 o'clock mil, each day for tho pur
pose of presenting their claims for exam
ination, mljustineut and nllounnro, Hl.x
months nronllowod for creditors to presont
their claims nml ono year for tho execu
trix to vottlo snld ostnte, from tho 18th dny of
November, 1PU. This notice 111 bo publish
ed I u tho Dnkotn Oounty llernld, for four
weeks successively prior to tho 16th dny
of Kobrunry.A. D.lVH.
witness my iinnu, ami soai ot saiu court,
this lCth day of November, A. 1). loin.
SKAt,. Oounty Judge.
First Publication ll-'JO-lw.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In tho District Court ot Dakota Oounty,
First Nntlonnl Ilnnk ofl
Hiouxoity, lovta,
Crystal Iiko Distillery
Oompnny and Crystal Ijvke
Distillery, Incorporated,
Unoll A Mornn, n eo-pnrt-liarshlD
consisting of
Jnmos O. Hnoll nnd Will
iam F. Mornn, HIoux City
Holler .t Shoot I rou Works.
n copartnership consisting
or notion wiiuninn.Mcorgu
K. Wlldmnii nnd ltobort
Wlldmnn. Jr.. Kclulu U.
Olmimmn.Olidrlou Wntson,
freu i). jinuey. uunrios
O. Olaggott, Wllllnm Mo
Cnll nnd Henry C, Olnrk
nnd Ansnnlit Ooppor.t.Iron
Works, , iv urpointod, a
corpoiuUi i, i ufundnuts.
Crystal uku Dlstlllory Oompnny, Snoll A
Mornn, t. lO-pnrtuorshtp consisting ot
Jnmos Q. Snoll nnd Wllllnm F. Mornn,
Jnmcs U. Snoll nnd Wllllnm F. Mornn.
Sioux OSty Holler t Sheet J ion Works, n
co-pnrtnorshlp consisting of ltobort Wlld
mnn, Qeorgo K. Wlldmnn. nnd Robert
Wlldmnn, J r Kdwlu It. chnpmnn, Ohnrles
Wntson, Fred D. llnlley, Ohmles C.Clag
gott, Wllllnm MoCall.nud Honry O. Olnrk,
Junius G. bnoll, Wllllnm V. Mornn, ltobort
Wlldmnn, (loorgo K. Wlldmnn, ltobort
Wlldiunu, Jr., Kdwlu It. Chnpmnn. Ohnrles
Wntson, Fred 1). llnlley, ohmles O.Olng
gctt, Wllllnm McCnll, llenry C. Olnrk, nnd
AnsonlnUoppor it Iron Works, Incorpornt
ed, n corporation, (lofoiidnnts, will tnko no
tlco thnt on tho nth dny of November, A. I).
181J, plnlntllT heroin, filed Us potltlou In
tho dlstrlot court of Dnkotn county. Ne
braska imnlnst Biild defendnut9, tho object
nnd prnycrot which nro to foreclose n cor
tnln mortgngo oxecutcd by tho dofendnnt.
Crystal Itako Dlstlllory Oompnny, upon nil
of block ton (10) except lots thirty (DO), thlr-ty-ono
(111) nnd thirty-two (32), nnd nil of
block nlno (U) nnd tho nontcd nlloys In snld
blocks nine (B) nnd ton (10), nml tho ncntcd
street iMtwoen snld blocks nlno (D)nnd ton
(10), nnd nlso lots thirty (B0), thirty-one (SI)
nnd thirty-two (82) lu block soon (7), nil In
Mnrtlu's Addition to South Sioux City,
Dnkotn county, Nebrnskn, to secure the
payment of tyvo promissory notes dated
October C, 18U, ono note for twanty thous
and dollni 8, nml ono for ton thousand dol
lars, duo nnd pnynble In ono yonr from dnto
thorcof; that thoro Is now duo on said
notes aud mortgago tho sum of thirty-one
thousand mil eight hundred dollars with
lntoi" ii t v i i'i .iitlioiii i lulu ,
1U13, mi i i lu in i. (mo j, ni. vim pillui
may bo sohl to satisfy tho muount ilUo
thoreon, and out of tho proceeds thereof
the plnlntlfT mny bo paid tho amount ad
judged to bo duo them on snld notes and
mortgago with lntorest nnd costs of suit,
nnd that upon llnal confirmation of said
sale nnd execution nnd dollvory of snld
sheriff's deod of snld renl ostnte, a writ of
nsslstnuco bo Issued from this Oourt to
placo tho purolinsor at said ualo nnd the
grnnteo In snld deed In possession of snld
premises, and to hnvodcorocd and nd Judg
ed thnt tho plaintiff's lntorosts by virtue of
snld mortgage Is supoilor to tho Interests
of said defendants, nnd thnt snld interest of
plnlntllT be superior to the Clnlin of tho said
defendant. Crystal JjOke Distillery, Incor
porated, under and by vlrtuo of a lease
and agreomont with tho Crystal Lako Dis
tillery Oompany and other lntorosts in and
to snld property, the nature and extent of
said claims to said plaintiff unknown;
and superior to tho claims of tho defend
ants, Slonx City Holler A Sheet Ironworks,
Holier t Wlldmnn, Goorgo K. Wlldmnn nnd
ltobort Wlldtnnn, Jr., nnd Kdwln It. Chap
man, Snoll & Moran, JamcB a. Snoll nnd
Wllllnm F. Mornn, under nllcged niechnn
les liens: and superior to tho claims of the
defendants, Ohnrles Wntson, Fred I), Hal
ley, Chailes C. Olngffott. William McCall.
nnd Honry O. Olnrk, undor contracts and
agreements by and Iratweon tho said do
fendnntsnud tho snld Crystal Lako Dlstll
lory Oompnny nnd tho said Crystal Lnko
Dlstlllory, Incorporated, and other inter
ests lu nnd to snld property, tho nature and
extontof said olalms of said defendants to
this plaintiff unknown: nnusuporlor to the
claims of tho Ansonln Copper & Iron
Works, incorporated, undor nn alleged
Judgment nunlnst the said Crystal Lnko
Dlstlllory Oompnny: and to havo all tho J
Claims or interests oi snui uoiouaants
named heroin deolarod and adjudged to be
junior nnd lnforlor to tho said mortgage
and tho tamo subject to the said mortgage.
You nro required to nnswor snld petition
on or boforo tho 2Vth dny ot December. 1913.
Iowa, PlnlntllT,
Ily H. K. Bvnns nnd J. L. Kennedy,
Its Attorneys,
Dntod Novembor 19, 1013.
in this court on tho
10111, nnd purporting
Otvted copy of tho Ins
First publication 12-1 1-3 w.
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
or Foreign Will.
In tho county com t of Dakota Oounty.
State of Nebraska, Oounty of Dakota, ss,
To josephinoo. Smith, KthoJwyn Smith,
Holon Smith, Mnrlnn Smith I.ocho, I.onore
Smith, nnd to till poisons interested lu tho
estate Of O. Warren Smith, docoasod i
On luullim tliu petition of TiiuOlliy J,
O'Connor praying thnt tlltf instrument fllod
clay of Docombor.
ng to bo a duly nuthontlT
Inst will nnd testnmont of
O. Warren Smith, doccasod, that said in
strument be admitted to uroliate. and tho
ndmlnutintlon of snld ostnte lie granted to
u. j. uuonnor ns naministrnior with the
will annexed, for tho stato of Nebraska,
It Is ho re by ordered thnt you, nnd nil per
sons lntorested in said tunttor, may and no,
annearat the county court to bo hold lu
and for snld county, On tho srath dny of De
cember, a, 1J. 1U13, nt 10 o'ciocic A. M., to
show cnuse, If any there bo, why tho prayer
of tho petitioner should not bo grnnted, and
thnt notlco of tho pendency of said petition
nnd tho hearing thereof bo given to all
fiorsons Interested in suld inattor by pub
lulling a copy of this order In tho Dafeotu
County Herald, a wookly uowspapor print
ed In said county, for three successive
w coks prior to saiu day of Hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of lhU oourt,
tnis itu uny oi uocemuor, A, u 1WIU.
' '" tl.O. IIRFFERNAN,
hsa.j County Judge.
Specials for Saturday, Dec. 13
For this Dtiy Only
100 lbs Granulated Sugar (for Cash) .$5.00
2 lbs Millars' Magnet ColTee , . 75c
1 lb Fancy Xmas mixed Candy 10c
1 doz Frosted Cookies 5c
2 cans Heinz Italian style Spaghetti 25c
3 pkgs Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti 25c
3 cans fresh Alaska Salmon 25c
One 10c package of Soda 5c
100 lbs crushed shells, for poultry 65c
1 Dozen Large Sunkist Oranges 25c
We have a Nice Stock of Useful Articles for Xmas,
consisting of Hosiery, Neckwear, Sweaters,
Handkerchiefs, Etc.
Dakota. CJity, Ntsbraskec
Bulletin of Winter
-Travel Specialties
Denver Wei tern Stock Show. January 19th to 24th. 1914.
Special rates from Fast and North of Denver. Denver makes
this a gala wtek for the stockmeu of the Western country.
Winter Tourist Rates in effect daily, with lower homeseekers',
fares iirst and third Tuesday of each month. Present indica
tions are that the number of Northern visitois during the
Winter of 1913-14, to the South, will le the greatest in the
iiirtnfy of tl'c Southland.
Personally Conducted Parties to California seven each
week via Denver, Sc i ic Colorado, Salt Lake, in through'
tourist sleepers, mir -igton special conductors are men es
pecially selected to Iol.. after your comfort enroute.
I can soonre you Tory handsome, illustrated publications of
southern or California railroads and botols., If you deslro then.
"Low KatosBoutb," "California Tourists ParUei."Mi,ac,lflo Coast
Tours." tot mo help you plan any tour yon mar hare in mind.
W. E. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakxlxt, Q. P. A Omaha, Neb.
Do you know
Your Opportunity...
To Get X-mas Photos
At Half the Regular Price
From now until December 15th we will make a
Special Half Price on all our $12, $10, $8 and $6 Cab
inets, best fin-sh in fancy folders.
We have always had the reputation of lowest
prices and will continue to maintain our reputation re
gardless of the price we will have to make them for.
You can now get the benefft of the big cut in
prices on your X-mas Photos. We guarantee to -do
exactly as we say. Sec us first and save money.
The De Luxe Studio
405 Fourth St. Sioux City, Iowa
- iJ5?QP5rwtnKat?833SSi.a
'Enlargtid,IrQnrQV&d and,
First publication 12-ll-8w
n tho district court of Dnkptii couutv.
In (lm lUnttor pf
More reading ifian islivh;
In any American montlHy'
the cstnto of Jullu. A.
nrds. Kuunii Nixon. Kllznbetb Nixon.
aracoA.NUonaiul. linwertincu M. Nixon,
lielrs ttt Alexander M Nixon, deceased.
Tills cnuso enuie ou to bo hoard upon the
notltlon of Jullu A. Kduurds. irunrdlnn of
tho minor heirs of Alexnudor M. Nixon, de-
evusuui prnyina ror license to sen tno ioi
lovilntf described rent estato. situated In
Dakota oounty. Nebraska, to-wlts North
east nunrtor of northonst qunrtor (NKof
NK ii), northunst quarter or northoust
quortor (NW of NKJi). and northoust
qunrtor of northwest quarter (NKK of
NWJ-O section six (). towiwlilp twenty
sdveu (i7), rnuito ntnu (v) en t,of tho tilh 1'.
M for the purpose of InvostliiK the pro
ceeds of thu salo of snld real ustnto lu n
munnorinorepioductUe to tho snld estate
nnd said minor heirs,
It is thoreforo ordered that nil persons In.
terested lu said ostutnund suld minor heirs.
nppenr beforo me nt dlstrlot court room lu
I'endor, Thurston county, NaUruslta, on tho
10th dny of J anbury, WM. at luo'olock A. JI
toshowpRUSf! wliy suoh n llcio..ko should
not bo urauted to tho snld Ounrdlun to sell
1?$. northeast quarter of northeast quarter
(NMW of NlflM), northwest quarter of
northeast quarter (NWK ot NKJ41. and
northeait quarter of northwest quarter
5jfc tiraesajear - not 12
Sample C3opies
Cut this out and eeu,d A whu 12.00
for Tho Comjau.taa (or 1914, and
wo will send FREE all the issues
for the remaining vreeka of 1913
aud Tho Companion Practical
Homo Calendar for 1914.
lit Unlclty Street
Subicriptiona Rcwcd at thit OrTicsi
ssssssssssssssssV " SsU
sssssssssssW ssssssssV
ill i CJbiigtm IMfe
The SAFE boys' magazine
SSShWhJlOaly $1 a year
All liny tor nil 1kv, not n i hlU's psper. Clean a
u vrltlvtln. full of iilcturo. SO to 6i pasos ever
monlli. Mmily.liii.ilrlnBtorlMottriil, adven
ture, athlellca. hl.tory, Khonl life, written liv
moHt populftr boi' nutlion. IuktrurtlTOepeelal
nrtlcloo l'l no artlrlm on football and other
eriortii Departmonta ot Mechanlrw, hlectrlcltr.
i'liototfniphy, LVpular Houmoo, Hoir to Mako
'ililnm, HtampUolleitlnit. Ctalckvna, reta, Uar
deulng. Inircntloni and Natural onJem.
tThe American Boy, $1.00
The HERALD, - $1.00
Both, for - $1.65
Abstracts of-Title
A. $10,000 tjurety Uo.
Guarantees th,t ".wurmey of.t.rj
Altrsot I mi
Bnoocwov to .
Dakota County Abetriet 0c
Bonded Abstractor
f -f
- v
. r
. aJl I
.4 v
Jt ml
4 &.