Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 28, 1913, Image 8

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devolving Figures In Handle Form
Perpetual indicator for the Man
Who Forgets His Dates.
Calep ar on Pen.
No excuse for tho man who forgot
the date If ho use one of tho fountain
pens designed' by an Illinois genius.
In the haridlo ,of this pen 1b a perpot
1 fit
Perpetual Calendar.
ual calendar, and onco tho user gets
the habit of setting this calendar each
morning, he is never at a Jobs for the
day of tho month, Rows of numerals,
representing tho days of tho month,
revolvo around tho handle. Abovo
these numerals tiro tho days of the
week and below Is a band that Is ad
justable at different points on the
handle and that servea as a framo for
the dato or tho week that tho user
may want to pick out, usually tho pres
ent one. Thus a busy man - may
alwaytf havo tho day's dato lit
erally at his lingers' ends, and
any other date of tho mouth will bo
quite as convenient' for a ready refer
ence ..,"' , .
Invention of 8t. Louis Man That "-.
Suggested by 8lnklng of Titanic
No Aid to Swimmer.
August Bommerfleld, an Inventor,
has perfocted and patented an Inven
tion enabling htm to walk across tho
Mississippi as rapidly as a pedestrian
could make bis way across Eada
btidgo, says a St. Louis correspondent
Sommorileld has spent many weoks on
tho Mississippi and on Crovo Coeur
lake. lie says It was originated for
life saving.
Tho Invention conslstn of a canvas
covered pneumatic tubo that Is pump
ed up llko an automobile tiro. It fits
under tho arms, extending entirely
around tho body, and Is hold In placo
by a belt around tho waist and straps
over tho shouldors.
Used In connection with a webber
arrangement fastened to tho ankles,
tho wearer of tho air bolt Is able to
walk as rapidly as though on land. Ho
has experimented with It ns an aid to
duck hunter's There Ib but llttlo re
coil from a heavy shotgun flrud whllo
the hunter is poised In tho water.
Tho Invention was suggested to
Somorllold by tho sinking of tho Ti
tanic. It 1b not Intended as an aid
to swlmmors.
Contrivance Also Can Be Used for a
Washstand or Mattress Canvas
Is Filled With Cork.
An Englishman has shown tho fer
tility of hla Imagination by Inventing
a steamer chair that is also a Ufo
preserver, a wash stand and a mnt
tross. Tho framework of tho chair
Is llko that of other steamer chairs,
without tho foot rest, but tho body of
it Is a roll of cork-flllcd canvas, swung
loosely enough to give and afford a
comfortable reclining sent I)y turn
ing tho chair upsldo dowu, the In
ventor claims, it enn bo transformed
Into a very handy washstand, whllo
by removing tho canvas and laying It
flat on deck or floor a fair aubstltuto
for a mattress is provided. All tho
Football Facing Its Doom Because of
Unnecessary and Unfair Rough
ness, Says George Hoff.
"The exlstenco of football will bo
threatened, sooner or lator, unless a
growing tendency to forget the lesson
of some years back and return to tho
practices which put tho sport on trial
for its life Is checked."
This is the recent declaration of
Athletic Director George lion' of Illi
nois university, and ono of tho best
known mon In the nthlotlo world. In
explanation ho says:
"I rofer to Unnecessary and unfair
roughness. I do not crltlc'lzo hard play
ing, and football as a mattor of fact
Is rough. But I havo notlcod a grad
ual introduction of the'samo tactics
which nearly cost the colleges their
favorite game.
"This year I have soon 'neck wring
ing.' I havo seen players drag tholr
feet over tho head of an opponent
'Piling up,' oven when easily soon to
bo unnecessary, goes unrebuked.
"The blame for tho oxlatence of this
tendency is to bo placed on the heads
of unscrupulous coachos and compla
cent gridiron officials. It Is a matter
of common report in tho football
camps of tho middle west institutions
that certain coaches mako no bones of
oncournglng their mon to lamo and to
slug if they can get away with It.
Thoir linesmen threaten and curse
their opponents, hoping to lead them
Into a display of honest and almost
Justifiable physical retaliation.
"For tho most part western ofllclala
havo ceasod to pay any attention to
unnecessary roughness. 'Let 'em
light It out Booms to bo tho Implied
attitude' of many officials, especially
tho younger ones. And tho team that
attempts, to bo square gets the worst
of It. I am a believer in football aa a
square, manly sport, If properly super
vised. I would regret to seo it lost,
but I firmly bollovo that after success
with tho new style of gamo all will go
for naught unless coaches and ofllclals
see that tho practices I mention aro
Boat Rortlon of Machine Has' More the
Appearance of Ordinary Rowboat
Than Do Others.
Thq boat portion of Henry Farman'a
latest hydro-aeroplano has probably
moro the appcaranco of an ordinary
water craft of tho skiff or rowboat type
than do the boat portions of other hydro-aeroplanes,
says tho Popular Mo-
Unique Life Preserver.
passenger needs do Is keep close to
his chair. If tho ship should spring
a leak whllo ho is sitting in tho chair,
or washing on tho washstand, or
Bfeeplng on tho mattross, ho may safe
ly leap overboard with tho contriv
ance, as its buoyancy will koop him
The Pontoon or Float of the New
Farman Hydro-Aeroplane Is Shaped
Exa:tly Like an Ordinary Boat.
chanlcs. Some of tho hulls adopted
resomblo moro or less those of motor
boats of tho hydroplane order, to bo
sure, but would creato a quoor lmpres
ton If Been floating In tho water with
an aeroplane upper works removed,
while tho hull of tho Farman machino
might eaaly pass aa uu drdlnury bout
A mogapjiouo and fan havo been
combined In a recent novelty.
Ono of the newer vacuum bottlea
can be taken entirely apart for cleans
ing. There are estimated to bo at least
800,000 motorbpatft In use n tho Unit
ed States.
A patent has boon grnnted to cover
the manufacture of dog biscuits In
the shapo of bones.
, A safety suit for aviators recently
patented in England Is covered with
parachute-llko pockets and tho entlro
garment can bo Inflated to break Its
wearer's fall.
Scientist Says Man Uoes Not See Him
self as Others Do, Neither Does
He Hear Himself.
Laloy, who appears to lmvo scientifi
cally investigated tho mattor nssures
us that not only does otto not seo him
self ns othors seo him, but that ho
does not hear himself as others hear
him. Somo interesting experiments
wero mado by tho Fronch saVant in
this connection, according to Loudon
In order to ascertain whother a man
really know tho sound of his own
voice, Laloy has been at somo pains
to determlno the facts. Hla experi
ments show that If a person record
on a phonograph disk a few sentences
pronounced by hlmsolf, togothor with
others recorded by friends, and causes
tho machino to roproduco those, It
most frequently happons that tho man
moro easily recognizes tho voices of
his friends than ho does his own.
It appears that tho difference Ilea In
tho quality of tho tone. Ono hears
Ills own voice not only through tho
ulr, as do his auditors, but across the
solid partR botween tho organs of
speech and thoso of hearing. Tho
sound thus produced has a different
tlmbor from that conducted to tho oar
by tho air below.
If ono entertain any doubt as to
this, lot him try tho following experi
ments. Take tho end of a woodon rod
betwoen tho tooth and pronounce a
vowol continuously. Lot tho other end
bo takoi alternately T)otwecn tho
tooth and released by another per
son who at the same timo stops hla
ears, iiio latter win una mat every
timo ho seizes tho rod In hla teeth
tho sound will bo atrongor than when
It reaches tho air above, and that It
has a different quality. Tho paBsago
of sound through a solid body,, aug
ments its ltncnBlty and modtlleu Its
Gilo of Princeton practicing toe work
on the pigskin. This young player Is
bending every effort for the Job of
one of Princeton's gridiron warriors.
Princeton coaches have been working
every youngster on the team in the
hopes of developing a "find" and to
get (the understudies for the older
players In trim, ready for any occasion.
Michigan Votes Solidly
Against Conference Return
By an overwhelming majority,
students, faculty and Ann Arbor
alumni of the University of Michi
gan have voted against a resump
tion of nthlotlc relations with tho
western Intercollegiate conference.
3rBM ibw HUB
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KaMWSr -J sfaaaaaftufriani M
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Right-End Loudon, Dartmouth's Human Battering Ram.
For tho second successive year, Princeton fell beforo tho onslaught of
Dartmouth's fighting football squad and for the secondtlme, Loudon, Dart
mouth's human battering ram in hla position at right end, helped to put a
crimp In Princeton's aspirations of downing Dartsmouth.
Dartmouth, aside from Its C to 0 victory over Princeton, has demonstrated
that it has a moBt powerful and brilliant attack, and every ono of tho New
England college teams which havo attempted to check the march of tho Han
over players havo been forced to defeat by scores running into double figures.
English 'Woman Wins
' $8,250 on Two Races
The Cambridgeshire handicap,
tho last big race of tho year, was
marked not only by tho queen's
visit to Newmarket, but by ono of
those lucky shots which Are tho
ambitions of the punters.
Mrs. Clayton, wife of Major Clay
ton, who has tho reputation of be
ing ono of the handsomest women
in English society, Invested a sov
ereign on Flzyama, a rank outsid
er, which won the Czarewitch at
BO to 1. She placed her winnings
on another outsider Cantilever, for
tho Cambridgeshire, and Cantilever
romped home. His RtnrtlnK price
was S3 to 1, so Mrs. Clayton pock
eted $8,250.
Tho British racing public recent
ly has heon hard hit by a weary
succession of outsiders' wins.
Secretary Sullivan Refuses to Consider
Proposition Made by President
Gustavus T. Klrby.
Secretary James E. Sullivan of the
Amateur Athletic union and othor of
ficials of that organization, including
Supremo Court Justice Bartow S.
Weeks and Frederick W. Rublen of
tho Metropolitan association, refuse
to consider seriously the proposition
mado by their president, Gustavus T.
Klrby, that amateurs bo allowed to
competo against professionals In track
and Held sports.
Pointing to tho fact that the ancient
Olympic games wore killed by pro
fessionalism and that modern profes
sional Held and track sports had lost
prestige through betting and kindred
ovils, Sulllvnn said flatly that ho would
nevor give his consent to tho plan.
Ho further stated that ho would spver
connections with tho A. A. U If tho
scheme should be nttempted.
vmr x
v MnwawSwBaw
a SbbbY m&ZZ?r &$.
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9 .aBBBBBBBBBB? v s-M. " ! .uftKlTOe
BViT 6M4anaBBaHBBtaV " "" -S
S fctaBBBBBBBBBBakv imm
a fj. aBSBBBBBBBWiv .., Wm
The Old Companies. The Old Treat
ment The Old Care.
They the best in all the land, I repreient the
Hartford thenix Continental Columbia Royal, the
really STRONG Insurance Companies.
I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours,
when you sell.
Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing,
draw up Wills, Deeds, Leases, Etc. RIGHT. Very
much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well.
H. F. NoKtavcr, "ttiffZ"
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney.
Insurance. Real Estate.
Conveyancing. ' Steamship Tickets
Ask Your Dealer to Show You
o .
The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness I
If they Don't Have Them, write or call on
Stuuges Bros,, 4ii Pearl St., Sioux City, la.
Few players on the big eastern
teams have shown better qualities at
punting than this young player.
Malaria and othor disease;, have
materially reduced at Jerusalem by
sanitation methods introduced by an
To enable a person to photograph
himself from a distance a Callfornlnn
has Invented an electrical attachment
for cameras.
Riders on an Illinois inventor's
oierry-go-round occupy blcyclo eoats
and provldo the power by driving
aerial propellers with pedals.
Spring tongs, terminating In pointed
blades, have bocn patented by a Con
necticut inventor for removing woods,
roots and all, from the ground.
The Llndenborg conservatory In Eu
rope recently complotod ton years of
daily studies' of the upper air condi
tions by the use of kites, and both
captive and free balloonB,
A Philadelphia scientist claims to
have .invented an Incandescent gas
light, M mpunted that U rays are
Wtecehrough colored screens until
Uwy aire Identical with sunlight.
Safety Pocket Knife. ,
A pocket knlfo In which tho blndo
la locked shut by a steel ball in tho
handle until tho knlfo Is held in one
certain position is tho invention of a
Now York man.
Played at Derby as Early as Third
Century In Commemoration of
Victory Over Roman Legion.
Football Is probably tho oldest of
our national games. At Derby ti guiuu
of football was played ns early as tho
third rentury, In commemoration of a
victory ovor tho Homan Legion nt
Chester, says tho London Chronicle,
The first football usod In tho annual
game still played each Kastor Is
said to havo boon tho head of a Dan
ish invader In the Isle of Purbeck,
too, tho free qunrrymon from timo
Immemorial havo perpotuated their
claim to a grant of land by kicking
a football ucioss It. In tho fourteenth
century the gnme wna so popular as
to call forth an edict forbidding it, on
tho ground that It interfered with tho
practico of more martial exorcises.
In lator times ghakospoaro referred
contemptuously to the game; but per
haps few would bo able to turn up
readily the pasRago in "King Lear"
describing "a bnso football player,"
;.. pw
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vt nw " . t.
Measure Submarine Gas.
A simple dovlcu has boon Invented
in Germany lor measuring and regis
tering tho amount of carbonic acid gas
In submarines.
Testing Aeroplanes.
In a Parle aorodynamie laboratory
for testing model aeroplanes wind
speeds up to 71 miles an hour aro
producod by lngonlous machinery.
Acre-Foot" of Water.
Au "acre-foot" of wator, a term
commonly used in irrigation, is 43,600
cubic feet, or tho amount noodod to
cover an aero ono foot.
Pitching Marvel.
Dob Scott, a youngstor, who lives
in Philadelphia, muBt bo tho real
thing In the pitching line. Ho holds
a Job In Philadelphia, and couldn't
got off to trnvel with a ball club.
Yet, during tho last season, merely
slipping away on Saturdaya and Sun
days, he pitched 24 games for tho
Allentown team of tho TrI-Stato
league, winning 19, losing flvo and
lending the hurlers. If ho could do
things that way, what would he do
If ho had a regular position on a big
lcaguo club and could devote his
time to the gamo?
Tennis Cracks Leave
for Trip to Far East
William M. Johnston and Ella
Fottrell, California tennis cracks,
departed for a tour of the far east
Novomber 22. Johnston, is tho Pa
cific coast champion andoilso holds
the Longwood and New York state
With Fotrell ho will play in Man
ila, Toklo, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. F. Dickinson
Ball 71
Axito N471
415 Sixth Street.
Sioxsx Ctyf Iowsl
One of Coach Yost's most reliable
and dependable players.
Nolsolesi Typewriters.
Promoter of1 a now noiseless type
writer contend that its loudest sound
Ib that mado by tho Impact of a
operator's flugera ou tho keys.
New Class "AA" League.
In an effort to curb outlaw baseball,
the organized olcmontB are planning
to put ClaB8 AA clubs tn eight differ
ent cltloa next yoar. ClnclnnaU, Pitts
burgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago,
Indianapolis, Grand Rapids and Peoria
aro tho cities now suggosted. This
move Ib a bad ono for the Class A
clubs, as it will cut down tho high
claBB talont there to modtocrlty.
Yale Football Reunion.
A famous Yale football team hold
a reunion nt Now Haven recently. It
was the elovon of 25 yenrs ago, which
rolled up a total of CDS points to none
for Its opponunta. Tn Corbln wns
tho captain of tho aggregation. The
team lined up ns follows: Left end,
Alonzo Stngg; loft tackle. W C.
Rhodes; left guard, George Woodruff;
center. Pa Corblnt right guard, Pudge
Hoffelllngor; right tackle, Charley
Gill; right end, Kid Wallace; quar
terback, W. C. Wurtemburg; half
backs, Loo McClung and Hilly Hull;
fullback, W. P. Gravos.
Announcement Made That August Bel
mont's Famous Colt Has Run Last
Race Won Many Stakes.
Tho famous racing colt Tracery, be
longing to August nolmont of New
York, has has run his last rdfee, ac
cording to an announcement made re
cently. Tho colt, for which $200,000
was refused by his owner on Septem
ber 30 last. Is to retire Immediately
to tho stud. He as restricted to
walking exorcise when he wns
scratched from his next week's en
gagement. Tracery Is regarded by racing men
as ono of tho best colts ever bred.
Ho Is a four-year-old son of Rock
Sand, the English stallion, by Topiary,
and was first brought out for the Eng
lish Derby In 1912, when he ran third.
In tho St. Leger stakes of $32,500 at
Doneaster ho was victorious nt 8 to 1,
and ho won the Sussex Rtnkns at Good
wood In the same yoar.
While Tracory was running for the
Ascot gold cup in Juno this year ho
was thrown by a suffragette, Madman
Hewitt, who sprang on to the course
and tried to stop him whllo he was
running nt full gallop.
In July this year Tracery won the
Eollp8o stakes at Sandown and later
in tho Benson was placed second in
tho Jockey club stnkes at Newmarket
"A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation" I
Cattle, Hogs stnd. SKeep
Steele, Siman & Co. '
Tom SUeli. RaySlman, Dave Prusmer, Harry BpptrMa,
Manager Oattlo Salesman. ITotr & Sbeep Salesman. Ofuce,
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
Will Spend $50,000 for Tracks.
Tho University of California Is to
havo a now cinder track. Work Is
to coinmouce within tho next few
monthB, and by 1915 tho now athletic
field will be completed. Present plans
Include tho construction of bloachorB
seating 10,000 people, and a quarter
mile oval with a 220-yard straight
away. Tho cost of the track com-
I ploto Ib estimated at $50,000.
Sullivan to Lecture on Baseball.
Ted Sullivan, the veteran baseball
player and scout, who Is making tho
round-the-world trip with tho Giants
and White Sox this winter, will deliv
er an Illustrated lecturo on tho na
tional sport of the United States to
tho Btudents of Wasoda university, nt
Toklo, when the nines reach Japan,
We Work for You.
Write Us,
Ship Us.
Henry's Place
East of the Court House for the Best in
Wines, Liquor and Cigars
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Niilif e Beer
Bottla or Kerf
Henry K.i-irrkwiede, puo cur. w.brak
I Cry All Kinds of Sales. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Best of Service lo All.
Make dates at Allen, Waterbusy or Jaekson Banks, or at
Mid-West Bank, Sioux City.
Write mo at Jackson, or call at farm one mile west of doodwln, Neb.
Defunct Ball Cities.
Sioux City, Topeka and Wichita will
all lose tholr Western league baseball
franchises If reports to that eje'r, are
to bo believed Nono of these cities
has mnde money during tho past sea
sou and will consequently be supplant
ed by llvo towns.
Real Surprising.
Surprising won the Juvenile $2,00f
stako at Laurel, Md., whon he declK
lvoly defeated tho best field of young
sters lined up this yoar. Surprlsln
conceded weight to all the starters
TS BIB Walnut Strcat, Kansas City, Ma.
Mjl a ractilar araduat In madlclna. OUtaetln aaa and lanaaatjMte4.l
aflLfl (1 41yaaiV Special Praetlea-aaa a4 axparlanca ara Impartial. I
afSBJK Ovar 3S Yaars in Kansas city.
Oarable caita rnarantead. All medleloea furnlihcd ready tor ue-i frrf
or Injurious mediolE ud. No detention from butlneei ratleata J MNtaV
traatad br T and ejpreee. Uedleleei lent oTerywhere. (re; tnjpW
hraalTiW'dnVrBealow. TOrerM.OOOeaies eured. Btate jaur oie and wndM W.
Ooniultatloa (rea and ooasdentui, personally or by letter.
Varlcooel .?!&.
hucaervaus debility, waaknaaaa ta
saxual aystam, eta., pannaaenir Waal
wrlthaut pain.
m ! ffak.4 aataaaJWJai illaaaaa In
cured tor life. Blaol a4ofet9aTaTi
private dlieaaes miBauy carta.
Samlnal Weakness
Saxual Debility, r70rS
loltlea and aaoeae nsla( night louai
ana loee of aasual power, piaiplea and
blotcbee oa tneUee. eontaied ideea and
loriettulaees, baibiulneee end aversion to
society, eta., euredfor life. I stop nlfbl
loesee, reetore seas el power, aerre and
breia power, enlarge and etrencthes weak
parte and make you fit for marriaca. Send
far free book and list of questions.
Cilolnaa Cured with a new In
alrlOIUra ta(Hfcla Hast Treat
J ) iaaeit.Nolaeirumonie.
and Glaat nopala, no detention
front bgelaees. Oura guaranteed. Book
and list af queetlone free sent sealed.
sotn sexes M pates
deaenation or soars
auf e, sent sealed ta
ataMaaaV aWea and