Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 13, 1913, Image 4

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!)akota County Herald
gtihaorl-tilon Price. 11.00 for Year.
weaklv newBDaner Dnblfshed at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
'fPanaiaalo&has been granted for the
transmission of tbispaper through the
Mils m second-class matter.
'Telephone No. 48. ,
Ptcq Paper of Dakota County
H At the elootion next joar the judges
o! the supreme court, district and
county courts to be elected will not bo
permitted to run un party tiokets.
The nominations will bo made on sop
arate "non-partisan" primary tickets.
The nominations for places on tho pri
mary ballot must bo made by petitions.
The supremo judgo candidates must
have petitions of 2500 voters, tho dis
trict judges of D per cent of tho voters,
10 per sent in tho county for county
judges." In this county this will re
quire the filing o( a petition of 160
voters in order to nominate a man for
ittaoe on the primary ballot. The per
sons rectidiog the two highest num
bers of votes shall then be considered
the candidates at the general eleotion.
Their name will be printed on a sep
arate ballot for the genoral election,
and the one of the two rocoiviug tho
number of votes that is "highest," to
quote -literally the language of tho
grammatical enaotmont, shall bo con
sidered elected to tho office.
I NRM WWsB Wrn BwlW WR " WFlW jg
1 lA
Items of I nterest
from our Exchanges
Hartington Nows: J A Bliveu ship
ped a car load of oattlo to Sioux City
last neght,
Emerson Enterprise: Mrs Clyde
Myers is spending tho weok end in
Homer with her paronts, Mr and
Mrs John M Church.
Pender Times: John Heffernan is
home from a trip up the country ....
Ifenry Bayer and M Malonoy were
down from South Sioux City, Monday.
Wynpt Tribune: Misses Meta
Knude and llnth and Holeu MoOor-
miok departed for Omaha yesterday
morning to attend the meeting of tho
state teachers' association,
Wakefield Bepublioan : Mies Yenus
Learner returned home Saturday from
a visit with friends at Lincoln. . . .Miss
Loaise Kohlkeier hod the misfortune
to fall on a step Monday, breaking' a
rib and otherwise shaking her up so
that she has been confined to her bed
Pender Republic: Henry Bayer
ws down from South Sioux City Mon
day looking after his business inter
ests in Pender...... Martin Maloney
eame down from South Sioux City the
first f the week to" look after some
business matters amd shake harids
with Pender friends.
Lyons Mirror: Major Obas Phil
lips is back from Fremont where ho
visited his son, Oanfield' Phillips
Mrs Bert Sheldon was down from
Walthill Saturday and Sunday ac
companied by her nlooo. Miss Sylvia
Taylor-Lampson, who is also a uieoe
of MraF Nixon and Mrs M M Warner,
of this place,
Newcastle Times: Mrs Fred Cor
nell and two ohildren arrived home
last Saturday evening from a weeks
Visit with her parents at South Sioux
City....DrO A Moore, one of the
leading dentists of South Sioux City,
Must be Watchful
For great efforts are being made in
this vicinity to sell baking powders of
inferior class, made from alum acids
and lime phosphates, both undesir
able to those who require high-grade
cream of tartar baking powder to
make clean and healthful food.
The official Government
tests have shown Royal
Baking Powder to be a
pure, healthful, grape
cream of tartar baking
powder, of highest
strength, and care should
be taken to prevent the
substitution of any
other brand in its place.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price per pound, and is cheaper
and better at its price than any
J other, baking powder in the world.
and wlfo, Wm Brown and wife, also
of South Sionx City, wero tlio guests
of Mr and Mrs Ed T Hughe Sunday
afternoon nnd evening.
Walthill Times: Dr Ream was
down from Sioux City Monday after
noon Geo MoBeath, of Dakota
City, was in tho village Wednesday
afternoon.... Mis A N Tharp, of Ho
mer, visited in town yesterday after
noon Mabel Ream is recovering
rapidly from her attack of pneumo
nia a weok ago. The crisis was pas
sed Saturday and since then she has
been gaining steadily.
Wayne Democrat: Homer has a
now system of water 'works just in
stalled, They havo a reservoir which
when full, gives a 45 pound pressnro
in the business nart of the city with
out tho aid of tho pump, and wili
throw water to n height of thirty feet.
Somo tirno when a flro starts and a lot
of property saved they will realizo
how wiso thoj havo boon in this move.
They should now orgnnizo a flro com
pany so as to have n head to take
command in case of fire.
Sioux City News, 0th: Aa tho re
sult of u practical joke pulled off by
Ira M Carroll, pipeman of tho Central
flro station, and his "next host friend,
Miss Lillian Kaufman, Carroll is kept
busy with congratulations and requests
for cigars. Carroll and Miss Kauf
man wont up to Jefferson, S D, return
ing rather Iato in the evening.
They thought it wonnld bo a good
sohemo to tell tho girl's parents thoy
got married in Dakota City, Neb,
But thoy didn't consider how rapidly
tho nows would nprood. Now Car
roll's most omphatio denials o being
a benedict oro only half successful
with his comrades on tho department.
Sioux City Tribune, 5th: Several
thousand fish including orapples, bass
and porch were dumped into Crystal
lake last night under tho direotion of
W J O'Brion, state fish oommissiono of
Nebraska, The fish car "Antelope"
was sidetraoked at the lake at 0 o'clock
last night. The fish wero carried to
the lake in the big milk .oaua filled
with water. Mr O'Brion urged the en
thusiasts who visited tho car to form
an organization and take steps to havo
a paid warden at Crystal lake for the
protection of tho fish and 'the promo
tion of the sport. Today tue attend
ants in charge of tho car began sein
ing the small ponds which adjoin the
lake. Tho ilsh will be removed from
the ponds and placed in tho lako in
order that they may not froeee to
death during the winter.
Homer Star : Mrs S A Combs re
turned Monday evening from Lincoln
after a several weeks' visit with her
daughtor, Nell Combs... .Born, to Mr
and Mrs Oh as Borowsky, at tho W&
O'Dell home,, a big baby boy, on
Thursday night of last week ...... A
pleasant surprise party was given last
Thursday evening at the T J O'Con
nor farm by Mr and Mrs Roy Bymill
in honor of T J O'Connor, it being his
59th birthday . . .The Star reoeived a
letter last Monday evening from WE
Hughes, the son' of Mr and Mrs Gil
bert Hughes, of this place, and his
many friends here will be glad to learn
that he is rapidly crawling towards
the fnt at Crete, Neb, as a cashier
and tioket clerk for the Burlington.
He is at the present noting as ticket
agent while the regular agent is gone
on a two weoks' trip,
Sionx City Journal, 11th: .0 D
Smiley, who bnilt the -first building in
South Sioux City, Neb, soon after it
was platted in1 1887, and was its first
mayor and postmaster, will depart
this week for J aoksonville, Fla; with his
family to make his home. During his
twenty-six years' residence in South
Sioux City Mr Smiley has been known
as a "boostor" in nearly every munici
pal enterprise. While associated with
John Moan, Frank Hunt and E C Pal
mor, Mr Smiloy constructed tho first
street car lino. It was operated by
horse power and service was main
tained through the town to the old
ferry boat landing. At one time Mr
Smiloy served as town clerk and was
one of the principal figures in the
county seat fight. During the last
six months Mr Smiley has been en
deavoring to promote tho free high
bridge proposition. He oxpressod re
gret that he wan to depart from the
town he had lived in for over a quart
er of a century and deolared he was
sorry he could not remain and devote
his time helping mako the free" high
bridgo a possibility.
Sioux City Journal, Cth: Fred Eich
elberg, father of W J Eioholborg,
whoso body was found in tho Missouri
river near Dakota City, has filed a pe
tition in the district court to bo ap
pointed administrator of his son's
estate .... W J O'Brien, state fish com
missioner of Nobraska, in his private
car Antelope, stopped at South Sionx
City, Neb, Tuesday night and replen
ished Crystal lako with thousands of
gamo fish. Tho fish included bass,
orappies and perch. A paid game
warden at Crystal lako for tho protec
tion of fish was advocatod by Mr
O'Brien. He urged the sport enthusi
asts who frequent Crystal lake to take
tho initiative in obtaining a paid ward
en.... Joseph Young, a patrolman on
tho police force, surpiised his friends
list night by going to Dakota City,
Nob, where ho married Miss Florenoo
Butchor, of Onawa, la. The ceremo
ny was performod by Judge D O Hef
fernan. The marriage license was
procured at Dakota City. Tho wed
ding was tho culmination of a romance
that began n few weeka ago. Mr and
Mrs Young will make their homo at
the Davenport hotel,
Allen News: Arthur Barto and
Daisy Booton, of Wakefield, wore mar
ried at Oreighton recently...... Colo
Kosor was in South Sioux City Mon
day and is planning on moving there
if be can find a suitable location.,..
Col E F Rasmussen was in town Sat
urday betweon trains and informs us
that he has rented tho Wat Lyle house
and intends to move here about the
first of next month. The Lyle family
will move to Marshall, Minn,... Mrs
Coleman Knser died at her home in
this city October .11, 1913, aged 59
years, 11 months and 29 days. Elno-
ra Warner moved with her parents
from Richland, la, to Dakota county,
Nebraska, and then came to Dixon
county about 88 years ago. She was
united in Marriage to Coleman P
Koser, February 2. 1879. To this
union two ohildren were born, Estella
and Maudl "She resided with her
family on their farm west of town un
til twelve years ago, when they moved
to Allen aud have resided hero since.
She beoame seriously ill at 12 o'clock
Wednesday night, rallied-from this at
tack, and then bad cnotber attack at
8 o'olook Thursday morning and death
oocured at 10 o'clock Friday night,
death being due to either an aboess in
the stomach or a stone in the kidneys,
it is not exactly known whioh. Sho
leaves an aged mother, Mrs Hart, two
brothers, O E and A L Warner; two
half-brothers, Harry and Walt Hart;
a half sister, Mrs W F Filley; her
husband and two danghters, besides a
host of other relatives to mourn her
departure. The funeral services were
held at the M E churoh at 2 o'olook
Sunday afternoon, Tho Rev J II
Hard preaohed the sermon,
Mrs Joe Leedom was in Dakota Oltv
Saturday .
Mamie Olaussen and Carrie Nelsen
Ispent Sunday at the JameB Hendrick-
sen home.
The Danish Sisterhood ladies will
meet at Mra A O Hansen's Sunday
afternoon, November 8,0,
Overshoes, and foot wear of all de
scription, at C Anderson Go's,
Dan Hartnett was in Sioux City Fri
day after his auto. ,
Tom Long is having' a new ohioken
house built, John Jessen is doing the
work, '
Joe Smith was in Waterbury Sun
day, Oh I you Joe.
A dance was given at tho Nbls An
dersen homo Saturday.
Mamie Olaussen was an over night
gueat at the H Nelsen homo Tuesday,
An elegant lino of blankets and oom
fortors to select from at O Anderson
Sino Brook visitod nt the home of
her parents Sunday.
Mary Hagan camo homo Friday, re
turning Sunday.
Holeu Rockwell spout Saturday and
Sunday at Wayne.
Mrs Guy Weir was n Sioux City
shopper Friday.
John Hartnett is having a furnace
installed in his new dwelling, also a
lighting plant,
We want all your eggs, butter and
produce, and will pay the top price
for it. C Anderson Co,
Mr und Mrs W Itouiugor and Mrs
John Jessen wore city sboppors from
hero Thursday of last week,
Hans Nelson, of Holt county, Nob,
was here last week visiting friends
and relatives, also looking after busi
ness matters.
Mr aud Mrs Herman llonzo enter
tained a largo uunibqr of friends Sun
day. Uuy Woir moved into the Duggan &
Hcffeinan house last week. .
Rasmus Nelson now has n telephone
in Ida house,
Leave your orders for goods with us
whou you go to tho city and, you won't
havo to botbor carrying them around,
besides you will get hotter goods hore
lor tun same money tuau you get iu
the city, C Anderson Co.
Mrs Len Harris and Mra W Qeorte
visited friends iu Hubbard Tuesday.
Word was rsooived hero that the J
N Johnson family was slowly on the
way to recovery.
Robert, Johanna aud Mrs Mundy
visited friends in the country Sunday.
Among the city shoppers from here
If you were to Purchase a Family Burial Plot;
give the following points consideration?
Office Phones
Auto '52041 "
Bell ' 508
Cemetery Phones
Auto 3600
Bell 775 T
Saturday were Mrs Mike Furrell, Mis
John Howard, Mrs E Christensen,
Miss Abble Bookwell, Willie Farroll
and Margaret Hartnett.
B Oribble, of Holt county, ar
rived last Saturday and has been vis
iting relatives here this week.
We havo a big supply of extra heavy
underwear, and you need not hesitate
to come, for we can fit any member of
your family. O Anderson Co,
A furnace has been installed in the
sohoolhouse and it ia now in running
order and ia a great improvomont to
the sohool. We hope tbere will be no
more complaints about this or that
room being bold.
Quite a numbor from here attended
the fnneral of J MoQonignl at Jack
son Wednesday .
Eugene Beaty, of Blair, was in Hub
bard Tuesday looking after road mat
Let us soil you tho dainties for your
Thanksgiving dinner. We have every
thing in the celebrated Heinz goods
from pickles to mince meat. O Ander
son Co.
Sunday school at 0 :45 o'olook a m.
Public worship every 2nd and 4th Sun
day of each month at 10:30 a m, in the
Lutheran ' ohuroli. The oatecbetical
olass meets every Wednesday at 9:80
a m, and every 2nd and 4th Sunday
at tho same hour.
Mr and Mrs Uuy weir wero over
night visitors in Sioux City Mon
Unas Ulaudo ventured quite a wavB
out in the country Saturday night
a little bit risky for suoh a little man.
Fred Nelsen is wandering around
like he wa8 lost, No wonder Fred is
lonesome. '
Mrs James Murphy, of Toledo, O,
visited relatives hore the last of tho
weok. Mrs Murphy was formerly
Mrs Lizzie Brannan, of this placo.
J M Bnrry returned from the hos
pital tho last of tho week, whore he
had gono to rooeivo treatment for un
injurod foot.
Mrs B J Loahy went to Ohioago last
Thursday to visit the doctor, who is re
ceiving treatment at tho Presbyterian
hospital there. She reports him muoh
improved .
Mrs U P Qarvey and daughter, Mau
rino, of Hartington, Neb, Bpent ovor
Sunday with relatives here.
Lizzie Teller came over from Mo
Cook, S D, for an over Sunday visit at
homo, Sho was accompanied by Miks
Oebton, of MoCook.
Sara Oavauaugh departed Monday
tor Nebraska City, Neb, whero sho ex
peots to spend tho winter with her sis
ter, Cornelia Oavanaugh, who a teach
ing in a Franciscan academy.
Thos Sullivan sold twenty tons of
alfalfa to John Beaoomkof Hubbanl,
tho price reoeived boing $10 a ton.
Oatharino Bellinger, of Sionx City,
is a guest in the E T Konnolly homo.
Rev Father Moore, of Fonca, spent
Sunday evening with Rev Fr O'Sulli
van. Sistor Walburga and Sr M Bernard
returned Saturday evening from Oma
ha, where they had gone to attend the
state teaohers convention.
Madeline Butlor, who teaches near
Ponoa, spent Saturday at the aoademy,
Mr and Mra Thos Oarran, of Vista,
Is the location one that is suitable for all
dense population of future years?
Is the location one whose natural resources would tend toward the beautiful
without the heavy increased expense of maintenance? ,
Is the "PERPETUAL CARE" Fund sufficient and so safe-guarded that its future
uses will not have dependance upon individual integrity?
In the guaranteeing of "Perpetual Care" does this fall upon the individual as a
member of the Corporation, or is the guarantee backed by sufficient -. Ii.iXie
real estate and he assume none of the obligations attendant?
These questions arid many others may come to you some time; why not in
vestigate conditions now and avoid future complications that might arise?
We ask that you visit Logan Park and see nature in all its beauty; you will
' then comprehend its future possibilities as one of the finest Burial Parks in the
West We have Free Auto Service Sunday afternoon from 2 to 6, week days
by appointment.
Logan Park
spant Sunday afternoon with their
daughter Helen, who is a student in
St Catherine s academy.
Mrs H F McKeever, who spent the
summer with her daughter at Meadow,
o u, returned homo Sunday evening.
Ed T Kearney and family have mov
ed to Sioux City and rented apart
ments there for tho winter months,
J W Collins is onjoying a visit from
his parents, of Granville Summit, Pa.
D F Waters and son John havo
bought a fltook of general merchan
dise at Clark, 8 D, and it will be ,in
ohargo of John and Frank Waters,
J E MoGonigle died raonday even
ing after a short illness of pneumonia.
Mr MoGonigul was an old resident
of JaokBon and was widely known
throughout the oouuty. He is sur
vived by his widow and six children,
William, Viotor, Mary, John, Lee aud
Bart. The funeral was held from the
Oatholio churoh here Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock, Rev Fr O'Sul
livan celebrating tho mass of requiem
which was largely attended. Interment
was made in St John's cemetery.
Among the'outsido relatives at the fu
neral were Robert McOormiok and
wife, of Sioux Falls, S D, and Mr and
Mrs O P Garvey,-of Hartington, Neb.
How's This?
We ofler One Hundred Dollars n-Trard for n
mo ol Catarrh that cannot lie cured by llnlli
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. ClinNHV i. CO.. Toledo. O.
we. the under-Uncd. have known r. J. Cheney
for the last 13 jcarj, and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his arm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
s)stem Testimonials sent free, l'rlce 75 cents pel
bottle, lold by all Druggist.
lake Hall's Family fills for constitution.
Thm Bot OfHHly)
JForJimlLformm of,
I Other
AMPIJC -a--HMt-' ntf-t ON MttUCSTi
Swunan Rhaumatl Cur Ca
i .tea w. mm c CMicAea
Urm Hr-exld mnd
Now Idea Magazine. $1 CO
Sionx City Daily and Sunday
Journal .................... 0 00
without Sunday 4 20
to rural routo patronB 3 50
time, or would it be
impaired by the
Suit 322 Davidson Bldg.,
arsajMB) a aMMats a mmmm a aj-asai a awMM' a aaaat a tarn-Ms) a asHsts
iSiy Your
sk .
Fresh Meats .
Cured. Meats
Salted Neais
I City Meat
Agents for Seymour's I,aundry
I W. Lorenz. Jr.
a-a-s-a a arsf-Msa avwM a MM aarswa a vhhb a antra JMMS)
Sale of Indian Lands
Bayfield Peninsular Fruit District
On Tuesday, November 25, 1913, the Depart
ment of the Interior, United States Indian Service,
will offer to the highest bidder, some choice tracts
of Indian land.
This land is located in the Bayfield fruit district,
and upon application to John W. Dady, Superin
tendent and Special Disbursing Agent, Red Cliff
Indian Agency, Bayfield, Wis., blue print showing
location of tracts may be obtained. Letters should
be marked, "Information, Red Cliff Lands."
Conveniently reached by the
C. St. P. M. & O. Ry
B. C. Buchannan,
Agout, Dakota City, Nob.
-M-H-. . .4,.- -H--K
f Immune Boars
Duroc Jersey Immune Boars
would you
Celery at
Market j
Dakota City, Neb.
G. H.
MacRAE, Q. P. A.
St. Paul, Minn.
-. t 1 1 1 1 1 1 --M"f j
WE have 15 good big t
heavy1 boned spring
boars and one yearling.
Thase boars have been f
vaccinated and we will 4
guarantee them against t
cholera. t
Price $25 for next 30 J
days. -
hubbard, Nebraska X
irf aat - 1
Iowa Homestead 1 25