Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 06, 1913, Image 4

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Dakota County Herald
shdaiption Price. 11.00 Per Year.
A. weetcly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission haa been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mail aa second-class matter.
Telephone No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
I Items of I nterest
I from our Exchanges
Nowcastle Times : Mrs Fred Cor
nell and two children vent to South
Bionx City Saturday for a week's visit
with relatives.
Bionx City Journal, 2nd : John F
Richmond, formerly a park policeman,
naa returned to Blour City after niak
ing his home for averal years in Call
Wakefield Items in Wajno Demo
crat: ' Mrs 0 W Long wont to Dakota
City Monday to seo hor daughter, Mn
Dean Cornell, who is suffering from n
severe attaok of asthma.
Allen News: Mr and Mrs Geo A
A Nordyko were up from Sioux City
ovor Sunday visiting relatives .... Mrs
Martin Boacom, residing aontboast of
Waterbury. returnod home last Thurs
day night from a two weeks' stay in
the hospital in Sioux City.
Sioux City Journal, 81: C S Holl
man, owner of the reoently completed
Hollman hall, 312-317 West Seventh
atreet, last night douied tho report that
the hall was to be used as a moving
picture theater.. It has been fitted up
as a danoe hall and meeting place for
smaller lodges, he deolared.
Wynofc Tribune: Mrs Jack Mo
Quirk visited with friends in Sioux
City the latter part of last week
Mr, and Mrs Frank Thomas and child
ren and Millard Weiger drove to Ho
mer Sunday to visit Mrs ThomaB' sis
ter near that place. Mr Weiger had
HM bnsluess at Homer and Sioux
City, arriving home by train.
Madison, Neb, Special in Sioux City
Journal, 31st: Allen & Dowling, of
this City, and M D Tyler, of Norfolk,
as attorneys for Henry W O'Neill and
Cornelius K Heffernan, of Jackson,
Neb, have taken the Dakota oonnty
ditch case to the Supreme court of the
United State on a writ of error. The
neeeasary papers were filed and ap
proved and the appeal allowed by the
, supreme court of the state, from
whose judgment, it was taken, on Sat
urday, October 25. Several knotty
eoaetitutkmal questions are" involved
ia tha ease.
Samson Enterprise: Mt and Mrs
George Wallway spent Sunday in
Bionx City..,. Harry Oovell, the as
aietant manager of Edwards & Brad
ford at Naoora, attended ohuroh here
atday....Mr and Mrs W Y Mo
Laugnliu are enjoying a visit from
their Krandohildran. Beth ami Morrill
Kroeeenrot SouUfSibux Cltjr, . . .Mem-
era 01 tue Allen iuu Jb , consisting
of Brothers Waddell, Combs, Peter
boh, Hale and Whitford attendod a
meeting of the Odd Fellows at this
place last Friday They came over in
an automobile.... Mr and Mrs Frank
Totaas, of Obert, and Mr and Mra
Fred Kipper, Homer, drove over from
iuu iner piece in , mt iwipper s oar
early Bunday and spent tho day at the
nose 01 Mr ana Mra Henry Wallway.
nipper ana Mrs vrauway are
Bionx City Tribune, 1st: -Born in
Hubbard, Neb, Wednesday, October
89, 1918, to Mr and Mra J B Waters,
a daughter. Mra Waters waa former
ly Miss Mary Matthews, of Sioux City.
..til A Evana arrived in Sioux City
today after a trip through the British
ulee,.jKurope and Egypt. His brother,
Ward B Xvans. who aoaoDanled him
through the isles and France, returned
n nuay. xney left in the spring and
Went to London, where Ward Evans
spent most of his time studying En
glish law, and court procedure and at
tending sessions of parliament. H A
fevanB traveled through Egypt, Pales
tine and Italy and then joined his
brother in1 London. , Together they
juurmen mrougu 1'rauoo, ward re
- turned to London and Mr Evans visit
ed Switzerland, Germany, Holland,
Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Be
fore returning to America, Messrs
Avails spent some timo also in Scot
land and Ireland.
Pierre. S D. Capital-Journal : Ar.
tides of incorporation were filed today
for the Niobrara Water Power Bail
way company, with a capital stock of
iu,uvu,uuu. The arttoles make Pierre
the head office, with branch offices
I TrasJ Men K Mmm Bees er Dste 8kn.
w4ia T BOMB
Writs to
B1S1 SMiBAal MMM AA j u.
MfffaB tfMlaM aa4 Metal
MP-iMysAtiMftftto u" leg o-the disappearance of the oon
rianMMniaVT.MitaMA.iLi. kaeior.
' Um A MMi H Mem
at whioh any business may bo conduct
ed, at Yankton, Sioux City and Oma
ha, The incorporators are Charles W
Baker, Omaha, Neb; 0 8 Christian,
Madison, Neb; Herman P Bnrnbam,
Leigh, Neb; Peter Mangold, Benning
ton, Neb; Olenn W Martens, Pierre.
The company proposes to dovelop
power from tho Niobrara river, and
construct a railway line to operate ia
Yankton county tbis state, and tho
counties of Holt, Knox, Cedar, Dixon,
Thurston, Burt, Cuming, Stanton,
Antolopo, Pierce, Madison, Colfax,
Dodge, Washington and Douglas, in
Nebraska. They will reaoh into Iowa
at Sioux City. Tho company proposes
to construct a bridge across tuo Mis
souri river at Yankton.
Walthill Times: Mrs N It Tharp,
of Homer, was in Walthill between
trains .yesterday, visiting Mrs K F
Krippendorf and Mrs E J Armstrong.
....Dr Smith was down from Homer
Wondesday afternoon to sen hor nieco,
Mabol Beam, who is suffering from an
attack of pneumonia... .Mabel Beam
is ill with pneumonia in the hospital
and is regarded in a serious condition.
She is being given the best of care
and skillful attention and it is hoped
that sho will soon shew indications of
mastery of the disease.... Last Mon
day evening the Masonio lodge enter
tained a number of visiting brothern
from out of town at a special commu
nication called for conferring the en
tered apprentice degree. The candi
date was Mr 0 0 Frum, who lives be
tween Winnebago and Homer. In
view of his acquaintance in the county
north of here the officers of Oraacli
lodge at Dakota City were extended
an invitation to como and confer the
degree. Several automobile loads ar
rived in the evening from Dakota
City, Homer, Winnebago and Bosalie,
After the lodge was opened the chairs
were surrendered to the visiting team
who put on the work of the evening
with impressive spirit and delightful
aoouraoy nnder the direction of the
Master, Mr Harry Adair. At the close
of tho session refreshments were serv
ed in the ball. The visiting bretbern
were, Dakota City : B E Evans, H H
Adair, John H Beam, Walter Cheney,
Geo Wilkins, Geo W MoBeath, D G
Evans, F H Forrest, Sidney T Frum,
W L Boss, H D Wood, Geo C Orr.
Homer: Geo R "Rockwell, Jaa Alia
way, jr, E L Boss, W F Winch. Win
nebago: O E Buokley, Geo W Zapp,
AM Smith, Bosalie: G W Holtz,
John E Elliot, Theodore Johnson, -
Body of Man Found
in River Sunday
M B Graybill, a farmer living about
a mile and a half southwest of this
place, discovered the body of man
lying in the shallow water of tho river
east of his place Sunday afternoon.
Coroner Munger of Homervwas notified
and the body taken to that plaoe where
an inquest was held Monday after
noon, " '
The body was that of a Sioux City
oontraoor and the following account of
his disappearance and finding Hraa giv
en in Monday's Journal:
A badly decomposed body that has
been nearly positively identified as that
of W J Eiohelberg, tho Bionx City
contractor who disappeared from his
home August 20 and who was last seen
September 1, yesterday afternoon was
found in shallow watei on the bank of
the Missouri river about four miles be
low Dakota City, Neb.
Tho body waa found by M B Gray
bill, a farmer, whose land adjoins the
river. It was in water three feet deep,
Although the features are unreoogni
able, measurements taken from Eioh
elberg's description and the clothes
make the identification positive, ac
cording to the police, of the missing
The olasp on a watoh chain found
on the body waa identified by Mrs L L
Tilden, 007 Virginia , atreet, where
Elohelborg roomed, aa the one worn
by him when he left the house on
August 20. A. watoh waa attached to
the chain and had stopped running at
5:25o'olook, The belt, trousers and
shoes on the body also tally to the
most minute detail with thoie of Eioh
elberg, the police averred. Near the
body Jay $3:46 in silver. The body
waB costless. When Eiohelberg left
the rooming house on August 20 he did
not wear a coat and also waa said to
be without one when last seen.
Fred Eiohelberg, of Hodriok, Ia,
father of the contractor, had not boon
looated late last night. He was noti
fied after Oapt Oscar Btidwell and
Officer Wiauand had roturued from
viewing the body. Ho is expeoted to
arrive in Sioux City today, Mr Eioh
elborg offorcd a $100 reward for the
finding of his son, dead or alive.
Coroner J F Munger, of Dakota
county, took charge of tho body. He
and Sheriff Frank Mahon, of Dakota
county, came to Sioux City last night
and instructed tho Weiss & Samuels
undertakiog establishment t6 remove
the "body from the water. ,It will be
taken to Homer, Neb, where an in
quest will be held at 3 o'olook tbis
The finding of the body dears up
one of the most battling disappearan
ces of several years in the polioo de
partment. Eiohelberg, reputed well
to do and prominent as a contractor,
dropped out-of stout on laber tlav.
Despite police efforts in dragging tho
river and working on every plauseble
theory, not a single traoe of Eiohel
berg could be obtained. The father
advertised in the newspapers, and cir
culars were sent out in an effort to
find a clue to his whereabouts.
With the finding; of the bodv tha no.
lie are confident that Eiohelberg com
mitted self destruction. He had at
tempted to take his own life three
times in Sioux Citv. Eiohelberar had
no relatives here. He lived, at the
home of L L Tilden, a bookkeeper for
the Sioux City Casket company, who
also disappeared from Ida linmo aari
laat Saturday and his not been seen
At the time of Tilden'a diiarmear-
anee the police were lnollned to com
pare the two cases. Mrs Tilden, sine
the findiog of the body identified aa
Mat of Kiobelbenr, has scoff ad at the
liieorytbat ker husband's denartlnv
llffAnlw Am lila Iimbma 1..J .. 1
The noliee believe that Eieltelberff
jumped into the Missouri river some
where in tha vicinity of Sioux City.
The body found yesterday lay iu water
in a pocket near the bank. The our
rent of the river could easily have car
ried it from the Iowa side at Sioux
City to where it was found, the police'
In teoont years sovoral bodies of
persons who woro drowned in the river
even farthor up than Sioux City havo
washed to shore there, aocording to
Coronor Munger, Tho body, Coroner
Munger asserted, may hove been at
the bottom of tho river, suagged, un
til it was freed by the current or a
passing boat.
Sioux City Journal, 4th; The body
found in tho Missouri river Sunday be
low Dakota City, Neb, yesterday aftor
noon at a coroner's inquest at Homer,
Neb. was Dositlvalr idnntiflnd iv nr.
eral witnesses as that of J W Eiohel
berg, the Sioux City contractor who
disappeared from his homo August 20,
and who was laat nnnn Hnntomlioi- 1.
Mrs LL Tilden, C07 Virginia street,
Sioux Oitj, at whose homo Eiohelberg
roomed, examined the body a mo
ment and thnn said tlmrn waa nlian.
iutely no doubt as to the identification.
Auuongu mo uoay when round was
badlv decomposed, Mrs Tilden testi
fied before the coroner's inrv that aha
could tell it from several gold teeth
that tho contractor had. Mra Tililnn
also testified that she was sure about
the clothing and watch chain and
clap. Testimony was given by, Mr
and Mrs M B Graybill, Officer Wia
nand, of the Sioux City police de
partment, who viewed tho bodv before
it was taken from the river. Sheriff
Frank Mahon. of Daknta xnnnfv. nil
John Mahon, his brother. The Gray
bill farm adjoins the river where the
body was found, The oase wiil not go
to the jury Impaneled by Coroner J E
Mnncrnr until tmttmnnv Ima li.on t.
ken from Fred Eiohelberir. the father
of the contractor. Mr Eiahelberff.
whoBchomo is at Hedriak. Ia. ia' pt.
peotod to arrive in Sioux City tbis
morning. Coroner Munger asserted
last night that he was absolutely sure
me uouj round ip tho river is that of
Eiohelborg. The remainder of the in-
QUest Will be held at R n'nlnnk thia
afternoon. The ooroner's jurv is com
posed of George Thacker, S W Mo
Kinley, V McKinley, Carl Burcombe,
crana uinara ana y m Learner,
Sioux City Journal, 5th: "Thai
tho body found in the Missouri river
below Dakota City 8unday was that
or w n JMoueiuerg, but that he came
to his death from causes unknown to
the illr." Thla waa Ilia Vonlint r.
ooroner's jury returned Vesterdav at
iuu tuques uxor tue uoay taken irom
the Missouri river Sunday afternoon
.i i m. - ... .-. . .
in shallow water at the edge of the
Graybill farm that adjoins the river.
The inquest was held at Homer, Neb.
The jury was composed of Frank
Millard, S W McKinley, V McKinley,
George Thacker, Carl Burcombe and
W M Learner. On Monday afternoon
cue principal part of the inquest was
held, several witnesses giving testimo
ny that conclusively proved the body
to be that of Eiohelberg. Eiohelberg,
a Sioux City contractor, disappeared
from his home August 20 and was
last seen on Labor day. The only
witness ycaterday was B II Stout, who
had known Eiohelborg for twenty
years. Mr Stout testified that ho was
positive the body was that of the con
tractor. Fred Eiohelberg, of Hed
riok, Ia, the father, wa represented
at the inqucat by J F Shoup, a Bionx
City attorney. Mr Eiohelberg did
not arrive in Sioux City until last
night, having missed train connections
tho previous day. He is heartbroken
over his son's disappearance and tho
subsequent finding of the body. The
bodv last nioht waa lirnnoht. in Rmnr
City from Homer and was taken to the
weisz oamueiB undertaking estab
lishment. It Probablv will Via tahnn
to Hedriok, the old hoaie, some tlmo
today. Jb'uneral aervioea and bnrial
will be at Hedriok.
Grandma Thornton returned last
week from her visit with her daughter,
Mrs W Evans, at Emerson.
Christine Book spent Sunday with
her sister Laura. ,
Hnskors supplies of all kinds at O
Andorson Go's.
Mrs Joo Leedoni and Mamie 'and
Mabel Olausson wore Siaux City and
Dakota OitV Dasaonirnra frnm linrn
Tuesday .
William Houeatein spent Sunday at
mu neiB Anuersen nome.
Herman Benzo visited relatives the
past week at Carroll and other points
in iowa. '
Broom corn may bo high priced but
WO Can Still Bell TOU two rnttHncr onnil
brooms for only 45c. O Anderson Co.
Helen Long rolurueJ lust 'vreok from
a two months' vialt at tlm linnin nt i.n
brother in Colorado.
Mrs Tom Hartnett, of Jackson, vis
ited at tho home of hor sister, Mrs
Miko Farroll, the first of the week.
A babv sirl oame to make lf Imm.
at tho Peter Johnson home, Sunday,
November 2nd. x
Wo have the most oomnletn linn nt
the celebrated Heinz nanned onmia fa
Thanksgiving trade, such as plokles.
soup, spaghetti, catsup and many
other kinds, all dainty and palateable.
v Auueraon uo.
Peter Andersen and family Sunday
ed at the Mads Knudsen home.
William Messersmith waa in Hub
bard Tuesday,
Mrs H Nelson and MrsC M Rasmus
son visited Friday at the Kund Baa
musson home uoor Waterbury,
Onr shoe stock is at its best, and
we can fit auy member of the family
in their needs for shoes. O Ander.
son Co.
Mr and Mra Sam Laraan rlnlia,!
Thursday of last week at tho Mads
Nelsen home,
Martha and Alfred Smith entertain
ed a larse number of vounsr folks Him.
Herman Benze waa down o tha nit
oa busineaa Monday.
Overshoes the famous Ball Band,
in all alien at O Anderson Go's.
John Knudsen returned Monday
If you were to Purchase a Family Burial Plot, would you
give the following points consideration?
Is the location one that is suitable for all time, or would it be impaired by the
dense population of future years? . v ,
; . Is the location one whose natural resources would tend toward the beautiful Jf '
without the heavy increased expense of maintenance? v " -j
Is the "PERPETUAL CARE" Fund sufficient and so safe-guarded that its future
uses will not have dependance upon individual integrity?
; " Inkn guaranteeing of "Perpetual Care" does this fall upon the individual as a
' ? ' member of the Corporation, or is the guarantee backed by sufficient valuable
real estate and he assume none of the obligations attendant?
"5 . . These questions and many others may come to you some time; why not in-
vestigate conditions now and avoid future complications that might arise?
' We ask that you visit Logan Park and see nature in all itR hMntv Vrti. ;il
V i
t , then comprehend its future possibilities as one of the finest Burial Parks in the
' ( West. We have Free Auto Service Sunday afternoon from 2 to 6, week days '
. by appointment. v
; Logan Park Cemetery
Office Phones--
:::::::::::!Z Office Suit 322 Davidson Bldg.,
Cemetery Phones !
:::::;:::Z . SIOUX CITY, IOWA
from his three months' trip to Den
mark. John says no woman has got
any strings on him yet. Good for
you John.
William Harty was in Nucora Tues
day. Eugene Beaty, of Blair, and Com
missioner Tom Long were ont on the
road toward Emerson, Monday, in
specting bridges.
Fat Duggan and wife antoed to Sioux
City Monday.
Bedding of all kinds bluuketa in
wool and cotton, comforters in the best
makos, at C Anderson Co's.
Joseph Christonsen came home Fri
day and remained oyer Sunday.
Fred Bartels was in Sioux City, via
Dakota City, last week.
Mr and Mra Louis Larsen and child
ren and Hana Andersen ate Sunday
dinner at the Mada Hansen home.
A full line of wool hosiery at prices
that oannot be duplioated, O Ander
son Co.
Miss Mary Jensen visited last week
at the home of her brother, P Jensen.
Mrs Henry Hansen spent Monday at
the home of her daughter, Mrs Mor
tensen. Mra J N Johnsen and two daughters
have been Buffering from a severe cold
tho paat week. N
It you want a good washing ma
chine, aee onr "At Last" machine. It
does the work and does it easy. O
Anderson Co.
Mrs Dan Hartnett and daughter
were city passengers Monday.
Guy Weir's sale oame off Monday.
Everything sold for its full value,
allright. Mr Weir will be the barber
here and will move his family soon,
ocoupying the Duggan & Heffernan
house in tho north part of town.
It is getting to be time for heavy
underwear, and we have u most com
plete line of all weights, makes and
prioes. O Anderson Co,
Tho now warero'om and garage in
Mo rtar of D O Ecffcrnan'o store burn
ed to the ground Thursday night of
last week and was a total loss, as no
insurance waa carried on the building
by Mr Heffernan. A ,buoket brigado
saved the adjoining buildings.
Wo want to buy your butter, eggs
aud cream. We pay tho highest mar
ket piece. O Andorson Go.
Sunday sohool at 0:45 o'olook a m,
Public worahip every 2nd and 4th Sun
day of eaoh month at 10:80 a ni, in the
Lutheran ohuroh. The oateobetioal
class meets every Wednesday at 0:80
a m, aud every 2nd and 4th Sunday
at the same hour.
Claude Penry haa gone to Oanistota,
S D, to work in a restaurant.
Frank Kinkaid waa a passenger to
Dakota City Saturday eveuing.
Mrs Florence Nixon, of Lyons, was
a visitor hsre with relatives last week,
new garage is being put in the
old saloon building by some Minneso
ta parties.
Bev E E Hoaman, of Norfolk, held
quarterly meeting here in tho M E
ohuroh Bunday.
L E Ford, of Stanford. Neb. who
reoently purchased the Roapp drug
store, has arrived here and taken pos
session of the same.
The tenth annual convention of the
Dakota County Bunday Sohool Asso
ciation will be held November 17 and
18, 1918, to the Hoaaer M E ohuroh.
Bev L B Keekler, pastor.
Perpetual Care
- - - -
Pliof KeepllieBabiesWuDi
tolSi' mylllwMhy
There is no other base burner like THE FIRST CLASS FAVORITE
with TRIPLE EXPOSED FLUES, because the features that make it such
a wonderful heating stove, so economical in the use of fuel, are patented.
Don t put off the buying of your stove
until the cold days come. Drop into
our store any day, and we will be glad
to show you this beautiful Base Burner.
Tf ia q Pnl TPotT-.v.i'frt
w m . xvtcu r.avuntc.
of them sold than of any other base
burner made, and we guarantee it to
be the best made.
It's UlcA ftnonmfr a Vmnlr ar
Ultr count to buy
.burner, because it saves you
money every day it is in use, and
brings such comfort and satis
faction, too.
Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co. gftiHX
Coroner Munger was called to tho
Graybill farm south of Dakota City
Sunday to take charge of a floater
found in the river near that plaoe.
The body was identified by Sioux City
parties as a man by tho name of W J
Eiohelberg, who disappeared there
Beptember 8d.
Mr and Mrs L E Priest took their
daughter Mabel Priest, to a sanita
rium at Beatrice, Neb, last Friday,
She has beeu incompetent and fceblo
minded since childhoo, and it wob
hoped that treatment nt this institu
tion might help hor. Uoo Wilkius,
county clerk, aocompauiad. them on
the trip.
Many children get sick and die every
winter because of some poor heating
appliance in the home.
Come and see us and we will show
you a Base Burner that will not only
keep the children warm, healthy aiid"
happy,- but will save one half on
your fuel bills.
TU, . vjaaHMihsl Yot
xiicie are mure iasfMass Rcaaoi
a Favorite Base
Immune Boars
Duroc Jersey Immune Boars
W , ----.LaaBl
mrindths f
idimbawismmmima ii-jUfivs ij
MsIb III It '
r35 T
tyrsfliptTflBawgpBwaBx i
WE have 15 good big t
heavy boned spring
boars and one yearling.
Thase boars have been
vaccinated and we will i
guarantee them against t
cholera. I
Price $25 for next 30
hubbard, Nebraska I
y .