Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 30, 1913, Image 7

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A ',
4 isa ijy ' '"
But Lydia E.Pinkham' Veg
etable Compound Restored
Mrs. LeClears Health
Her Own Statement.
Detroit, Mich. "I am glad to dis
cover a remedy that reliovcs mo from
my suffering ana
pains, tor two years
I suffered bearing
down pains and got
all run down. I was
under a norvoua
strain and could not
sleep at night I
went to doctors hero
in the city but they
did not do mo any
"Seeine Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound adver
tised, I tried it My health improved
wonderfully and I am now quite well
gain, "-fo woman suffering from fe
male ills will regret it if she- takes this
medicine." Mrs. James G. LeCleae.
236 Hunt St, Detroit Mich.
Another Case.
Philadelphia, Pa. "Lydia E. Pink
tarn's Vegetable Compound is all you
claim it to be. About two or three
days before my periods I would get bad
backaches, then pains in right and left
fides, and my head would acho. I colled
the doctor and he said I had organic in
flammation. I went to him for a while but
iid not get well so I took Lydia E.Pink
lam's Vegetable Compound. After tak
ing two bottles I was relieved and finally
my troubles left me. I married and
cave two little girls. I havo had no re
turn of the old troubles." Mrs. CHAB.
BOELL, 2650 S. Chadwick St, Phils.,Ps.
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They an
vruiai,narsn, unnecessary, irb
Purely vegetable. Act
Centiy on the liver.
eliminate one, ana
soothe the delicate.
fnembrane of the.
Dowel, cure.
Irk Head.
ache and Indigestion, it millions know.
Genuine must bear Signature
Why Bennle Reasoned He Had Just
Come In Time to Save the
Baby Brother.
Five-year-old Bennle, who, since the
arrival of his baby brother three days
before, had been on tip-too for a sight
. of him, was at last admitted to the
As ho entered the dim room, he
saw behind a screen tho pink body ly
ing on the lap of the white-capped
nurse, who, having just given It a
bath, was shaking powder over it
from a perforated box.
At the sight a look of horror over
spread tho chubby face of Bennle.
Toddling to his mother's bedside, he
whispered In awed tones:
"Dot up, muvver, quick! Nurse Is
, jgoln' to eat little bruvver; she's put
'tln 'the salt on him now!" Now
York Evening Post.
Advice to Lovers.
Someono has given the following
advice to bashful young men who wish
to propose to their sweethearts: First
select your night, then when you aro
seated In her parlor, you on ono side
of the room and she on the other, just'
hitch your chair toward her and she
will hitch toward you until you cau
not get any hltcher. Then slip your
arm round her waist and say, "Wilt
thou," and she wilt every time.
"Tnero Is ono sure law of retribu
tion." "What is that?"
"That crooked men generally end by
finding themselves In straightened cir
cumstances." Housework Is a Burden
It's hard enough to keep house if in
perfect health, but a woman who ia
weak, tired and suffering from an aching
back has a heavy burden.
Any woman in this condition has good
cause to suspect kidney trouble, especial
ly if the kidney action seems disordered.
Doan's Kidney Pills have cured thou
sands of suffering women. It's the best
recommended special kidney remedy.
Mrs. N. I Ferguson,
08 U. Fotmb St., Ana
conda, Mont., says i "I
Dan a constant pain
across my back ttiat
broke my rest at night
l relt worn oat In tbo
morning and bad to walk
around all bent over.
If I did any stoop
ing or lifting, it
made me worse. I
took different kid
ney remedies and
tried plasters, but
nothlnir haloed me
until I osed Does' Kidney Pills. Tney reUeyed
me rlgbt away and three boxes cored me."
Cat Doan's at Any Store, SOe a Bos
farm In IUo Grande Valley, Donna, Tex.tposltlTely
a bargain. CorriJi,BUUll,iul,Tex.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest"
T.lve Stock Commission Merchants at
WCUXOITr. Ohioaao or Manama aitj)
VflSuSll.-!"" i'!! -'' !
Satf SsaW'l "
Mphw esSSal "'
IWtek VBbbVi'I
WW- Jf jr
bYSBBBM r a. nrcmr
.asnaawr?aW aVJITTI r
aYawanjarai m pills.
BeryPfc- H
turs TelU a aTaMrW
Btorv." VatVU
(!NbbwAwIb A
SYtJs r Ml
fff'k '' A Gvll
Mrs. Merrlwld's maternal maiden
Aunt Jane woro hor real roBe coral
necklace, a pink waist and a myste
rious smile, the latter adornment be
ing assumed when Mrs. Merrlwid ex
pressed her admiration of the general
"The rate at which you're improv
ing makes my head swim," declared
Mrs. Merrlwid. "You'll be tottering
around In a hobble the next thing 1
"I don't think that you need (eel any
anxiety on that score, my dear snld
Aunt Jane. "I have always been
brought up to consider the petticoat
an Indispensable adjunct of feminine
attire, and bloomers as an infringe
ment on that appertaining to the oth
er sex." '
"Dear me!" remarked Mrs. Merrl
wid. "Mr. Chubb will be here this after
noon, Melissa," observed Aunt Jane
in a casual manner, as she shitted her
embroidery hoops.
Mrs. Merrlwid opened her eyes wide
and became alarmingly rigid. "Here
this afternoon!" she exclaimed.
"Why, I told him distinctly that I was
going to the matinee. I told you that
I had reasons for staying at home,
dearie. Surely you remember. When
did he tell you he was coming?"
Aunt Jane's face approximated the
color of the coral necklace. "He tele
phoned about an hour ago," she re-
Aunt Jane Wore Her Coral Necklace,
plied. "I didn't want to disturb you
about It so I said you would be very
glad to see him. I thought you liked
him, Melissa,"
"I'm crazy about him," said Mrs.
Merrlwid, dryly. "I think he's the
sweetest thing that over brUshod
three strands of hair across a bald
spot; still, I'm afraid he'll be disap
pointed If he expects to see me this
afternoon. Mo for tho Impenetrable
recesses of tho tangled woods. I'll
let you consolo him for my absence,
dearie, and you can blame yourself,"
Aunt Jane's eyes lo3t tholr usually
mild expression and she Jabbed her
needle into her work with somo
vlclousness. "Thank you, my dear,"
sho said. "At the same time . don't
regard the society of a well-informed
and gentlemanly man as an Infliction,
however you may feel about It, and I
may add, my love, that It seems to mo
unladylike to make personal remarks.
Even if Mr. Chubb were bald which
he Is not it would be no reflection
on him."
"I dldnt say it was shiny enough to
reflect," said Mrs. Merrlwid.
"And intellectual men nearly always
have a tendency to baldness," pursued
Aunt Jane. "There was Julius Caesar,
and and Mr. Rockefeller."
"They're generally smooth people
on top," admitted Mrs. Merrlwid.
"You talk nonsense," snapped Aunt
Jane. "If being bald Is a crime it's
strange that they havo to keep bar
bers in prisons to cut the convicts'
hair. You ought to get a Skye terrier
If you're so fond of things that look
like door-mats. I suppose that's what
you find so attractive In Mr. Victor."
"I wonder if that is it," said Mrs.
Merrlwid, dreamily, "or whether It's
because Mr. Victor hasn't dimpled
knees? Honest, Auntie, dear, don't
you think dimpled knees on a male
person over seven havo a tendency to
destroy the spirit of romance?"
"Melissa," said Aunt Jano with
spirit, "if you talk like that I shall
leave tho room."
"Please excuse me, dearie," begged
Mrs. Merrlwid. "I wouldn't say any
thing to embarrass you for worlds, In
tentionally. But you know, Auntlo,
that nobody lovos a fat man."
"Ho's not fat," said Aunt Jane.
"He Isn't a dissipated person, I should
imagine, and consequently he hasn't
been reduced to skin and bones like,
somo gentlemen I could name. He
may bo inclined to portliness, but that
only proves that ho has a good appe
tite and sleeps well. I like to see a
man comfortably stout."
"You've got a treat In store for this
afternoon, then," remarked Mrs. Mer
rlwid. "Stout peoplo have their .feelings,"
said Aunt Jano. '
"Still, I'm afraid that I can never
u.n to love him," Mrs. Merrlwid
Suitors of
jgl jft
c.r TT A T
perslsted. "It isn't only that I acho
to push him over with my flngor to
Bee If ho won't roll right side up
again; it's not merely the fact that
ho wears those double thick convox
spectacles that glvo him a somewhat
pop-eyed effect of looking Into my
strictly private soul, and I could over
look his regular habits and htB sldo
whiskers; poor dear Henry Merrlwid
had both side whiskers "and regular
habits. ""What keeps mo from biding
my bftishlng face In his shirt bosom
and murmuring a bashful consent Is
hln delusion that he has a rather nifty
tenor voice."
Aunt Jano looked at her niece queer
ly. "There's something else, Isn't
there, my dear?" she asked.
"I haven't given the matter a great
deal of thought," replied Mrs. Merrl
wid serenely. "There might be, of
"It occurs to me, my love, that his
not asking you might bo a considera
tion," suggested Aunt Jano, In a shaky
voice. "You might find the further
fact that he has no Idea of asking you
something In tho nature of an Insuper
able bar. You Bee, Melissa, dear, it Is
highly probable that you have mjs
nnnotrnofl th mtmrwn nt Mr. flhtihh'H
rather frequent visits here, and that I
however attractive you may be to
somo gentlemen, there are other gen
tlemen who who who-oo-oo "
Aunt Jane, snatched the little lace
handkerchief from her belt, pressed It
to her eyes and started for the door,
her shoulders shaking with emotion.
a Pink Walct and a Mysterious Smile.
but before her hand could touch tho
knob her nleco had her In an embrace
from which there was no escape.
"Auntlo!" cried Mrs. Merrlwid.
"Look a me! You don't mean to tell
mo that Oh, you dear thing! Auntie,
If I had had tho faintest idea In the
world that You know I didn't mean
anything by what I said, and I think
he's a darlins nhd a3 swoet and lov
able as ho can bo. Dearie, please!
Here, I'm going to shako you. Tell
mo. has he actually proposed?"
Aunt Jane giggled a llttlo hystorlo
uuuq bi⁣u u uiuu iij'atuiiu-
ally. "He ho has Intimated that ho
will this afternoon," sho stammered.
"Heaven forgive you, you've broken
my heart!" Mrs. Merrlwid laughed
delightedly. "You perfidious things!
Hero I've been thinking all along that
I had a chance, and now Oh, Auntie,
Auntie! Now you can run along and
bathe your oyes and pretty up and
I'll "be out of the house inside of ten
minutes." '
"You you're sure you don't mind,
Melissa?" said Aunt Jane, anxiously.
Mrs. Merrlwid kissed her fervently
and reassuringly and then, taking her
by tho shoulders, turned her out of
the room and apostrophized the elec
trolier. '
"Well, wouldn't that agitate you?"
she said.
(Copyright, 1913, by W. G. Chapman.)
$1,000,000 for Emperor's Jubilee,
It is a very 111 wind that blows no
body any Rood, and tho kaiser's jubi
lee year will bring many blessings
in Us train. His majesty has declin
ed all gifts for his own person, but has
declared he will gratefully acknowl
edge anything In the cause of charity.
German's old soldiers will, happily,
reap special benefit, the city of Leip
zig alone giving $125,000, and Chem
nitz, Nuremberg, Augsburg and other
towns sums of 25,000 and upward for
that good cause, whllo tho Province
of Posen Is building a veterans' home.
Berlin gives tho ground and upkeep
of a homo for invalided artlsansrand
Charlottenburg's donation of $75,000
will be divided between the veterans
and a consumption hospital. Free li
braries and hospitals are being lib
erally subscribed for In many parts,
and children of tho working classes
will have a good deal dono for them.
Tho sum to be expended has reached
$1,000,000 already and does not' In
cludo many private endowments In
honor of the emperor's jubilee year.
Very Useful,
"A self-mado man Is of no particu
lar help to his fellow-men."
"Well?" '
"But a self-made woman is a per
fect mine of information about hair'
dyes and face bleaches and pads and
Not the Rosult of Eating Moro
Food man Good for Kim.
Animal Driven Hard for Long Way
and Allowed to Stand Long Enough
to Chill Will Show All' the
Characteristic Symptoms.
Most of ub are apt to think that
founder la always caused by tho
horsA eating more than is good for
him. 1 thougtht tho sa'mo thing until
a fow weeks ago.
I know now that an animal hard
driven for a long way, and 'allowed
to stand in tho open nlr long enough
to chill, has all tho characteristic
symptoms of a typical case of foun
der. Laminltls Is the namo given tho dis
ease In tho books, and tho sorenesB
and lameness comes from the violent
Inflammation that Is sot up in tho
sensitive folds of Ubsuo that aro in
terlaced with nonsenBltlve layers of
the hoof Bays a writer In tho Farm
Progress. These two kinds of layers
aro sandwiched betwoeu each other,
and when tho disturbance caused
by overeating in a heated condition,
or from a chill when tho blood Is hot
sets up, It Is communicated to tho
very sensitive tissue of tho toot.
The slight swelling that takes place
causes tue circulation or tne uiouu
through this tissue to result In con
siderable fever. Tho lamllar tlssuo be
comes very hot and painful.
Driving a horso very swiftly over n
hard road, and allowing him to chill
very quickly, 1b fairly certain to
create some such disturbance, and
when this Is marked, It Is r, good plan
to start treating tho horso at once.
As soon as tho horso shows signs of
founder, get him Into a stable and
place tho afflicted fcot In a tub of
water that Is just about as hot as the
animal can bear. This tends to ro-
duce tho Inflammation that Is al
ready present, and will provont any
Increase In the lambencss.
Keep uo this treatment tor an hour
and a half or two hours, then remove
the tub and rub the feet as dry as you
can. Put tho horse In a warm, deeply
bedded stall, and drench with a mix
ture of about a pint of raw linseed
oil, about SO grains of calomel and,
an ounco of pulverized glngor.
Follow tho hot water foot bath
treatment for three or four days in
order to make certain that the swell
ing "does not come back. If tho ani
mal does not respond to tho treat
ment got a veterinary to look him
over at once.
If tho hot water treatment Is used
quickly enough nnd strong enough It
will prevent many of the worst symp
toms. '
The sensitive tissue of the Interior
of the hoof is quite closely connected
as to nature with tho membrane of
tho intestinal tract. The sympathy be
tween the two sots of nervous centers
is very close and any disturbance in
the intestinal membrane Is apt to be
reflected in the lamllar tissue of tire
foot .
Should Be Stored In Well Ventilated
Room and Not Touch Each Other
Great Many Methods.
The seed corn ears should be stored
at once In a dry, well-ventilated place,
and in such a way that there may be
free circulation of air around each ear,
Do not allow ono car to touch another.
If thero Is not sufficient air circulation
the vitality of the corn is almost cer
tain to bo injured, either by molding,
fermenting, growing or freezing. Thero
are a great many methods of storing
tho seed corn, but in all caBes tho placo
of stoflng must bo dry. Seed corn
should never bo put Into boxes, barrels
or sacks. Fow cellars are dry enough
to store soed corn in. Tho attic, or
an empty room upstairs in tho houso
I Is n irnnrl nlnnn If It Is not too ivnrm
-- ... . i,.. '
nna C10S0 wml luo corn ,B BHU mmal'
Handy Way to Save Seed Ears.
The amount of freezing seed corn will
stand depends entirely upon Its dry
ness. If thoroughly dry and sur
rounded by dry atmosphere it "will
stand very cold weather.
It you havo ever found yourself
compelled to plant corn that was not
fit for seed, dp not bo caught that way
again. It is too discouraging to begin
tho season with poor prospects of a
good crop. Oet your seed at ripening
time when tho best quality Is most
plentiful. Got an abundanco, enough
for planting again what tho high
water may destroy and a supply
for eomo farmer who may move
Into your community or for n neighbor
who could not select his seed corn at
tho proper time. Save seed only from
tho most profitable individuals with
the samo caro you uso in propagating
your animals.
Horse and Mare Poser.
Every trado has certain methods of
proceduro which to a looker-on aro
Incomprehensible, and, therefore, ab
surd, We farmers have somo little
secrets and are ready to ohuckle up
our sleeves when our city visitor
asks, "What do you do that torV'
He catches on pretty readily as to
why 'wo chango our bull calves into
embryo steers, neutralize our inalo
Iambs or caponlze our cockrels, but,
writcB Herbert Quick In Farm Maga.
slne when he asks, "Why on earth
do you keop geldings to do your farm
work when mares would do as well,
end raise colts that I would give you
$250 to $300 for to do my dray work?"
we can only scratch our heads, whllo
be does the chuckling.
I iralllllinil
Growing Cockerels Should Be Sepa
rated From Pullets Whitewash
and Have Cleaning Up,
(D U iS. riENNlN3TOtf.)
Each duck houso should have a
doublo run so that whllo the ono Is
occupied, tho other can be sown to
rye, This will not only glvo the ducks
plenty of greon food, but this grow
ing of a crop will dlslnfect'the soil.
Tho growing cockerels should bo
separated from tho pullets, nnd tho
former given a greater allowance of
food, as thoy will heed it moro than
Whitewash tho Interior of tho
house, and havo a general cleaning up
Examine, tho roofs and tho walls of
tho buildings so that they will bo In
good condition 'when winter sets In.
Take advantago of every fine day In
making neoded repairs nnd Improve-
Indian Runner Duck.
ments, for just as sure as you allow
these matters to wait, something will
come up that will delay your work.
Prime capons sell in the Boston and
New York markets from 24 to 28
cents a pound, considerably over the
price paid for roasting stock.
Nearly all good eaters in England
and on the Continent relish ducks'
eggs even moro than hens' eggs.
Properly fed on sweet, clean grain,
greon etuff with pure water, tho'Muck
produceR eggs that aro delicious.
The Indian Runner duck lays better
eggs than tho Pekin, although tho Int.
tor Is lp better favor In tho United
States, doubtless because of Its pure
white color.
Pastry cooks In hotels and .uataur-
ants prefer duck eggs, and some per
sons who havo learned how palatable
Fine Specimens.
thoy are buy them, but thero Is a de
cided prejudice against duck eggs In
tho general market. ,
The Indian Runner Is almost as
large as the- Pekin at ten weeks, al
though tho latter is more heavily
fenthered and this gives It a larger
Runner ducks do not need water to
swim in, but should alwnys bo pro
vided with clean water for drinking;
and If this can bo running water, so
much tho bettor.
About llftcen differont breeds
'bheep are now recognized.
Dogs are cnomlcsvto sheep. Keep
a sharp lookout for Way doge.
Don't allow young horses to wear
a set of shoes more than a month,
a e e
A hog cannot sleep comfortably In a
draft or In wind. He catches cold very
Cleanliness Is a faotor In successful
shcep.ralslng. Disinfect troughs and
pens weekly,
e e e
If any of tho sheop aro lama it may
not bo a symptom of foot rot, but It's
prqtty apt to bo.
e e
A lot of hoge in a hog lot well-grown
with clover will convey a lot of money
to their owner's pocket.
e e e
Tccdlzs the drop j&pple? to th stock
will savo much grain and act as a good
nppotizer for tho animals.
e e e
When lambs are grown rapidly the
quality of tho meat Is far and away
ahead of that grown slowly.
e e e
A horse's usefulness Is measured by
its strength and rapidity of movement
rather than by slue and weight.
If a colt has not stylo enough to
naturally hold his head high, high
mangers will not make him do It
e e
If ono is obliged to feed timothy bay
a good ration of bran and oats will
help to maintain tho owes In good con
dition. e
Don't select a heavy, lazy sow for a
breeder. Sho should bo mild In dispo
sition, but possessed of sufficient en
ergy to take exercise.
e e
The pure bred hog will mature and
como Into money mora quickly than a
scrub, and bring more monoy for th
same weight, at that.
e e
To produce good mutton and a fln
quality of wool, sheep mdst havo a
good pasture. Continuous grazing on
the same panturo Is undesirable
HS4 'i-:
vu-' W3rTS&& $m&r,
u.X . as fr. V a -S ... iaV..X- .' uVi
- , " ' - .-, , ,,.,. . .
'' lj'.
flllltlt II III III I llll I III) II IIILtUafl Willi flnik
ill I (lit VlUfWH Willi ffnillllll jJHsfllBllHlllXflQIB ?
tltttv UsHlHBl'flll lUll lllltlllill vHsB!Pi9:2iSSSSSst "" """ " ""' ,"""""M !
II Wll III il K llllllllll ?lsH fiilwwQ '
HUH J&tfr 'L;
lllliTTll UlililUf H nlilliffiTTIttillUilllHC . SiSr n
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllw V TBSaHTBmJiJ.. r
M 7
I Is
Quite So.
"It's a pity wo can't got, rid of all
bad-mannered peoplo."
"Truo; but tho boro we havo always
with us."
Kri.Wlnslow'a Boothinff Syrup for Children
teething, softens tbe grams, reduces Inflamm,
Uon,llay palo.ourea wind colic J6o a boUltO
The tall cemetery Bhaft la proof
that one has left somo friend behind,
Wo aro all willing' to give freely to
charity when wo aro broke.
Pain In Back and Rhaumafism
are the daily torment of thousands. To ef
fectually euro these troubles you must re
move tho cause. Foley Kidney Pills, begin
to work for you from the first dose, and ex
ert so direct and beneficial an action ia the
kidneys and bladder that the pain and tor
ment of kidney trouble soon disappears.
IN SHO!'. No exn. or capital required. Mid
West Distributor Co., ,8, Council Uluffs.Ia.
Uookslrae. High-
erxnoas. Best results.
nonCD VV Natnrallaf Tobacco from the pateh.
UnUCn Mi WK3T KV. TOBACCO CO., KeTli, Kjr.
ansos mien euro cuno, uiio twn-ui wwi. Bu.i.uimiu w w , .
for brood mares. Acts on the blood, too und II n bottle. S and I
doxen iKittloSf UrneuIsM and harness shops. IMstrlbntors Alii' Will
balm imuoaum.
ChoiulsU and
ATf XT. -naV
$3.o o 3i5Q 4ioo
4-50 AND $B:Oo
92.00, f2.50vi4t3.0Q
scaur bvitkim nr lira
oh ana a,
I .os axoxa is tax wobjjj
Ask roar dealer to show
L.DoseUs S3.S0. S4.00 aad
X.DOBetas $3.(0, S4.00 aad
shoes. Jait as good la style,
afaVV,- A v '.TFa
VrSSLYei But
oes. 4BSI aa gooa ia style, ni ana .
wear s otter atakts to.tlag $S.OO to $7.00 tks
leathers, styles ana
If you conld tl.lt W.
earsfallr W. L. DobkIbji
would than nndarstaad nlir
better, look better, noid
man any outer ntaac isr
show yua bow to order
nvlfta nAtnA la
j.-y.i w. v.-si'a
- -WftYNiC-'W si.
OAtrno iVgfc
hm tint w.rr. aaajB
ats moniT on voltr JootWLV,
sumped on the bottom. W. I.
tousius, set
These shells cost a little
but for bird shooting: they axe
as tnere is no smoke to ninder tne second barrel. Tney sure
by far the best low priced smokeless load on the
market When you buy,
TUB? B)m
'.ar .T.ti..n
r m :ii 'S'i-ur
ButConthgyrap. TutM Owd, I'M
la tlae. Sold by Praf citts.
TTie cook is happy, the
other members of the family
arc happy appetites sharpen, things
briffhtcn up generally. And Calumet
Baking Powder is responsible for it alL
For Calumet never fails, ik
wonderful leavening qualities Insure
perfectly shortened, faultlessly raked
Cannot be compared with
other baking powders, which promis
without performing-.
Even a beginner in cooldngf
gets delightful results with this never-
falllng Calumet Baking Powder. Yow
grocer knows. AskThimr
WasM-s Par Fm EaMSsH,Cissn.B
Pto riSissHis. rrsisM, Man. Ml
Offers a cordial welcome and courteous service to all
Room witkRnaiac Water - - S1.59 peris?
Rooms with Toilet asd Rsriuh Water $2.M per slay
Reomw.tkifctkssiTs.lct - - m mM 3
$2.50, $3.00, $3.59, HM per sVf
Vr Hamas
In Um m Wstrlses.a
JsannoM, BUasssi
was aad Alberta Utee
Bonaaaaa ox ma
steads left, walea
fa I ream Usaa ifffTia
acre. These iaaas.ata
wen aaeptea w Biaas.
and cattle raletaf.
Bxcaum ainwAT mums
a many case the .railways la
nada hare been balls In e4
tance of settlement, and la a
time mere wiu not ee a
settler who need be. more Msaa
tenortwehramjlea froea a Us
of railway. Hallway Hat
Railway Hates are
uorenuueBt voaa-
Social Co&dltloas
Tbe American Settler Is ethosee.
in western vanaaa. He i a not a
stranger In a strange land; bay
ing nearly a nuiiion ox ms
people already settled then
nn datalreto know wtavlae
dttioa of the Canadian SeltlerU
rosperons write and send for
literature, rates, etc, to
J. I. SididBs), Ornw S7l,SstcrhMi, S. fc
I.A. OttBtTT. Ill JsdiM SL, St. rati, Ska.
Canadian Gorerament-Agents, or
address Superintendent of
Immla-ratlun, uttawa
-'SasSm.. 4-S?i
Shipping Fever
Influents, pink eye, epltootle, distemper, and all nose and throatdlseasoa eared, ,
and all others, no mutter now "nxpmml," sopt from hnrlng any of tseea '
dlsoaau with VoiIN'H LlUOIlniNKMrKIt GUUK. Three to aU
8pmiN MEWO t
Bacteriologists tloshen, Ind., U.S
flt and
Saaea ia all
sasees to silt rr
Ij. Doaglas large faei
shoes are saads. tob
tber are warraateJ to
tnelr skaae aad wear longer
tee price.
y maU, and why you can
ssa airM, aresstea. Baas.
M,T I ' .1
a-8 . SgSeKsVeT r , . ' . -A.-M
jm. , -WV yf'iflUxiK.S. jStSsJZ an
x Bssam vmsKKiaana. i ; : x-r-is
anal f jaaVAMlvra r fan
sbBLa-- SSaVX . I-:1SrblT-Sk A , hJ2m
I ssssssVwassv ' SB liiIBRS3e. A v 'WX
I afaTSFvSS. VaBJs. 1 K&tSaSfKBlSl ' rrn,lB
I assaW s5' VSI I aHsisVtSVl -..M
l tBVsKIir TW$&Eb, !T"rm?to
1 KbTsSfI I JgHaV'tr.MP " "?
SBVgryiyaWl aaaTKl4X'aal ' '
BeaSSBas.aBar T f aSSTllsn -1Si
BTaTeBEa JSaasWUjiBfmi - ?--iZZ
bssbbbbv' AssBBk.nsri tasi a";
ISSF' I lit rZZm&ZilS
aT-ViiriaaFt - ' , I1
Tge uatrnvrc t i' t
Powder Shells
more than black powder loads.
worth many times the difference
insist upon having: them.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 44-1H.
. Vlil ;
. a5MMDC&iTM
r i
4vA.&. A
?. N
V ,
7i -5
""T Ja
' Aivk-m