Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 02, 1913, Image 8

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ti LOUSES (that really blouse), Uke
MM nearly all the belongings of worn
a, are beet liked la filmy materials.
Cumbersome clothe are la retreat;
everything has to be soft and clingy,
and nearly everything must be sheer.
Sobm people are much scandalised at
tola liking for filmy tuffs, out In
blouses It most be conceded that such
fabrics make up Into the most refined
apparel that can be Imagined.
Voile has prored to be the most
durable of thin fabrics. It la used
'therefore In place of mull and batiste
for waists which must stand much
laundering. It is splendidly reliable.
Strong laces (Cluny and torchon, or
Irish crochet) are used In trimming
these voile waists, and, hand embroid
ery Is worth' while bn a fabric which
Sires Huch good wear.
At present the prettiest waist show
ssaall patterns In embroidery designs.
Big, coarse flower designs had a brief
rogue, bat It nerer becanM very
eral. Now sprays of small flowers,
or dots or little figures are done ia
floe careful embroidery at the front
of the waist Further decoration la
added by means of fine tucks aad
narrow Insertions of lace.
A batiste waist Is pictured here
with rtty narrow Val lace aad sprays
of small embroidered daisies furnish
ing Its decoration. The Val lace Is
not so durable aa Cluny or torchon,
bat If laundered carefully at home,
will last aa long as the batiste. Bat
iste U the daintiest of fabric for
these wash watota. Nothing else wtU
look quite so floe.
There Is nothing more elegant than
these hand-embroidered blouses. It
Is a pleasure to think that any wom
an who embroiders can provide her
self with the finest of them at Tery
little outlay, If bought, one must par
for the handwork, and this brings the
price up to an extravagant point
say from frre to fifteen dollars. With
out doubt the same waist can be
mado by the capable needlewoman
for two or three dollars. Mrs. Mil
lionaire can't have anything better,
because thero Isn't, any thing more ele
gant or more dainty than a well-mado
hand embroidered blouse. If one
has time to make numbers of them,
batiste Is a good cholco of material.
But for wear aad tear, voile In fine,
strong quality will stand the strain.
Bath Bags.
Make cheesecloth bag four or five
Inches square and fill with a mixture
as follows: One-fourth pound oatmeal,
two ouncos finely shared toilet soap
and two ouncos of powdered orris
root. Drop the bag Into the bathtub
Just beforo taking your bath. .Moisten
and rub the body with It, just as with
soap. The bag may b6 used sererali
times it dried after-each Using.
Kid Qloves Easily Cleaned.
Saturate a handkerchief in gasoline
aad shake dry; rub this over the
soiled gtoros, and see If they are not
cleaned aa easily as when dipped. Kid
retains a disagreeable odor when
dipped In gasoline, and this process Is
usually sufficient to do the work properly.
Series Probably Be Inaugurated
in Chicago in Ootober.
Sashes for the One-Piece Cloth Gowns
a""1 ' """" """SBSBWSSMMaB awawaBwaawawa earn mmmmmmsM aBBfM BssiBBBBBBBeaBBiianaBaBaaeHaBjBaw
ssHaVMsvasHV .' bSBBb3BSBBBjlSBbV I
FT TJi wbaFsMebMsMJ
jHilsMiv t WWWWUm
fcl;i,'''7Jyo yj aaT'wrsalSMaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaH bbSSS
lrat! ft BaSSSSjBaWawewBBBBjpj SSSSS1
JaManSjfcy '" y I SSBBSSBa bbbSSBS
i" Kraajaajaajgm BbbbbbbbbSj
i iHHIB bbbbbbbYJbbbbbbbi bbbbbbbbbB
'BnfSt rBBBvis
eclat Train to Coast to Be Dice
rated With Flags of All Nations to
Be Visited Japan First For
eign Country.
The world circling series between
the Chicago White Sox and the New
York OianU will be Inaugurated with
a contest at Cincinnati on October 18.
After the game the tourists will board
their train, which will bo deoorated
with the flags of all the nations to be
rlslted. A band of music will accom
pany the party as far as the Paciflo
coast to enllren the trip and furnish
entertainment before the games to
be played on the way wast.
An entire month will bo spent In
reaching Vancouver, from which place
the party is booked to sail on Novem
ber 10. On the way to the coast the
teams will play games" in the middle
south and southwest, and will enter
California by way of Los Angeles.
Games are to be played in that city and
In San Francisco, Sacramento, Port
land, Tncoma, Seattle and Vancouver
beforo boarding the steamer for
The first stopping place after quit
ting the United States will be Japan,
where the native sons already have ac
quired a great liking for and consider
able knowledge of the American pas
time. Tho tourists will continue their
trip to China, then to tho Philippine
islands, where they will be on United
States soil again.
From Manila the athletes will travel
to Australia, with games booked for
the leading cities of that great sport
ing country. More long-distance trav
eling will be In order after quitting
Australia. India, possibly Calcutta, will
draw a game, and then Cairo, Egypt,
whoro a battlo will be waged at the
foot of the Bphlnx. It this doesn't
bring the sphinx back to lite and
make him talk, his case may be con
sidered hopeless. Italian cities, Rome,
Venlco, Genoa and Florence, will next
be visited. France, Germany and Aus
tria will be visited before the Amer
icans Ieare tho continent for the Brit
ish Isles.
It Is hardly likely that any games
will be played In John Bull's back
yard. The weather at that time of the
year is too inclement for pastlmlng.
The big cities will be visited, how
ever, 1th a grand finale at Dublin be
foro departing by steamer from
Queenstown. The teams will then
hustle back to America to go Into
their respective training camps.
The players who will be selected to
make up the two teams will be pick
ed aB much for their personalities as
for their baseball skill. It is realized
that the great American game will
be on trial In all of the countries vis
ited, and it is the aim of the promo
ters to Insure sportsmanlike conduct
both on and oft the field throughout
the trip. Men who will realise and
attempt to uphold the dignity of their
nation's game will be chosen, in so far
as possible.
The National commission will select
an umpire to accompany the team and
officiate as the representative of base
ball's "supreme court" during all the
games. This will avoid the risk of giv
ing the sport a black oye in foreign
lands through disputes or controver
sies that would be almost certain to
grow out of Inexperienced umpiring.
.BsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBsssBsssssssssssssBsssLBsssBjg. K
bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssw BBBBBaHBaBBBaaDaflaBBBlBraflHBBBB
bssssssssV MBsOHlfiBaflHEaBsssssssssssHlw
m.iiJmfti iiiiii
IfgafeffB ISEBSJ'auiBUi&BBfflBBBMTOM 7 jnvl
BBtlrMBii 'rl
I -;-
J' -gftyi
The Old Companies,
ment The Old Care.
;j" Jti i
The Old Treat"
land. I represent the
-Columbia Royal, the
They the -best in all the
Hartford Phenix Continental-
really STRONG Insurance Companies.
I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours
when you sell.
Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing,
draw up Wills, Deeds, Leases, Etc. RIGHT. Very
much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well.
H. F. NoKctvcr, VihS
Successor to Ed. T. Kearney".
Insurance. Real Estate.
Conveyancing. Steamship Tickets
Ask Your Dealer to Show You
Rube Marquard of Giants.
THERE are so many different de
signs in sashes t that they hare to
be classified and named. Those de
signed to be worn with one-ptoce cloth
gowns are made ready to adjust and
are fastened with hooks and eyes.
The oae-plece cloth gown (with con
siderable lace and chiffon In tha bod
Ice) is crowding the separate blouse
and becoming at, least equally opular
for ordinary wear, But sasnes de
signed tor wear with, blouse aad skirt,
and those to bo worn with one-pleoe
gowns, differ considerably
Plaids, Roman stripes -and brocades
are favored for cloth gowns, although
there are plenty of plain lashes fin
ished with touches of plaid or bor
dered with velvet ribbon. A very
popular sash Is made of plain satin,
shaped at the ends and Mned. Hand
embroidered flowers or conventional
designs make tho handsomest finish
for these. Such washes are mado
.usually without loops. Recent de
signs show suBhea of velvet ribbon
ylth embroidered roaeB Applied to
them. Tbeso roses aro cut out from
ribbons or bonds manufactured for tho
purpose, and the roses are sowed to
the velvet with nn nppioprlale em
broidery stitch or a buttonhole Btltcb.
Short saalios of brocaded ribbons
nro liked tor cloth gowns. They are
wide and thorn is ' liking for n flat
bow aa a finish, worn nt tho front.
Dut thero is absolutely no rule aa to
how tho s&nhes and girdles, which
aro so promlhontly featured In tho
season's style, shall bo wprn. They
Plaid ribbon and plain ribbons (or
sashes of stlk) trimmed with plaid
are, more than any other, In keeping
with cloth gowns. The plalda of the
season are subdued and rich.
By all means prepare to supply
your wardrobe with a variety ot
sashes, for (hey are the reigning favor
ite among all accessories ot drees.
The management of tho waiat is' a
new art, a new world to oooqujer, and
it has Just dawned upon the fetnlnlae
mind. What will come of it remains
to be seen, but you may be sure that
whether you havo under consideration
a toiletto for morning, noon or night
tho sash Is tbo thing you can't leave
out. In fact It is quite likely that
milady ot fashion will begin by
choosing a sash and finish by buying;
a gown to go with it
Thero Is nothing haphazard about
all this. The Bashes designed for
vr with cloth-gowns and those de
signed for gowns ot filmy materials
differ qulto as much as the fabrics
they nr to go with. Also, the per
sonality ot tho wearer must be con
sidered, and tho stylo she wishes to
affect must bo utuuled. Happily Intui
tion la ofluu a very safe guido. As
othor consoling thing Is that the sash,
Is not an. extravagant fad. It Is splen
didly offoctlve and adds a suggestion,
ot splendor quite" beyond Its actual
Fast Pittsburgh Outfielder 8cores Four
Runs In Recent Game Without
Being "At Bat."
When Max Carey scored four runs
without making a hit In a recent game
against tho Phillies, a record was
claimed for htm. The claim is well
For the Little Girl.
A nrettr frock for a child of ten
wanaor amm me nguro in any aireo- T may bo mode at home with HtUo trou-
tloii tbo wearer wills and faston at
any point that tt pleasex her taste
to choose.
Tbo Roma glrtllo Is made of heavy,
soft ribbon In brilliant stripes. It Is
adjusted about (he waist, easily ex
tending abevo tho normal waist line
and finished with a flat, shirred bow.
There Is an occasional exception to
this method of finishing, however.
For slender people a bow of throe,
loops fastening at tho left side helps
to fill out tbo figure and enlarge tho
waist Tho loops are graduated In
length with one upstanding and two
banging. t
. Speaking ot waists, wo must note
that tho small waist Is decidedly out
of fashion. It is this fact that has
brought about tlte tremendous vogue
el sashes. Thsy do not define the
waist line, they conceal It, Their pur
pose rle to belong to the figure above
and below the waist and to Ignoro tho
waist line so far as defining It is con
cerned.' They show a great advance
la popular te for this management
ottbe walsfj Is far more beautiful
thaa the., bird and fast lines ot a
few yuua back.
ble It the design abovo Is followed.
with the aid of a simplo pattern. The
original of this was a soft cashmere
in cornflower blue. Tho little blouee
Is gathered into a band ot blue Bul
garian ombroldery of simple design.
This band outlines a little yoke ot
gathered blue moussellne which la
part ot a gulmpo, tho sleeves of which
show below tho shortrorabroldory-trim-mod
sleeves of the frock. The yoke
band continues on the blouse In two
tabs at back and front. Tho simplo
skirt is gathered on either mlde of a
narrow front panel ot the material and
is banded with tho ombroldery above
tho hem. There is a sash ot blue silk,
the ends ot which are finished with
silk fringe.
The return to form 'of Rube Mar
quard has been highly pleasing to the
baseball fans ot the metropolis. Rube
has done fine work for the Giants thiB
season and has made himself solid
once more with the followers of the
Giants. Last season he hung up a
record of 19 consecutive games won
in the early part of the 'year. After
that he struck a big slump and lost
almost as many games as he had won
in the earlier part of the campaign
From Second Base Put 'er right
over, big as a barn he can't hit it
From Right Field Make 'lm hit
It, ol' man; make 'im hit it
From the Shortstop 'Nother
strike out, ol' sport. This is a
From the Side Lines Make 'em
put It over. Wait for a good one.
Make 'lm cut the plate.
From the Catcher (signaling for
a straight ball) Now one o' them
curly ones under the chin. T'row
it right at his bill.
From tho Left Field Ho! Hot
Here's an easy onel Toss it to
From the Bench Soak 'er down
this way, ol' dub, an' watch me
eat it
From Third BaBe Cut the pan,
ol' sport; cut the pan they can't
touch it in a t'ousand years.
From the Bleachers Right on
the nose, Chlmmle; right on the
nose. A nice, clean single, bo; a
nice, clean single.
"Han' 'lm ono of them fade
aways." "Move the fielders baok about a
"A home run, Chlmmle; a home
"Send 'er down to shortstop he
can't never stop It"
"Walt fer a base on balls, ol'
man the pitcher's wild."
"Knock the cover off'n it"
"Kill it! Kill It!"
"Here's five dollars, me boy, for
a home run."
"Make 'em be good, ol' scout;
make 'em be good."
Then from the umpire, as the
pitcher is about ready: "Hey, hold
on a minute. Say. thero, somebody
dust oft tha plato a little.'
And thon it all begins' again.
During the world's series Rube did ef
fective work in the box. Much specu
lation was indulged in this year aS to
whether or not he would be of much
assistance to the Giants in their pen
nant fight. At the start of this season
Rube did not show anything wonder
ful, but as the season wore on he has
gradually struck his stride and haa
been a big " factor in keeping the
Giants at the top In the National
league race.
I The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness I i
I If they 'Don't Have Them, write or call on
Sturges Bros., 411 Pearl St., Sioux City, Ia. I
Former Washington American League
Star to Manage Team Previously
Led by Lew Rltter.
William (Wld) H. Conroy, formerly
of the Washington American league
team and for two seasoei with Roch
ester in the International league, waa
jiaBBBBJBgBTvlf .
JfrttSrfN vhbm?'
Wld Conroy.
released to Elmlra, subject to. Interna
tional league waivers. It is understood
hero that Conroy will manage the
team next yoar, vice Lew Rltter.
Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
Lady Assistant
Wm. F Dickinson.
Ball 71
A.tMto N4TI
415 Sixth Street
Sioxxx City low.
"A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation" I
Cattle, Hogs and SKecp j
I Steele, Siman & Co.
Tom StccU, Ray Siman, Dave Prujmer,
Manager Oattlo Salesman. Hog & Sheep Salesman.
Harry Bppra,
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You.
Write Us. Ship Us.
East of the Court louse for the Best in
Max Carey.
founded, as far as the majors are con
cerned, but back In 1895 Billy Hulon,
then with Minneapolis, drew sis bases
on balls and scored as many times.
French Knots Again.
For the woman who delights ia
French knots it will be welcome news
that monograms and InlUaU in aoUd
English letters make more of a show
ing than the script, when embroidered
In the knots, but both are effective.
Try Ul Initials worked in this way
are Hot considered so tedleua to mak
as those in satin sUtek.
Necessary Requisite.
WUlle MUcholl of the Naps attrib
utes his success his yoar to the fact
that he has become a "crab." Ho used
to be the easiest going player on the
team and otton was Imposed upon. As
a result he lacked confidence. Lust
year at Toledo he thrashed n few tor
tnontors and since then has bad a
chip on his shoulder. Birmingham'
saya Wllllt 1b right.
Veteran Giant Passed.
The trade Involving Otis Crandall
marks the passing ot another ot the
old-Umo Olants. Already Med raw Is
beginning to feel that his team, which
has won two National league pen
nants, and Is on the road towards a
third, needs new and youngor ma
norial. Crandall Is tho third old
timer to bo released, Red Ames and
Soslx Devore having preceded him.
AOTrS of the
Harry Clar,lc has signed a two-year
contract to 'contlnuo as manager of
the Milwaukee Broworff.
Connie Mack believes Danny Mur
phy, hla veteran player, will quit, the
game nt the end of tho season.
Players of the Washington t.euu
have been made a proposition to IvIbU
Cuba this fall and are considering It.
Tho Western Canada lenguo ex
pects to got a Class 0 rating next
year with the consequent advantage
of higher salary limit and more play
ers. Miller MuKdlnB says McQraw can
have Konetchy, the star first Backer
of tho Cards, If he will give him Mor
klo, Herzog, WIUbo and another
Ray Chapman, shortstop ot the
Naps, announcoa that he will make
tho world's tour with tho Giants and
White Soz, going as a member of the
latter team.
Rumor has It that the St. Louis
club will trade Lee Mageo to Phila-J
delphla for second baseman Knabo
and outfielder Devoro, and that Knabe
yill be the next manager ot tho Car
dinals. Big Jack Qulnn, former pitcher ot
the New York Americans, who was
bought by tho Boston BravoB from
Rochester, is said to havo given up
Mathewson Is Qrwatest.
A number of ball players anxious to
discover the reason for the remark
able effectiveness ,of Mathevrson,
Plank, Sallee, Miner, Brown, Chief
Bonder and other veteran pitchers
this season studied the records the
other duy and their research brought
!to light the fact that Mathewson was
the greatest all-round twlrler of all
times, Tho speclaltloB and strength
of each big league twlrler woro exam
ined and tho ranking was found to be
the following:
Most speed Walter Johnson.
1 Best curve Amos Ruslo.
Hardest to hit George Edward
Greatest all-round pitcher Christo
pher Mathewson.
j Henry's
East of the Court Hou
I Wines, Liquor
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Nilife Beer
Bottltt or Ksj
Henry Krxxnrkwiecl pup cttr. whrak
Longest Hit Ever Made.
Several papers have been debating
as to tho longest hit ever mado in any
game. Jokes about hits that trav
eled 4,000 miles, ball falling on a car
bound from Boston to California, are
of course In order, but there have
been somo noble wallops, Judged by
the feet they covered before they lit
Absolutely the longest hit ot any
kind that many ever saw was made in
Chicago In 1888. The batter was Irvln
McDowell, a high school player, who
could havo been a big leaguer It be
hadn't been rich and had to attend to
business, and tho pitcher was Willie
McQUl, afterwards famous In fast company.
Three throws were needed to taite
It back into the diamond, and tho dts
tance as paced off by several specta
tors, was apporxlmately 690 feet.
I Cry All Kinds of Sales. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Best 'of Service to All."
Make dates at Allen, Waterbusy or Jackson Banks, or at
Mid-West Bank, Sioux City.
Write me at Jackson, or call at farm one mile west of Qoodwln, Nel).
No Chance for Trade.
There is absolutely no chance ot
Tinker gottlng Bob Harmon from tho
Cardinals for Bob Bescher and Pitch
er Suggs. HugBlns says Tinker will
the use of a sulttor and has develoned not listen to the trade, even It he
a puzxllng curve boll. wanted to put It over,
SIS Walnut Street, Kansas CXty, M.
A resular araduat In madlcln. Oldaat In a a and langaat leoatad.
1 yaaiV Snaclal Praetlca-aga and experience lmBrtBt.
Over 33 Years In Kansaa City.
Authority by tbe
Slat to Traat All
Oarabte ( traaranlred. All mcdlelnei furnlifctd rtody (or v 1 laMreur
or lnltsrloui metioints used. No detection from builseia fatleaw atJidwacaa
treated by mall and express. Medlctnei sent everywhere, traa trow er
brtahaa- Charcealow. OrerCO.OOOeasei cured. State jeur eaeeanSaeaSIOf tern
CoaiultaUoa iree ana consaentisi, pereouauy or by letter,
Ssmlna! Weakness and
Sexual Debility, VS
tollies aad aaecu earning nlgnt loe.te
an4 Ion ot aesual power, pimple and
bleleaei oa thelaee. ooaraied Ideal and
forcettalaeii, baibfaUeaa and averilon to
society, Ste., euredlor life. I atop algkt
leases, restore aecael power, aerre and
brala power, onlarie and strcaithea week
parte and make voa at tor narrlafe. Send
or free book aad Hat ot question.
CliUiiia Cured with a sew In
atrlOtlire uim9 Hoi Treat.
J Olaaaa mant. No Instruments.
and Vsieei ao els. no detention
Iron, business. Oura guaranteed. Book
aad list of queettoas treesent sealed.
Varicocele KJP.
Ins Mervoua debility, weaknaee Mtfea,
aexual ayatam, ate pormMenSVwtfHM
without pain.
Synhills, 'WJMs
cured for Itfe. Bleed PsjF'lSjl1"
private diseases seraaaeCUy )
botn seies M pages
dMtrrlBtlfln of SDBTa I
sure, seat seated la pi
anaaaf TCbbbLbbW7 l aS