,aaeJe v r VTV'ii ,-- J.fc ifc-J-jt-X -"Si - riij ypvf jpss5,as?sau&J J.3!fi!i1B4W UWWSWffWRi .4 A i. --V wh-. ,HTr f j r-rr! rf . - i kcues ,.h, cC, '"" . 5?r -! r'-'fcr' te'. i?i l-tlr . ic; ' klip' -m- fe,r,A Httji-1 'v. fer- "V It. l P ET" "" EC t t ' -! - ' .: '(, ! ,1 ..A , : .- u .t ..-. . --y rTT 1 7. r , rX, . umr-r- - - ;- .r V". " " "T V- - '-"z2Pi , - - r it TjT ft jjljifc- ,- 111 "'"" f'' ' ' " U-M ' '& WU Jvaa-aaa-tai CW taew MHAaiaag, ."Vr?" ! eflAe W WVVKjl 4,,. & . . . bto luniiiiiui-. --. 'is' - HaBnBrBr J A UHyBHi d .f IB '- mMv f iittKHit JL bu., 4KBKIHHm IaIBBBBBBBHsllBbi M e-arrscnu,-. .-- '-!iB?BBBBBBref1aBBfBBBaSV I liffiiaBBBBBBBBBBBBlU Boiimiwniif 'HIBHlBBBaL BBB aafff iBi BjtBJBBBHBBBKwBBaBBBMiiP B"7C " jSHHbHHjmIbIUIIHHbbIbbbm H; ' Kl SPEED-SfIED-oa afiia, SPEED I bk-t BBBBBBBBa-aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-a- -amaa-r assst i- -labb j0f Then shoot TV ma tl fa i7i BBBBBVBBB1 fSr" BBaanaaV! " saBBBBBBB BWTBl speed i demonatrated beyond qujation by the one eure teat In eS haUietic mattera-the Electric Chronograph. f HI o BBBB The, too, there la the experience of thoueande of eeeaoned unnera vrho have been ahooting the Remington-UIYK. Steel Lined Sheila erref lnce they came out Bra BsaBami' tanaa! Tha'MMUhOneU A.&lnev wte aM the aViva of the aploion . Yer lead tnnla qulektr-jrou fc ,JB h.i'L"'emi.; I Yow dlr carrie. Ine eJ Adl. Get tkem. Om iAm. FtaJ tkeRed Ball mark on yiy be ol ahalla ad mcUBica yoe bur. 'bbbv 1 wnca urn - ---- Remington Arms-Union 299 Broadway Dakota County Herald TOHN H. REAM, PUBLISHER Bubaoriptlon Price. $1.00 Per Year. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City. Nebraska. "JPeralaslon has boon granted for the transmission of thispaper,throuph the nails as second-class matter. Telephone No. 48. Official Paper of Dakota County Items of I nterett I .rUIIIUUI CAVIIAIIkcev m ' WilribMe tra M, A' MeOor iek weat to South Bliiex City Mon day for a few days visit with relative and friends. j. t Salix Items in Uloan, la, Star : Orys tal Madison baa retarned from a two I weeks .visit with her grandparents at "Botith Sioux City. : Pender, Repablio ;, .Mrs fl J - Arn holt returned Monday "from Orratal lakeWbere she kaa been ouaperon tor ., aparty.of young folks. Ways DiHnoerat: .Mr F S Berry 'F 'erv 1"VT"' J a"'" T" " a 1 i a - ' weutM,vaaoa:uiiy tonay w aitena . ,Um Bitiawiaotihe:old;;attlflri Vof Daonfr;BatiTejioonnty. Pad a ,Tiwa: 7 Mrs W Vf' Pounds retarBMt;geaaeday?-fre- Hub' bardj r.Mra'WmJiitasehkcr. west up to Dakota Oify; MomlB'y,' for a visit at Crystal' lake. " llartington News; Mrs Heury Ore ' vb returned to Dakota Oity Saturday after a. visit with' Hartington friends. . . . .Misses Leone and Mildred Weston went to" Sioux Oity Monday to visit tuer aunt, Mrs Uon, jforbea, SloaHrla, Star: ' Mr and Mrs C F Glare and son, of Homer, Neb, visited in town. a few days last week, . TUev "ware ou their way home-from .Onawa, where they had attended a family1 re nntonlajt.rrlday at the.botne of Mr ana Mrs w u Uale. rfiBlodl)ainu7: Boy Tal ait, of Sioux City, has filed suit in tht tUatriet eonrt for divoreefrom Mr May Talbot, alleging his wife waa so oruel ;to hiaa aa to ndaagar hie life. They are married in! Dakota Oity, Noyem .mile. 1W0.. and separated Jab 27. '-ims; 'f Allen NeWs . Alden Look wood took eomDanv to Oratal Intra Hnnrla 'evening. . . . Mra George Nordyke came up.from.tbe oity last sight for a visit withher parents and other' relatives here. . . .Mrs Albert. Waddell returned -Monday night from a few day's -visit "at the Waldo Hoy home at Salix, Ia. JMiss Maria will remain till Saturday. Ponoa Journal : 'fhn fmll v nt .Inlir. MoQulUen are camping at Crystal lake 'this week Miss Lizzie O'Connor earae home Monday evening from spending a two weoks outing with ;j3k)BX Oity friends at Crystal lake, She tkad au exceptionally iluo time,... Jim -Fomeroy has the Ford motor oar of "James King, of Homer, and Jim is au expert at handling it already. We just bet that when Mr King wants his ear back again Jim will have the mo tor oar fever, Winnebago Chieftain: Mra Her- .bert Harris, of Homer, waa a guest . last Saturday at the Home of her son, ' -'T T Harris Johnie Ashtord took his mother and aunt, Mrs Chas HollV. -4n.l 'lila kwitliaw Y)nni in ftmat... I l.r- 'auto the first of the week, Mrs Holly remaining. . . .Misses Edna, Edith and Sarah Davis, of Homer, in company wtUi Dob Fields, of Lake Park, Ia, . Trere visitors last Fiiday and Satnr day at the" home of the former's sister, " Mra Lester MiUer and family. S.i- Di'xoa Jounal; Rev Oox and the " frJ wlw) Ar neB-era the Knights of MaModjsm here took a day's outing at , . . Ocjetri lake last Thursday . ... Mr and . . M O A-Og bars at4 family left Tues- . day saewiag for Hnbbard, Neb, tor a r ' wwiak'a vWt with relatives at that place, , tVi:?, btettUftlVbpnie wedding ' ,M 'WMHlsaMiwd at the heme of Dr and j, v Mra Frank B Evaca Weineaday morn- . toj ; t4M iTk of Aagaat, wkeo Ida May k Davis, ei OfiajteU, la, aad Raymond ! 'i;!-EsaMHt'jabsaer:.ireli. wereanit- - - V u 299 Broadway ""w " M B . . Mt ;.a4 la aaartie, The bfWe, a itr of MteXTasM.iea far, bright, lovable la. sweat Mm weei,atal; glrU spa lawea la aaiew, ihe gtalastsd at QiiaaeU Maw year. Th gfooaa form ' .' , . YOUR object In ehoob'nf ia to get your bird with tk Mitt of vour load. Of courael these Steel tinea SpttdShtlh. sheila in the market herPPowJr - WU aafalm bthind ma tux. Yo cat down """f'yVZjm- . Mcttdlio Cartridge Co. 6 New Y.rk erly Uvodin Diion, hAviug haobarge of tue Edwards & utauiorn intereais at this plaoo. lio ia a very flue jouug man bikI Iirb a host of friends here. Emorsou Enterpriee: Mrs Will ItosS, of Dakotu City, and Mrs Mollring and .laughter, of Sibnx Oity, visited at the Davis and 'Fnllor homes during the ehautattqua . . . .MrB James Ireland and Mrs It A Campbell stnr'twl for Logan, county, Neb, last Tuesday for a visit at Gaudy, and other points with form er Emersonitpri, Mr and Mrs Levi Mo Entaffer and Mr and '.Mrs Art Pope, .-...Louie Hthllbanm add Marie Mo Entaffer were united in maniage yes terday at the1 English Lutherau par- aonuge in Sioux City. Tbe couple left Emerson yesterday niornlog ao comoanied by" Mr and Mrs-" Harry "Mo Entaffer.andiifter tbe ceremony spent the day at Riverside park.- Both o these young people are well" known to oar readers. The urlde u toe naugu ter.of Mrand Mrs M MoEntaffer of this place,, and .a .member of last spring's graduating 6IasstT,.TUtB groom Is a son of Mrs Dora Stallbaum and formerly proprietor of the Xbgy studio at this place. . Mr Stallbaum ia now manager of tueJEoxy studio in Si6ux Oity, and the couple start hoasekeep-ing-.at that.pl9ce.vl J -j, , Homer Star: Eleanor 'Murpby waa a passenger to .Sehnyler,' Neb, on Tuesday.. '..,.. Fred OcbaBder and iHBillj Muavtru - u unuvtv lAHim- day to vifH-itelatlvee. . . . .".Mrs Mc LauarhKn retwraeA to Lineotia laat.Frl- dy afHr awiek?vUlt atw.tlM.70eo Aaaford home: . i . J' r MeKlnlev. of Qroftbnwaa i Hbur Friday shaking hands wJthW frwnda and ' viaJUng relatlvesi.'.iMrs Gertrude ;Rhiuebart and daughter, Pauline, of New York' Oity, ai lived in Homer, Tuesday, to visit 'relative Boy Bymil, who Uvea on the Tim O'Connor farm a lit tle wayaeast.of town is reported to be, seriously ill with typhoid fever.... Mrs John DeMeyer.lelt last week ou Tues day evening for Alberta, Canada, be ing called there by the aerioua illeess of her father.... Lisxie Knudsenand her mother, who were ataying at the home of Mrs Louis RasmHssen the past yearrleft Saturday for. Denver, Col, where they expeot:to:aake their home. ...MrsMary A OovellMkstl5.au. 15 aooording'to a mUUob ftled is the dla- triot eourrofr-ootflMreoJmty, It. mis uoTeijDiatawi mum waa iiiinreu uj a projecting elioker rod on' a looomo tive of the Omaha railroad .a abe was waiting on the atation platform at Naeora, to .board a train.'; ,f or Sioux Oity. MraObvall was abfaiiarad that she iunaW to pefformVher duties as uovwawu.lw stated. . MaaaWHBYMavaaysjaBlMa aaaWsg 1 CORRESPONDENCE BBMfaafjahaaiUMvBamsMgMhBatthaiaA HUBUjARO. Mrs Francisco was a city - shopper Tuesday. A dandy new Hue of dress goods just received at,C Auderaou. Go'd., Mrs Sam. Larseti was on the siok list the past week. Dan llartuett, wife and daughter ami Jas tiartnett and wife visited oat urday uear Jackson in the Wm Hurt now homo. Mr and Mrs P Johnson entertained several families at dinner Sunday. We have everything yon will need in the way of school supplies. 0 An derson Oo, Carl Fredriokson was in the oity Friday betweeu trains, Louis Bogg bought the Carl Fred rloksen residencelast week, Mrs Joe Hagan enjoyed a yfsit with relatives from Sioux City this week, John Howard waa among the Sioux OitianB the first of the weok. We want to buy your butter, orbs ana cream, u Auaeraon Uo. Mrs Joe Hartnett enjoyed a visit from her oousin of Omaha the past week. 1 4 Mary Hagan left Tuesday for Sioux Oity where she will attend school the coming year. Christine Beok returned Tuesday from a wo daya' viait at the Mrs Wil soy home in Sioux Oity, Joseph Ohristensen was in Sioux Oity Tuesday. Cool weather will soon be here and wo are showing' a splendid line of blanketsiand comforter, 0 Anderson Co. Mary Hartnett returned Monday from an extended visit with friends in Obieago , Mra E OhrUtensen ad son Joseph, were oity shoppers last Friday, Franees Day visited frieuda here the arst of tbe week. Sunday school at 9 ;5 o'eloek a m, Publie worship every Sled and'atk Haa day of eaeh mosth at 10:80 a w, (a the I wmcszasmmmmamESBmesssz Lutheran church. The oateobetical class meets evert Wednesday at 9:80 a m, and every 2nd and 4th Sunday at the aarne hour. Mrs Pr-tn Andt-raon nml chiMretiHiDl MbiIm KcmUeii wure oij pHHciiigiM from here lnl Fri uy. utlarAotion git-a with tvery jtnul of Millui'it coffee. Tr. It niul h on vluced. 0 Auileiaoii Co Hani Thorn ws mi the sick lit tlm first of the week. Katie Long visitod friemla In .luck sou last wepk. A large niimhrr ntttinded lltrf old settleia pioii u t U.tk6ta Oily Thurs day . E ChriMteiiaeu and fitmily 'Whb in the city the tlrat of the week. , L Uarria hikI family xpeut over Sunday ill Hnuier with friends Com liUNkera supplieH, h'1 kiuds, nl so the best grade of latiterna made. C Anderson Co. Mr Mogeuseu and family, Lnrf Lr' sen and family, hui! U R Dyer and family visited at the A AudetBou home near Naeora Sunday. " airs A (J Uansrn apeut Friday uear tViala vlsttliig ftlehda, sar a riermau neisen ana mrs C M Rnamnsteu were gneala at the Mads Nnlaeu home Tuesday. Our fall underwear Is now on dis play, Jjet us nt you out while our sizee are oomplete. 0 .Anderson Co. Tlios Graham wbb a business visitor at the county Seat Monday. Mr and Mra Itert Dyer drove lo Sioux Oity Saturday. Little Annie Beck came home Sun day fiom a tliree week stay with frieuda near Homer. Jas Hogan a u toed to Sioux Oity last Friday. We carry an up to-date line of tin ware and hardware and can supply your wants iu almost 'everything. 0 Anderson Oo. Frauk Ufflog went to., the oity on business Tuesday. TaIiih for corn binding or binders, 9o per pound. D U lleffernan. Clrde Orego hits disposed of his barber business here and gone lo Da kota City where be is having his foot treated for blood poison brought on by an ingrowing toenail, whioh beoame infected. John Lnedom is the new tonsorial attlat. JACKSON. Mr MoOaffery, of Omaha, ia a guest In tbe T J Hartnett.home. Lena Heene), of Naeora, Neb, spent the week end iu th Wm Riley home. W J Riley haa moved into tin TLos Sullivan bonse reoently vaoated by L P Murray . Helen Riley departed the laat of the week for Cleveland, O, wheie she ex pects to attend school the coming year. Mildred Sheeban is visiting in the home of her nnole, Jos Shoithan, at South Omahai- Mra Frits Anderson eujo-ed u visit from. her father, Mr OhrUtensen. of I Salix, Ia, sevaral daya laat week. Lee MoGonigal departed Monday for Omaha to attend .Crejghtou col lege the doming year. Mra Alex Frye is, visiting relatives at Cortland, Neb, The following Jackson teachers bo gau teaohlng In their respective schools Monday: Nellie Hogan, Valentine, Neb; Mary V Qolnn, Fairbury, Neb; Marie Goodfellow, Thermopolis, Wyo; Genevieve Brady and Monioa Flynn, Waterbury, Neb, Marie Dugan and Lydia Teller, Ponoa, Neb; Blanobn Riley, Naeora, Neb; Margaret O'Neill, 8outh Sioeuc Oity, Neb; Margaret yolnn,. VistaK Neb; Helen Erlacb, Goodwin, Nebf Franoia MqQormick, in the Francisco ' district, "anil Jaok Olark in the Geo Teller, district. Herbert Daniels, who spent the summer months at the Jaoksjn Drug Oo, returned to Omaha this week. 81 Catherine's academy opened Wednesday wun an increased attend anoe and Drlgbt prospeou for a suo- oeaaful school year. The Misses Goocb, of Sioux Oity, who were gaeats in the E T Kearaey home, returned home the last-of the week. -" ' Miss Anna Skinner, of Siouz Oity, wsa a guest of Misses Mary and Mar garet Ryan several days the paat weex, J W Byau and wife, T J Hartuett and wife, were dinner guests Sunday ereuiug at the Daniel Hartnett home at Hubbard, given iu honor of John Hayes, of Chicago. SALES Henry Zentmire returnad homo Sat urday from a trip touis old homo at Aledo, III, to see hia father, who is quite poorly Fred Oulbertsou made a abort visit at his old home lu Ohio the past week. S A Helkes and son Sammlo wont to Herriok, S D, last Friday to look after their farm property in that lo cality. Tbe Missionary Aid moets today, Thursday, with Mra 8 A Bridenbaugh at a :30 pm. The committee- ia Mea dames S A Bridenbaugh, Theo Mo Glauhan, Robert Hilemau and Miss Pearl Hileman, A 4 o'olook lunch will be served. The W Y D club waa entertained by Mrs Deau Cornell' Wednesday. The table was neutered, with a wreath and covers wore laid for aixteeu guests. The afternoon waa spent with musio and gamea. Bessie Beith, of Wake Held, wbb the honored gueat. . DISTRICT COUBT DATES For the Eighth Judicial district Nebraska, for tbe year 1913: of Oumlng a rob IT, November 10 uajco-et .....reuruarys. Heptenibern Btanton ,'.. February "I, Ootoberfl Uedar ,..,... .Marolia. HoptemberH ltxon ,.,) March l, December 1 Thuraton,.,., April H, OetoborlS The tint day of oaohteriuli aet for henr-Application- toroltUenahlp papen, Quy T (Iravei, Judge, Don't forget still in the lead. Breuns ooffee, it Van sells it. Real estate loans. Geo Wilklns Adf The Herald, $1 per RESTITUTION IN ' PEARL OF ANTILLES Pastor Russell Raturnlnf From Panama Prtachts In Havana. . Madam Application of a Familiar Text. What the Bible Meana by "Restitu tion Times" The Pastor Claims Eaeh "Time" a Year, a Thousand Altogeth er and a Beginning Made Earth's Happy Day Wearing A Little While, a Dark Heur May Intervene. Havana, Cuba, March 2. Pastor Russell is delight ed with Cuba, and does not fall to call attention to the wide contrast between prevalent eanltary conditions and those of a short time ago, when this fair land suffered con tinually from yel low fever and oth er tropical ailments. The Pastor refer red to General Wood as tho one through whose energy and skill Cuba's restitu tion and rejuvenation came about. "Honor to -whom honor is due" appears to bo one of, Pastor Russell's' mottoes. The text was Acta 3:10-21: "Times of Restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by tho mouth of all His Holy Prophets elnce tho world began.!' He eald: In Panama a week ago I saw one of tho stupendous works of man In sub duing tho earth and making It suitable to bis purposes. How wisely God baa left the subduing of the earth to man! A blessing must come to humanity from mastering nature. , I testified re specting" the increased education of mankind through modern inventions, which, speak to us of the dawning of tbe New .Era long foretold In tbe Bible. Today 1 point you to man's increas ing skill along other lines. The laws of health are better understood than I ever before. Tbe laws of chemistry, I applicable to nearly everything In life, are marvelously clear and greatly ex tended beyond anything of previous times. This increased knowledgo lies close to the work.of sanitation, bo wide ly approved. The sudden Influx of knowledge Is a sign of the dawning of the New Day Restitution. Millennial Work In Cuba. The Pastor urged his congregation to conslderibe wonderful transformation In thclr'ralr Island an exemplification of tbe great work to prevail world wide shortly: It properly raises our estimation of human intelligence, and of tbo beneficence of tbe United States Government, whoso agent in this trans forming work(was General Wood. What has taken-place sojnarkedly in Cuba Is gradually being accomplished all over the world. , The Scriptures everywhere, associate tbe glorious work, of human uplift with Messiah's 'JClfiffdom. Perbnpa many have expected tbe 'blessing to come In another way; nevertheless, all should see tbe facts and acknowledge pro phetical fulfilments. Instead of being disappointed that God Is using humani ty for tho fulfilment of His glorious promises, let us rejolco that mankind may bo so wonderfully used. Best of Alt Human Restitution. As man fell from the Image and like ness of God, Restitution to him means a return to that Image and likeness. Of all tbe Restitution wonders, this will bo tbo grandest Were "every prospect pleasing," and humanity vile, sinful. Imperfect mentally, morally and physically the curse would still I rest on the earth. Tbe lifting ol some of man's Ignorance and superstition Is by no means a realisation of what Is to be expected. If a taste of Divine fa vor and goodness be so refreshing, what will the full draft be! This message is meaningless to be lievers in , human .evolution. Dlsbellev liig'tti man's "fall from the Divine im age In tbo flesh, these must logically deny also the Redemption, and all ne cessity for a Savior to die for our Bins. Surely tbey cannot count it Bin to ex perience evolution, as tbey claim; and If Bin has not been committed, thero could bo neither Redemption from Bin uor Restitution, to reformer condition. All- Buch theories, therefore, are un- scriptural. For this, reason they are antagonistic to tho Biblo view: that man fell from God's imago six thou sand years ago; that lie has passed through' six great Days in which there has been a reign of sin and death, In duced by Satan, and still influenced by him. Under this reign, man has lost much of tbe Divine Image, and haB be come more or leas brutal. Restitution was not due when Jesus gave His life as man's Redemption prlco; but It is due now, for we are living In the dawn of the great Seventh Thousand-Year Day. Messiah's first work as tbe great King is about to be inaugurated, He Is about to bind Satan "that old serpent, the Devil." Ha is about to bless humanity by roll ing away the. curse of death. Nothing of human Restitution Is pos Biblo, however, until nfter tbe comple tion of the Church. So particular la this feature of God's Plan that nearly two thousand years have been devoted to It. whereas only one thousand is as signed for tbe uplift of mankind. God Is selecting a saintly class to be His children on the highest plane of exist euce. These are required to bo excep tional characters, and to attest their faithfulness and devotion unto death. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. llav.J.Orewa, Pattor. Service- at the Metbodtit Knltoopal ohurati every Sunday aa follown 1'reaoli- ina at it a in; Hunaay lonooiai iu u in ; oioaa weetina it m; mnwortu lAtaaue o:.-u p in; Dreaohlna 7 p m. FrayrmeetliiK Thura day evening atTiSQ LUTHKNAN. ( Uev.B.Ii. Keller. Paator. DAKOTA OtTT Sunday lohool Jeyery Sunday at V.-46 am; aaiaa juatneuo jiawiiton. luperiRinnuiini, preaoblns at TiWp w. every Suuday, SALKat Preaehlag every Sanday at lltmi Sua day 'eehool rroaetly at 10 am. K. l'.Uul aertaea, auaertS)WMaRt. BaaBaaBaBaaaWaBaaaai "alBpBBMBI atBBBB ,,-, , ,-MU a. I-- "'-BaSiaa---aa-aaaaaw--iaa.iiijiiiiau.i-i..uii.LiJiiii u. t, .. . (i i..'.iiii.ii(iI..,i M.i,n,w..,-.!.iiiiiii 1 m ipMir V , . Farm Laid Se I t ,BBBBBBBBSaBjBjBjBBkxaaBBBBBBB , rBBBJBBBBBBJBBBJiaJBBBBBBBBBJJaw - f , 1 MBnHP" ?a-i Opportunity BBBaTBaBBBBBBBBM' . aBnF1!BBBBBBBBBBByavrT "" i--i.Jm1JS M ' BaaaaaaaaWpBaaaaaHBBB&TaaaaaaaaW " 'TsT:- Ol .W ;? 'BaBBparBKBFarH4BnBsBmBiB ':-&n$l rtfttf. " BBBBBBBBBBBHeBBv;tefW . , .aYv'j! aBFVfraRBSWBBBBBai tT& T ... sSL BBJaaffBr- .vBv - -'-Ba ----- BiPWMI "4a a. iV PaaBBaBaSW felllBaaaafWPP t Lifetime i f P ''1bbW' "Ifaalll 'K I :$' nHliH!l ' "-KaSm 1 L to v fag JailWlstT BBi 1 iBBiW''ijBwlaalW R L aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB " 'aaaaBB fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBTjBTaBBBBBBBBBBBaaM 4VM!ataBTdaBBai BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBg-S a . llaBaTaBBlBWiBjBBBBBjHBBiBBBBBBj T BHHHHhH Farm. IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFByllgPIHIJBBaBBBBBBBBB "ri n "1 t m The above Farm Home, together with 200 acres of the finest farm land ill the Com' Belt offLat Piiblic A miction Wednesday, Sept 24, 1913 This land ooDsintH of a blank, sandy lonni, qtiul iu quality to tho bebt hind ou eurth. Looated oh it is, only 0 miles from Sioux City, Iowa, uml udjoiniuK Onlfotii Oit.v, the county Heut of Dukotii Comity, Neb., on the west, makes an ideal looatiou fo 11 home ami htoolt furoi. Two milrondN, our lla 0. & N. W., pHbfiiug through the furtn ou un air Hue east uml went uud-tlm other tho 0. C & Q , only u block uwuy, make snipping laoiiuies unexcelled. t is a direct street cur line to Sic iionx stock feeder in ensy touch with the The mnin traveled automobile highway between 'SsiSIix'. City and Omnlnc piihhhh lathis farm; hhil-the roads in general are excellent. ,- ; - s ' ' , There is no better generul or sposiul furming'praiWs'ilJon nn-where iu tlie.oorn.'fieh thuii is' offered by this farm. Yields of 90 bushels of corn per acre, "30 bmhejq o wheat anil 50 hnshela of oatH bav'jj been made, whilo, with a proper rotation of alfalfa which does remarkably well, yielding 5 toua per acre ifnd with livestock the abovo yields can be surpassed. Hogs do retnnikably well on this fartn, disease of no. k'iu.d huvi-g been on the place in twenty jeats. ,- " . ',r ' The improvements ou this farm are of the best to lie found auywheiv, as tliei above photograph will show A oordial invitation is extonded to anyone who wishes; to iuppeot Uue farm at any .tirno prtvions to, the sale, und they will be shown evqry courtesy while hero. r ' ','. 4-i The sale will bo held at the fnrm on Wednesday afternoon. Sept. .24, 19KI. Col. Z- MUuird'of Hurting ton, Nebr , will make the sale, nnd sealed bids may be Mnt. to him at Hartiiigt6n4oVat'Dkdta Citv, Nebr., in oareof Walter Lhenoy, owner, and tbny'will rncoivn curefnilitldtitlan on the morhingof tbivsulo: " Ant bank,, business niuu or furmer in Dakota County is giyon for- reference. '' '"' - TERMS: Tho Terms of Sale will bo, 10 cash; ty within thirty abstract of title will bo delivered J all deferred payments Walter Cheney, Owner Dakota City, Nebr. Otitb or.OHio .crrr or Toiaoo. ? r Lucia Cou.vtt. f a 'TTsxsk' i.'Chcket m&ica oath Oui-be ti partner .ot-tb arm ol F. J. Cheney & Oa. hmlriMi Itt'thd Oltv of Tolfdo. County aae atoroald, and that aald arm will pay. the aaa ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor each and every ttaa ot Oatarrh that cannot be cured by-tee taw of . ,.- STtATTK J. CBErTKT. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my preteaat, IhU th day ot December, A. C VI. t i A. W. GLCABOK. 1 Ut. I KOTABT PUBLIC. Ilall'a Catarrb Cure la taken. Internally and acU directly upon tbe blood and mucous -urtaccs ot tb ivatera. Send tor teaUmonLil. tm. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, a Sold by all DrugRlsU. 7(c. Take UaU'a Family Fills tor constipation. S, Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure child ren from wetting the bed, be cause it is not a nabit, but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drig Co., of London, Canada, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will send a 50 cent package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the Herald. This remedy I also cures frequent desire, to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in ola or youug. ine u. xx. Rowan Drug Co. are an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then fell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H. Rowan Drug Co. P. O. Drawer C70, London, Canada. WVMATtOSUFFERnS SHOULD USK s saVaf avavata ivaViWaMiy i HRfteumatism 8CAVCOUT5NEUKu3Vamm MDIIGDI2ETROAIUjA BBBTlT08aJtal'tPAIWjBreaT flsjamaBMaltofJW ??- annn-amiaa' rsira CaJ VBBHBvaB1 Bajgaaaaaaaaa-a-fa-j ajaraai ear wwsja BjajaBBaasaaajp vajfa aja"aaaaf aaaajap aaaBfaypaaFaBFaBT Ji vwW!Mw.fcJi..,t W good uigii bouooi uml .ch't-ohen uro within tity. A telepunno i-eivie lo 81011- Citv, free of toll c-lmrc markteotliat he.muv takif iidvntab DuVihg Fair Week Kiiuw-"Tiiii-RnaI Imiik fur all the People." " Wliol'u Welcome, Wi-ura-Well' Where thorn's "Everything in GOOD Hanking" wilh "Safely-Ovor All. .Many oouvoicni'CH for vnur comfort. t Lejlvoypnr baggage aud bundles, writing vry.pmn. Feol and bo at homo. A hitter received thin week was Bank, (on Poarl 8t) Sioux City, la," faat, that' wo wish them to know. Call when nt tho Fair. Know for yourself "Tho Bank Always treats you Right." "Smile Also." J&iiz)-i4&:rr i Certificates. Farm Loans nnd Insurance. Steamship Tioketa, "Mate THE INTERSTATE The Peoples Fair' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaatoittM.. ma y. .,.. Aw-vrj -- v v f-saaaSBaawBaal aBBBBBBBJBJMBJBMBlJaiBja BaBmrBlakaMMaaamiaaaaaBaMHaaffiSS SIOUX CITY, IOWA The One Fair oT Ail Fairs You Should Attend An Educational Institution With more, exhibits, more attractions, more racing and more to entertain and instruct than ever before. One of the best stock shows ever held. A most magnificent gathering of all the finest breeds of horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Over 1,000 head of pure-bred stock. , , This is everybody's fair and everybody should attend. c Rememtfcr the dates September 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Special Train Service on All Railroads HOMESTEAD LAND OPENING!! FORT PECK. INDIAN RESERVATION, MONTANA RegistrationRegister at Great Falls or Havre, Mont,, daily Sept. 1st to 20th, inclusive. Rates Round trip rates to Great Falls or Havre from Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings and other Nebraska points, $35.00, on September 9th and 16th.. Character of Soil 480,007 acres classified as farming lands and 737.1S1 acres classified as grazing lands. Write for maps and further particulars. illBM I). Clem . Sh .; W Uit-ty wiilltintf ilitiuice. nd theia rges, puts tho of market or weatlfer rnnilltlnna duyn. when a wiirratily deed and to hear iuteiu.st at tho rate of b. s I Visit Us Usii our rent, reiiding und nddressod to "Tho Farmers' ho yon boh thoy are learning that E3ANK as a. Government Bond." Ed. T. Kearney, President. LIVE STOCK FAIR Doavei1, Immigration Agent OMAHA, NEBRASKA r w 1 py 4 .1!.';. ,-v'1 Vij JI.-S-,