wwniww"- rw wnKwnwwf - -.mrjriwwWmtwiWMt.njB '3reweMaaaimuWMiBiwiw - w uMwnMMnwfMmMMair!: ,.t. .z -i awiMiiiir)KHT?EaMnwwsnsjftz!" skgtaKy Massajomarii j w W- h'li L'ih t. '. H '. rsaiMinmei . ft I tt V 7S. ,r n dLDf' kL itrv- fw5t X 1L ' EST V " IK anila is ew A NEW CTty 1b being built on tho shores of Manila bay, wbero Admiral Dewey's guna shattered centuries of calm on that momorablo May day In 1898. A city beautiful is steadily being shaped by the American exiles lu that far away land with tho same fervor that animates tho civic worker til homo. Thoy take no thought of the fact that what they are doing today will not even benefit their chil dren when they have finished their tropical task and returned to llvo again among their own kind. Today Manila is tho most modern city In tho far east. A generation hence it will be one of tho most beautiful In tho world, writes Frederic J. Haskin in the Chicago Dally News. When tho Americans first went to Manila, thoro were few evidences of that delightful Latin culturo of which tho story books delight to prate. Thou sands washed their clothes in tho streams and otherwise dofilcd the sources of public drinking wator. Swamps dolled Ihu city. Stink holes and Cesspools in tho donsoly populated districts of Tondo and San .Nicholas offonded tho noses of the very angels on high. A vilo moat, a turgll, putro tying mass of slime from flvo to twen ty feet deop and from twenty to ono hundred yards wide, surrounded old Intrnimiros (walled city) and enjoyed i "PASIQ the doubtful honor of causing far more than lto share of tho thousands of deaths annually from plaguo, cholera, malaria and dysentery. Horse cars ambled wearily up and down tho oor.ola-ti!:scoitar tho towu'u ofio jHaTtl street. A telephone service at tributed by legend to the b'reat Don Quixote wheezed and groaned through tho day's alleged work. An electric light sys'tem, which Thomas A. Edison -would havo sued tor libel hud ho lenown tho halt of its shortcomings and outgoings, waB permitted to floun- -dor-through. a nightly attempt to keep tho citizens from total darkness, There were no docks, no sowers, no sanitation, no pretty homes. Tho spirit of "manana" had tho town -druKced and tho only actlvo forco was death dealing disease. Now All Is Changed. Now all 1b changed. Flvo stool jdqeka offer ample berth to tho biggest steamships that ply Ihu Pacific or traverso the Suoz canal. A rein forced steel and concrete million dol lar hotel, tlvo stories high, modern in cveryrpspect Jrpm tho garago depot to tliVroof garden, takes caro of the faatfdlouB tourists who once shunned the place. Tho new Luncta lies along. sldcij the famous old Luonta on tho aiUil.In lnnrl tvhlrh h.-.n rrtnlnrnH n waste water that used to wash against it nud the Malecon drivo. On this same flllpd-ln laud, one xnllo Ion,g nnd one-half a milo vldo, maBslve con ctoifiAjvifehouBcs. garageB, tho afore mentioned now Manila hotel, tho ElkB1 dub .and the Army and Navy club greet the Tiyo. Tho Bagumbayan bo tanical gardenu and other beauty spots featuro broad, winding drives. Modern telephones, oloctrlo light and street cars serve tho city The old moat is a grass grown play ground. A new water and sewer sys tem cupable of supplying a city twlco it tt survea Iho cltlzons. Piute glean windows in most of the shops make the old store- fronts uIubIj. Mod ern olllco buildings hero and, there '"ttitti ulLov.Ing Iho moldy old Bpuu ah buildings oft tho business Btroots. Moro than a thousand automoblloB, mutoi' tiucks and raotorcycles keep tho people on tho Jump by day and a scoro of moving picture shows en tertain theni by night. Substantial bungalows and up-to-dato churches testify to tho presonco of homo lov ing Amer'cane A death rato lower than many Americun cities tolls tho story of health's successful light A thriving trado, growing annually by FINEST OF ALL WILD BULLS Qaur, Native of Indo-Chlna, Acknowl edged Chief of His Kind for Many Reasons. Tho gaur is often wrongly tcrmod "bison." Tho namo Is not correct; tho bison Is the bos bonassus of Lithuania and tho Caucasus. Tho gaur, found In Indo-Chlna, 1b certainly the finest of all the wild bulla; ho overawes all oppon ents by IiIb courage, audacity and great strength. He is a hugo boast, and sometimes measures six feet to tho root of tho taJL lie is distinguished from all oth i wild cattle by the prominent hump JmIwms the two hornB. The latter aro Buusiive, flat at the baso, and ringed, ad they describe a vory wide curve trad the eet upward, TJhi coat. Is of an ollvo brown tint, abattas; la' Mack, with very short, f no Wr. Ttos gaur If found both in the for at aad on U mountains, for, in spits 9t Us great sljua, be Is extremely ag U. to that he eaa ruu up tho nioun Aaiaalopa aad ' ellmb the rocks with lill I 1 -. , 41 I.I 1 Y leaps and bounds, hums whoro manana onca But and nodded. City Has Population of 300,000, Manila Is now a city of 300,000 nco plo which handled an export and Ira port trade of over $100,000,000 last year. Its geographical location, backed up by the now dock and warehouse area, will make it tho commercial distributing point of tho United States In tho far east. Just ns it Is now our political base in that part of tho world. Fifty hours across the China soa to the north Is China and her 400,000,000 of people, who soon aro going to demand shoes of modern make, Bewlng machines, scales, clothes, fanning Implements, moro and moro of Philippine sugar, con struction supplies, machinery for public works, factories, etc. To tho south flvo days away lies tho Fed erated Malay states. At her back Is India with 300,000,000 restless in habitants. A bay thirty miles wide will cradlo America's immense oriental mercan tile marine somo day. Where ton German, British, Japanese and other foreign ships enter her gates now a hundred will pass Corrcgldor in tho futuro Manila has tho only harbor of the name In tho far east. Only Yokohama offers dock spaco and that Is limited to tho French mail lino and a handful of other ships. At uaMBSSGt&ittHWKUMMillitn?Trsj TJlVfiR. every other port, oven mighty Hong kong, passengers and frolght aro transported aBhoro In launches nnd lighters. A puroly Phllippluo trado of Im mense volumo is already bugiuhlug to pour through Manila, without tho lpnBt regarding tho gioVrth of Cobu, Hollo, Albay and Zamboanga. Tropi cal products equal In volumo to tho total population of the Hawaiian is lands, uuba and Porto Rico will in tho reader's lifetime bo Bhlppod out of Manila to tho United Stntcs and other countrlpfj. IRt yoar tlio Tlnl tod States took tropical products wortn $G60,000,000, so that Philippine goods nro asaurod of a ready market aud the result will bo tht develop ment of Manila into ono of the world's great seaports. Stamps Earned by Crime. Ono of tho delegates at the Milan Congress of Phllatellats linn confessed that two CO-franc stamps of Fronch East Africa, whlqh rank among tho gems of his collection, were -obtained through broaches of tho law. It ap pears that an ingenious trader or Jt boutl engages natives to commit some minor offense, for which tho ponalty Is a fine or Imprisonment In default. They invariably do the Bontence, and on leaving pribon receive a document bearing a stamp of tho vnluo of their fine. This is sold for ?2 or bo to a dealer, who in his turn sells It to an amateur for ten times thnt amount, oblltorntod French colonial stamps of such high value bolng vory rnro. --' 1 Mountains' Death Toll, Now that tha mountain climbing senHoti is apprCaching, a Gorman pa per announces tho death list of 1912, whou 95 porsons lost their lives In Contral Europe. Tho total lu thu last 12 years was 1,117. Of tho 95 fatnll tlos, 30 were In Germany, 2(1 around Vienna, 29 In Tyrol and only four In Switzerland and Franco. Thrco of tho latter woro In ono party that por Uhcd on Mt. Blanc. Most of tho ac cidents were duo to gross inoxperi enco and poor equipment of German amatours who economized on guides. Speculator tho Worse Off, Tho man who buys a pig In a poko at IcaBt gotB uomo sort of a pig; where as the speculator ctton gets nothing. Mako Allowances. Even if you thluk you havo reason to complain, mako allowances. Like tho elephant, ho fcods on grass aud plants, and when ho cannot get these ho falls baok on bamboo shoots and tho buds and bronchos of trees. Tho gaura food until about nlno o clock In tho morning; then they roturn to tho bamboo forests and clear lngs to sleop. Later in tho afternoon they como out to graze and drink. Thoy aro not timid, and sovoral shots can bo fired among a herd before thoy become alarmed. Duke of Montpoller, in n-tuo worm Magazine. Arranging for the Future. The llttlo girl objected, quito natu rally, to wearing her oldor sister's out grown clothos. Ono day, in protesting while being dressed with such a gai raont, sho exclaimed: "It's real moan, and when I get married, I'm going to havo my youngest child first, so that who won't havo to wear hor sister's old clothes." Saturday Evening Post Most Likely, The ostrich dance Is tho name oi the latest soclotv wrisBln' rmK. - ' ably so called because it tnakaa th dancers feel llko hiding their facwa. S!L ' t ttjf uTpiiiii NAP LAJOIE THINGS Walter Johnson "Walter Johnson Ib far and away a bettor pitcher than Joo Wood, or any other pitcher in tho American league," declared Larry Lajolo, than whom thoro could scarcely bo a hotter Judgo of pitching. "Johnson simply has so much stuff and speed that if ho turn ed loose his hardest throw with his stuff on, no catcher could get down in time to receive tho ball. "Every ball ho throws has stuff on It Some of tho hops his faBt ones tako are bigger curves than tho big gest tho average pitcher haB. I've seen him throw balls up to the plate that didn't look larger than a pin head. Wood Is a good pitcher, all right, but ho 'Is simply not In John son's class, nor Is anybody else. "Wood broke Into tho leaguo from Kansas City1 agatnst us in 1908, In Bos ton, There was a llttlo house in cen ten field, and we hud about seven men who wore hitting .300. "Wow I What a reception ho got! ONE ON THE UMPIRE. American lcngnc iilnyrr were nrlnnlnc at tlic trick !lyl by .llmmy Cnlliihnn ut ( IiIcuko. Caflnlmn duett nut 111." the umplrm, purlic uhirly L'mnlre llllileliraml. A n renult, ulirn It mine lime to Kt the urbltrottirH the iitllclitl Imttlnc order, Cullnlmn Rent Acting Mntiwcer DIchdiiii out tu the iilnle nlth a Chlneno Inundry hIIii. rontnlnlnx notlilnc hut a run- ( C'hlneiie hieroglyphics. "Whnt's thntt" nuked Hllilehmnd. "Our butting order," replied Uleoion. "The league rule do not ay that It ulinlt lie written In EuiiIU!i." Turning hi hack, he hustled hack to the bench, leaving Illldebnuid standing there, diimfounded, with, u- laundry slip In his hand. . ISOTZS of the DIAMOND Otis Clymor, tho ex-Cub, has a reg ular Job with the BravoB. Springfield has aocured First Baso man Tom stankard from Holyoke. Balks aro gottlng to bo rather fre quont occurrences at the Senators' park "Joo Hoohllng of tho Washington club Is the llnd of tho season," sayB tho New York World. 'Joo Rellly, tho former Brown uni versity third baseman, lnsted but a minute or twoNwlth Baltimore. Pitcher Doc Ayers, on whom Clark Grinlth holds a string, Is pitching great ball In tho Virginia league. Fans aro wondering how many of those now making up the Philadelphia legulars will drop out after this sea. sou. John Dodge, the now third sneker of the Reds, Is a strenuous player aud Is making good for tho TliiUer ltcs. Tho veteran Charley Hickman Is off on a Bcoutlng trip to tho Pacific const and Intermodlnto points for tho Cleve land Naps. Cedar Rapids In tho Contral associa tion has a shortstop named Wllhelm Wambsganss and ho Insists on tho Hcorors using his full namo in tho scoros, This yoar tho Athlotlcs aro said to bo tho greatest drawing card on tho Amorlcnn league circuit, supplanting tho Tigers and Tyrus Cobb In that respect. Whenever tho Nap wrocklng crow, comprised of JaJoloVnnd Jackson, falls to connect, the team Is of second division calibre, nccordlng to a Clove- land critic. Archlo Neuschafer has Joined his third club in tho South Michigan, re porting to Lansing. Ho started with Kalamazoo nnd has pitched n short while with Flint. Nick Altrock gets credit for roost of tho buccosb of the sensational young Joo Doubling, and now ho has taken the boy southpaw, Harry Harper, un dor" his tutelago. ... One mascot is not enough for Joo Jaokson. He has two. Ono is a fight ing bulldog. Tho other Is a bulldog, too, but according to Joo, "no's moro for looks than fighting." V-?'. , TTXCvww v , 7 ... ? w. v --i 'y JOHNSON IS BEST t of Washington. First we'd knock a brick out of the chimney, then a few shingles off the roof, then wo'd batter a window pane. "Nobody over did anything Uko that to Johnson, and never will. When a fellow Is coaching off first when he's pitching, It's next to Impossible to seo his fast one. If ho didn't havo good control, ho would kill so many batters ho would bo barred from tho leaguo. He'd wreck every club ho pitched against. There's next to no chance to duck or back away from his delivery. "Almost any time you get a hit off Johnson don't figure that you're smart. Just figure It that you'ro lucky; lucky that you happen to make that blind swing In tho spot where the ball came. If all tho pitchers in tho league were like Johnson the pitch er's box would hove to bo placed at second baso so one club could get a run without tho game going into ex tra innings." HERZOG IS A HARD SLUGGER Stick Work With the Giants In World's Series Last Fall Attracted At tention In Sport Circles. Charles Lincoln Herzog, inflelder of tho Now York Giants, was born In, Bal timore July 9, 1885. He began his base ball career at tho University of Mary land In 1904, and for two years played shortstop on the college nine In 190(5 he managed a semi-professional team In Ridley, Md. One of his players was "Homo Run" Baker, who now shines with tho Athletics. The next season Herzog Joined the professional ranks, playing with York and Reading In the Charles Lincoln Herzog. Trl-StutV leafiuo. IIo slgnod with tho Giants In 1008 and remained a mombor of McQraw'a team until traded to Bos ton In 1910. Owing to dissensions among tho players tho Boston club sont Herzog back to tho Giants In ro turn for Al Hrldwoll and Hank Gawdy. Slnco returning to Now York Herzog has iilayed great ball. Ills heavy hit ting In tho world's series last fall at tracted wldo attention. Batting Combination. The Cobb-Jackson batting contest for tho supremacy of tho American leaguo, Is dovoloplng rapidly Into a Cobb-Jackeon-Speakor affair. Joo Is in tho lead a fow points ahead of Ty rus, but Tris is visible in tho offlng. paddling up nearer almost every day, Ohettsllne le Optimistic. Secretary ShetUllne of tho Phillloi, who has been on tho circuit as long as anyono can remember, says the Phtlllnn nm n roAl Inam ntA will nln I the flag; MANAGER STAHL IS DEPOSED According to Rumor George Stovall and Joe Birmingham Are Alto Slated to Be Let Down. Tho release of Jako Stahl as mana ger of tho Boston lied Sox, tho pres ent world's champions, was a big Jolt to ttie baseball world. It had been ru mored that troublo was brewing bo ,twcen Stahl nnd McAleer, but both had denied these reports. That Stahl was ordered to stop aside was duo to his own action, and was hot caused by any previous misunder standings by tho pair, it was learned from a trustworthy source. I Stahl voluntarily wont to McAleer nnd naked him whether ho was to manage tho Boston tonni next year. "Not unless you aro ablo to play first base," replied McAleer. Stahl then told tho Boston president that ho was averse to continuing as mana ger unless ho was to lead tho team next season. "In that event you had better re sign," McAleer said to Stahl. Mana gor Stahl said he wouldn't resign un der any circumstances, and thereupon tho hend of tho Red Sox deposed him as manager and appointed Catcher Bill Carrlgan to take charge of the team. That other managerial heads In the American leaguo will fall Is not un likely. Rumor has fnstoned on two In tho persons of George Stovall and Joe Birmingham. Tho Ferguson inci dent, when Stovall was suspended, brought the ax very near to Brother George, but back of that wcro reasons that were not made public at tho time and have not been. Tho three games taken from Detroit helped Stovnll more than a little, for It was the position, of the team and 37& lt-?lVSt.$? i""w rv -' Kms.t, ?.., SAi.. ""-vi A W .".? . "!.. V ' . V. W I-417 Ar A?M.y?v sr-wr '' vJ.7. ". . i.v. .i. Jake Stahl. the way that it was going that weighed more than anything else with the own er. Ban Johnson has never been friendly to Stovall nor has George held' the most cordial feelings of good will toward the president of the league. Stovall did not better hiB position by openly siding with the striking Tigers a year ago, nnd it was freely predicted at the time that ho had forfeited his chances of managing the Browns. This did not prove to be the case, but he certnlnly did not endear himself to Big Ban. niuulngham's trouble is that he has mude the Naps too aggressive. In his efforts to put fight in tho team he has overdone the thing, but now promises to work with his foot on the soft pedal so that all may still he well. Thieving His Forte. I Hap Meyers has done much to lift i tho Boston team from last place In the National league, because of daring on the bases. Meyers ia a very weak hitter, drawing only a .221 average, but is leading tho league in base steal ing. Were he to hit above .300 his chances to pilfer would bo greater ' on account of getting on first oftener. Meyers stole 115 bases In the North western circuit last year and 1b un doubtedly the fastest youngster to , break under the big tent this year. Hedges Is Optimistic. Bob Hedges, owner of tho St. Louis Americana, nays tho Tigers havo no license to finish ahead of tho Browns. "Stovall's men ought to be ashamed of themselves If they cannot climb nbovo Detroit," ho udds, "but I am go ing to leave tho team in George's hands to Beo what ho can do." Hloh-Prlced Twlrler. WiUter"Johnson, tho great right hander of tho Washington Americans, Is going to bo tho highest priced twlrler In basoball next season, ac cording to tho dope. Ills contract now calls for ?7,0D0, but ho has an nounced that with its expiration ha will domand J10.000. Amuoement for Fans. On ono of tho "whlto suit days" It nas so hot that Umpires HUdebrand nnd O'ioughlln had to take off their coats. All of which disclosed a pair of sleovo Barters on HUdobrand and suspenders on O'Loughlln, greatly to tho amusomcnl of tho crowd. Rath's Unique Record. Morris Rath has a most unlquo rec ord. Tho Whlto Sox socond sackor, has made only one extra base hit this season. Ho has played In seventy games, has been at bat close to 800, times, yot his longest wallop was a two-bagger. Good Finisher. Packard of the Reds is surely an odd pitcher or in odd luck. He can finish games in splendid style, but when ho is picked to start a game they drum on him till the hits echo all over tho park. i ili la yEWWgaPHB Je-Vi wwnA! iVJ sv. .ZTs . . ntfMtflt. J5 SS253L " 'mm. tiSJiaB!l&&m6 The Old -Companies. The Old Treat ment. The Old Care. They the best in all the land. I represent the Hartford Phenix Contincntal-rColumbia Royal, the really STRONG Insurance Companies. I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours, when you sell. Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing, draw up Wills, Deeds, Leases, Etc RIGHT. Very much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well. H. JF. McKcever, '"rtmb Successor to Ed. T. Kearney. Insurance. Real Estate Conveyancing. Steamship Tickets Ask Your Dealer a C3 3 CD 3 u. .rp"' ,rv- rtiir vt ITU COMB t talk f - V a JK gggggl Vv V'l ml WWII It rfi rthlwHrmM'Vrn!X' I 11 VlxP The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness I If they Don't Have Them, write or call on Sturges Bros., 411 Pearl St., Sioux City, la I Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant Ambulance Service Wm. JF. Dickinson Vnderta,k.fng Boll 71 A.-iio N471 "A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation" SHIP US YOUR Cattle, Hogs and SKeep Steele, Siman &.Co. SIOUX CITY, IOWA Tom Steele, Ray Slman, Otis Harlv, Dave Prusmer, Hurry Epmwi., Jlannger. Onttle Salesmen. Hos& Sheep Salesman. OlUce. Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us. Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters. We Work tor You. Write Us, " Ship Us. !Dr. HENDERSON. 81S Walnut A regular eradutie In medlclmt. Oldeat In aco and loosest located. 41 years- special rractico Ovef 33 Authorized br the Stata to Treat All Curttblo oaaea guaranteed. All medicines furnlthrd readv for u no ciereurr or iajurlo'j rollclnos ueed. No detention from uuhIdcbs Wlenim at a distance treated by mall aad eiprofs. Mcdlolues sent evbrywhero. -free from Raze or breakace. Cnargealoir. OrorCo.ODO cases UOQiuuauou iree anu connaemiai, personally or uj letter. Serninai Weakness and Sexua! Debility, frSm follies and excess causing night losses and loss of fiezual power, pimples bud blotches on tnofacoj confused Ideas and forKotfulness, basbfulness and aversion to rooloiy, etc , cured for life. I stop night loires. roHtoro seival ro"pri nerT and brain power, enlarge and strengthen weak p.irti and make 70a fit for marriage. Send for free book and list of questions. QtfilltA Cnrf,t wl,h B "ew ln SIrlCIlir feiltblo Home Treat- anrt flrtnf raent. Mo Instruments, no JieOl uo pain, no detention from business. Cure guaranteed. Book and list of questions f rne sent sealed. Henry's Place) East of the Court House for the Best in I I Wines, Liquor and Cigars ! I Bond &,LUlard, Old Elk, INKilife Bottle I HGiary'KfxxxnwJcclct .pnocuy. Nbr.ka Abstracts of Title 110,000 Bareiy Bosd uaraatafl tka aaaaraJr vary Abstrset I sak. to Show You C3 I I o o 3 CD CO C5 7T rthlwHrmM VTii i z'3 3 I ?VJjkM ZdXVLl S5 n.i., - . i i wan i i iii ' 415 Sixth Street Siox&x City Ioave. I n i i i Street, Kansas City, Mo. aco and experience ore Important. Years In Kansas City. f tfeMUniiHB CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. cured. State your oase and send tor terms. Varicocele fne'.ucl. Sncnerveua debility, weakneo of thai soxual syctcm, etc., purrwrt.wn l!y ccrod ! WitilwiitpSln. CiinhSlip That terrlbU disease u duuiiinl all Its forms and taes cured lor life, IUood polsonli.g and ail j priTate aiseases permanently curea. On Chronic, j Nervous mdi Speojbl DIh botD sexes 96 pages. "7 plotnn1". full) description of above diseases, effects unu cure, sent sealed in plain wrappir 3CSSHE3 Sherwood Rye Whiskies I Beer of Kef I i Buooasaor to Dakota ConntY AbstrMt 02 Bonded Abstractor .1 J. J. E I M E R r r t: v. Jt u t X ,, t uaiumoro arar. - ' ' O -.1 nwafcyiHUrifcyT P--aeyfcMX fcetWa rswo.t, s3-