-a aam f ' jawrewawPOTwcrgrt , XTt T" , ft -XL ,1 . I t U HAD SOME JOYS TO RECOUNT Small Boy Didn't Get Looked-For Tickets, but Day Was Not Alto gether Without Fun. When that spectacular drama of Africa, "The Garden of Allah," re cently appeared In Washington, with Its tiooj) of camels and donkeys to lend ntmosphora to tho scenes, Bever ly, n tropical small boy of ten4 hast ened to offer his services, when they arrived In tho city Monday morning, as a carrier of water and food for tho beasts, hoping theroby to get a seat among tho gallery gods for his labors. The next afternoon Beverly was seen sitting enthroned among a party of his companions, nil ovldcntly listen ing eagerly to the tales of his last Wight's exporlenco. "Well, Beverly," hailed a passing Acquaintance, ''did you gel Into the show for looking aftor tho animals?" "No," replied Beverly. "But," ho added, swelling with pride as his com rades gazed eagerly upon him. "A donkey kicked mo and a camel tried to blto mo!" ECZEMA ON ENTIRE SCALP It. F. D. No. 2, Sunfleld, Mich. "I woh troublod with eczema. It began with a sore on tho top of tho scalp, broke out as a plmplo and grew larger until It was a largo red spot with a, crust or scab over it. This became larger finally covering the entire scalp and spread to different parts of the body, the limbs and back and In the ars. These sores grew larger grad ually until some were as large as a quarter of a dollar. They would Itch and If scratched they would bleed and smart. Tho clothing would Irrliate them at night when It was bolng re moved causing them to Itch and smart flo 1 could not sleep. A watery lluld would run from them. My scalp be came covered with a scale and when the hair was raised up it would raise this scale; the hair was coming out terribly. "I treated about six months and got no relief and after using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment with two applica tions we could notice a great differ ence. It began to get better right away. In a month's tlmo I was com pletely cured." (Signed) Mrs. Bertha Underwood, Jan. 8, 1913. Cutlcura Soap and Olntmont sold throughout tho world. Sample of each tree, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. The soil of shallow minds is fine for growing weeds. Women who would rather be envied than pitied show good judgment. Krs.WInslow'a Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens tho gums, reduce Inflamma tion, allays pain.curea wind collc.SGc a bottle.to One should choose a wlfo with the ars rather than with the eyes. Proverb. Signs of It. Jack Bill's wife says ehe made him, Jane Maybe that Is why he looks so frazzled at tho seams. Peaches. "He says ho is In love with daisies.' "Well, he told no He." "Ox-eyed palsies?" "No, peroxide daislc3." Badly Expressed. "Doctor, I'm sorry to bring you away out to the suburbs." "Don't mention it. You see, I have another patient out this way; conse quently I can kill two birds with one ctone." Plain Fare Will Remain. Tho wlfo of the, governor-elect of New York says that there will be corned beef and cabbage on the tabic of the executive mansion at Albany, Jubt as there Is at home. Daring Aeronaut Shy of Horse. A Rockwood farmer thinks theso t balloonist fellows are queer. Ho is still scratching his bead over a strange remark by Capt. Honeywell. As the baloon was packed and ready for shipment to St Louis, a farmer standing near, offered his team to transport the balloon and the men to Kockwood. Honeywell demanded to know If the horse was a safe one. ""Yes," said the farmer, "but a hit afraid to automobiles-" "Nothing do ing then," said Honeywell. "I wouldn't care to risk my life behind a scary horse." And Honoywell had ridden a balloon from Kansas City, fleeing be fore a storm the whole way! Toledo Blade. PANTRY CLEANED A Way Some People Have. A doctor eald: "Before marriage my wife observed In bummer and country homes, coming in touch with families of varied means, culture, tastes and discriminating ten dencies, that tho families using Pos turn seemed to average better than tlioso using coffee. "When wo were married two years ago, Postuni was among our first order of groceries. Wo also put in some tea and coffee for guests, but after both had stood around tho pantry about a year untouched, they were thrown away, and Postum used only. "lp to the age of 28 I had been ac customed to drink coffeo as a routine 1' b't and suffered constantly from in ' sestlon and all Its relative disorders. t nr using Postum all the old com 1iali ts have completely left mo and I ' nu times wonder if I ever had them." N me given by Postum Co., Battle :: Mich. Write for booklet, "Tho Itctd to Wellvlllo." 1'ostum comes in two forms. Kegular (must be boiled). InstantPostum doesn't require boil 'ng but is prepared instantly by stir ring a level tcaBpoonful in an ordinary cup of hot water, which makes It right for most persons. V big cup requires more and some people who like strong things put in a hoping spoonful and temper it with a Jiiri-o supply of cream. Fxperlmcnt until you know the r-'i-'int that pleases your palato and hi o ft sorved that way In the future. T' Tf't n Reason" for Postum. WAR ON HOG CHOLERA Serum Developed' by Department of Agriculture Used. Cleaning Up of Infection Is Huge Job, But Believed Can Be Accqmpllshed. Same as Eradication of Ticks In South. Beginning with a few counties In Iowa and Indiana, the department of agriculture is commencing n qainpalgu for the eradication of hog cholera. As this diseaso is ns widespread as tho hog raising industry, which covers tho wholo country, tho cleaning up of the Infection is a largo order. It Is be hoved, however, that It can bo done In much the same way that tho cnttln (Irk Is being eradicated from the south. Bofore tho tick eradication work started It was feared thnt It was tn Impossible task. Tho experts pt tho department, however, figured out meth ods of catllo dipping, pnstSre rotatlou and other means of control so that now a quarter of tho area In the south that formerly was under strict cattle quarantine has been declared tick free md released. Counties adjoining the cleared territory have 'seen the bene fit and are taking up tho work so that eventually the Impossible will be ac complished and tho wholo of tho south will be turned Into a cattlc-raielng country. It Is thought that the samo thing can be dono with hog cholera. Congress last year appropriated $75,000 to stnrt the work. Tho beginning in Iowa will be In co-operation with the Iowa Stute college. Tho method used will be tho lerum that was developed by Doctor Dorsett of the department of agricul ture. Hog cholera is by nil odds the groat est scourgo of tho hog-ralsing Industry. tt waB estimated that It coat tho farm ers last year $00,000,000. Before the discovery of the serum treatment tho loll was still larger. Cholera was re garded as Inevitable and was almost &lway3 fatal. Thcro was no protection igalnst it except segregating tho well bogs, and this precaution woe uncer tain. The injection of tho Berum gives Im munity from attack oven on close con ta.ee, Tho Immunity Is not permanent, but It lasts long enough to allow clean ing up an entire community. It was istlmated that the second year tho lerum was In use It saved about $11, 500,000. Now many of tho states aro manufacturing the serum In their own igricultural laboratories and distribute t froo on application. The plan for cleaning up the country Is to commence on county areas, ns is being done In Indiana nnd Iowa, and tradually Bpread tho work, cleaning up in widening circles and preventing the Importation of tho diseaso by careful luarantine. Any specific local outbreak will be wiped out an quickly as It can bo located. It may bo the work of years to get ill tho country" cleaned, but It Is be lieved once, it is cleaned It can be kept lo. This Vlll mean a great Incieaae In tho hog-ralsing Industry, larger profits tnd a proportionate reduction In the price of mdat. REWINDING OF BARBED WIRE Excellent Use May Be Made of Old Buggy Axle and Wheels Two Men Required to Operate. The Bketch shows a very useful de vice for winding loose wire and taking up old wire fences. Procure an old huggy axle and wheels, and fasten two two-by-four sticks five feet long to the axle as illustrated. t Provide that front end with a rod, tho end of which Is bent to form a crank. Two bent nails hold tho block which had to be cut out to allow the rod. to bo put In place. When the To Rewind Barbed Wire. spool is on, the nails me twisted so us to, keep tho rod in place. If the rod docs not hold tho spool tightly, use wedges, writes Call Achilles in tliM Independent Fanner One man pushes, and the man in front turns the crank. Wire can be wound as fast as a man can walk and just as ovenly as when bought new. Save the Manur.. In promptly handling barnyard manure, the farmers can savo or loso liuudreds of dollars annually. A ma nure heap is a hot bed of bacterial activities. Some of the nitrogen is formed into ammonlu and passes Into the air; this is a clear loss. Some Is transformed Into nitrates, which aro soluble. Theso aro washed out by rains and sink Into tho soil or run olf Into the ditch; this also Is a direct loss. Some is formed by bacteria Into nitrates and theso nitrates attacked by another species of bacteria which change into nitrogen gas, which pass es Into the air and is lost. Danger of Overchurning. OverchurnhiK, that Is, churning un til the butter forms in largo lumps, Increase tho moisturo on account of tho fact that a considerable amount of buttermilk Is Incorporated This buttermilk is usually detrimental to the keeping qunlity of tho butter and should not by any means bo churned into the butter. Hint for Horsemen. Never start to lead tho horse from his stall till you hold or fasten back tho door, Doors have been known to swing to whore they were not fast ened open, catching tho horse's head, uio animal pulling back and breaking ma necK, r Rank; In Hablta. Tho black raspberries aro moro rank In their habits of growth, and should lie planted fur'her apart than tho red Varieties, Vl 1 1 W i EXCELLENT HAY RACK LIFT Much Manual Labor May Be Saved by Use of OavIca Shown In lllu. tratlon How Worked. (lly J WnSLBV OIUFKIN.) Mitch heavy lifting may bo avoided by having a placo on which tho hay rack may rest when hot in use. By making a support something liko tho onw falivwn in tho drawing, not only tho heavy Jilts may bo avoided but much time saved. I havo known as many as three mon to loso an hour oach, going to and from tho field, just to clinngo a wngon body and tho hay fiame. This was at a tlmo when tlmo was valuable, moro so than other tlmps. With a lift llko this ono. or something similar, one man can chango frames with ease and dispatch. All ono has to do is to drive bo twoen tho posts at the lower end. The rack will be lifted from the wagon as i i i i i mil mi ii I I i 1 To Load the Rack. tho team draws It through. Tho lift should bo the same height at the top of the lowest posts, as tho top of tho wngon wheels, tho rear ones, then tho rack Is raised abovo thp wheels tho wagon will pass out, leaving the rack high and dry. When ready to load tho rack, simply drive between tho posts, under tho rack, and slip back the rack, at tho same time back the wagon. As soon as tho rear of tho rack rests on tho wagon, stand on tho rear of tho rack and your weight will hold tho rack In placo while the team Is backed far enough to let the front of tho rack fall in, place. MONEY IN QUINCE GROWING There Is Unlimited Demand for Them and Fruit Is Neglected More Than Any Other. Two acres of quinces ought to mako moro money for tho farmer than 20 acres of apples, according to J. C. Whlttcn, prorossor of horticulture in tfie Ohio College of Agriculture, In a lecture to tho pomology class. "The qulnco Is moro neglected In proportion to Its merits than any of our orchard fruits," he said. "Nobody ever saw an overplus of quinces. Thero is an unllmltod demand for thorn, If the farmer hns a placo where they will do well, tho crop properly handled will pay better than any of our orchard fruits. Tho fruit is the firmest we have to ship, the most handsome and tho best keeper." ( According: to Professor Whlttpn, quince-growing has never had a boom. "This Is because tho quince grown un der ordinary treatment, as most of our apples and other fruits are grown, does not have a good flavor and is poor in quality. The trees must have individ ual care and expert treatment. It re quires' the greatest skill to select tho right site for tho orchard. If prop erly handled, pruning, spraying nnd picking Are easier than In our ether orchards. "When cooked the quince Is tho best of our core or stone fruits. For pre serves! jellies and tho like, the qulnco Is tho richest, most highly flavored and the most delicious fruit wo have." SELF-BOILED LIME SULPHUR Expert of Alabama Experiment Sta tion Gives Some Excellent Advice on Spray Material. Writing in regard to tho uso of self-boiled lime-sulphur solution to combat the San Jose scale, Dr. W. E. Hinds of tho Alabama experiment station says: "We cannot depend upon tho heat of tho lime to produce a combination that will be effective as a winter wash against San Jose scale. ... I fear that tho writers recommending this, confuse tho preparation of self boiled llmo sulphur for summer uso for browu rot with the Hre-botled wash for the scale. An Ineffective wash ineans waste of tho materials, labor and perhaps the ruin of the or chard also. ' There is, of course, latitude for some variation In tho proportion of llmo and sulphur, ranging between fifteen pounds and twenty pounds of earth. Considering tho danger of get ting a poor grado of llmo, and tho cheapness of thnt material, I believe It advisable to use slightly more llmo than sulphur. I would advlso eight een or twenty pounds of lime and fif teen pounds of sulphur to make fifty gallons of wash. It Is necessary to boil this for nt least thirty minutes, and hotter, for forty-flvo or more, to get tho most effective wash." Money Coming In. While fruit growing brings tho mon. oy In chunks at certain seasons of tho year, dairying is the only branch of farming bringing In money every month of tho year. Tho dairyman who knows his business will have a cheek going into tho bank ovory month and noed never bo short for cash, pro vided ho used good Judgment in his business. Then when the big check comes from tho salo of fruit in tho fall ho will realize tho great advan tage to bo derived from this combi nation. Cats Vs. Birds. The cat Is conslderd tho greatest enemy of birds. A live cat not over fed, may destroy hundreds of birds each year Since thero uro about as many cats in tho country as thero are men and omeu, say 90,000,000, tho number of birds destroyed by tho cat can easily ! estimated. Tho cat got In her bw work after heavy showers when tho I i J's feathers nro wet, when the blrdr not normally active, and when tb- irds aro half grown, In which ti ho cat climbs a tree and finds tin rdllngs helplcEtu. TREADIN y"""' jSjjf yafil 2 nsbtJb&v SMBBBBssBTaTaTal Aaraa mmmmmmmmmYmmS&9$ff&& tSCi 'JvH ft"&mWmWWWv& jK "-BrarBBraraVV inflBfc V & Tvu jmwH'. BraraV J. P. Morgan, head of tho greal tlnauclal houso of Morgan, seen at tho left of tho Illustration, makes dally trlpR to business from his nuramor home on Long Island aboard his Etoam yacht. Ills irw lu ou at the ilgUt, and In tho center is Miss Jane Morgan, who has been at Nowport recontly. EXECUTE "MAN TIGER n- Jake Oppenheimer, Noted Crim inal Is Put to Death. Murdered Many Men Having Added Several Killings to His Record While In Prison, for One of Which He Hanged. Folsom, Cal. "Jake" Oppenholmor, known as "The Criminal of tho Cen tury" nnd "Tho Tiger Man," because of IiIb murderous ferocity, was put to. death onltho gallows here for the mur der of a fellow-convict In Folsom prison. Oppenholmer waB probably ono of tho most rnmnrknbl" crlmlptlP of the age. He had ut loaat tour murders to his credit and Innumerable murder- ! ous assaults. Ho commoriced his criminal' career when a boy. Dis charged by the superintendent of a telegraph company lit San Francisco, ho thereupon shot and killed tho of ficial. Opponhelmer, In somo way, "beat tho case." but thrpo ypnrc lator wn sentenced to fifty years' Imprisonment for robbing n drug store. This severo sentence was given him becauso of evldenco showing that ho was a dan gerous and habitual criminal. A man named Ross testified against Oppen liolmor at his trial, at which time "Tho Man Tiger' 'swore to bo revenged. Not long after Opponholmor's nr rival at Folsom prison, Ross was sent thero as a convict. Oppenholmor wait ed for him at tho gate and stabbed him to death beforo tho guards could Interfere A short tlmo later Oppen holmor murdered a guard namod Mc Donald. As punishment ho was placed In solitary confinement, but obtaining a file he made his way out and at tacked a fellow-convict named John Wilson with a butcher knlfo. Wilson died a few days later. In 1901 tho state legislature passed a law Imposing the death penalty upon any prisoner whq should mako un as sault upon a prison official or a fellow prisoner Under this law, Opponhel mer was tiled in October, 1S07, for the murder of Wilson. Ho was found guilty, and was sentenced to dlo on June 6, 1908. Apparently supplied with plonty of 1 money, Opponhelmor fought his case all tho way up to the Supremo court of the United States, but finally lost. Ho then endeavored to obtain his freedom by writ of habeas corpUB, but In vain. While awaiting tho decision of tho courts In his efforts to savo himself from tho gallowB, Oppenheimer wns kept In strict confinement at tho Fol eom prison. There ho continued his criminal career with unequaled cun ning and ferocity. In company with two other criminals, prisoners, J. W, Finloy and San Francisco Quljada, Op penheimer made an attempt to break put of the prison at midnight on Jan uary 4, 1910, by sawing the bars of their cell They would havo succeed ed had not Night Captain Qulgmiro detected them sneaking along tho cor ridor Quljada, a half-breed YaquI Indlnn, had attacked some of tho prison guards several years bofore and had been sen tenced to dentil under tho law of 1901. IIo appealed to tho courts, and his case was pending at tho time when Oppenheimer began his fight for his llfo, Thero wan considerable ill-feeling betweon tho two prisoners from tho very beglunlng, nnd their mutual ATTACKS THIEF CHOKING BABY Mother Undaunted by Pistol and Threat to Kill If Outory Is Made. Bostoil. When Mrs. Henry J. Rounds of Maiden unexpectedly came upoi a burglar In her dining roonr, ho snntchod up her baby from the iloor, took out a revolver nnd threat ened to shoot tho baby If sho made a round When tho baby started to cry tho IN HIS FATHER'S 99 hatred Increased In tho courso of tlmo. Tho climax came In September of 1901, when ono morning Quljada, challenged Oppenheimer to a combat for llfo, while the prisoners were permitted to exercise In tho corridor of tho prison. Opponhelmer, who had secretly pre pared himself for such an emorgency, flung himself upon tho Indian and stabbed him to death with a sharp ploco of Bteel, which ho had picked up In tho prison yard several months be foro, and which he had secreted In his mattress over slnco. AUSTRIA LOVES SWEET PEAS Unknown Some Few Years Ago, the Flower Is Now In Many Gardens. Vienna. Sweet peas, which wore practically unknown In Austria only a few years ago, aro now proml- Emperor Francis Joseph. nent In tho Imperial gardens at Schonbrunn, Tho aged Emperor Francis Joseph is tun first lu Austria to "take up" tho swoet peas. Tho director of the Imperial gardens was sont to London and brought specimen plants back with him. Now tho tables at tho cas tle at Schonbrunn aro decorated with sweet peas in ono color, or, nt most, two. Tho omporor prefers pink nnd white to other combinations DOG'S LIFE TO SAVE CHICKS Fights Copperhead, as Venomous Rep tile Imperiled His Mistress. Potts ville, Pa. -Whon. Mrs. Robert Holms went to tho chicken coop to see why her fowls wero making an unwonted noise, sho found that a four-foot copperhead had colled up In tho yard nnd was giving battle to a dog, which had drlvon tho reptile away from a half-dovourcd chicken Sho endeavored to strlko It with a broom whon the snako made a thrust at hor, narrowly missing. Her screams brought mon from their work near by, and thoy soon killed tho snako. Tho dog was a victim of tho fangs of tho reptile, and will likely dlo from tho poison, which ho endeavored , In vain to lick from his wounds man caught It by tho throat. Frantic, Mrs. Rounds sprang at him, grappled and forced him to drop the child. Tho man fled Just buforo help arrived. Mrs. Rounds was lu tho back yard when sho heard a mufflod cry from her baby, Sho ran to the house. The baby, with a blanket wrapped tightly about its head, luy just Inalde tho dining room door. Ab sho sprung to ward It a man appeared. "If you mako a sound I'll shoot hor and you, too," tho burglar snld to Mrs. Rounds. The burglar caught Its llttlo FOOTSTEPS WAS LURED BY COLD How Plague Ship Captain Se cured an Engineer. Deluded Man Was Later Startled by Elaborate Courtesies of His Chief and Succession of Burlnlt at 8ea. ' New York. The favorite story ol Capt. Walter Anckor, superintendent of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad's floating equipment nt pier No. 22, foot of Jay street, North river, who died somo tlmo ago, wns of his oxporl chco on a plague ship. Ancker was assistant engineer on tho German steamer Minister Achen bach, which lay at Nlkolalev, on tho Bug river. Ono day he and Captain Kahinko wero discussing bubonlo plaguo In tho cabin on tho brldga deck when Captain Stringer of tho British tramp Siia Gull oumo nlong sido In ono of his boats, very much excltod. "A hundred pounds In gold for an engineor!" shouted tho captain. "I'm short of engineers. I'll drop him off nt Constantinople and thero you can pick him up." Captain Kahmko advised Anckor to accept tho offer, saying tho Achen bach would bo at Constantinople in about a week. Anckor accepted It and turned over half of tho 100 pounds In gold to his captain tor safe-keeping nnd tucked the other half lnsldo his bolt, lnsldo of half an hour tho young onglneer was aboard tho Sea Gull, which already had steam up In tho Bug. 8ho waslow down in tho water. Sho had Just returned from India, and her crow embraced Lascars, Russians, Finns and Eugllsh. All tho officers wero English. Tho captain wns unusually hospl tablo. IIo camo to the engine room, bringing a flask of brandy and a box of cigars to tho engineor and asking him not to leave tho engine room and not to sparo the cigars and brandy, it looked suspicious such liberal hoBpitallty. ' At four bells of tho first watch En gineor Ancker decldod to steal a lit tle sleep lu a comfortable armchair which tho skipper had sent below. He stopped first Into tho nlleyway, where were tho berths labeled respectively "Engineer," "First Engineor" and "Second Assistant Engineor," In the first room ho saw tiio form of a man In tho bunk. In room No, 2, darker than the first, he touched a man ap parently asleep, a bottle of brandy by his side. From tho bunk In tho third room Anckor grabbed a blanket nnd wrappod hlmsolf In It In his chair in tho engino room. s "What's tho troublo?" tho now en gineer asked a sailor. "Do you think It Is measlcB?" re turned tho man contemptuously. 'Questioning tho sailor moro closoly, Anchor learnod that nine out of tho crow of 30 wero already dead, Includ ing the regular engineer, tho first as sistant and the second assistant, whoso bunks tho understudy had vis ited during tho previous nlghL I Twice again on that day there wero splashes alongside. Ancker took fre quent small nips of brandy, smoked cigars, drank boiled water only and ato sparingly, Anckor bribed a bumboatman to sot him ashoro at Pera on tho oppo site shore. throat and pressod so tho baby stran gled nnd gasped for breath. I could not stand that and I sprang at him. Ho pulled tho trigger, but his Tovolver did not work, nnd bo dropped tho baby to fight me. "A neighbor chased the burglar till ho dodged Into tho woods and van ished." Plalnflold, Conn. Residents of this placo havo organized to exterminate millions of brown tall moths which havo descended upon tho town. - -. COCA COLA HABIT, A GHOST. 1 4 We liAVeTnlt Heard of ghosts, but non-s.; of us havo ovar seen oneIt s.tho same. way with coca cola 'rfletfsTr"youcatr- henr about them but you might Braroh for them until doom's day and you would hever find ono. Physicians who have trcntcd hundreds of thousands ot drug-habit cases, Including opltimrmcr pliino, cocaine, alcohol, etc., say ..that they have never seen a casfl whefelHff uso of Coca-Cola has so fastened Itself upon tho Individual ns to constitute hnbit in tho truo senso of the word. Al though millions of glasses or COca-Cola' are drunk every year, no Coca-Col fiendB hnvo ever mado themselves Vis ible at the doors of tho sanitariums for tho treatment of drug habits. Tho Coca-Coin habit Is analogous to tho beefsteak hahlt nnd to tho straw borry habit and the Ice cream .habit. Peoplo drink Coca-Cola first because they see It ndyertlsed and thereafter becauso It tastes cOod and refreshes th!r mtnda and bodies. -They drJnk.it-. whon ttiey can get it and content-idly do without It when they can't 'Hul It If you had ever wltnossed tho ravings of a real drug fiend when deprived of hl3 drug, if you had over observed the agony ho suffers, you would never again be so unfair as to mention Coca Cola In tho same breath with the "hablt-formlng" drugs.- Adr. Novelist Misquoted Scripture. NovcllBta do not seem to bo vory strong In their knowledge ot the scriptures somehow, nnd Sir Walter Scott In "Tho Heart of Midlothian" attempts to point 1 moral with the words: "Our slmplo nnd unpretend ing heroine had the. merit of thofte peacemakers to whom it is promised ns a benediction thnt thoy'Bhall in herit tho earth." Tho fact Is that the peacemakers did not recelvo any such promise, but it Is said that "the meek shall Inherit tho oartli." Important to Mothers i Examlno carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a nf o and sure remedy for Infants, and children, and see that ii Tlnnra ii mm n .-w Signature of CjtyfjlcZU In Use For Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Flotchor'i Oaatori "Invisible" Telephone. Both transmitter and recefver of new French loud-speaking telephone can be concealed lnn vaso of flowers, a tabid ornament or any other Incon spicuous object In a room. Thinks Well of New Studies. Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford, superin tendent of schools in Colorado, says that sho Is very much Interested In tho new studies of agriculture and domestic science. Irritating Skin Troubles, so prevalent In summer, such as hives, poison oak, chafing, sunburn, oczoma, etc., are quickly relieved when Tyree's Antiseptic Powder Is used4w 26c. at druggists or sample sent free by J. S. Tyrce, Washington, D. 0. Adv. Woman Is tho salvation of the de struction of tho family. Henri Fred orlc Amlel. Somo men seem to have" 'outlived" their usefulness when, as a matter of fact, they never had nny. IT'S HARD TO WORK It's torture to work with a lame, aching back. Get rid of it. Attack the causa Probably it's weRk Mdny - Heavy, or confining work is hard on the kidneys, anyway, and'onco the kid neys become inflamed and congested, tho trouble keeps getting worse. The danger of running into gravel, S dropsy or Brigtit's ousoaso is serious." TTe Vtsnr'.l 1iitilaw O.lla nm rnmAflv for backache or bad kidneys. Emy Picture t A Washinjioa Case II. It. Hatch, JT.in Cedar Ht.. Everett, Willi,, saya: "Severs pains In my back made me miserable. Tho kidney accre tions burned In Ea h a I n b. My ack got bo baa I could hardly work. After specialists fail ed Doan'a Kid ney Pills com pletely cured me." Itiia a j.n, Get Doan's nt Anr Store. 50c a Box FOSTER-MILCURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Ye Don't ,Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are HiutHii intrit uuilli4jrt Jk 1 CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act , gently on the all m tn.lA SaIIa soothe the delicate.. iiiembraneotllK bowel, curt Conillpillon, Dlllouiaen, Sick limit. achs and Indention, as millions knew. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK. Genuine must bear Signature DAISY FLY KILLER gff .r.mV Si Mm. ami, alMta, or iwmutol, Manaltat on p. tails all aVaMjBRaSSrTvlS39 m.ttl, eaatsplll rtls otti will not Mil Injur aathlHs;. OnmnyitMd fftiY. Alldaalora )' sprtM paid for HM. IT1 AROLS SOUKS, 119 DiXtUr At.., BrailTa, V, X. TUnUBCifHU'C CnUaklr nllms !EYE WATERm:irfir JOUN L. THOMPSON SONS A CO.,Troj-,X.Y. i WiUonK.f!oteman,WBt. .Ington.DC. ilooksfraa. Hlab. ' ett rrterouc. Mat rasiuia. W. N. U., 8I0UX CITY, NO. 32-1913. Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest." i r.IIIOIXARSON, rrtnUrs, 417 fourth Ittraet, Sloor City, lows RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, STENCILS ot all kinds, Dating- SUmpr, Markla Oo flta, Ht. frlta or call for what ycxs aaa FOlt 1IK3T BERVIOB BU1V RICE BROTHERS Live Stock Commission Merchant at atOVXCITY, ehfemgw Kmmwmm9Mm V. " ' ' '..n. AAmEZ r SLBbsb P ii rvr r n'e SrslMM " I J-D" JH WiTTLE mmmmmmmW mm , ...y '.flSV-UlN PILLS. fjLw m t- . TT "fl J v ngF I - ,-immMmJiAJi I - --"BTWrtrparfctiM ':&si ' il ...J&H Pj." i,! - SK72 '-k4 m iy IS. rtylljgjj w-s "4 9 i n 4A i M " --.it--i