Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 07, 1913, Image 5

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s J KU J-
Wf V?
A Af
M sei
Cash Grocery Store
Special Prices for
S Bars Beat 'Em All Soap .v 25c
3 cans Kagle Lye 25c
3 Pkgs Washing Powder 25c
5 lbs. Coffee ?....; . .$1.00
2 lbs Navy Beans n ...... . .'. . .25c
G lbs Prunes :..... 25c
3 pkgs E C Corn Flakes
3 Cans of Salmon.
Get our Prices on Ladies' and Men's Hosiery.
....Highest Price Paid for Produce....
W. L.
DaaJcots. City,
ants. For Sale. Etc.
For Sale Cottonwool! 'umber, $20
pur thousand TIioh Ourran.
Bay a good farm on
oojmtv bottom. 1 uuve
A most Interesting little broclwn
has recently come off 'the press setting"
forth with Bible proofs that the com
munications received by and through
Spiritist Mediums ls'of Demo origin.
The writer traces his subject through
the Scriptures from the time when
certain of the holy angels 'became dla
obedient. He proves from the Scrip
tures that these fallen spirits per
Ronate the human dead, with whose
past history, spirits, though invisible,
are thoroughly acquainted. He shows
that they ill so frequently person
ate the Creator and the Redeemer,
commanding their deceived ones to
pray, do penance, etc. This, however,
Is merely to lead them-on and to bring
them more thoroughly under demoni
acal control. Sometimes by breaking
down the natural barrier, the human
Kill, they possess their victim, and rule
him more or less to bin ruin frequent
ly sending hucIi to the mad-house,
Numerous lllustjtlorw. Scriptural and
otherwise, arc given. The prlco of the
little book is but five cents; It should
be in the bauds of all, Interested is
Spiritism or who have, friends inter
ested therein. Enclose 'stamps, to the
Bible 'and Tract Socltety, 17 Hicks
Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Finds Cure for Epilepsy
ter Years of Suffering
"My daughter was afflicted with
ifplleptlc fits for three years, the attack
nlnK every few weeks. We employed
fcntf- doctors but they dlf Tier no
good. About
year ueo w
h e a if i of Dr.
Miles Nervine,
and fit certainly
ham papved a
blefiig to our
Uttltofglrl. She Is
n orw 'apjfirently
curfed And Js en-
Jojfng the best
of rretsjth. it is
over n yeary sines
she has liad a
fit. Wo itannot
speak too ltigbljr
Comfroy, Iklnn...
Thousands of children in the)
United States who are suffering
from attacks of epilepsy arc. a
burden and sorrow to their parents,
who would give anything to, rest Ore
health to the sufferers.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
is one of the best remedies' kno
for this affliction. It hasj wot
tnciai in thousantii tof cae
and those who have,. used it, have
the greatest faith in it. It, fs not
a curc-an, but a rehableremedy
for nervous diseases. Y'ou need
not hesitate to give it aftrial.
soia oy sii urugauts. tf the first
come tbiis w oenent yoiar monsy
MlbCS-MIDICAL CO.,iElkhart, In
0 "
Trade Marks
Anyone lending a -tch and description mar
aulcklr aecertaln our opinion free whether eJi
fuTeution Is probeblr pe.tente.bU. Coinninuic
tlJneetrletlrronSdtntsa.jHANDB60l( onl-.tenU
tent fre. Oldest utaier for securing-psteute.
l-tenU taken tbroush llnnn Co. recalre
tfictal notics, without charge, la the
Mine America.!.
idsomele BBjtstraled weeklr- Jjintst elr
lon or any sdentlOo Journal, Terms. IS a
ear i four months, si. sMWDiraunewsdeaiars.
I iHaaafe- aWl
1 v IMviy
4 of Dr. Miles'
a iMUW
Local Items
Obas Nyreon left Tuesday for Leeds,
la. to work.
Mrs W H Jobnsou went to a Sioux
City hospital for treatment last Friday.
Butt ennnty will hold its Old Set
tlers' pionio at Tekamah, August 22nd.
Kirk Beam, of Axtell, Kas, visited
at the (ieo T Woods liome over Bun
day. Tho Dakota Oity-Teddy Bears lost
a one-sided game at Eruersou Sunday
toy ik II) to 2- score.
Mrs Earl Frederick and bou return
ed home Saturday from a visit with
relatives at Luke City, Iowa.
Mrs D O Htinsou, of Leeds, la, left
last week for a visit with her daughter,
Mrs Geo Lillie, at Maxltabs, N D.
Rev Then Kellogg, of Orofton, is
(tnoumpnil at the lake with a Itnnoli of
ton or twelve of his Sunday tohool
Vatide Zedua Iihh I lie best grade ol
emffee for the money'uver sold in town
4fr fhsjor $1 00. Try some of it and
lie convinced.
The Homer Camp No. 2866, M W A
will hold its anniiHl piooiu August
12th. Everybody is invited and a
j good time is guaranteed.
The Hugh Alteniha house southwest
of town was moved this week to South
j Sioux City, whom it will be fitted up
nor rental uy me purouasor.
Mrs Laura Johnson, who has been
kiting her brother, Qeo T WoodB,
for a month past, left Monday for
Coaucil Bluffs, Iu, to visit relatives
Mrs L 0 Rioliaidson, representing
sua Omaha agency for homeless child
sen, will have something to say with
reference to her work Sunday morning
at Salem Lutheran ohuroh.
The oontraot was let Tuesday even
iag by the village board for the con
struction of all eement sidewalks to
be built by the town. Earl Frederiok
ws.8 the lowest bidder on the work and
jiits given the oontraot for 12T oeuls
per square foot.
A meeting for those interested in
protecting the river bank iu this
county is called for Saturday even
ing of this week on the court house
lawn. All interested in this matter
are invited to oome and express their
views and offer any suggestions they
may have in the matter.
Miss Florence Pendell, a former
operator in the telephone ofQoe here,
but for tho past year chief operator at
Bancroft, Neb, visiiod at the Jas
Ftieston home last Thursday and Fri
day. She waa enroute to Presho, 8 D,
where she and her mother will havo
charge of the telephone exchange
Harry Sides met with a serious no
oident at the lake Saturday evening
when a gas light, that he was fixing
I np to use on a boat for spearing fish,
j exploded, setting fire to his olotbing
and bnrning him quite badly. tie
jumped into the lake and quenched
the lire, thus Baring himself from more
serious injury. He is recovering nioe
ly from tho effeots of the injury.
Mr Louis ltasmussen, who was kill
ed while working ou a buildibg at
Homer on Jnly 22 ud, had an insur
ance polioy in the Mutual Benefit
Health & Accident Association of
Omaha aud his wife reouived a check
VWinun taut -" .wwww - ... v
from the company for $1,000 00, this
J being' the amount of his polioy. Mr
XtasmUSSOn tooa uui iuw -juuuj iiuuo
7th and in less than two months the
polioy was worth the full $1,000.00 to
his family. The Mutual Benefit
Health & Aooident Association of
Omaha is a good company to bo in as
they pay claims promptly aud iu
full. Adv.
The annual session of the Dakota
Oounty Teachers' Institnto convened
ia the high school building here Mon
day. County Superintendent Marga
ret Murphy has as her assistants in tho
work, Mrs Elizabeth Crawford of Peru,
Neb, a teaoher in tdio state normal, and
Dell Oibsou, superintendent of schools
at Madison, Neb. This is the second
year these two have assisted in In
stitute work here, and it is pleasing to
note the general satisfaction given and
the interest taken by tiie teachers.
The attendance this year (a above the
j average, upwards of forty having re
I ported. The session closes toaaorrow,
1 Friday afternoon.
Miss Minnie Randall went to Porno
roy, Nub, Tnosday to reside with her
' Mrd Mina Perriu returned lust week
from a two months' visit with her sis
ter in Carroll, la.
JWri M M Ream uud daughter, Mis'
Clifford J udd, of Sioux City, visited
Sunday at tbeG F Broyhill homo,
Found a gentleman's hat, near
Hubbard. Owner oan have saino by
proving property and paying for this
Mrs Mark Bradshaw uud cbildiun
left Monday for their home at Wall, S
D, after a week's visit at thu W C
Mitohell home.
Miss LueileHoagland, steuogruplier
in Judge R E Evans' law office, left
Sunday on a month's vacation trip to
her homo in Central City, Neb.
Byron Buohnnnan mid wifu expect
to start Friday of this week for Los
Angeles, Osl, on a two months' visit
with Mr Buohannan's parents.
Ve have a bettor stook of Uardwure
etc, than we ever had, mid yi.u will
And our prices right. We also handle
all kinds of garden tools. Sobriever
The oliildren of the Lutlieiau Sun
day school were given a pionio at
Or.tstal lake Ipst Thursday. A piobio
dinner aud lunuoh ride word tliu pleas
ant features of the day.
Qeo Hodgson, of Not folk, Neb, cous
in of Mrs J P Rockwell, stopped here
lqat Thursday with Iiih family for a
short visit. They 'vere on an auto
trip to several points iu Ioa.
The piece of land neur Orynt 1 lake
whiob was offored at publio um-iiou
Saturday by E J Morin, of Wyunt,
Neb, did not sell. A bid of $201 per
acre was offered, but Mr Morin valued
the land ut $300 per acre ami tho sale
whs Ortlle'd off,
John F Sides, deputy U S marshal,
returned Saturday from a trip to Mus
kogee, Oklu, where ho took ammi wit
nesses iu a white slave case. Ho hats
the eorn crop in Kansas and Oklaho
ma is hurt much worse by the drouth
.in those states than iu Nebraska.
Miss Odin VauCauip left S tnrilay
for hor former home at Pern, Neb, and
after a short vNit nhn uinl her hinter,
Miss Vida YunOump, who Iiiib just
finished school at the Peru Normal,
will ship their household goods heie,
where Mr VauOutnp bus a position in
the Dakota City Phnimiiov.
H J Grimlich, assistant snpeiiuteu
dent of the agricultural experiment
statiou at Lincoln, Neb, will be here
Saturday evening and will speak at
the court house in thu interest of a
farmers' short course for Dakota City
and vicinity. Mr Grimlich has din ot
charge of this work, aud all who are
interested in a short course fur this
loeallty should make it u point to come
and bear him aud lend u iinnil aud
voiee in getting the course put on.
The Bridge Question.
John Voss airs his views on tho
l)riiK truiiNiortion question iu Hun
duVa Journal.
" To the Editor: I saw an article in
last eiiudu)'ii Journal fioui, the South
Sioux City council uppoiti( the 1-cent
bridge lure ou the ground that it
would coat the workiugmuu tut. re thuu
the present rates, provided, as the
council puti it. that tliu poepln linno
tlted by this rate spout three or four
evenings of each week iu Sioux City.
As a property owner and, resident I
believe this would be u pubstuntiul
saving to thu working peoplo.
I would oertainly like an expression
from the residents through the city
council on this. Also to ask you who
elected these meu that are opposing
this rate on what grouuds thoy tide on
a combination bridge pass?
They were elected to represent the
voters' interests. Are they entitled to
any courtesies from tho combination
bridgo. company residents aud taxpay
ers are not ? It seems to me it would
be polioy for the officers we have eleot
ed to represent us to allow the people
their choice in this rato question.
Now as three out ot fonr pflloors
eleoted at the last city election have
returned their passes to the bridge
oompauy, I wuder if it would be ask
ing too much for till! IlilllMIOd of our
city council to follow mill?
Now the question in this: Is a b'idge
pass a bribe? Thu Chicago, St Paul,
Minneapolis and Omaha railroad
biidge is assessed at $75,000. This
railway issues no passfs.
Thu company bridge is assessed at
fSO.OOO. This ootupuuy gives a fret
pass to'all of the otlioers in l)n'.ula
oouuty that will accept them. Resi
dents aud voters draw your uwu
conclusions. John Voss."
William O Learner nnd wife, to Mntllus
a Loaracr, nw H 7-2S-9, east o( tho Otli
I'M., Dakota Oounty, Neb ll
Albert Kilmer and wife nnd Lowls KIN
nior and wife, to (Jlaru A Thacker,
253 acres. 20-27-8 iKSW
O J O'Connor and wife, to Farmers ICx
cbanso.pnrt of lots 7, Sand V, hllc. fi,
orlglnnl llomor J WO
WK Hnotlianund wife, to Jacob Htwll-
mus, iois i ana : uik, 177, Dakota uity,
Neb ,
K I. Knton nnd wife, to Frank Hlckwu.
lots 2, 3. 4, 6 nnd 0. bite. u:l, uovlnitton
annex toSoHloux Olty
Olias K Gordon and wife, to 0 K Little,
lots 4, S mid 6, blk. St. Oovlngton un
nex to So Hloux Ulty, ,. . 1
Alfred Hnllitui nnilvifo, to A J Hton
Both, lotsulk. 10, 1,aki'Ule 1'ark .... U
li It Orlbble nnd wife, to Merman
Keeze and John Green, w2. ft, lul7,
8,V, IU, Uitndl2, blk.4'l, llnbbnrd aw
John Green nnd wife, to llorinan lieu
ze, unillv. half of lotxn and 0, lilk.U,
llubbnrd in)
O H llolinau nnd wlfu. to Kvn Kstuiau
lotB.blk. vu a
Extraordinary Offer
Farmer and Breeder 1 year $1,00
Dakota County Herald " $1.00
Both Papers 1 year Tor only- $1.00
Farmer uud Mrecdtr is a woekly
farm uud live stock magaKino t-ditod
aud published by farmem for farmers,
It is u journal you want to know. It
is ublv edited and stroug iu subject
matter. What .1011 want to know is ro
uted in iHiiRiragti you out easily un
derstand. It makes no differenco how
many farm pspers you may 'bo roooiv
iug you need Farmer uud Iireeder to
help you iu the live stock hrauch of
your business.
Take advantugo of tho extremely
liberal offer above and ulso direct tho
attention of your neighbors to this
special bargaiu. Papers sent to dif
ferent addresses if desired.
Mediums Deceived as, Weil as
Their Followers, Accord-
ins to Pastor Russell.
Splint Communications Through Ms
dlums Come Not From Dead Hu
mans, but From tht Fallen Angels,
8ays Pastor Russell In the Bible Ha
Traces Their History Satan Him
self Poses as arj,Anol of Light The
Bible Is the Torch of Liberty and In
telligence, the Foe to Supentltlon,
Ignorance and Demonlsm.
Jacksonville, Fla
! February 10. The
Opera House wns
f crowded today to
Vhear Pastor Rua-
i sell. Ho spoke
twice. Wo report
ouo of his dls-
f courses from tho
text, "Tho angels
which kept not
their first estate,
but loft their own
habitation. Hcbath
reserved In lasting
restraints under tho'thlck darkness for
a Judgment of thoiGroat Day." (Judo
0.) Hosnld:
Last Sunday wo 1 discussed tho fall
of the angels, whottxiccumbed to sin.
first introduced by ntnn's rebellion,
and continued by inu 11 i fall from Dl
vino favor. Man's fall bad to do with
tho fa4l- of tho angels, and they In
turn have had much to do with mnn's
further perversion mentally, mornlly
uud physically. St. l'nul declared that
we wrestle not witli flesh nnd blood
merely, but with wicked spirits in high
positions. Kpheslans 0:12.
Pastor Russell said that many who
read his sermons in tho newspapers
will laugh at what may seem to be Jits
superstitious belief tbut fallen angels
nre In close propinquity with humanity
u continual power for evil, tfod and
Truth opposing. Personally he knows
nothing of Spiritism; for, obedient to
the Dlvlno command, ho avoids every
thing occult Ills knowledge of Spirit
ism coines mainly -from the Bible, but
Is well supported by tho testimony of
many rescued from Spiritism.
The Blblo style the fallen angels
demons, translated! devils in our Com
mon Version. Those demons, not our
forefuthcrs. havo perverted the Truo
Gospel. St. Paul refers to their insid
ious teachings as "doctrines of demons."
These demons have blasphemed God
by teaching that Ho prepared for
the everlasting torturo of nearly all hu
manity except tho Elect nt the hands'
of tire-proof demons.
ThUHtlie human mind was turned
against God in dread. Thus humanity
learned to think of Satan and his asso
ciates as In sumo far-off place not ne,ar,
them. liut now. tho Pastor said, that
hhnianlty re gradually learning that
Iho theory of a great torturo placo is a
hoax, these demons -would lead truth
seekers to tho opposlto extreme, and
convince them thnt there Is no such
place, nor ore thero any demons.
Cast Down to Tartarus.
Tho Bible, however, teaches that
these spirits are near us In our at
'mosphcre und thnt they havo powe
over us only as we yield our wills to
their suggestions, and our minds to sin.
St. Peter says that Satan goes about
through the earth, seeking whom bo
may devour; and that his host of fallen
angels nro a present power for evil
throughout tho world. Jesus Bids us
pray, "Deliver us from tho Bvil.(One."
Pastor Itussell said that St. Peter tells
us that tho fallen angels wero cast
down to Tartarus at tho tlmo of tho
Deluge. Tho word tartarvs Is us'ed only,
onco in tho Bible, and mistranslated hell.
We must not confound tho Blblo
story of tho fall of tho angels with the
symbolic picture of the Revelation,
where Satan la cast out of heaven1, said
the speaker. This does not refer to the
literal Heaven, It is a figurative descrip
tion or events which occurred long ago,
when tho Ww- a Empire was over
tin own und P. acy set itself up, claim
ing to be Messiah's Kingdom.
Oa tun's First Lie Perpetuated.
The Pastor then showed at soma
limgth that although God could have
destroyed Satan ut any time, yet Ho
has permitted him to contlnurf in hia
course for six thousand years, in order
to demonstrate tho evil chnracter of
sin, In contrast with the beauty of holi
ness. When men nnd angels shall have
learned their lesson well, Satan and all
who love sin will dlo tho Second Death.
Note Satan's persistency and effront
ery, said the Pastor. God distinctly
told Adam thnt dlsobedlenco would
bring death. Satan contradicted tho
Almighty polntblunk, declaring, "Yo
shall not surely die." When mankind
expei lenced death, Satan continued to
pervert God's Word and men's mtnda
by haying that when men die, they do
not die really: but that a dead man is
more alive than Is 11 living one.
This absurdity has been repeated to
our nice century after century, until
ull believe Suiiin's lie und discredit
God's Word. Tho way back to God
and to Kimit.v of reasoning is to repu
diate the lie. aud bellovo God's Truth:
"The dead know not anything."
If the Truth prevnllcd, where would
come In prayers and masses for the
dead? If the dead know not anything,
how can thoy Huffer In hell or purgn
lory? Wheie would come in tho belief
of thine who claim to havo communica
tion with the dead?
Motor Cycles and
Motor Boats for Sale
191!) Model, Motor Cycles and
Motor DoatH ut bargain pricos, all
mukuH, brand uow rauchines, on oasy
monthly paymout plau. Got our prop
osition beforo buying or you will regret
it, also bargaijH in usod Motor Oyolos,
Write us today, Enoloso Stamp for
Address Look Box 11, 'Fronton, Mich,
Tlio Herald for News whon it is News
Heal estate loans, Qeo Wilkinu Adv
SsbbbbbbV aaal
BVaasaaWfc Sassr
Jtoa HsiHnd
(Migratory Bird Law Allows Liberal
Open Season on Duck and Oilier
Wild Fowl.
In Romo sections of the country an
erroneous notion lias sprung up that
the Federal Migratory Bird Law will
totally prohibit all shooting of ducks
nnd other wild fowl. It is hard to
understand how such a liituor has
gainud credence lor not (inly docs tbo
new Federal statute allow duck nnd
other wild fowl gunning but has, iu
soveral slates materially extended tbo
upon season ou these birds. What the
migratory bird law does effect is to
wisely and well prohibit all spring
shooting. It is thought by many
sporting authorities that f lieu this
pai tieular injunction (-hull have been
in forco a very f w years the hunter
will find hisilnek riboofiug to approach,
noarer autumu alter autumn, that
sport of whioh the old Settler romau
cos, TJih new law whioh becomes effec
tive on Oulobor , 11)13, divides its
operative territory into two sections
a noithern uud a southern Ysone com
prising the states ubovo and below
a lino slietiiiied approximately from
Deluwaio'ri noithern boundary to the
northern boundary of California, In
the noi ; hnru isoue tho open season on
all iiutui fowl is from September 1st
lo Diet ixlmr Id; thnt of the southern,
October lot to January lGth, There
are some exceptions to this which in
general follow the atitu's laws as they
are now. Migratory birds may not bo
killed between sunset and sunrise.
$100 Reward, $100.
Th mdera or this paper nut ba planed to lesia
that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure In all its stacet, and that M
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only poalUve
cure now known to the medical rraternnjr. catarrh
being a conaUtuMonal disease, requires a constitu
tional treatment, mil's Catarrh euro la taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
mirfscee ot tho systvm, thereby destroying 'he
foundation or the disease, and tlvmc trie patient
strength by building ud the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its work. The BroDrtetor have
so much filth In IU curative powers that they offer
one uunarea uouars lor any case wai n nus to
cub. oena ror list or testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY CO Toledo, Ol
8old by all Druggists, lie.
Take HaU's Family Fills tor constipation.
Don't forgot
still in the lead.
Breuns coffee, it
Van sells it,
First publication 7-18-aw
To Hoi man KotiuUo ami the United Heal
Kitii,i V Trust HompHiiv. thi yinrtlex to
l .In It i...ll.l )l . 1 1 I . 11 .
III. il I'll u I'll iij.i fc .III P tlW .J" v
You uml cacti ot you am lieruby nolllluU
that on the otli day of November, 1011, A. T.
llnnso purchased nt a public tax snlo held
by the county treasurer of Dakota oounty,
Nebraska, tho proporty described as lota a
nnd 8 and the west half of lot 10, nit In block
1U7, of the village of Dnkotn Olty, Dakota
county. Nebraska. Ixts 1) and 8 In block
137, Dakota City, Dakota county, Nebraska,
wore assessed for the yeius 1908, 1900 and
1910 for village and county taxes lu tho
name of Herman Kountze; the wost half of
lot IU, block 187, DakotaOlty, Dakota county.
Nebraska, was assessed for tho years lHJe),
1909 und 1910 for village and county taxes, In
tlio name of tbo United Heal Katato 4
Trust Company. And sntd property wns
sold for the tuxen for thu yearn 1WH, 1909
'and 1910.
After tlio expiration of three months
from tbedatoof the sorvlco of this notice,
1 will apply for a deed to said lots.
Dated .
July 17, 191U.
Owner ot certlllcates.
First publication 7-18-2w
First Publication 7-lS-iw.
To Jamks Siikki,, IWondaut;
You nre hereby no tilled that Zephyr
Slieatz.olalntllT. llted her ootltlon nanliist
you us dofendant, oil the tnd day of March,'
lviv, 111 tiie aisirici com 1 01 uiikoiu county,
Nebraska, the object aud urajur of which
aro to obtain a dissolution of tho innrrlago
relation Iioiotoroio existing between the
DlaiiiUIT and the defendant and to obtain a
doaree of dlvorco on tin' grounds of deser
tion, to obtain the care ui u custody of hor
children, Konnoth Hhei Iz and Howard
Blieotr, aim niso loreqiimmie reiinr.
You aro required to ans war said petition
on or before the '-'Mb day of August, A. D.,
Dated this 17th day of July, A. D. 1011).
Zephyr Kli.ieU, PlaltilllT,
First publication S3-4w.
To Walter Y. Atkln. Isabollo Atkln. Kath
loen Atkln and tho unknown holrs of Nettle
M. niareuon, (ieceancu.
You and each of you will take notico that
on tho 17tb day of July, A. D.. 10111, Krnest
T. Harris, Albert J. Harris, Arthur I.. Har
ris and Hluhard G. Harris, plaintiffs heroin.
Hied tlielr petition in tho district court o!
Dakota county, ubraska, asalnstthe aliovu
nnuiuddofeun.iiiis, tho object aud prayer
of which me in romovo the clouds from
tlielr title to tho northeast quarter of the
southeast quartor and tho north throe
eighths of the southeast quarter ot the
southeast quarter In section twenty-six (tti),
township twenty-seven (27), raiiKOeluliUH),
east of the tit It urlnulual meridian lu Dakota
couety, Nebraska, and live acres tn thu west,
hair ot the soutiieast quarter 01 said section
twonty-stx (20) described as follows: (Join
inenuliiK at tlio northeast corner of the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of said section twenty-six (2il) thence fcouth
HOiods, thenca nest 7 rods, 4 't feet, thence
north lit) I otls, thence east 7 icids and Hi
feet to the placo of l)eliinliuf, also the east
half of the southwest quaiter, tlio north
west quarter of tho southwest quarter and
the north thiee-ettrliths of the southwest
quarter of the xouiliweHl qiiin ter of section
iwoniy-uve t -';;, lownsuip iweiuy-suven
(27) north of uinueeluht (M) east of iho 0th
nrlnclual inoildlau. all lu Dakota county.
Kobraska, occasioned by the claims of said
Walter Y. Atkln, isabello Atkln and Kuth
leeu Atkln Him thu claims (if the helm of
one Nettle M. Marsden, n former owner of
said real cstatu thereto and to have plain-
tins' title tositld real estate quieted and con
tinued and tho dofoudnnts restrained from
euteilntt upon said real-estate or umkliiK
any claim thereto and for aeneral equitable
You nre lequlred to answer said petition
onor befoie the Htliday ot Houleuiber, A.
D 191.
KriioHt T. HitrrlH,
Allxirt J, Harris,
Arthur ti. Hauls,
itlchurd U. Hail Is.
Uppou applleatlon duly made to the tin
durslKlied at uhamlMrs It Is ordered that n
notice lu the fouu above set forth bu pub
lished forfour weeks lu the Dakota Oounty
Herald and when so published shall lie due
aud legal notice to the defendants.
Uuy T. (llitvvrt.
Judicoof the District Oourt of Dakuta
Oounty, Nebraska,
First publication 7-:il-4w.
In the county court of Dakota county, Ne-
In the matter of the estate of (Jharles
Henry (loodfellow, deceived,
Notico Is hereby Klou, that tho el editors
of the said deceased will meet the od minis
tratrlxof said estate,lHfoie me, county JudKO
of Dakota county. Nebraska, at the county
court room in saui county, ou uiu .tiii oay
of NovomlMir, IVHl, on the 27th day of Decem
ber, mill, and ou tho tllst day ot January, lull,
at 10 o'clock a. in, each duy for tliu purpose of
pruselitluK their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance, Htx months
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims uud ouu year for the administratrix
to settle said estate, from the 2ithdayof
July, 1913.
This notice will lie published In the Dako
ta County Herald forlfour weeks successive,
ly prior to the 29th day of Noienihor, 191H.
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this 28th day of July, A. D. 191U.
hkai.1 Oounty Judge.
The Herald, $1 per
Specials for Saturday, Aug. 9
Wor tHis D,y Only
3 cans Mustard Sardines for. .',.... 25c
A 75c quart size of Ripe Olives for. , 65c
2 pkgs 15c Korrj K inkles.. . , ,, 4 25c
2 cans of 20c salmon for .' 35c
2 Cans of Standard Corn for. .7 15c
2 lbs nice iJried Peaches . . ; 25c
1 can lib tall Salmon 10c ''
1 lb 30c Coffee. . . . ' . . '. . ', ',. . . .' :...,... 27c
1 doz Mason quartJiiTS . . . ?:v. T75vT7'.".r .'. . . . . . .55c
1 can 25c Asparagus 1 15c
10 Discount on All our Ladies' Shirt Waists,
Low Shoes and Umbrellas.
A full supply of all kinds of Fruits, Vegetables and
Meats at Lowest Market Price.
Dalcaisb. fciiy.
of this
Amw Vkc; Ass
Is YOUR Telephone
Line Always Yours?
Or do ydu have a Mparty'liho. iwherevypu'
wait while others are uSing'the line?
Individual line service is exclusively yours
and nlways ready for use. No waits. No de
lays for you, or for others trying to reach you.
Let Ua Explain Direct Line tfezvice. - -
Chance for the Renter
in the Big Horn Basin
Go with me on the next
where you can rent improved farms for a share of thecrop.
No cash rent required, but
for next year aad move out in the spring.
No Waitint? for Rain
You simply turn the water
a destructive hail or wind
the farming region of the
If you prefer you can take
stead or file ou land under the Carey Act. Write today for
particulars, maps and folders.
I). Gleinv
iTil!fi5 iiTH.
lT sI&JLY 09
k. flSSI
'wa ar mfkmn "m. i ' ' - - -
' BPST. A mm. v
ipmti sBand
.r r
excursion to the Big Horn Basin
you can now secure a good farm
on when your crops need it, and
storm has never been Jcnowa ia
Basin Country.
up a Government irrigated home
Deaver, Immigration Agent
-m k -mr'. I
warn Opera Co:
VON. R.aat.lKATKS.
a j ..,..
" ftTfVtf''
A i
ft . i
ffrt t-rtf"r',-
f I
. J