---I-!""! l" -""V.-' :na Jg a Jh .U life. r 3. 7 Dakota County Herald IOHN H. kgAM, PUBLISHER SaWerlption Price, f 1.00 Per Year. weekly newspaper published at Uaola Ulty, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the iraumiMion of tbiipaperthrouKh the mile m second-claw matter, Telephone No. 48. 0ficial Paper of Dakota County Live atook entries for tlio Nebraska tate fair clone August 1C. It in im perative that all bluuka bu in nt that time so that tbo exhibitors will reeeive the advertising and publicity resulting from tbo publication of the oflotal catalogue which book U kept by all fanciers and live atook pnblica tions as a book of reference, lie auro to Lava your antrv recorded so as to eeenre the advertising value. Peters, 18 years old, of Homer) Nib. is at the Bt J.neph'a bo ital with a jagged bole in bis ohrst, through which bis heart may bo seen beating. Hi condition ia serious. Peters was brounht to Sionz Oity from bis borne ou a farm west of Homer, Neb, where the accident ooenrred. He was climb- inn a shed near bis home, when he lost his bold and tell on a post teu feet below. The lop of the post pierc ed one lutiK just below the heart. With every breath the heart ean be ob served. Peters' condition last night was reported slightly iupioved, lint physicians deolare that be has only a slight obanco for recovery. Program for Old Settlers' Picnic Nearly Arranged . . Thursday, August 28th, thePiprujers and Old Settler Will' Hold Their Thirty-Second Annual Reunion Clinton Park, Dakota City, Nebr. Ems of from JVBVUB1 Items of I ntvrott from our Exchanges Emerson Enterprise: Joy Feauto returned to Omaha Monday morniug from his ten day visit with bis parents. Uartington News: Ed Martin, of Jaoksoo, was the guest of his brother, Albert, living six mile's west over Sunday. BloomUeld Monitor: Rov Uurk hardt and W R Ellis are at Crystal lake this "week week with the Uloom field contingent of boy scouts for a few da j s' outing. Sionz Oity Journal, 8: A new safe ty deposit vault equipped with deposit boxes and electrically protected is be ing installed in the Mid-Weit bank, 408 Pear treet- Sioux City Journal, 31: Frank D Bsssegien, of South Sioux Oity, is re covering from the effects of heat pros tration oa July 15 and will resume his duties at the Western Union tele graph office in a few days, Dixon Journal: Rev and Mrs P D Oox returned Saturday evening from their two weeks' visit with friends at Homer.... M O Ayres was up from Dakota Oity Wednesday. Mr Ayrea .at one time controlled tbo Dixon State bank at this place. Walthill Times: Dr Nina Smith waa down from Homer Wednesday afternoon.... Anabel Forrest, of Lin coln, and Lulu Joe Hirsoh, of Homer, were the guests of Mrs Beam dnring the tenuis tournament Oeorgia Mansfield came down from Wtnqebago today to meet Sylvia Sheldon. She will try to organise a musio class here. Pender Times: E J Smith waa over -from Hotaerthe first of the week , , , , James J LynoU and family, Obaa Mo Hlrniu aud Miaa Ethel Ohaso returned Monday from Crystal lake, wheie they enjoyed an outing. . . .Geo J Ad aras and family and Clarence Fore hand returned Tuesday from Crystal lake where they and Mr Adams' moth er and sister, from Lincoln, wero at Jhe.Adamjoottage J ho better part of a ' Osmond Republican; Yesterday morning while Ed Wuldman waa split ting wood for the breakfast Are, the ax alipped and out a piece off bia thumb alrtut an inoh iu length. The chickens whloh wore waiting for their moruiug breakfast grabbed up, the " severed portion of the Injured finger. Tbe'jroundia very painful and Mr Waldmsu ia obliged to tako things easy for a' few daya. Lyoua Mirror: Nate Miller, of South Sioux, City, came down to be with his wife and children Sunday, who am visiting at the Chan Chard home.... Mrs M M Warner received a card from Miss Kate MoElhinnoy written'in London in which she slates that sne and Mrs W G Waite will sail for Ametica August 2, ...Rev D W McGregor, of Tekamah, will be one of the orators at the Old Settlers' re union August 22. Wo ilsod to listen to Rev McGregor's powerful sermons nearly a quarter of a century ago at Dakota City.... Mrs J W Orr, ofuear Homer, visited her son. John, who is working for Win Peterson. They live near our old Pilgrim Rill farm and her sou attended the old Spring Grove school where we used to go 48 years ago utid drink cool refreshing water from tbo mitnn old spiiug. WytiotTribuue: Miss Helen Mc cormick returned Saturday evening from Waype, where she attended the summer term at the state normal. Miss Ruth went to Wayne Friday and aooompanied her homo by way of Sioux Oity, where thov visited with relatives Johu Johus, residing southeast of Wynot, met with a pain ful though not serious accident Mon day morning. While working about his harvester, his left arm was canght and drawn iuto tbo cog wheels. The teams attached were stopped quickly, and had thoy not been his arm would undoubtedly have been taken off, It took some little lime to release I be arm from the machinery, as the e was no one present but a small boy who was driving the lead team. Mr Johns came to town and had the wouud drea sed and he will suffer no serious inju ry As it was the result was only a flesh wound. Homer 8 tar: Mrs A G Weaver, of Sioux City, spent several days last weok visiting Homer relatives.. Wyck Emdersby loft .Monday evening for Waterloo, Iowa, on a busi ness trip and also to visit relatives, . . . Margaret Smith returned from Peru Normal, Friday, where she atteuded summer ichool the past six weeks.... Francis Sawyer ntarncd Saturduy from the Wayne State Normal, where she finished a successful term of sum- school Joseph Smith purchased the 80 foot front next to the post office from M Mason and intends putting up a biiok building in tbo near future. ....Miss Jane Johnson, of Hayward, Wis, and who lias beeu visiting her sister, Mis Louio Rockwell, left on Monday for Ord, Neb. . . . W J Armour' add family, from Allen, Neb, who stsrted'for California iu his Beo auto, Saturday, visited nt the Marvin Ar mour home on his way....O E Mo Clure. of Rook county, Neb: is spend ing a few days with his friend, 8 W MoKIultty. Mr MoCluru iepoita the finest orops ever railed iu the sand bills. in . . . ...,. .. . Gov. John H. Morchead Will be With Us and Will Deliver tlic Annual Address Reed's Military Band of Sioux City, will Discourse Music for the Occasion Ball Games, Races, and Other Sports Will be Furnished for the Entertainment of the Crowds of People that Will be in Attendance. Ijur IT" 'n -- Newcastle Times: 8am Spiker west to South Sioux Oity Monday to do carpenter work with Ed Hughes. ....Roland and Leo Oryan went to South Sioux City Saturday to visit Mr and Mrs Ed Hughes. Ed is doing carpenter work down there... .Vaughn Sweet. Dean Adison, Wile Wilkinson and Allan Ellyton were atOrystal lake Hs --Snuday in Dean'a automobile. They X. had a fine time They apent part of the day at the Hoskiusou cottago. Winnebago Chieftain: Rev R 0 Shupe has his class of boys out camp lug at Crystal lake. . . .Mrs C E Ohrait Was IU the city and at South Sionx Oity Wduesday,(..Mra J M Kiug aotTUUs Charlotte Kelly, of Homer, .were the guests last Friday and Satur day at the home of Mr and Mrs C F NicUola , . . . Miss Helen Bolster aud her friends, MUees Mildred and Nettie Webb, of Des Moines, Ia, who are on a visit at the home of the formoi's mother, Mrs Alioe Bolster, iu Homer, wertfguesU last Thursday of Miss Georgia Hausileld. Allen News: Mrs Nevada Latteu pent Tuesday iu Dakota Oity.... Mrs Hike flood and Mrs liUke Murray 'wart Jackson visitors Tuesday... .Mrs Aaron Llnefelter returned home after a week's visit at Dakota Oity.... Lee IJeard aud Will Woods wont fishing at Jaokson lake, Sunday, but failed to get any fish ...... Mrs Kate Nordyke, who Is at Hot Springs, S D. for her health, is improving and is now able to be up and around again.... A num ber from bare went to Emerson Sun day afternoon, to see the we between Kmeraou and Hubbard. Score, 10 to 6, iu favor of Emerson. s, .Wayne Democrat, EW Huse and family Injve moved iuto their new home reoeutly purchased of E J Ray Bond,. ....Mrs Orriu Garwood, of - Randolph, wewt to South Sioux City last weak to visit her parents 'and .her grandmother, who re Ma at Mitt plaeee. . , , F H Berry was at HfoM&tty the itrait of the week, and k w jj aeeompanled home by Miss MadtdiMtDavey, of tha ptaee, who ia oar MaMt at the Berry home Mw MaafsJgsr drove from OryaUl'leke Saa4M aeonOng wjfte ut MsRstger, k-fl Ihm Wsw town o. visit the family. Mm hoy m sjettiaf "'uUmgk uleety, we MfWtattjMft.' . mm W ,jiw4,;5ty!itw Sioux City Journal, 1 : F R Mullen, a superintendent of the Sioux City Lincoln division of tbo Burlington railroad, yesterday confirmed the. re port that the Hill interests wiU build an extension nextyear from Omaha to Fremont, Neb, to connect with the Liccolu-Sionx City line and will ope rate tnrough trains between Omaha and Bious City. Mr Mullen in com pany with J C Morrison, master me chanic, and A F Hedengren, superin tendent of bridges and builking, was in Sionx Oity on a tour of inspection. Dairua Miller, president of the Bur llngtou system, has assured Omaha business interests that the Hue will be constructed iu 1914, according to in formal iou received by operating offi cials. Mr Mullen indeited tout no steps will be Uktili by the Uurliugtou railroad at this time iu protecting the company's trucks uear Dakota City, Neb, wbioli are being euroitohud ujmui by the Missouri river, The river atill is sixty rods from the track und is not cutting away thejituikj When the time oomea, Mr Mullen-iudloated, the company would remove IU traoka far ther west. To project' the tracks it would be necessary to put iu two mites of revetmeut work which would cost thousands of dolluis, Mr Mullen aud party inspeoted the tracks near Dako ta City, While here they examined an apron invented by a Sioux Oity tnau which, it ia aaidr will prevent streams from cutting awnj the land, Mr Million was impressed favorably with the iuvention Lu't expressed doubt whether it would be auooeasful when a river was at a high water atage. Iu regard to tho railroad crossing uear Walthill, Neb, where three Lake Park, Ia, persons wero killed by a train while crossing the tracks iu their au tomobile. Mr Mullen said he oould not underctaud how the accident oc curred, as tho crossing was uot con sidered dangerous by the eowpany. He expressed surprise at the action of the Walthill grand jury in declaring the railroad crossing a bibsmmao to public safety. Mr Mullen aav -party departed yesterday for Aahlaud, and from there to Schuyler., where he ll make an inspection before returning to Omaha, Ponoa Journal: A party of youns- people who ,bad contemplated spend, log the afternoon at Crystal lake Ban day, were driving along oontented and happy with the world, when a tire blew off on this side of VU. Uelug out of repairs the party same back In Ponoa on three good, tires and aae rim. The trip was give ftp.,,. A number of Pone paopk expect to peed a week at; Crystal lake, camp ing out. The oosspaByi-eapeel to Uve ktetuwUvX Th iwsb iWttdee aSistMreHdalMOr Jfcfrm m4 hJbhaWfMS, Ire O O Ane Mtfl Ken? Mh Prattftts Rev- A. 41. ' sBsHBbbBsF 7 tHtakkh BTflsTflsTflsTflsTaTflHB3U'' sTflsTflBHHsi bbbbbbbbbW bbBb-WbbbbbbbbI GEO A. DLESING President of tbo Pioneers and Old Settler' Association. 10:00 A. M. ' jt Music b.v Heed's Military Band, of Sioux OltyMowa. Prayer by the Olinplaln, Kev. J. I,. Phillips' Music. it. ft Aildievs ot Welcoiuo, President Geo. A. lllessln," v MuhIc. Memorial Hcport. DINNER U:(K) P. M. i ! ,v S . Mimic. Anmint Atliliwss, by Hon. John H. MoieheaU flovornnr of Nebraaka. " Hliort Aildri'iinttft by Pioneers and Prominent Vlsltois. Music. ' IIUHtnexs Meetlim und Klcctlnn of OIIIcitk.; Music. HPOHTS i ; , Haces at the Track Adjoining the Picnic Grounds;, J Hate Hall Giiimm for I.llMtral Purses, nt Hall Pn.lk, ' '. Just nasi of Plculu Grounds. ' "' .ijS" Giaud I tall nt tho Ayres Hall In the KveulUR. Officers Vice-President W. A. Mortlun, Pieitldeut Geo. A. lllussluu. Me cretary Geo. Wllklns. t As-lstant Sccrctrtry S.T. Krtim Kliianiilal HflrUry R. Grlbble. lllstorlan-M. M. Warner, Treasurer H. II. Adair. Uliaplaln-Hev. J. h, Phillips Ohlef' Marshal Frank Mnliou, Assistants J. P. Kockwell, James Kuestou M. u. itiinsen,.!. Al. lAiHUOUl, Joint K. hlilus, W, II. Alltuliell, Mr., A Mnthwls, J, M. Hrniiuiih. , L. Committees it. Kxecutlve John T. Daley, J. W. llazelgrovc. I,. II. Armbrlaht, W. uyan, ,ionu Hieru, Al, noncoin, itou uonuerion, H. u. llockwell, IliVltatlon D. 3. Kvnns, KIHe Z.KnBelen, Marttnret A. Murphy. Speakers It. K, Kvans, H. T. Krum, J. J. Klmers. Music John H. Ream, K. A. Wood, 8. T. Frum. Heglstrar Mrs. Fannlo Orozler, Ulauohe Ilauillton, Mrs. K. It. Grlbble. I'rlvllK3H-U, Grtbble, A, JI. llakor, H. H. Adair. Publicity John H.lteam, M.A.achmlcd. II. N. Wanner, Hurt Kiooroh. Amuseiueiit M. O. Ayres, O. H. Maxwell, K. K. Smith, II. II. Stolze. Frank, llogan, Charles llruce, Uharles Garret, ll.J.Iahy. Membership J. P. llookwoll, 8. T. Frum, Mrs. Oora II. Miller, Mrs. W.A. Morgan, Mrs. John Urlts. II. O. ltorn, M. H.Boler, Mrs. Audrey Allawny, W. W.ltenlnirer. II. H.Htohe.Joo Twohls, Mrs. J. J. Veils. Grounds-ll. D. Wood, Geo. I. Miller. Herman Heennan. Win. Iohrs, Jnmos MeAtlUter, L. II. ArmbrlKht. Hndues Mrs. Fannie Orozler and Mrs. Kva L. Orr. -. . Ilcceptlon-May Altemus, Mrs. It. K. Kvans, Geo. T.Woods. Mrs.W. II. liyau. Mrs. Geo. I. Miller. Hen Hrldenbaugh and wife, O. J. O'Connor aud wlfe.Oarrle Hansen. Uharles U. Dotlgeaiul wife, Geo. W. Ashford. Timothy Murphy and wife, Mrs. Catherine O'Uouuor. Helen Rockwell, Mrs. I). U. 8tln sou, James Allaway aud wife, Krank Church, Mrs.O. W. Fisher, W.F.Uetckc and wife, Anna Hartels, l.W.'Fshor, Mrs. T.J. Hartnett, Mary Qulnn, Thos, Long, J. M. Plnkney and wife, H. P. Mlkesell. T. B. Jones and wife, John DliU'on.John llynnand wUe.U.lt. Illlvmiand wife. Mrs. M. J. Korcsboc, A. O. Hides and wife. M.G. I.camor, Mrs. Wm. Bellinger, Mary ltenlnjrer, W. II. Hnrger. Maggie Twohlg, Mrs. J.J. Klmers. Mrs. H. II. Adair, T. W. Grlbble and wife. I,eona Ijiuge. Joseph Hmlth and wlfo, J. W.Davis and wife, Geo. 11. I loose, 8. , A. Helkesand wife. Mrs. 11. M. Nelswanger. Mrs Ksther Harden, little Ilelkes, A. T. Hanso, Pearl Loonier. Max Nelcen and wife. May Uroy hllt.J. II.Hondersoiuiud wife. Honulo Harry, Nellie llogan, George Jensen and wife. Mrs. Thomas Ashford, Jr. Helen Stldworthy, Margaret O'Neill. Frank 11. Wny. 1'hllo McAfco and wife, F. B. Buukwalter, Ulara Blume, Oharles Holsworth. James llarrls ami wife. W. W. Armour. Anna Fey. Henry Francisco, Cora MldkHT.K. 11. Ioinls and wife, Klmer Blessing and wife, J. I.. Ulanohard and wife. Geo. (Jain and wlfo, Josoph O'Dell and wife, I,oula Wllklns, Herman Boost and wlfo. Fred Beerman, sr. Herman Kbel mid wife. Htophen Joyce and wife. Mary Timlin. Ira Waddeii and wire. J). Moklnley, John Maliiilng and wife. Mary It. MaBoath, Mrs. Geo. J. Boucher, Mis. KlUSUles, b. a. UouiI.h and wife, Mrs. John h. Nixon, Henry Ostmeyer and wife. Hester Herwcv. Mrs. AlmoduJ.Ream, Fred Klppor and wife. M.O. Thorn and wife. KHthorltoss, Win. Wollway. O. 8. Hollman. H. II. Pilgrim and wlfo, Olive Htlnson, Horace Button. Margaret Brldenbaugh. John Kru ger and wlfo, Helen Hhull. K. II. Grlbble. "' M04GRM)ieilsrjMM40iMSQsls CORRESPONDENCE Ia(NOiesi)ioseisDsosijosDt(iiooisot HUBBARD. William Goetlz and wife were oity abbppers this week. Frod liurtolg was the, UtsJ. one to thresh this sensou. Thy report smnll grain to be pretty good. Mrs II (J Hansen vuited at the Pas Nelseu homo oui day last week. Wo have an a-snrtmeut of Boy Scout pocket Ituivoi, olmiu attached just vliat joui boyiKods OAndersonCo. Jobu Hook well is suffering from h sprained ankle euiised from a team be coming frighteued and upsetting the wagon, loo Hitguu bought u uuw Ford auto last week. liill Itoouey wan iu the city tho first of tho week. Ho wont by auto, Mrs Jobu llogan went to Sioux City the first of the week. Wo aro well supplied with work shirts, overalls and baivestorb' gloves. C Anderson Co, L'Uiru Brick apunt tbo pust wiek at tbo Carl Larson home. Charlotte Hartnett whh a visitor ut the Johu Geeen liouiu last week, William Mvere, a 8 iou- Citv atook bover for Walter lime, was in Hubbard Tuesday. Tom Long bad u cur of hogs on the market last Saturday. Vacation time is bore und wo can supply you with lunch goods from the coletirated Ueiuz canned goods. U Anderson Co. tioula Larsen and wife visited ut the letter's parents near Emerson over Sunday. Work will soon begin ou the Plum Grove school houHe in tlie Geo Jensen district. Goorgn Timlin and little Ron Jimmie were among those who saw the ele phant Tuesday. Sam Thorn bus beeu enjoying a visit from his sister the past week. Herman Nelsen aud wife visited at tbo Ohris Smith home near Jackson the first of tho week. Heinz prepared spaghetti with to mato sauce, served hot or cold, at C Anderson Go's. Our teachers all atteuded the insti tute this week at Dakota City. Our boys played the Jackson team laBt Sunday and got beat. The game weut 7 to 2 in favor of the visitors. Guess our boys won the booby prize that time. OhristonReo is taking his vacation now as rural carrier. A large bnnoh from here attended the fiarnum aud Itailey oh cue Tues day T" Dress shirts, neckties, sucpeiiilers, bandkerohieta and very thing in gents furbjsniugs. C Anderou Co. Mamie Clanssen was uu over night visitor at thu U Nelseu home Batur dt . Vigo Audrena, of Rockford, III, was hern visiting friends tins week. Mary Huituett went to (Jliieagn Inst week for an extended visit. Dmii llertnett visited the tlrst. of the week at the liodt-iua home at Vista, Miss Erlanh vi ited tho past week ut the Tom Graham home. Wo want to buy your imtter, eggs anil cieaiu,, C Audereou Co, Gurl Mogensen, of Sulix, la, with his family, visited relutlvee hoio this week. 'Albert Mullen motored to Sioux City last wook. Dan Hartnett and family uutoed to Sioux City Tuesday evening. Hunday school at U:4o o'clock u m. Public worship every 2nd aud 4th Sun day of ouoli month at 10:30 n m, in the Lutheran church. The catechetical class meels every Wodnesduy at 9:110 a m, and every 2nd and 4th Sunday at the same hour. Peter Peiers. who was seriously injured last week at the home of bis father, id recovering very rapidly and will soon bo able to come home from the hospital. uerman neiseu uuu who were iiaoa-v son callers Monday. Ireue aud Chai lotto Thornton spent the past two weeks here visiting l da tives. Johnny Mitchell, of Nucnra, was iu Hubbard Suudu-. . Mabel Olaussen was au over night visitor Saturday at the C U Rasmus sen home. A large number of friends ussembled at the Chris Jucobson home Sunday to remind Mih jROobsen of her 44th birtbduy. The hours were pleasantly spent and everybody left wiahiug Mrs JacobBou many happy tuturns of tbo day. Farmers Find iiere Their ideal Bunk RipeReady and Eager lo serve them faithfully and well with EVERYTHING m GOOD Hnnhing "Safety Over AH.V i f Keep abortion of deposit here "For That Rainy Day" that maycome to all. Certificates. 0 & 1 luvchtnioutR. Steamship Tiekote. "Safe iih a Government Bond." -Insurance. CI 001) Hanking. t WATER TRIPS One of the most delightful vacation trips possible is a boat trip on the Great Lakes the travel cost is low. Duluth to Chicago, one way, .' Duluth to Chicago and rptinti, !:. Duluth to Bufln'o. ui.e va, , Duluth to Buffalo and, return, . Duluth to Isle Royale and return, M:als and berth included :i ti'lp $27.50 10. to , ::;. no Ob.i n , 11. 'so Excursion Fares East and West via the C, St. P., M. & O. Ry. B. C. Buchannan, G. H. MacRae, Agent, Dakota City, Neb. Gen'l. Puns. Agton, St. Paul, Minn, nobis, Mrs Williams, Miss Hazel Wil liams, Misi Mariou Halstead, Miss Gail fields John O'Grady, 8T years of ago, waa brought to Pouciv on Monday ot this woek by Jim Howard, a son-Ui'law and a wealthy farmer, living uear Hubbard, in Dakota coun ty. Mr Howard consulted with the county attorney aud sheriff iu regard to leaving the old gentleman at tho county poor farm, and was iufuimed by them that Mr O'Grady wai uot e iniuuty charge in Dixon county. Nev ertheless, upou leaving towu that evening, Mr Howard left the old gentleman at John Tucker's roomiug house, sajing that the sheriff would oall for him the nextrooruiug, Thus the old geutlemau, who is blind, was left for the authorities to cam for, The next day the matter was tkn lip with a son, Cornelius, who lives near iu Dally towuship, and ho made he neoesaary arrangement to keep the od geutlemau iu a home in Dubuque, la! Mr O'Grady is bliud and almost helpless. He has lived iu Dixon ooun ty for 47 years, . , .Rlohsrd. Long, ). iug Jtut this aide ot the Dakota county line imbibed too freely of "the oftp that cheers" one day last week and w ken he left Jackson for home, bo took aJHTatesfl. Arriving uear hone he flMidleel so k44 the jag i weeds vtWi he pioee4ed to do, Soou after WraitWMal fertuejug, butorerlooked M, TkftaUoii gang wm working iMsiiy m4 tw junped to the oonelu l(m H4 they had stolen the jug, He ffant hack to the house aud got his shotguu und going down to where the men were working throatonod to shoot them if they did uot deliver the jug. After some parleyiug tbey oouviuoed him that he had better make auotber searoh for the missing ooru juioe before begiuuug hostilities. This he con sented to do with the result that the jug was found iutuot where ho had left it. Satisfied he took bis jug and weut home, The section mt-n, however, dfd not relish the Idea of looking down tho muzzle of a shot gun, ao tho fore man came to Pnnou aud awote out warraut for Lung, oharging him with attempted assault Sheriff Mankell wflH? "owu Monday morning and jit uim to t'onoa, where he was ned Jtiefore County Judge Pales, lead SUiltv to the obaroe aud e Pe a Messed a fine of $15,00 Vff against uim, vrhero tbey spent the dai iu tln Jus L Leahy home. From them Father Ldahy goeK to Wisuer, Neb, his old home, to Bpend a few dajH. Frank Mullnlly und Itay Hall have gone to the harvi- t llelde of the Da kotus. Luke Murray uud family have inov ed ti Waterbury, whom Air M unity has employment. Mrs William Smith, of uiueliugo, i Null, spent over Sunday tt itli rclnliwri j here . Jaokeon defeated Ilnlil.nitl iu a In. 11 game hero Suiuluj. A lartt ciouil Hiiw'tho game, j-hcore 7 lo 'i Mrs J E Welsh mid uhihireii depart ed Sunday for Minium Vnllo;, In, t'. speud a week with lelativcH. The MisHCM Katharine and Muigaict Qninn ictnrnud lai-t Friday fiom n veok'a visit in the Oe Mer homo in Sionx Ciij. Mahtt-r Gtorgo McHalo and Hi'ster Beruico, who peut the pant uitiuth iu tlio homo of their giaiulnaruiitH, re turned to their homo ut Fnirlmn, Neb, tho last of tho week , Leo C Kearney and family uutoed to Newcastle Sunday und spent the day with friends. Died, at his homo near Goodwin, Neb, August 5, 191!), Henry MoKiver gau, uftor an illness of u fow days of typhoid pnoumonia. Docoiiscil is sur vived by a widow nnd ono child. Our school ma'ams iiro attending the institute in Dukota'City this week. Thos Murruy arrived homo from Missoula, Mont, Monday, aud thinks there is uo place that looks so good to him us "dour old JaakEou." Blanche nnd Annie Waters spent Suuduy with the Misses Uussey ut Sionx City. Beginning next Mcndaj. August 11, the stores will elosn at 8 oVlouli p m, except Saturday evenings. Mutt Zulanf returned from an unto trip to Omaha Tuesduy evening. Ho (was accompanied home by Frank IS Hoguu, of Omaha, who will spaiul tho week with rolutives here. Dan E Dngqun, of Sionx City, is enjoying a fow workh' vacation, which tin ia spending bote uud at Goodwin. HWW BW m w PHURCH NEWS MKTHODleT. Ilev.J.Orewi, Pattor. Hervlcss at the MetUodlst Kpltoopal enuretj every Sunday as follow-! Preach lug kt Ham: Sunaajr gchoolat lusui; ola mesttna it m: Knwortn Leasuo SsSU p ml nreaoldnii T:tu P m. 1'rayornieettOB Tburs day evenings at 7;) lUTHSRAM. Kev. 8. 1,. Keller, fa-tor. DAXOTaOITV Hunday soueol every fluaday ate:46am; Miss HUnon HauilUoaMiparintendeurr preaetilng at TUWp iu. eyary Houdajr. S4LXM Praacnlng evtry Buadiiy t Ham: Hun- oay acaaot nromotiy at'iuaw. r, f.um H-irvuu. mlllH.mit TtutfiJitdloli cordially Invited to all thaia servient-' JACKSON. Mrs Ed T Kearney is u guest in tho Ed Latta home nt Tekeiuuh this week, Ohris Lauterbikugb, uf 'Pouca, is visiting relatives here. George Teller lost one of his driv ing horses last Saturday. The Horace Dugau, Oavanaugb und J W Collins families aro camping ut Crystal lake this week. ijorn, to Mr and Mrs P Gormulley, of Goodwin, Neb. July 31, 1913, a daughter. The Misses Bourne Hartnett and Alioe Howard, of Hubbard, spent several daya the tlrstof the week with Mario Leahy. Helen Kearney departed last Fri- (or u western trip which will idolude Thermopolis, Wyo, and Miles Oity, Mont, Tho Misses Alma and Onnie Thies, who spent the summer iu the J W Fennell home, returned to their lomo iu Denver, Col, tho laBt of tho week, v Mrs J P MoEven and children, of Sioux Oity, are guests of her brother, Thomas Sullivau. Goneveio Brady dopartod Satur day evening for Laurel, Neb, to visit relatives aud fiiends. The oiroua in Bioux City Tuesday at traoted a largo uumber from this plaoe. Rev Fr W J Leahy and mother, Mrs U Leahy, aud Miaaea Ella and Agues Leahy aud Mary A Boler and James Sutherland motored to Wayne Suuday Ui RHEUM A TIO SUFFERERS SHOULD USE Tha Bemt Rmmetiy) For' 'mill forms ofx Rheumatism LU MB AG On SCIATICA. COUTJNEURALCIA.3I AND ) KIDNEYATROUBUR lSTOIftTHE PAINJ iwN ijuicH nmuwTA Ty N Other Ra-Mthr usa n sampuc 'BD-topa- ntcc on moucar t Swanaon Rheumatic Cure Co atm-aw ww. .imw-i .. wiiiwwm aouiuu. Tbo Ella Bruce farm, ndveitiscd to bo sold at auction Inst Saturday, was bid in by Mrs Bruce at $100 per nore. Louis Rockwell uud family epout a few duys at Crystal luko last week. A numbor i f our school mu'arms iiro uttonding teacherh institute at Dakota Oity this week. JaB Allaway, jr, attended a lodgo moeting in Dakotn Oity Saturduy ovouing. Jus King and Frod Oclmudor wero iu the county seat ou busineMt Mon day. ' The ladies of the Luthoruu church will servo dinner ou tho 12th of August (Woodmuu piouiu tiny) iu tho uuw building of the Furmors' Exohnngo. Peter Peters, who was Injured ltiBt Friduy by falling from 8l'ed onto a sharp post, which entered IiSm breust and exposed his heart and other oi guns, is nt St Joseph'-i hospital iu n critical condition, with little hope for his recovery . VuuNico, who pitohod forjthn team horo iu the eurly seasou, is working out on the Bioux City leugno team. ' DISTRICT COURT DATES For tho Eighth Judioial district nt Nebruska, for the yenr 1913: ,... arch 17, November 11) .KeliruaryU. Septeuilwr ., ..February xi, Ootobord March 3. Heptotubor H .aiurcnxi. nucvuiiwri Ouuilng ... Dakota Htantuu... dollar...... Dixon Tlmrstou , April II. Uetoberlit Tbo tint day of each tenuis set (or hear application rorcltlzuimnip papers. Guy T Qntvea. Judge. Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure child ren from wetting the bed, be. cause . it is not a habit, but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., of London, Canada, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will Send a 50 cent package securely wrapped and prepaid Al)S0illt0iy Free to any reader of the Herald. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate uud inability lo control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. H.. Rowan Drug Co. are an Oldl Reliable House, write to thenu today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H. Rowan , Drug Co. P. O. Drawer 070. Loudon, Canada. Tho Horuld I your, $1. fboG-m!s: KT Jbosf1 gmmmmvKi jyrVy im ttunsV'ii4tsmi STIC Now $& AMONTH Jir uwUi. (.Ruin. Py01-; MSJBJS, .iul Ot ill Mrwinl um it continuiiJjf bua fnyJnff $2 a month, and ln rty is watrV SBMcIaI DT104 lirel t yon or from our wr- irrncr. A ir.almiflt eialia- attubsiiKlous offvt Wo Will Take Yoai Old Machine LV?, litonl llw., on fi"'1! l llannatk. An4 ,ou .till tk. 4 VlUtfVlUM ft(MMUIpiic IU IM DOMESTIC rhncrfcct Inc mchln lht hu alt-ByIcJlloUi1 malca anj UiJbllwllmvtr. Tw tniicWr4 In on.-U-.H oUft, .d chain (tilth. StreivU dro .vrra..pi VVJ . nl ' - u? -T,7. if SKt FOn WOOK. n-CK. Ik Truth Atullt bcwlivj !iir iim.k iwi-.-'i"".-sa uaklC a - -.--- v-r' , "-" M is Mary R. McBealb Agent ftl V., r V -iir-uj:-' ' a rl M i -"'-' . i Tr' " i i a O ).