Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 07, 1913, Image 1

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.T, .1
VOL. 21.
Washington Is Stirred by Latest Re
volt, But Secretary of State Bryan
Keeps Plans Secret -H. F. Tennant
Named U. 8. Envoy.
Caracas, Aug. C. Venezuelan gov
ernment officials In Coro, State of Fal
con, were on Saturday reported to
havo boon slain or captured by former
4Mg7 .rreaiueni wasiro 6 reoeis.
SH An overwhelming government army,
has been mobilized and is ready to
march with the Intention of crushing
1 Castro and his revolutionary followers
kin the first battle.
It Is bollcvcd the first objectivo
point of the government troops will
ho tho State of Falcon.
Washington, Aug. 5. Secretary
Bryan on Saturday declined to outline
Sw the attitude of the United States to
ward Castro, but developments grow
ing out of Castro's invasion made it
evident that tho United State's was
getting Into touch with tho situation.
Henry F. Tennant of New York was
nominated for secretary of the lega
tion at Caracas and will hurry to
"Venezuela on the protected cruiser
Dos Moines, sailing Monday from
Brunswick, da., for La Guayra. The
senate confirmed the appointment.
City of Mexico, Aug. 5. Foreign in
terference in tho conduct of his task
of pacification will not bo tolerated
byPresIdent Huerta. Ho proposes to
stay in the presidency and will brook
ino Interference on tho part of the na
tionals or foreigners. This determina
tion was expressed in a statement is
sued by Dr. Aurellano Urrutla, Mexi
can minister of tho interior, in behalf
of the president.
Disaster Occurs at Tower City, Pa.
Five Rescuers Lose Their
, r
Tower City, Pa,, Aug. 5. Eighteen
men lost their lives in a doublo explo
sion In, tho East Tlrookpd mlnp ol
tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal
and Iron company hero on Saturday.
Two were rescued alive.
The colliery was not In operation
and the victims of the explosion are
mostly repair men, colliery officials
and tunnel men.
Thirteen men'died in tho first explo
sion and five went to their death in
tho second blast, after an heroic at
tempt to rescue tho first victims. One
of tho rescuers escaped.
Fortunately the mine waB not set
afire, but the rescuers were retarded
for a while by the blocked passage
ways. The first rescued wero tho mem
bers of tho rescuing force who had
sone to the relief of the vitlms of the
first explosion.
Society Man Killed When Train
Strikes Auto Near Long
Beach, New York.
Now York, Aug. 5. S. Osgood Pell,
-clubman, millionaire broker and so
ciety leader, was killed outright Sun
day, as was a chauffeur whose name
has not been learned, and Mr. and
Mrs. William La. nbeer wore mortally
injured when the limousine car in
Avhich ther wero riding was hit by a
Long Island, express.
Tho accldont occurred at tho first
crossing west of Long Beach, between
that resort and Lynbrook.
Mr Pell, whoso wealth 'was esti
mated at more than $10,000,000, catie
of a famous Knlukbockor family. He
was one of tho leaders of tho Scott
expedition to tho Arctic in 1911 in
search of gold.
Mrs. Lalmbeer was Nathalie Schenck
before her marriage to Glen Collins,
whom she divorced a fow yearB ago.
Deputy Sheriffs Also Killed and Cali
fornia ' Governor Has . Been
Asked for Militia.
Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 5. District
Attorney Manwell and two deputy
sheriffs of Yuba county wero shot and
killed Sunday and six others, among
them two women, when a sheriff's
posso endeavored to quell a hop pick
ers' riot nt Durst's hop field In Wheat
land The governor has been asked
to cull out militia.
Rays Do Not Purify Milk.
Washington, Aug. 5. Although tho
ultra-violet rays may sterilize water
in Europe, tho vigorous bacteria in
American milk refuse to succumb to
their influence. This discovery has
Just been mado by U. S. chemists.
No Prudes on Bathing Suits.
Milwaukee Aug. 4. Milwaukee
women will be permitted to wear
whatever sort of clothes they wish
when they go bathing, was the deci
sion of mayor Hading. Slit suits or
ahy other suit will pass muster.
Bombardment 8lays 1,000.
Bucharest, Aug, 4. One thousand
parsons wero killed as the result of
tho bombardment of the town, of Wld
In, according to dispatches received
here. A thousand porsons are report
ed tq be wounded and dying.
-or,c' Society
These are the men selected by President Wilson to settle railway labor
In the center is Judge William Lea Chambers, commissioner of mediation; at
the right Judge Martin A. Knapp, assistant coimuibBiouers.
treasury Head Will Place Money In
Banks Prime Commercial Paper
to Be Taken aB Security.
Washington, Aug. 2. With the ap
parent double objective of eliminating
the possibility of money stringency In
connection with the movement of tho
crops and of affording to the country
a powerful object lesson as to the
value of the government as an agency
in banking business, McAdoo proposes
to turn into the channels of trado from
125,000,000 to $50,000,000.
This is the first time in history that
the government has accepted "com
mercial paper" for such deposits. A
supplemental declaration, however,
says that only banks which have "ta
ken out at least forty per cent of their
authorized circulation" will be permit
ted to participate in this distribution.
Commercial paper is to be taken at
65 per cent of its face value as secur
ity for these deposits, bonds other
than government bonds for 75 per cent
of their "market value," and govern
ment bonds at par.
Tho government will charge two per
cent interest on these funds and tho
distribution is to be limited to banks
in "two or three principal cities" in
each of the states "where harvesting
Is now in progress." Fifteen per cent
of the money is to bo returned in De
cember, 30 per cent in January, 30 per
cent, in February and 25 per cent in
March. All commercial paper offered
first must be passed upon and ap
proved by tho clearing house commit
tees in the cities where the banks of
fering tho paper are located.
----- 4
Brazil, Ind., Aug. 1. Foster Kay,
colored, workman on the courthouse
here, was indignant because a 16
puuud sledge fell ton feet and alight
ed on his head, cutting a slight gash.
Parry Sound, Ont., Aug. 1. Two lo
comotives hauling a long lino of
freight cars on the Grand Truuk rail
way plowed Into a herd of cattlo at
Deaty's Siding, 13 miles east of here,
The train waB wrockod and five mem
bers of the crow wero killed and two
injured. Tho dead Included three
llremen and an engineer.
New York, Aug. 1. J. Pierpont Mor
gan wlfl be sued for $5,000 damages by
Solomon Kuntslor, whoso fourteen-year-old
son, Jacob, said that ho was
knocked down by Mr. Morgan's auto
mobile In the street here. Tho car was
driven by Mr. Morgan's sister, Mrs.
Herbert L. Satterleo.
Young Mexlcanjs Blamed for Dyna
miting of 'Catholic Edifice
In Arizona.
Clifton, Ariz., Aug. 4. Tho Cathollo
church at Moroncl, near here, was al
most totally wrecked by dynamite.
ThlB was the second attempt at de
struction. Officers aro proceeding on
tho theory that the work was that of
a young Mexican, who recently had
sworn to destroy all Institutions main
tained by contributions from tho work
ing class.
Overcome on a Submarine.
Provlncotown, Mass., Aug. 5. Fivo
of the crew of the United States sub
marine G6 were overcome by gasoline
fumes whll 0 engaged in recharging
her electric storage battery off Long
Point. All wero revived.
8even Brained With Ax.
Cairo, Ga., Aug. C. During the night
some one, presumably a negro, en
tered the home of Georgo Bodlford, a
respectable white citizen of , Grady
county, and with an ax brained him,
I his wifo and five children.
Motto: All
Changes Alter Division of Federal Re
serve Earnings and Provision for
Mutual Rediscounts Smooth Prog
ress Is Predicted.
Washington, Aug. 4. The Demo
crats of the house banking and cur
rency committee practically concluded
consideration of the administration's
currency bill on Friday, attor more
than flvo weeks of continuous and
stormy discussion.
Tho bill waB ordered closed and ro
printed, nnd on Monday the Demo
cratic committee members will take a
formal vote recommending tho meas
ure to the Democratic caucus.
The bill differs little in its essen
tials from the administration measuro
framed b Repieuuulattve Glabs, Chair
man Owen and Secretary of the
Treasury McAdoo and approved by
President Wilson. Tho complete gov
ernment control of tho federal reservo
board which will direct tho new bank
ing and currency system, deemed by
tho president the all-important factor
of tho bill, was retained.
At tho eleventh hour tho Democratic
members of tho committee Incorpora
ted an amendment providing for an
advisory board of bankers to "advise"
the federal reservo board. TIiIb amend
ment was In the nature of a compro
mise with the banking interests, which
protested vigorously agnlnst tho ox
cluslvoly governmental featuro of tho
control of tho boWd,
Another important amondment in
corporated in the bill altered tho re
discount section conferring tho power
to require federal reservo banks to
mutually rediscount paper A chango
was made In the division or tho earn
ings of the federal reservo banks cre
ated by tho law. Ab amended, tho bal
ance of earnings after tho flvo per
cent, dividend and tho 20 por cent
Biirpiti8 will bo paid, CO per cent, to the
government to be used as a sinking
fund to reduce tho national debt, and
40, per cent, to bo dlvldod among tho
member hanks.
In the rosorvo section the commit
teo reduced the period during which
a bank must hold a 25 por cent, re
serve against deposits fiom 2C months
to GO days. As finally passed tho re
serve section requires that after a
period of gradual changes tho country
banks must keep their 15 per cent, re
serves either in tholr own vaults or In
the federal reservo bank of tho district
In which they aro located.
By a vote of seven to Ave, the con
ference struck from tho bill a provi
sion previously ordered inserted for
bidding Interlocking directorates be
tweon banks. It was stricken out on
representations that tho president be
lieved it should bo considered apart
from genoral currency legislation.
Tho so-called lnsurgont amendments
to the bill providing for currency on
warehouse receipts for cotton, corn
and wheat wero voted down by a viva
voce vote, with little discussion.
Representative A. Mitchell Palmer,
chairman of tho houso Democratic
caucus, preaictcu smooui progress
for tho administration currency bill.
Girl Saves Her Brother.
Peoria, 111., Aug. 5. Uernlce Mar
cus, aged nlno, savor her brother
Harry, aged six, from drowning in tho
Illinois river. Tho children were row
ing alone when little Harry Marcus
toppled into tho river,
Weston Ends His Long Walk.
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 5. Amid
tho roar of cannon, the clanging of
bells and tho tooting of whistles, Ed
ward Parson Weston completed Ills
tramp of more than 1,600 miles from
Now York city here
The News When It
disputes, under tho Newlands law.
tho left Q. W. W. Hanger, and at
White House Windows Crash as Presi
dent's Secretary Rushes Wilson
to 8afety.
Washington, Aug. 1. Three personB
lost their lives, scores wero Injured
and many amall buildings wero de-
mnllaf.n.l nti.1 n ltv-fFn Tirarinrtv Inaa
was caused by a terrific wind, rain '
nnrt linll Htnrm u,hl,.l, nwnnt Wnalilnir. I
ton on Wednesday. Tho .wind blow
seventy-two miles an hour and more
than ono and one-half inches of rain
fell in an hour.
Tho wind wrecked a three-story
nrlck ofllce. building SCCl,lp, y the
B. S. Saul company, reul estate deal'
ers, and fifteen poraons wero carried
down in tho crash. W. E Hilton,
vice-president of the real estato com
pany; Thomas B. Fealoy, Blxty-flvo
years old, a clerk, and an unidentified
man who entered tho building to try
to rescue those caught In tho wreck,
wero taken from tho debris dead.
Tho neatly kept lawns of tho White
House weiti devastated. Three huge
elm trees, uprooted by tho wind, wore
thrown bodily across the lawn and up
to tho very portico of tho building,
blocking the drives. President Wilson
was seated in the executive offices
when the wind crashed through sev
eral windows in the White Houbo
propor. Secretary Tumulty hurried
tho president and Representative Kor
bly of Indiana, with whom he was con
ferring, to a sheltered Interior room,
away from the searching fllghtnlng
Ambassador Victim of Pickpockets,
But Silent on Importance of Booty
Barred by House.
Now York, Aug. 4. While escorting
two women friends into a Long Island
train in tho Pennsylvanlajstatlon, Hen
ry Lane Wilson, Unltedstates ambas
sador to Mexico, who had just arrived
from Washington, fell victim to pick
pockets Friday. The thieves took his
wnllet, containing $128, valuable pa
pers and official mqmoranda, Mr. Wil
son declined to discuss tho incident,
but from othor sources it was learned
tho loss of Important papers It con
tained will prove a serious Inconveni
ence to tho ambassador.
Ambassador Wilson declared tho re
port that he had quarreled with Presi
dent Wilson about tho Mexican situa
tion was falsa,
Washington, Aug. 4. Td prevent
any aggravation of tho Mexican situa
tion, which In tho viow,of the uution's
officials Is slowly adjusting Itself, tho
administration, It becamo known Fri
day, does not look favorably on the
proposal to havo Ambassador Henry
Lane Wilson nppear beforo tho 'house
committee on foreign affairB. Feeling
la growing among tho ofllotals 'that
AnibuBBndor-Wilson is a factor in pro
moting objectionable discussion in
Historic Town Is In Flames.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 4. The hlstor;
lc town 'of Makarlov on tho Volga Is
burning. Tho flames havo reached
tho famous fourteenth century monas
tery, whoro tho annual fair, which
now Is hold at Nlzhnl-Novogorod, for
morly was hold. The town' has a pop
ulation of about 1,500. .
Kills Family and 8elf. '
London, Aug. 5, F. II. Gallon, said
to bo a brother of Tom Gallbn, tho
famous novelist and dramatist) killed
his wife and child and then commit
tel suicide. No reason was assignod
for tho deed.
Tolman Held on Usury Charge.
New York, Aug. C. Daniel II, Tol
man, tho loan shark king, who was
sentenced In Trenton to pay a fine of
11,000 and put on probation for throe
years, was arrested hore on a chargo
of usury
Is News. )
An lmmcnso harvest of grain bar
been taken caro of In Dodgo county,
tho yield being heavy and tho quality
of the grain good.
The city flection held nt Blair on
tho question of Issuing saloon licens
es resulted in tho defeat of tho wota
by ninety-two majority.
Tho Equal Frnnchtso leaguo Is busi
ly circulating nn Inltlatlvo petition for
n constitutional amendment for wo
man suffrago In Nebraska.
Ben Schneider of Norfolk, a for
mor1 Beatrice boy, hns Invented a
package cnrrldr for stores and has
boon offered $10,000 for tho patent. .
Ilov. i W. ' A. (I3111y) Sunday, the
ovangollst, Is coining to Omaha after
nil. 'His prdmiso has boon definitely
secured .by ' tho inter-church commit
too appointed to securo him.
A Bloam pipe on the derrick at tho
Burlington railroad's new Plalto rlvor
brldgo exploded, Bcrluusly injuring
tho engineer, II. W. "Smith, about the
right sldo of hiB chest nndovor tho
hips. '
Over 2,000 chickens wero londed
on .a car at, Valentino a.id shipped to
Now York City, Thoro wore farmers
from all sections of tho country there
with chickens.
Tho Gngo County Teachers' Insti
tute will bq hold at Ucatnco August
25-20. Carroll G. Pcarso of Milwau
kee formerly suporlntoudont of schools
In Beatrice, will appear ort tho pro
Tho railway commission -has per
mitted tho Burlington to mako a 3
cent reduction on tho. charges foe;
shipping mineral water and soda pop
from Mllford to Lincoln. Tho now rate
Is G cents a hundred.
Paul Cobb, youngor brother of tho
l famous Detroit ball player, who wob
released by the Lincoln club, accept
ed terms with tho Ogdon (Utah) team
in tho Union association and will
leave at once to Join the club.
Tho Fremont city council has or
dored Improvements Hint will cost
$10,000 mado at the municipal watwr
and light plant These will includo
now pumps, that will lusuro no oilier
lire loss from lack of prossure.
J. T. Savan of Auburn, a leading or
chardlst, states there will not bo
J - - or than- alf nf noa rf'sed
Nomalia COUnty tills J'Car a3 there
wero last. While somo orchards aro
quite full, other have a light crop.
Tho Farmers' Stato bank of Mar
quette haB beon granted a charter to
oporato a bank nt that place with a
capital stock of $10.QQt TJio oillcera j
are: J. S. Mavel, president 0. E,
Bedell, vice 'president, Itiid A. L. IIIH,
A school in packing nnd grading ap
ples will bo maintained on the stato
fair grounds September 1 to r. The
Instruction will bo given,, by oxports
and will qualify tho patrons for work
In the apple orchards at excellent
Secretary of war, Lindley M. Garri
son, has accepted tho Omaha Commer
cial club's Invitation t bo its guest
at an informal luncheon, August 28.
This Information comes to General F.
A. Smith, through who- negotiations
have been conducted.
Norfolk's first big fai. festival will
be held September 17 18. 19 hnd 20.
Hereafter it is to bo fin annual ovent.
Automobllo racing, motorcycle racing,
a base ball tournament, . muBlc by
high grado bands and Nnany other
forms of entertainment are piomlsed.
""Thoannunl, reunion of tho pioneers
and old settlors of Burt county will
occur at Tekamah In Folsom park
Friday, August 22. The Hev. H. L.
Powers of Lincoln will bo the chief
speaker. B. II. Itobinsbn of 'Omaha
is also on tho program for an address.
According to a report made, by Sec
rotary Whltten of tho Lincoln Com
mercial club 'there ts $8876' remain
ing In his hands mibscrlbod to the
f.inrf fnr thn rnllnf nf fnrnfl.ln OI,fCnr.
ers last coring:' Them lias been
S1.104.7S disbursed of tho $1,992,14
W. A. Taylor of tie Dumhtt-Deuver
Good Hoacls association has been noti
fied by tho Goodrluh tire manufac
turers that they hayo completed ar
langoments t eiect permanent .mark
ers every' turn In the overland .routo
bowtccn Omaha and Denver,, via Lin
coln and Hastings.
City Treasurer Uro of Omalia has
Kent ?200,000 to a NoWYork banking
ilrm to pay sew or and paving bonds
issued twenty years ago and maturing
August 1. Tho treasurer's oHlce con
tributed S25.0Q0 of' extraordinary In
terest earnings to assist the city In
paying tho bonds.
S. II. McKelvIo of Lincoln, lieuten
ant governor of Nebrasku, will bo tho
uruior ui mq uuy ui uunuar on mi)
occasion of the annual picnic, which
tukcB place Tuesday, "August 12. A
program of line attractions lias been
secured, and a big attendance Is as
sured. Tho flrot Stato bank of Lodge Polo
filed, an application with tho .State
Banking board has beon graijtejl
a chartor td do business. The bank
Is Incorporated for $20,000 and Its qf-,
llcerp aro: W. G. Moltifli, president;
A. B. Persinger and B, J Dates, ylup
presidents, nnd J. W. Ilogsrs, cashier!
Omaha newsboys will enjoy tholr
annual picnic August 27. plans for
the affair aro Just .being uiaijo and
tlie committee In charge wnH an
nounced last night. Its membors are
Tony .Costanzo, Mike Ilarto, Erlo Nol
Bin and Mogy Bornstoln.
Arjdther test of tho now city w,f!)s,
nt Henrico was maae at Zimmerman
springs u' tho Dempster compuiy,
and tho flow of water was increased
considerably. Tho numns reelstoreil
1,339,000 gallons aniLlf that amount1'
can bo secured eijerjr day the water
problem. In that city will have bpn
'One Possessing Potential Energy Dis
solved First, 8howlng Different
Chemical Affinity.
. Taking two steel watch springs of
'exactly tho same slzo aud quality of
'material and wlhding up tightly and
Hocking ono of tho springs, leaving tho
other Bprlng unwound, and placing
'thorn In nitric or hydrochloric acid or
any othor acid which dissolves tho
metal, .It will bo found that tho wound
up sprlng-Mhnt la, the one that has
stored. a certain amount of potontlal
energy 1b dissolved " first, showing
that tho spring under strain hns u
chemical ntllnlty different from that
of tho ono not under strain. Thus, it
thoro should bo a local current tho
different parts of the otoel would have
different potontlal differences against
tho clectrolyto and there will bo n
current circulating between tho two,
demonstrating that tho solution of the
wound up spring gives up more ener
gy than tho unwound "spring. It cnn4
bo proved that tho wound up spring
produces more hoat in dissolving than
tho unwound spring, and thudr tho po
tential enorgy stored iu tho spring Is
converted into heat onorgy. Thot heat
and work are mutually convertible is
tho first law of thermodynamics, and,
if it were possible to measure cnlorl
motrlcnlly tho onergy oxpondod In
winding up tho spring In heat measure
it would show that ono balances tho
othor exactly, thus demonstrating that
onorgy ennnot bo created nor destroy
edit can only be changed from ono
form into another.
Receptacle Suitable for Shop or Pub
lic "Places May Be Placed Even
With Floor Level.
A gAlP-clnnntng cuRpldor, sultnblo
Ifor tho-shop or for public places can
bo mado with the usual flaring top a
flushing plpo bolng attached nt tho top
and tho bottom connected to a soil
pipe In Uio-buildlng writes George -ilc-Growloyj
tfrTor'owark, 5j.,,j in tho
Popular Mochanlcs. The flaring part
Is constructed of heavy copper, ton
Inches in dlamotor at'tho top and tap
ering to two inches nt tho bottom.
Top of the Cuspidor Is Placed Level
With the Floor or Above It as De
sired. r
A two-Inch brutes nlpplo is .poldored
over tho lowor end which In turn is
soldered .to a two-Inch trap that is
vented tnvthe usual manner.
If tho flushing plpo entors thq top
nt an anglo, the water will havo a
whirlpool motion which will thorough
ly clean tho cuspidor and trnp. Whom
tho cuspidor is in constant use, a
Small Stream Of WUler It allOUGU 10.
ow all tha tljno.
Colorado's 1912' radium output was
valued at $2,600,000.
Over 61,000 locomotives aro dally
operated in tho United States.
Gorman manufacturers of velvet
havo combined in a hugo syndicate.
More than 1,000,000'persons a'ro em
ployed In tho textile mills of Great
Mica Is produced commercially by
eight states, North Carolina loalng In
'the industry.
a Bowing mnenmo lor tuning mat
tresses ' and furiituro Is a Pcnnsyl
vanlan's Invention.
A hydro-tfcroplaho building In Eng
land has no extornal wires to resist
the air In its lights.
Iron 99.98 per cont has boon pro
duced in the laboratories of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin.
Hall bearing shafting, introduced in-to-a
New England shoo factory, savod
80 fier cont of tho power.
Niagara Falls operated a municipal
'asphalt Tojmlr plant in' 1912 and mado
repairs at 7L cents a square yard.
A, grass nativo to India has proved
so 'good for paper pulp that 50,000 tons
of It are bdlng used, annually for that
The pottery production of tho United
ytateVmst year, valued at $30,600,000,
yos tM grcUtest In tho history of the
industry. '
A motion picture theater on wheels
lhau bon "equipped by u nuiriber o
fcc!UtiJs 'to teach fde) economy
!' m ' and firemen.
fl '
11 ,
NO.;40.L S
Ingenious Type of. Pliers Invented )
German for Performing Work-1
Done Automatically.
For the affixing of staples on papers
a German has Invented an Ingenious
typo of pliers. Everyone is familiar,
T?lth the varloua kind" of staples used
to hold papers, such as lawyers briefs,
roportB, ptcj together. With this im
plement, lnatoad bf their being affixed
by hand, they aro aui6matlcally punch
ed on A pair of lever handles, with,
spring operation, are hinged to a cas
ing that contains a feeding device. A
rod is attached to ono of the handles,
and this actuates the staple driver that
is In the head of tho casing. On the
Stapling Pliers.
other handle is an anvil. Both tho rod'
and tho anvil have ' oprlngs leading;
down to tho lowor portion of the han
dles. When tho pllera'are, brought to
gether tho rod forces a Btnplo1 out 6t
tho feeder and punches it through the
papor, tho anvil riveting it on tho other
British Guiana Greenheart Used In
Ship and Dock Building With-
stands Much Wear and Tear.
A wood, which "outlaBts iron and
stcol when placed in water Is British
Guiana greonheart. It is used in ship
and dock building, trestles, bridges,
shipping platforms, flooring and for
all purposes Involving great wear and
tear. Tho wood3 of two species of
West- AfrleanttreoB.have been Intro
duced intoJIngUBluMartcetB'nB-BU&KtV
tutea for greenheait under tho name
of African grcenlart, but both are
inferior to tho South American troo.
All tho gntoa, piors and Jottlea of
the Liverpool docks and practically all
tho lock gates of the Drldgcwater
canal in England are of greonheart. It
furnished tho material also for the
fifty pairs of lock gates in tho Mnn
chostor, England, ship canal. lVha;
tho greonheart dock gates in the Mer
aoy harbor at Liverpool were remoyed.
in order that the channel might bo
l deepened, and widened, the same wood
was employed in building the enlarged
gates and wood placed In the gates of
tho Canada dock in 1850 was used
again in its reconstruction in 1894.
The' uso of greonheart haB been speci
fied for Bills and fenders In tho look
gates of the Panama canal. NanBon's
ship, the "Fram," nnd tho Antarctlo
ship "Discover'" were built of groan,
hoart. In addition to its use as tim
ber, great quantities of tho wood aro
.made Into charcoal.
... Though It grows In parts of Drltish,
French atd Dutch Guiana, Venezuela,
Brazil, Colombia. Peru, Trinidad,
Jnmalcia and Santo Domingo, It Is (be
ing cut only in British Guiana, whoro
it is found along tho sea coast and.
water courses, seldom extending pj"r
than fifty miles inland.
Ease Job for Mechanic If Done Accord
ing to Illustration,, and, plrectlons
Given Herewith.
Most mochanlcs will 'n6 'take 'th6
trouble to cut out a socket wrench, but
this Is onsv enough when done ac
cording to the drawing, it" Is laid out
Method of Cutting Out Socket Wrench.
on the Bteel for drilling. Six. small
holes should bo drjlled if the socket is
to 'be hexagon. Those holes will cut
put tho corners, h6h pfo large hole
Is drilled In thfj cohtof which will cut
out nearly all thouStocH and should
cut two-thirds of It'way into the small
holes. Theh.thpre is" but little chip
ping to bo donp lifter this operation;
simply two small fragments, which "are
indicated at A. Scientific American.
New Concrete Machine., ...
i, ..-
By means of machinery to vibrate m at
tho surface of .freshly laid .concrete u..i
pavomonts crushed granite is forqql a
into them to strengthen them byi.s..M
Texas inventor. ' ,. f J
Automobiles In France. ,
France has quo automobile for. every
COO peoplp, ono cycle, for every 13 "and,
one motorcycle for every 1,382. Be .
tweon 1910 and 1911 thoro waB tk
'enormous Increasb of 300.000 cycles.
Petroleum In' Mexico, tv
Texlco's ne'troleum oroducttoa taat i i"
"iaj yelr was almqst equal to that,-f iJjv-
up previous years.
. T-
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