.sr T wf - - i , ' t-WW 'TMHF' , ' .T' i winj'-wwjmiiwryyi- "' " " V BsJsWBBHBBwBBB'HBswiswiHBsHHB V ! 1 Cash Grocery Store Special Prices for Saturday 4 lbs. Jap Rice ; 25c 7 Bars Flake White Soap 25c 3 pkgs Corn Flakes 25c .1 Cans of Salmon .....25c ..25c 3 Cans of Corn .... fv2& 3 cans Peas ., 25c 20 lbs Sugar for.. ....... . ;.'. ? $1.00 Tumblers, per doz 25c ....Highest Price Paid for Produce.... W. L. Ross Davkotav City, Nbrsaks Notice. Tub executive committee of the Pioneers' and OKI Settlers' Association of Dakota County. Neb, will itefct at the courtlioiiBe in Dakota Oity, Hatur- irfav. Julv 12. at 2:30 o'clock i. in. to w J m on 3 avow J arrange lor tue coming lilA reunion und" picnic. v are invited to attornl. When you want any draying or haul iog dono, notify Harold Van de Zedde, or oall phono No 1, uud jour work will be doiiH promptly. 82urt annual All interested Local Items Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure child ren from wetting the bed, be cause it is not a habit, but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., of Chicago. Illinois, have discovered a strietlv harmless remedy' for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will send a 50 cent package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the HeraU). This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. are an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then' tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H. Rowan Drug Co. Dept. A. 482. Chicago. 111. HHCUMATiOlSUFFEREttS inwuWV B JTOifliAMIM Of, Rheumatism SCUttlCA? GOUT.NEUKALC!!B , &DiKIDKEYATR0UBlXSrMl AMrLX'S-MMrS" Swum! RhHMtl'Cur tm w. utm ac owe Ca Mils Helen 8 hull, of Homer, spent a few days with friends here. Mrs Vioie Oooley and two sous hate go'ne to Homer to spend the summer. Tim O'Connor, of Homer, took the train here Tuesday for Norfolk, Neb, where he goes on a business trip. Chaa T Barto brought in a stalk of sweet com a little over six fret tall, the bent we have seeu so far this year. The boy scouts of Northeast Nebras ka and Sioux City will establish a oamp at Crystal lake toon for a two weeks' outing. EffortB are being made by C R Goodman and wife to send their daughter Esther to tho industrial school at Gecevu, Neb. 11 L Everest traded h seoond hand auto (or O D Haifa pool tables and will open a pool hall and later a res taurant in the Bohmied store building. United Htatea Marshal W P War ner was tip from Omaha last Friday artlrovadoVtnbHiiB farm on Omaha creek southwest of town to sen how crops were coming along. If you want to see how tall burdocks will grow, just take a look at the vacant lot where the old hotel stood You had better hurry or you won't be able to see to the top of them. A lino shower visitod this locality Sunday night and rolieved the heat and drowth suffering for the time be ing. Early potatoes had begun to suffer for rain, but now the orop will be assured. The Dakota City Teddy Bears lost a a close game at Waltbill Sunday, score 3 to 2, Hogan and Stinaon did the battery work for the Teddy Bears, and Waterman and Wabl for Waltbill. Tho hits wore about as soaroe as the run. Mell A Scbtniod and wife went to Mason City, la, Monday, where Mr Sohmiod has a position on the audit ing ooromitteo of the MBA order. Mrs Le Valley, of Wakefield, will as sist with the household duties during their absenoe, 8eoretary Marshall of the state horti cultural society has estimated that the apple vield from aprayed orchards in Nebraska at l.ouu cars, in eastern Nebraska the orop will be about 125 per oent as compared with the normal while in the southeast and northeast ho fixes the estimate at 100 per oent. The following letters remain un claimed at the postoftloe in Dakota, Nel, for the month ending June SO, 1913: Reverent Eller, L W Robb, Elizabeth Robertson, Mrs Charlie Redman, Lawyer Sbraum, Floyd Sherman. In calling for the above letters please say "advertised," John H Ream, Postmaster. A bad automobile aooident occurred Sunday near the Island Beaoh hotel on the north side of Crystal lake. Cbas Oaroy, secretary of the T 8 Martin Co, of Sioux City, was return ing to the oity with three other men, when his machine overturned and oaught him and two other ooonpanta of the oar underneath it. Help oame from the Saunders .hotel and released the injured men. Mr Carey, owner auit driver of the car was the only one I seriously injured. He was taken to a Sioux City hospital and is recovering slowly. Alfred Piaey was a passenger to Norfolk Tuesday on business. O D Hall's blaok stallion died Wed nesday, at the George Teller farm wesl of Jaokson. F H Forrest and family expect to move iuto their new cottage, now about completed, next week. For Sale Cheap One MoOoruiick binder and mower. Oall at old Wu Biermanfarm. T E Powell. Harry Frederiok, of South Sioux City, waa operated on at St Vincent's hospital Monday for appendicitis. He is recovering nicely. D G Evans and Goorge Wilkins and their families have taken up quartors at Crystal lake in tho Forrest cottage for a couple of weeks, tVe have a better siook of Hardware etc, than we ever bad, and you will find our prioea right. Wo also haudlu all kinds of garden tools. Sohriever Bros, The Ladies Guild of Homer will give a lawn social at the home of Mr and Mrs Oritz, Thursday evening, July 10. Ioa cream and cake will be served for fifteen cents. Evan Way autoed down from his farm near Waterburv Tuesday on busi ness, tie saya they bad considerable more rain Sunday night than we had here, and that crops are looking fine since the downpour. Fred Labrs was kioked by one of his horses Saturday morning when he went into the barn lo harness the team. He suffered a bad gaBh on his jaw m d on his forehead aud several teeth weio loosened bb a rosnlt of tho aooiden. A oard from Dr D O Stinson sutes that he arrived at Dalton. O, safely, where he went last week to attend the funeral of his sister who died on Wed desday and war buried Friday. He expeots to visit relatives a few weeks before returning to his home at Leeds, Iowa. Geo W Edmonson arrived here Sat urday from Olivert, Kaa. He will ship his steam threshing outfit, that he baa operated here for the past three or four years to Council Bluffs, I, where be hs made a sale of the ma chine. He thinks the 'crops here will be rather light for so many outfits. A oard received by Thos Howard from the T E B liven family left them at Eureka, Nov, June 25th. They were about 400 mites from their des tination, whioh they have reached ere this. Gasoline, they say was gradu ally growing more expensive as they traveled westward, being ouo per gal lon at their last stopping place, They reported everybody in the party well and onjoying thu trip. The auuual school meeting for dis trict No 1 whs held in the high school building Monday afternnon. The re ports 'if the direotor and treasurer were adopted. Harry H Adair and J Tbos Graham were re-elected mem bers of the board for tho coming year. The recommendation of the secretary for a levy of $3,000 for school purpo ses for the comiup year was adopted. It was also recommended that tho as sembly room be Mulshed during the coming year if funds would allow it. The thiamine of the distrust are in fairly good shapo as showtjt by" the re ports, and it was voted that outstand ing bonds to tho amount of $2,000 be taken up, thus lightening our bonded and interest beariug indebtedness. A letter from Raymond Broyhill, who is in the navy, on the U S York towu, now in the Panama oapal zone, sent to his mother, Mra Mollte Broy hill of this plaoe, desoribes a sight seeing trip made by the crew of the Yorktwon over the canal worka. A special train carried tho party from the paoifio end of the oanal, stopping at all the towns en route, giving them a chance to see all the looks, dams, etc. He says the people of tho United States may wonder what all the mil lions of dollars are spent for in build ing the oanal, but if they could only take a look at the vttst work now in progress and nearing completion they could easily aee where the money goes. It is one of the greatest sights afford ed the aailor boys in the navy and there are hundreds of interesting sights to be seen on the numerous trips made. Oapt J S Lothrop, a prominent at torney and old resident f Hiniix City, died Tuesday evening at 0:10 o'olook. of exhaustion and senility. He was 76 yeara old. He is survived by his widow and two daughter?, Mrs Ger trude Howe, of Ban Antonia, Tex, and Miss Battle Lothrop, of Sioux Oity, and two sons. Ralph Lothrop, of Sioux City, and M L Lothrop, of Da kota Oity. Deceased was a civil war veteran, baying onlistod at tho begin-' ning of the war as a private in Co I, Eleventh Illinois infantry. Ho was promoted in the ranks and at the cud of the year waa captain of his compa ny. Ho moved to Sioux City in 1884 and has praotioed law since. He rep resented Woodbury county iu the state senate in 1896. Funeral aervioes were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'elook from his late residence HUBBARD. Curia Mogensen visited at the Carl Andersen home Saturday, Dan Hartuett, wife and daughters autoed to Sionx City Wednesday of last week, Remember we have u big assortment of ilroworku for thu Fourth. C Au derson Co. Francis Kerwin of Emeuon is visit iug at the Jesse Graves homo. Mrs Harry Covell nf Nacora visited at tho Mrs lieaconi homo Mondny. A uioo assortment of parasols in a variety of shades, at C Anderson Co'a. Mike Farrell waa a city passenger from here Weduesday. Mrs Ras Rasmusseu was taken ser iously ill Tuesday of last v. eel. Dress shoos iu ladies' and gents stylos; also a full lino of children's shoes, at C Anderson Co'a. Our uew agout arrived last week. Quite a few from near Homer aud Waterbury attended the Danish lirotti erhood dance hete last Saturday night. .All kiuda of giooerioH for your luuoh basket for thu Fourth. O A U tier bod Co. The ball game playod Satuiday at Emerson between Hubbard and Wake Hold weut 4 to 1 iu favor of Hubbard. Maggie Thorn spent, the 'punt week at the A L Anderson Lome. Our glove department for both la dles and gents is completer (J Ander son Co. Mrs Tom Heffernau and children aud Mrs Deinery visited -atitliu Prank lleeuey home one day latit'wuek. The Danish brotherhood uaiiru giv en here Saturday was a great suooesB A laige crowd was in attendnuue. A full line of the col. liruted Heinz canned goods, such as ouKoil beans, sweet pickles, prepared spigliotti ready to serve, catsup, mustard dres sing, cfailla sauce, etc. Just tho thing for your luuoh banket. C Auderaou Co. Mabel MoGce oame homo from Wayne Thursday, of last week. Helen Long spent several days of tho past week visiting in Ponoa, Gene Nordyke and daughter, of Sioux City, were visiters here Tuesday. Tom Fitzimmous was a "oity passeu ger Tuesday. The rain of Sunday night was a bles sing to the crops, Corn is getting out of the way of the cultivators, and tho small grain will aoou bo ready for the harvesters. Tom Long shipped a oar of hogs out of here Monday. Dau Hartnett, with his ,'fnmily, vis ited Sunday at tho Will and Tom Bartuett homes at Jackson. They weut by auto. ' For straw bats we have tue best as sortment shown here for years. U Anderson Co. A baby girl wr born to Mr and Mrs Edniu Jensen Friday, June 27. Mr and Mrs James Hugan wero Sioux City paBseiigeis last1 Saturday. Sunday school at 9 :45 o'clock a m. Public worship every 2ud autWtli Sun day of each month at 10:80 tn, in the Lutherau church. Th"e catechetical class meets every.' Wednesday at 9:80 a m, aud every 2nd and 4tu Sunday at the eame hour. Louis Larseh and Merle Hileman shipped a oar of hogs from hero Fri day, and Juarseu Uros snipped stooK out of hero Thursday and Friday of lastweek. Nels Hanson waa iu Sioux City Fri day of last week. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. (okhcul) Dakota Clty,.Nob, June 23, 1918. Tho board of county commtisloners met pursuant to adjournment m n board of eutialliatlon. Memberi present! Heorse v Thnpkpr. alinlrinan: Uller V HMier, Tlioinn l.onif, Peter unrney, county aes- nor: NIU liny i. i rum, raunw imururj nml Clt'orxx Wllklin. clerk, at which time the followinrproceeuinKs wore uau. WliBiftrf It it, necessary to nujuit nnu equalUo the nueMineiitof perianal proper ty in me Mirioun precinci-ui numuiyuuu ty, Ncbranku.so Hint eaoli precinct will bear Just i elation to othurs In said county; therefore, bo It . . .. ., Ito.iolvtHl, by the board of eqtialltntlou of Dnkotn county, Nebrmka, Hint thoro bo a rnle In the nsneMineiit of horses In Dakota precinct of :w por cent: In Onuxdl preclnot a nine of III percent: In Hubbard preclnot a raise of ft per cent I In l'lgeou Oreek prlclnet u reduction offipcrcent: in Kmemon pre clncta reduction of 6 percent, and In Sum mit pieotuct n reduction of 10 percent: nlo a ralsa in tiie assessment of mules In OmmU fireclnatof 10 per cent: and a raise in Hub tard precinct of Spur cent; and nlsoaialse In the assessment of cattle In Omndl pre clnotof.M per cunt! mid n leductlou In I'iacon Urccl: precinct nf 10 por cent. Aisocnme Louis' A DlerUlnir before snld board of equalisation aud makes applica tion foi Ui reduction of the ncrcaco to lots twottjnndthreu W in section tnreo (Hi, township twenty-eight (2H I mi no nine I.B) east. In Dnkota county. Nebratka, the Mime hayluu heretofoio been assessed ns (HM acres, and Is now leducod to ) acres, the amount thoreof belimoutot the river and under cultivation, and also came IMchard Shortloy and .makes application to said board for the reduction ot the atuatlon. of tb south Unlr of the fcouth east quartor (80f the HKM) of section nineteen (IS), township twenty-eight W), range nine 18) east, in Dakota county. Mehrnskn, said land having been heietofoio assessed at the rate of lauxj per aoie wns reduced to SOMM por noro the nftlo price of said land. llonid adjourned to meot Tuesday, Juno z, 191!). OKO. WII.KINH, County Clerk. Dakol'i City, Neb. Juno 24, 1913. Hoard r f 'utility commissioner met pur suant to n i u i ii mont. as a board of equall ntinn. M. nl era tiresuut.neorire'WThack- er, chalriiiu... Oliver V Klsher, Thomas IiOUK, l'eier unrney, oounvy nssessur, niu noyT Krum. county attorney, and George WllktUN, county clerk. When tho following proceedings woie hnd, to-wlt: No transactions. Board of equalisation adjourned to meet Wednesday, June 26, IBIS, iisn boardof equa- Ooo Wilkins, County Olork. Dakota City, Neb, Juno 25, 1013. Bonrdof county commissioners met per sunnt to adjournment, as a board of equa lisation. Members present, Geo W Thnck er. chairman: Oliver W Klsher. Thomas r aiis. Peter Garner, county assessor: Bid- ney T Krum, county attorney, ami Geo Wllkliis. county clerk, when the following proceedings wero una, to-wit: No transactions. Now. at this Hmo. Julie 25, lBlS.aUo'clocfc p m, the board of equalisation adjourned until 4:10 piii, of this day fpr regular busi ness. Geo Wllklns, County Clerk. Dakota City, Neb, June 2D, 1013. (nt 4:10 o'cloclCp in.) The lioard of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, members pres ent, Geo W Thacker, Chairman : O W Klsh er, Thos T.onif, niul Geo Wllklns. county clerk; whrn thf fnllnwUninrneeprtlnirs were had: Hon ill uideiuil Murium Uaui.l on guuuiui fund to Geo Wllklns, county clerk, fqra)jJ7 the amount over paid by property Owners lu the village of Homer, Nebraska, having Improvements on their premises, and hav ing heretofore paid their taxes thereon tor the year 101. It Is further ordered that couty clerk shall refund to the several per sons, In said village, heieby etltHiWU, the amount overpaid by each of thoin and ac cept their reoelpt therefore. Hoard of county commissioners ordered county treasurer to transfer" to the county general fund fiom tho- funds hereinafter named tho amounts sot opposite, to correot tax list for the year IMS, lu village of Ho mer, neorasaa. town county bridge fund; 7J. from the euier gency STINSON' S Specials for Saturday, Julylf For this Dtvy Only Our Regular 15c can of Tomatoes, 2 cans for. . , s .25c 1 can of our 25c Guaranteed .Baking Powder for. ,20c Pop corn, per lb. :. , , . . . . 5c , Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb - 45c . Navy Beans, 6lbs for. . . .,.,..,.. , 25c . One 15c can Bayles Prepared Mustard .....' 10c - One can of 25c Asparagus. . . . . . r 15c 3 Pkgs 10c Falcon Pancake Flour.,. 25c 4 Pkgs of Krinkle Celebrated Corn Flakes 25c Frosted Cookies per doz ........ wj tt v. ---.- 5c 2 cans Extra Standard Cora 15c 10 Discount on All our Ladies' Shirt Waists. All our 7c and 8c Calicoes at 6c per yd. A full assortment of Fruits, Vegetables and Meats at lowest prices for Saturday trade. Stinson's i Dakota City,. Nbrsvk.k. Mid-Summer Watch Will H. Beck Co. Sale just completed a Mr Groeu baa got farina in Dakota Mike Qreeu has barn on his farm, ono of the Uncut county. Fancy thirls aud ties iu an endless assortment at O Anderson Go's. Mr Mayileld left Saturday with his family for Hoskina, Neb, where they will make their home. Wo are sorrv to lose so worthy a family, but wish them all suoaess in their now abode. John Jessnn, Victor Nels'en, Albert Ruth and Mr and Mrs Heni'ngor were Hioux City shopporH from hero Satur day. Bring in your cream, buttdr and eggs, and get the top market price. O Anderson On. Mr and Mrs W Qoertz, Mrs Harty and daugh er Pearl and Airs Fred B ar tels were city puHBongers from here Wednesday of last week. Mr uud Ura OliriH Boreuieu, (Jarrie Nolsen uud Mrs Uulleuind mou Ray mond, wero Hioux Oity paBscugora from hore last week. Mrs Frank Heeney ami daughters Ella and Bennelta, aud little son Ber nard, were oity passengers Friday. Overloaded With Fireworks ; Visitors to the Frontier Days Celebrations July 2, 3 and 4, . ( are invited to our Store to See the Bargains t .WATCHES'"' wi) re offering, Tl 'sVill H. Beck Co. . 4j Fourth and Pierce Sts. Sioux City, Iowa & ur-' t Q "The People's Home Bank" Whero the small depositor is appreciated comes iuto his own. Where you always KNOW you're Welcome rich or poor. Whero eaob,employee works for YOUR good. Where there' is "Safety Over All". (Secured Loans Only). That is VERY ANXIOUS for a "Get-Acquainted" call from YOU. Ripe Ready Eager to servo you faithfully and well, with EVERYTHING in GOOD Banking. "That ALWAYS treats yon RIGHT." 4 Oertitlcates. Farm Loans and Insurance. 0 & 1 Investments. Steamship Tickets. Ed. T. Kearney, President , Edward O Presoott was married Tuesday afternoon, Jnly 1, 1913, to Miss Charlotte Hubbard, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs E H Hub bard, in Sioux Oity. Rbv W E Ham ilton, of the First Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Elrii- uor Hubbard. Mr Lyla Hubbard, the bride's brother, was the best man. The bride wore a gowu of white em broidered crepe, some old poiut laco, an heirloom of tho family, being arrauged on tho bodice. Her tulle vail, which was arranged in fountain effeot. was oaught with lillios of the valley. The bridal boquet Was of roses and lillies of the valley. Miss Eleanor Hubbard wore a frock of light blue voile and carried an arm boquet of pink roses, Au informal re ception followed the ceremony, Bo sides the bridal party and tho bride's mother, Mr Peroy F Presoott, father of the groom, and the groom's sisters, Miss Kathleen Presoott, Miss Bessie Frescott and Miss Dorothy Presoott, assisted in receiving. Tho members of the D D olub, an old organization of which Mrs Hubbard was a member, and Mrs W N Ford, Mrs George B Parker, Mra William Gordon and Mrs T A Blaok assisted as parlor and din ing room hostesses. After a short wedding trip Mr and Mra Presoott will maka their hone in Dakota City, where Mr Freaeottia manager of the Field! & BUnghtet elevator, The best that can be got, at Van de Zedde's. Am clos ing them out at 25c on the Dollar. Now boys, let us have a good time on the Fourth. Will sell them out the Fourth of July regardless of price. Causes of Stomach Trouble. Sedentary habits, lack of out door exorcises, iuHUuoieut mastication of food, constipation, u torpid livor, wor ry uud anxiety, overeating, partaking of food and diink not suited to your ago aud occupation. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Stom aohWl Liver Tableta and you will soon bo woll again. For sale by all dealers Adv. Don't forgot still iu tho lead. Breuus coffeo, it Van sells it, is TWENTY YEARS AGO. Items roproducodln tho Hinux .City Journal from tiles of tweuty years ago: Juue27, 1803: Cap Luther expoots to launoh bis new pleasure boat on Crystal lako today, Great numbers of Sioux Oity people visited thu lake on Sunday, For Sale Cottonwood lumber, $20 per thousand. Thoe Dorian, mtf.irom tee state lund; tUM, from tue iiwtiPiMitarnnri rr wi rmm run ainar. I J uiawav IMSiu fiwvi aa,was av - , .'v hftdira fumt: ttix.trmri4-uountrl?,iU. load fundi I3.W. irom tlio ratlrond-stnklnit fund; (.181.00, from schooldlitrlot Mo81fuud; lfil.62, from sdlioul dlstrlot No si bond fund, and t&!MH, from the village of Homer, Ne braska, fund, belUKtbe total sum of IHW.4W. Tlie following claims wero allowed on tho county ueneral fund: Frederick W Lolir, dabiasoS to nt lot Ma-HJ-48, caused by road petitioned lor by Jacob P learner, et al t 25 00 (loo W Thacker. snlary and mileage .Slid quarter, j IOG 00 ruler uaruey, saiaiy aim positive as county assessor itA'Ji Thomas Long, salary and mileage for Jnd quarter HUM) Muriraret A Muruhy. salary and ex- ueuso.ifnU quarter WI C3 Unit. HrnRllnld.Sll'G hauls tiulntlng. etc. poor farm U0 00 Sidney T Krum, exp Omaha, fender, etc 218 09 Mary Hobertson, 8 days woi k i.ii asses sor's books,,.. 0 00 James II Flynn, assessing til John's precinct. 88 days 114 00 llunrv (inln. fiKaAnnlnit Hubbard uro. clnct,40duys 120 00 Oliver W Fisher, salary, 2nd quarter.. 75 00 Oliver WFlsUer, livery, 2nd quaiter. 80 00 aeo Wllltins, salary 2nd Quarter, at- tending court, etc i.. 140 79 J5d wards ltradforu Do. materiel lor poor farm 49 CS Tliomas Ourran. assessing Huuiiult preclnot. 88 days WOO (l V llrovtilll. lawn mower and mate rial for farm 29 80 Heuilngton Typewriter Uo, repairing typewriter - 7 BO II II Stolz, assessing Kmerson pre- eliiet.ffildays, etc 90 72 Knrt DodBe Uulvn. i i.'o. for thiee road drags , 49 60 The followllitf olalma wero allowed on tlio county bridge fund: Fort Dodge oulvort Oo, 7 metal Oil- veils., i;ii w Win Hiirtels. 1 day hauling plank..... 4 00 I) F Waters, for4.U0Ufeet bridge lilaiik 1110 98 Kd wards ifcilradtord Uo, 7iu leut of lirldge plank and posts Si CO Ulnlms allowed on commissioner dlstrlot No 1: Frank H reamer, for 11 hoiirsdiiiKitliig road, 1 man mid 2 teams J 8 80 fluy CI KlduM, for 'Si hours dragging road, 1 man and 2 teiiiitH.. ............. 10 00 Olalms allowed oiieoiiiiul.aloliul district Junius F Sutherland, (or duiggllig rood.l man and 2 teams , ...t 1 00 .1 in mm F Hutheiland. for duiggllig load, liiHiu and 2 touiiirf........ ...... IS 25 John 1 KniniDer. for dragging loud 10 hours. 1 man and 2 teams 8 00 Thomas Hynes, for dragging roads, 22JS hours, t man aim x teams in w Tho following claims were allowed on tlio road district fund: Michael fjoglie, road work, I day, 1 man ami temii ,..,, . . i $ 4 u John Ilusli, road work. 1JS days, 1 man undteam o uo Frank Hush, road work, 2 days, 1 man and team , H 0U Thomaa lleucom, toad work, 1 day, 1 man and team , 4 00 Thomas Hynes, road VNOik, vA days 1 man and team 10 oil Michael llayues, 4 days overseer or road work, etc .....i. Hi oo UlalniH allowed on road district Noxu: llaus Hoiilcksou, for grading lirlilgex and culverts ..I ui 70 John II lilQkiiutu, for grading miuuu and culverts " Henry Van Int, for grading bridges mill culverts ; Huns llonlokson, load work ,. top Henry (Jotted, road work 8 00 Olalms allowed on road district No7; itrinir mil. fnr i iliivu road work. 2 men and 2 teams I 21 00 Hoard adjourned to meet Monday, July 7. 1913, to settle with the county trearurer. Geo Wllklns, County (llerk, CHURCH NEWS MKTHOOiaT. Hev.J.Orows, I'astor. Hervlces at the Methodist Kpltcopal church every Sunday as follows: I'ruaoU- lug at 11 a mi Huiulay school at 10 a mi class meeting 12 mi Kuworth League 0:80 p in. preaching 7:H0 p in. frayermeetlug Thurs day eveiilngs at 7:80 LUTHERAN. Hev.S.Ij. Keller. Pastor. DAKOTA 01TV Hunday school every Sunday at 9:40 a in; Miss Hlauche Hamilton, superintendent, , preaching at 7:op in, every Sunday. HALEM Urunniiinif evnrv Hunday at 11 am: Sun day school promptly at 10 am. F, I'.Oul bertson, superintendent. A The publtoli cordially lnvltsd to all thsi iervloe .. , Wyoming Farm Lands -IN THE- Big Horn Basin,' Wyoming Arc sure to greatly increase in value as soon as the new mainline of the Burlington is compleled through that rich irrigated valley. Go Ahead Of The Railroad and make money on your invest ments. The crop outlook was never better and now is the time to get in on ground floor prices. ' : Stop oft At Sheridan and take a trip into the Buffalo Country .. . . , r ., -,r - f . - - .1 .J on tne eastern stope 01 me nig nora mouniiuns, vvuere mere plenty of water for irrigation and rich land to cuhvate. Write today for our latest booklets on Wyoming farm lands- and let me tell you about our peisonally conducted excursion. w ts- 'I l). Olem Deuver, Immigration Agent , OMHA, NEBRASKA ," -u WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH-lWs iS0.00 Wk, almost 1Q.00 Pay Helling Victor Safes and uro-proof boxes to merchants, doctors, lawyers, dentists ud well-to-do farmers, all of vhom realize the need of a safe, hut do not know howeasy Itls toowa one. Salesmen declare oar proposition one of the best, clean-out niouey-iusklug opportuni ties ever received. Without previous experi ence YOU oan duplicate the success of others. Our handsomely illustrated 900-psge catalog will enable you to present the subject to cus- ' toiuers in as iiiHjrvwun m umumi bb wuukii you were pllotlnu them through our factory. Men appointed as convincing talking points which it Is Impossible for a prospective customer to deny. Why don't YOU be the i first to apply from your vicinity before someone clso gets the territoryr We can favor ouly ano salesman ou.ot. oeIlty ...fc , is: company !" celebrated .hf . oreellug tUe moit uiodatu Ufo faetory in the world. WUL awake sasa who received our special .selling lndiicemeat, rendered it necessary to double our output, vt a are speuuiug Our New Hems. CiMSKMOttOO Safaa Anm. many tlipussnue of dollars en larging our sales organization, out to learn an prucuiar, will cost you only the price ot a postal oard. bkftfCtittoguillT. THE VICTOR . SAFE & LOCK GO; CIICIIliTI, W ; $ The Hera.Id for All Zhm Ntw WHf n. It Mra i Abstracts f Title' i $10,000 Bursty Bond QumUN the aeooraoj svarj bstraat X aaaka iuoosmi to UakoU County lWifMt 9m J Bondtd AbttrMltv: I J. J. CINEI ' Wmm mmm t mmmm -a-a-aaa w i m i.fMiii I , - . . m r n'rV "4,'te a.. r ., ft - f nn)asssw-M. vt ;4c - MwkwwUJU M " if1! X' r,TlyT.vff.,;)f,. o & jj;. p-j- f ssauKL; " ' W wMib4.4i.M wwnwwiwi j M r-wj-gj ;t -i.i.l zz TTj i. . 'A fc'jy xf it! X xstsP? i y1 "jxdribU: r i s i vc;?fi."-.w?--" ''-rx - 4)Ma V Jft4$.i,j,Tv