MHEftMMMKeMRtCSSSS An' VSJ fiEy Sf If '(- r. ri v" .qr -Jj GOOD TIMES IN CANADA, U8INE8S PROSPERING, TRADE INCREASING AND FINANCES IN GOOD SHAPE. The proaont tightening up of money xnust not ho looked upon as being In any scaso brought about by financial trtngency. It Is really moro a period of stock-taking resorted to by the banks to ascertain tho true condition of the finances and trado of the coun try. Legitimate business enterprises are not affected. Throughout the States thero aro thoso who If allowed to continue borrowing, would Inev itably bo a means towards precipi tating something a good deal worse than they feel now. In Canada, the conditions are excellent, and it Is aafe 'to say business was never bet ter. Tho pulso of trado is carefully watched by the Finance Department of the Dominion government, and It Is llluminativo to read portions of the address of Hon. W. T. White, the Finance Minister, delivered a few days ago before tho House of Commons. Mr. "White's remarks are in part a follows: "It falls agreoably to my lot to ex tend my most hearty congratulations to tho House and tho country upon the prosperous conditions which It continues to bo our good fortune to enjoy. I am happy to announce that tho outcomo of tho last1 fiscal year, which ended on March 31, will prove oven more satisfactory as reflecting by far tho highest pitch to which our national prosperity has yet attained. I have every expectation that when the books aro closed, it will be found that the total revenue will have reached tho splendid total of $168,250,000, or an increase over the year 1911-12 of over ?32,000,000. Some indication of tho magnificent growth of the Domin ion may bo gleaned from tho fact that this Increase in revenue during the pe riod of one year almost equals the en tire revenue of tho country seventy yeara ago. "Tho augmentation of revenue to which I have referred has not been Irregular, spasmodic or intermittent In Its nature, but has steadily charac terized each month of tho entire fiscal year. It was of course mainly derived from Customs receipts, but tho other sources of revenue excise, post ofljee and railways also gave us very sub stantial increases." "That in a period of great finan cial stringency not only have we not been obliged to resort to the con gested markets of the world, but have been ablo to reduco so substantially ($23,000,000) the debt of tho Domin ion, must bo a matter of gratification, both to tho Houso and to tho people of Canada. "I beliovo that during this period of exceptional money stringency the credit of tho Dominion as reflected in the quotations of its securities has maintained Itself among the highest in the world." Owing to the favorable state of Us finances Canada was in a position to pay off a heavy loan In cash without recourse to the Issue of bills or se curities. Advertisement. Let us leave the world wiser and better than we found it, and we shall leave it happier. Shuttloworth. Kra. Wlnalowa Boothlng Byrnp for ChUdret teething, eof tena the g-um, redacts lnflamma tion,ollay paln.oure wind colic ,16a m bottleJta Many a married man has made hia wlfo happy by leaving homo. EXPERIENCE OF MOTHERHOOD t -aaaa-M I Advice to Expectant Mothers The experience of Motherhood is a try ing one to most women and marks dis tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not ono woman in a hundred is prepared or un derstands how to properly care for her self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experi ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct caange in the mother results. There Is nothing more charming than a happy, and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. Tho unexplainoblo thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from on unprepared condition, and with am ple time in which to prepare, women .jvill persist in going blindly to tho trial. Every woman at this timo should rely upon Ljdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and invigorator of tho female organism. In many homes once childless thero ore now children be cause of tho fact that LydiaE. Pink ham's Vogotablo Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. If yon want special advice write to Iordla . Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by A woman and held in strict confldeace. The Army of Constipation I Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give relict they perma- nenuycureCoa- UpaUoo. Alii lions use them for BilioBlDCtl. Iodiftition, Sick HeadadM, Sallow Slua. SHALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature aaaP? ii .iaaMnADTrric B-a-a-a-aa-aar w i ll atr"""r riui.a, W. N. U., 8IOUX CITY, NO. 24-19U fii Who 1b tho Ideal Wlfo and where does sho dwell? She's that "Not Imposslblb Sho" long sought in song and Mory, of course nnd sho dwells Bafe In the heart of her husband. No other niclio in llfo fits or could comfortably hold such a rara aviB as tho Ideal Wlfo. Since her prlco is above rubles, one naturally does not expect to find her enshrined in any templo made with hands. Truo, sho may dwell in a pal ace, but her real homo Is in tho heart oreatnd for her to fill that of tho man whose Ideal Is realized in tho qualities that go to make her what sho is. What, says ono, is an Ideal wife? How would a man know If ho camo across that extraordinary creature? And tho question opens up avenues for a hundred definitions of ideal wife. For as there aro many men of many minds, so there aro quite as many men with quite as many hearts. And quito as varied Ideab of what ideal qualities will bo met and molded in the creature who shall mean all per fection to them. Must Have Many Qualities. Tho ideal wlfo is notftypo; she le an individual. Ono woman may em body all tho qualities of an ideal wife to one man, and bo quite as much of a mismate to another. It depends alto gether on such a number of things sympathy with a man's ideals, of his motives, appreciation of his big and good points and an infinite charity for those in which ho falls and all these go to make up that perfect under standing In 'which two souls aro held as ono. A man needs a wlfo who can work with him and who can play with him. Who can point him to tho "dream," even in tho business of everyday liv ing; who can hold his falth-up to tho Sigh Ideal of the best and tho truest "ad put her shoulder gallantly to tho iheel and help him get to it. An ideal wifo should bo moro than a (urohead to a man's house, though one hears this expression so often that So-and-So makes an admirable "head" for the house of her rich husband. It always repinds me of the old head of a woman who used to be put on most of tho vessels at sea. Thero aro many wives that are "heads of tho houso" that occupy positions as far as real human responsibility goes not unliko these wooden beads on those old-time ships. Can't Be a Figurehead. A wife can't be a figurehead on the matrimonial ship. If the voyago is to bo a safe, happy and a prosperous one the captain sees to it that sho has real duties and responsibilities to tako upon her. A first mato is an excel lent position for such a one. And sho Boldom falls down when she assumes the duties that go with this position. Tho pioneer's wife v.'na the Ideal wifo for tho man who had to go forth to faco all tho danger of frontier life. Those pioneer women havo come down to us in nia;ory, and wo see first that they possessed a great gift of adapt ability. For not all of them were hardly daughters of tho soil, inured to face tho dangers that wont with forest hewers at that tlmo. Many were deli cately reared women, v.Oio had no; or put their hands to anything more laborious than fine needlework and ex quisite tapestry. Yet thoso accom plishments were put aside when thoy faced now dangers and real work. They fell to It with n vengeanco and adapted themselves to breech-loading shotgun practico as readily as In tho old days they played tho light games of tho lelsuro classes in their far-ofr homes across tho sea. Played Many Roles. Again these women, as time went on, proved themselves quito as adapt able when conditions again changed. Wo havo only to retraco the history of America to read between tho lines an nals of lives of women that match those of tho men of that time In Bplen did daring and superb courage When times grow bettor and moro prosper ous wo seo them again drifting into the Old World eddy, tho Colonial lin- Use for Aniline Colors. That anillno colors havo a marked action upon various kinds of microbes appears to bo established. It is dis covered that anillno compounds in general act to destroy microbes, even In greater dogroe than does phenlc acid. Of tho dlfforent bacteria exam ined tho typhus bacilluo fa tho most readily affected. Few Immigrants to South Africa. Tho official year book of tho South African customs statistical bureau ery and vanity sitting gracefully upon them. Tho other qualities for tho tlmo were quiescent. As ideal wives they played many roles and did each part equally won. Is this not, then, tho most dominant quality in tho Ideal, wlfo her adapta bility? An actress' skill is in adjust ing her mako-up to every rolo sho plays nnd in keeping Iho purforlnanco up to a high pitch of interest and al ways carrying tho hearts of thoso In tho house with hor. When hor husband is a clerk with a small salary Bho is tho ono who ac cepts Hnrlani with tho spirit of the littlo queen who played nt housekeep ing up on tho holghts nnd makes of It quito as good n gamo as tho people down town were doing. Sho Is tho samo woman who, when tho lean days nro passed, is prepared to movo with her husband, no mat tor how much finer and falror his friends have grown. For Slio has moved with him. They aro still keeping step, ilno comrades nnd Ideal mates. Ready for Anythlnjj. If great good fortune places them high in political position sho is ready to assume her sharo of the now pros perity and to carry It off with graco and distinction. Just as it tho reverse had comu and they had lost all, she'd bo ready to pin on her hat and swing out independent of him to make a liv ing for them both, maybe, until ho should got back on his feet. ' Whatover comes, sho Is ready for It. for hors is tho "anticipatory glance" that sees tho shadow that bo tokens the coming of events boforo any ono el bo does. And, being fore- warned, sho Is forearmed, and ready to meet whatever comes to tho house. Tho ideal wifo doesn't boast that sho is all things to all men, but hiiw must bo just this much of a composite crcatuio to her husband. Sho is the home woman to him and tho enchantress; iho business woman, and the holiday maker; she Is the con fidante and tho chum and all these things besides being tho wife of his bosom, and incidentally very much of a mother in her maternal feeling to ward him. x Pretty? some one asks, for tho pa pers givo pages on hoW to keep a hus band's love, and it is all based on a physicnl attraction jof'good looks. Certainly, she must be good to look at, but sho 1b not, to cultivate her outer woman to tho neglect of tho in ner ono. Beauty has Its secret spring in happiness, you know. All the tald creams and lotions, bleaches and face paints in the world fail to compare with the magic glow that happiness can paint into a woman's cheek, or with which it may illumine her eye. Inspires Her Husband. She is more than a "showgirl," and sho is wlBe when she refuses to let her husband's Interest and his pride in her rest on a basis as material as this one. She is hiB mental stimulus, his inspir ation and his always sympathetic lis tener. If he falls, there's one person whose understanding he is sure of, and that is his wife's. If ho succeeds her applause sounds sweetest in his ears. Whatever comes, she is ready to share it with him. For she Is tho ideal woman and tho ideal wife whose prlco is above rubies to her husband, be cause she is worth infinitely moro to him from a spiritual standpoint than all tho pigeon blood rubies in the world pawned would bring. Trouble Brings Opportunity. Tho ideal wife's great opportunity comes when a man's lips are "pressed to the wormwood cup" whatovor it is. This comes to most men soon or Into, and the wife is tho only ono who can help him to put It asldo to seo tho final good for which ho is working In tho midst of all tho tor ment pressing upon him. Darby and Joan growing old togeth er aro considered by somo to bo tho ideal couplo. Maybe. History is full of women who havo won their immor tality by their faithfulness to tho mar riage vows. But It seems to mo that wo havo a caso nearer homo that Ib too beautiful to omit, Thero Is tho Strauses who went down shows that, among Europeans, tho ex cess of arrivals over departures from tho union amounted to about flvo hun dred persons. Thq chief incrcaso was in respect of womon. Among Asiatic and other colored races tho departures woro considerably in excess of arriv als. Wonderful Peroration. A lawyer, moro fluent in his speech than careful in his metaphors, was onco guilty of tho following porora- tlonr "Gentlemen, it will bo for you to death togethor. It Is a story o ofton told that It docs not neod repe tition here. But tho wife who quietly stayed by her husband' Rldv becauso sho folt that with him was to bo pre-" forrod to llfo without him, miml havo realized nil to that husband that any Ideal wifo can hopo to bo. Such a ono takes tho fortunes of her husband whatever they be. Tho two nro ono, and death shall not dl vldo them. Of courso this Is aid fashioned, but is not tho very term "Ideal wlfo" old fashioned? It belongs to another generation. Another tlmo when other Ideals swayed tho mar riage game. Love the Chief Factor. Hut tho timos may havo changed without changing a great part of peo ple. And howovcr ndvanced a man may be In other matters, evory mnn cherishes a. dream that ono of thoso days ho Is going to meet tho ideal woman and marry her. Ho knows what sho will bo llko, and though ho may look with a certain largcmindcd In dulgence on hor new-fashioned folblos, ho'll seek deeper for tho foundation of hor real character and to learn what hor real feeling about love is. Thero never was an ideal wife who didn't havo very real and deep feel ing on this point. Sho mny be filvo lous to tho limit on tho subject of clothes; sho may adoro fashion and bo as light-hearted and iricsponBtblo as a kitten, and still havo somo very rare and fine feelings about the big gest and most important issuo ot all love; and, having this, the man may ilnd her, and most often does, tho ideal wife. For iho vanity and the foolishness liass away; they woro but partn of her ' joyous youin, leaving me ucbi nan of what it was to grow bigger and better and to mako a corner stono of tho homo of which sho will be tho guiding spirit. Rita Heeso, in tho Now York Press, SOUGHT TO ROB PRINCESS Desperado's Bold Attempt Frustrated By Courage and Presenco of Mlnd'of Woman. An ex-sergeant of cavalry, natied Callorani, posing as a polico officer, went to tho palace of Princess Herco lani at Bologna and, having obtained an interview, presented her with a written demand for $500, purporting to bo signed by u black hand society. Tho man demanded that she should also hand over her valuable Jewelry. As the princess absolutely refused to accede to the request, Callerani fired at her twice with a revolver. Luckily tho aim was bad and tho princess es caped injury. The princess struck him a powerful blow on tho chest, and managed to ring an electric bell for help. Finding that the game was up, tho man rushed into an adjoining room, but this af forded him no means ot escape and the princess kept him at bay until the arrival of tho police. Callerani expended all his spare cartridges in a fruitless attempt to smash the lock of the door, which offered, a means of escape. When arrested Callerani said that ho was out of work and starving. After-Dlnner Oratory. After-dinner oratory, which a head waltor has been criticising, is gener ally supposed to be at Its best in the United States. Undoubtedly tho Amer icans aro able to stand moro of it than wo can, for tho speeches follow ing their banquets tn commonly pro longed until long past mignlght. Their toast lists, too, me different from our3 J "The Press ilKlit or wrong; when right to bo kept right; when wrong to bo set right," or "Truth and trado; Uioso whom God hath Joined togethor let no man put asunder." .Tames Rus sell Lowell, ono of the most success ful of Us oxpononts, onco enumerated whnt he called "tho Ingredients of after-dinner oratory." "Thoy aro," ho isald, "the joko, tho quotation and the platitudo; and tho successful platitude, in my Judgment, requires a very high older of genlus."jrLondon Chronicle Paragon of Parrots. Customer Hut Is ho n good bird? I mean, I hopo he doesn't uso dread ful language. Dealer 'Es a saint, lady; sings 'ymns beautiful. I 'ah somo parrots wot used to swear something awful, but, If you'll bollevo me, lady, this 'ere bird converted tho lot. London Bystander. Sad Sight. "Old Mr. Jones is going down hill fast." "You don't say bo. What's tho mat ter with him?" "I' think when I saw him taking a down grndo Just now In his auto that ho was mixed up about the brako." to say whether this defendant Bhall bo allowed to como Into court with unblushing footsteps, with tho cloak of hypocrisy In his mouth, nnd draw threo bullocks out ot ray client's pock ct with Impunity," Discovery Valuable to" Self nee. A German chemist recontly discov ered that tho extract of tho skin of rod radishes in alcohol Is moro sensi tive to acids and alkalis than litmus, tumeric, or any of tho chemicals usually used to detect tkolr presonce. HOMETO JR For Jfc!FL,,r TnWNy 7v That Picnic TJCHznz2 A . Va T" I. if Nr"li -to ensure complete succeii w HELP3 .-lonsi-JlL. :. EUROPEAN TOWNS ARE CLEAN First Thought of tho Authorities Ctj of Hamburg, Germany, an Excel lent Object Lesion. Tho proposed campaign by Street Cleaning Commissioner Edwards and Health Commissioner Lcdorloto clean out tho rubbish from tho tenements hero, has attracted attention to the mothods of cleaning houso ndoptod by tho Important cities of Europe, In no European town, perhaps, avo the methods moro interesting than la tho thriving German city ot Hamburg, where carefully trained chlldron help to kcop tho city beautiful. Writing from that plnce, United States Consul Robert P. Skinner says that tho mayor of ono of tho largo cities of Ohio who visited Hamburg was jnuch Impressed with the important part performed by tho children In keeping the city clean. Ho departed from tho, city, Mr. Skin ner says, convinced that tho cleaning of streets and sldowalks In Germany wns a much lighter taBk than In cities of tho samo slzo In the United States, becauso of tho orderly habits of tho peoplo themselves. "Suction street sweeping devices," continues Mr. Sklnnor, "aro practical ly tmknown in Germany. Hamburg It self owns horse-drawn sweepers only, although for about nine months two electric-motor sweepers havo been In uso. These, however, do not yet bo long to the city, and ure being om ployed experimentally. Thoy havo not given satisfaction and havo been un der repair mora than throo months. Theso motor-dilven Bwoopcra fall to work woll In thiB city; becauBo tho pavements, as n rule, nro not very smooth, and tho mechanism of tho sweepers Is deranged by tho Blinking It receives. Recently tho front wheels of these sweepers havo been provided with rubbor tiros, and thoy havo worked moro satisfactorily'. Boston Globe. GOOD ROADS MOST IMPORTANT Must Be Carefully Built nd Kept In Repali' Auto the Most De structive Agent. It may seam unusual for public of ficials to be called upon to mond oiled roadu or strcotB within a fow weeks nftor boing finished, yet bucIi cases aro by no means uucomraon. Nor does this wtinr neccssnrily Indicate poor- construction. Tho demands of trafllc, gonorally, will explain suffi ciently tho need for such repairs. As a road destroyer nothing olso Invent ed by man can equal tho automobile, and where such trafllc is heaviest road ways nocd continuous, almoBt daily Inspection and repair. Too many of our public officials seem to fool that their care and responsibility aro well nigh ended with road-making. Yet road-keeping Is tho moro important, for without caro tho best may becomo much worse than any original soil road ever was known to bo. Both city streets and county roads, locally, need repairs. Encourage 8chool Gardens. Prizes for tho best school gardonB and for the best school children gar deners will be given this year, as last year, except thero will bo more prizes and a different arrangement of awards. , Three sliver cups have been offered for the best school garden. The Athe naeum, tho City club and the Star have offered them. The City club cup will be in addition to the cup the club offered last year, which was won by the Lyklns school. Tho Lyklns school probably will be allowed to keep that trophy as a permanent prizo, as it was the first of the school garden tro phies. , Tho cup offered by tho Star must be won three times in succession to become tho permanent property of a school. Tho school that wins it at the end of the present season will retain ownership until somo other school wins It in competition. The Athenaeum ,cnp eoinpitUlou plan hasn't been decided on. The prizes will bo awarded next September or October. The best gar deners of all the schools will bo awarded a silver medal. The best gnrdoners of each school will bo awarded, first prize, a bronzo medal; second honor, a cash prize. Kansas City Star. Advanced English Idea, in England tho greet town planning hill Introduced In parliament by John nurns gives a town tho right to forco ownors of property inside or adjacent to Its limits to follow tho Ideas of tho municipal authorities in developing their land. It aleo takes another great and unusual step in ndvanco. Just as tho private land owner Is now allowed to bring suit against tho city If ho feels that the value of his property Is damagod by a public Improvement, the city Is given authority to bilng suit against tho owner of private property to recover tho amount by which Its valuo hao been increased by a publlo improvement. Movement Worth Following. Los Angeles has mapped out certain sections of tho city nvallablo for fac tories and decreed tliolr banishment from residential sections. Harsh. Do you know," begnn Van Dudley, I Just had an Idea?" "Woll," replied his companion, "accidents will hap pen." First Christened Emerald Isle. Ireland was first referred to as tho Emerald lslo In a poem written in tho year 1820 by Dr. Dronnon. Some Men. Somo men never do anything crook ed until thoy find thomsolves lr 1 stralchtened circumstances, Judge. Et 1221 VTare. .-aaaaTataw KfrVaw (BaraE t H H trrf f t000 ""'Va' far W . I nm I The satisfying beverage in field or forest; --M-?is? a at home or in town. As pure and whole-- .jfS; Jr-su.: some as it is temptingly good. m Delicious Refreshing i-Mi Send for Free Booklet. V Da4 the Cmnlne mr iT . , f THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Atlanta, Ca. The great thing in tho world Is not so much to seek happiness as to earn pcaco nnd solf-rospoct. Huxley. Important to Mothers.,, Examine carefully evory bottle of CABTORIA, a Baf o and surqreinedy for infants and children, and Bee that It Boars the yflj? Sjfo sr Signature of (Jt&x7bc&ukil In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Costoria Not Losing 8o Many. Bason: "I boo tho population of your town is increasing." Egbert: "Yes. They nbollshed rail road crossings about a year ago." RASH ON FACEJOR 2 YEARS Sioux Falls. 3. D. "My trouble of ikin dtseaso started morely as a raBh on my face and nock, but it grow and kept getting worse until largo scabs would form, festor and break. This was just on tho ono sido of my faco, but it soon scattered to tho other Aide i suffered a great denl, especial ly at night, on account of its Itching and burning. would scratch It and of courso that, irritated it vory much. This rash was on my faco for about two years, sometimes breaking out lots worso and forming larger sores. It kopt mo from sleeping day or night for a couplo of months. My -faco look ed disgraceful and I was almost ashamed to bo seen by my friends. 'A, friend asked nip to try Cuticuxa. Soap and Cuticura Ointment. I would batho my faco with hot water and n lot of Cuticura Soap, then I would put on tho Cuticura Ointment, In loss than two days' tlmo, tho soreness and inflammation had almost entirely dis appeared, and In four weeks tlmo you could not seo any of tho rash. Now my faco Is without a spot of any kind. I also uso them for my scalp and hair. Thoy cured mo complotoly." (Signed) Miss Pansy Ilutchlns, Fob. G, 1012. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Sample of each froo, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dopt, L, Boston." Adv. Barren Soil. Apropos of tho ravages that time has made in tho faces 'and forms ot tho veterans of tho Civil war, Walter S. Morton, president general of the Union society, said at a dinner tu Now York: "A veteran, talking to his great grandson, a littlo lad ot eight or nine years, remarked: '"Nearly a generation and a halt ago my head was grazed by a bullet at the battle of Chlckamaugo.' "Tho little boy looked at the old man's head thoughtfully and said: '"Thero Isn't much grazing there now, is there, sir?" " Rational Love. "The rational rather than the roman tic view of marriage is the one most In favor with the young people of tho twentloth century," said Dr. H. Lucas Wentwortb, tho well known eugenics expert, in an address in Cleveland. "The rational view will mako for happlor marriages. And this rational view 1b beautifully illustrated in two questions a little dialoguo running thus: " 'Will you always love, me?' " "57111 you always be lovable?' " Jealous. Jack Your friend Alice has' prettiest teeth I ever saw in a man's mouth. Ethel Yes, tho dentist guaranteed that -there should not bo a finer sot In town. In Summer- - When the body needs but little food, that little should be appetizing and nourishing. Then about the best and most convenient thing one can have handy is a package of Post Toasties This food is fully cook ed crisp, delicious and ready to serve direct from the package. Post Toasties with fresh strawberries and cream are hard to beat. "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers Fostnm Cereal Company, Limited, Uattlo Creek, Mich., U, a, A. the uM3 aw M-A. Br uied in bottles. , ' .-. aainaw mr " j S A Wherever tr.o trco of benevoleuc; takes root, it sends forth branchs ' above tho sky. Saadl. V-i- Polson Oak or Ivy Poisoning is quickly relieved by bathing the at2; fected parts In a solution ot two tea spoonfuls' "of Tyreo'3 Antiseptic Pow- .j: dor to u pint of water. 2Bc. at all druggists or sample sent froo by J. S. , ! Tyroo,, Washington, D. C Adv. A Ho is ofton moro jgspectablo thai tho truth. "Z THOSE RHEUMATIC TWINGES Much of tho rheu matic pain that comes in damp, thonging weather is tho -work- ol uno acid crystals. Needles couldn't cut, tcarorhurtany worso when tho af fected musclo joint is used. If ouch attacks aro marked with head ache, backacho, diz ziness and disturb ances of tho urine, it's timo to help the weakened kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills quickly help sick kidnevs. An Orctfon Case John IT. Matthoni. 1H Kijt Urat Dalles, Ore., suyat "Mr back ncbed to I coo Id liiinllr sumo or fetralalitcn. fTha klduor aeon. UunitUwauio proruLO.vO&Jlslng tas.ta.stl n. In fill. UtkMnpvi hMimnnrilllnrTlAftVl ftiAtTfc UunitUwauio profnto.aaitElcg tas.ta.sti thought Ivrasdonofor.lJoan'fiKttlnArrnis how- W OTor. itouv riKUb vu iuo ncm ui iuu iroimieaou lor ovor throo yearn my caro has boon pormanonV' Gat Donn'o at Any Store. COe a Bos DOAN'S WAV FOSTER-MILBURH CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. SPECIAL TO WOMEN' Do you realize tho fact that'thousand of women aro now using A Soluble AntiMptic Pewtir as a remedy for mucous membrane aP;ai, fections, such as soro throat, nasal or -pelvio catarrh, inflammation or ulcera tion, caused by female ills? Womem ,' " '-'- -jytoJw-.iP jp,P .. - .. - t.,,;,..,.Mfj II M . UZM i JxUbJk -V tan Mr .-, iMaaMaE -T.nrt f v' ftvQYvH nttar 1 .,M JU-iaBl ftU aJ tJf liar T i1'"--1 " 1 who have been cured say "it Is wort its 'weight in gold." Dissolve In water J and apply locally. For ten years tha. Lydia E. Plnkham .Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne in their private -r& correspondence with women. For all hygienic and toilet uses It haa so equal. Only 50c a large box at Drug gists or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Tha Paxton Toilet Co., Boston. : stass. THE MICE OF IB tot i m m the Praia of Alberta (Waaurm Caaada.1 arua-tha.-aia' fUBeh!BfCoQnt!T.ttar' of thaaa nsekH todav aratmmMuegralnSalda I blAca tn tho enltlvnlkiaof I uoAtm. bariar and iui tal cnaDgo pns iuhmd mar twiuin i oKAiuen!B...bucu un. umbo, nlalnfl. wealthy, bat It sal 1b created tba prtca ot Uvs b(pIi. Then la pleBaid'oppotttaHp-' noirtogetit ' ' Free Homestead! orra&ctor&Ka: I emotion) in tne sewer-dtauiow u rm proaooo eitoer ctttua or grain. The crops are elwajj coed, the climate Is excellent, echoole and cbnrchea are conrenlent. market tplondld, in either Manitoba, Bas tutclmwan or Alberto. Bend for literature, tba latest InioTcaAUoD, nUlwar rate, no, to J. H. NadlditM. Drmf 5JJ, VMcrtwn, S. fcr .. imfTT, J1S Jadot. St, SL Tat,W. CMtadlan Gorennnent'Ai enti, or tddrcis Superintendent at Immlfrrutlon, Ottawn.c.o.4.. DAISY FLY KILLER XlXttTttirtP aid. tint, clean or namental.coQTenlent. cheap, laiti all iition, Hade oC metal, can't pillar tip attri -will not eoll or Injure anjthlns. Ouaranteed eSeetlre. All dealers ortMut eipreu paid for tlM. BAHOLD 80UEBI, ltO DtKalb At., BrooUjn, .' T. THxVlRW FRENCH REMEDY. Nt.No2.NaV TJHERAPION jaSSfesS.' rreat tuccetf, cures chromic weakness, lost viooa & VIU. KIDNEY, BLADDER, DISEASES, BLOOD F01SO,. riLES. EITHER HO. CRUOGIST8 or HAIL Jl. POST 4 CTO. POUOERA CO, W. BKEXUAN ST. NEW YORKorLTUAH BHO TORONTO. WRITE POR TREK BOOK TO DR. LE CLRROi M ED. CO, lUVERSTOCK RD. IIAUrSTEAD, LONDON, ENO. TRYNEWDRAOEEtTASTELISSlPORUOP EASY TO VSMf THERAPION tssss EI THAT TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAHON' It OW BUT. OOYT. STAUP APrUED TO ALL QXU1N f ACKSTW FOR BEST SERVICE SHIP RICE BROTHERS Uto Stock Commission Merchants at BtOUX OIJT, Qhtmmmm r Ktmmam OJejt DRESS WITWTASTC Our new booklet "Color a Woman Bbonia Wear," teUa jrou how. Head "Secrets of Health and BRBtr Both mailed, Wo. TBKSiftUtttoaJ'iJY. iSBAia,Uab Uou Healing- l'ouder needed by every fan. Uy, Valuable for Man and lleaaL Beat Rem edy for Wound of every kind, call, ulcere, catarrh, Rkln trouble, etc. Sample f ire." Hr2 Kent Drue Co., S Keent Illdjr., Detroit, Mteh. WE SELL SEA SNELLSI &!?.?, PATENTSiSBat LADIES'.' 3jXfflS8l J'-? A t B E RT A ; H SSSSSaVaVl whaai ,.5iaja'H Kt'fl r 1 mm M&mm! ,1 H , I ": , v-. ' 'HiJffr r .y)ty;ha-.yfc . . VJ v ,-H ttt " ft-l t . u. - v --JvS'l mtortDte it . -- ' tt Kit tJ'.M jja. I lEHlMatil II I T . ... 1j.ii. -JaVAaV. J.1H.V A1eM