Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 06, 1913, Image 8

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-X. -
A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation"
Cattle, Hogs and. Skcep
Steele, Siman & Co,
Tata Steele, RaySlraan.OtliCarto, Dave Pnuiaer, Herry B?pofm,
Manager. Onttle Saleimen. HoHheepBaleimin. OrUee.
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You. Write Us, Ship Us.
Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. F. Dickinson
Ball 71
Auto M7l
!harn ess
Harness and
Harness Made
Blankets and Robes of all
1 Big Assortment of the
jFredricltsera ($X Sot.
jHcnry's Place
East of the Court House for the Best in
I Wines, Liquor and Cigars
Bond & Ullard, Old Elk,
life Be
Bottle or Karf
I Henry Krumwiede, oUo cy. TSmUrmmUm
0 aMM m am mmmm mtmm
.. - -i 1
18 Walnut
A rarular Braeteasa la aaaalcaai. OfcSaet la as
41 yaara' iaaatal Practlea-aa mm axjtariaac-
Ovar 33
Authorised by taa
oiate to tnu Alt
Curable eases guaranteed. All uedlotiiea furnWfaed ready for oo raercnrj J
trailed by mall and exprcu. Medlelnea aval eTcrywhaTe. free from laxo or
breakage. Charges low. Over 60,000 eases cured. Slaw nmr oaaoavdaood for term
Coniullatloa tree and oonfldtDtUl, peraoaaily
Seminal Weakness m
Sexual Debility. ,0,JSiS,1
tollies and xoeaa caualng eight lauca
and Iom ot sexual power, pimples mad
blotebaa on thefaee, oontuaed Idraa and
forgetfulaeaa, baebiulDeae and arerilon to
society, etc., cured lor lit. I atop night
loeeea, reetora aaxaal power, nerr and
Drain power, enlarge ana aircngiuea wow
parti and make yoa fit tor marriage. Bead
for free book and lilt of queatloaa.
Ctmlntttrm tmrtrt witn a new la-
mrttl Olataat raaat-No ImvruuioijU.
aVTia VilOOI L0 pain, no detention
from buxtneu. Care guaranteed. Ilook
and list ot questions tree sent aealed.
Ask Your Dealer
I The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness (
I If they Don't Have Them, write or call on
Stui'ftea Bros., 411 Pearl St., Sioux Cily, la
J Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Buvaty Bod 4
(heftMataM tUa aaaoraoy of araar
Abrtraat I iaka
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa.
in the line of
Horse Goods
To Order Only-
best brand of Whips
Work that's our specialty.
Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Straat, Knim City,
m lwwMtbuM.1
mrm tannactaai.
Yaara Irf Ka
or by latter. H
a ! at I a
a lnfc
wui ivvuwiw trio acrotaaa.
la a; aarraua dabOrty, waahnaaa a the
aaaal lyetaa, aae paiaaanaallj) cared j
wrthatrt pala.
Qwntilliex Tn terrible alseaaelnl
ajrllllllB all Ha formH anil itaaee,
cured tor Ufa. Wood poisoning and ail I
pnravo aiaeaaes pcraanrallj earca.
flat nk.l.
Nervous dl
Bueelal Dto-
tJ.Ka. Fori
botn aeio 96 ptaea 7 ptctirrm. fait 1
dattrtplloa of abore dlaeaaaa, flcti ecili
ours, iim aeaiea lu plain wrapper.
to Show You
Dakota Otvnty AWrtnwi Oet
ator-rdd Ab.ytracter
5M Venders
"flnlf in
t ' IvMU j
PASCINQ and repassing through
tho struotB of Toklo aro ven
derB of every description. Ear
ly lu the morning one's slum
ber Is disturbed by their plain
tive cries, and should tho window of
the house loot upon a thoroughfaro,
there may bo seen through tho HUdarl
a countless procession of hawkors, but
they do not need to bo seen to bo
ri'rognlzcd, for their characteristic
cries echo and re-echo from morning
until night.
Take the olchlnl, for lnstanco, tho
strolling medlclno vendor. Often bo
Is a musician with a tuneful accor
dion. Envious glances may bo cast at
his red and white epaulettes, his uni
form and his cap. Many a youth, says
the Japan Advertiser, might consldor
It tho height of ambition to bo ablo
to go about tho city In just tho samo
manner and win smiles from all tho
young womon In tho streets through
which ho passes. Dut tho olchlnl has
all he can do to make his dally bread,
and his lot is often very hnrd indeed.
Tho conter for tho distribution of
this medlclno Is at the merchant's
house, which Is situated on tho llttlo
Island off Tauklji, Tsukljlma. Tho ap
plicant who wishes to bocomo a trav
eling apothecary must pay 5 yon as
a guarantee to bo faithful to tho mas
ter. Tho next day he Is given a cap,
a suit of clothes and a pair of shoes.
In addition ho receives medlclno to
the value of 7 yen, and his breakfast
Is supplied every morning. For his
other moala ho must shift for himself
and eat them in whatever part of
Tokio ho flndB himself when ho bo
comes hungry.
All tho venders must assemble at
tho master's house In the morning
and bo ready to start out by 8 o'clock
for the 803 streets of Toklo. Tho
clchlni sings a song which has for
conclusion tho expression olchlnl, or
ono, two, keeping stop to tho music of
an nccordlon nnd walking stately and
slowly. Whenever tho street gamlnB
hear his song they run nfter the olchl
nl. Just as tho rats ran after the mad
piper of Hamelln.
Song an Advertisement.
Ills song 1b an advertisement of his
medicine It is d I 111 cult to learn and
often tokos several days beforo tho
vendor can master It. If ho Is not a
success at singing tho song he will bo
ot no account as a vender, for tho
Becret ot hlB popularity lies lu his ren
dering of tho peculiar melody.
Whon you hear tho Ita-uya, or ro
pitlrer of bamboo pipes, in tho neigh
borhood, It Beams as though a min
iature locomotive wns lotUng off
cleans, for ono peculiarity of tho Ita
uyit's trade 1b a cart which has In It
a llttlo furnaco, a steam vent ovor
which the pipe Is placed lu clean it
thoroughly on tho Insldo, and also
through tho roof of tho cart a steam
For tho privilege of pushing his cort
through tho- Htruotb tho Hiiuyn must
pay threo yen a year ub tax. It tnkos
a Jong nppronUceshlp to know all tho
trickB of tho trado and no ono who Is
not accustomed to thla kind of mend
ing can bo a bucccbb, Tho number of
Ra-uya is steadily on tho decrease.
Curious Thank Offering.
Tho propriotor of a prinUisg press
at Ratbtus has chosen a remarkable
way ot expressing his feelings at tho
viceroy's cecapo. Ho Informs tho
public that "as an humble expression
ot gratitude nnd extreme pleasuro for
tho nt)ovo mentioned divine boon to
IndU, and In commemoration of hU
exctJloncy's presiding over tho llrat
meeting ot tho leglslnttvo council, tho
I'rcHB hUB roHOlvcd to reduce Its print
ing ohaigeu by 25 per cent for n per
iod of ono year from February 1,
191V This practical demonstration
of kind feoliugB has been acknowl
edged by tho private socretary of the
vhwroy, and tho propriotor of tho
ProsB In Question hopes that others
will Bhow tholr loyalty In soma simi
lar way. Times of India.
His Regret.
"I nccoptod an InvitaUon to hear her
Blng last week, and now abo baa lost
her volco."
"And you nro glad you accepted tho
invitation T"
"No, 1 ara sostj i didn't yut it ost
(or a week."
perhaps because there aro fewer and
fewer old-fashioned peoplo now who
use this kind of pipe.
In tho old Ycdo days tho trado wao
u brisk ono and tho Itn-uya ran
through tho street, two baskets slung
at the ends of a polo across his
shoulders and his cry was a most fa
miliar ono. Now ho Is minus tho
baskets nnd the cry, but tho cart and
tho steam whlstlo have taken their
pluco, Then, loo, so many peoplo to
day smoko cigars and cigarettes that
tho Iln-uya finds his old bamboo pipes
low and far botweon. According to
statistics, thoso who uso ' tho plpo
have decreased ono-half in tho past
ton years. It is a sad commentary on
tho passing of many old-stylo peoplo.
In Tokio thoro nro about fifteen
merchants who soli tho bamboo for
tho pipes, and tho Chinese bamboo Is
conBlderod tho best. This business
cannot bo carried on when it Is rainy,
as tho repairing must bo dono out of
doors. The Ra-uya must bo oxaminod
by tho officers In his district twlco a
Must Keep Moving.
If his cart passes the examination
ho may continue hlB work Ho charges
threo sen to replace a plpestcm, and
ho must uso about ten sen worth of
charcoal a day, so that tho profits ac
cruing aro often very small. This
buslncna is practically limited to old
men. They tnko off the sliver or brass
bowl and mouthpiece and put In a new
bamboo stem, then clean tho whole
by steam and polish the metal until It
seems as good as new.
Another pcrsonago among tho street
morchantB is tho Amazake-ya. His
cry, Amnl, Amal! Sweet, Sweet! Is so
suggestive of swoot things that tho
cry brings tho children from overy
qunrter. Tho men who ply this trndo
aro gonorally old. They form ono of
Toklo's picturesque street elements
with their two largo red lacquered
boxes on either end of a shoulder polo.
Amazisko is sold to tho stroet retail
ors from thirteen wholesale merchants
who thus Hupply the trade.
An applicant who wishes to enter
this business goes to the merchant
with a person who acts as a guaran
tor, and borrowing the outllt, which
consists of tho aforesaid red boxes, 1b
almost ready to set forth on his trav
els Hut ho must buy his own clothes,
which conulst of coo 11 o ncthor, gar
ments and a blue cotton coat with
tho advertisement of his 'trado in
white chnrncters on Ub lapels and a
Chlncso character for Amazako on his
He must also be fitted out with an
Iran pot for boiling tho sweet liquid.
His red boxes contain tho hlbaschl
and the heavy pot. nlbo charcoal,
drawers, trays and cups.
It Is very hard for an old man to
carry two such heavy boxes, and tho
AmajEnko-yo Ib often taken with a do
uliu to rest by the wayside. Hut this
Is agaltiBt tho law, and if the polico
mnn catches sight ot him he Is told to
movo on In the poltto langungo of
Kora! Kora! Sometimes ho 1b fined
from 20 sen to ono yeu for thus loiter
ing on his way.
Protection Against Bores.
Paly, the theologian, had an Ingen
ious method of warding off tho tlmo
waster. When thinking out a problem
ho botook hlmsolf to tho river bank
with a Ashing rod, Ho nevor really
Ashed, but ho found that peoplo who
thought nothing of disturbing his
thought would koep nt a dlatanco bo
as not to disturb tho AbIs. To gtve
color to tho ruse ho had his portrait
pnlnted with Ashing rod In hand.
Tho beauty of work depends upon
tho way wo meet It whether wo nrns
oursolvos each morning to attack it aa
&n unomy that must bo vanquished bo
foro night comos, or whether we open
our eyes with the sunrise to welcome
it as an approaching friend who will
mako us feel at ovenlng that tho day
was well worth Its fdtlrfuos. Lucy
Dally Thought.
Iet friendship swoop gently to tho
heights; if It rush to It, It may toon
r in Itself out ot breath, Thomas Ful-
Stars Who Suffered Because of
Size of Their Digits.
Cy 8eymour Found Great Difficulty
In Controlling Ball Because Hla
Handa Were So 8mall Camp
bell Another Victim.
It wao tho small size ot hlB hands
which kept Cy Seymour from being a
great pitcher. When he first Joined the
Now York Giants, many years ago, he
camo as a twlrler, but ho found tho
greatest difficulty In securing control
of tho ball, becauso his hands are so
small that ho could not get his fingers
all tho way around tho Bphcro. Cy
wns finally forced to glvo up pltchlnr
entirely and go to the outllcld, where
his hitting, rather than IsIb flrJdlng,
kept him In tho game for a long period
of years
Vlncont Campbell, tho fast center
floldor of tlw .HpBtons, lust senson, has
the samo handicap as Seymour In re
gard to tho slzo df his hands. Casnp
boll's mitts are far below the average
In longth nnd diameter, and tho muffed
files which he Is guilty of nro tho re
sult of this physical handicap, to a
great extent. He Is nlso not so good a
thrower as ho would bo If his hands
were a bit more bulky. Campbell,
howovor, ployed better ball last season
lhan over before.
Vlncont Is a speed marvel, no ono
excelling him In getting down to first
baBo. Hut he has two weak points In
offensive work. Ho Is a very poor
waiter, and so does not get on noarly
so often as he would if he wua ablo to
force tho pitcher to pitch to him.
His great speed makes him a hard
man to stop In the bases, but he Is not
on there so much as ho would be If he
could develop tho habit of waiting to
better advantage. Campbell hits 15
points higher than Dob Hescher, but
tho extra bases on balls secured by
tho Redleg were more valuable than
the extra hits made by the Boston gar
dener. ,
Owing to his inability to wait, Camp
bell went to bat moro times officially
than any other player In tho National
league last year. He was charged
with C24 times at bat, and no other
player reached the GOO mark, though
1G of them played in as many or moro
games than he did. This is a serious
wenknoss In a lead-off man, who
should bo on base more often by tho
pass route. Campbell, in splto of his
great speed, is not a very clevor base
runner. While Deschor wns stealing
G7 bases last year Vincent was copping
JuRt 19, both men playing in exactly
tho same number of games.
Washington Speed King Ends Sensa
tional Run When St. Louis Scored
Run Off His Delivery.
Walter Johnson, Washington's star
pitcher, is the official holder of tho
major league record for pitching con
secutive scoreless Innings, winding up
his great run nt St. Louis recently,
when he added three and ono-thtrd
Innings to his work. The Browns
scored on him in the fourth Inning.
Johnson now holds the record at 50
Johnson's teammates claim this 1b a
major league record for shutouts, and
so far a3 known It Is. Record books
crediting Doc White of tho White Sox
with '56 innings nnd Jack Coombs of
Walter Johnson.
tho A,thlotlcs with 53 Innings have
beon proved Incorrect, making au
thentic Information concerning previ
ous performances of this kind diffi
cult to obtain. Johnson'B run of 56
runlesB Innings has been verified nnd
found correct. All other claims nro
more or less open to doubt.
Johnson's record follows:
April 10 Aalnl New York 8
April 1 Analnit New York 9
April 21 Agalml Ho. ton 9
April It Avalnd Ilotton t
April 30 Analnit I'hlUd.lphla
May 3 Akalnit lloitnn J-3
Kay 6 Aunlnit llnaion I
May SO Azutiut Chli-aKO
.May H Auattut HI l.nula I 1-3
Gamblers Not Wanted.
A furthor stop In the campaign to rid
baseball of the gambling elemoht
among the spectators was taken nt
UoBton, when ndmlsslou to tho Nation
al loaguo grounds wns refused all per
sons whom tho management claimed
to recognize as gamblers.
Gregg's Good Pitchers.
There aro somo other Greggs who
can Pitch besldos Venn and Dave.
Tho ono ot tho uama with Dubuquo In
tho Three-I league recontly blanked
nioomlngton with four hits.
For Commencement Day.
I find that many of tho schools
have commencement exercises very
late in June and I have so many re
quests from teachers of small district
schools who aro remote from lnrgo
towns and yet nro moro than anxious
to have creditable closing days. This
llttlo scheme is very pretty and not
difficult to work out. It 1b called
"Childhood's Happy Year." Select
four girls about tho samo ago and
size to form each "season." Mako
tho costumos from crepe paper and rep
resent "spring" by green frocks with
wreaths of green about the head;
"summer" with white frocks and
crowns and roses, either real or arti
ficial, and gowns trimmed with gar
lands of small roses; "Autumn"
should have brown dresses with fall
leaves In red and brown tints, and
"Winter" all white with holly wreaths
and mistletoo, or red dresses trim
med in cotton
"Spring" should enter Arst and
march to the front of platform and
sing tho Arst verso of tho following
song, which Is easy to sing to the
tune of "Swinging 'Neath the Old Ap
ple Tree" At tho end of tho lines,
two of tho girls turn to tho right nnd
two to tho left and march down the
sides Joining at the back in -a lino.
"Summer," "Autumn" and "Winter"
follow, a group at a tlmo sing their
verse und inarch as did "Spring" and
take their places at tho back behind
tho preceding "season." This retains
"Spring" at the front, and then all
join hands, forming a circle, and sing
tho chorus through and march off In
single Ale, "Spring" leading. It is
really very effective.
Happy Childhood's hours,
With the budding Aowers,
With the warbling songsters
In lojify trees;
When tho earth rejoices,
Glad we Join our voices,
Happy in tho spring wo nre.
Happy Childhood! Happy Childhood!
Singing all tho day right merrily;
Happy Childhood! Happy Childhood!
Happy all tho year are wo.
In tho summer weather,
Glad we are together,
Chasing little butterAies
While on the wing;
Ringing 'round o' rosles.
Gathering sweetest posies,
Happy in tho summer as in spring.
When tho winds aro sighing
And tho loaves aro dying
Opening prickling burrs
'Neath chestnut trees
Merrily wo'ro racing
Two Costumes Just
in the
Walking Costume. Our model Is In raolo-colored face cloth.
The skirt 1b quite novel In cut, and is prettily trlsnmod at right side
with satin-covered buttons. Tho coat has a slightly hlgh-walsted bodice,
with a long basque attnehed; there Is a capo of Batln, over which 1b a col
lar of the cloth; satlt cuffs and buttons trim tho sloeveB.
Hot of light grayUh blue Tagol, trimmed with mole ribbon and
fMoterlals required for tho costume: 54 yards 46 Inches wide, 19
buttons, yard satin 40 lnchos wide, 5 yards lining silk 20 Inches wide.
Garden Party Dreso. White crope-do-chlno nnd imitation Irish cro
chet laco aro combined In this very pretty dress.
Tho skirt, which la of the cropo, Is tucked at foot and has a short
tunic ot lace.
Tho bodices 1b of laco with tuckedcrepe-de-chlno each sldo front; tho
bIoovob aro also of crope, with laco lnsortlon running from neck near
ly to elbow; tho elbows aro gathered Into insertion hands. A band of soft
old rose satin, with Jowoled buttons, finishes the walBt.
Hat of old roao Tagel with soft satin crown, trimmed with a wreath
of small pink Aowers.
Materials required for tho dress: 3 V4 yards crepo-de chine 44 Inches
wldo, 1V4 yards lnsortlon, 2H & 1BC0 18 inches wide.
In the air eo bracing
Happy In tho autumn breozo. '
Whon Jnck Frost 1b nipping
Still we're gayly sipping
All tho sweetness stored throughout
tho year
So, with cheeks nglowlng
Welcome we tho snowing
Winter brings us all good cheer.
A Spinster Shower for "Polly."
"Polly" had at last succumbed to
Cupid's wiles and tho spinster club
to which she belonged resolved to do
tho proper thing In way of n shower.
Tho invitations were on green card
board, lettored In yellow. They were
so pretty that It wns some tlmo beforo
tho recipient realized they were sup
posed to represent Jealousy.
Each guest took a dainty tea cup
and Baucer, tho hostess providing tho
pot. All were asked to bring their
thimbles. Tho work provided by tho
hostess was a varloty of tea towels.
Then tho hostess requested tho bride
elect to make n cup of tea nR a fare
well to tho other spinsters. Tho maid
brought In a tray with tho cups and
saucers, each cup bearing a black
cat shaped card on which tho donor's
nnme, and a sentiment were Inscribed
In white Ink. I forgot to suy, these
cat cards were enclosed with the Invi
tations, and the cups were nil sent to
tho hostess tho day before tho shower.
Every ono said It was a most unique
wny of giving a Bhower.
An "S" Supper.
Some years ago this "S" supper
wao given to vary tho monotony of
the ordinary church supper. It was a
success, and I copy tho menu for
others who may like to try It. Tho
card at the top said, "Supper Sched
ule": Sumptuous! Superbl Satisfying!
Slltnly Sliced Sandwiches, Stylishly
Selected Senfrult, Somewhat Seasoned.
Scalloped Sea-Fruit.
Savory Salmon Salad.
Scrumptious Salad; Small, Sleek Sardines.
Sinnr Rnltlnps.
Shapely Spiced, Slender Sweet Pickles.
Sour, Stringing, Stimulative Sauce.
Seraphic Sweet-Cakes.
Silver Spiced Sponge Snow Sweotmeata.
Small, Succulent, Saclmiluu Slices Sweet
ened. Solldfled Strawberry Syllabub.
Soft, Smooth, Snowy, Slippery Sherbet
Sisters' Special Steeped Sip.
Steaming, Soul-Stlrrinff Stimulant.
Sentiment Souvenirs. Sultnbly Selctd,
Supper, Six Seven-Sixty.
Several Sweet Sisters Sedulously Serving.
Filet Tea Cake Covers.
Of the same dimensions as tho old
fashioned glass layer cake covers, nro
very dainty shields for afternoon tea
sandwiches. Their sides arc compos
ed of, a half-dozen squares of em
broidered whito Alet laco Armly wlrerl
nt tho four edges and Joined to form
a six-sided upright section which la
topped by n flat slx-slded plec'o of em
broidered Alet. Tho contrivance per
fectly protects the contents of a sand
wich plate from germs and furnncn
dust without concealing tho "goodies."
Gloves for Trains.
To mo and my commuting friends
this Idea has proven of inestimable
value, writes a contributor to the La
dles' World. When having to take a
dirty train trip In going to a reception,
matlneo or evening function, I nm ablo
to appear In Imraaculato white kid
gloves by wearing a pair of short, thin,
white silk gloves over my kid ones.
The silk gloves appear like kid when
placed over tho kid ones.
Light of Fashion
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