Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 23, 1913, Image 5

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Cash Grocery Store
Special Prices for
Saturday Only
3 lbs Best Dried Prunes 25c
G lbs second grade Prunes 25c
2 lbs Apricots 25c
2)4 lbs Dried Peaches 25c
3 Cans of Peas . 25c
3 Cans of Lima Beans 25c
3 Cans of Corn 25c
2 Cans of Sweet Potatoes 25c
2 Cans of Tomatoes 25c
2 Cans of Peaches 35c
Sugar, per Sack $5.05
2 one-pound pkgs Superb Raisins 25c
3 one-pound pkgs Quail Raisins 25c
7 Bars Beat 'Em All Soap 25c
....Highest Price Paid for Produce....
W. L. Ross
Dcxkotsx. City, Nebraska
Koup In Poultry Can be Prevented nd
25c Package. 5 Packages fci.oo
In Tnblot Form.
ANTI-ROUP not only prevents, but
Ouros Koup In Hnby Ohlcks find older
A Sure Cure or Money Back
"With every Jl order will bo ulvon Froo
a formula lor Rood Lice Exterminator
Better than Spanking
Spanking will not cure child
ren from wetting the bed, be
cause it is not a
dangerous disease.
Rowan Drug Co.,
Illinois, have
strictly harmless
habit, but a
The C. H.
of Chicago,
discovered a
remedy- for
this distressing disease, and to
make known its merits they
will send a 5U cent package
securely wrapped and prepaid
Absolutely FrCO to any reader
of the Herald. This remedy
also cures frequent desire to
tirinate and inability to control
tirine during the night or day
an old or vounsr. The C. H.
Rowan Drug Co. are an Old
Reliable House, write to them
today fqr the free medicine.
Cure the afflicted members of
your family, then tell your
neighbors and friends about
this remedy.
C. H. Rowan Drug Co.
Dept. A. 482. Chicago, 111.
Local Items
lThe Finest Illustrated Sporting
,. Weekly in the World ,
The Police Gazette
Ail the sporting news,
pictures of famous athletes,
fine half-tone portraits of
charming actresses in stage
costume and a great
Supplement with every copy
Sent to any address for one
J year for $4; 13 weeks $1.
Franklin Sauare. New York.
Send for the catalogue of the Fox Athletic
v Library it's free.
Public : Auction : Sale!
of Groceries, Notions, Etc, Etc
Intending to retire from the mercantile business, commencing on Monday Evening, May 26th,
at 8 o'clock, the stock of Groceries, Notions, Men's Wearing Apparel, Tobacco, Etc., Etc.,
contained in the Brick Store, Dakota City, will be sold at Public Auction. Everything goes.
You buy it at your own price. Come and bring your neighbors. Ladies especially invited .
Make dimes do the duty of dollars
COL. H. O. DORN, Auctioneer.
R Time Table
c St. P., m.& o.
Trains loavo Dakota Oity at tho fol
lowing timo :
8 :'2f pm Oinaho 7 :68 urn
10:10 am Omuhu t2..'10 pm
3 :38 pm Norfolk jo" :U3 um
9:87 am Norfolk f6:13 pm
" 7 :3fi am . . . . NowcoBtle . . . . iu :iu am
2:00 pm " ...,5 :50pm
daily oxeopt Sunday, t d not atop
12:13 pin Omaha 2:30 am
3:38 pm Norfolk 8:83 am
9:37 am Norfolk D :18 pm
No. 91 Looal Freight 7:15 am
17 " Passenger".. 12 :57 pm
No. 92 Local Froight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Possonger".. 0:00pm
t daily. daily ezoopt Sunday.
Guy Stinsou is buck 11 1 work in tho
S A Stinson otoro.
House to rent. Inquire of Dr D 0
Stiuson, Dakota Oity, Nob.
Don't forget Breuns coffeo, it is
still in tho lead. Vim soils it.
Attorney J J McCarthy, of Ponca,
was in attendance at district court
Miss Nova Best was horo from Ho
mer Friday night and Saturday visit
ing relative.
Mrs S W Foltz and daughter went
to Hinton, Iowa, Saturday for a few
days' visit with rolutives.
O M Londergan was down Saturday
from his farm near Waterbury, trans
acting business hero and in tho city.
Mrs N It Brosslleld and daughter,
Mrs Margaret Barnes and two child
ren, returuod to Lawton, Iowa, Satur
day. Van do Zeddo has tho best grado of
coffeo for the money ever sold iu town
4 lbs for $1.00. Try some of it and
be convinced.
The Northwestern is planning to
build a haudsomo new depot at Sor
geunt Bluff, Iowa, to ropluce tho ono
burned recently.
Mrs Bud Dryden came np from Lin
coln last week for a visit at tho paren
tal homo. Mr Dryden came np and
remained over Sunday.
John Sohn of Wolkors Island was in
town Saturday. He has jnnt recov
ered from a siege of typhoid fevor and
is looking somewhat thin.
Mrs Martha C Snyder departed
Wednesday for Nelson, B O, whoro
she will makp her. home for a timo
with her daughter, Mrs Green.
Wo havo a better stock of Hardwaro
oto, than wo over had, and you will
find our prices right. Wo also handle
all kinds of gurdeu tools, Sohriever
Tho Holy communion nnd confirma
tion will bo hold in Salem Lutheran
Church on tho socond Sunday of Juno
instead of tho first Suuday as an
nounced. Mrs Honry Weigand and daughtor
woro over from Sioux City tho past
week, guests at the R L Broyhill
homo. Mr Weigand, who is now
cashier in tho Taokaborry wholesale
housr, was also a visitor boro ovor
Wedding or confirmation photos. In
fact all kinds of photos should lie
mado by us. Low prices, latest styles
and goad work. Try us on your next
order for photos. Dn Luxi: Studio,
405 Fourth Streot, Sioux Oity, next
door to 5 and 10 cent storo.
S A Hcikes was kicked br a horse
last Friday and suffered internal inju
ries from which ho is not yet oat of
danger. Ho was planting corn when,
it began to rain, and as ho walked"
past ono of the horses to unhitch it tho
animal kicked him in the stomach.
Iu tho class of 172 graduates nf tho
Sioux City high school for 1913, ap
pears tho names 01 tun toliowiug stu
dents of Dukota County: Helou Stid
woithy, of Homer; Kathleen Neiswon
ger, Marion Heikes, Ilarold Gribble,
Amy Culbortsou and Elmer Bierman,
of Dakota Oity.
B J Boucher, brother of Goo J
Boucher, of South Sioux City, has boon
transferred from Sioux City, wheio ho
has been dihtrict plunt chief of tho
Bell telephone tines, to Council Bluffs,
In. to have authority over the west
ern Iowa district, lie hus been chief
of the Sioux City district for about
ten j eurs.
J M Woodcock, of Stonor, Nobr,
was a caller at Tho Herald oflloo
Thursday of last week and advanced
his subscription unotlier year. Mr.
Woodcook is horo ottonding to some
busiuess matters at South Sioux Oity,
his former homo. Ho says tho crop
prospeots in Book county aro simply
11 no, and that ho likes his location
very much, "
A letter from Mrs Mary Oosterling
Reiohman, of Soward, Nob, to Mrs
Fauuio Orojjior, of this city, states
that tho cyolono which struck thoir
city last wook missed tho Itoiohmau
homo only a few blocks, Sho said
that, considering tho number of resi
dences demolished and tho amount of
damage done, it was u miraolo that bo
few lives woro lost. Eight persons
woro killed in tho storm,
For Salo Cottonwood lumber, $20
per thousand. Thos Ourrau.
Dick Waldon was horo from Pondor
this week visiting at tho Sohmiod
Aksel Christonscn, of Homor, was
a Sunday visitor hero ut tho Van do
Zeddo homo.
Miss Perle Stinsou of Leeds, Iowa,
was an ovor Suuday visitor horo at tho
D M Nciswanger homo.
S T Frum has purahasod tho Mrs
Esther Hardin residence west of tho
Barney Gribblo homo ?
Mrs D M Noiswaugor is recovering
nicely from tho effects of an operation
at St Josoph's hospital, Sioux Oity.
Ohos Sundt returned last Thursday
from a throe weeks' sojourn in Omaha
as a juryman in tho fodoral court.
Dr Ohas T Maxwell arrived hero
from Chicago Tuesday for a short vis
it with his parents, reluming Thurs
day. Mrs Thos Sinoluir oamo up from
Lincoln Sunday and is visiting at the
homo of her daughtor, Mrs Geo Wil
kins. 8 L Keller, jr. who is attending col
lego at Fremont, Nobr., spout a fow
days visiting his paroats tho past
Kelloy Foltz camo over from Audu
bon, la, Wednesday, boing sum
inouod us a witness iu tho distriot
Mrs Ashley Londrosh of Winuobngo
was a visitor here at tho homo of hor
brother, Geo Niebuhr, Wednesday
Margaret Smith, Ethel Olaytou and
Frances Sawyer, of Homer, woro hero
Friday and Saturday taking teaohors'
Prof A B Rich shipped his house
hold goodB to Pender today, Fiiday.
Ho will rosido ou a farm botwoeu Pen
der and Wisuor.
When you want auydrayingor haul
ing done, notify Ilarold Van do Zodde,
or call phono No 1, and your work will
bo douo promptly.
Tho "Teddy itaars" wont to Bronson,
la, Sunday, aud copped off a game
from tho team there, score 8 to 1,
Tho trip was mudo iu autoes.
S A Bridonbaugh was on tho mar
kot Wednesday with u mixed car of
cattlo. Fifteen 2-year old whitefuco
steers in tho load went at $8,05,
A recent ruling of tho postotlloo de
partment permits the return to sender
of postal cards, when the return ad
dress is written or printed thereon.
Tho contract for the building of a
$10,000 hotol at Crystal Lako' Park
has been let to Oscar Stamm of South
Sioux Oity. Work will bo commenced
ut once.
Owing to tho inolemont weather tho
tho mooting scheduled for Wednesday
evening of last week to talk over tho
possibilities of holding a farmers' short
course was abandoned for tho present.
An iusuranoo adjuster was here from
Omaha last Saturday and settled with
Ohas D Hall for tho loss of his livery
barn by iiro. The full amount, $1500,
was puid on tho building, and $390 on
grain aud hay.
Bortip Harold, the two yoar old sen
of Mr and Mrs Bert Powell, died Sat
urday at their homo on tho J J Laps
ley farm west of town, 'of meusles.
Funeral sorvices wejo hold Sunday
afternoon, interment being in tho Da
kota Oity cemetery.
Bulletin No. 130, entitled "Alfalfa
Inoculation TestB," by C.W. Pugsloy,
has just boon isbiied by tho Nebraska
ExperimontStation. This bulletin may
bo had froo of cost by rcsidonts of
Nebraska upon application to tho
Agricultural Experiment Station, Lin
coln, Nebraska.
Omadi lodgo No. 5. A F & A M, at
its regular meeting Saturday evening
elected oilicers as follows for tho en
suing year: Harry 11 Adair, W M; Jus
Allawav ir, S W; Frank II Forrest, J
W; George Wukins, treasurer; Jouu
H Roam, secretary. Installation will
bo held Juno 11th.
Bort G Hardin, who has been trav
eling in Mississippi and Loufiana tho
past wintor for u wholesale oil firm,
returned homo lat Thursday. He
was threatened with malaria fever und
had to give up his work iu tho south.
Ho will tukb u territory iu tho north
during tho summer.
Whilo driviug to town Sunday
Georgo and Waltor Miller were thrown
from their buggy when their horso be
came frightened nt a motorcyolo and
shied from the grado iu front of tho
Cheney farm residonco. Neitbor of
the boys wero sorionsly injured but
tho buggy was a wreck,
An adjourned term of tho distiiet
court is iu session hero this wook.
There beiiig no jury cuses ready for
trial, the jury was excused until some
time iu Juno, the date to be, named
lator. Tho oaso of Foltz vs Maxwell
is being huurd at this writing (Thurs
day) aud will probably bo finished
at noon. Tho cuse of Evaus vs Jor
dan is set for hearing uoxt.
This wook closes another success
ful school yoar iu Dakota Oity. This
(Thursday) evening a cluss of fivo
young ladies will graduuto with lion
or, the exercises being held in tho M
E church. Those in tho olass of '18
are: Gludjs Gertrudo Orr, Mario A
Bierman, Mary Margaret Niebuhr, Sa
rah MariRoas and Sarah Holon Gra
ham. Tho teaohors ono and and all
aro to bo congratulated on tho high
attainment to whioh our schools have
beon brought by their untiring and
diligoat efforts.
A Pure, Grape Cream
Tartar Baking Powder
Royal Baking Powdor
Improves tho flavor
and adds to tho health'
fulness of the food.
Tio high school is planning a pic
nic for Friday if tho weather is good.
A roturn ball gamo was played at
Homer last Friday afternoon. Both
loams played exceptionally well. Tho
score was 0 to 0 for oight innings whon
orrors lot iu threo ruus for Homer.
Heikos pitched a fiuo game, only two
hits boing registered against him,
Tho oxaminatioDS woro held in tho
various rooms Tuesday and Wednes
day. Teaohors aro given Thursday to
attond to grading pipers and making
out final reports.
Mfsa Snydor and hor pupils onjoyod
a piouio last Friday uftoruoou aftor
Every pupil iu the high school has
made sullioieutly good grades to bo
promoted to tho uoxt grade.
Ncarlv all of tho high soliool stu
dents took one or moro of tho stato ex
aminations last Friday aud Saturday.
Ono brown bay niaro, yoar old, whito
face, two liiud foot whito. Finder
will bo rowardod by notifying J M
Barry, Jaokson, Nobr.
Health a Factor In Success.
Tho largest factor contributing to a
man's success is undoubtedly health.
It' lias boon observed that a man is
seldom siok when his bowols aro regu
lar ho is novor woll when they are
constipated. For constipation jou
will find nothing quite so good us
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor
Tablets. Thoy not only move tho
bowols but improvo tho appetite aud
strengthen tho digestion. They aro
for salo by all dealers, Adv.
For Sale.
A two-year-old Holstein
two Holstein hnifor calves,
Geo Orr, Dakota Oity, Nob.
bull and
W II and
fJTATT or omo cirr or Tamo, I ,
Lucas Oocntt. f
Fiunic S. Ciitrrer trnVt oMti tht he If est
partner ot tho nrm ot 1. J. CiirNtr A On- dotnf
tMiKinoM in tho City or Toledo. County o But
atorcaalil. nnd that sll nrm will py tba turn ot
ONH HUNDRED DOU.A!ta tor each and Very
earn ot Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Doe Ptt ot
rnANTC j. cnEKKV.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my prafonca.
this 6th day ot December. A. I)., IftM,
I a. w. atnAOON.
I NoiAnr Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure li laden Internally and acts
directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot lbs
system, Bend (or testimonials, tree.
F. J. CIIUNUY A CO.. Toledo. O.
Bold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family 1-1113 (or constipation.
Tho man that goes about finding
fault with his own town is ou par with
the man that goes about finding fault
with his own family. It is niuety-nino
to one that if a family or a town is bad
or has fow redeeming features it in
because of tho peoplo whj take con
stant delight in knockiug. Such men
aro enough tospoil uny family to whioh
they belong and kill uny town of
whioh they aro tho poorest kind
From tho Record
Miss Viola Ekright, of Do Gorth, S
D, is visiting at tho "homo of hor
brother, Charles Ekright, this wook.
J P Meredith left Monday for Has
tings, whero ho is nttendiug tho ses
sion of tho grand lodge for tho A O U
Miss Mildred Mitchell will loavo
Friday for Lake Oity, la, whero sho
goes to attend the commencement ex
orcises. W J Manning was up from Uto a
few days tho first of the week. Ho ox
poots to move hero boforo tho first of
tho month.
A surprise party was given at tho
William Oohlerking homo Thursday
evening, in honor of Miss Rozenna
Goo A DoVoe, of Mission Hill, S D.
was at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs
J 8 Bacon, Tuesday, enrouto for Cher
okoo, whoro ho will undergo au opera
tion. Tho condition of Mublo Farand,
who is quarantined u' her homo with
spinal meningitis is reported us being
no bettor this week. Tho girl suffered
a sotback und at times her life has
been dospaired of.
Edna Pearson roturned Saturday
fioin Missouri Vulloy, Iu, whero sho
had spent tho spring seasoii us a trim
mer iu a leading millinery shop of that
Hurry Snydor, of Ponca was a guest
ut the Jucob Klarman home several
days this wook. Washouts on the
Wynot lino prevented his returning
homo until Wednesday.
Tho marriugo of Miss Edna dough,
of Allen, to Mr. Don Travors, of Sioux
City, bus beon announced. Mr. Travors
is woll known horo having boon a book
keeper ut tho Edwards & Bradford
company for somo time last year.
Word was received horo today
through tho daily press, of tho death
of Mrs. David Imaly at Soward during
a tornado thero last night. Mrs. Imuly
is a sister of Mrs Favilla Motz of
this city. A niooo of MrsMelzwas
also injured in the storm.
O G Ogburn of Dixon, suffored two
broken ribs, and Albert Auderson of
Omaha, slight bruises and scratches
iu a froight wreck on the Burlington
road .near Dixon. Tho derailment was
caused by a broken flange under n box
car. Tho train was going from Sioux
City to O'Neill. Tno train was in
ohargo of Conductor S B Lopp of this
Homemakers Club.
The HomoniukorH Club will meet at
tho homo of Mrs Mell A Sohmled,
Saturday afternoon, Muy HI.
Following is tho progiam:
Piano Solo Pearl Loamor
Roll Cull Answoretl by reoeipo for
bread, buns. etc.
Vocal Solo Mrs Sohmiod
Reading Mrs John Veils
Disoussion Ways of preparing straw
borries, lod by Mrs A .1 Karmper
Vooal Solo MrB Guy Sides
Bonding Mrs Elmer Blessing
Piano Solo Olive Stinson
Tho rooeipes given at the roll call
will bo rotainod aud compiled into a
cook book.
All aro cordially invited to attond
these meetings.
Mrs S A Bridonbaugh.
Tho Herald for Nowa whon it is Nowb
Residents aud proporty owners iu
Dakota Oity aro hereby notified to
clean up iu and around their premises,
all rubbish, oto, by May 20, 1913,
otherwise tho city marshal will bo
ordered to do so at tho oxponso of the
proporty owner.
By order of tho Villiago Board
Dakota Oity, Nob,
Stnto of Nebraska to Win Wallwoy sr.
lot 2, lioKiM-SM)....!...' t
F Ij Kitton nnU wlfo to W F Hanlros.Iot
t). blk. 1, 1st addition to Ho Hlt'iix Ulty.
Ixul9 Knudaenand wife to Georiso Jen
sen, seii swJi 81-28-8 1200
Horinan Stark nnd wlfo to Vlllnuo ot
Kinurson. blk 11. llluhlnnd 1'nrk ad
dition to EmurHOii 1500
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
"My mater's. husband had an attack
of rheumatism iu his arm," writes a
well known resident of Nowton, la.
"I gave him n bottlo of Ohamborlniu's
Linimont ffhich he applied to his arm
and ou tho next morning the rheuma
tism was gono," For chronic musou
lar rhcuinutism you will find nothing
better than Ohamberl2in's Liniment.
Bold bv all dealers. Adv.
Ititv.J. Grown, Piistor,
Horvlcus nt tho Methodist Kplxcopnl
church overy Sunday at follows: I'rtmoh
lntf nt 11 a in; Hundiiy school nt 10 n in; cIiish
mnotliiK 12 m; Kpworth I.oninio il::m n nil
Di'flurthlnK 7::K) p m. I'riiyurincutlm; Thtirs
Uny uvouliiKN ut 7::s)
Ilev.S. Ii. Kollor. Pastor.
Sunday school ovory Sunday at QMS n in:
Miss lilnncnu Hamilton, supurlntouduut.
prcnahluK at 7:110 p in. ovory Sunday.
SAM'.M .
Drainage Ditch
Case Settled,
A docisiou in tho oaso of Henry
O'Neill, of Jackson, against tho drain
ago ditch organization, in which
O'Noill had appoalod to tho supremo
court, was rondorod last wook in favor
of tho ditch promotors, and it is ex
pcotcd now that work will bo bogun
ou tho proposod ditoh immodiatoly,
whero it is expected to drain sovoral
thousand aoros of swamp hay laud
west of Ooburu Junction aud convert
it into deBironblo farm proporty.
Tho following is tho Biipromo court
O'Noill vs Loamor. Appoal, Da
kota county. Affirmed, Sedgwick, J,
Fawcott nnd Humor, J J, not sotting;
1. Whon tho potition fllod for tho
formation of a drainago distriot, un
der Art. IV, Oh. 89, Conip. St. 1909.
ana ino procooatngs tuaountlor aro
stiflloiont to givo tho distriot court
jurisdiction of tho subject muttor, and
an ordor is outorod tucroin declaring
the organization a public corporation
of this stato bb providod in tho third
seation of that aot, tho supervisors
of tho district duly oloctod, can not
bo oujoinod from proceeding with tho
work for whioh tho district was or
ganized on tho ground of irregularities
in tho organization thoreof.
U. A drainage district organizod
undor Art. IV, Oh. 89, Comp. St., is n
public corporation.
3. When a publio corporation is or
ganized for subordinate governmental
purposes, such as a village, township,
city or ttraiuago distriot, it is not
necessary that all of tho peoplo em
braced within tho 'corporutu limits
should oousuut to incorporation. Tho
legislature has power to provide for
such incorporation bv tho rpciuirod
uumbor of inhabitants and pronnrtv
owners therein without tho unanimous
consent of all.
4. Condemnation prnooediugs aro
allowed under Baid statute whon tho
"hoard of supervisors nro uuablo to
agroo with the owners" of the prop
erty. Whon tho condemnation pro
ceedings and tho work thoroundor uro
enjoined on tho ground that tho drain
age distriot has no legal organization
aud that no right exists to tako tho
land for such purpose, and thero is
no ovidouoo that tho plaiutiffs seek
ing tho injiinotjon nro or ever havo
been willing to grant tho right of
way upon uuy terms, it suflloiontly
appoars that tho purtios can not
fi. If lands nut tukon by tho con
demnation proceedings nro ditmaaad
by the improvement, tho law providus
an udoquuto runiody. Tho ownors of
lands damaged aro not ontitlod to
enjoin tho proscautiou of tho work
on tho solo ground that tho damaged
lands nro not iucitidod in tho con
demnation proceedings,
G. Under tho statute in question a
district may bo formed for tlio pur
pose of having swamp and nvoifiowod
lands "reclaimed aud protected from
the effects of water, by druinngo or
otherwise." To provide u drain to
provont wator from flowing on to
swamp lands is to protect such lands
from tho effoots of water as contem-
f plated by this statute
7. Tho suporvlcers must fllo a po
tition for condemnation "sotting forth
tho location and charaotor of tho
right of way noodod nnd describing
the lands to bo crossed." If n pe
tition is filed in county court show
ing tho starting point of tho proposed
ditch and tho lands it will cross, stat
ing tho govommont subdivisions, it
is 'sufficiently definito in that regard
to givo tho county court jurisdiction
to appoint the appraisers, and if tho
damagoR assessed by tho appraisers
aud tho ordors of the court thoroon
aro not appoalod from they nro not
subjeot to collateral attack on tho
ground that tho looation of tho ditoh
is not suflloiontly sot forth in tho petition.
Cure for Stomach Disorders.
Disordors of tho atomaoh may bo
avoided by tho uso of Oharuborluin'a
Stomach and Livor Tablets. Manv
very remarkable ciuob havo boon ef
footod by theso tablots. Sold by-all
dealers. Adv.
Make Money
a? a Merchant
Would you like to have us
"set you up" in business? We
can mid will furthermore it
will not cost you a penny. With
out capital and through sales
manship we can start you in
business for yourself.
We arc establishing represent
atives in every city, town and
village to handle our full line of
Vacuum sweepers. They are,
we believe the best and cheapest
hand power vacuum sweepers
in the world.
Let us show you how our
splendid organization transforms
your "push" and application
into dollars and cents, unusual
proposition made to General
General Appliance Factory, Inc.
1300-08 Main St.,
Marinette, - Wisconsin
Whito Diarrhoea Can lie
Provonted and Oared
After years of oxporlmonta wo lmvo dis
covered a stiro euro or money back.
25c Package, 6 Packages $1 .00
l'rovontlon is not n cure-all. It only
provonts nnd euros Wlilto Dliirrhocn in
hnby oliloks nnd (Jliolom In older fowls.
Ono ounce ot prevniitlou Is worth tons
ot euro. In tnblot form,
Pronclilnitovnry Huntiay at
dny school promptly at 10 a in.
11 n in: Sun
i. K. I'.Oul-
tu, rttfmi. uilnnrlntHllf jnnt.
Tho publlolscordlnlly lnvltud to nil these
Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for
Bud Colds,
When you havo a bad cold you want
a remedy that will not only givo re
lief, but effect a prompt and perma
nent cure, a reinody that is pleasant
to take, a remedy that contains noth
ing injurious. Ohamberlaiu'H Cough
Itontedy meets all theso requirements.
It uots ou nature's plan, relieves tho
limns, aids expeotoratiou, opous the
secretions and restores tho system to u
houlthy condition. This remedy has a
world wide salo und use, and uan al
ways bo deponded upon. Sold by all
dealers, Adv.
Specials for Saturday, May 24
For this Dey Only
Butter, par pound 28c
3 cans Pink Salmon for 25c
Tomatoes, per can 10c
2 cans Extra Standard Corn 15c
3 pkgs Macaroni or Spaghetti 25c
3 lbs 'Nice Prunes for ; 25c
Cookies, per dozen 5c
7 Bars Flake White Soap 25c
Bacon by the strip, per lb .' 20c
Fre.sh Arkansas Strawberries, 2 Boxes for; 25c
We will have a fresh stock of all Seasonable Fruits
and Vegetables for Saturday.
Stinson s
Oakotev. City,
Extraordinary Offer
Farmer and Breeder 1 year $1.00
Dakota County Herald " $1,00
Both Papers 1 yoar for only- $1.00
Farmer aud Jlteader is a weekly
furm und live stock uiuguztuo edited
and published by farmers for farinora.
It is a journal you want to Know, It
is ably edited and strong iu subjeot
matter. What jou want to know ih re
lated in langnuge you cin easily un
derstand. It makes no diffuronco how
muiiy farm pupors you may bo receiv
ing you need Farmer and lJroednr to
help you in tho llvo stock bruuah of
votir business.
Tako advantago of tho oxtromoly
liboral offer above aud also direot tho
attention of your neighbors to this
speotal bargain. Pupors sont to dif
ferent addrosscH if desirod,
Tho Herald, $1 per
Have You Seen America?
IIuvo you over stood on tho top of Pike's Peak und lookod off ut tho rest
of the world aud ozponeuced sensations that aro not to be described in words?
Aro you numbered among those who know tho pleasures and benefits of a
sojourn iu that great natural sanitarium tho Illuok Hills of South Dakota?
Havo you ovor enjoyed tho hoalth-giviug pleasures of a camping trip iu tho
Uig Horn mouutainBof Wyoming or nlnug tho Cody road to Yellowotono Park?
Did you over go coaching through Naluro'H woudorlaud Yellowstone Park?
Havo your oyos ever boon blossod with a sight of that emerald gem of tho
Northern lloakics Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park?
Did yon ever visit "tho Charmed Laud of tho American Continent," bor
dering on America's Moditorranoan (Pugot Sound) aud tho surrounding coun
try to whioh Nuturo has given a bewitching beauty und a wonderful oUmate?
Aro you familiar with tho undroamod-of scenic wealth of glorious Califor
nia that land ot out o' doors
Make tho moslof your trip lot mo bolp yon plan it. Tho furnishing of
oompleta dotuiU for vaoation trips is a part of "Durlington Service,"
W. R. Snethen, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakklev, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.