J r AKOTA CITY HERALD JOHN H. REAM, Publisher. AKOTA CITY, NEDRA3KA CHECKREIN ON PUBLICITY. Somo nftor-dlnnor speakers like to prato o! tho waning lnfluonco of tho press as they enjoy enlacing upon tho diminishing authority of tho pul pits. The facts rlso up, in tho ona jcaBO as lu tho other, and give tho Ho to them. Every morning tho vast ma- torlty of literary men reads tho nows inper as an open lottor to tho rnco. This multltudo of readers might pay no heed whatover to tho editorials, eays tho Philadelphia Ledger. It fcnlght merely scan tho "news." Yet what Is found In tho nows columns each day Is plontlful to make nnd un mako reputations. Tho token in proof Is that a man held up to ridi cule or blamo by tho mero impassivo, impersonal recital of his own action, oven when ho cannot deny tho deed, indignantly resents the publicity. Tho mero plain statement of abuses In tho newspapor has often boon sufll clont to correct them. It has been Bald that tho beginning of every re form is to ask question. It has re peatedly been tho useful function of overy worthy Journal to lead the public to ask questions nnd to do mand an answer. That Ih what 1j meant by public opinion, and tho pow er of lrreslstlblo public opinion Is tho power of fearless, conscientious Jour nnllsm. Tho certainty that tho truth will be made known has called a halt upon tho promotion of many a reck !cbb and unscrupulous enterprise. Watch tho passing automobiles. Sit ting comfortably In the machines are elderly men and womon, nnd In tholr faces is now happiness. They aro eu Joying themselves; tho fresh air gives them vitality nnd tho swift motion etlra their blood. A clergyman past seventy, who administers the affairs of a largo congregation, at his sldo lias a telephone through which ho makes pastoral calls nnd in front of him a typowrlter on which ho docs his sermons. Wo have boon associating theso contrivances with youth, but tho ancients hnvo taken hold nnd aro showing us that lifo after sixty is not a matter of folded hands and easy chairs. It is dolightful to wclcomo tho change. To have tho middle-aged and tho old enjoy thomselvcs Is to lift tho wholo human raco. To extend tho ago of efficiency is to add Immeasurably to tho world's production. .,, i "' A suggestion is mado that moving pictures of an educational kind should bo supplied to tho bcIiooIb by munici palities. No doubt this suggestion will in tlmo bo an accomplished fact, for ' the moving picturo Is 5cstlnod to more practical uses than mero amusemont As things seen 'uro mightier than things heard, so lossons of geography, lilistury nnd general fact will bo mora impressive on tho youthful brain by tho, actual representation than by the printed or spoken word. Tho schools of tho futuro will doubtless bo supplied with movlng-plcturo machines as a matter of course "TURKEY TROTTING" AND "TANGC" KILLING THE WALTZ Tho beautiful gliding wnltz will 1,0011 bo as tho stately minuet of our forefathers, a thing of tho past, if the crazo for tho "turkey trot" nnd tho "tango," which has boon taken up with a vengeance by society, keeps paco with Us popularity, Tho picturo shown socloty engaged In tho latest stops of these dances. The upper left picturo phows tho "tango." Tho upper right is "turkey trotting" and "one-stopping." In the lower left tho "tango" is being enjoyed by youngsters in tholr teens, and in tho lower right tho rhythmic steps of tho latest In dancing is elng enjoyed. DUKE OUSTED WIFE Westminster Tried to Force Hcr',lclty whlch ls attached to a deed of separation, wo nave mnny great V I SIXTY EGGS FOR BREAKFAST to Agree to Separation. Measles, which is cnuslng anxiety to tho authorities nnd pain to the stu dents of Osborno collego, Is an ailment that has been sadly misjudged, says tho London Chronicle. For centuries it 1b mentioned in Arabian writings as early ad tho tenth century It was rejjnrdcd (nnd treated) as a variety of smallpox, nnd when thnt fnllacy wns discovered, It was gcuerally confound ed with scarlet fovor. No rnco of tho earth is lmmuno from measles. To Pursue More Easily a Countess, tho Titled Englishman Created Scandal by Closing Home to Spouse. . London. Tho Duko of Westminster has turned his wife out of houso and home. Ho only succeeded In doing this nftor threatening tho duchess with physical forco. No such scandal has occurred In tho OrUlsh puerago for many years. Tho richest duchess of England la now an cxllo with her father and mothor on tho continent. Tho Duko of Westminster has literally thrown his wlfo out of Grosvenor houso, the mngnlllcent Ltfndon mansion owneJ by tho grentost landlord In England. Thu Duko of Westminster la thirty four yenn old. Ilo owns somo 30,000 acres scattered over tho United Kingdom and no less than COO acres of property in London itself the value of tho lattor can Bcarcely bo estimated. Twolvo years ago ho marrlod Con stance Cornwallls-Wcst. ono of tho prottlest girls In England. Hor oldor deter at that time was already 1'rin cosn Henry of I'les3, and her only brother had just achieved fnmo by marrying Lady Randolph Churchill, formerly Jennie Joroino of Now York, who Is now socking through tho courts for restitution of conjugal rights from this second husband. A tromondous scandal which was almost ventilated lu tho courts oc curred In connection with his friend ship for the now famous Mrs. Athor-ton. For years his attentions to this womnn hnvo been roferrod to in print nnd out of it. Tho duke has taken no pains to conceal tho fascination Bhe houses in England and elsewhere Tho duchess was well awaro that there wero grounds for divorce If sho wanted to got it. Thon recently tho duko, who was staying elsowhoro, Bent word to Ills' duchess, who as usual was living at palatini Grosvenor houso, thnt unless cho consented to n Reparation sho must luavo at once. If sho refused to leave, ho would uso physlcalt forco to put her out by 3 o'clock tho 'samo aft ernoon. Tho duko alleged nothing ngalnst his wife, except her rofusal olthor to dlvorco him or to accept a separation. Tho result was that tho duchess left and tho dlvorco suit has been filed. BALL PARK ROUTS POE RELIC A remarkable euro of lockjaw In Its worst form and almost lu tho last stages lins been mudo In Brooklyn. t)no by ono modern science Is attack ing tho most dreaded Bcourgos of tho human system, aud tho result of tho fight In rcnsonnblo hopo which further xporlmcnt will dqubtlcsB dovelop Into certainty. TIiobo nt the real and vital Ictorles of tho world. Now an educator offers tho thoorj that tho exceptionally bilght pupil la juat na abnormal aB tho dull-witted aud jthat It is as much n mistake to hustlo tho normal to keep up with tho ab normally gifted as to oxpoct tho do Jlclent to paco with thu normal, In plain words, thoro is too groat a ten dency to teach children In mass aud not according to Individual needs. Old New York Tavern Being Destroy ed for New American League Grounds. Now York. Klngsbrldgo Tavern, a landmark of 100 ycarB' standing and a resort where Edgar Allan Poo used to wait for his manuscripts to come back from unappreclatlvo editors, is about to givo way to tho march of progress. It Is on tho slto of what will bu tho now American league base ball purk next summer, at 22Gth stroot and Hroadway. A gang of laborers havo takon possession of the old tav ern. Efforts of Poe's admirers to pre serve tho old tavern for Its historical lntorost failed. W. H. Relnke's Morning Order, After "Light" Supper, Makes Waltreos Shriek for Help. Now York. At midnight recently William H. Rcinko climbed out from under a panting taxicah in tho West Flfty-sovonth street garage of the Ma son & Seamon company nnd remarked ho was going to havo only a light sup per, for ho had planned to eat break fast later on. So for midnight supped h(jhad only eight "liam-and egg" sandwiches, two slabs of indestructible pies nnd ' two quarts of coffee. This frugal repast left , him In splendid shape for his breakfast. Tust eight hours later," "hungry ns a bear," ho said, ho wnlked Into a res taurant at Fifty-ninth street nnd Co lumbus clrclo and ordered breakfast. Tho waitress shrieked for.Kelp. Horo is what tho hungry Mr. Rein ke had ordered: Fifteen scrambled eggs, fifteen eoft boiled eggs, fifteen fried eggs, fifteen hard-boiled eggs and half a dozen glasses of water. Please don't laugh. That's eggs actly what ho ordered and that ls what ho got. Then, fourteen minutes later, ho called for his check.' It came to ?4, but Mr. Reinke paid without a mur mur. "Now, I'll go homo to 30G West Twenty-sixth street," ho said, "and get some sloop. Tonight, when I get up, I'll he hungry again." "I don't drink, chow or smoke," ho continued. "My only dissipation is eating eggs; when I want to go out on a Gprco I eat four or flvo dozen." NOTED SRY IS DEAD it- Secret of the Maine Dies With "Cat Man." Tho two or throo pnporB In thu UnUod States that uso tho "thru" npelllnB will cheorfully ndopt such beautiful words, wo conjocturo, at :iaf," "cof," "nat," "nee." "praust," nnd "nicnac." Tho proposal to colebmto tho con tenary of tho high hat litis beon post poned Indefinitely for two sufficient reasons. Ono is that tho data of origin is Bhroudod in obscurity and tho othor that bo fow thought It unythlng to celo-brato. Mysterious New York Hermit. Was Employed by Spanish Govern ment In the laic of Cuba Son of a Grandee. KEEP WATER IN SOIL Excellent Mothod Given to Ascer tain Capacity. Long-Necked Dottles Arranged With Bottoms Off and Cheese Cloth Over Mouth Will Tell How Much Moisture Is Retained. (lly n. J. CROSHY) To ascertain tho capacity of soils to tnko In rainfall, break, tho bottoms off flvo long-necked bottles, tlo a pleco of cheesecloth or thin muslin over tho mouth of each and arrange them In a nick with a glass tumbtor under each ono. Fill tho bottles to about tho samo height with different kinds of soil and firm the soils by lifting tho rack and Jarring it down moderately thrco or four times. To break tho bottom off of a bottle illo a groove in tho bottle parallel with tho bottom. Heat a poker red-hot nnd lay It In tho groove. As soon ns a Bmall crack starts from tho groovo draw tho poker around tho bottle and tho crack will follow. AVhen all is In readiness, . take watch or clock in hand, nnd with n ilSM mjpofi --y OKJIq( Apparatus to Test Capacity of Soils to Take in Rainfall. glass of water held as near ns possi ble to tho soil pour water into ono of tho bottles Just rapidly enough to keep tho surface of the soil covered and note how long before it begins dropping into the tumbler below. Mako a record of the time. Do like wise with each of tho othor bottles' and compare results. Note which soil takes In water most rapidly. We all know what happens to nonporous soils when a heavy shower of rain comes. To ascertain which soil would store up tho greatest amount of molsturo, weigh each bottle before and after filling It with dry soil, and again after tho water has entirely ceased drip ping from It. The difference between tho weight of tho dry soli and that of tho wqt soil is the weight of water stored. During tho time that the bot tles are dripping, they should be cov ered to prevent evaporation of water from tho surface of the soils. BRAHMAS AS EGG PRODUCERS Veteran Poultry Judge and Breler Claims That Hen Will Lay 150 During Course of Year. Speaking of the Urahma type of fowls, that veteran poultry Judgo &nd widely known brcedor, Mr. I. K. Pelch suys: u has been my claim, nnd It can bo substantiated, that tho Urahma will lay ieo eggs In a year, and batch and renr a brood of chickens. What one hen may have ilouo Is no criterion of a flock's proficiency, not withstanding one Urahma did lay 313 eggs in 333 days, but laid, no moro that year, yet repeatedly havo flocks of eight fowls laid between February I and June 1, four montliB, an average of S8, SSi, 8S, and during May laid o total of 200 eggs, and average of 25 each for that month. I think there are many Urahmas that have reached 200 eggs In a year as any other breed. Hut 150 eggs and rear a -brood of chickens places them among the best and most profitable of all breeds. At this writing I havo a hen that aver aged SS eggs between February 1 and Juno 1, that I set May 28. Sho hae hatched and reared a brood of chick ens and has laid 75 eggs in nine months, leaving her three months for the chance of becoming a 200-egg hen, like ono of her ancestors, Queen Quality. Hut breeders prize any hen that hatches nnd renrs a brooJ of chicks and gives you 150 eggs ns a year's work. Such nre capable of iarn ing you $10 piollt per annum if they are thoroughbreds, and nearly tint as utility workers in Natlck. ileep strict account of the expense of feeding if you want to know how much profit they bring you. Tho aver ago price for kitchen eggs, fresh, in Natick for 1910 was 37 cents. Every IGO-pgg hen at these prices earned, ns you see, ?1.GD cash, less $1.2t for keep, leaving $3.44 net profits per hen. With the puro stock in Urahmas, Plymouth Rocks nnd Orpingtons or WyandotteB this is obtainable with in telligent care. Thus are we Justtiied in saying that poultry upon tho farm is the best earning power In agriculture. PANELS ARE BOLTED ON GATE ; WHILE THERE WAS YET TIME Mean Man Made His Suggestion and' Departed In Soma Haste From Meeting of Indignant Women. With ten3o, eager faces, tho groat audlenco of women leaned forward in their Beats, eagerly drinking in tho noted speaker's every word. "Mero man," shp was saying, "la -j? wont to bellttlo woman's ability to on. tor tho fields already usurped by him. As a matter of fact, sho ls capablo ot filling any post of public or private--offlco now held by man, and, If ap pointed to it, could oven perform man's tasks with greater faithfulness and greater daring. "Name, if you can, ono post for which sho cannot fit hcrsolf! Namo ono offlco to which sho would not, could not, givo tho greatest meas ure of capability, tho hlghost-degroe-of courage, the " A moro man, who had slipped un noticed Into a back seat, roso at this point, and tho light of sudden lnsplra tlon gleamed In his eye. "nat catcher!" ho shouted. And"V"" then ho fled. . , k JUDGE CURED, HEART TROUBLE, 'J mJ ft Judgo Miller. well and hearty :, I it I! Ill Excellent Method Is Described and Illustrated by Nebraska Farmer Solid Post Needed. I want to add a feature to tho Elm qulst gatc Instead of nailing tho panels I bolt them through tho frame with ono bolt at each place as shown. Tho brace la an old wagon tiro bent in the form of a hook at tho lower end and bolted at tho top. Blocks' aro nailed to tho bottom board and BONEMEAL GOOD FOR SWINE Duchess of Westminster. exercised over him. Tho duchess, much sympathized with, has always taken matters philosophically nnd en Joyod life In n hurmlcss way without tho benefit of her ducal husband. Somo months ngo tho Duko of Wostmtnstor, who has now trans- back thirty years, and most of which aro in Spanish. Efforts will be inndc to tlnd documents relating to tho .Maine. Enough has been found, however, to show that his father was n Spanish nobleman and his mother tho daugh ter ot a wealthy Cuban land owner. Ho never was hurt but once In a duel, nnd tho Injury then to his hip mado him lame for life. While In the London legation ho was a favorite of Disraeli, then prime minister. Ho was the heir to a largo fortune, but had only $14, In his pockote. It Is believed deposits will bo found In sov ernl banks. A paper dated June, 1001, executed by Ullo ft Kuobsumen, lawyers, with olllces at that timo at 11 Hroadway was found in the room. This paper dpcdod Uustillo's electric railway rights In Spain to J. Darker Carter. From this paper It would uppenr that the king of Spain had gtvon theso rights to BtiHtlllo in recognition ot his sorvlces to hits country. Tho pollco nro inclined to think that di.ith was an accident, but Mrs. Him ignn, wifo of the hotel proprietor, does not hold this theoiy, basing hor belief on tho fact that tho door was unlock ed whon thu body was found. Now 7n J,. Fragments of tho life of "Tho Cat Mnn" camo out following his deatli by gas In a dingy llttlo room at tho Hotel Trafalgar, 115 East Four teenth Btreot, where for sixteen years ho had lived In seclusion with his cats. His death was as peculiar as his lift, Om wns escaping from a Htovo, niid cards on tho bod showed ho had been playing bolitnlro, when ovotccmu. A Jet wob burning and two cats allowed light when hotel employes ap proached the body Tho animals woro unaffected, but tho fume3 had killed "The Cnt Mnn," who wns seventy jcara old and was known ns Manuel de FuentOB llustlllo. Dining the long years ho had lived on the top floor ho always kept his door locked. After tumo of tho tlunt nnd litter of papers had buon cleared away by tho coioner It bocanio known thnt "Tho Cat Man" was tho Menu Hruinmel of Madrid llftv voura ncn and afterward became ono of tho ASKS CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH greatest tplos lu tho Spanish nimy. ' Holding Hack by Mb skillful work for Montclalr, N. J., Preacher Says Very Good Results Secured at Missou ri Station Result of Test at Nebraska Station. All kinds ot bonemeal aro used In tho manufacture of fertilizers, but not all kinds are suitable for feed for swine. Uonenieal from a glue factory which has gone through tho process In which acid was used is not suitable feed, nut any bonemeal, especially green bono, thnt Is ground finely enough, may bo fed. Steamed bone meal Is good. At th? Missouri station bonemeal was fed with very good results. About an ounce of meal was fed to each hog per day. At tho Nebraska station four lots of pigs wore fed to determine tho value of wheat short, tankngo and steamed ground bone as supplemental to corn moal. Tho hogs wero pastured on alfalfa, and for this reason tho lot fed on corn alono made about as satis factory gain as any, although the lot which was fed bonemeal in addition to tho corn had the strongest bone. Shorfs strengthen tho bono some, and tankngo with corn produced much stronger bone than corn alone. Whero mixed rations were given, or skim milk or good pasture, nil of which supply nsh material, it is doubt ful that bonemeal is of much value other than for the purpose of strength ening the bones. IK V. - " r n JSVpmsMaww- MAKE WOUNDS HEAL QUICKLY When Large Cut Must Be Made Paint the Wood With White Lead and Cover With Zinc. To mako largo wounds heal Quickly, first seo that the trees aro In a vigor ous growing condition. Whon a large cut must bo made paint tho wood with wliito lead, then cover tho most of it with a pleco of zinc. Tho healing tissue, called tho "callus," will start from tho edges of tho wound. In tho courso of tlmo this callus will fold over Htifllclontly to covpr tho wound. Its spread mny bo hastened by slit ting tho cnllus with the point of a sharp knlfo onco each year. Early lu the summer Is tho best tlmo to do this, ns tho callus tlssuo is most ac tivo at that time. Gate With Bolted Panels. the hook placed in front of the one that will mako the gatu hang level, write Q. F. Sandritter in tho Farmer's Mall and Dreeze. The gate may be raised or lowered at will to let out pigs or to swing it over snow. In raising or lowering the gate the up rights remain perpendicular, tho panels turning between them. In this as in other gates tho main thing Is to get a good, solid gato poet In the ground from which the gato a to swing. I took about 6 boxes of Dodds Kid ney Pills for Heart Trouble from which I had suffered for 5 years. I had dizzy spoils, my eyes puffed. my breath was short nnd I had chills and back ncho. I took tho pills about a year ngo and have had no return of the palpitations. Am now C3 years old, able- to do lots of manual labor, am and weigh about 200 pounds. I feel very grateful that I found Dodds Kldnoy Pills and you may publish this latter If you wish. I am Bervlng my third term as Probate Judgo of Gray Co. Yours truly, PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan. Correspond with Judge Miller about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kldnoy Pills, 50o. per box at your dealer or Dodds Modicino Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Household Hints, also music of National AnthonV '"' (English and German words) and re- i; dpeB for dainty dlshos. All 3 sent tree. 7 Adv. i- fl Unsympathetic. Tho following story Ib one of John. Drew's favorites. A man lost his lifo in a great flood. Ho was dead, but in tho spirit world' ho lived over and over again tho ap palling scenes and inclde'nts through which ho had Just passed. It seemed to him that ho must talk It ovor with some one. Ho therefore approached an elder ly man and told him the story of how ho died, giving a vivid word picture and making a lurid talo. To his great surprise, tho old man showed little interest; in fact, ho appeared to be bored. At last, being rather annoyed at such Indifference, ho asked the reason. "Don't you know who I am?" asked the other. "Why, no, I don't," was tho answer, "I'vo only Just arrived." "Well," Bald tho other, "I am Noah." I'f Effect of Salting Curd. Salt ls added to curd mainly to fla vor the cheese. In addition, however, It aids In removing tho whey, hardens and contracts tho curd, checks tho for mation of lactic acid, and also checks undesirable forms of ferment. Unsalt ed cheese cures more rapidly, but is apt to dovelop n bitter flavor. Inferior Lambs. Iambs of low vitality and owes de ficient in milk flow at lambing timo aro UBUally the result of improper managenipnt during tho pregnant periol. Time Is Sometimes Kind. Father Tlmo ls not always a haru parent, and, though ho tarries foi nono of his children,, often lays his hand lightly upon thoso who have used him well, making them old men and women Inexorably enough, but leaving their hearts and spirits young and in full vigor. With such people tho gray head ls but the Impression of the old fellow's han'd In giving them his blessing, and overy wrinkle but a notch lfa the quiet calendai of a well-spont life. From Barnaby Rudges s ' I Similar, Bacon "Huxloy said Is as complicated as bert "Well, I know both down easily." 'A l that an oystert ' i a watch." Eg-VAJ 3th of them mtoRX When ! gossip travels It alway throws on the high speed lover. many yenn. tho independence of Cuba Ho was ono or tho few men bolluved to know tliH truth about tho blowing up of the Maine. Tho United States has spent much money and sovnrnl feiTod his attPiitlons from tho famous veurs In 11 uiln effort to get Informn- A Chlcfigo university professor prover that tho mothor-ln-law Joku ls 5,000 years old. Hut an a Joko tho Chi cago university professor can't claim any such distinction. Vests uro fashion's latest decree for woraon. llut it ia n box of candy to a hatpin that they won't enrry a comb, a toothbrush, four pencils and a fountain pen with a hook on it in tho upper lfcfr-lmnd pocket. nctress to a beautiful French coun tosa, urgod tho duchess to gut n legal Boparatlon. That tho protty llttlo duchoss, who ls nlso a good sports woman, firmly declined to do. "Why," asked tho duchess, "should I consent to a separation? Noltber as the Duchess of Westminster nor as your wlfo havo I douo nnythlug ot which I am ashamed, Surely It would bo bitterly unfair to our chil dren to havo all tho unpleasant pub- FILES BIG SUIT FOR BEANS A Jersey woman has sought divorce because sho had to dress her lazy hus band. Who should havo thought of tho numberless husbands who havo hod to help dross their -wives, at IcaBt to the extent ot back buttoning. Complainant Allegei Man Consumed $1,425 Worth In Two Yeara 20 Plates Dally, Chicago. A clork In tho municipal court tho other day looked ovor a claim in a suit that had Just been filed and his eyes bulged. Ho mado a hasty grab for his glasses to bo suro that bo had read tho document aright, gjid then ho all but foil off his stool. This ls what met his eyes: Bride's Physician Muat Vouch for Bridegroom. Montclalr, N J Tho ougonlcs niovomont has received recognition heie in tho anuouncuinont mado by Hev. Henry E. Jackson, pastor of the Christian Vnlou Congregational church, that ho will perform no mar rlago coremouloB unless tho bride groom presents a certiflcnto of health from tho bride's physician. Tho pos Biblllty of a Blnillnr Btnnd being taken at Unity church horo la forocaat in no tlco that at tho annual mooting ot tho church tho members will vote on the question of requiring such certificates from each of tho contracting parties. nluotcun and ono-hnlf plates a day. Great Scott! And a 'thousand on a plato,' too. That can't bo a restau rant suing him for that much, howev er. Ho must havo bought thorn in bulk. My wlfo bought some tho oth or day for flvo cents a pound. At that rato ho got away with 28,500 pounds In two years, or thirty-nine pounds a day. ".TiimnlnF .Tunltor. thnt follow must " . -..., H. . ......,...(, ,....., ....-. .....- .-. ten cents n plate. At that rate Mr. havo an awfully largo bcnn-oatlng tarn- 1 Thompson must havo eaten 14,350 lly, or olso ho runs a boarding houso plates In two years, or au avoraxo, of J tor people from Boston." tlon It Is certain Hustlllo poseussed. No ono was ever allowed to rnter liiE room during tho years ho had boon at tho hotel. He had n largo padlock on tho door and used this when he wont out. Tho two spitting, bristling cnta found crouched boBtdo his body on the lied wero his only companions. What secrnt ho was gunrdlng has not been rovonled from tho musty papers thus far examined, somo of which date "Thoro Is duo 'and owing tho plain tiff from the defendant tho Bum of 51,425, being thu price of boans sold to tho defendant nnd consumed by him within tho Inst two years." The suit wob llled by Sally C. Staf ford and Gcorgo McDonald against Arthur J. Thompson, whoso Idontlty was not disclosed, Tho clerk got out his pencil nnd began to figure. "Lot's seo," ho mused, "beans aro Clean Milk. Milk that makes gassy curds is usu ally dirty. Clean milk and clean uteo bIIs will never produce gassy curds. Bowel Trouble Preventive. A tenspoonful of Venetian red In a gallon of drinking water is a good bowel trouble preventative Bowel Trouble In Chicks. ChillM, wet food and lack of sunshlnn aro the main causes of bowel troublo in chicks. Men frequently seo visions of the blondo or brunetto typo. HER "BEST FRIEND" A Woman Ihus Speaks of Postum. -cMOEES TOCK Z. Silage for Cattle. Nobraaka farmers living In a re gion whero tho land sells for $120 and upward nn aero are finding greatly in creased profits fiom tho uso of Bilago In fattening their enttlo, ono success ful fnrmor having been engaged In feeding 150 tons of Bilago from 21 ncros of land, putting nil his stock in prime condition. Cattlo fed thhJ way are marketed In fine shape, and feed bills aro greatly lessened. The reports of iucreasod profits aro In spiring other neighboring stockmen to do thu samo thing, and many farm ers aro now raising tholr own foeders in tills way. it is probablo that In tho end tho Increase In bIIos will do moro than anything olso to bring tho hoof crop up to tho normal stand ard. 1 Regularity In feeding brings uni formity in results. Tho growing pigs requiro protein aud not much corn. Ho sure thore aro no narrow doors for tho ewes to crowd through. It lb well to chango tho sheep occa elonaly into tho different pastures. Do not expect too much from your young sowb. especially If they aro bred too young, Wo usually consider our best frlonda i thoso who treat us best. Somo persons think coffee a real friend, but watch It carefully awhile f aud observe that It i3 ono of that meanest of all enemies, for It stabs ono whllo professing friendship. Coffee contains a poisonous drug- caffeine which injures tho delicate nervous system and frequently seta up disease in one or moro organs of. tho body, if its uso 1b persistoa in, "I had heart palpitation and nervj ousness for four years and tho doctor told mo tho troublo was caused bjj coffee. Ho advised me to leave it oft but I thought I could not," writes xj "On tho advico ot a friend I trie? Postum and it so satisfied mo I did no varo for coffeo after a fow days' tria of PoBtum. "As weeks went by and I continue to uso Postum my wolght increase from DS to 118 pounds, and tho hear troublo left mo. I havo used It a yea now and am stronger than I ever wai I can hustlo up stairs without an It 1b poor economy to Boll poor heart palpitation, nnd I am free fro: cattlo whon they can bo madu fat 1 nervousness. beforo markotlng. I "My children nro very fond of Pos Under all conditions young nnl- t um and It agrees with thorn. My slstt mals mako the largest gains in pro- I liked It when sho drank it at my house Weight of Cattle. Cnttlo flvo feet In glrtkwlll wolghfrom G50 to 760 pounds. Add 2C pounds for each Inch over up to six feoL After that add 40 pounds per Inch. Planting Gooseberries. Downing and Houghton gooaoborrles need flvo feet between plantB, but for other varieties four feet gonerally gives enough space. portion to food consumed. Check tho growth and you In crease tho amount of food needed to produce n given result. To mako tho largest and best horses out of your colts keep them growing from first to lnbt. Tho truth ls the farmers of tho mlddlo west aro raising bettor mut ton than ever beforo nnd peoplo nro learning that It Is about thebest and cheapest meat they can buy.' In counting tho profits from your flock, do not fall to count tho valuo of tho fat lambs killed durlug the twelve months for tho family uso nni ' tho high valuo of all the manure. now sho has Postum at home and h bocomo very fond of It. You may mv namo if you wish, as I am nc ushamod of praising my best f rlend-i ' i l 1 A ,l " t rosium. i-muiu vua uy rusium v;u Battle Creek, Mich. ' TtintllTM Tlrttw Itnmna An nAnr nnnnntl trated form palled Instant Postum. 1 " is regular Postum, bo procosBed ot th) factory that only tho solublo portion are rotalned. A sDoonful ot Instant Postum wlUa hot water, nnd sugar and crcanvtu taste, prouuee ineianuy a uoiiciovi bovoroge. Wrlto for the llttlo book, "The lloaf to Wellvllle." "There's a Ileuon" tor Postman r - fe.