M?, fir Cash Grocery Store Special Prices for Saturday Only 3 lbs Best Dried Prunes 25c 6 lbs second grade Prunes 25c 2 lbs Apricots 25c iy lbs Dried Peaches '. 25c 3 Cans of Peas 25c 3 Cans of Lima Beans 25c 3 Cans of Corn 25c 2 Cans of Sweet Potatoes 25c 2 Cans of Tomatoes 25c 2 Cans of Peaches 35c Sugar, per Sack $5.05 2 one-pound . pkgs Superb) Raisins 25c 3 one-pound pkgs Quail Raisins 25c 7 Bars Beat 'Em All Soap 25c ....Highest Price Paid for Produce.... W. L. Ross DcnItotcK. City, Nohrnskiv Almost Like a Face-to-Face Chat Mr. Jones had gone to a distant city on busi ness to be away for several days, and had left his wife on the farm with no companion, ex cept a small child. But she was not lonesome, for each day her husband cajled up for a few minutes' chat by Long Distance Bell Telephone. Have You a Connected to tlw NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY ANTI-ROUP n Roup In Poultry Can be Prevented and Cured After yenrs A nri.Rnnn Iins proven or trim 'tun wp us vmuo 25c Package. 5 Packages $1 00 In Tablet Form. ANTI-ROUP not only prevents. l"t Cures Itoup In Unby Ohlcks nntl older Fowls. A Sure Cure or Aloncy Back With every $1 order will bo Klvcn Free n formula for good I.tce Kxternilnntor LEROY SPECIALTY CO. PHILADELPHIA PA. AQtNTS WANTED. Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure child ren from wetting the bed, be cause it is not a habit, but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., of Chicago, Illinois, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will send a 5U Cent packilgO securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the Herald. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. ine u. n. Rowan Drug Co. are an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H. Rowan Drug Co. Dept. A. 4S2. Chicago, 111. The Herald, $1 per I Teleplione Bell System? rrn I 107-NT Local Items For Halo Cottonwood 'umber, $20 per thoiiHiiml. Thos Chimin. Don't forget Breuna coffeo, it is still iii tbo lend.- , Vim soils it. Frunk F Huubo vib down from Em erson Sunday visiting tho horn folks. Houso nnd lot to rent, $5.00 mouth. Address Lizzie Yentor, Dukotu City, Nob. Mrs W H Elfring, of Sioux City, Witts n guetit lust Friilny itt tbo Byron Biiubnuuiiu homo. Mrs 0 T Rnrto rrtiinied to hor homo nt Wnkelield. Wednesday, nfter it fow days visit with lelntivea hero. Leo Gnrner nnd wifn, who hnvo been visiting relatives ut Dccntur for sever al weekH, returned Moiidny to this place. When you want nuydrnyiugor haul ing done, notify Harold Van do Zoduo, or rail phouo No 1, and your work will be douo promptly. Johu Foltz went to Columbus, Neb, Inst Fiidny to get the deposition of Albert Shoemaker iu the Foltz vh Maxwell cuso lie returned Satur day . John Tobey enmo over from Ft Dodge, la, last Friday, returning Sunday with Mrs Toby, who has been visiting relatives here for a couple if weeks. Au 8 pound daughter wns born to Mr nnd Mrs D M Neiswnngor, Tues day nftrruoon, at St Joseph's hospital, Sioux City, Mothor and child are both doing well. A It Gooiman has moved bis family back to this place from Tilden, Nob, where they located recently. They will occupy the Lorenz cottngo ad joining tho meat shop. Judge und Mrs II E Evans, Mrs W L Ross nnd Mrs Johu F Sides went to Omaha Monday to attend tbo grand lodgo session of the Order of Easteru Star. Mrs Qeo J Boucher of South Sioux Oity, worthy matron of tho local chapter, also attended tbo session of grand chapter. Tbo cottage of Frank II Forrest is fast assuming shape, the framo work is up and tho roof is boiug put ou, Work ou the new M E parsonago is also being rushed as fast as weather will permit. The foundation is about finished and much of tho framo work is reudy for oreotion. Ths past week has not been very favorable for out door work. Tho Herald 1 year, $1. Ed J Uuoy visited over Sunday at Randolph, Uoo V MoBoalh was nt Potion on business, Thutsday, Miss Fraun Hall is visiting relatives nt Wcstfleld, Iowa. House to rent, Inquiro of Dr DO Stiuson, Dakota Oity, Nob. F A Wood went to Peters, Nob, tho first of tbo week ou a business trip, W 0 Mitchell moved his family Tucsduy to tbo A H Baker residence. Buy n good farm on the Dakota ounty bottom. I havo it. Elmers. Kirk Ream, of Axtol, Kns, visited over Sunday at tbo Goo T Woods homo, Mrs Lucy A Burger has gouo to Phillipsburg, Kas, for n visit with rol ntivos, Mrs A B Rich visited friends nt Wakefield, Neb, from Saturday uutil Monday. Richard Powell bns moved to Walk er's Island, whore ho has rontod a 25 aoro farm, Mrs By rou Buohannnn visited in Jnoksou, Wednesday, nt tho O "E JohiiBou home, A handsome monument was placed on tho Sierk lot in tho Dakota City cemetery last week, Chns Sundt, whois seiviug on tho federaljury at Omaha, v'as'bomo from Thursday uutil Monday. Mrs Archie Cougbtry and children vidited at the Will Mason homo in South Sioux City, Thursday. Will Mason and family, of South Sioux City, visited hero Sunday nt the Louis Cooley and Mrs linger homes. Van do Zeddo has tbo'best grade of coffeo for tbo money ever sold iu town ii lbs for $1 00. Try somo of it and bo convinced. Walter O Caulk, recently in tho im plement business at Wnterbnry, nnd well known in this county, has filed a potitiun iu bankruptcy. Uarold Autiim run n needle iuto his foot and broko it off last Thursday, Ho wns taken to a Sioux City hospital to havo the broken part removed, Wo havo a bettor stock of Hardwaro etc, than wo ever bad, nnd you will find our prices right. We also handle all kinds of garden tools. Suhriever Bros. Georgo Wilkins left Monday noon for Hastings, Neb, to attend the gland lodge session of the A O U W, us a delegate from tho local lodge of that order. The two little sous of Mr nnd Mrs Oliiis Laughory, Eddie and Georgo, ngo 8 and 14 years, wore placed iu n child saviug institute nt Omaha luBt Friday. Tbo Herald acknowledges receipt of an invitation to tho graduating ex ercists of tho Dakota City high school nt the M E church, Thursday evening, May 22nd. Mr Smith, father of Mrs Johu Mer ger, arrived hero Monday from Mis souri for a visit nt tho home of his daughter. Mr Smith claims to bo 101 j ears old, being born iu 1812. Ho made tho trip hero till alouo. Ho shows wonderful vitality for n man of his years'. Don Forbes picked up a Indies' pocketbook in the road last Thursday while comiug to town. An oxnrainn- tion of tho contents showed it to bo the propotty of Mrs Fred Oohander, of Homer. G F Broyhill was starting for Homer that afternoon tC'ud d olive r ed tho pookot book, which contained $15.00, to tho owner. Attorney Alfred Pizoy wont to Val entine, Nob, Sunday, to attend to tho probating of tho will of Mrs A A Ir win, who died recently nt hor old homo iu South Sioux Oity. Mrs Ir win hold a homestead in Cherry coun ty at tho time of her death and conse quently wns a legal resident of that county, whero her estate will be pro dated. Tho authorities of Sioux City nro just getting next to the fact that resi dents of Sioux City owning nutos nro taking out their licenses in other states, thus avoiding excessive rates for tags and the tax which the Sioux City or dinances plnce on motor vehicles. It is protty generally known tliut licen ses linvo been issued in this county ou this uocount. The village bonid lias decided to onct a building on the throe lots pur chased ol Dr Maxwell just north of the Pizoy law olllco.' It will bo built for use as council chamber, with one room for storing the lire-lighting ap paratus. It was also decided to put iu two wells equipped with force pumps, one at tuo vmi do zjotldo cor ner und one at tho firo house. How would you like to go 235 miles for your daily water supply? That is what tho city of Los Augoies, (Jul, has done. Whilo not making this trip daily, a gigantic acquoduct hna just been completed, which will bring tbo wator supply for the -100,000 inhabi tants of Los Angeles across u desert and through a mountain range from tho Sierra Nevada mountains. A Story of this remarkable engineering feat may be found ou unnthor pago of tho Herald which you will find very in teresting reading. Considerable dumugo was dono by tho wind during the rain storm Mon day night. A number of shade troos woro broken off, und several barns nud outbuildings near town suffered damagi) by tho gulo. At Orvstul luko tho wiud played huvoo with the -bath house nud other frail buildings. A bum ut South Sioux City was blown to Smithoreeus. Tho high board fence on tbo coubinution bridge suffered con sidorablo dumugo, and the cable car rying tho telephone lines across tho bridge was broken. Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds, When you havo a bud cold you want a remedy tbut will not only givo re liof, but effect a prompt und perma nent cure, a remedy that is plousunt to tuko, a remedy tbut contains noth ing injurious Chumberluin's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It nets ou nature's plan, relieves tho lungs, aids expectoration, opens tho socretious nnd restores tho systom to u healthy conditiou. This remedy has u world wide sale und use, and can al ways be dopouded upon, Sold by all dealers. Adv. Sioux City to Hear Orchestra. Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Wins Great Success In the Hast, At Auditorium, Sioux City, May 20, Tho eastern tour of tho Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra iu March, 1912, which included Chicago, Louisville. Cincinnati. Columbus, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Wnshingtou, Now York nnd Buffalo, wns ft siiooenMon of ar tistic triumphs most gratifying to many ndmirors ot Mr Obcrhoffer nnd tho remnrknblo orchestra which ho hns brought to suoh h high degrco of per fection. It is most interesting to noto Hit unnuunlty with wbioh tho Now York orittics und mUBioiaus comtuendod the playing of tho western orchestra, and the general feoling of surprise that Minneapolis should possess an orches tra rivaling tbo best iu tho country . Mr Meltzor, oonsideicd by many tho most able critic iu Now York, wrote as follows iu Tho American: "It is snfo to say that with tho exception of tho great Bostouiau organization founded by Col Higguison, no body of umsi- clans in this country which devotes itself to symphony has exoolled tho Minneapolis society. But for local pritlol might be tempted to add nono has equaled it." Tho following nro some of tho ex pressions elicited from other leading critics nnd musical authorities, and iudicnto that tho enthusiasm of tbo gioat nudienoo which listened to the concert wus fully justified: The achievement of these musi oians from Minneapolis has been simp lj astounding.' Alfred Hertz, Met ropolitan Opera Houso Conductor. "Au orohnstral perfoimaticeof the first quality," Irving Weil, Journal. "A very able conductor nnd well trained musicians, worth hearing iu n y place and at any time." Sylvester Rawllng, Evening World. "Only tho very best organiz itions ttfford as much pleasure, and thoy not nlwuys," Henry E Krohbiel, Tribune. "Many mhtiod their eyes and cars and could scarcely believe that this northwestern city had so serious nnd spirited a symphony orcbtstra." Ed mud Zioglor, Herald, "The Minneapolis orchestra contains good material. Especially rich mid solid were the lower strings." Globe, "A mau capable of holding his own among tho best conductors iu Amerioa, and a body of players worthy of bis bntou." MhZ 2 Smith, Press. " Wr Oberhoffer is n conductor of ubilitv 'und nuthoiity, u musiciiiu of sympa thy and understanding." Richard Al diioh, Times. "Without doubt Emil Oberhoffer, the nominator, deserves tho highest encouragement for what he hns accomplished." The Sun. SCHOOL NOTES. Emma Schmidt has been nbsout on account of sickness. The vurioiiH looms nro planning pic nics for tho last Friday of school. Miss Uogan, ouo of tho Hubbard teachers, visited tho various depart ments Tuesday. Quite a number of eighth graders from nearby schools took the state ex aminations lust Thursday and Friday. Tho Homer high school ball team wns up Friday tud pluycd a return game with our high school team. Ray Heikes, for Dukotu City, pitched ii no bit garao nnd stuck out 20 op posing bntsmeu The scoru was 8 to. 0 in favor of Dakota City. Homer ruu iu three scores iu the lust inning, but these scores were made iu viola tion of tho rules of tho gamo and can not bo counted. Wo expect to play u third gumo nt Homer soon. ' The pupils of the high school were roynlly enteitiiiiieil Friday evening at the homo of Ray Heikes, the occajiou being his birthday. The graduating exercises will be held Thursday oveuiug, May 22ud, at the M E church. The usual' admis sion of 25a will bo cliM'ged . Following Is tho tunitrnni to Imi kIvuiii Glass Mnrch Kstlier Itoss Invocation Iluv. S. h. Kollur Instrumental Solo l'rof. (Jail Hclirluvi-r Oration ."Tim Panama Uimnl" Olndys Hurt i tutu Orr Oration. ."I'roKii'iMlvo Ideals In Mducatlou" Marie A lllunnan, Mnlo Quartet Belocteil Oration "The Undiscovered Houtli" Alnntnrot M. Melmlir Vocal Solo Holcotcd Kathleen NelswuiiKor Oration "Woiimn'b Hultrnuo" Hnriili Mark) Iloss Oration nnd Valedictory.. "Htupplnp Stones' Sarali Helen Graham Presentation of Idtdomas H. 10. Kviiiir Male Quartet Selected Ileuudlctlon Kuv. JoliiiUrows Baccalaureate siiriiioii by ltev. J. Oiowm at tho .M. 11. chinch Kiinday evontiiK, May IS, nt a o'clock. - Base Ball. Dakota City won ouo and last ono gumo tho past week. The high school team defeated the Homer high school on tho local grounds last Friday after noon by i! score of 8 to 3, Heikes for tho locels held tho tisitur.i hitless throughout tho game, but errors iu the lust liulf of tho ninth guve Homer three runs. Tho Teddy lieurs throw nwuy u good gumo Sunday by presenting tho Mooro Clothing company team of Sioux City with five runs in tho sixth and eigtb innings, by bunching errors. Rood, for Dakota City, struck out ten mon, guvo five buses ou bulls and beaued two batters; while Corcoiau struck out 'fivo Teddy Heals und gave six bases on bulls. The visitors pull ed off u triple play when they uuiled McAllister's lly nud caught tho Luhrs bovs off first und third. Scoro by in- niugs: Teddy Hours... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 04 Mooro Co 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 05 Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomuch muy bo avoided by tho use oi Uliumlierliia'Hi Stomach und Livor Tablets. Many very romnrkuble cures huvo boon ef fected by these tablets. Sold by ull dealors, Adv. Notice Itesidonts und property owners iu Dakota Oity are hereby notified to clean up iu mid around their promises, ull rubbish, eto, by Muy 20, 1019, othorwiso the city murshul will bu ordered to do so ut tbo expense of the property ownor. Uy order of tho Yilliugo Uourd of Dukotu Oity, Neb, XXOMEU. Mabel Clapp hns suoooeded Mrs G in lien ns uooKKOopcr in mo notnor Stato bank. Mrs Best has taken u po sition as bookkeeper with the Ilnloj & Lang Co iu Sioux City, Henry Loomis is on a visit with friends in central Iown. A 12-pound girl was born to Dqwnin Loomis and wifo Inst Snturdny, Tho Homer Cubs sufforod defeat Suudny nftornoon from tho Palmer Chocolates of Sioux City, score, 2 to 1. G F Broyhill nud sister, Mrs M M Ream of Sioux City, und Miss May Ilroyhill, were Sunday visitors iu this vicinity. Miss Mnttio McKinloy, of South Sioux Oity, spent Snturdny nud Sun day with friends nnd relatives in Ho mer. Miss Mnbel Clnpp spoilt Sunday iu Sioux City with friouds, Miss Ruby Vnu do Zoddo, of Dnkotn City, spent sovernl days in Homer last week visiting Mrs Fred Oohander. Mrs Thomas Ashford wns n passou ger to Sioux Oity Monday evening. Mrs Fred Oohander, Mrs Jim King and Mrs Ed Wison wore passengers to Sioux City Tuesday, via tho automo bile. A crowd of Lutheran church young folks, twenty-one iu all, went to lily burg on n flower excursion Inst Sun day, Thoy started from Homer about 0:30 o'clock and drove to Blyburg lake where they roasted Jwoiuies r nnd uto dinner, then drove baok to tho bills where they gathered spring ilowors and fcius, thou returned homo, all enjoy ing n jolly goad time. Tho graduating exorcises oi tho Ho mer high school will bo held iu tho M E church, Friday evening, Muy 23, 1013. FrauciB Sawyer and Helen M Clayton will recoivo diplomas, Tho following program will bo given: Processional Gertrude QucKlaiid Invocation Rev Keckler Salutatory Ethel OUjton Oratiou World's Mysteries Francis Sawyer. Musio Selootcd Male Quartette. Rending An Inspiration Mjbs Paulino Gale. Instrumental Duet. . Child's Symphony 1' ranees Sawyer unit Ethel Clayton Oration. ... Prophecies itud Inventions ' Ethel Clayton. Reading Selected Dr. Nina Smith. Valedictory FrnnoeB Sawyor Presentation of Diplomas J. II. Rockwell Musio Selected Male Quartette. Beuodiction Rev. Soreusen Baccalaureate sermon by Rev J Sor eusen at tho M E church, Suudny ov ning. May 18, 1913, nt 8 o'clock. For Sense A quantity of 11 ax seed. Enquire nt The Herald ollloo. SOUTH SIOUX CITY from tho Hvcord Rev J Ii Phillips is spending tbo weok at Omaha ou business. Cliff Priest is looking over the tou with n viow of starting a barber shop, D B Graves lino tiled his petition asking to start a saloon iu tho second ward. Miss Mary Mouahau bns completed her ear's woik nt Ilubbar.l us a rural teacher and is ut home for tho sum mer, i Twolvo Indies o the local Robnkuh lodgo attended the district meeting of that order at Emerson, Monday. The next year's mooting will bo held lu South Sioux Oity. Oscar Imlny, a half-brothor of U G Castor, died at Yankton, Tuesday oveuiug. The funeral was held today from Weslcotl's undertaking parlors and interment was made at Dakota City. Nick Maher left Wednesday for Valontinu. in company with M L Dil ley. Mr Maher will stop nt Norfolk to vist liis son on his wny home. Tho A A Irwin estate is being probated' ut Yulontiue, where she had a claim. Hull Mluckoter had tho misfortune Saturday to dislocato his shoulder. Whilo ut work in u Sioux City whole sale grocery house ho fell and received his hurt, Mr Blacketer is up and around but unable to do any work. Coming just lis it did when the garden plot needed all of his epnro time, Mr Mlacketer is not enjoying bis enforced vacation. Lost Ouo brown bay ruuro, Mmr old, white face, two hind feet while, Fiuder will be rewardeil by nolifyiug J M Huny, Juolcsoti, Nebr. Health u Factor in Success. The lurgoNt factor contributing to a man's success is undoubtedly lutalth It has bootl observed that a man in seldom side when his bowels are regu lar hit is never wU vln-it th.-y are coribtiputcd. For cnimtipntinn ou will Und nothing quite so g"i l uh Ohumhorluiu's Stomach and Liv.r Tubluts. Thoy not only move (he bowels but improve tho uppetito nud streuutheu tho digestion. They are for sale by ull dealers. Adv. CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Iter. J.UruwN. J'antor. BorvlccB ut tlit) Mi'tlioilUt Kpltcopnl oluireli every Sunday us fellow hi l'rt'Ui'ti- IriK ut 11 u in; Holiday ftdinnlut lUu in; l'Iiihh muntliiK 12 m; Knwnrtli Lvuuiiii 0::m p in! tiouc!liliiu 7;mi p in. rniyciiiiei'tliiK Thtlik day wvuiiIiikh at 7:!ii LUTHERAN. Itev.H. I.. Keller. I'nstor. Dakota any Sunday school every Sunday ut imr.u in; Mlm llliinclm i I it mil ton, silijurliitrncleiit. pruitcliliiK ut 7;wn m. every Hiiuday, HAL KM I'reuohttiK every Sunday ut 11 a in: Sun riuv Kilinol tirmnntly at 111 a in. F. I. dill. I liertHou, Hiiptirlntt'iiilont. Tim piililloucortliuiiy invited to an these sorvlcuH Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, & mercury will eumy umroy trie one or Iran anil completely drraiiKo tlio wtiolo system Mlirn Hitcrliur It throuKli the mucous urtuc. Such articles ilioulil nevtr li used ecent on prrarrlp tloiin from rrputatilo phyilcl&ns, an tho daiiiaue thry will do u ten old to tho kixmI you can iKiMlhly de rive from tlicm. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ii Co.. Tolido, O.. contains no mer cury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly Un tho blood and inurous surfaces of tho jfllein, lu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure )OU get tna genuine. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by r J. Cheney A Co. THthnonlals free. will currly Sold by Druggists, rrice. 76c jer uoiue. Take Hall's 1'amlly Tilts lor constipation. Tho Ilorald for Nows wbon it is News STNSOISS Specials for Saturday, May 17 For this D&y Only A 15c pkg of Spring Clothes Pins 10c 3 lbs Nice Prunes for , , . ,25c A 2-lb Can of Apples for . . , , 10c A 15c Glass of Mustard for 12c A 20c can of Red Alaska Salmon for 15c 1 lb of Coffee for 23c Cream and Brick Cheese, per pound 20c A 25c can of Asparagus for 15c G pkgs Argo Starch for '. 25c Another shipment of Ladies Waists from New York just arrived the best for the money you ever saw. Prices from 60c to $1.25 Ladies Aprons 25c each Stinson's DeUkote. City Real Estate, Insurance, Loans Convey ancing Long years of experience has taught the "KNOW-HOW necessary for complete satisfaction. I succeeded to the business of Ed. T. Kearney, and have all the GOOD Insurance and Loan Companies for merly held by him. Am a Notary Public prepared to draw all Conveyances, Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and draw them RIGHT. Have a fine list of lands for sale, and always jn the mnrket to buy or sell. Tell or write me your needs and will care for them promptly and well. H. F. McKecver, it." Hartford, Continental, Phoenix, Columbia, St. Paul ALL the good old Insurance Companies. Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Thursday, May 29, Auditorium, Sioux City )tw-& t jJK is a moral dynamo a mutnizino devoted ex VU clusively to tho -whole boy a magazine Hint imbuoB tbo boy with high morals, honor and mnnlincstj. COO.000 boya aro now enthusiastic: readers vry month. The Aflnerieaia Boy contains t torle nf tho thins boys HVe to read nbirat adven ture, travel, history, iihntoirrnphy. tnim, electricity, car. 2 rT i 1 U Si poiiti j, sports, current event", And a dennrtment devoted to which I'rncul 'I liompson Selon, Illustrated page each month. boys In ull the world. CIvo It to your boy I The Amorionn Hoy, The Herald, 1 year Farm Lands Attractive The assurance of good prices for all kinds of farm products is stimulating investu'ont in land. Successful Dry Farming is the title of a new Burlington --- lionet just from the press. It tells what farmers are raising on the lands that can be bought cheap in Colorado. Send for a copy. It is free. Government Irrigated Homesteads in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, are described in another new booklet that is yours for the asking. Personally Conducted Homeseekers Excursions 1st and 3rd lues days. Ask about these Excursions. L). Clum MM "Che Hersvld w. Ncbrasket. TkMmmfksr eti., nil beautifully Illustrated, the Hoy Hconts ot America. n Chief Scout, contributes nn It is tho best magazino for $1 for a whoto year. 1 yr, sl.OO Uolh for for, fl.MM $1.05 Doavor, Immigration Agent OMAHA, NEBRASKA for All Vfe Whn I IB Nw