7 A J v. The Cash Grocery Store Will be opened for business Saturday, May the 10th, with a complete stock of first-class Groceries. Will Meet all Competition quality of goods considered. We are now ready for bussness and would be pleased to receive a share of your grocery trade. ....Highest Price Paid for Produce.... W. L. Make Money a? a Merchant Would you like to have us "set you up" in business? We can and will furthermore it will not cost you a penny. With out capital and through sales manship we can start you in business for yourself. We are establishing represent atives in every city, town and village to handle our full line of Vacuum sweepers. They are, we believe the best and cheapest hand power vacuum sweepers in the world. Let us show you how our splendid organization transforms your "push" and application 'into dollars and cents, unusual proposition made to General Agent. General Appliance Factory, Inc. 1360-68 Muin St., Marinette, - Wisconsin ANTI-ROUP Roup In Poultry Can be Prevented and Cured After yenrs A nti.Rmin 1"" Pvon of trial nil II" n Oil p ltsvnluo 25c Package. 5 Packages $1.00 In Tablet Form. ANTI-ROUP not only provonts, but omen Konp in lluby OhluVt mill older Fowls, A Sure Cure or Money Back With oory $1 oulor will bo given Kreo iiforinuluforKoort I.leo Kxtorinlnntoi LEROY SPECIALTY CO. PHILADELPHIA PA. AGENTS WANTED. Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure child ren from wjtting the bed, be cause it is not a habit, but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., of Chicago, Illinois, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will send a 51) cent package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the Herald. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. Rowan Drue Co. The C. H. are an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H. Rowan Drug Co. Dept. A. 4S2. Chicago, 111. The Finest Illustrated ' Sporting Weekly in the World The Police Gazette All the sporting news, pictures of famous athletes, fine half-tone portraits of charming actresses in stage costume and a great Supplement with every copy Sent to any address for one year for $4; 13 weeks $1. RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, New York. Send for the catalogue of the Fox Athletic Library it's free. The Herald, $1 per Ross Local Items For Sule Cottonwood 'utnbor, $20 por tlioUHiiml. Thos Ourriin. .1 nd g 11 It E Evhdh wont to Pender, Wi"iliH'B(1ny. on legal business. Don't forgot Breuns coffoo, it in ntill in tl'o lend. Vfiu soils it. Houho nmi lot to rent, $5.00 month. Ad dross Lizzie Youtor, Dukotn City, Nub. Ex-County TrenBuror Froil Blumo, of Emorson, transacted business hero Saturday. Miss Mary Doloughory unil sister, of Jackson, wore business visitors in town Monthly . ' Tho Dakota City "Toddy Roars" lost ii h.ml fought giuuo ut Serguuut Bluff, In, Sunday, 4 to 2. Prof O E Simpson went to South Sioux City, Monday, for a weeks visit ut the Ed Drain home, Charles Kulp. of Sions City, and Misa Ethel Suffer, of Omaha, wore married by Justico J P Itonkwoll last Friday. o have a bettor stock of Hardware eto, than wo ever had, and you will find our prices right. We also handle all kinds of gurdou tools. Sohriever Bros. Lost On the streets of Dakota City Tuesday evening, a pair of glasses with gold frotne. Finder will please return samo to the Horuld office and get reward. Charles L Culler, a former priuci pill of our schools, has been re-elected to the muuual trainfug department of the schools at Haitiugtou, whioh posi tion ho held last year. In remitting for tlio Horald Cutis Paulsen writes us from Huron, S D that everything is looking lino up thoro now. Ho has loused a faim near Hu lon and is busy tilling the soil. Mrs Sarah Dnoschl, of Maploton, In, stopped off horo lust Thursday for ,a visit with her mother, Mrs M F Adair, vUiilo etirouto to Ilnrtingtou, Neb, where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs OL Culler. "Unclo" Geo T Woods has tho honor of paying the first subscription on tho now Methodist parsonage. You can gamble that when "Unclo Uoorgo" subscribes to pay anything, ho pays it right then and there. 'Mother's Day will bo appropriately obcervod nest Sunday morning, May ltth, at tho usual hour of sorvico, 11 o'clook a in, at tho M E churoh. All aio cordially invited to attend and to .voar a flowor in memory of your moth er. J Crows, paetor. George Stono, ox-ohampion battor of the American league, and a foimor member of the St Louis Browns, will this year manago tho ball team ut his home town, Coleridgo, Nob, at a sala ry of $100 a mouth. Quito a drop from $5,000 a season with St Louis. W L Ross this week put in a bran uew stook of grooerios iu his building recently vocated by tho Dakota City Pharraary. Mr Ross has adopted the cash system in bis business, and with an up to date stook such as he lnis put in will surely moot tho wants of his patrons, Tho following letters remain un claimed in the postoflico at Dakota, Nob, for tho mouth ending April 30, 1913: Albeit Oarr, Sr Amado Her nandez, MiBS Sophia Shomaker, Mrs Nettie Landemessor. Purties oulling for sumo ploiiBO say "advertised ." John II Roam, Postmaster. Thos Dobion, for several yours a resident of this place, whore ho ope rated tho City hotol, died Monduy at his homo iu South Sioux City, of diabetes, at the ago of -1G yeara, Tho funorul was held Tuesday afternoon ut the Catholic church iu South Sioux City, Rev Fr Schleir oflloiutiug. In terment wus iu Mt Oalvory cometory, Sioux City. Ho was a member of the M B A lodge of this place, lu wbiuh ho onrrh'd $2,000 life insurance. A num ber of the members from hero attend ed tho funoral horvices and acted us pull bearers. On Wednesday, May 11th, II J Grumlich, of Linooln, will bo horo to speak at tho courthouse, and to meet till thoso iutorested in u Farmers' Short Course, for Dakota sounty. A short courso of four duyo insteud of t wo.s Fourduyaof instruction in corn and grain, livo stook judging and domestio saience. There is only u liinitod num ber of those courses to bo given through out the state, and wo must dooide now whether wo want ouo or not. All tho ollloera of tho Farmers' Institute, as well as tho farmors and buBinoss men of tho county should turn out ami hoar Mr Gramlich, who is assistant suporiutonduut of agricultural exten sion of tho univoreity at Linooln, and has direct chargo of farmors' institutes and short courses, Tho Horald 1 year, $1. Uco W MaBouth was at Pouoa on business, Thursday, House to rout. Inquiro of Dr D O Stineon, Dakota City, Nob. Buy a good farm on tho Dakota ounty bottom. I huvo it, Eimors. Mrs Lucy A Burger has gouo to Phillipsbnrp, Kim, for a visit with rol "ntivos. V Mrs A 11 Rioh visited frietids at Wakefield, Neb, from Saturday uutil Monday, Mrs Byron Buohaunan visited iu Judkson, Wednesday, at tho O E Johnson homo. Chits Suiidt, who is serving on tho federal jury at Omaha, was homo from Thursday uutil Mouday. Mrs Archie Coughtry ami children visited at the Will Mason homo in South Sioux City, Thursday, Goorgo H Iluaso, wife and baby, were down from Emorson Sunday, guests of Mr H huso's pi runts. Win L WolfevliRs disposed of his in terest in the Dixou Journal, and will devote his entlro time to school work, Miss Lelia W Thomas, assistant principal of our schools, has accepted a positiou as teuoher at Contorville, SD. Rov Jool A Smith, who recently oond lifted a serios of revival meetings nt Ponder, is now holding meetings at Lyons. A ball gamo is scheduled far Sun day betweon tho "Teddy Bears" and a Sioux City amateur team on tho home grounds. Woods M Hileman left Mouday for his homo at Julosburg, Colo, after a short visit hero iu looking after his laud interests . Mrs Louis Larsou atteuded a dis trict meeting of tho Robekah order at Emerson, Mouday, as a delegato from the local lodge. Mrs Margaret Barues and two youngest children came ovor from Lawton, Iu, Wednosduy, for u visit ut the Grandma Hileman home. , Geo W Sheiblev returned lust wook from his claim noar Douglas, N D, and is agoin on duty at tho govoru mout rivor work at Sioux City. During tho high wator in tho swamp last woek, somo ynntig wolves wore drowned out and were captured on tho graded road that orosses tho swamp. Chris Ohristopherson was down from Emorson, Sunday, and took homo a batoh of Black Lungshau eggs for hatching purposes, getting them from Herman Beoruitui. W O Mitchell has loused tho A II Baker rosidonco and will move his family therein Monday. Mr Baker is mukiug his home with his daughter, Mrs S A Mason, on tho farm. Tho roads have been bettor this spring, notwithstanding tho excessive rains, than they havo boon for voars, and all for tho reason that the drag has been used frequently and nt tho pioper time. E O Prosoott, of Sioux City, Iuib as sumed tho muuitgouienl of tho Fields & Slaughter elevator in this place, iucoeoding Theo E Blivon, who re signed tho management to locuto in California again . Miss Jonuie Touaut, for three yenrs a toucher in tho sohools ut Gordon, Neb, bus Leon hired as teacher in tho 11 (tli and sixth grudes in our schools. Her piesert homo is Grand Island, Noli. Her patents formeily resided in this county . Mrs Mary R McBouth goes to Ho mer tho last of tho wook to look after tho household of her daughter, Mrs G M Host, tlio latter having accepted a position as bookkoopor with a Sioux City Urm, and outers upon hor duties next Monday. A M Edlutn and Muttie M Miller, both of Sioux City, wore united in marriago liibt Friday by JiiBtico J P Rockwell, iib wore G F Suvago and Hollo Ronish, of James, la, and Guy A Dickenson aud Sylviii E Nelson, of Sioux City. Tho schools at South Sioux Sioux City reopened Monday aftor being closed u wook on tho order of the city health ofilcor, Dr L Dovore, for fear of an epidemic of spinal meningitis. Only death ooourod from the disease, and anothor euso is it ported iib re ooveiing. At a meeting of the town board here last Thursday evening a saloon license was granted to Henry Krumwiodo, tho ouly applicant. Tho uowly elected board was organized hy electing Henry Luhrs chairman and S T Frnm, el or It. JamoB Fnestou was appointed us mar shal aud street commissioner, A T Hiisio, treasurer. Subscriptions to The Iowa Home stead aro taken at this olllco, iu con nection with Tho Herald, ut tho rate of $1 25 per year for both publications. Our soleotiou of.Tho Iowa Homestead, as u farm paper with which to club, was mado with the beliof Mint it rep resents the interests of tho farmer bet ter than auy other. It is -practical and up to dato. Tho coutract for building tho now M E parsonage in this pluco has been lot to Coutrootor W C Mitchell, who begins work this wook. Tho contract calls for tho construction of tho build ing iu sixty days. Tho estimated cost of tho building is about $2,000. Tho work for putting iu a well on the building site wus lot to "Deak" Foltz, aud lie lias it about completed. Tho Nebraska Experiment Station has recently issued Bulletin 135, leiug a report of tho North Platto Hubstu tion on "Growiug Crops in Western Nobraska." This bullotin gives tho results iu oiop production at tho North Platto Substation from its establish ment in 1001 to tho present yonr, to gether with chaits and maps showing the climatic conditio) s in westoru No braska, This bullotin will bo sout froo to residents of Nobraska on appli cation to Doan E A Burnett, Lincoln, Nebraska. Rheumatism Quickly Cured, "My sistor's husband had an uttaok of rheumatism in his arm," writes a woll known resident of Newton, Iu. "I gavo him a bottlo of Chamberlain's Liuimont which ho appliocl to his urm and en tho uoxt morning tho rhoumu tism was gone." For chronic muscu lar rhoumatism you will find nothing bettor than Ohamborl2in'u Liniment. Bold by ull doalers, Adv, $ HIGH SCHOOL NOTES $ liot.u. or lioNoii. Klrnt Primary Ucftirtuuiut. Knrollinniit No. cose tanllnesi. Samuel Utlnsoti, 4 NnvnAltcmu. X . 4.1 IS Maurice Nolmejor, 8 inriicy joiie, Kdwnnl l.ntittlirry, Henry Ileum, l'eurl rowvll.S Waller Seymour, A Mild led Kieileilck,n Adeline llltvcn,6 Itnlpli ferry, Teddy (iriiltnm, H Snuiuel Jonm.n Kei notti Wnldcn, Join, l'lruy.8 Donnlil IiLlinili. Idiwreneo Hall. (loralil Wilcox, S KdiMint Uoolcy. 4 Ml Idled Ileum,!! GlmlJ-s Hall, X Wilfred Henm. 2 Nellie TrltfKt, 7 (VCll I.PlHllllll.il Kniest (lele, 7 Viola Kuestoii.7 Arthui Seymour. 4 OliunMcMemioUiH Kenneth l.otlirop, 2 Hndlo Sinclair, Toucher Second l'rlmary Department. Kiirollinent No. cases tardiness, Attn Antrim, 6 Kdltli lliill,4 Helen Hansen, 6 Kdlth l'eny Ulnndo I'erry.H John Suiiford,7 Homer (Irnvos, ll Floyd Van Horn. 4 Dorothy Harnett. Isauo Uooley, 2 liOttlo Jllloman, S KUIti Taiic iik. ' l.ydla l.eedoin, 4 Kmiiin Schmidt,? ,. ..H.1 12 Alum llliinelie i:vnn7 Homer lltimon.n Melon Kniuie-er, o Klsln Krninlode,7 Raymond Quintal, 8 Helen Simdt,4 Helen Vnldou,6 Harold Antrim. 4 DoiM llnrnett.a Thmiin HoMird,7 Jnmi-s (Irahum.fi Heiuy Krinulede, 4 (lljdo l'nriy.2 Kveiett I.utlirop. nna Snjilor, Teacher. liitoriiicdlate IH'pnrttnont. Kiirollinent ... . No, eiiM'i of tuidluess.. ,, ..4(1 . 8 I.eono Schmidt, (1 Harold Ansm-8,7 (Johlle K rod ml ok, Kmll Ansiies,7 Ilnlpli OiiilmnipH Marie illew, 7 Anna Kvaus. (1 Wilfred Klnklo, f Haioltl Lotlirop, Gerald Hall, Axel quintal, fl Jiniiei Kiauiper, 2 'riioodoie Frederick, Gladys llleinmn, 7 Mnriturel Slierman, lixoph Kiamper. 2 Kdvard Antiiet, 8 Kreeiuiin quntiil, llluiiclin HUen,(l 1,1111" Kniinwiede, 4 Miuel M Siitlicrhiiid.Teaclior. Graiiiiner Depnitinent. Knrolliiiciit 18 No, cases tuidlness 12 Raymond Heiun.H (lliuU Arinbrlulit, 6 Klvlru Snjder HiiituiiaNulsnaiiKorS Dewey llelkes.8 Helen llurnett. Ulmrles sclimldt, 4 Stott Nvlswnnirpr, 2 (Iooiku lleuiniau.4 Ida Sehinldt. Loretta McKonua.Tuiclior. HlKli School. Kiirollinent IV No. cases of tardiness V Gladys Orr, 4 Morwiret Nlolmhr, 0 Ka Gruliam, G Hub) limikliin, Kluth Kviiiii, B I.eonii llelkes, ft Mario ltosss.il Maile lleermiin,7 Hoy Hdki,H llov (litiham. 4 Hudolph Ltschke, 5 Helen llucimati, Helen Graliam, 7 Marmuet Sclirhner.ft Frank Glete, 8 Daisy Knepper, 6 ,111111 Mason, I I,od llrldenbaiiKh.U I.ellaTlioinni, Axs't 1'iln. Thu numliur after each pupil's name Indi cates the number of months the pupil has attended school without belmr absent or tiudy. The hlKhesl posslblu number this month Is 8. A. I!. Rich, 1'iln. The hlKli school base bull team expects to play u uoiiiu with the Homer hlKh school tenia here Friday afler school. Tim seldom have their oivitlons prop.ircd (mil are busy committing them, A numbor of tho high school pupils will take the stato examination lu unotliei week. Tho lust elKhth Knulo exaiiiliiutlou Is be lux held this Thursday and Kilday. Three examinations aro held. Kach pupil Is un titled to twotilnlB. Tho KniduallliK exeicNes will bo hold Thursday evening, May 2ind. Thu class consists of live itlils. A pni ty was Klvon nt thu home of Kvu and Helen Griihnm FrlduyeenliiKlu honor of their cousin, Hoy Graham, w hols soon to dupui t for thu west. with his patents. Helen Grnhnm Is to 1ki Miledlctorliin of the KinduutliiK class, she lnivliiK seemed thoblubest Kiudus for thu yenr. Class of Five to Graduate. The graduating exercises of the Da kota City high school will bo held iu the M E church Thursday evening, May 22, 1913, when tho following class of oung ladies will leceivu diplo mas: GliulysGortiude on. Marie A. lliei limn. MniKaiutM.NIcbuhr. Sarah Maile Hoss. Sin ah Helen Graham. Following Is thopruitrniu to 1"' Klven: aiiissMarch KsthcrHoss Invocation ltuv h Ij Kellor Iustruuiuutal Solo 1'iof Oail Sclnluor Oratlqn Thu I'liuauiaUanal GlodyaGertiudnOir Oiatlon. l'ioKiessle Ideals In Kdiicatlou Maile A lllui'inau, Male duartet Selected Oration The Undiscovered South MniKiirut M. Niebuhr Vocal Solo Selected Oration Woman's SulIraKO Sarah Maile Rons Oration and Valedictory . .Stopplin? Stones Sai nil Helen Giuliani Presentation of Diplomas It. K. Kvans MuloQuaitut Selected llonedlctlon llov. J. drown Ilaccnlaureiito seiinoii by Iluv.J. Oiews ut the M.r. chinch, Sunday onuiiIiim, May IS, at 8 o'clock. Livery Barn Goes Up in Smoke. The livery barn of OhaB D Hall in this pluco was lotully destroyed by firolast Friday night, entailing a loss of about $2,000, whioh wus fully cov orod by insurunco. Tho flro started in the haymow at about 9 o'clock. Mr Hall, t tho pro prietor, urns putting down some hay for a truiisienttoam that just drove iu, and lu somo manner the lantern whioh ho was using wus ovurturued. Tho oil nmi tiro from tho lantern iiuioUh spread in tho ha aud iu lebs time tliau it takt'H to tell it tho burn was a mass of ihimes. Fifteen heud of horses thut were iu tho barn were quickly removed, also all buggies, harness, eti. The volunteer firemen turned their attention to the surrounding buildings, whioh ut limes wero almost covered with burning ombeis. Tho hoavo ruin during thu day uiul u liberal supply of wuter prevented the spreading of tho firo. Mr Hall curried $1,001) iusuruuco on tho building aud $000 on hay and gram. As hoou us tho less ih adjusted air Hull states that ho will begin tlio erection of a new bain of moio mod ern construction probably of comont. For Sale. Keed's Yellow Dont seed corn, bond piokod before frost. Thos Graham, Health a Factor in 'Success. Tho largost factor contributing to a man's success is undoubtedly health, It has boon observed thut u man is seldom sick when his bowols nro regu lar ho is novor woll when thoy nro constipated. For constiputiou yon will find nothing quite so good us Chamborlaiu's Stomach and Livor Tablets. Thoy not only move tho bowols but improve tho appetite and Btrouethcn tho digestion, Thoy uro for eulo by ull dealers, Adv, Extraordinary Offer Farmer and Breeder I year $1,00 Dakota County Herald " $1.00 Both Papers 1 year for only- $1,00 Fanner mid Uuedor is a weekly farm und livo stock magazine tdlted and published by farmers for furmorn. It is a journal yon want to know. It is ably edited and strong iu subject matter. What you want to know is re lated iu language ou (vin easily un derstand. It makes no diffeieneo how many farm papers you may bo rooeiv ing ion need Farmer aud Breeder to help you in tho livo stock bratioh of your business. Tuku udvuntngo of tho extremely liberal offer above and also direct tho attention of your uoighbors to thin special bargain. Papers sent to (lif- lercut ail dresses if desired. For Sck.le A quantity of tlax seed. Enquire at The Herald eilioe. Cure for Stomach Disorders. Disorders of the stomuoh may bo avoided by tho use of Olmmberliiiii's Stomach und Livor Tablets. ftluny very remarkable cures have been ef fected by these tablets, Hold by all dealers, Adv. Lost Olio brown bay mare, year old, white face, two hind feet white. Fiuder will bo rewarded by notifying J M Harry, Jaokson, Nobr. Most Prompt a'nd Effectual Cute for Bad Colds, When you huvo a bud cold you want a romedy that will not only give ie lief, but effeat a prompt and permit; nent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nolli ing injurious Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy meets all these requirements. It sets on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids ixpectoratiou, opens tho secretions aud restoies tho system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sulo aud use, and can al was be depeuded upon. Hold by all dealets Adv. HcClRAW WRITES A BOOK John.. McGiaw. maniiKor of the (.Hunts who Is conceded to bo a past mastur of thu tramu of baseball, has written a book lu which he suts foi th ills views on thu kiiiuu, and tcll3 how ho thinks Hie dllTeient post tlons ouKht to bo played. His chapter de voted to pltchlnit Is Illuminated with pic tures from photoKriiphs show-lnii the exact milliner of holdlntr the bull for the dllTeient cures. The liook contains besides, all of thoolllclnl rules forllDi:), ns well us thu sche dules of both the National ami Ameilcnii 1Oukucs, and lnvaluiililu statistics on Hie championship smles of former yeais, liutt liut averages, etc. It Is culled "DASH 11 A Mi, HOW TO IMjAY TH P. GAMK".and tslsstied by tlio Itlchard K. Kox l'libllihliur Ooiupa ny, Now York Olty. It will bu mailed to any address for seven '.'cent stamps. Notice Residents and propel ty owners in Dakota City nro hoieby notified to clean up iu and around their premises, all rubbish, etc, by May 20, 1913, otherwise the city marshal will ho ordered to do so at tho exponsu of the property owner. By order of tho Villiago Hoard of Dakota Oitv, Neb CHURCH NEWS METHODIST. Uev.J.Orews, Pastor. Services at the Methodist Hplscopal chinch ovory Sunday as follows: 1'ieiicli Iiik at 11 a in: Sunday school at lliu in; class meelluu 12 in: Hpworth heiiuue il::m n in! pieachlnKT::in p ui- 1'nijeinieetliiK Thins day ovvuliiKb at 7:a) LUTHERAN ltuv.S. h. Keller. Vaster. DAKOTA OITV Sunday school uery Sunday at (1:15a in; Miss llliinelie lliiinllton, superintendent. pieachliiR at 7:il(p in. every Sunday. BAI.KM 1'ieachliiK OM'ry Sunday at 11 a m; Sun day school piomptly at IU a in. K. I'.Uul bortson, superintendent. The puhllcls cordially invited to all these services PREVENTION VVlitfo Diarrhoea (Wu k) Prevonu'd und Cured After years of ex pel linen tn wu hni (lis coveted a suiu cum or money back, 25c Package, 6 Packages $1 00 l'icentloii is not a cure-nil. It only piovonts and ernes White Dlarihoea In baby chicks and Oholei a In older fowls. One ounce of pmuutlon Is worth tons, of cure. Iu tablet form. PREVENTION CO. Box 1127. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J, AQCNTB WANTID fht Genulno DOMESTIC A MONTH mod) nuln ltotni uutn of All wlnc u it contlnuillx wbtl Faylnff 2 m month and en on very ncUI nrlea direct to roi or from our rrt rncr( A tnnlflcct mhtn , luiModoua tSr. I We Will Take Yonr Old Machine UraSrS Julewna on a rlndld iw c. AM you cn atiil uke d vuitUo fpecUlprira and ctry DOMESTIC The perfect tevlng machine that has always ted all other maki'g anil U today better than ever. Two ntachlnee In onelock etltch and chain etltch. Htraitiht ilrop h(t, Mh arm, ball luitig A compUt Mt of tUrr.mnU- trr onprriiral,u.t mad for vrr-dr u. T) MonBiieb t rv1atlor nf modern wlnir marhln prfirr find ut tifcul IL SCNO FOR BOOK. FREE, The Truth A Unit hewirifl Uarhlnei," ttlinir yu how ou ran tiav lh (lfit wjnir rnrh- wiamaa It HpwrUl aw lYko '! t C INI.r IZimimin i4n why wa pll fliract hra wahavnoavnt and viva you a 26 YkAK UAICANI r K, t,nt tna facta baiora jrou liur any inarM&a, (tua rm IJtaraturawill lava ou monav Hnd fur it NOW. ifBitttm ttwug MiikuiiC 41 Jaikuiif4Dift, H Ckiitia. Mr Mary K. Mclicath. Aiiit R R Time Table C , St. P., M & O. Trains luuvo Dukotn City ut thu fol lowing timo: WOUTll iiou.nu HorjTH uonND 0 :'2(i pm Onitihi. 7 :&8 nni 10:10 am Omiihu jl !10 pw t3 :38 pni Norfolk t8 ::i!l um t'J:a7 nni Norfolk t6:18 pm 7:Sraui....NowunHtlu... .10:10 ira 2-00 pm " .... ;50 jim didly oxcopt Suudiiy. t do not utop HUNDAY T11A1NB 12:13 pin Omaha 2:30 urn 3:88pm...... Norfolk 8:33 am 0:37 am Norfolk 5:13 pm C B& Q OUTH No. 91 Local FroiRht' 7 :1C am 17 " PasBonger. ,12:57 pm N011T11 No. 92 Local FroiRht 2 :2& pm 10 Looal ras8ongor..G:00 pm t dally, daily oxoopt Sunday. Tho Horald for New a when it 1b Nowb jrNow $4 " r ti STINS0N'S Specials for Saturday, May 10 For this. Day Only. Maple Syrup, per can 20c 4 lbs Texas Dry Onions 25c 25c pkgc Oats 20c 3 pkys Corn Flakes 25c 2 cans Standard Corn 15c 3 Cans mustard sardines 25c 3 lbs nice Prunes 25c 3 doz. Clothes Pins 5c 100 lbs Sugar $5.00 0 5-cent Tablets 25c Come in and get your measure taken for that new suit of clothes 400 samples to select from. We guarantee fit and price. & & & See our new Straw Hats also our new line of Hansen's Gloves. 3F 3f Sg' Stinson's Da.k.oia. Caiy, The Herald Real Estate, Insurance, Loans Convey ancing Long years of experience has taught the "KNOW-HOW necessary for complete satisfaction. I succeeded to the business of Ed. T. Kearney, and have all the GOOD Insurance and Loan Companies for merly held by him. Am a Notary Public prepared to draw all Conveyances, Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and draw them RIGHT. Have a fine list of lands for sale, and always in the market to buy or sell. Tell or write me your needs and will care for them promptly and well. H. F McKccver, 3tr?2Zn Ilartfoid, Continental, Phoenix, Columbia, St. Paul ALL the good old 1 F kJkricon ii jtiKJk m is a moral dynamo a macrazino dovoUsd ox- Tt4 clusivoly to tho wholo boy a magazino that Imbues tho boy with high morals, honor and manliness. 600,000 boys aro now enthusiastic realtors ovory muutli. The American Boy contains stortutof tlio Ihliumlxijsllko to rend about adven ture, travel, history, nhotnirrunlur, 8tatnn. electricity, enr- pentry.miorts, current cionU.etc, nil beautifully illustrnUd. And n deiiartiuent devoted to the Ilnr Rcntitf, of Ainprlni. in which KniestTliomi'Son Hcton, Chief Hcout, contrlliutej an Illustrated imiro each month. It la tho beet inaraiine tor boys In all tiiouorld. Glv It to your boyl $1 for wholo yonr. 'I'll,. Anxtriimn Hiij, 1 yr, Tin- Humid, 1 x, ,ir ir, u 1 ggujgnriiimawcBBwgMMatHWMaMBaaaMMMMBMMaoB THE NEW TARIFF ON DIAMONDS will advance the price ." per cent, but until this law goes into effect we will sell Diamonds at the OLD PRICES. Will H. Beck Co. Iowa's Leading Jewelers Established 1877 (Goods sent on approval ZSre Herald: Nsbrask&i for All Hhc News Whan It IS New Insurance Companies. l (10 ) Hntl tor $i no $1.05 l7or Sde by C. Anderson Co. Hubbartl, Nebr. anywhere.) only $1 a y'r im? m COSfffiSc MU I A I