r i Homestead Land Blerrrt Nfvudn Foothills, Good Lund, Water. Wood, K.uigo, Big Oaks, Fish nnd Gnmo. Ltfiug is ohenp. winter a joke, No hiiow, Uooin (or Hundreds, Yon'ro Next. Copy o( Gov. Township Plat of tlio land, uud nit questions answered, $1.00. Saves you $99.00. No remittuuoe, No answer. Resident 20 years. A. KENOYER, (locator), Ilauford, (Juliioruia. Extraordinary Offer Farmer and Breeder 1 year $1.00 Dakoia County Herald " $1.00 Both Papers 1 year for only- $1.00 Farmer nnd Breeder is n weekly farm and livo stook magazine edited and pnbliahod by farmers for farmers. It is n journal you want to Unow. It is ably edited and strong In subject matter. What you want to know is ro lated iu laupinago you can onBily un derstand. It makes no difference how rnuuy farm papers you may bo receiv ing you neod Farmer and Breodnr to tielp you in tlio live stook branch of your business. Tako advantngo of the extremely liberal offer above nnd also diroot tlio attention of your neighbors to this special bargain. Papers sent to dif ferent addresses if desirod. Make Money as a Merchant Would you like to have us "set you up" in business? We can and will furthermore it will not cost you a penny. With out capital and through sales manship we can start you in business for yourself. We are establishing' represent atives in every city, town and pillage to handle our full line of Vacuum sweepers. They are, we believe the best and cheapest hand power vacuum sweepers in the worlds Let us show you how our salendid organization transforms flour "push" and application into dollars and cents, unusual proposition made to General Agent. General Appliance Factory, Inc. 1360-C8 Alain St.. Marinette, - Wisconsin OVER 6.6 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a rtetcta and description may qulcltlr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communion tlonsstrtctlyconudontriil. HANDBOOK on l'atents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive ajKcialnotlce, without charge, luthe Scientific American. A handsomely lllnstratetl weekly. Largest clr iulation of any sclontlflo journal. Terms, 13 a eari four months, tl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.36,Broad"a'' New York tmnnh 1 tffl.a CH P Bf Wmhttirttnn 1" I Ilranch Office, CB F 8k, Washington. I). O. ANTI-ROUP Roup In Poultry Can be Prevented and Cured Afteryenrs A nti.Rnnn uns Proven of trlnl nllUTlUUU Jtsvnluo 25c Package. 5 Packages $1.00 Iu Tablet Form. ANTI-ROUP not only provonts, but Cures Koup in llaby (Jlilcks nnd older Fowls. A Sure Cure or Money Back With every tl order will bo Klvon Kroo a formula for good T.lce Kxtermlnntor LEROY SPECIALTY CO. PHILADELPHIA PA. ACtNTS WANTEO. letter than Spanking Spanking will not cure child ren from wttting the bed, be cause it is not a habit, but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., of Chicago, Illinois, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will send a 5U COllt packilgO securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Fl'CO to any reader of the Herald. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the niglvt or day "in old or vounp-. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. are an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H.- Rowan Drug Co. Dept. A. 482. Chicago, 111. ( PREVENTION White Diarrhoea Can Bo Prevented and Cured After years of experiments we liave dis covered a euro cure or money back. 25c Package, 6 Packages $1.00 Prevention is not b uuro-nll. It only prevents and cures White Dlnrrhoen In Imby chicks and Uliolorn In iltnr rnwli. One ounce of prevention Is worth tons of cure. Iu tablet form. PREVENTION CO. BOX 1127. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J, AOINTSI WANTED iTSiEE POWDER A Pure, Grape Cream Tartar Baking Powder Royal Baking Powder Improves tho flavor and adds to the health" fulness of the food. Local Items A sooial tlii ii co will bo given in the Ayres ball this (Fridny) ovoning. Andrew Peterson is doinpc "oxtra" work (ib conduotor for tho Sioux City Traction company. Blinker George Hnnse and family woro down from Emerson Snndny vis iting at tho A T Hiiuho home. Mrs W S Weston, of Hartingtou, was a visitor tlio past week at the home of her sister, Mrs Don Forbos. Suuiuel Gribble unil wife, who wero delayed hero by tho snow storm laBt week, left Tuesday for their home in Goodwin, S D. D M MeiBwauger is building n 16x22 foot addition, on the north of tho pool hall building which ho rooontly pur chased, for uso as a drug store. Cecil Prather, a tulegrnph lineman working hero on repair work, fell from a poln last Saturday and out a gash in his leg. Dr Stinson dressed his inju ries. Miss Myrtle Powell wns united in marriago on March 11 to O E Gordon, at Arkansas City, Ark. Tho bride formerly resided here with her mother, Mrs Elsio Powell. Mrs Inez Lillio and children, who spent the winter at tho home of Mrs Lillie's parents, Dr D 0 Stinsou and wifo, at Leeds, Iu, roturued last week to their home at Maxbuss, N D. Bernard Mitchell, tho youngest son of W O Mitoholl ami wife, got his finger caught in tho gearing of an emery fly wheel Sunday and lost tho nail and flesh off tho end of his finger. Lyman White came up from Wood bine, Iu, Tuesday to do some repair ing on his lako property. Mrs White accompanied him for a few days visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Woods. Mrs Helen E Weeks arrivod here Wednesday morning from Rosebud, 8 D, and will visit her daughter, Miss Alida Weeks, a few days; She ex pects to tako up her residence at Ce dar Rapids, la, again. A horso ridden by ono of tho foro men of the telephone repair gangs working hero last Friday, .stepped on a brokon phone wire that hud fallen across tho street car tiack and was knocked down by the shock of 500 volts carriod by the trolly wire. It us u couple of Louis befoiu the ani mal recovered. An earnest and urgent nppoal has been mudo by tho board of church ox tension in behalf of our Lutheran brothern iu Nebraska, Iudiana, Ohio and other states whoso homes were de stroyed and ohurches ruined by tho recent tornado and flood. A special I offering will bo taken this coming buuduy (tho ViOth i n fit) for their relief. E H Gribble has called a meeting of tho Dakota County Good Roads as sociation for Saturday, April 19, at Dakota City, and requests all interest ed in the good roads proposition to b? thero. Tho seoretary of the state as sociation will be here and will deliver the state road book promised all mem bers of tho association. Now ofllcers will bo elected for the coming year. Tom Gribble Buffered a badly burn ed faoe Monday evening while solder ing a gasoline can at the G F Broy hill stoie. They hud emptied the gasoline out of the can, but had loft tho cup screwed on, and when tho hot soldering iron was appliod thero was an explosion that "did things" to tho can. Mr Gribbiot faoe and eyes were badly burned uud lie was harried to a Sioux City hospital for treatment. Ilis injuries will not. be as serious as at first feared, and with good care ho will soon be out agaiu . An entertainment and concert of a very high order will be given in tho M E ohuroh Monday evening, April 28th, by Prof Thuiiues, of Boston, assisted by Mrs Ethel Smith-MoMichaol, daughter of Rev Joel A Smith, an evangelist of national reputation and a former pastor at this place, who is now conducting u serieB of meetings at Ponder, Neb, Prof Thonnos is a graduate of Boston Consovatory and post graduate under tho world re nowned Madam Sohumaun-IIeinko, who pronounces Prof Thonnes ono of Amorioa's six greatest stagers. The comploto program will bo anununoed next week. Right now, while wo can seo just what tho Missouri river is doing to the property of our neighbors, as well as to our own, would it not be a good plan to organize and try to protect tho valuablo property that goes tumbling into tho water overy duy? The rive is taking tho property of our neigh bors, and will take our own, if vio lot it. The fact of tho matter is, the whole bottom is in danger. Tlio time to oreanizo and do something is right now. If tho property of our neighbors is all oaten up by the Mis souri can wo oxpoot thorn to help us? Would it not be cheaper now whilo thoy can and will help? Some thing can and must bo done, and be fore wo ask tlio assistanoo of tho gov ernment and railroads wo must show them whut wo can do ourselves. Peo ple of Dakota preoinot, will you seo your property washed away and added to tho island iu thoiniddloof tho rivor, for which tho present ownors paid al most nothing? Wake up ond got to work. For Hale Cottonwood lumber, $20 per thousand. Thos Cnrran. Don't forget Breuus coffoo, it is still in tho lead. Van sells it. Frank Hiiuho was homo from Emor eon lust Friday nnd Saturday. George Burnett, jr, is bauk at work on tho street cur as luotonuau. Win Lulus is erecting a largo barn on bis property in tho went pars of town. Rov Joel A Smith wns hero from Ponder Monday roneviiigold acquniut Buces. Wm Beorman onmp down from bin claim near Oolono, S D, Wednesday, on n short visit. A baby boy was born to M II Nio bubr and wifb, of Sioux City, Thurs day of lost week, John F Sides, deputy U S marshal, loft Tuesday evening on it business trip to Napier, Nob. John W Hazolgrove was hero Mon day looking after losses oooHsionod by the recent snow b tor in. Wm W Armour returned reoently from a winter's sojourn iu Florida, at Tampu Springs, on the west coast, Vu have a hotter stook of Uardware eto, than wo over bud, and y u will And our prices right. Schriever Bros. GIiub Sundt, Br, has boon summoned to appear at Oinuha next Monday to servo us a petit juror iu tho federal court. Mrs Chas Long, of Wakefield, sister of tho Heikos boys, was operated in at St Joseph's hospital, Sioux City, Tuosduy. Her condition is quite se rious, John O Stading this wook purchas ed the 200 acre faim of John W Hazel grove, which ho bus farmed under leaso for tho past fow years. Tho con sideration was $80,000. Miss Georgia Jay, according to re ports in the dailies, won in bor broach of promiso suit against Evange list Homer Rodeheuver in Chicago reoently. Sbo wub awarded $50,000. Goorgo W MoBottli, ivifo nnd two children, dopurtcd Monday evening for Florida to tako up thei- residence. For tho present thoy will rcsido at Daytoim until thoy get a houso built oo their land adjoining tho town of Espanola. It required sevon million pounds of twino to bind Nebraska's crop of small grain last year. That's quite a speck of twino alright. It is enough to bind the entire earth iu it live strand band at the equator, and then there would bo u few thousand miles loft over with whioh to tie a secure knot. Where's that Nebraska knookor? Articles of incorporation for the Crystal Lake Park company wore fllod here Wodnesditv, with a capital of $50,000. Thooflloers.oro T F Laoy, president; Riley Howard, vice-president, and Joo Marshall, sooretary trouaurer. The now company plans many improvements at tho lako, in cluding a modern hotel, bath house, dance pavilion, garago and othor amusement features, Mr and Mrs S A Stinson entertained tho St Miohutl's Aid of South Sioux City, and their husbands, ut their home in this pluco lust Tuesday even ing. Forty-live guests wero present and enjuyod an evening ut curds. Tho high score prizo for ladies was won by Mrs G W Ward, and the cou solation prize by Miss Auua Trib. The high score prize for gentlemen was carried off by John N Mullen, und the consolation prizo by A L Ober. S A Stinson won the all-out prize. A A spocial car was run for tho accom modation of the guests. A muBt deli cious luncheon was served at the close of the evening, 'Mrs Geo Burnett, Miss Beulah Barnett and Miss Olivo Stin son assisted the hostess in serving. The snow storm last week, which wus in tho height of itH glory whon wo went to press last Thursday fuienoou, was about the most damaging of any storm it bus been our lot to witness. Over 20 inches of wot, clinging snow fell Wednesday night und Thursday . All the tolophono and telegiaph poles and wires wont down Wednesday night. Tho wires woro laden with snow until they were as large arouud as a stove pipe iu some instances, when tho strain became too groat for tho poles to bear up. A force of telephone linemen wns put to work Thursday afternoon re pairing the lines temporarily, aizty-fivo men being employed hero for three or four days. Even yet tho local ex chaugo is not in first-class- order and it may bo two or three weeks before it will bo. Several sheds and flat build ings were bo loaded with tbo snow that thoy oollupsed, At tbo furm of O W Fisher a shed went down, killing four fat steors and 3 hogs. A machine shed ut Don Forbes, went down, damaging tho machinery stored thero to some extent. Tlio damage to tho orchards and sliado trees can hardly he estimated. Homo orchards look almost as if a cyclone had hit thorn. By Tuesday of this week the snow had practically all disappeared, leiiving tho ground in fine condition for seed ing. For Stxle A quantity of flux sood. Enquiro at Tho Uorald oflloo. PROGRAM Tho Homemakers' Olub will meet at tho homo of Mrs S A Stinson Saturday afternoon, April 20th, at 2 o'clock. PlonoSolo Lottlo Holkos Itoll Oall Answered by somo favorite recolpo, Heading of Minutes ,,,, Pnpor Forcing for Kurly Vegetables... Mrs Kllzaboth Herweg Vocal Solo MrsO W Fisher Discussion "How Houso Gleaning May 1)0 Simplified" Led by Mrs Goorgo Hates, followed by Mrs Mel Schmled Piano Solo Mrs Ada Sherman Paper "How to Interest tho Young People In the Homo" Mrs Slocuin Solo Mrs Marvin Armour Dullness Mrs 8 A llrldenlmug, Presldont. Mrs 8 A Stinson, Secretary. Br or omo citt or Touca I lccas cocntt. ( Frank J. Ciiinct makes oath that tt tl note nirtnor r.r hn firm ot K. J. G'lltNir & Co- dolllf Lmlnpaa la the City of Toledo County and Stale aforesaid, and that aald nrm will pay the row ot ONi: HUNDUKD DOLI.AIIS for each and rrcrr case ot Catarrh that cannot tie cured by tU Me ol IUl CATABKU . rnANK j cnEKEVi Bworn to txforo tne and aubsrrlbed la my pretcnoct this em day ot December, A. U l?H, i i A. W. GIXABOtf. iZKh f Notabt Pnuc. Hall'e Catarrh Curo H taken Internally and acta directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the tystem. Bend tor tPatlmonlala, free. V. J, C1ILNI.V & CO., Toledo. O. Bold by all DrujuUta. 71c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A'W0!H0K!Ofr& J uir.u crllnnl NnTrc ffl 4 tWQKXMOJQH KS-fttOWiCHStOHaWiiMQM MOM. OK 1ION0II. High School. Kitrollmnt . .St No. enses of tnidlnons ...... ... . ., 8 rilmlys Orr, 3 MarKnrot Nlcluilir, S Kviiilrnliniii.ft Kuby DlerkliiK. Daisy Knopper. S Marie ltoy, it Kny Helices, 7 Keith lSvaiis.fi Paul Mnion.il Km ilk Oclsc, 7 itoy Uralmui.4 Helen i.ioyu Jiriueniutnitii.s Mario litnrmnn.n .Snniuol llelkei, iHiun llelkos. 4 Melon Ornlmtn, ft Mnruiirot Sahrluvur,6 Hudolph I.lscliku, 4 merman. 0 LollaThoiuasi Ass't Prill. flrntmiuT Department. Kiirolltuont SI No, cases tardiness. ,. 8 IilaBclituldt.fi Oharllo Schmidt. 4 Gladys ArmbrlRht.O Dowoy Hclkes, 7 Htott Nelswaimor, llnyiuond Uenm,7 Helen Harnett, Goorgo Merman, 8 lliirbnrn NoIswniiKor, 2 I,oroUu MoKonnn.Tenclicr. Intermediate Department. Enrollment 29 No. eases of tardiness.,..;.... ......... . .. Kilwnrd Ansnes.O Alex Quintal, 4 Hnill Ansiu'3, 6 lllanoho ltllvoii, 0. Ralph Iolinsoil.3 Anna Kvuus, 4 Mario Oleio, t MelforU Lothrop. Joioph Kinmper, Leono Schmidt, 4 liaroiu Ausues.o Hudolph Johnson, Grace ileum, Maruaret Sherninn, Glndys Ileerninii,5 Helen Johnson, Joine Krmnper, Theodore Kreileilck,4 Uernld null. jjliutiu rwi uiiimeuo. i WllII'CU KlUKCI. Hnzcl M Sutherland, Tcnclior, Second Primary Department. Knrollmont "1 No.cui.os tardiness , 14 Helen Krnuipor, 4 Isaac Oooloy. 1 Thomas Howard, 0 .lames (Iridium, 2 Klslo Lorenz, Clyde Perry. 2 Kvrott Lothrop. Charles Hall, 8 Dorothy Harnett, 6 Homer Hansen, fi -Clyde Mathews, Dorothy Molleath. 0 Claude Perry, 2 Haymond Quintal, 7 Helen sumlt. 4 Harold Antrim, i lioltoy Oooloy. Lottto Hlleman.ri Henry Krmiiwledo.4 I.ydlu Leedom, 4 Kminu Schmidt, 6 Alta Antrim, 6 Haven Hanson, 6 Doris Harnett, 6 Klslo KruuiYUeUe,7 Aunnlilnnchu Kvuns Kdltli Perry. Willie Powell, John Santord,7 Floyd Van Horn, 3 Holon Wulileii, 4 HoinerurnTes, 4 Anna Hnydor, Teacher. First Primary Department. Knrollmont No. cases tard 1 noss Mlldnd Ileum, S Walter Seymour, S Glndys Hull, 8 Wllford Ileum, 2 Arthur Seymour, 4 Kdwurd Oooloy. Cecil I.eedom,3 Lawrence Hall, Teddy Graham. 7 Snmiiftl Jones. 8 John Plzey, 7 OluruMuDoimltt, 4 Mildred Fiederlck.3 NovnAltlmus, 2 Pearl Powell, 2 Ilalph Perry, Krnest Gloso.fi Hartley Jones Kdwnid LniiKliory, Geruld Wllion,2 Kenneth Wuldon.2 Viola Fueston, 0 lCcimoth Lothroo. ' SndloStnclslr, Toneiior Tho number after ouch pupil's name Indi cates tho nutnbor of months tho pupil 1ms attended school without boliw absent or tardy. The hlghost possible number this mouth Is 7. A. 11. Hlch, Prln. Tho lower six frrudes woro dismissed Thursday on account of tho storm. A number of tho IiIkIi school pupils will take tho state examinations Friday and Saturday. Paul Graham and Otto Ochloiklnz wero In from the country to tako the eighth grade examinations which woro hold Thurs day and Friday. Tho graduating clnss mot and olocted tho follottlngolllccrg: President, Mario Hoss; Vice- President. Gladys Orr; Secretary. Tiousurer, Mario Bloniian. Paul Graham has entered tho eighth grade. Leona and Helen Smith aro now pupils In tho primary department. Several of the high school pupils fiom tho country, woro absent Thursday and Friday. Those taking tho eighth grado state ex aminations secured very good grades. Wanted . make Jim estimates und your l.uildings lurge or To make jou estimates unil prices on your l.uildings lurge or small. Ouu make you plans rnoro practical than some architects, at half the price iiBUully charged. W O Rlitcliolt. Cure Herald, flcURAW WRITES A BOOK John J. McOruw, manager of tho OlRiitsf who Is conceded to bo a past master of tho gnmo of baseball, has written n book In which ho sots forth his views on tho guino, und tells how ho thinks tho different posi tions ought to bo played. His chapter do voted to pitching Is Illuminated with pic tures from photographs showing tho exact manner of holding tho ball for tho dllTorout curves. Tho book contains liesldes, all of tho olllclnl rules for1013,as wellus tho sche dules of both tho National and American Leagues, nnd Invaluable statistics on the championship series of former ycais, bntt lug Averages, etc. I Ms called "II ASl'l II ALL, HOW TO PLAY Til 14 GA M K", and Ii Issued by tno KlchnrdK. Fox Publishing Oonipn ny, Now York Olty. It will bo mailed to any address for seven 2-cont stamps. Good Pasture I hitvo splendid pusture for about eighty head of cattle uud horses, ut. the old Ed T Kouruey furm nuith of Hubbard. $4.00 per head for cattle. $5.00 per head for horses. John W. Nowinun, Hubbard, Nob. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Albort Audreon and wf., to A N Nel son, wH of wj-i of swK of seJ-4 :K-2!M..I IKX) Jnmcs Flynn and wf to John F Ken nelly, lots 23,24, 25. 20, 27. 28, 2l, !, blk. 8, 1st add. to Jackson 887 Kanulo O McOluro, to S A Mason, s'$of no H m-v-v. north nnd west of llur Ungtou depot grounds, and contain ing il.Ml a 1 Joseph Smith and wf.. to Joslah W. Da vis, lots 1 and 2. blk. 1. Fidrvlow add. to Hoinor USO Hd. T. Kearney and wf..to fi. K. Holler' nun, sw'i of owli 21-2U-7 2200 llnsinus Anderson and wf.. to It. M. Woddoll, 0 83ft lots 2,3, 32-28-1) WOOD Stolln ,lnn and hush., to Louis II. Armbrlght. Iot3 0. 10. 11. 12. nnd 13. blk M, Moans' add. to So. Sioux City . . hKX) Found a Cure for Rheumatism. "I suffered with rheumatism for two years and could not get ray right hand to my mouth for that length of time," writes Leo L Ohnpmun, Muploton, la. "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still a night Fivo years ago I bocran using Chamberlain's Liniment and in two months I was well and havo uot suffered with rheu matiHiu since." For sale by till deal ers. Adv. LBSSONS IN PICTURES The front pngo of a recent Issue of Tho Homestead contained tho plcturoof a farm er engaged In tho timely work of oiling his harness and gottlng It ready for spring bus iness. This little picture, which n wus made from nn actual photograph, tolls more und suggests more than tho same spuco would do were It Klvon to vivid description Until tlio dnv of rjhoto enirrnvliur a nlcture like this would have Ixiou cosldered a work of art, and Its value woulb havo Is-'on esti mated at a sum possessed only by million aires. The plcturee are Just nro ns good now a they over woro, thoy speak ns plain ly, they are ns worthy of admiration. It Is of particular Interest that tho pictures that nppeur on tho llrst pngo of Tho Iowa Home stead ench week aie from Actual Photo graphs taken with artistic skill nnd with the Intent to present somo good thougt. Thos ploturos alono aro worth inoro than tho price of Tho Iowa Hoiuestcud subscrip tion for one yenr, yet thoy may bo obtained togeteor with tho immense amount of prac tical Information given In that publication In connection with Tho Herald for the small sum of 1 1,25 per year. Cough Medicine for Children. Too much caro cannot bo used in se lecting u cough modicino for childron. It should bo pleubant to tako, contain no harmful substance and bo most ef fectual. Olnmberlain'H Cough Re medy meets these requirements and Is n tavonto with tbo mothers of young children ovorywhero. For ealo by all dealers. Adv, AN OLD PROPHECY IS BEING FULFILLED Modern Irrigation Is Achieving Bible Predictions. faster Ruiaell at Washington Tempi Discusses Second Text Quoted or Union Depot Portals Millennium Ii Beginning, He Aver Greater Blete Inge to Follow Shortly. Washington, D O.. .Tnnfiry 12. Fnstor It u s h o 1 1 preached this nil on noon nt tho Tem ple, corner, 13tb Street and New York Avenue, to s lnrffo confrrcgntlon. Uc tnado tliornthct startling dcclara Uon thnt the Mil lenntum is nlroudy hero; thnt chronol ogy proves thntwa bnvo been ltvlnpr under somo of Its blessings for tho past thirty-eight years; nnd thnt our modern conven lenres nnd progress nro attrlbutnblo te the hcBlunlnK of the rolling nwny ol tlio curse, and the substitution of tin Divine blessing. Tho Pastor said thnt the reign ol Messlnh for a thousand yenrsnot only will hind Sntnn nnd hinder his furthci deception of mankind, but will also bring light, knowledge, Illumination, tc every corner of tho enrth. no pointed out tho beginning of those blessing ns nlrcndy with us; but they nro only the fnlnt dnwnlugs of the greater llghl which will flood the world, when tin Sun of Righteousness, Emmanuel's Kingdom, ahull bo manifested. Tho speaker went on to say thnt lm rnedliitoly before us Is n tcrrlflc storm which will convulse tho present ordct of things social, financial, political nnd religious. Tlio momentary cbnos will yield to the rrlnco or Pence, who will then tnke to nimself Ills grenl power and reign. lie will sny to tha billowy wnves of trouble, "Pence, In still." nnd there will bo u cnlm, even ns was Illustrated on tho Sea of Qnllloc. Pnstor Hussell Bhowed thnt tho storm of trouble which will precedo tlio es tablishment of Messiah's Kingdom will bo the natural result of the operation 'of tho laws of Justice. This principle Always operates nlong tho lino of cnuso nnd effect. Humanity nro not using the wonderful blessings of tho present ns they should. Selfishness prevails nmongst rich nnd poor. The enrth's abundant mipply for the needs of. till ia bringing discontent, bcenuso tho natu ral heart is full of selfishness. Gotl will allow selfishness to lend on to ItH Inevitable result, and tlnm will demonstrate to mnnklnd tho sinfulness of sin. selfishness, mennness, nnd tha beauty of holiness, righteousness, har mony with -! "The Desert Shall Blossom.' The Pnstor then called attention to Isnlnh 3.1, the llrst verso of which do dares, "The desert shall rejoice nnd blossom as the rose." no showed thnt lrrigntlon Is literally fulfilling this prophecy nnd bringing nbout mnrvclous lesults. Our Government Is co-openit-ing with our Intelligent fellow-citizens to reclaim what wns once supposed to be worthless hind. r A slmllnr work of reclamation is go- I ing on in Aruhln. Shortly the lnnd of the "Arnblnn Nights" will reallzo In n natural wny changes far more won derful than those of tho fairy tales which entranced our childish Imagina tions. The great Snlmrii Desert, nlso, has been examined by engineers, who have ascertained thnt much of It lies below sen level. At comparatively small cost It ran ho inundated und brought to n high slnto of cultivation. Tin; speaker also snld thnt the Scrip tures prophesy that tho Dead Sen will one dny bo connected with tho ocean. I'nslor Hussell then applied Isaiah 35:!! to our day. and declared that he Is trying to enrry out Its commnnds. The Scriptures show that before the world win receive its sliuro of bless ings, the Church of Christ must first bo gathered nnd changed to spirit bo lugs by tho llrst itesurrectlon. After this has been accomplished, mankind will receive enrthly blessings through tho Messianic Kingdom. These, will surpass anything which humanity has over dreamed. Then he showed that Jesus' miracles were merely Illustrations of the work of ills Second Advent. During the Millennium, our Lord nnd nis Church will remove, not only physical blind ness, deafness, lameness, etc., but nlso human weaknesses nnd frailties result ing from tho fall of Adam. What a now nspect earth will present when sin. sickness, sorrow nnd death will forever have pnssed awnyl "A Highway Shall Bo There." Tho context mentions u Highway of nollnotts to bo established. This will distinctly differ from tho brond roud and the nnrrow way. Everything will be removed thnt will hinder human progress bnck to perfection. The rewnrd nt the end of the wny will bo vey different from that given to those who now walk the narrow way of self-sacrifice. Adam was n jiiiin, not n heavenly being. God changes not. He modo Adam king over earth, with dominion over its creatures. God's purposes are the same today ns In the beginning. Christ died to redeem humanity. In due time, nil will nwnke from the sleep of denth to nn opportunity to return to perfection iMitrmn elnp, Straight at It. Thuio ifl no ub(i of our "limiting around tlio hush," Wo might oh well out with it flrHt an hurt. Wo wnnt you to try Olinrabcrluiu's Cough Ilemrdy tlio nozt timoyou huvu u cough or cold. Thoro is no roubon ho fur iib wo oiui hco why you yhould not do ho. 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Kearney, and have all the GOOD Insurance and Loan Companies for merly held by him. Am a Notary Public prepared to ' f draw all Conveyances, Wills, and draw them RIGHT. Have a fine list of lands for sale, and always in the market to buy or sell. Tell or write me your needs and will care for them promptly and well. H. F. NoKeever, JN0.,b Hartford, Continental, Phoenix, Columbia, St. Paul ALLthe good old Insurance Companies. mti I . T r gig WrnTkU CtlWP fT? it was so good An Evening Chat A Bell Telephone adds so much moro joy to home life. In these days of constant communi cation a residence seems strangely isolated -almost out of tho world if it hasn't a tele phone. When yon want to feacli any person, any where, Boll Telephone service demonstrates its groat usefulness. But it is of particular value when called upon to satisfy emergency needs. Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhert. 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